PAGE SIX MONDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1910. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MU. EJP ML PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. MR TMENT. The Bank of iWwrdock 1 nrii:u tlif many years it has our privilege ami pleas ure throu.uli the ii ha Hiving rehitii'iis to serve ihe puldie co-iverve the business intcr-sts id' t ne many patrons oi" this iusi it lit ion in ami about Murdoch, we nave been uiven the confl uence ami buim s of a host oi friends. With them, we have Meadily v.urKe.I for the bet 1 ernier. t of this town ami all its citizens. - It is not without a i;ra'eiul feelinu that we r.ote tlie appre ciation our efforts have hroimht about, ami the lar.ue number of people friendship we have cm i 1 1 va t ei. - To these friends we mvo a larm measure of the sucress that has i-oine to us, ami to ll-.em p:rt icularly at this time do we wih to extern! our thanks for their frici'd.-h ip botli in a business way am! personally as well. - It has indeed been a pleasure to us to make this enterpris ing little citv our home, ami THE BANK OF MURDOCK takes advantage of this season of the year to extend .erect in.-: s and a hope for the continued pro-perity of tile city and community. We wi-di you all a merry ( Mi rit mas and a Happy and Prosperous N't w Year. Ever at Ycur Service The Bank of Murdock Capital and Surplus $25,0C0 "The Bank where you feel at home. " HENRY A. TOOL. President J. E. GUTHMANN. Vice-President H A. GUTHMANN, Cashier John Cakemeier was looking after! Louis Xeit.el and wife will spend seme business matters in Omaha last . Mirist mas in Omaha at the home ot w eek, ami also visit inn w ith friends as well. Dr. liornbeck was a visitor in the their daughter. Hernial! Kupke was called to Om aha last week on business which ne- ivpital city last Friday, where he cessitated his staying in the city a was lookins; after some matters of couple id' days. business for a short time. j Win. Boiirke of near Weeping Wat- .! l.amlholtn and wife were vis- er was a visitor in Murdock on last iiint; with iriends and looking after Friday, looking after some matters some bush ess matters in Omaiia laM 'of business for a short time. Louis Hite ami wife, of Lincoln, were visiiini; in .Murdoch last Sun day, beintx lie.-ts at the homes of John Ai'iiwcri and Mr. Hite's par- wee!.. Ixinj; uuests of relatives dur ing their stay in the city. W in. lit hns and wife were visit ing in Omaha for a short time hist week Carl Scii ii'M lei- was a visitor ev- i era! days duriu:-: th past wee.; :i t the country homo of (Miarb-s Sch neider. II. W. Tool and wife w ere visit in;: in Omaha for a short time las; Fri day and Saturday. fioini; to look af ter some business mailers as w 1. Mrs. l.eah Tool, mother of ll.nry A. Tool, of Murdock. N'ebrasl a. is ;i truest at the home of her son and wife and will remain over the holi day season. j Kenneth Tool, who is a i r end i n;r ihe stale 1111 i r-it y at Lincoln, is a visitor at the home of his paren' . II. A. M'ool and wife, durum the; Christmas vacation. Frank Hindi and wife were vi-i; in in Lincidn over Sunday, a"' ' . home of N'ei'I McCrorey and wife! am! will remain Kii'il afl-r 1 1: ; i ( f where they were quests ofients. Mr. and Mrs. W. ('. Hite, f. i aft-r some business matters. F. I-. Miller will entertain the members of his family, together with their families at his home in Mur dock on FhriMmas day and the fes tal board will ho .-pread to accom modate :t lare number. Grandma Schewe. who has been so sick at her home in Murdock for ome time past, is reported as heini; II. K. Fraifi. who lias made his home near Murdock. has decided to remove from this locality and will make his home near Ashland in the near future. Mr. Train has jusr had a sale of his tannins implements and is preparing to leave with the comin.u of the spring time. Cus Wendt and son. Aumist. were passengers to Omaha on last Fridav slightly improved with a promise of evening-, where they were looking a! lor some busine.-s and during- their more improvement to follow. It is hoped that this good woman may soon regain her usual health. II. I'. !tlininu and son. Harry, wen- in Murdock. from their home near 'abah Friday evening, comiim to take the Kock Island train for Omaha, where they went to look after some business matters am! to viit with iriends for a short time. Last Friday the teachers of the Murdnck schools all left for their various homes. liiT" they will re main during tlie nrisiinas noimays. Christmas holidays. John, 1'au! am! Cab- I'i.-kw. : who are attending choo! in Li:;ew!:i arrived home the !.;si of the ee., and are pi.n!in:r tie ho'iday va'.i t ion at t lie hoii e of t . ir :. reii ; in Murdock. Walter lia'.imgart tier and At". k:; Stroy. who are .-liiii-nl at T i ! - r-t a t e i university in Lincoln, were auiouul the week-f'tid arrivals and will i - main over the holiday se.uon a' tlieir homes lore. Miss Catherine Tool, one of '''i- j attendants ,,f tlo- :-!..' n I: i -i ' from this com m -i ni' y, an-i"d lo., (J I i ! ii !i wi irry ,y. . O YOVil own t iin'-lnii'r v. illi your own ) v.ii;-?i r tin is j !. rij!l. Save . I.. . C. -,......' i.i- i ' ! .i.i.i ,M v'l .Mlol drv. !)!!! S; )IV ' i l.'l''" 1 H -.I-iI! IS W''!. I . ; . . . . III. i . I . c K.'-i id i m j, :;i. u uio i--'oi !.- ilitcii -,hv Iraclor Lo THE stay they also visited the live stock market at South Omaha, looking at the feeder offerings with a view to purchasing some stock for their lol, the la: i t h v ek to :..-;id ( h rist in. i vacation with her par :;i s. I Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Toy!. I.ot : Two calves. One yerL'ir:' s!ort liorii. light roan b::il calf: oi.e : here. Henrv Hehning. who was among ,iark r"'' 1,1 '! iieif.-r calf. in.. .. .1... t.ov" iie.t v. rv. ,1,s :1 ii.l ' 'lt Reward of ; . for i-:!-..-i,- : who returned hotiie from the serviK ', leadim i o ih" reco v rv of t ; t ;. . i . last fall, has located near T.ig ; Springs! ' no!H' Iu "x!"'!ISl' . A- - i-i'"'.--ll. where he has a farm and is ma k i n g M !1 r,i"' !: X' bra !::!. r v.. his home. So much does he appro-j (Mare Stroy. who i atlending t'ae ciate reading the Journal that he: Last Friday evening the Fresh-. Mrs. A. J. N'eitzel and children man class of the Murdock schools ' departed la-t Friday evening for a held a meeting after the close of short isit and business trip to .-,.1 1 1 .1 i . If.u'-irrl til. I.retiM T;l - e.l'.Tl V e r 1 1 . 1 i 1 1 i I. ' l.'r S'r.T HI'iLl evell-' M IIV'IM, HHIl ..,.......- (...r....- - - " ' " linn of a program for this coming ing. date nniver-isy at Lincdn am: i; .- had the home folks here order the I bert Stroy. who is si'id.-:i! at t!o Ihe pupils are surely appreciative paper torwarded to ins address iu;'ma!ia uioiicai s'lio.d. are enjuvr::. of the Mircease from study and are ' order t h;t he may keep in touch with! the (Miristmas viwation at t!i' ! o:: heartily entering into the winter happenings in Murdock and t h i - j "f t hei r ja rn t s. ,J . c. Si r y n-l uife sports of tlie season. 'part of the state. j north ast of town. (Miri ; l'ai'kemev er and family, of A. A. Limldll was a visitor in L. I'.. i;.-hry. w !io has be. n farn I I U Sl'.-i wj. f tlin'-'iin.: '.'.'. xr.'.l - mi n.iv for it. It ';' h) ir',.; j ,..r (' . I!, i.: ':r. . K tiov.-:i tli" v r:i .-.: tis !!;. jii.-K-niii'.' ! !i ".:r'.'. i." .'univr 'nrc-lier is i,tr" (::; umi 1 ! m ! 'nv-h.Mir nail v :r a -i g: ' i i -;-s i.' vm It is v ! , III.',-.- s:;:::i! . ::w.;gM 5 l iai t.y a ) trac!r. Tni li,-f Li.':' I'omi-. I ii .Vu 'vnl 1-J- J. tractor !iov:t ::'kiv, f :r-I,;- !i -, I,:.)-.- power for t!u- !! wi'!- a!! at! : Aia.l- ,:.! ." 'I he HhIkt M:.:.a!'aelMri:;g Co., Marion, O. Phone 1G-B roi: salc i;v WILLIAM RUSH -:- Murdock, Nebr. Wednesday, which will he oi a na ture pertaining to (Miristma. Waco, will spend the (Miristmas sea-1 Omaha lat Friday, where ho was 'son at the home ot .Mrs. Mackemey- looking alter some husmess matters r"s parents. Mr. and Mrs. August , for a tdiort time. Mr. Lindall bad I'anska. as will also tlieir son, Sam the misfortune some lino ago to los. When latter part visited i'i Murdoch t. ( a. - ho is purib.asing agent for two calves, which strayed from his oubl not i'i"' ' racitic railroad on one ot place, ami tor tlie return i which tile week w .Tames Johnson, wile and 1 1 1 1 ! 1, ,.i ,, i,,, ,,i. serve :. ci. rist no, 1 1 u-e i ! t western divisions, na vi mm cna rge lie is ottering a nward oi eacti. "A son Ceorge. who have been sp.-mling ..,,,;rj; j,, tin air. The citizens g ner-"!' buying of all siipphy tor the or for evidence which will bad to tlie para few weeks at the home ofj.ny Wt.r,. ,;....r .,1 ;!1!d well va t istied ' v;l ri' "s eating houses along tin line their recovery. Mr. Limlell had us their .laughter. Mr. IM Fislor a ml ' ,. j, fh. :,,.i::v good things that had!" liis ! i--t r it t . put his lame on the list of readers husband, departed last Frida y even-j I( not w it h t a ml i 11 g ihv Henrv Weckbacti. of Omaha, repre- of t he Jon rna 1 a nd w ill i n t lie 1 -i i u r. ing for home at Walnut, h-w a. , ,.,,,,( n,,w, rejoicing in the end-! sent i n g the firm of Orchard .V: Wil- 1' supplied with the Murlock news. after having had a most ece. lent j j,!rjK(. ;tn, aioindaiiT time during their stay here. ! prosperity . The hearts of Murdock Oscar F. McOonald and family people all evidence a warm spot t.i were visiting with friends in On. aha! ward their feliewim.n and everyone iu !m. house furnish rs. has been in Messrs. W. K. Ililliar and Frank the city the pa.-t few days look i n g ; F.uzzell. w ho have been in Murdock after the hanging of the curtains for several weeks, looking after the and installation of the house furnish-'plumbing of a number of lousef- the latter part of last week and: will on Christinas morn go about lings in the new home of litis Wendt here. departed last Friday evening while there Mr. McOonald a!r-. In-- th- streets of progressive I it I mi his good wife. Mr. Weckbach is for their homes in Lincoln, whet-.. id himself with the purchase of spirit spreading good cheer and well an expert in his line and certainly i t hey will spend the (Miristmas hoi i - is able to make a home assume and 'days. The last place here on which goods for his store here and other vvi.-hes. And it will not s-'eiii ua matters calling him to the citv. o. ; usual ei'iur for they tliem- W. Gillespie looked after his place selves t hr aghout th possess that home-like feeling audi they worked was the new home o: year doing j appoara nee. The now home is now j Henry A. Tool. These gentlemen are of business during his absence andiju-r that s.rt of tiling. MMiat is onejbeiisg occupied by the Wendt family, very clever workmen and have done excellent manner. rapidly these days kept things running in their usual of the main reasons Murdock is pro- w ho find its modern con veniences i some excellent work in their line tor most pleasing. the citizens of Murdock ami vicinitv ing some three miles -:':: of M.-r-dock. has moed to t.e p. v. i " I : u;.i ! o v. of C. K. Vanderb'-a-g. v.'io ;- Mrs. lloehry will dia-ing Co- .. i.,: --r. wMiile Mr. (,o nr ::::d li's ' r win continue tie-.r .ork i:i th - l;i,r- F:sce Chris C.u'-rr ami wife will dau&hters of .Mr. am! Mr-. R-ish. M i :a rtain l-.r ini-t ::r..s at their ho'io Leoi a Miss Ma! 1. w ho a at -Otto Milb-r at.d family. Mrs. MlIbT fi-din- schoi ; at Li- coln. are ;.Lo ' ' '' being a da-tght.-r of this lKpi'ai-l h. He for t!i- Valet ide. This c-.;:p!'. and also the family ' Fi-.i a ;i;(e family reiiiii,)!;. will .i. i.. ..icititgii a!'-; taiatly .--p.-i,: ltackem.-ver. In adnioti they will; Fd MM.itraani. ti.e nr nri.-li.r ni Co Sunday in Lincoln. gipts ;. tla- l,e honored by t!a pre:.e!;ce of Miss T!ii!iig..n tiara gt . at.d a g--!. ral I bona of Mrs. Mc Hugh's par.-nts. M j-. .t:i r. i,a s. ;.'l.ln,- '-r. who i.- i.-iting , :vl,,-.v. ; o:.;;:ie.! u, 1,:- h..:m . w l. r. and Airs. Howard Towh and family. H.m s.i::'.a A a.-. C..ii!'ori.i .. . j ,e..;, ;,,r the past f.w .!.t vs They enjoyed U,.s visit greatly ai.d ,,. ,.., Sch,.pp. . Il.-rt:,:i Lea.h-ini'ii aa afi.c'i .f v.,...-".! i.i.s i-'turn.-d home hi the e.nii.u n.oh 4., .; . t, ,-irI p,p.. living of ;af:.i?- ! h:m ba-ilv. H- l...s r.lresned to begin upon 'he we i.'. , ,( ,. Til.nh of Waba-h. com- i b-'-i :-i b. d i- r a Lnrn'-r of davs tasks toe tollowing pleie-1 their work of putting up ice 'ami it meat.s a i..' f . -.: t!.:C. : u Harvey Schwab. AWa-n Reh-ka ;in la.-f we I.eva.g :':ll.d th-ir s'or- it tak--- so:a !.i:.g ...r-- than '! r- nid 'i. a.r Thimgan. all of wli-n i-.f ' ige l.oii.-es 'o capa-i!y w ii h tie coo!- ! diaary pi' ;. a. at: o: - ii vit. . : r y fre:--hn,er. in the Xapervill roll g. . j.- substance thai , ill ( i'i o '. :. M-. Thim-a-ai ' of c .Mt:.i-i. i.. at Xap ervili. Ii!.. arrived hotm o;. -oiv :,e v wh-n th heat- T!a- !.'!-::-- i- :"'':g .-!:.! ic-:d ; Saturday and will spend their is , ; ra.- oi the .--'.n ar- : : . t i g. dow n . days vacation with their frinds a m! , -.-.pen M. !e r i-I.irth. ' relatives iii .Murdock. .' to, Jack l. rt at.d wife, of Omaha, th" ! state, they wil! enjoy the respir.v latter being a daughter of Mr. atal , from siihiy to i ie limit. Th-y vi.l ;.Jr.-. Wai. Un-!. are spending th-' return to resun.e th. ir w.r. t ,:r!y Cii rist mas h.didays in Murdock ;c : in January. j. ...r j,i rents. Two i'h-r j : !: .:; ; :. .;',-s. W i La:. die.!.::. Tl.i:i;g..:i w g.-..i !..:.: i W.rci i' .' .w r. i i '.) i m t . L-J-L-L1 ,. , L i, L hi H f C- . v . . C? Hi Hi -SaB'-' 11 f ' ,-7. ft) Neckties in a big assortment of colors and styles. Nothing makes a finer gift or one that is more appreciated than a good necktie. We have them in the celebrated Cheney silks, silk knit, four-in-hand and bat wings. Priced right, at 75c to $3.50 each. Men's fancy scarfs in silk knit, nice and warm $2.00 to $3.00 Dress Shirts in .Silks and Fancy Madras Fancy silk handkerchiefs for men :50 and 75c Cuff Links Stick Pins Chains Charms Watches Watch Fobs Pure thread silk sox (He'll appreciate these) at, per pair $1.00 Silk lisle hose, splendid values, at per pair. 40 to 65c Dress Gloves Kid Jersey Sweater Coats Garters Suspenders Arm Bands ' Silk and Linen Collars Auto Gloves and Mittens All Make Delightful Presents EASTMAN KODAKS r.rownie and Folding Kodaks of all kinds. Albums, cases, etc. Make fine gifts. Brownies for the Boys Make Xmas the Year Bound AAAAAAVWiAVvVVVVVVVVVV! MAKE TH liA mm hmmm your Xmas store. Never have we been better equipped to supply vour Xmas mer chandise. Our Grocery stock is complete; Fancy Candies and Nuts; Candied Fruits; Shelled Nuts; Fresh Fruit Cakes and F ancv Laver Cakes; Oranges, Grapes, Bananas, Fresh Vegetables, Etc., for Christmas. iM KB Bre a Q HBHa: .c A. '- e n n lit. E2 a a n a B Hi U a m u M H m H B ii a m a u a 9-. . m i :;! !!': ! ' i!'rB::sBmi:Be!KTM s mi bit b: m-" mx urm& Ladies Silk Mose, pair. .$1.50 to $3.50 Heavy Siik Gloves for Winter wear. Ladies fancy collars, camisoles, etc. Crocheted yokes, doilies and piiiow slip lace. Made right here at home. Fancy linen towels and Turkish towels in lare assortment colois and figures. Guest Seti:, consist of fancy towels and wash clolh, per set. . .$1.25 Beautiful Breakfast Sets of damask Trimmed in blue Lavalliers Stick Pins Beauty Pins Wrist Watches .Manicure Sets Boudoir Caps Our Large Stock of Jewelry and Toilet Articles is Most Complete Ladies and Children's handkerchiefs 5 to 50c Dresser Scarfs and Center Pieces 50, 75, $1.00, 1.50, 2.50, $5 Ladies Georgette Waists Moderately Priced WHY NOT GIVE DISHES? Fancy cut ulass vum-s. howls, n;.-pi-S sherbets, pitchers anil jslasscs. Glass hasKcts. Kerry sets, cake Hales, celery dishes. nr lino is the most complete it has ever been. Pyrex Glass Baking Dishes in Complete Sets i MM CUT GLASS, ETC. ' Vases Bowls Nappies Sherbets Pitchers Glasses SEE OUR GLASS BASKETS Come in and let us assist you in your Xmas shopping. Itirdidc lenfile BUY HER A PURSE Leather Hand Bags Plush Hand Bags A Fine Assortment SHE'LL APPRECIATE IT 3 MURDOCK, NEBRASKA