The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 11, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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, B
? -
' M
' u
n -'.
tf r
is a word you often see fn advertising
with many it is only a word here it is
an actual fact. Service means to us just
what it means to you. Service is some
thing we practice as sincerely as we
Bank of Union
Mrs. C. II. Miller was a visitor for
a short time at Nebraska City lat
Monday who she was spending the
time with friends.
Miss El-ie Taylor was visit ins
with friends in Nebraska City last
Monday and while there was lookinc
after sutn business matters and at
tending to some shopping-
John Sheffield, who is employed
with the Missouri I'.icifio. braking;
from Falls City to Omaha on a
I t iiiht run. was spending a few days
at his home in I'nion last week.
YV. S. Dot.shty of near Nehawka
was a vi itor in I'nion and wa look
in? after some business matters, call
insr on Attorney Charles L. Graven
and other citizen of this lively little
Tonie Guerrero who is employed
with the Missouri I'acifio departed
last Monday mornins for Falls "ity
w in re he will be stationed for a short
time, bavin? some special work at
that point.
With the removal cf the switch
train which has been doing the work
at Nebraska City, I'ni.'ii. Neliawka
and Weepintr Water as well
s other places along the Lincoln
line. Mr. Dut;ay and crew have been
transferred to Nebraska City where
thev are stationed.
Union PostoSce Mail Schedule.
G:00 a. m.
2:..r, p. n.
C:00 p. m.
a. ni.
p. m.
Lincoln Branch
a. ni. 3:13
EVaake Christmas EVloney Pay!
Long before the advance in the prices, we placed
orders for Electric Washers and also hand washers, of
which we have a full stock selling at prices away below
what they could be purchased for now.
We now have the electric service in Union, which
will enable all to use the current. What a fine Christ
mas present one of these electric washers would. make
for the house wife.
We also have some very beautiful and easy rock
ers, which would make very appreciative presents.
Our Prices Save You Money on
All These Articles.
a ; is " m :m . 'O ' :a s ::d rs 1 3 : n :
Any'onc desiring wood to burn, can get
plenty of it. Leave ycur order here. We
are in a position to put you in touch with
plenty of good wood.
Frans Bros.
Phone 69-A
r. : m ;:; u::m
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Miss Kiiiiabeth Rabe was a truest
this week-end at the home of her
friend. Miss P.t-.-sie LaKue
Mrs. W. K. Pn.pst and children
frcm east of Murrav were visit iv.v
for a short time in I'nion at
home of
W. II.
iug in I
A. W. Props; and wife.
Wolfe and wife were vi-it-nion
for the pat few davs
called bv the death of
Mrs. John
Chalfiitit. mother of Mrs.
Sheriff Quinton was a visitor in
Union last Saturday coming down ;
to attend the sale of Jack Chalfant
which was "oeing held at that time. .
G. A. Nickels and wife cf Dead- ;
wood. South Dakota, were in the city
last Friday to aTUnd the funeral (if
Mrs. Nickels' mother. Mrs. John
Chalfant. .
Mourace and Mead of near Ne
liawka were hiokir.g after wmie lusi
ness in Union las' Monday having
driven ,ver throurh the snow ytorni
in t heir car.
YV. J. Johnson and wife of Spe;;t
fish. South Dakota, were in Union
for the pa-t few days, being called
he-e on account t f the death of Mrs.
John Chalfant. whose funeral occur- ,
red last Friday. I
Daniel and Hugh Chalfant of Jay
F.r.i. Wyoming, who are ranch own
ers of that (list rict . were in Union
during the past week, being called
life on account of the death of their ,
mother. Mrs. John Chalfant. whose;
funeral occurred last Friday. ,
The first of the week A. L. Becker
had the supply tank which has kept
the Pecker block supplied with wat
er removed from the basement where
it was located and furnish water by
air pressure and plnced in the upper
tory where gravity will furnish
:he pressure.
.:- -:- NEBRASKA
'c: ;:;e :: c : c
ti I
rr -
Umber Co.
Union, Nebr.
vmzm. ru. :mzm t rm.:.B:--.Tji.iLi
Mrs-. II. M. Frans who has been re
ported as bein? sick at her home east
of I'nicn for some days is now making-
sat isfjictory improvement.
Joseph Fetzer of I'latisnumth spent
last Sunday and Monday in I'liion.
visiting at the home of his daughter.
.Mrs. J. M. Patterson and family.
Miss Lyda Clark, the popular post
mistress, will lead the meeting of the
young people at the Baptist church
at the meeting on Sunday evening.
Al Hathaway who lias been visit
ing at Dorche.Mer and Lincoln for the
past few weeks returned to I'nion
last Sunday and is stopping here for
the present.
Miss Kthel Decker was a visitor
at Nebraska City for a short time
it few days since where she was visit
ing friends and also had Mime dental
work done.
Miss Vera Harris was a visitor at
her home fur the week-end from her
work at Neliawka where she is em
ployed with the Sheldon Manufactur
ing company.
C. W. and Dick Clirisv.eisser of
Nehawka were in Fnion for a sh irt
time laft Monday on their way to
Plat t smcut h where they went to look
lifter some matters of business at the
county seat.
The Indies of the Woman's Christ
ian Temperance I'nion of I'nion met
at the home of J. I). Cross and wife
last Tuesday they not being ible to
meet the wtek before cn account of
the extreme weather.
Mrs. Charles Garrison was a visit-
f!r at Murray last .Monday wnere sue
i w"a'? The f;u'-'t at Tht' home ot tier
j mother. .Mrs. Joseph Sans of that
I t-i?-v- ":,d alin ,h' &ue-st at
' lirnie of w- f:- Uoedeker and wile
.' Mrs. I-:ol-kn- is si of Car-
j rton.
! Miss Clarice Streight who has
! been visiting at the home of Operator
J McCallum and wile and who was tra
l ployed in the mercantile estublish
1 ment of A. I.. Becker resigned her
position and returned home
c'tr.t of her assistance be i ng
on iic
needed t here.
A. J. Cap well, the popular ard ris
ing young attorney of Elmwood. was
a visitor here between trains Mon
day changing trains for the county
seat where he weot to look after some in the probate court, having
in hand the settlement of the C. D.
Chirp estate.
Dr. W. M. r.arrett w::s reported as
boi"rt-- amonar the sick for a few drty
laM wttk ar.d was n-.t :-hle to attend
to his country practice but is rep , ti
ed as bing somewhat improved of
late. , The doctor''; large practice
keeps hi'i: very ,wy when there is
considerable sickness prevailing.
William Mark and wife received a
letter telling of the death of a cou
sin of Mrs. Mark's. Mrs. Kl ie Nick
els of Woodiake. who died at her
home last week and was taken to her
former home at Oak for in term"" t
Mr. and Mrs. Mark desired to go but
on account of the extreme weather
were prevented.
Sells Sled on Read.
Frank Sherwood who had ju?t pur
chased a sled from the Panning im
plement house and by the way which
sells extra good machinery and in
fact all kinds of goods, was proceed
ing along the road going to butcher
when h was met by Ross Niday who
asked what he would take for the
sled and making the price a few dol
lars more than what he had paid for
the same thinking he would be safe
in not having to part with the ve
hicle, was taken up by Mr. Niday
and the exchange was made right
there. The matter of getting sleds
just now is" on which is puzzling
many people, and making a great de
mand on the supply houses. It is
seldom snow comes as early as this
winter and it is hard to supply the
demand for sleds which in other
years would remain on hand.
Some 'Rabbit Hunter.
Ut'rl Merritt. the barber
at ( !k.
. cor. Id
tonsorial parlors of Ira Oat';,
not resist the call to the wild
grabbed his gun last Mot; da;.
mnde for the rabbit hunting groonds
where he induced the wily bunny to
forsake his warm nest in a race for
his life and in mot c?ses he for
feited to the excellent
of the popular barber.
Visited With Friends Here.
Robert Bramlett and v.ifo of Tv
Idaho, were visiting in Union
ti e honi-j of J 1). l;r--.;:il?ti
i .
. ?nd. v. ffe n--th oi tovti ior a f"v
! day- last week and departed for Kan
Cii;. where T'.;e- i o i !
;?.-!.- Mr relatives of Mr.-., iloixrt
:I .-.. vie,T for a short '-'-it before w
I' tin:.,; to their ho if. :u the west.
, Pfimlett is er'p' oed
i ti a
r.s r
i r-
('' ' s-N re at
Twiii U.ills
ist red pharmacist.
Will Return Home Soon.
! Ray Bramlett. who has been in 1
the service of the United States army j
for mere than three years, writes
home that he expects to be able to j
tecfive his discharge in near future
and will return to hi home here.
He is now located at Kelly rield near i
talveptcn. Texas.
R?tumed From Week's Meeting.
Kv. J. R. .Taylor, minister of the
Paptist church, was a visitor at I in
coln for the ereater nart vt last week
and returned horte Saturday and re-!
ports a very interesting time fit the !
convention cf the Interchurch "World I
movement, which is an oraniat ion j
rf iost of the protectant churches,
for the evar. sreliation of Ihe world.!
They look upon the or-in izat ion of j
hii tnovement as beinp; second in
importance to the com hi c: of Chrj-r
liere were on the same date of this'
convention which was held at Kin-;
coin, sixiy like conventions in thB
"vmtry which shows something of
interest and erthusiatm .-hrv.n in
the moven nt. Rev. Taylor has been
asked to give a couple of months of
the work of ih?
1 '.-'i
lilt lil 1 '1 !
s-i-d of t!ii-;
s. district which
port ion of the stai
Is Now Ready for Business.
V. 1 1. DuBois. the proprietor of
I the battery charging station on low
er Main street is now ready tor all
of the battery troubles which may
be offered. He has the current now
which is sufficient for all purposes
and can correct trouble; in jour bat
teries making no difference what
they may be. He can repair the
batteries when one or more of the
'cells have been burned out replacing
the cell or a portion of it and mak
ing it as good as new. The new
circuit was turned on fur the first
time last Friday.
Have a New Schedule On.
Since the elimination of a number
of trains caused by the scarcity of
coil there has also been a change
in the schedule of the closing of the
mails at the Fnion posuffiee ami
now the mails will close as follows:
Mail going south will cloe in the
morning at 9:0 and at ; in the ev
ening, as the office will close at
that time. Mail for the north will
close at 2::!0 p. ni. and at (', p. tr.
Train Schedule -Northbound.
Train No. 10.". r. :4'
Train No. 102 2:4."
Going South.
No. 10 0 12:4.r
No. 104 3::;r
Lincoln Branch.
044 arrives 12 :.!
a .
No. 0 4" depart.'
: 4 T.
Card of Thar.-:s.
We desire to express our thanks
to those of our neighbors who so
kindly assisted -as rinrirm the trying
hrurs at the time of death and burial
of our beloved mother. Mrs. John
Chalfant. and for the b;.utifiil flow
ers and those who assisted in the
mu?ic as well as the minister who
said so kindly the word-- incident to
the laying of our mother to n st -Jack
Chalfant, Ianid Chalfant.
Hjgh Chalfant. Mrs. H. H. Wolff.
Mrs. W. J. Johnson. Mrs. G. A. Nick
els and families.
Will Spend Winter at IIilfori.
Mrs. Genevieve Kendall who is
making her hem? at Mi!fortL.for the
winter being a guest at the Sy;dier.-'
and Sailors' home has hud the Jouvn
h1 sent to her address t:t that point.
Mrs. Kendall has a host of friends in
and about Union, of whose doings
fhe will be pleased to k"ep in touch
with. The subscription was handed
lo the representative of this puoer
by the friend of Mrs. Kendall. Mrs.
Mable lievnolds.
Closed Meetings La.'; Week. I
On account of the shortage of fuel
in Union and wishing to conserve
the amount for the need of the peo
iie. Uie meetings whVh. hsve hi en 1
in progress at the Methodist church i
fcr the past few weeks have be"t: i
discontinued. The result of the meet- ! was Tory gratifying to those j
who have-lteen laboring at the series !
of meetings atid will add much to the '
betterment of the community. Rev.
L. Morrison is to be congratulated
on the success attained in the meei-
s ami nut; trie spirit m wiucti me
membership ot th" church have tnK
en hold of the effort to spread the
Eegtilar Services Ilext Sunday.
There will be all the regular ser
vices at the Methodist church next
Sunday it being the day which the
morning services are held in Union.
As the work of Rev. Morrison is di- j
vided each alternate Sundav there
will be no morning services here on
that day as he was holding service-
a" Wyoming. All the membership tire
urged to be in attendance and with j
as many visitors as wish to attend, j
There will be morning services, the
Sabbath school, Epworth Leacue and
evening services to all of which the '
public is cordially invited. ;
ITnion Receives Car of Coal.
Last Saturday there was a car of
coal received at Union by Frans
Brothers, which was held by them
until a meeting of the citizens could
be had on Monday- evening and a fuel
committee appointed at which time
the committee was empowered to
look after the distribution of the coal
received in order that it might be
placed where it was most needed.
TTnion Re-bool Notps.
Rh! Rah! Rah! Fresh ies.
The seniors were entirelv wel
come to the pop corn and we're glad
mv enjoyea it. -
We think the juniors are a nther
poor bunch even if they are "beau
tiful." for their treasury is bone dry
and when the seniors gave a box j
social Friday night they wanted one
third of the proceeds for coming.
Coastin's good now. come on fresh
ies. let's have a ride.
We have almost finiched the sttiiy
cf "The Little Minister" and we
can't say we're sorry.
The fresh ies nhvical geography
have not been working in harmonv
lately which greatly pleases their
We wish the ohries would erect
thnt raid-dressing rirlor in PodiiTk.
On the blackboard in the assembly
mom is written junior class meet in?
I his ti:
f?t. We hopf they're planning to
a complete general line of
When in need of anything
call on
Union, Nebraska
'return at least one of those invita-
t ions.
Three cheers for the basket bail
girls of U. H. S.
Alton Young was honored with
: t he pleasur
seat in Hngli
I Those friv
meeting 7,Io
, der if t hev
collide sohrne bovs to take th'-ni to
Plat tsiiH. lit h again. It must take'
nerve to be frivolous how about it j
juniors? i
The senior class gave a box social !
Friday at Fnion High school. A j
large crowd was present and the pro- i
, c eds amounted to ?r.::.!.". which j
went to buying material for th'-j
p.- ycliology class,
i The domestic science tables liav'
come and we hope that ve will 1"'
using them in a few days.
'i'tie --enior class has received sonic
new books for the study of agricui
t lire.
The girls basket ball team played
the Dunbar ttani Friday nigh'. Tin
Union girls won by a score of "4 to ',.
The girls on the visiting team v. ere
Virdie; Wescott, captain. lid:; 'i
Smith. Margaret Tiho, Neva Saiulley.
FIsie Moxden and Lila
We are planning to return the
uani" after "h rist mas atid hope to be
abl- to have many more games in th,
near future.
i Three of the 5-enior girls enter
tained three members of the faculty.
Miss Kabe. Miss Alhaust ji and Mis
1!( i;r.! f also Pessit- LaKue a':'i
Marie Frans to an oyster stew Wed-
; nesday night. A jolly tini was !;ad
by those present and the girl proved
to be roval entertainers.
Completion of Government Aid Eoad
South of City Brings Contractor
to Mi-et With Ccmrnisdoners.
Kfi'Tti Wednesday's I'ailv.
This morning a profound quiet an '
peace reigr.ed over t"e court house
with only a few matters of clerical
work occupying the anemic. i f th"
clerks and officials as 'he storm of
the past two days !;;
closed all travel in and
effect i vel
nut of the
The county commissioners were
the only exception to the restful con
uition of affairs prevailing as t In
board was bidding an informal nirt
,ig with Kdward Petersen of Omaha,
the contractor on the government aid
road south of the city. The work or.
the road has been completed and the
contractor is having the small de
tails of the world claered up and ad
justing the expenses and cost of the
construction. There sct.v to be
i seme difference as to the payment
i due for grubbing stumps out of the
' new nmdwav. The amount involved
' ... ... . w .. ..,:t.i i a - e- ni,u o,i
who is to pay this sum is the.
object of the gathering cf the
missioners and the contractor.
Big young jack, a good foal getter,
also one black mare, eight years old.
weight 1.400 pounds. One
h-Tvy work harness in good
Also some White Plymouth
roosters. Ira Pates. Cedar
set of
Itching, bleeding, prctruding or
blind piles have yielded to Doaii'f
Ointment. COc at all drug stores;.
Dash Garry Srocer
I offer as long as the present stock
11 lb. good red apples T.Oc
1 doz. good size oranges r.Oc
1 doz. tned. sized lemons 4 0c
No. 1 soft shell walnuts lb 4 0c
j 1
lb new Brazil nuts 4 0c
lb. new filberts 4 0c
12 oz. dates, per -r,c
2 lb
dried peaches.
. -c i
Hulk currants per lb ""c
New prunes. ood size, lb 2Sc
4 lb. pure buckwheat flour f.Oc
4 lb. f elf-rising pancake flour4 0c
1-4 pal. maple syrup THc
1-2 lb. corn syrup ' T0c
1 pal. corn syrup $1.00
Spaghetti, macaroni or ejxg
noodles, each per pkg 10c
Good American cheese, lb 4ic
Candied citron, lb V.'c
.1 cans No. 3 tomatoes . fi.'c
3 cans No. 2 corn 4."r
3 cans No. 2 Early June peaslr"c
3 cans No. 3 hominy 38c
cans No. 3 numnkin v 3Sc
pkgs. puffed rice T.Oc
pktrs. puffed wheat f.Oc
pkfrs. Wachinstcn Crisps SOr
3 cans No. 1 torn 3 tops 4",c
3 cfns No. 1 lima beans 3fc
12 boxes matches 70c
Try mv premium blend coffee, it's
fine, per lb.. 50c.
Get your underwear now Gents',
Ladies' and Children's.
e of sitting on the front r'V5-' ' '
sh class Monday morn-, K A. -j, i v: ' "Sfl Vf"
p!ous juniors had a class V'f 1 12 V -2 f: U i;i Vr' &
nday afternoon. We won- t tV.' Vll US rJvTi H 5P
are planning to a-s-k a X tifcfc Mt Ml V "A W G B kf
-17. 1
Ch'ddven Cry
.'h2 Ilzr.u
Ytu Eav
la u.2 for cvtr thirty
VV-VV.Vv.ViVvVV.'-.' YAv -.x WAVwww .wwvwwi t ri
v t4 f- ?V ' V I r. fc T V-'l r--3 WJ Tit IT'LL A c
AH Counterfeits, Imitations and Jt:t-&s-' od ' are but
Experiments tlzt trill; with and endanger tSt health cf
Iflii'.nti and Children Experience zpclrs i. Krimeiit.
What is CASTOksA
Catria is a harmless substitute for Castor Cii, I'areponc,
Drops ar.d Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
.'iu.l'er Opiara, I'orpLine nor ether narcotic r.t:Va:ice. Its
;T ii its fTiaraaiC-e. For more thaa thirty - v;.r- it Las
Cvct: in constaiit w for the relief of Const.'prttio-a, I latujency
"s7ir Colic iE'j Jharrhoea ; allaying Fevcriihsess ariraajj
th:r.:fro;7:, r.nJ by rc-gulating the Stomach aud Howe's, aid'i
th-? assimilation of 5ood; Riving healthy tad Esirur&l tktp
Th: CLildicn'i i-'aaacea The Idothei's Friwai.
kuipis G ASTORIA
Bears tha Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
I have for .sale sevrr;-.I vicod milk
cows, tubermline tested. Will lc
fresh sou:: and are cood heavy milk
ers. See Neil D. Camorin. lUllevue
Illvd.. block north of C'hilds road.
Telephone South C"17, Omaha.
In the Modern
Counter and Hotel near the D?pot
I am selling Staple and Fancy Groceries. Come
in and we will help you solve the problem of ths high
cost of living. We everything in ihe grocery line in
season, and sell at the lowest price, consistent with re
liable lines of merchandise. Give us a trial.
r. d.
That Baby
We have accepted the agency in Union and vi
cinity for the "Baby Overland' which you must see
and ride in to appreciate- We are also carrying Old
smobiles and Trucks and Reo Cars and Trucks. We
have a good quota of excellent mechanics for any
work which may be offered We aho cary a full
stock of tires and supplies for all kinds of cars. See
us for cars and work.
tvr'x-,- 'J -
Fine Peland-Ohina Bogs!
I have a few Poland-China boars, whLh I am of
fering for $50.00 each. Also some twenty-five gilts,
ready soon; priced on application. Write or phone,
or better f.till, come and ee.
a b
bam. S
Eought, and vr'zh has been, has borne the sigaature cf
end has beea made under bis per
sonal supervision i;s infr.ry.
Alk .7 no to deccn t vcu ii this.
Pher ter
'White lioars for sale.
Prices reasonable and full pedigree
furnished free. Satisfaction guar
anteed or money refunded. Call or
j write your wants. ('. Lenpcn, My-
nard. Neb.
Frank Boggs Restaurant
and Lunch Counter
Short Orders a Specialty
Keep Open Until Midnight
Woodman Ecildlne; Also Operating Lunch
ood to Eat!
k - .k - 5: --:.' ,m
S 8