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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1919)
PLATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FOUR THURSrAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1019. tZbz plattsmoutb "journal PUELISHEB SEI.1I-WEEKLY AT PLATTSJIOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered mt I'dstofTlce. n.ttsmouth. Neb., as econd-class mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PES YEAR IN ADVANCE At least one-half the people ap pear to be up and doing the other half. :o: The balloon may be only a bag of wind, but it is, at least, self-supporting. :o: Campaigns against the cigaie'te are in vogue in Kansas towns where bad whi.-key sells for 1S a quart. :o: A host of miracle seekers are be ginning to fear that Judge Ander son's injunction wasn't an injunction after all. :o: Those British experts in this coun try getting information on how to modernize their telephone systems, don't even attempt to describe what their service must be over there. -:o: Pupils in the Plattsmouth high school are enthused with class sen timent of course. If they weren't we wouldn't give much for the kind of things they must be learning. :o. The German mark has dropped to a value of 2.15 cents, which is still something over three cents above the value German diplomatic state ments were held at in this country in 117-1S. :o. A good many people believe it would be line if alcohol could be used in motor car engines, and ev erybody agrees that if a tool driver must drink anything strong, it might j as v. ell lie cra-uline. :o: Lack of production is responsible for high prices, it is said. And who wants to go to work at producing for lower wages than now being paid? S it may take a good while before The oo; is lowered much. -:o: Senator PoindexKr has introduc ed a bill to curb men who no about advocating the overthrow of the government. It is feared the sena tor has no consideration for Secre tary Baker's conscientious objectors. :o: "t'heer up." says the Hopkins. Mo.. Journal. "You will not have to worry about coal strikes when you get to your future home." But wasn't one of the strikers quoted a week or so apo as being determined to fctay out "till hell freezes over?" : n: One curious thing about coal and shoes and overcoats and turkeys and things which are always "scarce and hiKh" at this time of year is that they're always higher than they are scarce. The supply never seems to run out for those who have the mon ey to pay. :o: When the factories over the coun try shut down and employes are de prised of their jobs as a result of the coal shortage, possibly some of Hie strike-imbued brother unionists of the coal miners will lose their en thusiasm for the miners staying out unit! "hell freezes over." After all. it depends a great deal on where the freezing is taking place. INVESTMENTS Public"5ervice Corporal fort Paying Can be had in amounts of $100 . PAUL FITZGERALD, Investment Securities First National Bank Bld'g, Omaha, Neb. Si If luck was an alley pome people would be a whole boulevard. -:o:- The cry for modern homes Is not decreasing. but rather increasing as the days go by. Laugh and grow fat. This method is the only one now in reach of the, average purse. -:o:- A number of Iowa factories closing down through lack of are in- ability to secure "coal. :o: With 317 revolts in 112 days Mex ico apparently is suffering a short age of ammunition or something. -:o: A increase in wages would look mighty pood to a lot of labor- j ing men right now. No back pay. thank you. :o: Xot all people are lucky, though. We know one for instance who is that unlucky that if it were raining soup he'd be there with a fork. About the best Christn as present you may be able to give your friends this year is an order for a ton of coal subject to the approval, of! course, of the fuel director. :o: Basket ball prospects look good for P. II. S. this year. Our boys got right up among the leaders last sea son and it is hoped they may finish at the head of the list this year. There are some people whom the shortage of coal won't interest un til it becomes so acute the pow r plants can no longer furnish elec- tricitv and their favorite movie show is forced to close its doors. :o: We celebrated the armistice he- cause we thought it meant peace. and we celebrated the injunction becau.-e we thought it meant coal. Iiut. aside trom a few things Iiko; that, we humans are a prcttv smart race. If our meat de.Ter would quit weighing in the h"ad and feet of spring chickens we buy every aut- umn we would feel sorrier for him when he says he loses money on ev ery piece of pork the packers sell him. :o: The proposal to change the date of Thanksgiving day to that of Ar mistice day surely hasn't been con sidered with due regard to the prin cipal use of Thanksgiving day in recent years. November 11 is en tirely too early for a championship foot ball game. :o: "Time to order a turkey." mar keters advise us. But it is long past time to start a savings fund for one-. If you didn't think of that eigiit , I months ago, you'd better walk right on past the man at the turkey coun ter, for he's a bear and doesn't like to be bothered by tri tiers. :o: Chivalry is not pronounced quite dead in this country, but the men haven't met the real test yet. The real test will come when some old oflice holder meets an opportunity to iret un an.l L-ive some iWrvin-i. lady v.der his seat at the pie coun-L ter. My. what a wail. :o: When it pleases you to have some' , . , , double chinned widow make eves at , ., , you: when you begin to build tali .... .A recruit in the navy or marine': siui it.i uu iiuuy luei neea e ioii.s , wneii leoplo commence to consult yoil about the weather tomorrow; when they laugh at you instead of with you; when you have an automobile! appetite and a wheelbarrow diges tion, anel when yem discover that all I outii; men" are inte rnal fools then you are growing old. Football and the price of turkeys now have the spotlight. :o: Rabbit meat is higher this; year than ever before, because well just because. :o: wiui me jiicMiu jmh-v ..o. --"-- citv of coal, home is about the dear est spot on earth. :o: If general leisure is a most desir able state, this ought to be a most devout Thanksgiving. :o: We have been told that in the eur Iv days of the church even Cliris- tians loved one another, I .o: It is hoped that everybody will : stop fighting on Thanksgiving day I long enough to give thanks for the peace our country has enjoyed the last year. :o: The general situation seems to I .. pretty well summed up in the con fession of an Atchison negro: "1 sleeps well, and I eats well, but somehow I has no eh-siah to work." -:o:- The news that a Kansan has in- vented a musical typewriter is very interesting to many who have long since tired of popular songs writ ten on a mimeograph. : o : One thing is certain. The Ameri can people are not having a walk over time with the American proti- l teer. He is acting more like a! I criminal with each coming day. j :o: ; Perhaps two holidays in November ; are too many, and Thanksgiving ami Armistice day should be consolida'-. ed. but how is it going to be done! without disarranging the time-honored foe ilia 11 schedule? : o : - If you are good at mathematic work this one out. The kais ::: raiel tlie wages ot the i his new estate at Doom f;om 14 to' 1 " florins. The increase, the tele graph explains, is from t .,, ?'.0.-: a week. a florin beii.j: cents. If a llorin is 10 cents, plain how 11 florins i.s equal ,.. -:o: SEEING THE WORLD The I'nited States marine: wl.o . are keeping bandits in Haiti on th- run have not onlv learned to act mounted dragoons, but are able to, make bombs to be dropped from air- planes en the mountain retreats of1 the robbers wh have so long in- fested the island. A native constabulary 2..") i been organized been e'tieuntlv trained bv American seigeants. For the first time the-' natives are wearing shoes and learn i.i, i.i, v.iiii, ,ii ui. i i m i in . in mm i Before lee world war Haiti was in such! financial confusion that several K'i - t ropean countries threatened to land i forces, a proceeding that would not) have worked well for the .Monroe' dictiine. I I In 1 ! 1 4 our marines took posse -, j sion of the main Haitian port, no'1 without i-onio sharp tight in-;, and have since 'maintained order. A I'nited States treasury agent has charge of the custom house- at Pert -.11 I'rinn. I t t .in II,.. .ml. lie dd:t. is now paid promptly, and various improvements for the com- )UlS vvitll boxes; truck wagon: hay inon benefit are going forward. The rack; hay stacker, bob sled; lnde bandits who formerly were bribed pendent manure spreader: M-seclion from the customs revenue are mi longer the actual governing force. Within the last few years Ameii- can marines have loiiiilii t n fa nt rv .... ., . . .. . III I I (lilt U illltl Illl lift'fl III ilCI 11)11 -jirom lroen Arcliangid to the tropi- .shades of the West Indies, llun- dnds of thousands of young Ameri- I , , , , . . , ,. i Cans Who bad never been tar nun Home have since crossed the seas and become familiar with distant land i corps of the I'nited States i.s in i fair wav to be a pimimn.i vi-'ator Haiti is another example of Uncle Sam's helpful inlluenco on troubled ! neighbors. St. Louis U lobe-Demo- crat. Newspaper actvertlsing ts declared the nioiit valuable consistent vith HONEY IS NOT WEALTH Broker William F. Fitzgerald, of Huston, chairman of the democrat i'j ; . prosperity committee of Massachuset-j ts, read his fellow democrats a very! wholesome lesson in a recent newj-j paj)er interview, giving his reaons , why he bolted Long and supported I Coolidge. He says: "When an individual face.s life' with a belief that he can gei tome j thing for nothing he courts ruin. j "Everybody is intent on nnikingj money and nut creating wealth. j "Monev is not wealth, and unless . all men are willing to work an )ik hard, there can b i() pro.;- peritv and no snfctv for the Ameri r can people. "Todav a man to be a machinist - needs only a union card; ten years I ago he had to read a blueprint. j j "The drones with money are mu-e ' , ,,i(is( wit,.,Mlt ,,.. e v. Production is i: !- 1 the wo r! i! over. The nation needs men who can create real wealth; but money madness is nation madness and eva . ion of work is invitation to pov erty. I "The man who hates work is i j thief. Incompetence is theft. J "The people gave I'alvin Coili.k'-' ; 1 LM.O'o) plurality because they kr ! he represented undiluted honesty. This aroused understanding lr.u.-t '. maintained. "When the people understand the r.e---I for work and demand that men in positions of political trust shall! and competent, then shall u have a strong nation and a safe one Wall Street Journal, :o: Hopes of Christmas dampness ar id to le fading away quite rapid- iy just now. PUBLIC SALES Having decided to quit farnms and move to Colorado. I will'Sell at public auctioa at my farm V4 OV.I 11'. mi'Tcc cn"U. f TTniV.-l and 12 miles northwest of Nebraska City, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6th :-ale to cri.:inence at li o'clock a. m following described property. . - 1 HORSES i Ore registered Pert heron stallion : ' vi-ars old. wt. 17."0 pounds. '()m. W;u.,. 1I1:mi years old. w: i,;iim pounds. One horse mule coming yea- old. wt. 1.20O pound.'' One mare mule, coming vear iold wt. 1.1 TiO pounds, iorce ot ; One hay pony. S years old. wt and ha ? !'0 0 pounds. mericanj Two colts just weaned, good ones. i CATTLE I j Three good milk cows, ju-t fresh. J I Several uood milk cows to '.- re-e inn .,,.!. t.,, i Some warlings antl 2-year-old heifers. 21 in all. One high grade Red Polled bull. K0GS head of .May pigs, ranging from 10) to 12" lbs., good ones. 1T tons alfalfa hay. FARM MACHINERY J. I. Ca-e l.",x .J. 1. Case. ").1S tractor, kerosene; .1. I. Case 20x:'. s( eel separator, with a ,' f-feeder. blower and weigher; iKt t oni. 1 4 -i nrh Crand DeTour trac- lor plow; 14-hoIe ling wheat (Mi'. i. . m i . i o; ...1 i:..;..- 1. V C . IHi' l.eai ... I. ...... n l-ro.v machine; 11-im ii walking -( ir ring plow, new; two r.Vt-inc'n wag- harrow; 4 .(.-foot Peering mower: ."-fool 1 leering mower: S-foot Dcer ing binder; H..10 John Deere tau- dem tractor disc; John Deere 2-row ' machine ; Dexter double tub washing 'machine; Diabala cream -separator; ! 1 0 '- P- gasoline engine with pood S(j( i)f ,rucks. .swinging wood .-r.v. with ;;0-inch blade; St. Joe rieiirg lister; 2 h. p. gasoline engine; tank beater; some bee hives, lumber a:;e! ukuvi. manv other articles too numerous to ,. mention. Lunch Will be Served on the . ,V I n.. at "Norm Ground at JNOOn. I a ts. t;is ah cuius of S 10.00 and tin- , ' " ,n nn . tier cash. On sums over $10.00 a credit of eiht mouths will-be ;;iven. purchaer giving goejd, bankable pa per. bearing S per cent from date. No property to be removed from the ! premises until settled for. j J. M. CHALFANT. ' jex Youn, Auctioneer. Owner, J JI. Patterson," Clerk. , w. -: - : 1 raft &$nWJ&Vj,dk f ; v-"! ' M & MW P , .!. C"l.v: r ,i ; - r,, 1- i t , I MAKES A SHOUT VISIT W. 1 ( out i vman. one of the ru-.-iirer.f resj 'ents of near Nehawka vas in the city today visiting with us manv tneuds m tue count sent, .i'.' e; :r;ute ho:i:e from Omaha. v. hi re he has 1; on son e mat ters , j ha-, ior the pist1 ''' l'' '!"';-- ' -Ir- ( 1 I'VlIla U : v . yea his father' .-in.e the be-1 (i'.i: - farm n de:ith of gnuetl i:: f irming ir Nehawka. but his father last j-Vpt c in her. has purcha-ed ;i fine 21" j ac-r.- t..i:n in Unrt county, near Te-j . K: mah. and d iri-g the coming year evoeci.s to remove there to take lit) i - ----- . :t!:o active management of the farm. NOTICE To wiiom r may concern: i ;;e I statements mad.- in the World-lie raid j on the 12th day of November, in re- gard to our marriage are untrue. We! hold our c (' I'Uate of marriage audi all parties so deeply intere.-ted in our j affairs had better cease? their talk-j ing in the? matter or they may iircJ themselves in trouble. MAKGAUET J. SI I It A DKK KOI'.KRT SHKADKlt. AiiiK t,t or m onroii im ! if Hit- 1'jii-ftMTH t iiioii o-irriiti- -j siicliiiiiiii ,f (.ri'i'n nmiil, Ni'lir. i Tlie n:iiiie i.f this eel m.i at inn shall i l e the is t ili.'i! Co-operative As : ,ri:i i inn. nt' (In oiwi'iiii. Nehr. 'I I. e prineipai pho e t i.e ints : n ss of this e lie at t reeii wnnil. Cass The 1 'Us i ness if the i nf t ra r. :;n t inu npniatinn shall eniir.ty. N'ehr. la pmal mn snaii ihe h,i in-' aail st lliir' I'm' itselt n? i niissinn i.s well as that "f iTinlln- ;,;nl .-hiiMiin :;rain. larm ,.;Vt f - - .-''! " " -:' , . ' " V ( . . . ' i '. -r:'.";'; :' . V L; ' ' ' . '-.j. ' t , , r- . ' tractor, kerosene; pr-oa e. , live stnek a,..! farm sup nlies: In oariaa.M' lmhl. 1 ease leai estate or other proper! v fnr tin- nsi- nl the eovpora t inn iti emel n I i n its lais! e.ess; to ilireet, own. enuirnl. Pas'- or eier.-i Ki'ain 1'' alms. wa relionse-s. stni ehniis. s ami n t he r lanl'lins aial t' a.ouire property in any terminal mar kets 11.1 essa rv Iti eoini net i n u said lmsi-liess- to penciiase and to hold stork ill nther emiMiratinns: t hoi-row nmnex : t.. ,,.;,Ke .veeule ;ilnl itediver e vey- ames and to see are the sam.': ai:d ! do. peilnrni and earry nil tlie alniesaiU lnjsiiiess in the State nf Nel'l'aska. TI.e aiunan! f tie- eapital stoe-K "I this , nrperatinn shall he $ L" r..u0o.0.i. whi. h shall he- divideil into -:.' shares ..;' $lcie ei, ea. h. ia.0"O.iH) shall 1' lullv '.aid in at the time nf eemim.Tii'e- ment nt luisiness. This stock shall !" I -asses: The- highest aiimuat of i adeht ed In iii, I, ills oiiiMii a I inn saill at ilih a l: v . : i ..... i i .... I f shall ll"t ,'M-eeil e.f the I a id up eapual sin The t.-rm nf the existence nl this cm p.. ration .-ha'l c.mmen.f n t he lMli .lav of June. A. 1. 101!. and '-'',; l t III, ' , . , . . . . v; 1:1 (U t' I'M ivi.a. - v.-ars from said date. iml.s Jic 1..,.. I I. :i 111:1 inrit v nf tin lllllll'l sleu-k-'dets or ti opi'iatinn !' law. i-i... of Hi i.s e-i.rpo! at 1011 d.all 1 1. ....... I ', Ihe fnllnwui Una I'd ,,'t seven e7i .iilccl.ils u itil th.- tirst annual tn.-eling as I'invide.i hy Ms laws Che seven .) oirecios ..In, Ar.uMr.Ko; . Hurry V. 11: leu. r. i-. 1.. I'eters ami . 1 ' '' j V-'i-eu-rs preside,,. : .1..! i vi-.- ..;...s!'i.l..,.i : lliii-rv V. Jlri. l;. !'. si e i clary i piesi.ieni '... i i- Wie.leiaan. treasurer ; aim Jonn ' ... . 7T. ,.. . . ... ... ..rii.n o- i Ve "O UH lkI1,H& "L JW" " i st: '-- - rA.- r-i a :.iTi 'iAf : i' NO UJ R'ii-i- Webiv-'arViV Clt.clC !i Vrt LrucSe. or :eivj,r.. , o. ajoio j -.,1... L.w tuition S' -!cn XcwtiM n I i.v.; Mei' - a.-. ' - v- ;;:! iii iii i . i jiir in, . ,, . if! I.I. .! :. l-t ! I, i '.I. I ,1 iiiii!! ni;!i!!!i!!!ii!i!i!i I 'lill. ' I smokespot with Prince Albert it hits you so fair and square. It's a scuttle full of joy 'us '"I li' jimmy pipe sunshine and as satisfying as it is delightful every hour of the twenty-four! It's never too late to hop into the Prince Albert pleasure pasture! For, P. A. is trigger-ready to give you more tobacco fun than you ever had in your smokecareer. That's because it has the quality. Quick as you know Prince Albert you'll write it down that P. A. did not bite your tongue or parch your throat. And, it never will! For. our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch. Try it for what ails your tonguel Toppy red bags, tidy red tins, handsome pound and half pound tin humidors and that clever, practical pound crystal glass humidor witft " sponge moistener top that keeps the tohzeco in such perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. RED STEER LOST Red muley steer strayed from mv farm about the ISth of October, the long hair having been clipped from his tail. Any information as to his i whereabout.- will be liberally re- warded by notifying nie. run. ip iieii.. Cedar Creek, Neb. FOR SALE Single comb. Huff Orpington cockerels. $2.00 each. Inquire of L,,uis norsak. o. Box oO'J. Platts- i. JW-Ulll. j Read the Daily Journal. Use Your Hi Priced With farm lands selling at three hundred dollars per acre and wheat bringing $2.07, and corn following closely, wh' have some of this valuable domain loafing and not producing anything? With trees and stumpa covering the ground which could as well as not be uti lized for crops, Mr. Farmer, you are losing money. I can remove these obstacles in the way of a good profit to you cheaply. Call or write W. J. PARTRIDGE, Weeping Water -:- -:- Nebraska I'i'-H'tib: i n i 9 H a !!::XB;i::ffl'!i:a.aiiXB:r:!:;B;,ir::!s: H t AND HEADSTONES i ii n i a 3 -3 I i is 1 i o Duy this winter and save 15 percent. Work not to be paid for until it is set in the spring. To many wait until spring to buy. Cass County Monument Company H. VV. Telephone 177 OU can't help cutting loose joy 'us A remarks every time you flush your FOR SALE. Chester White boars for sab-. Prices reasonable. Full pedigree furnished free. Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Call or write your wants. C. Bengen, My nard. Neb. 16-tfw t."t i ; i t i i i . f W. A. ROBERTSON, I Lawyer. East ot Riley Hotal. , Coates Elock, f A Second Floor. gh Land! :,m:mtu rmsmrm rmxmzm s-btbsi HI n in ii i ii ii ii ii ii u is 11 SMITH Plattsmouth, Neb.