The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 11, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbc plattsmouth loumal
Entered at PostoCrice, Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Mayor Smith of Omaha has in
structed the police to arrest Beryl
Kirk, the bandit and murderer il
legally released from the Nebraska , own.
state penitentiary, to stand tiial for
another crime than that of which he
was convicted.
Hut coal is coal, we believe just as
I governors are governors.
Fi-Gm Tuew. lay's Dally.
An action has been commenced in
This government cannot tolerate the district CQurt J)y the PIaUsmoutll i
any domestic power greater than its Loan & Bunding association against
Adolph Giese. involving the property
situated on the corner of Fifth and
It looks like a Red Christmas.
Capital and labor have one thing
in common our money.
Faith will move mountains, but it
takes men with picks and shovels
to get coal that is uncovered thereby,
Greece will be a great nation
rgain when all the shoe shining boys
In this country go back home, but it
v. Ill have the phonograph habit pret
ty bad.
The silver in a dollar has risen to
the value of $1.29 and judging from
scramble after paper, the intrinsic
value of a paper dollar must be about
The news that Carranza has fled to
Queretaro is of some interest, as it
seems to establish that Queretaro,
wherever it may be. is one place in
Jiexico that is not in revolt.
"In case France is still un.ible to
g-t a candidate for president a letter
sent to almost any lecture bureau in
the United States and addressed to
W. J. Bryan will reach that worthy
gentleman," says an exchange.
The St. Joseph Gazette refutes the
general criticism by pointing out "that
congress was able to agree on one
thing, anyway the resolution allow
ing the lawmakers 20 cents a mile to
go to their homes and return to
Washington was passed unanimously
by both houses.
A woman in New York has been
asleep for 51 days, and an effort will
be made to awaken her by the use of
violin music. After this experiment
fails, we suggest a green bottle fly
b released to buzz around the ceil
ing of the sick room. If that doesn't
awaken her, the woman is dead.
The northwest Missouri editors are
are consistent. All- through the war
they wrote about the importance of
home fires, and Saturday they con
vened in St. Joe and resoluted that
the government has the same right
to draft men to meet the fuel situa
tion that it had to draft them in any
other national crisis.
No one can have followed the
events of the last few years without
being impressed by this tremendous
fact: Americanism is the one issue
before the country today American
ism that puts the interest of the
whole country above the interest of
any group; Americanism that retains
the guidance of American affairs in
American hands.
I love the autumn posies that
bloom around the stoop, like they're
doing sentry duty for lawn; it hurts
my feelin's terrible to see 'em start
to droop an I'll miss 'em most feroc
ious when they've gone. It know it
ain't so very long till spring will
come again an bring the precious
darlin's in its track but, Lordy, how
I dread to feel the winter an' it pain,
when everybody's system's out of
PublicSe rvice Corporation
Can be had in amounts ol"
Investment Securities
First National Bank Bld'g,
Omaha, Neb.
State Senator Bushee, whose sig
nature as acting governer brought
about the release from the peniten
tiary of Beryl Kirk, serving a 20
years' sentense for the murder of an
Omaha police detective, "regrets"
that the World-Herald insists on un
covering the full facts of this re
markable proceeding.
The World-Herald suggests that
its interest is due simply to a desire
to gain a satisfactory answer to the
following questions, which it con
siders pertinent and for the public
Why should a man convicted of
an atrocious murder after a bold
daylight robbery be released after
serving only IS months of a 20-year
Why should a convict be released
on a turlough. something un
known to the laws of the state
when he was not eligible to release
on parole, the method prescribed by
law for such cases.
Why did an acting governor, in of
fice but a few days, extend such
favor to a man who had been re
fused release by the governor and
parole officials after full investiga
t ions
Why was the order for release
signed in the private law office of
the convict's attorneys, who happen
to be close political and personal
associates of the acting governor?
Why does not Governor McKelvie
order the immediate rearrest of the
convict, with regard for tlfo safe
guarding of the public and the
maintenance of justice, rather than
for the "courtesy" due a fellow state
Those are questions the World-
Heral 1 would like to have some one
answer. These are questions which.
it believes, the people of the state
wish answered.
The case would not be so import
ant if it were the only instance of
release of criminals of this sort. But
it is only a few ninths ago that
Governor McKelvie ordered the re
lease of Densmore, the man whose
crime aroused the entire state when
it was denounced as one of the black
est deeds of Nebraska's history. It
is only a few days ago that a con
vict was paroled who was serving
his second sentence, who had a rec
ord as a parole breaker, and who was
charged, within a week after his re
lease, of a new crime committed in
It is particularly disconcerting, at
a time when men are leing urged
to have respect for law and order,
that those in charge of its affairs
should act thus carelessly, to use no
more severe term. It Is particularly
astonishing that a criminal should
be released from the penitentiary on
an order written in a private law
office, under no known authority of
law. World-Herald.
acute that at any moment we may
Mavor Smith, of course, has done have nd shoe soles
lie would have been entirely
The paper situation is becoming so 1 a 1 1 sneeis, wnicn is owned and oc-
, I cupicd by the defendant. The astso-
within the limitations of his duties
and powers if he had ordered Kirk
j ciation through their attorney, J. M.
Leyda. allege that in 1317 the de
fendant entered into a loan with the
The miners refer to the coal on- plaintiff giving as security a mort
ators as "barons." We had sup-' caKe on lo,s 7 anrt 8 block 34 and
. .j .1 j-f , in I nosed barons had some sort of nower. !
ihcm au w..m., stock in the loan company. It
returned to the penitentiary where
he belongs.
If Governor McKelvie, as the chief
law enforcing officer of Nebraska,
has not issued such an order by the
time these words appear in print, he
cannot get about it any too soon for
the protection of his own good name j
as well as for the protection of the ;
good name and the peace and dignity
of the state he serves.
The scandal of Kirk's release will
be multiplied unless prompt and ef-
alleged that the defendant has failed
The way popular tastes seems to be j tf comp,y the terms f)f the
running now, most anything you'd agreement and action is commenced
do for posterity ought to be apprcci-j to secure foreclosure on the premises
a ted.
It isn't even comforting to look out
and find that the wagon which was
broken down on the street isn't a coal
Government sugar control is not
renewed in the hope of discovering
to have them sold to defray the
amount due the plaintiff which is
given at $2,f09.f:;. John Wolff and
Bay Uerold as well as the Western
! Machine fc Foundry Co., are named
defendants as well as the Bank of
Cass county, the first two being ten
ants of the defendant and the two
corporations a.s having interest in
the property affected by the action.
Eggs have now gone to 85 cents a
dozen in the big cities. We suppose
the hens, too, have refused to arbitrate.
The people look to the federal gov
ernment to use all its resources to
get coal. The time for temporizing
and conferring is past. It is time for
sutrar where isn't any, but of making
fective steps are taken to wipe it out. j
i it scarce in certain quarters where
Kirk was turned loose from the ,
I mere is too nincii
penitentiary on a written order that
had no more standing in law than
an order from "Judge" Julius Cooley
to the same effect would have. There j jnR tQ happen , fhc lieaveil8 on Do.
is no warrant of law entitling tlie comt,er 17 is that -that's where it
Another reason we agree with the
scientists who fear something is go-
"acting governor"-
the real gov
ernor, or the lieutenant governor.
both of whom were conveniently ah-(
will have to happen. Everything else
has happened down here.
Immunity by fVIeans of Chiropractic Spinal
Chiropractic not only wards off disease, but in any
case attacks disease at its source. Read these few lines:
Health supplants disease whenever the mental impulses
have free and unimpeded passage from
j?vW c urai" LO inc tissue ecus, wnicn tnus
wfS; receive the vital energy upon which they X
&M solely depend for their harmonious t
Hffl action. This done, disease cannot exist.
P&fV tell lt is impossible for a disease symptom
Tne Spine in Perfect Alignment t
Chiropractic adjustments bring the
$0 Spine into natural alignment and thus
Pen tne way for health to supplant
51TO&M'&' disease.
dr. edwards fits of Chiropractic.
Chester White boars for sale.
Prices reasonable. Full pedigree
furnished free. Satisfaction guar
anteed or money refunded. Call or
write your wants. C. Bengen, My
nard. Neb. lC-tfw
sent irom ine siaie 10 oruer i nv 1 1?- . Kmnia Goldman is to leave us.
lease irom me pen u m i iin ii a -n- v iueh will make one harpy Ie;s ly
.... . , ..... I ...
iiiuriieier ui'.miuiiuB i America, provided, of course, some
serve his sentence.
feeble minded j:ick-ii-office at Ellis
The order that turned this'crinii- ij;an)l doesn't overrule the govern
nal loose on Nebraska was signed by nint ana- turn her loose.
State Senator Bushee. a man of goo -I
reputation, nearly three months ago.
in the law offices of State Senator
Peterson and Republican State Coin
mitee Chairman Devoe at i-lncoln.
That order, after prolonged and un
explained delay, was served on the
warden of the penitentiary and Kirk.
convicted of the murder of an Omaha
I "will offer at public auction, to
the highest bidder, at my farm.
miles west of I'lattsinouth and 10
miles east of Louisville, on
Wednesday, December 17, 1919,
the following ileseriliod iiroiiertv. lo-
p.diceman following the daring rob-
U U fc.Jtl kJ I KJ Will 111 tl A V W V. v
bery of an Omaha store, gained his
The whole transaction stinks.
And its stench will attach itself
forever to the official garments of
the real governor of Nebraska unless
a. m.:
One sorrel horse, 7 years old.
weight 1,200; 1 brown mare, 7 years
old. weight 1,200; 1 black horse, 9
years old, weight 1,400; l black
horse. 12 years old, weight 1,200; 1
he takes such prompt and vigorous 1 dark bay mare, 5 years old, weight
a 1 .1
p.ction as will convince the state that ' i macK norse, i., years oiu.
; weight 1.300; 1 brown mare, .". years
old. weight 1.500; one black mare,
j smooth mouth, weight 1.200; one
ency, and no tolerance for guil-; (oam of drivers, 5 and 6 years cdd.
ty of it however close to him they weight 1,800; 1 brown horse, 12
be has not tolerance for so flagrant
an assault on law and order and dec-
may be personally and politically.
The Omaha police department is
laboring under difficulties enough.
The policemen who ran down and
captured Kirk and his confederates
in crime risked their lives in a pitch
ed battle in making the arrest, and
,1 weigni irom vj io juu iiumius,
was convicted in a fair trial, and his' ....
years old, weight 1,500.
i Cattle.
21 head in all ages, including sev
eral good milk cows, and 1 high
grade Durham bull, coming 3 years
:50 head of May pigs; 9 head of
July pigs, all good ones, ranging in
conviction was confirmed by the su
preme court. That sucli a man should
so soon be turned loose from prison.
free to join the other criminals who
are making war on this city, free to
Fanning Implements.
1 Deering 7-foot binder, good as
j new; 1 14-lnch walking plow; 1
! grand-De-Tour gang plow; 1 John
Deere 2-row machine; one broadcast
: seeder; 2 tongueless cultivators; 1
murder other policemen, to rob other J riding lister, tingle furrow; 1 John
Omaha business houses and hemes. Deere corn drill attached to lister;
is scandalous and intolerable. And : 1 Newton farm wagon; 1 Beggs run
. . ,,,,,,, ,, , i , ning gear, with Galloway box; 2 Jen
that he should be illegally released.! ' ... . , , ,
ny jina tongue cuiuvaiuis, i -iwui
Impure blood runs you down
makes you an easy victim for dis
ease. For pure blood and sound di
gestion Burdock Blood Bitters. At
all drug stores. Price $1.23.
Money to loan on city real estate
by the Plattsmouth Loan & Building
ssociation. See T. M. Patterson.
Secretary 3-2tfJ
Dr. Edwards bogan tin' practice
of m-dioine 27 years ago. In
l'Jll he took a doctor's degree in
Chiropractic and has confined
his practice to that school. He
was for several years o.'licial
ohysi-ian of the Nebraska State
I'enitenlia r .
2-ItIi snd Farnam Sts., Omaha
The Noyes farm, which is located
one mile east and one mile south of
Louisville, is offered for sale in ordtr
to settle the ctsate. The farm con
tains 320 acres, has modern improve
ments: an S-room house with Mght,
heat and bath, new basement barn
:;6x50 feet. A 5-room house for ten
Administ rator.
ok:i:i oi' ni:m(;
11 IVlHlon for iioin iiu-iit t
il mi ni hI rut rl .
Th- State of Nebraska. Cass conn
ty. ss:
In tin- County Omit.
In tli.- matter "f the estate of Wil
li;' III Til). Inr, ilt cease. I.
n ia'!i:iir an.I filing tin ietiti"ii of
i;. Taylor prayinir that administ ra
tion of sai.l estate mav lie Kiante.l to
ta i y .1. Taylor, as administratrix;
ir.lore.l. Ti:at 1 locemher lITtli. -. l
1 :!!'. at 10 ('clock a. in., is assmne.l
f'r hearing said jietition when all per
sons interetc.l m said mauer may ai-
;ear at a County Court to le held in
md tor said county, and show cause
why the prayer of the petitioner
should not he trranUd; ami that no
tice of the pendency of said petition
and the hearinir thereof he uiveri to
I poisons interest. 1 in siiid matter
iy pul lishinr a copy of this order m
the Plat tsliKMt! Ii .loiiltial. a senu-weeK-
ly newspaper printed in said county.
fir three successive weeks prior to
said day of liearinp.
l;ated Heceniler 1st. l!tl!.
County Juilfie.
l:y ri.OKKNCH whiti;.
; l-:;w. ci oi k.
.onci-: f nr.Aitixc;
whether by the ignorance or worse
than ignorance of public officials
and their advisers and persuaders,
makes the offense such it calls to
high heaven.
There is but one possible course
open to (Governor McKelvie. It is to
exert every power of his high office
McCormick mower; 1 50-bushel
Cloverleaf manure spreader; 1 Moon
Bros, carriage; 1 Moon Bros, .top
buggy; 1 3-section harrow; 1 wal Ic
ing lister; 1 7-foot Coulter disc; 1
double row stalk cutter; 1 grind
stone; 1 power washing machine; 2
oO-gallon steel gas barrels; 1 15-gal-lon
iron kettle; 1 1-horse I. II. C.
to find Beryl Kirk, arrest him. and Pmp engine and jack; 1 DeLaval
cream separator; wor tools cr an
Two and three-quarters per cent
beer is like some candidates it has
no enthusiastic supporters, and is
only in the race because there is no
one else.
Public officers are servants and
agents of the people, to execute laws
which the people have made and
within the limits of a constitution
which they have established. G rover
restore him to the state prison to
which the courts of Nebraska con
signed him.
Any other course would be to eon-
done and protect an act of lawless
ness and incite renewed anarchy on
the part of ignorant and alarmed peo
ple whose confidence in the enforce- j
ment of law is already, unhappily, J
at a low ebb. World-Herald. j
:o: I
kinds; 1 hay rack 14-feet, with ircn
trucks; 1 hay rack 10-foot; 1 steel
water tank; 2 sets of good work har
ness and one set of buggy harness,
also several other harnesses an'I col
lars; 1 saddle and 2 pair fly nets, 1
heavy and one light.
Household Goods.
1 dining room set, chairs, table,
l'huffet; 1 kitchen cabinet; 1 Per
fection 3-hole oil burner; 1 Quick
Meal range; 1 Round Oak heating
On Petition for Itetrrntliintio:!
lit Heirship.
Estate of Akh Knot, deceased, in
the County Court of Cass (ounty, Ne
braska. Tie State of Nebraska. To all per
sons i.iterested in said estat". creditors
i!tid hi irs. take notice, that .lesse A.
I loot las lib-d his petition alleging that
Allies itoot died intestate in Murray
'in or about September 2, 1911. hein a
resi.lent and inhabitant of Cass eotin
ev. Nebraska. and the owner of the
following described real estate, to-wit:
lots numbered eight an.I nine ( 3 )
in Mlock seven 7 in Malta's Kirst Ad
dition to the Village r Murray. Cass
countv. Nebraska, leaving a.s her sole
and onlv heirs at law the following
named persons, to-wit: .lesse A. JJoot.
her husband; Vincent A. Kennedy, her
father and I .aura Kennedy, her mother,
and placing for a donee barring
claims: that said d. cedent died intes
tate: that no application for adminis
tration has been made and the estate
of said decedent has not boon adminis
tire.l in the State of Nebraska, ami
that the heirs at law of said decedent
as herein set forth shall be decreed to
lo the owners in fee simple of the
above described real estate, which
has boon set for hearing on the 22nd
day or December, A. D. 1913, at ten
o'clock a. ni. ..,,..
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this
tl. day of N-eiub.,-. Aj.j Kla.
Countv Judge.
i a
Goodrich 6000 mile tires, any size or
type, sold this month at list less 5 percent.
Denatured Alcohal $1.00 per gallon.
Avoid radiator trouble by filling up now.
Use Your High
Priced Land!
With farm lands selling at three hundred dollars
per acre and wheat bringing $2.07, and corn following
closely, why have some of this valuable domain loafing
and not producing anything? With trees and stumps
covering the ground which could as well as not be uti
lized for crops, Mr. Farmer, you are losing money.- I
can remove these obstacles in the way of a good profit
to you cheaply. Call or write
Weeping Water -:- -:- Nebraska
4 tt iil arto 'i -1 fl
The Moheily Democrat is confi- ft,ue' Mverai "
many other articles too iiunitiims
Rome alfalfa hay.
Lunch will be served at noon.
Terms of Sale.
All sums of $10 and under cash:
on all sums over $10 a credit of 8
months will he Riven, purchaser j;iv-
dent nobody will have Christmas e.'j;??-
nog this year unles3 he did his Christ- j
mas shopping early.
:o: '
Another reason we don't believe
they'll get around to try the kaiser'
i inni 1 t n n i i. . i. . 1
... iv, u. e,n, ... mat ,nR goQd l)ankable nofe hiring S
if they make the effort, they'll have J Iier cont from date. All property
to find twelve jurors who haven't MiiKt he settled for before fceinj, re
formed an opinion, held discussions 1 ved from the premises.
or read about this case In the news- .,1
It. F. Tatterson, Clerk.
papers." llex Young, Auctioneer.
4 . 4s
E8t ot Riley Hota!.
Coates Elock,
Second Floor.
t fits'--- Wek'aa(S(:iCnari
rTry C''Qfitl Karil rrc- rev
''-. r.'iv; f rs: rr.c '
t- .
i t
1 ;
Buy this winter and save 15 per cent. Work
not to be paid for until it is set in the spring.
To many wait until spring to buy.
Gass County Monument Company
Telephone 177
Plattsmouth, Neb.