The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 04, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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7 TF"5 O IT
m sr. m
A ISJA JLbM a u ii
A Few Reasons
why it is to your advantage to do your Hankim: Business with u.
All deposits in thisbank are guaranteed by the 1 lenositors Cuaranty
Fund of the State of Nebraska.
We are larjre eiiouph to take eare of our customers, when they find
iii-. "-isary o borrow nioriey, and we are a! ay ready to lake care of
a.iy ivaiuuaim- requests they may make.
The ofhtrers and directors j.-ive their entire tiai. to taking c.ti-e of
the customers of this bat k. ami in looking! after this one- bark, and own
no stock, or are not interested in any other bank whatever. We have
beew under the present management for tiie past ten years, and uuiinp
thai time have always followed the pliey "A xjitare deal to everybody,
be they rieh or poor."
The o!Vicers are banker of experience, and familiar with local con
dition, and whet tier oi are depositing money, ur I'orrowinjr money,
only t lie otlicers. who are also the directors, and whose names appear
below, know of these transactions, and the same are kept confident lai.
You are a'way w.-lcoroe here, whether ou call on business or not,
and in c.ise you desire our advice or opinion on any matter of busine.
wherein e mijjh; be able to ar-si-t you. we will be only to yiad 'o ro
over the same with you. and irb'e our idea as to what should he clone, al
wa do:ni: the best we can for anv of our friends.
The Bank of Murdock
Capital and SuipSus $25,000
"The Bank where you feel at home. "
HENRY A. TOOL. President J. E. GUTHMANN. Vice-President
H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
the hostess, Mrs.
tamed all
pra ist
Iiornemeier. enter- I
witn a delightful lunch-;
which was enjoveil hv the younc; I
a preat deal and won her much i then'
which keeps flittering over his face,
and you know how a person can
whistle when he is smilinR. Well.
is a little baby girl at his home
as an admirable entertainer. .and the folks are doing nicely.
(.randma Schewe. who has been on
tl;e sick list lor some time, re
ported as hein- better and able to
be around auair..
Miss Selma I'.rauchle. who has ueeti
at her home lor some time with the
l!u. is so lar recovered that si e is
able to return to h' r work at the
Murdock Mercantile company's store.
Miss Iona Tower, who is inakir.u
hr home at Council r.lufts. Iowa,
came down last Wednesday evenini;
and visi'ed for ;i lew days at the
home of her sister. Mrs. W. K. Heier.
living west of town.
L. Ntdtze-1 was a passerger last
Wednesday eventnir lor Kansas fit y.
where he w-nt to spend Thanksgiv
ing day will: friends and incidental
ly look after some business matters
as well.
Mrs. I'.. AtiiU'Kirt and daughter.
Mi.s.i Kosi . who Iiiivi been visiting
at Council l'duffs. Iowa. for some
iitii". returiu'd home on the evt-ninu'
train last Wednesday and spent
Tliankspivinp day at home.
Last week the .Murdoch schools
closed on Wednesday evinini;. with
a vacation in siulit for both pupils
and teacher- until Monday mori.inu.
The teach rs all departed for their
homes the evening before Thanks
p i v i : i u day. ,
.i !:. McHu-h and family ik part
ed Thaiikscivitm morning lor Lin
coln, where they .-i nt the day a.t the
h.iime of the parents of Mrs. McHuuh.
(leorue Tow le and wife, havir. p a
very delightful time and returning
home on tiie "Jersey" i:i the even
ini:. Wai'er I'.auteCi.rtner. who is at
teiidiim the Lincoln hifih school and
Conrad Kmiiiiartr.'r, who is at
tending the medical university at
Omaha, were both home Thanksgiv
ing day. rominc- to spend The- tinit
with tlieir parents, Conrad liaiitn
liartner and wife, livinp northeast of
lr. and Mrs. McIrniott. of Oma-
(1. Haur. the merchant, with his
family, enjoved Thanksiiivinti dinner
at the home of John Clakenieier.
: Robert Williams is having us send
the Journal to hi? l.ome and will bt
a reader of this paper in the future.
Mr. Wiliiams is thinking of engag
tni; m tannine the coming ear.
Mr. and Mrs. John Amuwert en
tertained for dinner on Thanksgiv
ing Mrs. Amgv i-r: s parents. C. 11.
ili'e and wife and son. Floyd They
all enjoyed the occasion greatly.
John Paul 1'i'ckwell and William
Meyers who are students in the state
university at Lincoln, were spending
their Thanksgiving vacation at their
h"ines near this city. They are
making good progress at the state
university and are t njoying their
1 work great ly.
' Howard Cannon and Clyde Funk,
ot I'lattsmout h. who were working
northwest of .Murdock last week,
were in town for a short time Wed
nesday, taking the train for their
home in re' pons- to a call received
by Mr. Cannon telling of the death
of a relative of Mrs. Cannon's, who
lived in Missouri.
Mr. A. J. Tool, who has been at
Lincoln for several weeks, w her- he
underwent an operation for hernia.
was improved sutl.ciently that hej
' could return to his home on Thanks-j
giving day and his condition prom-!
ises lair to give him a speedy am!
, complete recovery. w hich will he
i good news to his many lriends here.
Eatlier Severe on Saunders County
Those from Murdock who attended
the shooting match at Memphis last
week were E. W. Thimgan, Laeey
Gakemeier and Oscar Mclkmald. and
Cedar Creek was represented by John
Uauer, all pretty fair shots and all
representative Cass county hoys.
The shooting contest was on in
real earnest when they arrived and
although there were plenty of prizes
few of them went to the natives of
Saunders county in which the shoot
was being held. From this county.
John (Juiier. of Cedar Creek, was the
highest, w inning on a score of out
of int. possible shots: John Gake
meier got !m;. K. W. Thimgan !4 and
Lacey McDonald !'. while Oscar Mc
lionah! shot so fast and furious that
it was ditliculi to determine just how
many he did make, al hough the
number is authoritatively declared to
be some when between IN", and !'!.
A; a re ul: he. like the Saunders
county boys, did not receive anything
more than the little boy shot at.
Among t he prizes ( tuning to Mur
ttock was a beef and scores of ducks,
with a sprinkling of geese and tur
kev.s. as well.
From Wednesday's Tatly.
II. M. Bushnell, former resident
of this city, and well known news
paperman and politician of the state
is still in very serious condition at
the Lincoln sanitorium where he has
been for some time past. This will
he very sad news to the many friends
of this estimable pentleman through
out Cass county.
move to Ash
having dispos
to a local ma n
cenduc' it in the future in
est of manner. Mr. Ulock. who
t ii in business here for a long
ha- many friends who will Vi
lli see him leave. Hut better
ess conditions beckon him to
Yv'iil Soon More to
Gordon Ihock will
land in. a short time,
ed of hi.- business lien
w ho w
the be
nas h-
he ( i 'lid
lie ha.- succeeded nicely in
Kt ot his business here and
ho. til he abie to do well in the
new location.
Has Purchased New Euick Car
I d: pia yii.g good judgment and ex
ctlleii? taste as well. Lmil ii. Miller,
who Live-- north of Murdoch, has pur
chased tor himself and family one of
the late-t mode! ltuick cars, in the
shape of a seven passenger touring
r . The new car is indeed a
ieauty and no mistake about it. It
was pun-based through the agency
of Win. Gehrts. of Murdock, who is
.f iling a good many cars just now. '
Gave an Excellent Entertainment
The third number of the Lyceum
course, which Murdock was fortu
nate nougli to secure for the win-'.)-":
entertainment of her pcop'e.
v..: given at the M. K
Frem Wednesday's Pally.
Con Lynch has just returned home
from a business trip in southern
Kansas, where he went to look over
the land situation and has rented a
farm near Pleasanton. seventy-five
miles south of Kansas City, upon
which he will locate the coming year.
Mr. Lynch reports that there was
a great deal of rain in that portion
of Kansas at the time he was there
and that it made the roads ver
muddy and difficult of travel, which
delayed his return for several days,
lie did not run into the snow storm
until reaching Kansas City and from
then- to this city found a great deal
of the white covering.
Mr. Lynch has been living in the
northern portion of the city and ex
pects in the early spring to move to
farm m order to get ready lor
spring farming.
t .lithe
m Wednesday s raily.
This morning the temperature at
the liurlington station registered 12
degrees below the zero mark and
registered the coldest day of the year
in this city. The weather, however,
was not severe and the citizen? did
not feel the extreme cold as much
as they had on the days previous.
ch urch
ha. the latter the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. L. Neitz 1. arrived en last
Wednesday and spent Thanksgiving
at the home of the parents of Mrs..
Mclrmott. ami returned to their
home last Saturday, alter having fin
joyed an excellent time with rela
tives and friends here. j
Mr. and Mrs. li. K. Hanson, of.
Sioiin City, parents ot .Mrs. 1'othast
wile of Mr. I'othast. the newj
Murdock hanker, arrived in Murdock
mi a brother of
: Henry Meineman. who works aT the
farm of Herman Kupke. and who
j formerly lived in and near Murdock.
: but who t;as for some years been
' making his home near Whitelake.
South Dakota, has disposed of his
. farm and sold off what he did not
crv to move and has shipped to
' I'awnee county, this state, where h"
. will farm the coming year.
Misses Catherine and Margaret
Tool, who are in Lincoln attending
the s'ate university and the Lincoln
high school respectively, visited at
home over the Thanksgiving v.;cn
; lion. While the girls were at school
and Mr. Tool was at the hospital.
Mrs. Tool took charge of the business
; and also looked after the duties :'
her household. being kept pretty
busy despite lor ability to work and
get things done.
y evening. Nov. 'ith. and
while the weather va far from Ic
ing w 1 nt was desired, a large sized
::od was in attendance and a very
gore; entertainment was given by
the "War 1'lavers ami Singers " In
a way tiny pert raved a bit of the
seriousness of war. but for the most
part tioir program was made up of
the funuv and tnjoyahle happening1
::i the life of a soidier and no one
. oui i listen to then, without gaining
a broader view the struggle from
different ai.-ies and seeing on how
i ren.ehdons a scale we engaged in
the tight for the "Liberty of the
last Wednesday evening and spent
Thanksgiving at the home of their
daughter and husband. Need'.ess to
sa;. they enjoyed the visit as did al
so the folks here, very much.
ll,? Kissinger ;-:.u wife, of Gien
vilie. were guests of lriends in and
near Mur-iock ia.--: Friday, standing
the time at the home of Mrs. Kissing
er? brotio r. l.diii-. ilinemeier. east of
tow:., where I key remained for sev
eral days. g it.g to spent! Thanksgiv
ing day at the home of Wm. I'.orne
incicr and tamily living near Elm-wood.
I Held Their Regular. Meeting
1 Last Friday evening the members
.of the Young I'eojdes association of
the Kvangelical church held their
'regular monthly business meeting at
the home of Louis ltornemeier. east
oi Murdock. at -which time therei
were a large number present ami a
very xcellcnt time was enjoyed by
all. The regular business of the as
sociation was first attended to and
' with that out of the wav, the young
people gave themsehes over to at
season of sociability and mirth. An
excellent program had been prepared
1 which was rendered, unci after which
Received a Cut on His Head.
While .Toe Johai'.nsen. the road
overseer, was engaged last Wednes
day in doing some work, the scraper
which he was usir.g caught, throwing
ii i in to the ground and his head
came in contact with the stump
around which he was v orki: g and a
root of which was the cause of the
accideio. His head was cut and he
I was stunned for a brief time, but
h.-.'d presence of mind enough to get
onto his let' and stop the team, af
ter hi head began to whiri
and he was, compelled to sit down
for a vvhih'. After having the wound
looker! after he was able to continue
his work and otherwise than having
v. very sore head, is feeding none the
worse for his experience.
Enjoyable Time at Dance
Notwithstanding the very disa-
igreeahle wntluT which prevailed on
I Thanksgivieg eve. the big coinmun
ity l ;i ce was well attended and all
who v re present enjoyed themselves
i to the limit.- The music: was furnish
ed by ;he University orchestra, and
was of the ve ry best grade. All tl ose
present seemed to enjoy the- associa
tion of the otlo rs and the- rubbing; oi
From Wednesday's Dally.
On Nov. It',. a man was
found dead one mile west of Ireton.
Iowa, covered up on a hay Mack and
with his feet wrapped up with Sioux
City Journal dated October ?, 1919.
He had evidently met with foul play
as the thin hone on the lower edge
of his nose was broken as though he
might have been strucx across the
face with some bar. He was about
4.r. or T.O years old. about 5 feet tall,
weight about 140 pounds, dark hair
sprinkled with grey and cut short all
over, small hands, nails well mani
cured, indicating no manual labor
lately, wore nearly new dark brown
suit (small check), wore size 5 bull
dog shaped toe nearly new shoes,
light colored shirt, soft collar, size
14 u, silk fore in hand tie evidently
boucht from clothing- store in Utica
building. Pes Moines. Iowa, black fe
dora hot, size f7g which had the
mark Plymouth Clothing Co., Aber
deen, S. D. No papers were found
on him. all the identification that
was on him is tatoo mark on his left
fore arm of cross and anchor with
heart in center, and the initials C.
T. below it. He had without a doubt
been dead for some time as body was
badly decomposed. Send any infor
mation to William Wiersma. Sheriff,
Orange City, Iowa.
aking the Farm Pay!
All farmers know the value of keeping up the
strength and fertility of the land. And cspeciall- is
this of prime importance now on ijecount of the high
prices to which land lias climbed. With land selling at
$300.00 to $400.00 an acre no one can afford, through
neglect, to lose from five to ten bushels of grain per
acre, when by protecting or renewing their land with a
covering of straw or manure they could avoid it. 1 he
"One Man Straw and Manure Spreader" will solve the
problem. See the machine and get full information re
garding its work and possibilities for renewing and
keeping up the fertility of the soil.
To heirin to etiumerate'the trains
that have he-en late; within the past
e lbows took the stiHuess of formality ; .,,; of (iav; would be a hard task.
out te a very noticeable e xtent. The , , , ... .,
, . . and one would not know which one
occasion was troiv one m which the
sociability of Munlock citizens was to 'list first. The cold wave and the
shown at its be-st. 'shortage' of good coal divide the
blame for the wretched railroad ser
Girls Came Out .in Lead vice, and the public stands the waits.
However, it is better to have them
j The stork made- a visit at the home
j of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Jone-s. who re
Is ide east tvutl sonth of Munlock, a
(few !as ago. bringing with it a fine
young American in the shape cf a
i bound ii. Iriby boy. The- voting man
sei ins to he rejoicing that he is liv
i'lg in this day and age of the world
'anil is making many promises of
se-rvic-e to his parents in the days to
j come. Th. y they are proud and
i happy goo: without saying.
I At the hemic ot Air. and Mrs. Aa
ton i:..(hni;n on last Wednesday
j morning there- arrived the dearest
little blue eyed baby girl, who came
to increase the joy in the home- of the
'proud pare-nts. and to say that she
j is sue c e-.-.;,fr 1 in her efforts w enil .ln't
I be half telling it.. She- and he-r moth
I e-r are- getting along nicely, and the
' fat her - w ell. h- will pull through
I with careful nursing.
At the home of John Ciakcnudcr.
living betk.een Murdock and louis
j vilb-. here is music in the air eicca
isionaily. and then of a broke-n ari-1
v. John assave- to whistle, but h-
run seini-occasionally
have them run at all.
than not to
The name Doan's inspires confi
deuce Doan's Kidney Pills for kid
ney ills. Doan's Ointment for skin
itching. Doan's Ilegulets for a mild
laxative. Sold at all drug stores.
If you do not enjoy your meals
your digestion is faulty. Eat mod
erately, especially of meats, masti
cate jour food thoroughly. Let five
hours elapse betwen meals and take i ings and Hev.
one of Chamberlain's Tablets immed
iately after supper and you wi'l
vton find your meals to be a real
Dae to Lack of Heat in the Homes of
Poorer Class Theatres and
Clubs are Closed.
is first to
class and
is no ex-
Frotn Monday's Datly.
To realize how desperately near-
to-home the coal shortage is one has
but to visit our nearby metropolis on
the north Omaha. As is always the
case in cities, a shortage
he felt among the poorer
the present coal shortage
ception to the rule.
Through the medium of drastic
fuel regulations, however, it is hop
ed by the authorities to tide the city
over the critical period with a mini
mum of suffering.
These regulations are far-reaching
and include among other things the
closing of the theatres, clubs, lodge
sessions and schools (both public and
parocUialt and the limiting of
churches to three hours' service a
week, while retail establishments
will be open from 10 to f only.
The packing houses and dozens of
industries employing men which are
rated as "non-essential" in the pres
ent critical situation will he forced
to suspend indefinitely and as a result
many will be thrown out of employ
ment or reduced to short hours and
shorter pay.
It is when such things occur that
one can best realize how much he is
tavored through living in the small
er town, even though the advantages
of city life may be painted to him in
glowing terms at times under more
favorable conditions than thwse now
taking place in Omaha.
Distinctive Interiors
are no longer an imagination but extreme
reality when you command our service.
Our Recognized Success
in this line is the result of:
Absolute perfection in workmanship.
Proper selection of material.
Correct adaptation of color and des'gn.
We are ready to furnish suggestions, plans
and estimite on
Your Inferior Oecaration
Interior Decorator
Phone 19-G Murdock, Nebr.
1 Fred Stewart and Wife and Mrs. Kal-
lic P:rrr Depart for E:-dside cf
From Monday's r?"v.
hate Saturday afternoon
age was received in this city
a ire
bv V-
Stt war t ami sister. Airs, lla'iie- Terry,
anr.ouncinu- the- serious illness of
their graudmot her. Mrs. K. P. l:ar
he r. a J'ah.ier Lake-, ("ohirado. A'rs.
Perry and .Mr. Stewart and wife de
pt. rte-d Saturday e vening for the vest
hop'-ng to reach tlie- bedside ed the
' grandmother before' he r death. There
I were little hopes entertained for lie-r
jtecove'-y as the- patient is uite we-Il
advanced :n years and has not been
d 'in the hest of health, for some- time.
from Home Friday Afternoon
-Laigely Attended by Sym
pathetic Friends.
From Monday's Iaily.
The funeral of the late William
A. Taylor was held on Friday after
noon from the home south of this
city and the services were quite
largely attended by the old friends
and neighbors to pay their last trib
ute of love and respect to the mem
ory of this splendid gentleman called
to his last long rest. The services
were conducted by Hev. A. V. Hunt
er, pastor of the First Methodist
church of this city, who spoke briefly
of the life of the departed and to the
members of the family who had been
bereft of the loving husband and
father the minister gave words of
comfort. Puring the services several
of the old and well loved hymns
which had been so well beloved by
the departed were given by Mr. and
Mrs. E. H. "Wescott.
William Adair Taylor was born at
Red Sulphur Springs. Monroe county.
West Virginia. May 15. lSMT. and
passed away November 24. 1910. at
the age of S2 years, six months and
nine days.
In the year 1S5T Mr. Taylor come
to Davenport. Iowa, where he spent
two years and in 1S5T came to Platts
mouth. Nebraska, where he made his
home until his death.
On the 16th day of January. lS'IS,
lie was united in marriage to Miss
Mary J. I'olin and to tiiis union we-re
born seven children; Charles K. of
Waukomis. Oklahoma; William H. of
Gordon. Nebraska; Anna, who died
n her young womanhood in lf01;
Mrs. W. G. Pugsley of Persia. Iowa;
Mrs. K. O. Furlong of Steamboat
Springs. Colorado; Mrs. J. I... Stamp
of Plattsmouth. and Mrs
Propst of Ralston, Nebraska.
Kl CTSffja FTT marv. K ttt x?TV TT1
1-4-6 SUCKLE!
Men's 4-buckle ali rubber overshoe
government contract stioes. Heavy enough
and extra heavy wool lining. Specially
priced at $3.75 per pair. The same shoes
were furnished our soSdicrs.
Murdock isrcenilie Co.,
TERRY E. McHL'GH, Manager
R. T.
mi Accessories
Mitchell and Dodge Cars,
Cushman fVloiors'
Our machine shop is especially well equipped
with modern machinery and first-class workf.ien. We
are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including
acetyline welding.
Phone 35-D
Murdock, Neb.
The merchant who doeso't
th;e onlv when business ts
not a! wars keep his fate straiirht
enough, on account ot a kindly soiile eventually quit it enureiy.
Card of Thaitks.
We take this means of puhlic-ly ex
pressing to our dear friends and
neighbors our heartfelt gratitude for
the many acts of kindness shown to
us during our bereavement and espe
cially do we w ish to thank the social
workers. Flower club and Eastern
Ctuf f,.f lliQir J.. t i f., 1 C1......I ,.fr....
A. V. Hunter and Mr.
and Mrs. E. II. Wescott for their as
sistance to us in the funeral services
of our loved one. j
The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts
in charge of all work. Lady attendant. MODERATE PRICES.
after using. E
You will find a niee line or pnon
lar copyright hooks at the Journal
Fistula-Pay W hen Cured
A mud system of treatment that cures riles, Fistuln end
other Reota l Disears in a short time, without n severe sur-BiL-al
operetin. No Chloroform. Lther or other cenersl
anestnetici:' I. cure Suamntnea to every case atveri'ed
for treatment. ei) no monev to be pcid until cared. V -iref-v on Recta lDiiteages. wita names
and testimonials of mors taan 10ft) prominent people who Lave heca permanently cured.
240 Bee Eulldlng