The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 18, 1919, Image 1
ITeb-aska Stale KUtart- X 2 tv ourn VOL. XXZYII. FLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSEAY. EECEMEER 18. 1910. No. 51 or i5 mJ: "Ik S k T.f L. 4 JQ 1 H t-f 1 - 4 i j DIPS5 i MAKE hum m LOCAL STORES trio of mexicans visit stores of city and secure large amov::t before caught. ARRESTED AT L P. DEPOT Placed ir. Ccu::ty Jail p.nd Jcse Rcrd cfb Cun::5 Clean With Story Es capes and Ilahrii a Get Away. ! u:ly. rer :.-.( I ;. k . ii-.:, 1-r.lay a i 'i(-K "d.; I v Shent in.) on-; ; Hit at ii :r :.' .i e l a v !. ic ? i ; : r '( !!' fr :, ; T a in th:r Tl-.e If 1' I'.'r- " 1 t !.- a f roi: t' : r in he th. II. 1' tht CO' thai d-e.- i p!K- v I re;- -1 1 .-. e : : in a ' ni!::l" r i '.' 'a ' oh-rh -:: !,; i no' :red f 'he ' if t '. - u ;.-- ih n. rt t pr ! ( 'h-- vr.-i-s after a sii'.rt 'x;.T.i" .i r p C ' . '7 t. ' ( d ' ' f r s t s v v. on'.d W ! . i e in r M s ia cha-ire r.r :., to !:'.' n fated that "!'iia? thtep hr-ck la rer r Fa- v.a- ih.'.rt and have rr.c ro of ; !" stock she Frr.'tin.e lart-r when Mr. r r'-t old ' as r at ' !--m-d o the store and !: f rl.e ii.cident and on in rl e nani-K of the r, n ar-'t ift !-' ' t i;" d '--'cr ; n' i en of ... -;.-,..t is s i. ; i.'i'-n- a: d s'-r-ed a 'll'-ch f'f the t -.ver- j.'if on tl " ra'd: , Tl,.,. .-..,11 ';-- t i even of rh'n. wor-niis---"a: once called the i -..T;-e'i to t'-" Im''ir--n -i ii-TT.-r whr titer or not re t h(-"e f r-d not P er'. t:rir ,1 sheriff Q-iir.'an Ktartel Mi-sr.nri Pacific d'p't au oi den l r- n-f-ll W." ; ! '. .'T, ,,ijr r' t'-e :' v.-p.s tif'ti i,..umi f'y. ' t !.e avetuie IlM-'l '. :! 1 . r. e. Th -il;. t . O'i e ( ,ri:"r t:'- f"r the south - ".".7 pa-: cd out .-red the th i'-c :.r ".o- M;i-Ttiif handed at this ca rrying a grit o- p w hilc '-. hey ( J a i t t r i i r e'o on out ' 1 e oth-r- s-ai . rd the hor, pi.e-i the m -! him i";i-ed to do i f'i wali; north to Sheriff Q'tUif ar v itii the jrr'p f'!' rp- n it up which he id ti.e slo-riff no 'limsetf ; nd the -"(! in i he sr-ip was r,z d'-fr-es from the . i hi-:-h W'! id- ini :t r. The ot her t w 1 up by 1 h-' ht t-a'-k tn the court sf ' ! n jifopert y was r -1." n '( . efl .(-II : r P.. t. . ; then re hrniuh' w(-r- u r. tl V oti -i '"'Irere the sf i r t ed tt a d it "- had ( "tl- iclerah1.'- Tt. s f-.-rml that thev re than the good' from th" S I'lis'i- rior: . eim ich. -en store in their In';t!iry v..o at (.nee 'tartei and it v ::s d i c-vei f t! that : wo if the - ilk 'k!-t- in tl:" po- o -inn of the men had peer: taken from s-r.t-,. (,f p. j. P'jcclr. as wdl as wo P-ather co..s from the clothing rtprc of Pliilip Thierolf pud a larse ri;:.t;r:t of furs which been lift ed from the sroro of F. G. Kovey -S m . Ii:';uiry at the (hfferent place wl.cre Ho- goods had b--en taken .bowed ;hat '1 men emrlorpr pra'? tirally tio- -a:;e ro'h.ods in getting away with their v irk. The v t - i ' s were made du-ir.g the lime when most of the chrks in the stores were ngaged in eoir-g and coming at the noon hour and this gave them a bet-to- rid vi' r.t age of petting away wih the prods. At the Lad its Toggery the three men called a'-'uit 12: le and were waited on by Mrs. Pusrd: one of the party stating that they wanted to plrcha'e some tailor-made suits and the one man looked over samples cf roods while other two stood around und gla::eed over the ladies skirts v. hioh v -re in holder n i! i i !': i : j : r f i t i s of the i- w I. .-room. I The ln-s of tun s-kir'.- valued at - :- -: T i i i . v t. .. I 1 . f i . . - r- i 1 1 1 i 1 : ter ihe arr.-.-t i:f the r:i -ri . They c Iuilii-d they vou!d return 1 ii T -1 t: f i -c i ! i.u the smr ii (1 walked out i of the Toggery with their spoil-.. The ' l). . v -Kite was visitfii shortly ;.t":-r ! fl." Turn i y. hut lore it i.- stated! 'ha' oroy two of ihe men made ll.tir j apnea fa lice, one of them -i r r 1; a-i i: a j a handkerchief and ir.;i;ri!! ;s toj j-ir-- (,: it r.i.nitcr .t articles and -t" ndir.u u lit!- ftM-rt a:il iluri.i v. h id' pi t i thr furs. a.T of the Hi th. CI eort S'nTf. y 7i - i: las: ade away I)vty. wi !i na aa - . ") i n a ted .:,i;.tt 0(1 'hat a i i he fur ; Ti-ar as rot;!.! he e-t ta.ktn would ainoi-.nt to -:t were made the i'i-n at eroif .-lore atid ;t is ;; k:.mvn r ;i w h ifh t ri n tli'V !.:;.c'e awav with ' !.e c ' - a.- ! s:it.-k order a :;d ii i r worn v. a;; -l a i t ! y (! i-"!ayed a pro- j fe--i. '-al iomii i:s their ! Thi' tlilee iaen a!.-0 t ' : e of ( '. K. Wet-cot t -hopliftii.?. I visited !lu Sons hut th r apjiearance thre ai'onr.sed sus picion a iid in rt ii!eiiil;ra:ice of sev eral O'ner 'VI'tlitiHe v. it h i is ( f cu-t'.itners the clerl.s l;t pt a close v a'ch :! t !: ruen at, - ;pey lef' that !!.'( ei-p- hajided '-far t-yiai: a s'.-l! ( f unt in- to huy a s.ii: of i h " . W::i ;'!-re-ttd !-y S!:cri:'f (ipiaron tii'-n avi 'he ?:-i:-:.-s f J SO V.. IV-t K:o ar.J J. 1 ..:. h..:.'e a drt t. i. .;e lam! f Y a : : e as in o " t r- :' at i:!i a nally .. - rt cii r; 1 ( ' he !-; - f th. M. x!rr. :. T fir.-; r f a.-e J To cr.;:.e ;!:ro ('an hre-.t ( f the r.rfai v 'hen t! e" wei-- sep.-irat'-a ami i v : v "a'cnt".' (',.' c-: ?:fe-- i n frr m K '-.l:-e, s t e.i ! i a l- of t he o i ': r.-n ' a m.Il :'.;il:i''.r t h- "oifes- j ;'l ih'idiy fe::r of the ve h-t; h re : i i 1 to rl.e M-d ffi- ! hi- cotiipani ;d uraed th: O1--: to pro'e her t hev him from 'lo ir wrath U-trned that he 'ha-.! 1 " Tn order that tl confer or f'-ame nj or. fs were p!'ic-(! " nn ntig!:t not a story, the pris n separate rooms and the man who had cot ite cl-an was pl.""-:l in the r..':r. on tlie 'hird floor of the jaii '-nd itemed well satis lit d tl ;.' he wouol n(.t haic to re main w:!h his eo.-iipat: iotis ami his ih-'-Uie sems Weil founded as tli is: T::' ruing iT was. found that he ha l ir ; the )( v e his lu'away. Tlie window in ro: i.: which has in the prist rl d two other prisoners to gam their freedom orfe more was used n? the n oonr to lmcrtv anu t;oru- . io . t . i Cf s in now a free man. The bars on the window were forced pth! asriv rffe" l'ttle resistnnce to anyone de s'ring to set on' it wa a repetition of the old ctory and the Informer was soon i n h i- way. hi- i v.-hat Frp-"sit ii;n will be made of the two prisone-s rema inincr ist not known as yt. while it would draw them a. serence to the peni tentiary !or the offence they coinnt't 'ed i: may he decided by the county nttcrney to turn the matter over to he federal authorities to have the i v. ii hipped into Mexico where their ''!-',: :s will be more appreciated by rli'ir f-!h.w count rvinen. RETURNS HOME FROM SERVICE Lcuis Eirschenblatt. Engrasred as Rad io Operator in Naval Service. K; turns to Heme Here. Frem Mfiniiny'f T'allv. Th- many fri'-nds througliout the city of !."ttis 1'irschenblatt were great''.- pleased to see him return home once more after a service of two years in the naval service of ihe country. Mr. Kirsclunblatt arrived homo Saturday evening having jut returned from Scotland where he has been engaged in special work for the government near Glasgow. Ixuiia has been out of tlie active service sine Ancust lu t was rent on two special trips to Kn gland and Scotland in con nection with the government work pud has just returned from the Scot tish port to the Fnited States and decided to spend the holiday here with his relatives. He is looking fine and the carrer as a s-nilor seems to have agreed with him in every i way. j You will rind a nice tine oT popu tar copyright hooks at the Joiirnm CHIEF HOLDS COPS BLAME LESS FOR EEEE3TEIN SEES NO WRONG IT. ARREST CF UKIOH BUSI NESS MAN. -iVVHO WAS PINCHED IN C jOfncer Justifies Act by Saying lit iciia. Case irenair.1; r rt-rn Tue.-ilay's I ;,;;-. li.diert Sa::ia:dik. police delec- til- and he..d oi tlr-e aio"al: sip.; was held iilana less iiy ( hit f oi lice L'!:.M"-'t i:i for the arrest of (' - Clark, hoteiketpei ( f I'nion. Nehra.--ka. uho in.rr-ju !' esrajed a ::n-day jail s'litenre ou a ' j hefote IVdice t harh s J-'o.-ter. t'hh f Kin rst in aiv.-. Saiaardick a (dean hill on the a.-e i-i a letier .-ent to Mi.yiir -P;, j; i. The thief refused to make pnhlio he r i'i rt;i, hi aad-' h. act ion .-.ama -in the (lit k. P' Accord! Hi: the lari; t !. fe. in a Si:. ! e -r le.h it-iat . ; a t ; th. ; "d. ! I ) , inayi i: v a as arrested in a c K L.i' w lea t: d hallway in the and. imday. ra! authorities. i;h :'.as hioc was heoi 1 1 - latter, however, v t re .-.1 to por-'i ' : ; '.: . n.-t m - a p . i free i ra ii'v 1 : - s".ira--o!! p. und t h in the d:-.iL loihit ia . fr. l aatat-s then folh wed. 1 he lotir men were (r trrt at the sam-' tiait- arrai - lo.-it in Ail n.ttrel ,i ... of "not guilt V hut their alit.i ; ' as were summai-iiv interrupted bv ter- initiation of the argument with :i "''-day jail ser.t'. i, e Foster. All began to wire herded back tow pen." Clark's prate-'t fr.'iil Judge j pro! e-t. but i rd the "bull i iotiS to the ! court finally gained hit:: a of the ja il sentence. San.ardick claim- t'iar t-l! l;;m who he v. as w!. "I a:ked him who he w:t:- suspension k did not n arreted and what he did." Samaidie'r; declares "and t he told me he t;-"d to work in a hotel out in Nebraska but hadn't I been doing anything lor about a week. I had b'-en watching the four i . ' .i t. .. il e ; ' iii'-n m me nanwav ir.m an upstairs window ana thought tnev we.e wait- 1 ing tor a shot in the arm. : he deteclive savs iie arrested ike men 1 anu ordered taem nei.i lor mvsiara tion by Uussc-11 Kherstein. who was in charge of the federal roundup of alleged dope fiends. Clark had ? 10.00 on him when searched at the jail. "1 told Ihe of ficers who I was." Clark said. "1 asked him to call up the Merchant's hotel. He said 'tell lhat to the desk sergeant." I tried to tell it to the t-ergeaut. but they shoved me irto a cell. I tried every way I could to got word to Omaha people who knew me. I gave a negro to tend word to the Merchant's hot CI "tut he never arrived fher". The pel ire lold me 1 was held for investigation." In regard to an assertion by police that he admitted lx in a "coke friend Clark sa id : "All that I said about that was that I never taken cocaine ex ":'t)t under doctor's orders." Omaha World-Herald. FORMER PLATTS MOUTH GIRL WEDS Miss Delia White end Albert J. God win United in Marriage Sat urday Afternoon. Fro ti Monday's I"h11v. Two of the well known and popu lar young people of this city. Miss Delia White and Albeit J. Godwin, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the Presbyterian nian-e on Saturday afternoon. The cere mony was a very quiet one with only the contracting parties and members of the family of the pastor being! pre.-ent to witness the marriage. The beautiful and impressive ring serv ice was used as the marriage lines were read by the Rev. II. G. MeClus- ii : a k r vv h (: TJ-ir- fit; I! t ' 1 in ft on .-!. li:.t!i th ,s. 1. ri-- : iid :. r.i,t:i' i'i personal :,v who are !c s f wish'"' st: rc sc i n v!.i(h they 1- a !aill;h . Whire ;,!; 1 (d;arm T ': !:er hono part of hir h' yonn p.'.v-t M. Codwin ' 1 i:i litis !. ilr'l e . em d--. Iurinr was a I art w: fiii-r.;-. 1 1. 1 n',i::!,i.',i r r i . i ; i-iid it; l, ; o 1 1 e :n t ! 1 1; ir !, PI 'ttr-:; :! ! :: rr i d t ri :n. Pf. Th upo: Pri' T-r .Mr. and Mrs. a lady of more than i; P T: cn:di! y and has in this city t he r i ' a t : lifer i:::'-. T!:e firciom i- si'j of Mr. and Mrs. i. and was horn ami r . ( il v u h r" he j- h- !d in i lv a lar re cir' ie of frie wa.r Mr. Cndw!' t he s. rvir e i,f th(. Ia! ! l her m hi- ooun'rv and was i jsep a ed fri.n in th" summer and sir ( has h"en employed in t h shops of this cirv. ervice . ir'y I fiat ; imc roiilinuton CHRISTMAS SHOP SilCOESSFUl to . Episoojal I?.d::-s En toy the Greatest Their Chricinas Shn; Lntt Frfdav r.r:d Sr-tardav. Prim M. ! ' T i- 1 ' ' Th-- ',.: . c !:diict -d tl .i s";. M i 1 s iru il.l ho !:.'p on "!- il, !-. 1 Ywitr-iea:-'t sur- i r raa n ia the taany h".vorh :-::d 'hri-t;a.:.' Cay i:er i a to 'ird.iy at thi a enjoyed the hi-'..ry rf th he di peal ( 1 t icle " i f n ; ! 1 1 1 i 1 1 i i ' ia tin a in heat;! if ;il ai ; i in l he market in ir (lav t f t h Co t ,i '.Hied e;; rile (P)S- p. T!;e Si. Luke's atiild. the aui!i-;ry ri-1 ed t '-.( St . Mar c . t? i u-t i f t he .-!o.: imlpers as- iid in th" I : ( ; r jf f i'o r t s aide-' ii! mahin" I; a great success in every way. The .;; j.., very I gra'efu to Fred Wagner, proprietor I of the hotel, who kLi. ft donated the ( f room lor the shop and a- Is'"'0'1 " ev ry wav possible To make the shop a great success RESTORATION OF im SERVICE Public Will be Relieved Thursdav- Old Train Service Will V Restored. From M intn '.- T j The 1 "teal Pur it'tan officials have received information from the di- I e c r o of railroads that on 12:0t . D.-cerub IS, tiie -vice wi! tormei be re- , , , , sch dule of train . , , ,. in.- sinned bv that line and all trams dis- cotitiuued during the emergency oc- casioned by the short fuel supply will be restored. This action will he fol lowed bv the itlo r roads and the Missouri Paeifi- wi',1 also put back the trains which wei" removed dur ing the last two weeks. The short train service has heen a very serious obstacle to travel and many have been k pi hi hono- its they were in convenienced in making a railroad trip under th'1 prc.-eut schedules of train service. The changes should be noted by the public in order that i thev 1'iav take advantage of them on i Thursdav. GFf PIPS IHINFK NCR? FOR AFEW DAYS' VIST Charles Jelinek came down from his home in Omaha Saturday evening to visit for a few days here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. .Toseidi Jelinek. ant with his sisters. Mrs. W. A. Swa tek and Mrs. Cyril Knlitn and fam ilies. Charley is still showing the effe"ts of h is injuries sustained lat August when he had his right arm broken bv the kicking of a Ford car which he was crankirg. He has been in a very serious condition as the re - suit of the accident and for a few weeks it was feared he might be compelled to undergo an amDuiat ion e arm but tor tie 1 j recovered so far that it is not J thought that he will have any Fori i ous trouble in the future. The arm is ft ill slightly stiff and the liga ments of the wrist and forearm quite stiff but are slowly showing im provement. HAY FOR SALE. l;y. Tat1 yo-,!:::; pep, t li-ir fit t urc h.'.ni" i:i t !: tlif rroom is r.)'d We have begun baling hay and ! ing their way into a private house can furnish hay in three grades. Call ; without warrant and greatly annoy Uoberts & Nelson farm, phone CD.T.iing the members of the family. CLOSING REG ULATIONS ARE LIRE COMMITTEE WHICH HAD CHARGE OF FUEL SITUATION LIFTS RESTRICTIONS. lr ro aao. No. 107 due here at :'.'.U and I the 2 p. in. southbound train both ALL PLAGES TO REMAIN 0PEH'o,,fra,i,,s: Churches. Business Houses. Theaters. Clubs. Dar.cis. Restaurants and Fool Hallc to Resume Business. l-")on Monitny's I 'ally. I'ntil further notice the regula tions which have been in force for the past two weeks due to the fuel .-hortaae are hereby cancelled. Signed: K. II. Wescoft. T. 1 1. Pol loch. S. S. Chase. K. A. Vurl. E. A. Fricke. This morning the lid was lifted in ihe city of Plattsmouth as far a,s tie- regulations covering Ihe closing hours of the various business houses and amusement places of the city were concerned. The committee at their meeting decided that the condi tions warranted a restoration of the city to the normal conditions pre vailing before the enforced restric ions as to opening and closing were adop. d as a safeguarding measure daring the coal shortage. The citizens and business men will -e their own judgment as to the (on. i rvat ion of tlie fuel supply as it is not entirely safe to use a greater amount of fuel than is absolutely needed for the interess of the city and the comfort of tlie homes. The churches have been restricted to three hours each Sunday morn ing will go back to their usual hours cf service and the business houses be "hie to remain open in the evenings (hiring the holiday season. Tlie bar on dancing having been lifted the voting peoj !e will once more be able to enjoy themselves at this oldest of arts, while club rooms that have been cold and empty during the past two week will once more take on the usual aspect of comfort. The late liner who has been confronted with a closed restaurant at ft o'clock sharp can drop in now at any old time and get a bite to eat and the pool halls will also remain open until 11 o'clock instead of ft as at present. The change will be one that will be greatly ap preciated by the citizens of the com munity who have found the evening? rather chilly and gloomy without any imusoment to lighten the time during tire necessary restriction. The changes made as to the open ing up of ihe city has not however relaxed the necessary conservation of coal and the fuel committee will act until a sufficient supply for the city is received by the local dealers and endeavors to have the available sup ply divided equally among those who need it the worst. This is a step that is made necessary for fear of a sudden cold spell that might cause a great deal of suffering if the en tire supply was exhausted in the city. It will be at least two weeks before the coal supply will begin to in crease. GLARK CASE IS TO BE INVESTIGATED From Monday's Dally. The case of C. AY. Clark of Union, who was arrested and held for sev- ' eral days in jail in Omaha on a "vag" I charge, despite the fact that he had ! money in his possession at the time, is to be taken up and investigated according to Chief of Police Eber- stein of the Omaha police depart ment. Mr. Clark has commenced ac tions in the district court of Douglas county for false arrest and in the case for the holding without oppor tunity for securing bonds for his re lease and this seems to have stirred up the police officials as to the situ ation in that city. Saturday two of the police and detective force were suspended for their conduct in forc- MISSOURI PACIFIC RESTORES TRAFFIC Tiiepnay's dally. The Missouri Pacific yesterday af ternoon restored the traffic on their ad which had heen abandoned ),y it y of the coal strike situ the Kansas ( 'it v-Oma ha it:e through this citv is now hack on ihe old schedule. Tlie change is a very atrreeahle one to the traveling puldic as it iiives the two fast trains that were taken off about a we-k scneouie. jn orancn train net ween Lincoln and Union lias been restored also and will give the residents of the country districts a better chance of settmir to and from the county l seat . THE GRAND ARMY ELECTS OFFICERS Meeting; Saturday Afternoon Selects New Officers for 1920 and Pre pares to Take Up Work of Year. Frem Monday's Dal'T. Saturday afternoon the members of the Grand Army of the Republic assembled at their rooms in the court house with a very pleasing at tendance of tlie old veterans of the great struggle of 1SC1-65. and took up the work of the selecting of the officers for the ensuing year as the most important business of the ses sion. The following were chosen as officers for the year: Commander Asbury Jacks. Senior Yice Commander John Fight. Junior Yice Commander YV. II. Freese. Quartermaster Thomas Wiles. Officer of the Day T. W. Glenn. As the delegate to the meeting of the department of Nebraska which will be held in May Hon. R. B. Windham was selected as the rep resentative of the McConihie post. NOW ABLE TO BE AROUND. From Tuesday's Daily. John Palacek. Sr., who recently returned home from the hospital in Omaha where he underwent a se vere surgical operation was down in the business portion of the city to day for the first time since his op eration and is looking wonderfully improved over the past few months. Mr. Palacek is enjoying the bracing winter weather and fast recovering his old time vigor and health which is very pleasing to his family and friends. SUFFERING WITH BURNED FOOT. From Tuesday's Dally. Edward Creamer, who is employed in the Burlington shops is engaged in limping around today as result of having a piece of molten iron fall on the instep of his right foot and as a result it is necessary for Ed to spend a few days on an enforced vacation while the injured foot heals up. . at K,n and 1 To Farmers! March 1st, the day on which most farmers make financial arrangements for the year, is only something like 4 months away. This year it will be a good thing to keep this date in mind and to make early arrangements for settlements, renewals, etc. In the matter of accommodations, a word spoken now may save disappointment later on. All signs seem to point to the fact that an un usual volume of business will be handled by us next spring. First National Bank "The Bank Where You Feel at Home.' TO BE SENT BACK TO LAND OF NATIVITY DEPORTATION OF TWO MEXI CANS HELD HERE ON SHOP LIFTING CHARGE ORDERED. 6CGD RIDDANCE TO COUNTRY General View That Ridding Country of Such Undesirables is Best Method cf Handling- Case. From Wec)Tif;l:i y's I'ally. The disposition of the two Mexi cans held in ihe cotimy jail lore by Sheriff C. I). Quinto:. ha.-, been laketi up by County Attorney A. G. Cole with the Fnited States government officials at Omaha who have charge of the immigration department and their opinion is that the best meth ods of dealing with the men is to ship them back to tl-.e land of their nativity. The two men certainly cannot add anything to the citizen ship of the Fnited Stales and their general character and actions should fit them for some high pesithri in one of the numerous bands ef out laws that infest th" southern nation like a plague. An officer of the im migration department is expected in Ihe city in a few days to take steps to have the men removed to a place where thev will do no more mi-chit f to this portion of the country at b-a-t. The one prisoner who made his escape from tlie jail on Monday night is still at large and r.o trace has been found of his whereabouts al though by T h ii- time he is probably miles away from the scenes of his misadventure. The man made his escape from the window in the jail that has become well :f not favorably known und this in spite of the fact that the county has just recently had the window fixed in a manner that was supposed to make it prof against an attempt at jail delivery hut it seems a case or mistaken con fidence as the du.-l.y hued rep. re dil ative of the land of mamma found bill little trouble in digging out the bars and getting on his way to free dom. ANNUAL MEETING FARMERS MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. The annual meeting of the Farm ers' Mujtual Fire k Live Stock In surance company cf Cass county. Ne braska, will be held at the Taylor school house in di-trirt No. "7. Plattsmouth precinct, on Satin da v. January .'1. 1H2. at 1 :.". p. no for tlie purpose of electing officers and transacting such other business as may legally come before the meeting. J. P. Falter, Secretary. 2tw A line or stationery ai the Jour nal office that can't be excelled and is hard to equal. 17 -r;lirir- .L-.-rf.-..