The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 27, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
T.AY 't::.:2Z2 1919. VLATTSTtlOTTTII SET.II-WEEKLY JOFENAL P. CiT. THKF.F dward Barffins Seed Oomparsy : NEWS FROM ALVO rfcAbHrtoi re Chiidrcn Cry for Fletcher's LIKELY m GASE NEBRASKA CITY, WEEK. Quotations listed beiov.- are subject to m:;rke'. clic;ni'r :v.rl the "ocJs beinc; unsold. !!(! St r -lin-r :i i.-i! ... nC P if HT Prices are f. o. b. Nebraska C.'ty unless otherwise specified, i r.s extra. .Ask for prices on ui' !a ; 1 1 tiuuiii: . Ui LTfUkU I ZVi& it ems not quoted. . --. Vv feel t; ? ir. Th- jmiv n H i.; l r. c r. w y N E u C n z u V. a H n B m -.- "Vr or :. At - IS b KJ VS i:v he Hind Vcu avc -V:v--ty-s Bought, and vhLh his teen in ue -;,r -jv-:r thirty years, his borne the s'ruature tf S? - ind iia3 bee j made i.T;-.r h:j per- S 'y'r" Mnal supervisioi: fir c- ;: i: furn-y. ' Ijw no one to ik-cth ; . ia this. All C ..:.: :n::s, Imitations and " Jusrt-?-..- -j '' i.rt but Lx;.r:::.::t: tn..t tri::e with ar.d endanger Ir.:rrj Chiidrt-c Experience accA?i t - --..:t - i i-i - Lr:r:;es. substitute fc-r Cast..r Lb.. T,-?.n J-:; i -: S-'.'.lv.r.i; Fyrups. It is pleas nt. i; .. i. Or-:;-.-. Morphine zor ether naro t;- ; ' r; ...... Its i f c ' ;r..rifr. I'ur mere than thin r v i ft hb irw -::t. nt u. f-r the relief cf Co-fthc.-;. i vu-.t:-. '":r . C lie i.ra TXnihuea ; aliaying I '-vcr:r;:.a;-:-.s ari :r. i'..-. t . r.. y r-:irulating the Stomach hi 4 :--.v-;;;., r.,dr tL- ; f Foc-c:; rivinc hea'tb- a: : i .: -...U t.tty -h.s Ch:.:.r'L rracei The -. r .4 rfV"13 -:r.r: Vcu Have t ' "v. F NT - ra C A T ' b Y:tICH C N EE PAID SOONER IF DESIRED r is no woniETiissions V- p?::-- kans hrouch the LINCOLN :::T iTOCK LAND DANK, of Lincoln, Ai I : m: ! c. s ;irh during the past year has loaned ever $5,000,000.00 to the farmers of Iowa end Nebraska. NO DELAYS! A FAIR RATE Ask Us Sank of Cass Co., hi Piattsmouth -:- " " STX C E . n. S 3 . O B . S."B"S JI Denatured ;'i'V o;i;i - 1 ate 1 1 -.: w :' not - "a. - at.-! ! oi , : - Sludobaker Cars fVlaxwell Cars and Trucks! Our srvico de .;n rtmDnt v-.'51l serve yon on rny make ot car or truck. Try us out' J. l. WOIFF, Main t. Garage Telephone 79 Block South of Postoff.ce : mi B".i.a;r Llothei'r iut: r r " , ,,i .. Alwcyc iruhi ik-il'-i:- CAF.D OF THANES . v-;!!. a- t ii'-rcii v T!.. b .. i; i : .. ; T.ii : 'i i :. - !!. !.y a . hraac -'s. (K ' ... i.i ; fi !::-!- i:i!ilit'.: rat :- 1 I'I ft . et( . -r all : a NO RED TAPE! OF INTEREST About It -:- Nebraska " i e H "T3 ' r;c:r:a-.' S ,. mvm.:. mUmi H g U B - n .-. ff i C g s f? f? B II i, Aicohoi! to" i ;.: ra.: iat ':-. ('all in ami O ! ; o! 'be 1 h efmotliet t f cotliCr.. . e ; 1 , t- ? a-, i t a; or i ! ho.-. ta!..-,. S'ivertouti co.-ds carried ot- i e ,e itai' ic iv.' Hi t b it 1 . i !' iv. f ree r ih'.-f. So.-riu! wiee on XV IT. h ? K Bt n k. B i .r - m.t a. h,bi.:b.t B';i::::a:': !;ie cf Mr. ;n.'i "?!". "t"!i u rs(l:i ' c -:i : lit: .ln!::i I''cr-!i!:i :i wt-rc i:i i,:TU-nii; Mir.dnv To vim .i:-. A i.::r ! : . vitu is in 1 !: hc-pi;. 1 i !:t -r-. j !;vn.:i : !!, ;i :i cf Xi")'-;.r:, i4. v:; i-';. i; rd.iy v-!iirip ;i:nl i- v i -: t - ii j. iis cimi::. .! !'. Fcrfin.r.i :k1 !": -l: 1 iy. j !;yr i:. i ',. of N'i'-Sraru. is u'- 1 T-T:'!!: Uf'!!U.l c-II.-l;.' ii: I.n.tcii.. i-i.. i.t rv'i!.(i;!v il ' ii'' (!tc'.".' 1'. i-cre-', ;,:;:!! heme. j Wis;.!:.- viirt a? !'iu!fi ilif !'u:!-r-!;! s4-rvi-.- (!' liis ciiUfii.V lin.-l.a?i.l. ().-.UUy H;;i!.i; :il '. ' !. i vers i !'l..c- Tii-'i'.iy i ft -r:ix,-i. j I..-.- IT . Ty ar.'l t''.vr'f I.;,:!Cas' r at- !. f-j:'.-ral !' ih-r u.cU I i..k;'V 'iurli'.n. vvJiifh .:t !: M a' j ' ;:( 1:; T'le-th.y a!'tt-r!K.( v ! Mi.-.- McKi '.Vnc i ! :u;y:n b-- r: irai-'d i:n ?.-. i;;-(! a v w hcr.- :''!!;. rttu-!;i::- :u ! inc.-;:: Sa'urd.t v -vnitii:. i c,-.. rt- i-all I-, f: :" SccTi-l-hn't j ?av.r.-htv n..t v.iv.x in r--?'c::-c to a ! t !-r.:i.i av;: . urci'ii; tl;. a'-cM-T.'a'. : (i.-at h cf li is brot bt r .1':ti. ! M;ss Vio.a bci f ' :' I-iti'1''' r. . F K. ValUrv cf .Murray. Mr. and Mr--D. K.:.t::a !i of Klniwo'-,: wore ' iir.iona; tb" r '.;::! ni'-s ('ifiVrt-nt ; b" i r iil" l;ob.-r:s4!i: b"i':t-. i :. aii'i Mrs. ''i a;!.- K. Ib "lark a:i-i t'aiailv a! bai:i" lb'!:u St iiav a:.'.! also at tb I.aurn Mi"kl' I .Mr ;.:irl h- Mr. ard Mrs. Charles M. Skbu.- af.-l ! w cllich't n at.-! Mr. Sk;!--' iiot 1'. Mrs. Swar "f!n. a::u Mr. an-,1 Mr . ; Celt- of I'b;' :-:ii"T b wt-rt-:? SiiMiay i; tj-:; .- at th- I. :;.( (f Mr. :r ;.! Mrs M ('. K-. )'-r. Mr. Mid Mrs. .1 . Ar;i)-:ro::- at.ii s. 'i 1 v.t : wt : t: I.iiict ':: Tusl:-y to .:- af.tol tic- :'i::u-ra! '!' Mr-. Ar:a- : --r..-;aV brot !i-r. Oak!v llutibt:?. w ! ( '!).'! bist Siin!ay tiioi-!:ii!K a' bis b' - ::.i - :i: t ' n i cr - M v !';ac- I-' wore srr: .-v.-d t l,aT"H : dr-ath of ?.!r-- -!:a:bs H. Kirk I'. .trick ::i!i ncfiji rci about ti.ior. bi-t S-.:t.(!av a! i.'-r licit.- in A'.vc K irk pa t rick had ( , ii ; n p; ,.r b ,. ; . is survived bv r b:U-bai .i. T'o box s..rial held at tbe Alv sc!:( i'.ndi'ori'iTD lust Friday ::: -.H t.ette,; t j., over J 1 e s . w ii i hoc! ; oni- b : r : is to be u-ed t' 'ifro'ij fir tht- scl:-ol An int.-re.-' ii:ir ;.rorata w as rT. -d' re-b Mr a jo: Wibiatti M. I, v. el! of Lincoln spent itrday nlitbt v : : 1 Mr. and Mrs .1. A. Shatter and all si el,! S:i:.(by it: South Ib nd at the Fred Weaver home Tlo y were ac cotr pa n i .' '( S-.uth F:id by F.eti Weaver, who returned to Alvo M -.n-day niortdnc Mr. ar.d Mrs Cleorse T'. Toreniai: entertained Tun-day evenin'.r (f last "v '-ek. a' 7 o'clofd-; dinner, the teafdi ers of tlx- Alvo school--. Few A. F Kniab.t and family and Mr. and Mr-. M. ('. Kifl'er and son Hon rind Mr nrd r.Irs. John Fcremtm. Orituary. .Tames Maniuis ('an pbtdl was br.-n at Siatn. Iowa, in 1 M'.o. whore he r-ew to nianhofiil atid was inarrital to V.blltfa Margaret Appletnatt in ls-'i. T!'"v rcided iii Iowa until tloy moved to Xchra-ka in the vicinity Alvo where Mrs. Campbell died in I !o.b To this union we-e horn -:, chil dren. Thomas Koy. the eldest, and Etninti lice. h' yoijo-.c-t. ;:rvivi: :. Tn liof.7 Mr. Faint-bell was tnarri'd to Tv,.i., p,j,.r, Th"y with his dausr- 'er Fee moved nnar White Lake. S p . on n farm where they resided un- til 1 ?M 7 v.lo-n the-,- "o.Vt.. tf) Mit-'hnll. S. Ib. where he lived until hi.' (bath v Voveraber If.. !:$. lie was a member of tl .Ieihodit Ft Nccpal fhnrcb of that city. lie was also a mnniber of the HoncvolonT and Fro'ect ; v- Order of Flks. Mr. f'anipbc'.l was in poor hfalth for the past three years ml for the lft six nir;r.ths he v.ti confined to th 1iiiicp. lie was- -ery patient up to t he end. lie is survived by his wife Ivoia and his daughter Ree of Mitchell. on Rov nf Minnfati.!i. brother Willard of Woodbine. Iowa, brother William of lied Oak. Iowa, brother Albert of Fhmveod. si-ter M;m' of ' unci! Ii"!ts-. sister Annie of Mm wood. Funeral .-ervirer were n d net ed bv Rev. Fb A Nniuht at M. Ib church ft A 'vo. No.eruber 1 S. and burinl wh - ma'te j; ;)i. A'vo cea;e'erv n-J -r ti t. 4.' 'I . JL 'i-'IJ-. We desj,-e to thank our malty kind friends for their kind'y asM'stance riven us In our time of rrW.f ap,j for th- beautiful flov.-ers. IVOLA CAMPBELL. REE CAMPBELL. ROY CAMPBELL. GOVERNOR TEAZIER OF NORTH LAIIOTA RECOMMENDS IK- CiUIRY BE Kate. TOWNLEV IN TROUBLE ABASH' Sin: rc me Juc'gx Sayt to the Lawmakers Creates Pi ece;3e::t Ur?es Tax Reduction I Lii.-nia rc'.i . X. lb. Nov. i: r Lynn J. Fra.i.-i. I:. a:- -pecia 1 v-sto:. ( : iataio today, reco:.: a . . a d :i;at 'lit- 1 4 a t -la t i.i re '"ajipcit.t ,; c, ; vr. of fi'" '. i a o-1 i a a t ; ,, :!l.aai ; iro; r i i n .'. civ. Is." 'ill' ;(.Ve:'M,,;-a We IV taken :.i in re- or -ta'-- at n-" "araetMia' i -lot: v"u,il ,r (.(. atr: 1.;.!- :: ; .'its. lii' Fr.;:'ior's t cor. ai. tola -t ions are airaed. at ary of :e Carl l..s:tky and At tor:.. -y (;:o:-;il W'ibiani Tio-e s?-ite offb ,r ... ,:,.:.,... -ev.ral tnotltias tbev have i Ji b-a '- M-s t be fact ion (:;, cs. '. tit" !t:a- ::; ty le. ato- faci. r.-. i- h-ad- ((". l.y I'resiuent A. C A i:c' . nr tiieu etior has n i . ...... 'iia'(- by S'-.liie few obt rt:ct !'?: i-'T -'( (ilay aio.l j.reve? t tbe j.tifjnp it: te-rafi t: ard tbe carriaa or f be it.cio-trial t rournti. ;;. ed bv v( ! at tbe b:- -f -slot) " -abl (b '-r-aor Frat-ier in bis tn-ssa t;v. The t -!ae rfiicial-a w ho r-robably v il! b :'4-t; ia impi'achra"!.' proce-d- ': a- as a cnr. s.-oni 'ice of tb" aover .ir.r's recoiroaei dat ior.s have vic4-v- ,;-'v opposed son.e of t,. industrial ' ws -".1 lab v er- enacted at tb--'ssion. Cb.-.a-rnor T'ra-'ier aT-o ur.-d 'he 't-cis-la ur to in vec-ff untf -'.e j..:; 'raud.-. ratifica'boi of the r.'-'.cral tiff race amen. .'buer.T. increased oorr - -r.-atinn fo- returned rfdaier-. .--at 'unirsenunt of tbe i-rop'-ed d-4-f wat'-rwav ff"in The Croat Lal-e- to he St. Law f'tice rive" an.1 rreat ion if ati office of state sheriff. , Fifty per cent reu-.rjt ion of all tax : bvies in North Fakola wa.- uri. , -I '' by As-.-ciate .Ii:-ti(e J. F. Ib-bin .,:i ( f the st:- -upreme court in a in.-- i aL-e. and bill- j,r.-s, -.jed today ut t!o! .per.ine .f ti:e sta'- ieiisbit u :e. Tb- '. nies.are was said to the firs; ever are-entd to the ?'a'e 'ea i -l a t u re by a jurist A -!'. ral law. v. b.b. an ejiierv-icy ;lause. was -u.-ae-teu by .7i:.:'iee 'l I insoi; ;;s ;i ireans to a cc( in ; lb-h :he iro;.osed d a -e. WILL NOT REFUD1 Ait Dunu utuih .larters Declares Soviet Government Will Settle the Loar.s Kadf to Imperial Rmsiia. Now York. ?(v. -The b .isbe ki do not intend to repudiaie J he ! Oil. tint'. Oiio worth of hoii.ds i-.-ued h Of bonds i-,Ued by the imjieria! j-rovlsional govern-' Jiient of Russia, as rejKirted. accord- wz to Luibvi C. A. Martens. - if; st vied soviet ambassador to the ed State: Test if vini; Tuesday at a hearing, held by the joint legislative cotun. i t - , t'-c invest icatinc radicalism in this -tate M;.rten; as-scrt ed t hat abiiouah . , , t!ie soviet novernn.eiiT nas oeen an- thorized bv the ali-Russian conure-s of soviet-, to rpudiat0 ohlisrat ions . contracted in p-e.-od ir.jr r.-sim.'.-. it did not intend to take advantage of this pern.issifin Instead. Martens testified, his pov- i t ernment had sent liim official an- , thorizption to arransre for a settle- ment on outst an -1 :v z bond-, a larsre proportion of which were sold in ...- - . . ...I.. l.'HS ('(iii'iin . 11' 11 ui i:oi exoiani u what hasi a settlement could be effected. He said he hoped tn arrar. re a set tlement no' onlv in the case of bond- on whidi interest wiil o-ii"? dim r.-xt j .Tu ne bu t a lo i n t h e case of r t h cv - on j w hich intc?et has been defaulted i Rpfore callinsr Marten-- liffo'- theta. niernboi-s of th" ('(ir'td'tpf. lodd fti eyecut've ses';fin at wh'di it v a ell . .""l Ml " I I1 - I I ' I I 411 4 II'. 11 4 . 1 decided to submit to the state de- jiartment a transscrint of his tes-tj- nK)ry with a view of havins: de- ported During a discussion of communist principles. Martens paid that Lenine and Trotzkv had receded somewhat tion. i : a (I va 1 1 1 . . :' Allah. i : no if b-- J f hi b'i y yor.r lit- ! "!; ! 1 ( : ,.'c .-il ea r ! . . TIMOTHY ; i l ji,.. I : .'lie .. . . . MTl I'.raio! lb lb RED CLOVER ' Urade Pair i i j.. 'i;4 ioi von . ( i ; : a it 1 1 1st; ; i! ::'.:.(! ?..i b lb ib :;:."! WHITE CLOVER Fa : ( ' . i-r lb i MAM?I0TH CLOVER .". b':-!..; i.i- to-r 'ban It -d (biv ALFALFA bt. 1 on 1 Fair (Irad- ' : .b -. S-rFoa to :!-!. to) 1 n 7 1 :ra:o! I '.. i: i: b'tbim WHITE SLOSSOX SWEET CLOVE Ibu. 1 1" ii- cjoui Itrand 17! itraiui. balb-.l . :? 1 !.t'u ? :'. 1 .; .!.ai).-! alS:kE clovek j ,-,):.-(.,. (;r:;,. ; 1 7 1 Itra ad ? J!i an 4 s.:t :: j TIMOTHY ALSIKE FT br-i,el. 4 T. ll.s TT"jrnXTTV "PTTl n n'TV .1. .'W ..X X liA.iJ vy . i'er lo.isbtl. 4.". lb-' ?7.'" GRAIN BAGS Vi; i: ar. ord r '''' SPRING WHEAT Fll. 1 mi ,. :ne (irown ir.p-.tis ariei;. . tior'b.rn. Our basin? ss is afcliateu with the B; - Brock L. I. Norton vominf(, Nebraska (tn t bei: f i-;,:rr a 1 1 it u ie .:li n tbe v.drl.ers tf the world 1c . arise aaa.ast t'..- bouriie. of ail , '-untries. lie defined tbe v.-rn- t .f the I'nltt-d ?t:i:cs a- a "o-n- i iratb-" and later as a "c.pi'ali-i ic" ne. Martc-ro said th" Fu-ian svi.- wa.s not try:! f., fiuh; 'c::pirab' i: ' Fnited State but wl-hed t. "niakc a c(anpro:a i-e with it." "Tetap 'rary V" he was ; -bed. "Why should it be temporary?" it. replied. i Marten? denied he know that Ma- .lone had formed or was forming "a ' ccrjtorat ion to do busli.'ss ! v t llii- ;md declared "embas.-;." wa? n:t sj dF-ally it. 1 crested in such an organisation. II" did in! know th:" Malo'-e "! -p, akinir in b i.aif of ,he .vi, t : ,v- erjinu'7't oi Jvii-sia e t :. r in ..u .after he jaid him . l.n(Ki. he said. and denied that he and Maione y 1 ' REFOFT OF TF F CONDITION I . ' tht: Dl ATTCMflUTU CTf.TC Pl!L' t Ln I I OiflUU i li CI MIL. Ur.Vs Of Flattsmouth. ITttr. i .. 1 or No T vi, ,., i i . stTe N.-- !.; i o-r V m, ; 1 1 . s . f, . ,. Ot.-i-k:. : t . .!.... ..' i. ' "' v i... i. t- . ' -N ' . . !:'. , I".. 1! ,1 - it l:l-:s r!:ir:s i.eaa.- ict ,o-...ii: t. $ i. .! : .,!:.-'-, .-4 4e n- i i 1 1 .! i' : m . la "oOm,--. a. : i. i i......... ( ,J , i:.i...i.s7 "! . 5 7 1' i ............ .. - o-!-.iit ! :i.l-r.. t ta-- and , . ".-..I 4, 1 II I.M ' ' v 1 -' .?i:7.i::vJ4' 1 tell. 1 1 .U l : . - k T.M. I. IAT :l LIT IKS r-r.T.;?n! i,n? t ti 9 -,fi f.nn no -on-piu- fun.! n .' Fiottvnt. .1 J"-..tts ........... -j i. :.. .. J '.' t ii-!-- " -! ti'i. :! "! - oi ''I - I i 4 ;n-:. 'ex e!' .'.;.( si 1 t'i.":: :.. I..-, lis nntsta inline: ll.v?s.:::t I :e.-e! .-. ; f 1 T i! "S 1 K t.'O ; ! 's -iiara lit v t'aii.l. ttI. S IJT.J: 1 . of N. I.i asl;a I'l.iV f. t 'a 1. II. A. iiler. "Vstier of l ...e i;aine,! I.aio: i.' I . i. l.y -we that t be ..e statement is a ..!? trt.e 4l0 ..f ti e i-. ...!' :n. state l;at.k:n I :..t, r.i the it. a. si-n.vKim-:::. t L. t ("as-aier. " .j. it.iKKHTS. Tire-i..r. ' " FFi'KKK. I'ircuo-. PiiPs-. l-it.ed an.' .--w.iri t.. t.ef,,:.- ci4 " "lst ''''' 1 hT"v-i .'ci .1 !' Notary i-ai iic amission exn Oes o.-t. in. li'jbi Cui two brands. B. 3. D. ( Er.rtlin-': Brcti-d) and 1S71 Brand, rspreser. highest quality for purity and gemina Guaranteed thoroughly reliable. t ,. t ! .- SEEL CORK bar 'I .'. !,a '..;.4 . Wiilt'. 1 ; i; '';!(. ! : ; 1 1. i -ay: .'.: r;:.: v !: it : !'er Ibi. y .". r, . : ' . r ". a. . f ;a - F'r.i KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS i ;rad.- v i.-t : i;. it. ::. MIXED LAWN CRASS lb.!. 1 " be. H. lb ib 4.-" sa.eo ' .;!; rd (.:;:- 4 ..4 .. 1 1 RYE GRASSES -e. tor la'..'!:.-, past 'It'i - t;.;.! ,a. -. i ". j,, RED TO? lb; 1 1 !I'S. Itr.ito ;romus inermus Fa 1 "'i ib : 'i.e.- . rices s 4:'" -::n.i... S..y F.eai.s -k f'r l-nc- ( ' iV p.-ll- l ataulial: A-K for .fiee- Fea--..-'.. for J',-b - SEED GRAIN It;,. 1 nn '.!. ityc. v. inter --: l;v". -prii Far b-v . . ;--..-eet (-! Fa-. bv b- : er !t- ' r,..o, :; nn rtlir;g Grain Cj. .Agei t ?t the loiicv-n j.i:.ces. We buy or sell seeds. ASK OUR AGENTS JuliiH Tl.eo. Lux Paul, Nebraska M. .1 .;n :. .-a..:: r. i . ra ! ! ! ; s: no was ia.' ia a ubir rout - ' l soviet. Mariea.- -aibb bat w a -I sobiv a- -p.-cial aient in for a; .:.e -:a n m ,:a... b : m : w .; ... b ... s Notice to Ford Owners! a B M S j How are your lights? Does your motor 6 crank hard? tf you have these troubles your S .. r . mSgnCIO IS WCcil. t- 2 cost you $20.00 instated. We recharge fe .r a m . A. jj your magneto witnout Taring your moior down for $5.00. Oomo !n and W. W. WASLEY, '! a Garage Phone 650 fl B . HE ' .' X! ' 2 :: X"! 3' .'3 - 3 ... E" H E E ..S E "C EV Z. B 3 2 E 3 Some Opportunities Vs Are Offering You! a IT) S " :a u H Read Carefully and Properties. We Consider Them Splendid Investments! ..I acres :ub .inin t he fit; v of modern boa-e. un 1 v six ear-.olo: O iiijs. Tiie land !a 'iioo: h o roo (ioun :in.l verv nvo.bict i v.- .Ta 51 3 well balanced farm. I'ln- prii-.- is M'-.ii'ii 4jien .Marco J-l. i.'o. Ku u?r s eieht m ile sou; h of 1 'bit tsinouth and four 11. i!.-s from M ur rav. This is n"uih1 small farm and has .ood imorovements. It consists ; f t;i acres of fin m ImoJ. which I hv f2 ia-t nr.- w it h t-iitininar w a"- r J ho price this farm has been reduced to 'in per act for initi-dlat" -:iir. Fos-. -sion to be eiven March 1st, lbLM. and e-oo.i terms c in be a era n fed with parchaer. We also have several nieces SI I . ? re n around 1 'bit i-mout li. well improved, that wo can sell worth the money, u If o are iiok iiiir for an i n ve-T notit or a liome i-onie jo and let lis 11 talk it'over witli ou. 'bio-se properties are jiriceii ri:ht. tl J. P. Falter & Son, r? ra Phone 28. , .S U B S S 3 :. G i B Bl ia 3 B. H Bert ; the ' . i : r. -'ii' ! i -:.a j.ric- s .-ar!y. Kai.-a j . i - b a to! 1 !. ! : SEED OATS i i ; r MILLET (; d.iea ri,:.,:.,!,!; . . .- i : ( r i - - 1 ; a: a.iiaaa - . . .la :... - or i-.i..; r nr..- i'.:bo I, "M CANE KAFFIR CORN FETERITA !rr 1 : ...... "" SUDAN GRASS i'i r 1 "ii lb- I ib . - . -. 1 1; i.H . l f... EWARE ESSEX RAPE i-.r lb ir.,. i-er 1 i. i ib- 1 11'" !,,., 4', r;, ,. ,r. ,,er 1 IHI l 1 II i ra. . 11.,;. io, it, . . ! i FEEDS i;:,r:ii:;-V T..-.!.afe. 1 no 11..-..$ ...fft ' a, t 1 1. ai. s T;.n!;a 1 lbs. .. l.T.n (airtlit.r's Tat.kaae. tea li'lb"" svaffs Tankai:. . no Hi- ."..vo ,, J (;,!;,. M.;,b 1IOI lllS .'. "" .!..,; l an iii- fe.-d Mi i era. tor teed Sio bi'd ccra. car load lit rrTlTTTT7FT!Si ' i'.r ii.rn or heat . ton S:b!.7" t . i no lbs r.T- For ia u as. o-i I lis L' Oil s-e.i (d-aiot-. paid $"4.M s. r-. i b n-- - h" Douglas J- J. Diet Brook-wait or, Nebraska n.v.r Jo buy and ship to hus-u. '. nan Hiiii i r I. of fnnS atid $4. (: in a .r h of other le . I-ailv Joitrtia lT.c per woek. lb : m ; :..i.:b ; . a .:..BtiH iik'.'inKtat A . . . . . n v. 6 . , I r IICVV llldMClU v j u i u Lei Us Explain! House Phone 502 K n K R 3:.E a : ' B : B . : V '" X 1 2 .72 B B.'2 ISvB B ' .SB' .B B .3. Ask Us to Show These I bat t s-nouth. well improved witli j.'"h1 13 Lrood br:i and plenty of oilier build- a i air ttnd i cie, m. It In't-n M-edd - ; enoiiirh irood pa-'ure to make il a " fJ'Ki" per acf-- for (jibck -ab-: io- a s stnoot h Him acres oi e-eniiy roiiinp D of choice act-.-aire proiH-rty in am Real Estate and Insurance u G B"2.', 3 H"'I:.: 3. B'i BiJ B ' U S'. E. ' K U is 4 i I i i a u B U i3 U 12 a I IA n U U c....'B. 'S " c .. c " b :s : a: .a: