The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 22, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
A- s..i... ite PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MOW L AY, IECEMKKH 22. 191 J. PAGE TV0 safe. ,7- ASK any rt;iin'- 1 : " jTNl ar.l In- ': n.ilrvads ;u tl.c W . i ' 4ic sl'.V rind France, t'v othvr ' 'ontincnt. T.'iO "-ii'i development or measure. 1 Arr.cricr.n v;.i '!';. fstsindards oi DUt i o :' rvi and courageous iiive. by the constiir.- . tiiv men for reward 3 , t nol o Aineric;;n .-.rid. I intrlaud :r ;: and in . d he knows. j-Lved in the ;; is bevond i tur-tiphted :r-.i.. of capital, and ; man age i':: and doi.e. v e r.ave 1 v -v.--. we must continue rail i:. .tile world .:ive best. rrir than r,f thir.'i. n".irly i t t a-i. c f itl l the railways .f the wtrk!. They r. rr' a yearly tra.T.c so ruch trr a r tnan that of any other r.rjntry th--there is really no ba-i- fur cun.pari. on. Indx'd. tac trai"'c of ariy two ratkui . tr.ay be corr.birtt.-d and still it dot- ii'-;-l'nach the commerce f Anxri-a liori.c upoi Am r"' ra y . I Jut they mu-l ;;r.v.-. To the c'2t' : .rCO row invested in our railroad:-, iho:v v. lii iiavo to bo ad-'el in the next !Vv. : c to keep pace wan the nation's bM.-ine.-::. l-i'-unis more tor additional tr-cks. r-tati"ns and terminal-, cars and ena;raes, "'eciU'- 'ower Ikhiscs and trains, automat i.- : i:,'r.n!. safety devices, the elimination - 1 ;- ,-.uie cnin- atd lor reconstruction a: 1 v?1. rcnn eriiig economies thai will reduj ihe cost of transportation. To attract 10 tlv liiro.v-is in the future the investment muny thrifty citi-'..n-, tV- fi:re? tinvr -'tniiis of the '".lest capable buildyi skill an-l !:. all comwetiii -n wi for capital. 1 . i 1:1m n.anaers, ai;'l tno of i.he i est workn.en in Ui iv: :e 1 . in)nffrv IlilUt i.." capital, t ) iiianayer:; b.-s industries b.kldinjf s. and iiicr inl lair the railroad rewards to :-.d to the men. ' nii!rrac wiii continue to set mdards and ;..! :uateiy st rv the v.-eds if they v-ontinue. to W- built and onerat'-i or. ike .-.r.H ncan Tfrir.cipi'.. or arcs ir '..uri. v.-ju u-jne. Ar . -. world . Nat rn" 1 e c7!k ('iicrlfM't't':'' .' pahti-uiul hii (he they did not quite come up to an ticipations. The- $2,000 rent paid for the use. of Rourke park in Omaha, for the Oklahoma game cut into the surplus. More money would prob ahlv have been taken in if the game v had been played in Lincoln. Notre lame proved the largest drawing card, prolil.s from the game being more than $2,000 in excess of the .Missouri purse which was the next highest. The homecoming clash at Missouri drew larger crowds than the homecomer with Kansas in Iin coln. Syracuse was a financial disap pointment. Hut for the extreme cold and snow on Thanksgiving day, the llusker authorities feel confident that the Notre Dame total would have been topped. The easterners also were disappointed, evidently, linan- iaMy ami otherwise. At a banquet n Syracuse on the team's return from its disastrous western sally, the financial policy of the athletic de partment was given deadly raps. Svracuse will not come to Lincoln next year. nniirefortli. the Husker athletic treasury should grow fatter. In all probability there will be more than St; .1)00 donation money for the Red t'ros-i. as happened in no- LOCAL NEWS FrUTi T: : N r'l.-i y's I;i!!-. Frank Vaii ry and wife of Murray were I'Mion thoso going to Omaha thi- a l"TTinnii to vi.-it for a' few hours and h-.k aft.-r l-n-iise.-s matters. J. II. Wnithiiian and K. Twisa of l.'ui.-i iiie utro in the city today for a it v l:oiirs looking after some mat ters ,f hiHim-ss at . the court house. K-ies Williams d parted this morn ing ove:- the Kurlington for Stafford, Nth., whope lie will visit with his fathr who has just been stricken with an attack of pa rp lysis. j Mi.-s Marie Fitzgerald returned last ' evening from the ranch near Dridge- i port. Neb., where ,sne nas ueen ior the summer months and will spend the winter at the home in this city. She was met at Omaha by her sister. Miss Opal Fitzgerald, and accompan ied home. From Frinay'p Daily. Sheriff '. V. 'Juinton was called out to the Murray neighborhood this morning to look after some county business. Fncle Jesse MrVey who has been sp-.-nding a few weeks at Murray re turned this morning to this city for the Christmas season. Frank Dean of Willard. C; !o., who has been visiting in this locality with his sisters, departed this after noon for his home in the west. Dr. (i. II. l.ilmore 01 .Murrav was i'i he city for a few hours today enroiite home from Omaha, where he h is bevii looking after some mat t. rs of business. WISHING YOU M erry Christmas Ve desire to say that we appreciat ed the attitude of our patrons in their en deavors to conserve when the fuel was so scarce; also that at this time we have a limited supply of coal, so each may have a little. Soon we will be well supplied and everyone may have all they desire. Wishing you a Happy and Pros perous New Year Fricke Fuel Company I-'rem Saturday's Daily. Mrs. Mark lies and daughter. Mrs. Albert Murray were among those go ing to Omaha this morning to spent! the day looking alter some matters of business. John A. llennings of near Louis ville was in the city for a few hours today looking after some trading with the merchants and visiting with his relatives and friends. Dr. 15. Y. ISrendel of Murray was in the city for a few hours this af ternoon enroiite home from Omaha where he has been attending to tome matters of business. HUSKER FINANCES 11 ft! Cash in Atliletic Strong Box After Long Tamine 1919 Receipts Wipe Out Large Dericit. Of interest to local alumni of the University of Nebraska is the an nouncement that Cornhusker athlet ic finances have at last risen to light of day after a two year sojourn be low zero. Dr. J. T. Lees, acting manager of athletics, gave out a statement Thursday which sliowa the net profits of the 1!)H football sea son to have been $12,03:1.17. over bubTieing Hie ieiicif if $ 1 1 ,ft "." 2. on July 1. by $ I) :MI.;1 .1. Although the returns, from CELEBRATE OPEN ING OF VACATION Senior Class of High School Enter tain Members of School With Very Interesting Program. From Saturday's I'aily. Kach year at the commencement of the Christmas vacation the .senior class of the school have been called uion to furnish the program for the afternoon preceding the formal be ginning of the holiday vacation and in keeping with this custom the class of 1020 yesterday afternoon enter tained the numbers of the school for the afternoon period. The program was opened by Mari on Duxturv. president of the senior class, who gave a few pertinent and to the point remarks as a prologue to the entertainment that was to fol low A verv pleasing violin olo wa? given by Miss Genevieve Whalen. the accompaniment being played by MiP M tbb- Lee Uopher. haver, and both of th.ese voung ladies displayed the erearest talent and skill in their of fering. This was followed by a read ir-.g by Miss Huth Jacks, which wa -til-i- ..neored ;iud re-ponded to by another pleading recitation. Mis? V.ihle 'onenhaver gave a vocal number during the course of the pro mam that was much enjoyed and as si-ted in her select inn by Mason Wos cott as pianist and Miss Whelan on the violin. One of the fun produc ini2 features of the program was the humorous paper prepared by Mi.- ( arla ISrandt and which was read by Miss Henrietta YVaintroub. and which the different members of the class were given a mention that brought out much merriment and laughter from the audience and especially the class membership. The final stunt of the program was the visitation of Santa Clans to the members of the faculty and for each teacher there was a well filled stock ing which was overflowing with good advice but little more. The formal program was conclud ed bv President Duxbury who thank ed the members of the faculty and the school for their assistance and interest taken in the program, and this brought to a close a very pleas ant afternoon and the commencement of the holiday reason for the young people. mm "Just the very thing I wanted!" I ? i Open Evenings Till Christmas If you could see the look, of satis faction that brightens the face of the man who receives one of our hand some shirts or ties on Christmas morn ing you would thank us for this ad We excel in our showing of these two most acceptable items of a man's ward robe and you'll find the choosing easy. SHIRTS, better' quality, $2.50 to $15 TIES, 65c to $3.50 Belts in Chiolmas Boxes si.oo C. E. Wescott's Sons EVERYBODY'S STORE' iiiidkk oi' hi:iw; on IVIilion for ulnl infill of Ailmiiiiol nil rl. The Stale of Nt-Piaska. "ass nulli ty, ss. I n t he ( oiiti t v t oiirt. In the matter of the estate of .lames Deles letnier, deceased: )n reading and lilint; tlie petumti i .lames Ivan I ,-les I.-rmer iiainK inai adntinisli ation of said estate may he l.i anlel to I-:iii;enia I -l'-s I'-i nit r as Ailministrat rix : ordered. That January tr.tli, A. I'. 1!'J0. at 1" i loi k a. m . is assigned for hearintr said petition, when all persons interested m said matter may appear at a County Court to he held in ami lor said eounty and show eause wl.v the piaver of petitioner should not" be granted and that noti-e of the jiendeii'-y of said petition and the hearintr 'thereof he iriven to all persons interested in said matter bv ppbiish intr a eops- of this order in the I'latts motith .louinal. a semi - weekl y news Iiapei' printed in said county for three siiiessive weeks, prior to .-aid day h e a r i n ir . I luted December 1". I'M!'. Al.LKX J. f.KI . l-ounts .Indue. ki. ii:i-:.n-i: wiiiti:. di.'-.:w ' Clerk. my that Colorado Plow it ml i :. oi- i ; ;: it i n ; olli- on I'etilioii or Set- lleiiirnt of Veeomil In the i'"ii!ilv Court oi" Cass .o I , Nebraska. Stale of Nebraska. Cass o.inilr. To all persons interested in tl.e tate of Anton Kanka. d.i-eased: ill. leadillU the petition of AlllUl IMtman. pravini;- a final settbuient an.l al lowatiee of l..-r account tib-d in 11 is .omt on tin- K-lh day of Decem ber. 1!i:. and for d is t ri inj 1 10 11 and as-si-nmciil of said estate; It is hereby ordered that you unl all ..ersoiis interested in said matter ma. and do. appear at the "oiiiuy o.u i to be belli in and for said county, on tie :rd .lav of Dec-ember. A. D. 1!1!. ;,t I" o'clock a. m. to show cnus.-, if; 3iiv there be, whv the prayer of thej in should not be granted, and j tl, .! notice- ! the peni.cney m saio net it ion and the h.arii.e; thereof be u: !i to all pel sons interested in said iiu-t'ir bv u Id ish i 11 'A a copy of this ,,,,!. r in 'the I'iattsmoiith Journal, a seini-wecklv newspapc-r printed in said county, for one week prior to said day of h. a ri ntr. In witness whereof. I have hereunto ; mv hand and the se al of said Court s lT.tli da' "f December. A. I . i J. i:i:i;si.. c'.mntv Judao. I-.-- fi.oi:i:nci: wiiitk. all Clerk. and take the advance in price that is sure to come this next spring And lis ten, why pc:y from $40 to $!00 per acre when you can buy these lands at from $20 to $50 per acre? We Have 50,000 Acres of These Lands Larsh Realty oB5 VONA COLORADO t !.: t C trAtt V .. i I i ! I I ' pay inatnew can ! ! SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAM From J-.atiirdav's' Daily. Choir of Methodist church has ar ranged a special-musical service for .Sunday evening at 7: HO when they will present a sons story, "The Inn," which will he given by both the choir and the pastor. The story is a heau itfnl one and as arraiiRed by the choir will be a fine musical enter tainment and carries with it the mes sage of the Christmas day. This church has also arranged a special .service for Christinas eve, Wednesday night at S o'clock and at which Santa Clans will be present to assist the little folks in properly observing the event. A large tree has been secured and this will be decorat ed and arranged for the visit of Santa Clans and each nrember of the Sun day school will find on the tree some token of remembrance for the Christmas tide. A special program will also be given that will prove very entertaining in every way to those who attend. The offering at the Christmas eve celebration will be for the use of the Sunday school work and Christmas gifts to others. ok in:nii; uuil Nolicc n I VI II . for St-t-I lenient of Ae.-oiuil In the County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. Stale of Nebraska, ('ass county, ss. To the heirs and all persons inter ested in the estate of Klic Coleman, dec eased : .... on readinic the petition ot Pardon It. Shepard. praying a tinal settlement and allowance of tinal account of Cath erine Celeman. administratrix, filed in court on the L':;rcl clay ot i iccemoc-i . A. D. is? I. and for assignment o estate and older barring claims it is hcrebv ordered that you all persons interested in said matter mav. and do. appeal- at the County Court to be held in and for said eoun t v on the 1'Tth d-iv of December, A. D. lipi at 10 o'clock a. ni.. to show cause, if anv there bv. whv the prayer of the petitioner should not be nrante.1. ami that notice of the pendency of said pe rnio,, :.n.l the heal iiiir thereof bo uiv- ,. to all persons interested in said ....ti..r- i.v Dtihl ishintr a copy of this order In the Plattsmouth Journal, a ..omi.ivi.i.L-ii' i.owsnaner nrintetl in said county, for one week prior to ilnv of hcarimr. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set mv hand and the seal ot said outt this ltith day of December. A. D. 1H1! ALLKX .1. KKKSM.V Seal I County JudKe. the and said FOR SALE. I have for sale several good milk cows, tuberculine tested. Will be fresh soon and are good heavy milk ers. See Neil D. Cameron, Bellevue Blvd., block north of Childs road. Telephone South 3517, Omaha. - ANNUAL MEETING FARMERS MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. HAVEN'T YOU AND YOUR WIFE OFTEN TALKED ABOUT "BUYING A HOME?" WELL, IT CAN BE DONE, IT RESTS EN TIRELY WITH YOU. THE FIRST THING IS TO COME IN AND START A BANK AC COUNT. THEN REGULARLY ADD AS MUCH AS YOU CAN SPARE. KEEP THIS UP AND IT WON! BE LONG UNTIL YOU CAN BUY THAT HOME AND YOU CAN BUY IT CHEAPER FOR CASH. YOU WILL RECEIVE 3 '2 INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Farmers State Sank PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA The annual meeting of the Farm- is Mutual t ire &: hive aiuov in surance company of Cass county, Ne braska, will be held at the Taylor fchool house in district .no. , S'lattsmouth precinct, on Saturday, fanuarv 3. 1920. at 1:30 p. m. for the purpose of electing officers and ransacting such other business as Aiay legally come before the meeting. -J. r. Falter, Secretary. 2tv t football season are highly gratifying, office. Wall Paper, Paints, Glass. Picture FVamlnsr. Frank Onbeluian. ! The finest line of Christmas sta fho tionery will be found at the Journal v W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. Est of Riley Hota! Con tea Elock, Second Floor. MR. FARMER! If you wish to have your money on Real Estate Mortgage Security earning SIX PER CENT Interest per annum and free from Personal Taxes in Nebraska, and from the Normal Federal Income taxes, see MR. E. P. LUTZ, Agent PLATTSMOUTH -:- NEBRASKA V "7"