The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 18, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5
THURSDAY. 18, !!JU PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL TAGE FIVE COMMUNITY XMAS TREE TO BE SUCCESS THE W. K. PULS v. If tcy of tli readers of the Journal knor- of any social event or item of interest In this vicinity, end will mall cne to this office, it will ap pear under tins heading. Ve want all news lte tea Rditob r a A i Inlairdwar Pre area in the Ic.erest of the 'c Murray t-nJ Surrc"ndinp Vicii'ty E;c!a.lly for the Joureal Headers i 1 ' U I t P V I J n ent 0 is-- t V . 01T l; ...f.n s zrc ' ... '- - r I i : - -', . t . ' 1 ' , ' 1 ' - ' v (, I 1 y ,Vv ; i I y; v - VV k- f taiiess kit L;''j? vice and 5r, ncs5 n:a iters. i -X, ... . t. 5- -r.f-T - - v-'. .. km-' V" fr,. J" 1 m 'y j '.", -Ct O' s": , VC'C' Vi'tLvc- 'rzlj2L .... . . . -J i! Christmas Cantata '-" " s i:ov' ; Well to do Children Speakers ! Frieda. Lisle. Lester Long. Mabel oi Omaha, i-s ; Howard. Chorus lUanche Scatton, i i.'. r ra: c-; j jc.;, n. perry. Curtis Fearis. Carl vlio Dic-i. Harley Puis. - work there, j I'oor Children Speakers Charles v.l.. . y, -top- HowiTd. Charles 15-jedeker. Helen v "'as j nur.. chorus Loreene Hatchet. ;!Si -';s-1-v 1-; Davis. Violet Vallery. Charles Dar- lu'.V?. i.n:'i;ili. was a, ft!- Min-,rd will n.mi ri 's v' r i!! -,Jl;r:'!'.v- drii!i:r' .... i;;iriu'y Snt:th a vocal solo. ll nr il'"u ;'!: ' r ti,,:li: The story t lis of rich children n-r the .Murray i eiepuoii' i;..ti'o:: diiiai.a vm:..' :. i'rcii' sch'i )1 -. c:.' it hiii. ;i r. :. ' : r : i! r s..i;:i.- ; s- at lai INDICATIONS POINT TO LARGE ATTENDANCE WILL EE ELECTRIC LIGHTED. i' v. a:.: i .... n i nan: ( r (lthers. v ere Lokin si ai or a"'.t-rs in 1'iat! iirivin.- up iiivinu: Christmi.- cheer to the poor (ii-s and of tin- reward in thinkinc A FINE PROGRAM IS PROMISED !)!!. S ..I'll !pr. s ox tins institution we-1 corns our c. t'lC Cd- LlSi- l ii2 proper kind or Connie lion c:n h. ulcJ tcct your V - t , - l : High School Notes j Willa Park iK out of school on ac :t lUui' i:er of ; cmiiu of sickness. P.o'.-'M'is. has j The s-rhool children are preparinjr ; !:!' v i' !i tiie tl:eir Christmas sonijs for the com-ii-- is repor; e:I ' mill! it y Christmas program. Miss Mueller was unahle to hear i-r ;i: ( ):i:a-, ;- r classes Monday on account of a ii ; he siekness. ".- i I"n'-:j Text hook inspection was held in ' tliii.kir.y, the hicii school during the last per- j iod Morday af t ernoon . . :,n het'i! I The litt le folks are all ready for Murray, is , s-.mta Claus. K icli one has written 1 !!.!' time letu ; to hini. my f? 'ild-l Quite a number wci'- absent last ! a-;. ; v.c k ( n accoui.t of the cold weather. -Ir 1 e is ; Cuthei in- was absent all last l: as !" !!, wt'-k ;-li acrilili! cf sickness V! : ' 'A U. mat it v I. your inc-r.y. ilv.n o sn:al! X itcd izh br.nk ' .X i-4 Safer: tj-o;:e?t'c Co"r:?sv--Scr-:ce I- t:- r. !" ('!! . V.Cfk I vs. !(' 1:-. UulT ''t, Moves West Thk Week : P"ri PrK.t. v.-ho has been en gaffed v'-n : ;:s in the carpenter business for the past lifiii-- for few y-ars wher'. with his family de "! i as be-' parts for the west the last o this ; ui:d ::tr v k i'tid will make his home at Biff s early Sprintrs. where he will follow his vo- ;''h. i(aiio:; of contractor and builder of 'u:- were' li-ie residence--. Mr. Koot is an ex--" ' an ('" cillci: workman und we are sure he ' ai.T' will make -ood in his new home. iHIH l.O! '.trcsL on Our c:-(ii'- : rt f. n v "rata t - fiHfi 1 " n Ail business tr. r.r.'-cticr:i Vour e s( c zn' .cc: a l . ' :. : ip !' x or i( T'ies.av. h.tter (!:iv. ! 1-H 1: after k ca: ' 1. at but tln.liim ' thou-. inn v i Hear from Fred Hild t A ani from Fred Hild and family who v-re on their way west but who j now suppofr-d to have arrived at ; iii ir destination, was from Rawlins, i VV'yo.. and were hat'lin? snow with , tiieir train jsonie eiht hours behind ' time and had been running: with two engines toth oi which hau tiecome !i -abled (r fri.:en up and the card. i which was written by their son. said ! tln'-v had a new engine and the train .1 !!!!. T " ..;:.i:s ih-' S en vi - tin ! k..i was ready to jioceed. " rfturrts from Visit in North Mrs. V. M. Hendricks who has i.e'ii vivitinc: in the northern jortion of the state for t'ne past month where ;iif was a .truest at the heme of her sons 1 .? l.t Hid daughters returned liome eek liavinir enjoved an excel- on v: -it not withstandinp the fact " ii was very cold there and with ::: c supp! of snow. Mrs. Hen-d;-ifd;s K- (ii.ioyir.r: very irood health f-M- a lady ( f her years. Mrs. Charles Carfel!. ii t-r daughter, was a visitor in On: iha arid returned home with the me', her. on C: : ': i r ! I Uu',.1. V ! 1 1 .1 cv: t. V.v kill "Sii- : - - ! i . 1 1 1. 1 - - - ncckte' . . . . : - ioncry. c:v IlV- -.r:vc tc se . v .'.CO- . . it'C . . 7 5c : I'liT e. w 1 : o " ! w : Votl : many The a v e e 1 1 .'.nr. . 1 . r t en Acticiis Locked Suspicious j Ai:er attending the lyceum bu i re?i: rourse nu tuber of last week Mr. jt'.n.l Mrs. I. M. Davis returned home and :'(.ur.d after they had entered ; the house thai someone had attempt ed to inter their home durinsr their absence. The screen had been cut with a knife and the window broken i and a flower pot which at on a table near the window upset. Evidently the culprit had beard the folks re ttnnintr and made his escape. e . r.o. .;. ? ! ! . 1 1 ei: i VI. . Ni: k Fi ed- roop S ! i ) 3c to 'il.OO p. on to t . - Vw- s ii i - Id M ' '. ry I '1 ! i- C '.. .;t n : T T".i Ti ' l . I .. V T it, v- - ? 1 . Wiil S. y- ' . A; t. : .i -i ; i, c. ". ;u- r.i'c. !. A. Yiu7t; Mrs. :. ;. !!', ry C. ! . i . Will ' Sv . :. C. M M inl et d $ 1 . 11. v : s i . W. A. Scott i - 'a t: -" i . ! .7, .nes :,((. W. L'-.e. Mr fa -s-is L'oyd SI. S C. La; ;. & ,. " '.' -d .'.or. Ivar. I : ?:. i ' - va : n Wt-llorth ' ii' "i i. Margery . 1 1 V. la yd a S 1 . .Ldm F.p ;.i r ... C. .'!'! 7 ."oc. '. I -.: --!. i'annint; & Nickels r..f. .lehr. Karris Si. I. vie "i.e. C. D. Spaatiier i-(';ll ."(. F: eij I'ondon f 1. h-ry ' 1 . A. L. ,:? "oe. I'.r- "t: i : " . Alfrt ! Cai;si-F-; r.i; '.Uii" .? 1 . Hif.Tt .'. A;;--;. .it ?l. .James . ,,;,r, d .Td:n - A r. f ; '! -"Of. K(.y tlowar.1 ?!. 5. .; 1 . Mr-. Thomas : ';.rry '''o.;,l s i . Dv.-y-( '. Khod-!'. T.", W. P. l;rii:t:s $1. T. J. !.:-. rv SI. C M. iteatl 1. V. :r. K::.i!y Knits ?1. . Mr:. C. K. Carrcdl I. .. - .".(!-. H. Vv Mc R t'et;i' 1. Ln.nm Ciare-ue I'.rov.n ?1, G ;: 'v iies rc. Undervvent Operation at Omaha Last Mcr.riay evening; (Jeorpe Parks and wife with their daughter. Miss Wilia. were passentrers to Omahn ac erm ianied by Dr. B. F. Brendel. their family physician, where they went to the St. Jeseph hespital where on the following; morning; Miss Willa underwent an operation for re lirf from an acute attack of appen dicitis. The case being: an ag;g;ravat ed one was cine of considerable deli eaey. The operation was effected on Tuesday morning; and the young; lady was resting' as well as could be ex pected at the time and it is the hope of her many friends that she may have a speedy and complete recovery. PEACE! PEACE! Peace is the key-tone ef Christmas peace, good health, many To be Given in Puis Hall Prior to Distribution of Gifts from the Tree Treat for Kids. time, happy .. L t-i. --- t v.- JViURR AY, : AUCTSOKEER lAiv-ays Ready for 55a!e Dtcs fcr or near. F.ATZ3 REASONABLE EA7ISPACTI0N OR. 310 PAY! ;-;UVE"SK ALL CALLS! Icleplicne 1511 Itlcrray Ei.n large ters. returns of t:ie day" is the wish of many old Christmas carols. Good health is the g;ist. Ixd us keep the peace with our in'e'stines by the help of Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine, which banishes the constipation, poor appetite, head aches, etc. For colds and coughs, which are now in season Triner's Cough Sedative is the best remedy, if your tonsils are swollen, g;arple with Triner's Antiputrin! In case of chilblains, neuralgia and rheumatism Triner's Liniment gives the quickest relief. Your dealer has all these remedies in stock. You will g;et there also the "beautiful Triner's Wall Cal endar, 1920. free (or for 10c from u.s by mailt. Joseph Triner Com pany, i:j:;;;-43 S. Ashland Ave., Chi cago, 111. Attorney C. E. Tefft returned this morning; to his home in Weeping; VYaler after visiting: over night in i the city attending to some legal mat- The Community Christmas tree in Murray has every assurance of being a success, although this is the first time such a project has been at tempted here. The tree will be in the street just under the light by the bank and the program will be heW in the hall. Miss Latta. assisted by the teach ers and Mrs. Brendel. have charge of the program which assures its being up to stanilard. Miss Olga Minford. of Lincoln, will help with the program. The financial committee is com posed of Mrs. James Brown, chair man; Mrs. W. S. Smith. Mrs. Fred Lutz. Warren Wiley and Lee Kniss, and if you wish to help make this first community Christmas tree the success it deserves to be and have not already done so. hand your do nation to any member of this com mittee. A list of the donors is pub lished elsewhere in this department. and the names of later givers will be printed next week. Everyone is urged to contribute. Mrs. William Sporer is chairman of the treats committee and it is planned to give each child who at tends the Christmas eve festivities a treat. If the financial contribu tions will warrant it is the wish of the committee to remember all the grown-up "children" as well. Mr. Puis is in Omaha at this writ ing looking after the securing of electrical decorations for the tree, which will be a blaze of light from top to bottom. ROAD NOW OPENED TO AUTO TRAFF1G Thanks to Work of Snow Shoveling Done by Crew of Volunteer Workmen Sunday. will always carry a complete line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Farm implements, Tractors, GASOLINE ENGINES and REPAIRSI We do all kinds of tin work, heating and plumbing, and will also save you money on furniture orders. Come in and get our prices on anything in our line. We will treat you right and save you money. MURRAY -:. -:- -:- NEBRASKA Phone No. 4 The strip of road leading from Murray to the corner near G. M. Minford's place was drifted full of snow and as long as the wind con tinued to biow carrying with it the snow, it wac eif little use to clear the road out as it would soon fill up again. The coming ef better weather, however, caused a number ef citi zens to get their shovels out Sunday and get after the matter of clearing the roadway so that now one may get to Murray from the north and south as well, and travel via auto to Plattsmouth. Omaha and Nebraska City is again possible. Those who had a part in opening up the high way were Walter Tower, Xick Tried vich. L. H. Puis. Marion Barlett. J. V. Pitman. Albert Young. Dwyer Todd. J. Maracek, Henry Rice, Frank Beed. G. M. Minford. Glenn Prry. Jesse Vallery, T. J. Brendel and a number of others from east and south of town, whose names we were not able to get. but who worked just as hard and were as much interested in doing a good job as were the others. ThnTite in thic 1 'i .nil frir 11 f t- 1 t- 1.- 1 ers the road is now in first class shape and travelers may steer this way without fear of going stuck. " ,--.-;; 7a" xi aV " . : '?-'" -rk;v tp . . . ; ..-.. .'-' .V . v.---s 'I . v ; tr - AT' Learn to know this name plate It is the mark of the New Yelte Six and has been adopted to better identify Velie cars in the markets of the world. VELIE leads in value is unapproached in efficiency supreme in comfort distinct in its class. There are five body styles. Velie Six has the strength and endurance of high-priced cars with the economy and simplicity that are possible only in semi light weight construction. A demonstration will be convincing. To those who expect to buy soon, we would say that on January 1st the nrices of these cars will advance from $1,800 to $1,900.00, and there is no way you can make the $'00 easier. It is not difficult to ret the cars at Omaha at this time, in time. Let us have vour orders L. PWt! arase Murray, Nebraska Murray Christian Church Sunday. December 21. regular ser vice in the morning. Bible schoed be gins at 9:45 with the short story. Opening exercise's at 10. Morning worship at 11. Unless announced to the contrary on the church bulletin board there will be baptismal ser vices in the evening at 7: CO. Owing to the hael weather the meetings closed last Saturday night with 10 additions. Come and worship with us. C. E. Hannan. Minister. Live Poultry v nrflhfa-ITI-MffltlTlJ WANTED? The poultry car which we ordered for setting Saturday the 13th, due to railroad conditions, will arrive in Plattsmouth, Thursday December IS, at which time we will pay for poul try delivered to the car, the follow ing prices: Hens, per lb 22c Springs, per lb 19c Old Cox, per lb 12c Ducks, per lb r 22c Geese, per lb 20c Turkeys, per lb 25c Youts truly, W. E. KEENEY. WE CAN CARE FOR YOUR m BATTEL iESEH We are prepared to give special care to storage batteries, both those usep in autos and lighting plants. We have a large assortment of parts and an 3xcellent workman. We can repair and replace cells, giving absolute assurance of satisfaction. L. Murray, . Puis G arage, Nebraska BUY YOUR FALL AND WINTER EARLY AND SAVE MONEY! We have a larg.e assortment of ail kinds of shoes rom which to choose your needs at prices far below prices you will have to pay in sixty days as you know shoes are advancing every day. We have a large as sortment of school shoes in all sizes. Also men's and boys' rubber boots. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ALL FARM PRODUCTS! ( nek servsee ior, ALF GANSEMER, Proprietor