The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 04, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbc plattsmouth journal
Entered at rostoffice. Plattsmouth. Neb., a second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Well the snow- will give the house
wives exercise in shoveling off the
walks around the family domicile.
The Calhoun murder case remains
as deep a mystery as ever, as the
numerous identifications have merely
complicated the ca.-e.
The king of Italy is the latest for
eign ruler to announce his intention
of looking over the nation that put
the finishing touches to the liun.
We are all to prone to put
off for tomorrow what should be
done today. It is the early Christmas
purchasers that have a'.l the advant
age in buying.
That South Dakota primary law
which requires that candidates for
president file a statement of their
policies in eight words would seem
to bar all United Sta'es senators.
An American woman in the British
house of commons marks a great j
change in the affairs of the empire j
that a few years ago would not per
mit the consideration of the equality
of the sexes.
The utmost effort will be made to
keep thieves and crooks off the staff
of census enumerators, and the an
nouncement that most of the local
enumerators will be women is very
reassuring. Very.
The government is to take fharg"
of the operation of the mines, a
step that should have been taken long
ago. It would be far better for tl::'
country if the mines were owned and
controlled by the government.
Members of parliament are agitat
ing for more pay and Paris has closed
ball rooms and dancing schools on
account of the coal crisis, thus prov
ing that England and Franco have
all the advantages of American civil
ization. :o:
The New York printers have re
turned to work and the publishing of
the magazines which has been inter
fered with for the past two months
will be resumed. The only apparent
result of the strike was the discovery
of a process of printing without the
use of typesetting.
A number of Nebraska republicans
arc attempting to create a boom for
General Pershiusr for president. From
previous remarks of the general Ins
acceptance of the candidacy is doubt
ful and it seem.-, rather a move to
head off the Wood boom that is now
threatening to land the state in the
column of the former rough rider.
The coal operators cannot afford
to block a strike settlement by in
sistence on passing the cost of in
creased wages to the consumer. Ev
erybody knows that profits under
war prices have been very great.
This isn't guesswork. The returns
of excess profits tax tell the .story.
Public opinion will back Doctor Gar
field in insisting that the industry
bear the cost of increased wases.
PublicSc r vice Corporation
Can be had in amounts cf
Investment Securities
First National Bank Bld'g,
Omaha, Neb.
The lid is having a vertiginous
time of it these days. It is lauded
and larruped, praised and pummeled.
deified and damned. Eloquent gentle
men describe it as a hateful, loath
some thing. Equally eloquent gentle
men pat it on the back, stroke its
flaxen curls and call it a dimpled
darling. Lofty tribunals pronounce
it an ugly toad hopping eontaminat
ingly upon our sacred const it ut ion.
Similarly exalted tribunals proclaim
it one of the noblest works of men.
women and prohibitionists.
It is an imp of darkness. It is an
angel of light. It is sinister as sin.
It. is glorious as liberty. It is a rapa
cious thief, stealing our cherished
privileges and robbing us of millions
of treasure. It is the shield and
buckler of humanity, defender of (he
It is the brat of intolerance. It is
tin? offspring of courageous faith. It
is the obsession of the fanatic. It is
tl vision of a new emancipation. It
is the herald of a vast, enduring hap
pin"ss. It is the forerunner of tyr
annies that will straitjacket the
It's on with the lid and its off
with the lid. It's down with the lid
and it's up with the lid.
It's Ariel. It's Caliban.
It's tough. St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
The striking coal miners ha-." re
fused to accept the government p!:ii
of a 14 per cent increase in waes to
be borne entirely by the operators,
the price of coal to remain the same.
They have refused, finally, to ac
cept the operators offer of arbitra
tion, made for the third tinu-.
With that the miners' representa
tives and the operators" representa
tives, m conference at Washington
with the governni'-nt representing
the people, have quit and g-me home, '
The coal strike takes its course.
Winter is not mere'.; coming upon us.
It is upon us. And the dwindling re-
erves of fuel are fa-1 melting away.
Already the cities ard towns of the
I'nited States, face to face with dis
aster and great sufferings for their
people, are closing schools, churches,
theaters and other place of public
congregation. They are shortening
office hours and the hours of busi
ness. They are reducing street car
4-ervice. I5y these and similar means,
and at great sacrifice, they are en
deavoring to avert, for yet a little
while longer, the agony that threat
ens when even the coal needed to heat
the homes and cook the food of the
people shall have been exhausted.
They are trying to guard against the
lay when tender women and little
children, when invalids on their beds
of pain, will be left to face zero
weather with an empty coal bin.
They are trying to delay the day of
calamity which the strikers, refusing
to accept the finding of the govern
ment and refusing to submit their
cause to arbitration, are endeavoring
to bring upon the American people.
Whatever fair minded men and
women may think of the merits of
the quarrel between the miners and
their employers, all public .sympathy
and support for the miners will be
withdrawn in the face of their mad
and wicked plot, so tenaciously held
to, to win by making war on inno
cent women and children. When, as
"a measure of military necessity,'
they put themselves upon the same
ethical footing with the nun, they
need not be surprised to find them
selves, in the end, overwhelmed by
the same wave of moral indignation
which reduced arrogant and despotic
Germany to an ash heap.
It is not only that the union niin-
'ers are striking at women and chil
dren. They are asaulting first, and
most brutally, the women and chil
dren of the poor. Their mailed fiot
' rings most menacingly against the
'cottages and flats and tenements that
j are the homes of labor. They are
; most cruel to their own kith and
kind. They lose sight of the fact
that the highest loyalty of every true
American workingman, is loyalty to
his wife and children, to his own
home. There is no loyalty to any
union or lodge or class or creed which
they will permit to come between
themselves and the families they
have given as hostages to fortune;
which they will permit, without lift
ing a hand or a voice, to trample
their loved ones miserably into desti
tution and hunger and cold and
It is this elemental fact, which they
so strangely overlook, that dooms tl:.
miners to defeat in their plan to pre
vent the operation of t he coal mines.
The n.iiuvs will 1-e operated for the
simple reason that there are twenty
million men in the I'nited S.ates who
need the coal to save their wives,
babies, mothers, sinters, sweethearts
from a miserable death. The Ameri
can nation, far lioin l-ins: the most '
enlightened and progressive on earth,
would be sunken in worre than bar
barism if its manhood failed to do
whatever is necessary to t,ave the wo
men and children. That they are
not so sunken thty proved gloriously
.heii they sent two million men
across ;;.ouo miles (if water to avenge
the woman and children sunk at sea
by the 1" boats and to save !ie women
and children of France and P.clgium
:uid other lands from the iron heel of
a ruthless German autocracy.
Tl.e American people will act now.
as they acted then, through the gov
ernment they have organized to serve
them. The government now. as t he n.
has been slow to move drastically,
see-king preferably a settlement of
conciliation. Put the' hour for posi
five action is close at hand. The
mines are- theT the coal is ih'-re, and
;he men to operate them are to be
had. It is for the- government tr
determine, and do it quickly, t!"
means and manner of assuring the re
sumption ef coal production, and
there' need be no fear that the people,
when the government acts, will ac
cord it their hearty atid effective sup
port. World-Ik raid.
Publishers of more than ", daily
and weekly newspapers of Pennsyl
vania have advanced their subscrip
tion prices owing to the increase:
cost of white paper and other item
of production. The price of daily pa
pers will heri-at'te-r be " cents a copy
in Pennsylvania.
Three daily newspapers in New Or
leans have advanced their subscrip
tion price from 1 f cents to :! cent -a
we-k. and from '2 cents te D cents
a copy. Other papers in Louisiana
will follow suit.
This advance in the sube-sript ion
price ef newspapers will soon become
general. The perioel of 1-cent news
papers passed long sine?. The per
iod ef U-cent newspapers is passing.
The :!-cent newspaper is on the way.
During the last three years prices
have no advanced as to make th
publishing of newtpa pers a seriem
problem. Many consolidations have
been made necessary. Hundreds of
weekly newspapers and .scores of dai
lies have disappeared altogether in
t ho cousolidut ion.
Competition for eirculat io:
brought the 1-cent daily. That lux
ury for the public was not possible
when the war was i i full swing. The
2-cent daily newspaper is no longer a
goorl business proposition because o!
the increase in the cost of white; pa
per and the increase of everything
entering into the manufacture of
newspapers.- Chicago New s.
The federal government, has ac
complished nothing whatsoever thu
far in its efforts to settle the coal
Despite all discussion, conferences
'and official statements, the nation's
industry is Hearing demoralization.
much suffering impending, and, in a
commercial way, the cost is already
running into the millions.
Nor is it helping the situation
bit to place the responsibility on
either the miners or the operators.!
What matters it now who is to
The vital thing is that industry is
suspending, schools are closing, busi
ness houses are limited to inadequate
hours that all human activity in
this country is tragically interfered
Further temporizing will not bring
order out of the chaotic conditions
that aro upon us.
There is no sign ef relenting on '
edther side. This week, perhaps.'
there will be more conferences, and
more shivering, more suffering, more !
snuuioun. a -tin mriiier auvance in
the direction of complete paralyza- j
t ion.
Yet there is a remedy for the con
ditions. By taking hold of the mine's
pr.ui.ptly and operating them the
government can restore the nation
to n i?!ia! status, not at once, but
more promptly than by any other
met luid.
In such way the country will at
least escape 1 usiness paralysis an I
its people gr-a suffering.
The coal mines have' he-conn' the
people's business-- t hat is. the gov
ernme'nt's business.
Let us tale a bit of cheer in the
fact that we- live in Nebraska.
Whe-n the mercury drops to the
ze-re point, when the snev pile's up in
fremt ef the' eloor. whT. th" north
winel sweep- in through crevices that
ought not te be'. Seunel ime'S we wish
w we-re- in sunny California. wh-re
such things are saiel not to happen
But wait! Here is the testimony of
no b'ss a man than Otis A. McKe-lv .
brother of Nebraska's gove rnnr. him
e'lf a resident ef Lou Angeles, w l.
ei Is. us that "a beautiful clim:'t'
doesn't fill empty stomachs." that
the "sucker tourist" is after all. the
happiest man in California.
This reminds its: We in Nebraska
aren't faring so ill. after all. We
may have snow, but we e'on'l hae
as much snow as our sister cities to
the north, nor as much eold. We may
not have coal mines at our back doors.
but we lie midway between eastern
and western fields. We have no
single great industry which, by
strike or failure, can bring indus
rial paralysis to the whole- city. We
have ne great mass of alien resielents.
who furnish bre'celing greu:iel feir
red radicalism. We have no tipsy
strata underneath us to .-care us to
prostration by earthquake tremors.
We have as our basic industry the
nest basic of all --agriculture'. We
have industries varied and many,
but none se large' as to overshaelow.
We have climate sufficiently change
able to give us "pep" and vigor. We
have conditions ef life se healthful
that Nebraska ranks second ef the
-dates of the unieui in the physical
fitne'ss of its men. as shown by the
conscription registration reconls.
Happy? Why not? We live in
Nebraska. World-Herald.
If the government is wifi' Jl wi"
dot tax .ukT winnings, but poker
Despise not the rmall things, pen
nies still are use-il for church contri
butions. :o:
Tin's cold weather makes it lex.l.
as though we may have to use tin
piano for fuel before the winter is and the coal strike settled.
Major General i,e()nartl Wood and
William Cibbs McAdoo seem te have
"jumped the gun" in the big political
free-for-all for the 1920 presidential
nominal ions.
Another reason the coal consumer
doesn't like to roll out of bed these'
eobl mornings is that he is still
dreaming about the govornincntV
promise that he won't have to pay
those wage increases out of'his own
pocket. In his dreams, the govern
ment's Dioinise comes true3.
During the war price control was'
justified as a temporary emergency
measure. But 1t certainly gets us
,into difficulties when it is kept up
a over a long period
- :o:
A father ives it s his opinion1
that tne voice of a year-old child;
Bew in i in; same proporiifiu as its
owner the telephone would no longer :
be necessary in this city.
: o :
If a congressional committee trav
els 7,000 miles in a private car for
35 days to "investigate" partisan
charges respecting what is the price
per yard of ancient history.
As is case with infant political par
ties, the infant labor party born last
week in Chicago will thrive only on
the milk of human kindness. A
shortage of milk or any attempt to
adulterate it, will starve it.
Mint i: r in:.ii;
On IVIiliou for I -! crmi nil ion
of Il-irshfi.
Iisl;iti- f i:nes Koni, (. i . ;isi il, iii
t ' i - e'ouiilv i 'mi l of e-;t.-s ce utitv, "-1.-:esl;n.
Tii-- St.'tt- of Ncl.raska. To all per
sons int' ! i ti sai'l .-liito. !- .1 i lors .
iiiol lo-iis. luke i:ot i that .l-ss.-Kooj til..! I i.-- p.tition alt.iti- that '
..:!o-s i:.-o! lii.d inltslate in Murray,
on or ahuiit Si it etn !"-r L I'M I, lie-intf aj
:f t atel i n ) i a 1 1 i t . ii t of "a.-s cuuti- .
i . N.'lir.isl::i. ainl tl..- o ru t- of the i
t .! ! i I. ili si-i i I
.1 r.
1 1
-t a to. o - w it :
l.ots niiinlrr-l iiht est aii'l him
. i , ... I. - . : .. 1 . t . .. I.-; ...
e !i i
III it"i iv . ' i ' II ... Ill i . .lll-l.- iiii . -. ' j
iliti'i'i to tl... Vill-mi' of Murray. Cuss .
e-e nifty. ..' I'l-ask;;, l'ji mir as ! i i- !-! '
anii oii! I i-ir-' at law t,o fo! low : i,
i, . in. .1 r-. -1 . ; i to- ii : .l.-ro A. li'ii.t, .
i,i. i
'r I ; : I . i r i : : Vi'ii-ai A. U m rioi! y. I. r
i a I 1 1 I- a :ol l.a'.ra K :: i : I . . li r i:i'o!..
lira' iii--; '. a ! : iiarrin
:.i!in: that .-;.i'l ' -i l ti t ! i - I intos
Ii at a ; ' ! ii a 1 1 -n for aiiminis-
init;..n has I., a iaa.i a'ai i;.e- . .-1 a t
of van! li
l I i -it IM
i hat t ; . i
.I. rt oot l.i-i-n ioltuiiii
ii- Stati- of ."' ! i a - ka
ii - at law of -;ii. ilfi lout
i . ti.-'s it! j.'-,' sitn ::'. of th.
.. . I . T . ' i I I .... I '..III. . I 1 I ... . I I til
ahovi- .u- i l r. :n .siaio. w m.-n
Ii si'l i in il
n sot for
I. .i-M s.-t for laaiia:,' o tl... JL'ti-lt
V if I fi Til I !
in lurk a. III.
Iatil at I'lattsinoiit; . -V hra s U.i . tlii
Jt'th ilav of Nov a in In! . A. I . !:!:. i i:i:i;s' ..
-..i:!.t- .Im.1l;.-.
i: ri.e )K!;ni i: wiiiti:.
ii ! -:; v.- ( "i i i;.
Having- decided to quit farming
and niovz to Colorado. I will sell at
public auction at my farm 1 4 mile
west and miles south of Union,
r.nd 12 miles northwest of Nebraska
City, on
sale to commence at 1" o'clock a. :: .
the following d v.cribcd property, to
w it :
One- registered Peri heron stallion.
! years old. wt. 1750 pounds.
One black mare. I years old. wt.
1,400 peiunds.
One- heu'se niiile' coming o year.;
oltl. wt. 1,2'to pounds.
One marc mule, comii.g yearo
idd. wt. 1.150 peMlliels.
One bay pony, j years old, wt.
;m)0 pminels.
Two cidt.- just weane-ei. goe d ones.
Three giKid milk cows, just fresh.
Several good mill; cows to be
fresh soon.
Some yearlings and 2-year-old
heifers. 2 1 in all.
One high graele Ked Polled bull.
heael of May pigs, ranging from
100 to 125 lbs., good ones.
15 tons alfalfa hay.
J. I. Case 1527 tractor. keisene:
J. I. Cape-. IixlS tractor, kerosene; J.
I. Case 20x:;t steel separator, with a
.-elf-feeder, blower and weigher; ::
bottom. 14 -inch Gr:ind DcTour ;rac
!or plow; 14-l; le King wheat drill;
P. & O. w iile treat! combined liste r;
1-row machine'; 14-inch walking si ir
ring plow, new; two :i 1 i -inch wag
ons with boxes; truck wagon; hay
rack; hay stacker. lob .sled; Inde
pendent manure spreaeler; o-section
liarrov. ; 4'--foot Deering mower;
5-feiot Deering mower; S-foot Deer
ing binder; Dixit! John Deere tan
dem tractor disc: John Deere 2-row
machine; Dexter double tub washing
machine; Diabala cream separator;
10 h. p. gasoline engine with good
set of 1 rucks; swinging wood .saw,
with ::0-inch blade; St. Joe riding
liste-r; 2 h. p. gasoline engine; tank
heater; some bee hives, lumber and
many other articles too numerous to
Lunch Will be Served on the
Ground at Noon.
TKKMS All sums of $10.00 and un
der cash. On sums over $10.00 a
credit of eight months will be given,
purchaser giving good, bankable pa
)e r, bearing S per cent from date.
Xo property to be removed from th"
premises until settled for.
Rex Young, Auctioneer. Owner.
J. M. Patterson, Clerk.
I 'f I fit 3 U j E it
X flic National Chiropractic Association has ?
compiled statistics showing that last winter 865 X
electors of Chiropractic professionally cared for
X .o.ol4 cases of influenza, of whom all but 41
recovered. X
I ibis is a Death Ratio of One-Ninth of One Per Cent.
This low death rate is due to the efficacy of
J Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments. There is J
X nothing known to the art of healing that can
Z compare with this record of Chiropractic in its
i conflict vith the "flu."
Chiropractic is no less effective when applied to cases
of colds or other disorders incident to the changing seasons. J
1 Chiropractic fortifies the system against the approach
of disease. No drugs.
All those afflicted by disease would do well to inquire X
into the true merits of Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments.
J 24th and Farnsm Streets
Ke 1 nmley steer straved fr
(Jin my
. i arm aiMjut the ISth of October, the
ouK "aviiiK been clipped from
hi:5 tail
Any information as to his
- whereabouts will bo liberally re-
. ..... r.i,(i nft,:f:r.
Cetlar Creek, Xeb.
Strictly modern 5-room cottage;
huge lot. cement basement, furnace.
Hot water bath, gas and electric
liht. Xewly decorated. months'
coal supply. A. K. Allen. Call 1 0 :J .
n25-Cd 2w
i;r.' clot hin
prices are about
elouble for
spring how about a
suit now?
W. A. R03ERTS0N,
- Lawyer.
I- East ot Riley Hotj!. 4.
J Coates Clock, 4
J Second Floor.
Use Your High
Priced Land!
With farm lands selling at three hundred dollars
per acre and wheat bringing $2.07, and corn following
closely, why have some of this valuable domain loafing
and not producing anything? With trees and stumps
covering the ground which could as well as not be uti
lized for crops, Mr. Farmer, you are losing money. I
can remove these obstacles in the way of a good profit
to you cheaply. Call or write
j Weeping Water
Buy this winter and save 15 per cent. Work
not to be paid for until it is set in the spring.
To many wait until spring to buy.
Cass County Monument Company
H. W.
Telephone 177
nnnn anTin nnro ?
Two good Cass county, Nebraska
farms. One 1SG acres. 3 miles west
cf Louisville, G acres cultivated. 20
ceres alfalfa, 100 acres pasture, run
ning water, shade. Good 8-room
hcur:, bran, crib, granary, etc.; fine
fleck cr dsiry form. 25 miles from
Omaha, near 3 railroads. Also 80
acres fine land i2 me from above.
?I1 cul"ivatcJ. no improvement. Eoth
leased to one man until March 1.
1921. Sale December 10. 1 p. m.
Also a lot cf personal property,
horser. cows. hogs, farm implements.
.tc. For further particulars write to
Isabel Pettes. 1919 Prospect St.. Lin
coin, Neb., or to W. R. Young. Mur
ray, Neb. 2xw
Chester White boars for sale.
Prices reasonable. Full pedigree
furnished free. Satisfaction guar
anteed or money refunded. Call or
write your want?. C. Bengali. My
naid. Neb. lC-tfw
Mouey to loan on city real estate
by the Plattsmouth Loan & Building
Association. See T. M. Patterson.
Secretary. 3-2tfJ
- A
Plattsmouth, Neb.