The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 01, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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un-to-date as an orchid and as old. kindness
fashioned as a 'yellow rose; as chum
my as the daffodils; as conservative
as the lilies of the valley and like
We must not do too .
much for our daughters and it de-1
pends largely on the disposition of
a child which is the first hard thing
Ithe full blown rose, the queen of the! to learn. It is a sad thing that we
I - - ' v I 1 V, n
garden, she gives unreservedly neea so mucn expensive i u. '
You don't have to rub it in
to get quick, comfort
ing relief
Once you've tried it on that stiff
joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rheu
matic twinge, lame back, you'll find
a warm, soothing relief you neer
thought a liniment could produce.
Won't stain the skin, haves no muss,
wastes no time in applying, sure to
give quick results. A large bottle
means economy. Your own or any
otner. rtrrggist has it. Get it today.
who pass
poor alike-
To be the Subject "of Rev. Hunter's
Sermon Sunday Night Third
of Interesting Series.
The following expressions from
the pens of various Plattsmouth i
mothers, were read by Rev. Hunter j
in his sermon last Sunday night, en
titled "A Mother's Idea of What a
Daughter Ought to Be," and were
used as the basis for his sermon ad
dressed to this theme. Tomorrow
night, Itev. Hunter will speak on
the subject of a "Son's Ideal of a
Father." and will prelude his ser
mon with expressions written by
sons of the city, both within and
without his own congregation.
"Our ideal daughter is as fair as
a flower from Heaven and ,is wel
comed into the home as is the sun
shine. She is as pure as a lily and
as religious as the morning glory, i
lifting her heart each morning to
heaven in thankfulness and praise.
She is as generous and righteous as
the apple blossoms, as friendly as
the nodding hollyhocks and as mod-;
est and gentle as the violet. She is
as attractive and cheerful as a scar- i
let poppy and as studious as a "jack-in-the-pulpit."
She is as saucy as a
her way the rich
-good will and joy.'
"It has long been my idea and
more so as I grow older and under
stand the teaching of God that all
daughters, whether mine or some
other mother's, should be good, kind,
moral, cheerful.' Christian girls who
respect old people and have a cheer
ful word for everyone. We must
make our daughters fe3l that we are
real chums to them. A daughter
should have her mother's confidence
and put God first in all her work
and should take her mother's advice.
She should not do anything she
knows would cause her mother worry
or tears and should not know any
thing she could not tell her mother.
A daughter should not profess reli-
ion and then slip away to dances
or go auto riding after tpwortn
League service and not stay for the
evening worship. She should have
pleasure but should be very careful
about the kind of company she
chooses. She should feel the need
of the Lord and not sit back and wait
for her mother to tell her o go to
praver meeting. She should let her
face be seen in God's house of wor
ship when health will permit. When
a daughter's prayers grow selfish or
narrow, let her read Psalm 67."
"My dream of an ideal daughter
is that she be truthful in word and
in action. To be deceitful. In my
estimation, is a daughter's worst sin.
She should have no secrets from her
mother. All her troubles and all her
joys should be brought to mother,
for then her trouble will be easier
and her Joy -increased. She should
have perfect confidence in her moth
er and a good mother will see that
s never betrayed. To be serenely
happy she should be a Christian, for
i without Christ in her-heart, she can
never know what real joys and hap
piness are."
"A daughter should love and obey
mother's wishes in all things, and
trust her with her secrets if she has
any; and should ask her mother's
advice before she does anything she
is not sure of for her mother can
help her solve the problems that she
does not understand and . she will
never advise her wrongly. She would
also ask her mother to share her
pleasures for mother loves to see her
daughters enjoy themselves. When
(she goes away from home, as her
work often calls her away, a daugh
ter should write to the mother often,
as there is no letter a mother re
ceives that gives her more pleasure
than one from a daughter who is
away from home."
This is an unsigned communication
marguerite and as sensible as a
dahlia; as sturdy as- a chrysanthe- from "A mother of lovely, apprecia-
mum; as unselfish and happy as thejtive aaugnters.
pansies and. with the pink geranium, "Mothers who have no daughters
"she sings, 'Brighten the Corner where and who have forgotten their girl
You Are.' She is an industrious as hood days can only see the wayward
the lowly dandelion and as broad ways of their sister's daughter. Then
and far reaching as the goldenrod. give them a helping hand by your
She is as secretive as the dog-tooth
violet; as courageous as the tiger
lily; as thoughtful as a poinsetta
and as temperate in her habits as a
four o'clock. She is as courteous and
graceful as the carnations; as wise
as the purple sage; as versatile and
unassuming as the petunia and as
loving and warm hearted as a bud
ding American beauty. She is as
own example since you have learned
the ways of the world. I have learn
ed more from experience with daugh
ters than I knew, while caring for
them, and even that has not made
me perfect. I have tried so hard and
failed so many times and I find It is
easy to do wrong and hard to " do
right, and we must ever be on our
guard with patience and prayers and
Fresh Batteries
Make UR-Offl Batteries!
Brighter Light!
Longer Life!
Radiator Covers,
Winter Tops,
Goodrich Tires,
All Auto Accessories
with purchases of accessories.
T. H. Pollock Garage,
Phone No. 1 PlatUmouth, Neb.
i before we can teach. A mother's op
portunity is partly lost in getting
her experience as we fail to take
the counsel of others. The ways of
the world make a great change in
the ODinions of people as to disci-
pline--the way they have been
taught and the way they are being
taught. Our open public places are
a detriment to the community; we
enjoy them occasionally but find
nothing uplifting. Still we give
them to our children as a tempta
tion and try to teach them to decide
for the right. The wrong is so nice
ly carried out they very often prac
tice it. To care for our daughters
today Js a problem."
"We would like our daughters to
be Christians and live close to God,
so they would not stray from the
folu. They should maka" confidents
of their mothers and keep no secrets
from them for the best friend a
daughter has is her mother. I have
faith to believe that if they live
closer to God they will be better in
the future and will live closer to
"An Ideal is a mental conception
of perfection. How I wish all moth
ers could my this of their daugh
ters: 'What I consider an ideal
daughter is, first of all one who is
devoted to her lord's work a Chris
tian.' A girl that is kind and con-1
siderate to even the poorest of our
human race and who would humble
herself to aid and assist any who
might be in neel of help. I would
want my daughter to be proud ennf
to maintain good taste, manners and
appearance; to be obedient to her
mother and loving and considerate
and appreciative of her home and
"To decide what a daughter should
be one finds that so much depends
upon the mother that it is almost
impossible to define the one without
including the other. So be it. Every
daughter is born with a God-given
conscience and upon the development
of this depends what the daughter
will be. In childhood the child is
taught in some way, presumably by
the parents, right and wrong and
in doing wrong, grieves the parent
until an estrangement arises or rath
er feelings are out or harmony and
the child's conscience becomes griev
ed. At this point character Is eith
er made or broken and upon this ad
justment depends to whom confi
dence, trust, love and companionship
shall be given parent or selfish in
terests such as following the line of
least resistance, preferring compan
ions to parents, etc.
"But ten to one the daughter Who
is held to the right kind of mother
in trust, confidence and love while
conscience is developing will put her
trust in God and keep her consci
ence In harmony with Ills spirit
when she must stand In the world
alone and all else will follow in
righteousness. She will, while young,
remember her mother's teachings,
warnings and prayers, although she
may be openly disobedient. In ma
turity she is sure mother, knew best
and will follow her precepts while
seemingly doing as she pleases. And
when vocation or marriage severs
the home ties, she is so stable in her
principles and ideals of young wom
anhood that she will lead rather
than follow."
"So my ideal daughter gives her
heart and life to the Lord. Then
she is obedient, truthful, loyal, de
voted and unselfish, giving to her
mother her fullest confidence, rea
lizing that her mother is and always
will be her best frien'd."
And Mines of Operators Not Adopt
ing the Scale will be Seized
Situation Still Serious
Washington, Nov. 28. The gov
ernment served blunt notice on soft
coal miners and, operators tonight
that inteference with coal produc
tion would not be tolerated.
Warning that legal prosecution
would be employed to thwart con
spiracies Dy either siue anu troops
sent wherever necessary to protect
miners willing to work came from
the department of justice after mem
bers of the cabinet had considered
every phase of the fuel situation, ad
mitted critical, in view of the
breaking off of negotiations.
It is not the intention of the gov
ernment to let the mines remain idle
with half of the country in the grip
of the cold weather and the coal
piles rapidly diminishing.
The administration, it was thought
by those in posit ion. to know, had
fully expected the miners to reject
the 14 per cent wage Increase of
fered by Fuel Administrator Gar
field. Anticipating this, plans had
been considered for augmenting the
present output of bituminous mines
officially figured at better than 40
per cent of normal. i
A statement by Assistant Attorney
General Ames., issued late in the day,
gave assurance to all miners that
they would be afforded ample pro
tection if they returned to work, even
if troops had to be called out.
In discussing department of Justice
plana. Assistant Attorney General
Ames said:
"All United States attorneys in the
bituminous coal fields have been of
ficially advised of the result of the
negotiations in Washington and have
been given Instructions relative to
the situation.
"It is. of course, obvious that the
time has come when ample protec
tion will be furnished all persons de
siring to work in mines. All persons,
whether miners or operators, making
any agreement or arrangement with
each other to restrict the supply of
coal, will be proceeded against as the
law provides, and it should be under
stood that any person who aid? o
abets in restricting the supply of
coal Is likewise guilty by the terms
of the Lever act.
"Instructions heretofore Issued by
the war department are still in force,
and under these instructions depart
ment commanders will act in proper
cases when requested to do so by
state authorities."
To Force Resumption.
This was 'the only definite state
ment of policy from the government.
In official circles it was said the
federal authorities were determined
to force resumption of operations on
the terms laid down by the fuel administrator.
go back to deal old Broadway, as one
gets such delightful air and the
wal"ks I have taken out in the open
and In the country have done me so
much good."
Business has been tremendously
good for the "Kiss Me Again',' com
pany everywhere they have been and
Mr. Bowers himself is not any too
happy about going to New York for
a run, as he has gone on record time
and time again that he would rath
er show anywhere than New York
After all actors and show people
in general are beginning to realize
that there are other spots on the
map besides New York City.
The ladies of the St. Mary s Guild
of the Episcopal church wiil held
their annual Christmas shop in this
city on Friday and Saturday. Decem
ber 12 and 13. The location vill be
announced later. The ladies have
prepared some very beautiful and ar
tistic pieces of needlework that will
be exhibited at the shop for the
Christmas shopper and the occasion
will give the public the opportunity
of purchasing some very appropriate
and dainty gifts for their friends and
At Christmas Time!
Make your gifts personal ones.
Photographs will solve a lot of problems for the
busy people. As gifts they are always appreciated.
Make the Appointment as
Soon as Possible!
We are open every day and Sunday early and late!
Christ & Christ,
Phone 645
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Spends Holidays in Lincoln ; Remains
at Former Home From 24th
to January 5.
Persistent Reports at Washington
That President is Partially
Inspection of the Military Camps of
the United States Are
Now is the time to make your se
lection of Christmas cards and the
Journal office is the place to find
them. We have hundreds of designs
for you to choose from cards for
every member of the family and for
every dear friend that you wish to
remember in this manner. Scatter
sunshine with the Christmas card.
Remember the early buyer gets the
best choice and while our line is
very large this season, no doubt many
of the best numbers will be sold out
early, so make it a point to call and
see them today.
In the account of the weddiug of
Otto J. Kramer and Mrs. Adeline
Newton appearing in the Journal last
evening it was stated that this esti
mable couple had been married by
"Kiss Me Again" to be Played at
the Pannele' Theatre on Wed1
nesday Eve, Dec. 3rd.
' The seat sale opened last night at
Weyrch & Hadraba's for Frederick
V. Bowers' "Kiss Me Again" show,
which will be seen at the Parmele on
Wednesday evening. December 3rd.
Mr. Bowers has a vehicle this season
that gives him plenty of opportuni
ties to make you laugh and he does
not overlook any of them according
to press criticisms received from the
other cities where he has played.
"Kiss Me Again" is claimed to be
the fastest musical comedy In the
point of speed that is entour today.
The show Is crammed full of laughs
and surprises as, well as fascinating
music and It has an accompaniment
of beautiful girls that do not general
ly leave Broadway with road produc
tions, but as Mr. Bowers is only
making a supplementary tour before
going into New York for a run. they
were urged to take a trip for a few
weeks and strange to say the girls
Washington. Nov. 26. Th itin
erary of General Pershing's J jspec-
tion tour of cantonments and posts.
issued here Wednesday, shows the
trip will cover completely the man
ufacturing and training machinery
erected during the months of war in
support of the American expedition
ary forces. More than one hundred
camps, aviation fields and ammuni
tion plants will be visited in order
that General Pershing may be able
to recommend to Secretary Baker a
comprehensive plan for maintaining
adequate facilities to back up mili
tary establishments. Leaving Wash
ington on the night of December 3
General Pershing and his official
Buite will visit Camp Lee, Va.. as the
initial step, and then move through
the southeastern department, arriv
ing at its headquarters. Charleston.
S. C, on December 7. Plants and
stations in the central department
are next in line.
The holidays will be spent by Gen
eral Pershing with his son and his
sister at Lincoln. Ne'j.. a new start
being made west about January 5.
Officers of Pershing's staff esti
mated they would arrive In Portland.
Ore., about January 17, and San
Francisco around January 21. In
spections in the eastern and north
eastern departments has been post
poned until -the return from the
No Bearing on Mexican Situation.
It was emphasized that conditions
in Mexico had no influence onf the
framing of the schedule. General
Pershing, it was thought here, had
purposely delayed visiting border
posts in order that an erroneous in
terpretation might not be placed up
on his trips there.
Washington. Nov. 28. There has
been a revival of deep anxiety con
cerning the condition of PresidentH
.Vilson, giving rise to renewed discus
sion of the difficulties of adminis
tering the government for a pro
longed and indefinite period without
an active executive. Reports are
persistent that the president is par
tially paralyzed, and that this condi
tion accounts for the established fact
that he has not walked since he was
allowed to leave his bed a fortnight
ago and that he is signing papers
with his left hand.
When Admiral Grayson, the presi
lent's personal physician, was asked
concerning the report that the presi
dent is paralyzed he replied: "I can
not say anything about that. I must
idhere to my policy of neither af
firmation nor denying reports in
irculation concerning the president's
What do you consider his general
condition?" the physician was asked.
"He is improving slowly but
steadily improving." said Doctor
Grayson. "He is attending to such
business as is urgent, but I am per
mitting him to do no more than is
absolutely imperative. I know that
hat disappoints a good many people
who are pressing for executive action
on various matters, but I cannot help
it. 1 must take this stand for J
want .the president to get well."
Doctor Grayson was asked concern
ing the report that the president is
signing papers with his left hand.
Has a Majority of 1,064 Over Both
Opposing Candidates Former
ly a Virginia Worian.
Plymouth, Nov. 2S. Lady Astor,
American-born wife of Viscount As
tor, was elected to parliament from
the Sutton division of Plymouth in
the balloting' of November 15. The
result was announced after a count
of the ballots here this afternoon.
The vote stood:
Lady Astor, unionist, 14.495.
W. T. Gay, labor, 9,292.
Isaac Foot, liberal. 4.139.
The ceremony attending the count
ing of the ballots began in the his
toric Plymouth Guild hall at 9: CO
Lady Astor's philanthropic endeav
ors here during the last ten years
brought her considerable support, as
well as her espousal of anti-liquor
legislation, which won her a large
vote among the women. She drove
about the constituency on a speech
making tour this afternoon and even
rng. The campaign attracted wide at
tention, due in large measure to
Lady Astor's nationality, her uncon
ventional electioneering methods and
her barbed and. witty replies to ques
tioners. Mrs. Lloyd George and
other prominent political person
ages spoke in her behalf.
Turing the past few years we have
had a great many patrons who have
which is supposed to have lent color bought Christmas cards with engrav
ed name plate. Remember this line
of work must be placed early in or
der to insure delivery at the time
desired. Turing the Christmas rush
all engravers are very busy and in
the past we have had some orders
returned to us too late. If you are
planning an order of this kind please
see that we get it at an early date.
Remember the big line of Christmas
cards is always found at the Journal
to the rumor of paralysis.
"That has nothing to do with the
Dresent illness of the president." said
Doctor Grayson. "Tears ago the
resident suffered from neuritis and
'earned to write with his left hand.
Whether ill or well he has used his
left hand for writing whenever it
was necessary to relieve a cramped
'eeling in his right hand."
Read the Journal.
Call on us and let as explain our
plan how we will sell you a Ford
car, any model, on payments to suit
your salary. Now Is the time to get
a new Ford car. If you wait till
spring the demand will be so great
that we will not be able to fill all
orders. Buy now and pay while you
Hde. T. H. Pollock Auto Co. Phone
No. 1.
Strictly modern 5-room cottage;
large lot, cement basement, furnace.
Hot water bath, gas and electric
He-bt. Newlv decorated. 3 months'
coal supply. A. E. Allen, Call 603.
n25-6d 2w
Rev. A. V. Hunter when as a fact! have come to like the smaller towns.
the wedding occurred at the 8t.
John's Catholic church and performed
by Father M. A. Shine. Mr. and
Ttay seem to think that it is a lot
of i fun and they call it an outing,
one of them being beard to remark
Mrs. Kramer are now making their the other morning, "Gee, I will be
Tim Jnnmal office has added a
very choice line of books to the sta
tionery and office supply department,
where you will find many of the pop
ular copyrights, late books in fiction,
boy scouts, campfire girls, and many
i -U T?aViViit "
numuers tuvu na
"Billy Whiskers." and a good linen
line fcr the children.
Buv vour Christmas cards now at
the Journal office. From the post
rrd at lc to the finest booklet at
The Ford Sedan is a splendid car for the fanner because it is pood
and comfortable every day in the year. It has all the utility of the
touring car. The wife and children enjoy the refinements and com
forts. It is easy for women to operate, is always reliable, as well as
t-conoinical. Your early onler is solicited because the big Ford Fac
tory is a good wa.vs from normal production, and with us, it is first
come, first supplied.
Ford Models in Stock
and can make immediate deliveries.
T. H. Pollock Garage,
Plattsmouth, Neb. Phone No. 1
home south of this city on the farm, sorry when this trip is over and wo 50 cents.