The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 01, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
FACE TV70 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, DECEMBER T. 1919. U. S. CITIZEN MURDERED BY GARRANZISTA iscgfcmari i - r - - ---Vf Children Cry for FleicEier-'s THE CREATOR OF THE LAUGHING HABIT ojurir 0 Kirr. C X VC1J X&tf r. Vfl - .1. I s TaezzjerLijgsss 0 U LTU L& L!i LEa ITU U 7 Hhe Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature cf m and has been made under his per sonal supervision ?inr its infinir. .Allow tin .nf to Arreivn -j-r .:t in Vie All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-cod ' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger V.r. fceiJ'h of 7 Infants and Children Experience agairst IV What is CASTO : . Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor ' 2rcps and Soothing Syrups. It is pleas :. jioiiher Opium, Morphine nor other larco'ur .-nt. age is it Ciararaee. For :nore thun t' beer in constant usa for the relief cf Cone:; "VSir.a Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying V'. tli.TtrcTn. and by regulating the Sto-nr-'he assimilatioa ci" 5ood; giving h-?ai.-Iho Cl-ildxta'c Panacea Tbe Uc-n -V . i j J ... sj u .7". mesfi "."'55- tT fV-r- f MEXICAN FEEERAL SOLDIER SHOOTS DOWN OIL COM PANY EMPLOYE. EIGHTH VICTIM SINGE JULY State Department Says Crime Was Committed without Provoca tion of Any Kind. Washington. Nov. :iS. jame Wallace. A;.i ric i.n ciMzei., was r-hot a;nl l.-il;.";! "amp tr - ' . . w 4- 4 Vcu RED STEER LOST IU-d inul'. y Ftocr strayed from my f.-rr-j about lUo ISth of Octohor. the hair havins? bten clipped from tail. Any information as to his wiureabo'tts will be liberally re Y.;:rcki by notifyir.s me. PHILIP HEIL. Cedar Creek, Xeb. FOR SALE ir.glo com! Luff Orpington tockcre!-. 2.00 each. Inquire cf Hcrfak. P. O. Box 509, Platts-inoutl'.. Money to loan on city real estate by thv Plattsmouth Loan & Building Association. See T. M. Patterson. Secretary 3-2tffl FOR SALE. Chester White boars for sale. Prices reasonable. Full pedigree furnished free. Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Call or write your wants. C. Bengen, My nard.'Neb. 16-tfw Hovi' cloth in? prices are about (bnible for spiin.e how about a -uit now? 4 W. A. ROBERTSON Lawyer. East ot Riley Hotd! Coates Elock, Second Flcxr. 4- Why pay $75.00 to $100.00 for a new ovei coat when I can rebuild your old one for a fraction of the price of a new one. After having it repaired, , cleaned and pressed you've got practically a new coat at a nominal price. I am dyeing a great many army overcoats in navy blue, dark brown and black. They dye nicely. Look over your winter clothes now. and have them put in shape to wear. OPPOSITE JOURNAL OFFICE Main Strest, Vejvoda's Old Stand TELEPHONE 166 I v Ci! ran; is! a soiniers la;t V.'i'i'.ic iljy. .n'vi-rc.i of t'-'f kiHir.g u".d immediate ly cr:!Tcii a thorough invest i:;:ition. i i this la test outrage were l:-.( kii.v.. i i:t admiiiistratio!i o' Ticial? :!id not hi itate to cha ct( ri;.',' it t'.s In:!-.-1 t'.H? la.' rtraw" in the chain oT 'asivravatin.- i.'uidents wiii.'h his f cu-'i.-'l thv ;Uteitivi f the sta'c ; I::rti!H nt for vevcra! moiit lis.' The W.iilacc rcferrtul to id !--lifvcd here to be K. T. Wallace of tliL Uuif lieiininp toni'iuny. about 40 years old. and one of the company's i-rji nu'Ti. He had operated tor the i'i .p:ip.y in Colombia as well as Met ica end went recently to Tainpico. Eighth U. S. Victim. If the identification ot Wallace correct, he h; the eiprhth official of the i'u'if Kefininz ccinnany to be killed in .Mexico and tie eighth American to be killed since July '11, 1&19, when the state department warned the Carranza government that more killings of Americans would lead to a in policy of this Kovernnnit toward .Mexico. The following statement was is sued by the state department: 'James Wallace, an American em ploye of nn American oil company near Tampico. as murdered by Mexican fedcr;.! soldier at Portrero Del Llano on Wednesday, November T. The murderer was not taken in to custody." Crime in Cold Blood. Accoidiiifr to the department's ad vices the officers in charge of troops camped in the vicinity claimed that Wallace had provoked the murder. "The department" has been in formed as a result of an investiga tion that a mule on which Wallace was riding to the place of his em ployment, thied at a machine gun which it was passing, overturning the gun. The soldier immediately shot Wallace, the bullet striking him i:i the neck and killing him instant- ly." YOUNG PEOPLE ARE WEDDED Miss Lillian Adams of This City and George Neilsen of Dannebrog, Nebraska. Married Here. -:--:-::-:-:--:--:-:-':-::-:":--x ... j. j. j. -5- i ON YOUR TIKES! Goodrich 6000 mile tires, any size or type, sold this month at list less 5 percent. Denatured Alcohal $1.00 per gallon. Avoid radiator trouble by filling up now. l"rm Wednesday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon at the resi dence of Itev. A. V. Hunter, pastor of the First Methodist church, occurred the marriage of one of the popular young ladies of Plattsmouth, Miss Lillian Adams, to George Ncilson of Dannebrog. Nebraska. The wedding was a very simple one, tne young people being unattended and the ceremony witnessed :y the member; of the family of Itev. Hunter and Jacob K. Adams, brother of the bride. The bride was very charming in a traveling costume of dar'K blue serge and wearing a picture hat of blue, and the groom was attired in the conventional black. Following the ceiemony the young people returned to the homo of the bride's parents. Mr. and .Mrs. Will- : . rr a .1 i lain i. auams, w nere tiiey were showered with will wishes by the members of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Neilsen departed yesterday afternoon at 3:C0 on a short honeymoon trip, leaving their destination n dark secret and will soon be at home to their friends on the farm near Dan nebrog. The bride is the charming anil ac complished daughter of Deputy Coun ty Clerk William T. Adams and wife, and has been icareil iti this commun ity where she was educated in the- In the Sparkling Musical Comedy a ss Me Again!" A Delightful Series of Tuneful Melodies, Sparkling Humor and "Everything" to Amuse You A WONDERFUL CAST ! A Big Chorus of Braadvay Stage Beauties! OF COMEDIANS. SINGERS AND DANCERS !j BOWER'S OWN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Ififlf you have neglected to purchase your tickets, buy them today. Don't Miss It! Wednesday, Dec. 3 Boxes, $2.00; All Downstairs, $1.50; Balcony, $1.00; Gallery, 50 plus the war tax Remember this same show will cost you $2.00 at the Brandies Theatre in Omaha the following day. Parmele Theatr 3 323. LOCAL NEWS From Friday's Pally. W. V. Oillispie, the grain dealer was among those going to Omaha this morning, where he will visit to: Mrs. T. H. Pollock and daughter. Miss Alice, were among those going to Omaha this morning on the early Purlington train, to spend a few hours looking after some matters of business! Norman Dickson, who has been in the west for several months, is en- the day and look after some matter:; joying the holiday vacation in this .i. , !city with his relatives and friends. i : i .1 u UMiiess. ,, , , , l.!r. Dickson is at present located at Mr. and Mrs. 11. L. Gamer, of near ( 1 CI, ,lr. Vnhrot l- over Thanksgiving at the home of Mrs. (Jamer's parents, Mr. and Mr.-. James M. Robertson. Paul Roberts and wife of Cedar Creek were over Thanksgiving visi tors in this city, spending the holi day at the home of Mr. Robert's father, J. M. Roberts. Claude Richardson returned home tins afternoon from a visit with hi wife at the Ford hospital and re ports that Mrs. Richardson is get ting along nicely and in a few day: will be able to sit up. Edward Rrantner and wife of Pen der, Nebraska, arrived Wednesday evening from their home in the northern part of the state and will enjoy a short visit here at the home of Mrs. IJrantner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cory and family. Raymond Larson, who is employed in a bank at Odell, Nebraska, arriv ed Wednesday evening to enjoy the Thanksgiving vacation here -at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs L. G. Larson. Miss Esther Larson who is engaged in teaching in the Omaha schools is also a visitor here over the week end." SNOW BRINGS HUNTERS. W. I. Gillispie and William Rum n.ell departed this morning for Lin coln where they v ill enjoy the even ing at the ceremonial of the Shriners in that city and watch the candi dates hie across the burning sands. From Saturday's Ialiy. Sheriff C. D. Quinton departed this morning for Greenwood where he waa called to look after some busi ness for the counts'. Attorney William A. Robertson was a visitor in the metropolis to day, where he was called to look af ter a few legal matters. John Llovd of near Murray was in the city today for a few hours looking after some matters of busi ness at the court house. John Wunderlich of Nehawka was m the city today visiting at tne home of his daughter, Mrs". C. A. AULT. CEDAR CREEK NEBRASKA schools of this city. A lady of ,i. 'more than usual charm, she has manv Jjwarm friends who will join in wish-j Uoscncrans and family and visiting !- inir liev lnnr-h linnninpc; in 1 tin future, i w'h friends. j. years. The groom is one of the pros- perous and industrious young fyirni- f eis of Howard county and loir; pre- 4 pared a pleasant home on the farm 'j. near Pt. Paul where nicy will make their home in the future. ,Mr. and Mrs. George Hirz and daughter Marie of Rapid City. South D.'kota. together with John Hiris and wife or this city spent Thanksgiving day with the Matt Sulser family west of town. LOUISVILLE MAN MAKING GOOD IN WESTERN STATE The heavy snow of last evening and this morning brought forth the hunters of the community this after noon who, heavily armed, tooft the field against the rabbits and it was a lucky bunny that did not get shot at several times. In most cases, how ever, the rabbits were safe as long as they stood still. William Smith and Lysle Gilmore were among those going out after rabbits and returned late in the afternoon reporting a great slaughter of the ji ks but 30 or 40 of the rabbits were warty and had to be abandoned while the oth ers were brought in to furnish an appetizing meal. ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT From Friday's Dally. Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Cummins, of Lincoln, announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Emma, to .Air. Louis H. Pabst of febetha. Kan sas. The marriage will occur at Lincoln shortly before the Christmas holidays. AI the news in the Journal. ess Clyde MeClain. of Twin Falls. Ida ho, was here over Sunday visiting with relatives and old time friends. Mr. MeClain paid the Courier o trice i a pleasant call Monday morning and left two dollars for a year's subscrip tion to the Courier, which he order ed sent to his Idaho home. Clyde left Louisville about fourteen years ago and settled on a piece of land near Twin Falls. It was nothing but sage brush and rattle snakes then but he saw prospects ahead as there was already- a movement on foot to irri gate the land from Snake river, which has since been accomplished. When he settled there Twin Falls was a small hamle.t but today is a prosperous little city of ten thous and inhabitants. Land could have been brought at that time for but a few dollars per acre which now rhanires hands at from S250 to $1,000 per acre. Mr. MeClain was married after locating in the west to a Cass coun ty girl. Miss Bedella Smith, of Platts mouth. They have a family of three j children, a boy and two girts, lie is enthusiastic over the possibilities of irrigation and says he never has to worry about rain for he can cause it to rain on his crops at any time he thinks they need it. Mr. MeClain has not visited Iouis- ville for six years and was pleased at the evidences of prosperity in the town of his youth. He returned home Tuesday. Louisville Courier. "DOS PybSi SaBeS 371 n See the thow, "Boys' Clothes," in lfi Re?l Features this week at Philip Thierolf',. i , Journal want ads pay. Having decided to retire and move to Louisville, I will sell at Public Auction on farm 4 miles south and Yz mile east of Louisville; 1 Yl miles north and 1 mile east of Manley, and 5 miles north and Yz mile west of Weep ing Water, without reserve, on Wednesday; .Dec. 3, 1919 the following described property: 8 HEAD OF HORSES 8 Span of black mares, wt. 2,000 smooth mouth; P.lack mare, 6 vears old. weight 1.200; Steel grey gelding, :? years old. weight 1,150; Hay gelding. 4 years old. weight 1.250; Bay gelding 2 years old, weight !)50; Span mares, 10 years old. weight 2,000. Set of buggv harness; one single harness. 19 HEAD OF CATTLE 19 7 head of milch cows; One thoroughbred Shorthorn bull, com ing two years old; 4 heifers coming fresh in the spring, G yearling calves. TEN HEAD CHESTER WHITE SHOATS. FARM IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, ETC. 2-row stalk cutter; Case riding cultivator, almost new; Rock Island riding cultivator; John Deere riding cultivator, almost new; Jenny Lind walking cultivator; 3-section harrow; King press drill; Uudlong disc; Oiburn side delivery rake, almost new,- 16-inch Twen tieth Century riding plow; 14-inch Rock Island riding plow; John Deere riding lister; David Bradley corn planter with furrow opener; 7-foot Deering binder in good condition; 5-foot Adriance mower, almost new; gearless hay loader; Madison 2-row, almost, new; Mad ison 46-foot corn elevator with 16-foot spread; ball bearing grind stone; Corn King manure spreader; Newton wagon; Mitchell wag on; carriage; top buggy; road buggy; truck wagon with two sets of wheels; hay rake in good condition; disc plow; 3 h. p. Sheldon gas engine; wood saw with 3 blades; feed grinder; 50-gal. feed cooker, good as. new; 30-gal. feed cooker; 200-egg Old Trusty in cubator, good as new; 70-egg Smith incubator; nine tons good prairie hay; seven tons alfalfa hay; base, burner. 18-inch fire pot; 6-hole cook stove; wood base burner; some household goods ami' other articles too numerous to mention . Sale Will Open at 10 O'Clock Sharp A Big Free Lunch will be Served at llr30. WM. STOHLMAN, Owner ? COL. WILL DUNN. Auct. W. J. RAU, Clerk I urT