The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 01, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbc plattsmoutb lournal
Entered at Fostofflce. Pla-ttamouth. Neb., mm aecond-clasa mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Now is the time to do your Christ
mas shopping. This is no kid.
And the police are even confiscat
ing home-made beer in Omaha.
Some people are like the giraffe,
which is high minded but hasn't
much sense.
The labor situation -is catching.
Even the cider you buy at the groc
ery store won't work.
Cloture, we understand, is spelled
that way in the dictionaries, and
newspapers because it means closure.
If the coal strike continues, fac
tories will cease to factor, elevators
and revolving doors will cease to
An eastern physician of a chemi
cal and advertising turn of mind
says sugar is nothing but solidified
; Eggs are selling at $1.16 a dozen
iri New York, which is only another
evidence that New Yorkers and
their money are soon parted.
When Ben Franklin had to pay
o cents for a porterhouse steak he
went home and told his wife that at
last prices had reached their peak.
Too often It is said that a woman
shops for a new coat six weeks be
fore she buys one. It is after she
has her coat that she really begins
to look around.
The I. W. V. sneers at the law,
but when he commits an unlawful
act and a mob attempted unlawfully
to punish him, how he screeches for
the despised law to protect him.
A good many people worry for
fear the photographer will put
their photographs out in the glass
case in front of his studio, when
really there isn't much danger of it.
Some democrats who haven't quite
recovered from the president's con
gratulation of Governor Ooolidge
can't yet make up their mind.s
whether the president is ill, or
whether they are.
"Io Englishmen brag too much?"
aks a reader of the Philadelphia
Record. Much too much. Some of
them are becoming so adept at it
they rival us Americans, which is
bragging to a degree we can't abide.
It is something of a surprise to
learn that it will take twenty more
months to merge the telephone sys
tems. From the number of voices
on our line yesterday, we felt sure
all the systems In Nebraska were
already merged.
"For men must work and women
must weep." wrote Charles Kings
ley years ago. Now men have quit
work, and women continue to weep,
stopping now and then to wonder
what it was they used to weep about
in Kingsley's time.
PubiiclService Corporatfon
Can be had in amounts of
Investment Securities
.First National Bank Bid',
Omaha, Neb.
' "Sweet are the uses of adversity,"
but we have no use for it.
One half of the world does not
know how the other half gets motor
cars, but it has its suspicion.
In some long dry regions a cock
tail made of doubtful liquor costs
nearly as much as a flight in an air
plane and is equally risky.
Mount Sagnay in South America
has been In constant eruption since
1728. Even Senator Hiram Johnson
can't hope to beat that record.
About time for Fetrograd to fall
again, while Comrades Lenine and
Trotzky once mere seek safety in
flight to parts unknown, isn't it?
There is no office room to be had
in the cities, no apartments, no resi
dences, no business houses, but if
anybody wants to farm there is
plenty of room.
Although this is the age of inven
tions no one seems to have yet per
fected a telephone situated on the
first floor that does not ring as soon
as one does upstairs.
The price of white paper has been
practically doubled since the armis
tice was signed, and current quota
tions are due to nothing more or less
than shameless pofiteering.
These fellows who are so eager to
insure their private liquor stocks
against theft seem to be very certain
they can replace the stock with the
insurance money, don't they?
State authorities in New Jersey
declare that they will not lift a
finger to enforce the prohibition law.
This ought to mean a large rush of
immigration for the mosquito state.
Michigan voters have ratified the
proposed state highway bond issue of
$50,000,000 by a majority of about
three to one. The state is now pre
pared for a great read building era.
Threats to "go to the country"
with the peace treaty probably will
not alarm anybody, unless it might
be those league senators who will
have to go to the country, too, next
A certain clothing company re
cently advertised "only one overcoat
to each customer." Suffering Socrtfe
tes! how many overcoats apiece are
their plutocratic patrons accustomed
to wear?
"Underlying causes of the high
cost of living" reads a headline.
There are underlying causesv which
are natural, but that does not alter
the fact that profiteering in necessi
ties is impudently rampant.
After the coal miners raise the
cost of living for the railroad work
ers by going on a strike, then the
railroad will proceed to raise the
cost of living for the coal miners by
going out. Meanwhile, where does
the public get off.
i :o:
After today, only twenty-six more
shopping days - until Christmas,
which is an ample sufficiency for a
young man who', after piling up a
Christmas savings score of $11.26,
sustained several penalties and then
was taken out of the game at the
end of the first quarter.
We have some knowledge of what
war time prohibition is, and some
expectation of what constitutional
prohibition will be. But this new
kind they have in Louisville, which
seems to be neither, is beyond
both knowledge and guessing. We
give it up.
When there is a shortage of nion
ey; when factories are closed an
men everywhere are thrown out of
employment (as has been known t
happen in this country) people let
out a wail, "Hard times."
When there is an abundance of
money: when men are constantly
employed at fabulous wages, ' work
ing overtime to rush production, "and
draw as much on a single payday as
thev were accustomed to have in
their savings account in the olden
days, they Dut ud the same com
plaint, "Hard times."
What are "hard times?"
Everywhere you will hear the ex
pression, "There seems to be plenty
of money in the country." And it's
nothing short of the truth.
In the hard time eras first describ
ed people were hanging onto their
money. Now exactly the opposite is
the care. One needs but to sec the
vast throngs of people laboring
men and their families elbowing
with each other, almost fighting to
gain admission to any one of the nu
merous theatres in Omaha to be con
vinced of this assertion.
i et, the very men and women
who could best afford the higher
priced seats are conspicuous by their
absence. The same is true of cloth
ing, etc. Those who can best afford
it are wearing out the old, patching
it here or there perhaps, reconstruct
ing old styles into new without dis
carding the goods, while those of
lesser wealth take pleasure in buy
ing with the announcement of every
price advance.
It isn't hard times we are having
now. And it isn't the fault of any
one but ourselves that the purchas
ing power of the dollar has shrunk
almost into insignificance.
Bring back the old days!
"Righteousness," saith Solomon,
"exalteth a nation; but sin is a re
proach to any people.' ' : '
Which saying is laden with much
Far be it from us to deny to any
nations its share di credit for the
things that go toward making the
world better. The United States of
America does not claim all the glory.
and her people, while inclined .to
appraise her share of well-doing at
something like its full value, do not
belittle the greatness of any nation
that is great.
All the great nations have their
well-founded claims upon the grati
tude of the human race and the favor
of the God of Nations. England is
powerful wherever the Union Jack
flies and France possesses her
crown of glorious martyrdom in a
worthy manner. Belgium st'jod like
a rock in the way of the barbarian
hordes that set forth to trample
down the liberties of men, and Hol
land is a mas'terpiece of labor and
thrift. Italy has its past and its
music, Spain has her grandeur, and
China is the seat of a civilzation
which has much to teach us. From!
India comes the wise men and the
mystics, from Russia the nobility that
is Tolstoi, and there is no land that
has not been brightened by the hum
or and long-suffering devotion that
is the natural product of Ireland.
Furthermore, we confess our faults
before all men. We do love a dollar,
and perhaps that is not as it should
be. We lynch folks when they do not
please us, and now and then we take
a little toddy behind the curtain.
But for all of this, it is its right
eousness that exalteth this nation of
America. Never has a people stood
so highly in the opinion of humanity,
because of its righteousness. Never
before has the nation holding the
balance of military, financial and
moral power in the world, gone forth
in arms to use these powers to
enthrone righteousness among Mie
nations. Never before has a people
set before itself such exalted ethi
cal ideas, arid then spent freely of its
resources of blood and treasure to
make these ideals the standards of a
new civilization.
It is not because of our railroads
and our fighting ships that the peo
pie of the world look to us for lead
ership ia the new day. It is because
we gave China back her indemnity,
specifying that the money should be
spent In the education of Chinese
students. It is because we captured
Cuba, b' force of arms, liberated her
from her oppressors, and then get her
free. It is because we interfered to
save Cuba from herself, and after
having established order, withdrew.
It is because we won the world war,
paid our own way, lent money to all
the allies, and refused to accept any
booty. It is because our boys laid
down their lives for the freedom of
the world from autocracy, for the
realization of the world's-dream of a
league of nations to promote peace
and righteousness.
For these reasons the world looks
to the United States of America for
leadership. It is righteousness that
exalteth this nation.
For a little while we are to be de
prived of the leadership to which the
voice of civilization is calling us.
A little clique of little politicians has
betrayed the trust this people has re
posed in its highest legislative body.
Unrighteousness eclipses righteous
ness. Hut it is oniy lor me moment.
Eventually this nation will rise up
and accept the leadership to which it
is entitled. It may be next month,
it may be next year. But it is sure
to take "place. For Solomon was not
mistaken. It is righteousness that
exalteth a nation. Wichita Eagle.
Anyhow, the woman are going at
the thing right. Throughout Mis
souri schools of instruction are
teaching the women how to vote a
thing a large percentage of men
never have learned.
Having decided to quit farming
and move to Colorado, I will sell at
public auction at my -farm Vi mile
west and 14 miles south of Union,
and 12 miles northwest of Nebraska
City, on
ale to commence at 10 o'clock a. in..
the following described property, to
One registered I'erchcron stallion.
years old. wt. 1750 pounds.
One black mare, 9 years old, wt.
t i ' I
1.400 pounds.
One horse mule coming 3 years
Id. wt. 1,200 pounds.
One mare mule, coming 3 years
old, wt. 1,150 pounds.
One bay pony, 8 years old, wt.
900 pounds.
Two colts just weaned, good ones.
Three good milk cows, just fresh.
Several good milk cows to be
fresh noon.
Some yearlings and 2-year-old
heifers. 21 in all.
One high grade Hed Polled bull.
35 head of May pigs, ranging from
00 to 125 lbs., good ones.
15 tons alfalfa hay.
J. I. Case 15x27 tractor, kerosene:
. I. Case, 9x18 tractor, kerosene; J.
I. Case 20x36 steel separator, with a
elf-feeder, blower and weigher; 3-
bottoui, 14-inch Grand DeTour trac
tor plow; 14-hole King wheat drill;
I. & O. wide tread combined lister;
1-row machine; 14-inch walking stir
ring plow, new; two 3 U -inch wag
ons with boxes; truck wagon; hay
rack; hay stacker, bob sled; Inde
pendent manure spreader; 3-section
harrow: 4i-foot Decring mower;
5-foot Deering mower; 8-foot Decr
ing binder: 16x16 John Deere tan
dem tractor disc; John Deere 2-row
machine; Dexter double tub washing
machine; Diabala cream separator;
10 h. p. gasoline engine with good
set of trucks; swinging wood saw,
with 30-inch blade; St. Joe riding
lister; 2 h. p. gasoline engine; tank"
heater; some bee hives, lumber and
many other articles too numerous to
Lunch Will be Served on the
Ground at Noon.
TERMS All sums of $10.00 and un
der cash. On sums over $10.00 a
credit of eight months will be given,
purchaser giving good, bankable pa
per,' bearing 8 per cent from date.
No property to be removed from the
premises until settled for.
Rex Young, Auctioneer. Owner.
J. M. Patterson, Clerk.
A man's
best pal
is his smoke
2G for 20 cents
We guess the moon isn't inhabited,
or we'd have an army snowbound up
there. ...
The Mexican government has been
warned that it must assume sole re
sponsibility for any acts that may
affect its relations with the United
States. Now we guess Mexico will
be good.
On Petition for Determination
of Heirship.
Kstute of A Know Knot, deceit sod. ii
tin' fiiunly Court of Cass county. Ne
braska. The State of Nebraska. To all poi
sons interested in said estate, creditors
and heirs, take notice, that Jesse A.
Koot has filed his petition alleging that
A ernes 1 loot died intestate in Murray
on or about September ' 1911, being a
resident and inhabitant of Cass conn
ev Nebraska, ami the owner of the
following described real estate, to-wit:
Lots numbered eight is) and nine )
in i!lo k seve n 7 1 in l.atta's First Ad
dition to the Village of .Murray, Cass
..oimtv Vebraska. leaving as her sole
:.i.d onlv heirs at law the following
named i.ersons. to-wit: Jesse A. Koot.
her husband; Vincent A. Kennedy, her
ret nml l .mi Kennedy, her mother.
.t , u ir, f for a decree barl ing
claims: that said decedent died intes
tate; that no application for adminis
tration has been made and the estate
of said d. cedcnt has not been adminis-I-
ti.r. jtni of Nebraska, and
.i .. i u at law of said decedent
as herein set forth shall be decree to
le the owners in fee simple of the
t ...... .1 n.' in l.m I rC3 " 1 (1 II.
000 l ' " ...!
V 11 i V II
has been
set for hearing on me --
dav of December,
U. l'Jl, at ten
o'clock a. m. , .
Hated at Plattsmoutb. Nebraska, this
29U. .lav of Xni VkSOX.-
County Judge.
Jly riiUur.-NClv "I"'
Newspaper advertising Is declared
the most valuable consistent with
LniicIiMlor:0.r.. fonuo iot,
..-. KMa rre-
i. . initios, f-udeatt
I i i u !
Knew we'd get together"
Ches. Field
HERE'S where the particular r. ofcer
meets the particular smoke Chester
Particular is right! Not only do we use
the four choicest varieties of Turkish to
bacco Xanthi, Cavalla, Smyrna and Sam
soun but to these we add the rich, sun
ripened leaves of specially choice Dome?' ?c
Fine as these tobaccos are, it's tho ex
clusive process by which they are blended
that gives to Chesterfields that satisfying
body, that mellow richness which makes p.
smoke mean something.
Chesterfields certainly do satisfy a3 i:o
other cigarette has satisfied you before
and to top it off, they are packed in a fjlac.s
ine paper package that preserves lor ycu
all of that delicious flavor.
and the blend
can't be copied
A Fort Scott, Kan., school boy was
asked by his teacher to tell what a
friend is. The boy said: "It's some
one that goes along with you." We'll
give you one year in which to beat
that definition, so get busy.
Governor Henry J. Allen of Kansas
has called for volunteers to work the
mines of that state and met with
much success. We are all strong for
the governor and his plan to increase
the coal output.
:o: -
Villa will revenge the death of
Buy this winter and save 15 per cent. Work
not to be paid for until it is set in the spring.
To many wait until spring to buy.
Cass County Monument Company
H. W.
Telephone 177 :-
J f
General Angeles, says the reports
from Mexico. Let 'good work go on
may the warring bandits be able to
exterminate, each other.
:o: :
Senator Borah says the country is
in a rut and going to the bad but
the Idaho senator is doing very little
to help the nation over its crisis.
Lloyd George has called on the
United States to take a part in the
settling of the problems growing out
of the war and especially as regards
: i
i !
-:- Plattsmoulh, Neb.
f I