The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 04, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOITEUIAX THURSDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1919. M 4 Hosts of Gifts that Interpret the Real Meaning of Christmas! The one dominating thought in every person's mind at this time is Christmas shopping, and judging by the enthusiastic manner in which many are engaging in gift shopping, this is going to be a good old fash ioned Christmas. What a wonderful thing is this unselfish Christmas spirit with its sole purpose of making others happy! There is no more beautiful thought in the world. This store has naturally caught the enthusiasm of "Santa Claus time." Large, varied assortments of practical, sensible gifts are here for every member of tSe family, and there are scores of suggestions for suit chle remembrances. E3id-lf inter Clearance of Women's Ready-fo-lftear! Presenting the most wonderful values ever offered under present day conditions. We are indeed ex ceedingly fortunate in being able to offer for your selection these beautiful -garments at such remarkably low prices prices that are way below present manufacturing costs. We have today received word to return every unsold garment by December 1 5th so as a special Christmas pi it offer to our friends, we desire to give you the benefit of lowered prices rather than return these garments. Space does not permit us to quote individual prices but we cannot urge you too strongly to supply your present or future needs when an opportunity such as this presents itself. We have gone over every suit and coat and remarked them on such a low basis that if price is any factor at all, these garment will be quickly disposed of. Saturday, December 13th, is positively your last opportunity to buy such high grade wearing apparel at thece low prices when the remainder of the stock will be returned, as we are too limited for room to carry tr.b line during the holiday rush. f NEW NECKWEAR for MILADY You will make no mistake in selecting neckwear as a gift. We have a wonder ful collection of neck wear; beautiful crea tions of fine lace and net, fine Georgette and other dainty materials that any woman would delighted to have. There are collars collar and ets and vestees in many pretty styles, including the popular Bertha Lace Collars of fine net laces. cuff HOSIERY never yet failed of Appreciation It is the gift supreme. Burlington New-Fashioned hose, found only here, are the best hosi ery value you ever se cured. These we have in all colors, both lisle 7? 1 ' f !v.k- ri BURLINGTON your attention to one fashioned Hosiery number, a pure thread silk, lisle top hose at. . .$1.50 For the Kildi. we especially recommend CADKT They wear like iror;. Just say "I'ADKT." DOYOUfc I XTX STOPPING XVyV'Wv Wit mmmMm W I . ... rr'WJ v ny ... r,"''lMM ' SHOP EARLY Contentment in tho knowledge of a duty well done, or headaches, de lays and dissatisfaction with your gift selections, which do you pre fer? The latter lot represents but a few of the vexations which at tend last minute, frantic shopping. The former is the lot of those who shop at an early date. v. UNSURPASSED as a gift are these beautiful silk chemise and nainsook un dermuslins. Artistically combined colors and high grade workmanship combined with the newest ideas, make this display noteworthy, not only from the quality standpoint, but price as well. Nowhere else will you find such wonder ful values. WELCOME Indeed, as a Christmas remembrance is a comforter, if it is as warm and lovely to look upon as these offerings. You may choose an all silkoline comforter, plain center and. flow ered border or vice versa. We have a wonderfully wide variety of selections and the prices range from $3.50 up to $15.00. H. Ci SEMIIKISEM Call Phones 53 and 54. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Dy-pepsia is America's rurs". To J given the members of the family a re-tor" digestion, normal weight. vrtat deal of anxiety. It is thought good health and purify the blood, use ! that it will be necessary to have Mrs. Hurdock Klood Hitters. .Sold at all drugstores. Price. $ 1.23. C-ole taken to the hospital at Omaha to undergo an operation. SUFFERING FR0H APPENDICITIS. Hilious? Feel heavy after dinner? j Hitter taste? Complexion sallow? Mrs. Roy Cole of near Mynai'i is ! Liver perhaps needs waking up. reported as suffering from an attack of appendicit is and her condition has 1).). m's Regulets for bilious attacks. ?,('. at all stores. n si m THE UNIVERSAL CAR Now is the Time to Have Your Car Overhauled We have the shop equipment to take care of any kind of auto repairs. We have competent mechanics and guarantee our work. WE NOW HAVE ALL Ford Models in Stock and can mke immediate deliveries. T- M. PnllOCk Garage- Ed Telephone No. 1 -:- -:- Plattsmouth, Neb. ZJl DISTRICT COURT MEETS. This morning the Jury in the dis trict court reported for duty and the case of Rosenbaum versus Bish, in volving the suit to recover cornmis sion in the sum of $510. alleged to be due plaintiff from defendant for the sale of a bank at Orchard. Color ado. The morning was taken up in selecting the jury to try the case. A NEW GRANDSON From Tuesday's Dally. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Darthold. of this city are rejoicing over the ad vent of a new grandson who arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Halter, at Lincoln, on Thanksgiving day. The mother and little son are both doing nicely . The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Halter in this city will be pleased to learn of the n e w happiness that has befallen them. of oitiiKii oi- iii:mu(; oh I'rlllioii for iiiioin t mi-nl A 1 ml nlnt rntrlm. TIih State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss: In the County Court. In the matter of tlio estate of Wil li;! rn Taylor, deceased. On reading anl tiling the petition of O. :. Taylor Maying that administra tion of said estate may be Kianted to Mary J. Taylor, as administratrix; Ordered, That December 27tli, A. I). 1919. at 10 o'clock a. m.. Is assigned for hearing said petition when all per sons iutereted in said matter may ap pear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, ami show cause why the prayer of t he petitioner j-houM not be Kianted; and that no tice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be Klven to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in tne I 'lai tsmiMit li Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county. tir three successive said day of hearing. lat-ii I tr-cHin her 1st ALLIEN weeks prior In I d4-3w. By . 1919. J. BKESO.V. County Judge. KLORKNCi: W1IITK, Clerk. NOTICE ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. The N'oyes farm, which is located one mile east and one mile south of Louisville, is offered for sale in order to settle the etsate. The farm con tains 320 acres, has modern improve ments an 8-room house with light, heat and bath, new basement; barn , 36x")0 feet. A i-room house for ten ant. CHARLES K. NOYES, Administrator. LOST. Three threshing machine belts, be tween the Elmer Johnson farm and Cedar Creek. Finder please leave at blacksmith shop at Cedar Creek and receive reward of $5. Henry Thier olf. 2t k GIVES THANKSGIVING DINNER. At the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lloyd was a very pleasant gathering Thanksgiv ing day when Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd en tertained a few of their relatives to a most sumptuous dinner. The day was spent in social intercourse and music was furnished by the new Edi son which all enjoyed very much. At the noon hour a very delicious dinner was served which only Mrs. Lloyd knows how to prepare and was enjoyed by all to the very utmost. Those who were to enjoy this pleasant occasion were Mrs. I. J. Ho men and two daughters Hazel and Nellie Cotner of Omaha; Mrs. Cora Maple and two children Ida and Archie of Halvey. Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cede and son Theron of this city; Lester Chriswisser of Bennett, ''ilmdo; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dill ind daughter Thelmn; Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Mailer. Anderson Lloyd and Mr. and Mrs. George Lloyd. Read the Daily journal. PUBLIG SALE ! The undersigned will offer for sale at public auction on the Fettis farm, known as the Amos Keiser farm mile south and 1 miles west of Louisville. N'eb., Wednesday, December 10. Horses and Mules. One team of black mares, weight 2,400; 1 gray mare, weight 1.100; 1 team colts, coming 3-years old; 1 mule team, 4 years old. 12 Head of Cattle. Seven head of milk cows; 4 heifers coming fresh: 1 Holstein heifer calf. Most of these cows are high grade Holstein. Hoirs. Thirty head of Duroc Jersey shoats. weight from T.O to 12.r lbs. Farm Implements. Etc. MeCormick binder, Deering mow er. McCormick hay rake, manure spreader, good as new, John Deere riding cultivator. Case disc cultivator, Case 2-row machine, Tri Belle lister, 3-section harrow, good farm wagon, 16-in. walking plow, iron truck wag on with hay rack, Emerson gang disc in good order, carriage, Cushman 4 hp. gas engine in good working or der. DeLaval cream separator in good order, power washer practically new. Old Safety 150-egg incubator In good order, cider press. 15 tons alfalfa hay. household goods and other arti cles. Terms S months at 8 per cent. Under $10 cash. Sale begins at 1 o'clock sharp. Farm Land at Auction. Farm consists of IS 6. 3 acres, known as the Keiser farm. Vi mIe Fouth and 1 miles west of Louis ville. Nebraska, described as south '2 of se. 4 and lots fi. 7. 9. 10 and 11. all in Section 20-12-11. Cass county. Nebraska. About 86 acres in culti vation, of which 20 acres are in al falfa, 100 acres in pasture, running water and shade, fenced and cross fenced; good S-room house with cel lar, large modern barn, corn crib, granary, chicken house, cattle shed, well with gasoline engine. Property sold subject t.o lease to .March 1, 1921. Excellent stock and dairy farm, only 30 miles from Omaha, near three railroads. Also SO acres v2 mile from the 1S6 acres, described as w. J.i of sw. U section 2S-12-11, Cass county; all except about three acres in cultiva tion, no improvements; lays well, splendid soil; leased to same man as the lStl acres. Terms of Sale Ten per cent cash, 25 per cent on March 1, 1920. bal ance 5 or 10 years at 52 per cent interest, optional payments. Ab stract furnished showing good title. ISABKL l'ETTIS, Owner of Land. ISABEL PETTIS & ARTHUR JONES. Owners of Personal Property. W. R. Young, Auctioneer. Ralph Larson, Clerk. Fersh Batteries FOR YOUR FLASH LIGHT! WE SELL IMe UR-OIVN Batteries! ARE ALWAYS FRESH! Brighter Light! Longer Life! WE WILL SHOW YOU! Radiator Covers, Winter Tops, Goodrich Tires, All Auto Accessories WM. ROGERS SILVERWARE FREE with purchases of accessories. WE DO AUTO PAINTING T. H- Pollock Garage, Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb. 8 y N 1 A i i n r