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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1919)
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL AGE TWO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1919. .1 i j i i i Y Rpliiiilf 3 SIf& 4ji bud lid ! ilOW SERVING WITH Why pay $75.00 to $100.00 for a new ovei coat when I can rebuild your old one for a fraction of the price of a new one. After having it repaired, cleaned and pressed you've got practically a new coat at a nominal price. I am dyeing a great many army overcoats in navy blue, dark brown and black. They dye nicely. Look over your winter clothes now and have them put in shape to wear. TECEIVE3 A FINE PRESENT ('ri.iii Tuesday's Daily. TROOPS OVERSEAS Trt'zzrm" LOCAL NEWS nd Mr. i ry agrce-j receiving a wed- Frorn Monday's I.aii.. Mrs. Ed S. Tutt and Mrs. O. Pf2ST Oca OPPOSITE JOURNAL OFFICE Main Street, Vejvoda's Old Stand TELEPHONE 16G S. Army in France. surprised ly ilifi'r i-rent run ifst i n cr of n nursfi of Leslie Hall, u Former Plattsmouth $34 which was presented to the I)aivis' of Murray- ,the cily Boy Now Doing Duty witn U. I ,v we(ls ,,y L. c. Sh and (he .or a .e, noura iookuir auer , . . , A . .. ,,. sonic Dullness mailers, associates of Mr. Short in the Sharp, I t t if :n t . this city and Mr. and! J- OI -enawKa, was in me Short. parents of theielt-v Saturday for a few hours look- ing after some matters of business mmm preven f hi 1 ' Fr'tr Monday's Dallv. Chester Welshimer has just re ceived a letter fumi his young friend. !.esl: 1 1 all. son of Mr. and Mrs.' jileore Mall, formerly of this city,: I in which the young mar. informs him that he is now doing duty with the American troops in K irope. wIk'p !hv are t!ma.-''il in closing up tro intere-ts rt' the American govern ment t!iere. Le-rlio vv.s st:iiioned fr a short time at :mp -Meade, MarIa:id. at which point the replacement units v.vre"'iliz'd and sailed on Octo ber for Prance with a unit of loo m-ii. Tli f trip occupied six d:i and they were k:nded at the chief American port of embar kation. Leslie is a nephew of John S. Hall of Omaha and of Mi;s Anna liall of this city and is well known to the y jtiric, p 'ople, 1 avinv. Kun educated here in the pi:! lie slto:d.- factory '."Sirs. J. in II. 'o School Directors and Teachers: The epidemic season is at hand and all possible pre caution should be taken to prevent a repetition of the t. peiince of last ear. U.-e PIXE-O TIDE for clisinff ciion t'e?!;s, feats, floors and ail other surfico in the school tooin. Z $2$ is soluble in wate . has a fragrant odor, is non-irritating and is endorse'" throughout the country by physicians and bach -r u '-; i-r. IIIv y ' a FOR SAL EY a . n s? it rtaJt3n:ath, Nebraska e V.: A PLEASANT SURPRISE Fritn 'iiics'lay's I'ailv. Thf heme of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. I'otner wa the .cere of a very pleas ant siatherim: on Sunday, when :i::'i'.icr of their relative and frietul t:ave ihvm a very plea-an' surprise .'vhout tlie :miO!1 !; ;ir .me tweniv t-. C. i -Ue-t ; i".vaded th- ("otner hcni'V i brincinsr with theni many baskets. Sjwe.l lad'-n v.ith thin us to eat, 7'and which were made a feature of i th" m i j i - i :i ; m-' a!. I)ifinu t!i i't'tf rii.ion that follow ed th.e p!e-;.n dinner party thtre w e--e musical iimtitu r- and soni;s. w I: ieh served pa-s the t iii;e pleas antly and the ai'ter:ie' n was eoi e al most before anyone 1 ad piven !if ed t ) t !-, fe,.t :; - hours. Those in nttcdance vi v Mr. n . :! Mr--. .1. I?. Corner. Mr. and Mr . S. L. ("otner end child-( n. Choly ; s-nd A: '1'1'.-: !r.. lie Lloyd and son. Anderson, of t ' th of Murr.'y ; Mr. Mr Ir:: 'i Marl.,, a'y-o "f Murray: Mr. and Mrs. Kv (' le son. Thmas; M i; FA ("otner; Airs Le-ter ("h.risw i--er, of I'.ent. Colo rado; AVilter Tower; Mr.;. Cora M:: -p'e and d -uht'r and son. of Ilalvev. .Vf !,r:i;-k !. the former b ins a dau.'h t ' l- i Mr.-. J. 1 ' t ner. r. ON YOUR Q CARD OF THANKS Goodrich 6000 mile tares, any size cr type, sold this month at list Scss 5 percent. Denatured AlcohrJ $1.00 per Avoid radiator trouble by filling up now. galion. ULT 5 CEDAR CREEK -:- -:. NEBRASKA V.'r r-.V.- t!;is m-'-ir of roibli'dv ex-r-" i -r our heart fe!' appreciation of t!:o many acts of l;:r.(ire-"s r.r.ii ? nipat by ;:o vi to u during tin:" of t!;e sickness and death. ".' (:: I f I -ved father ar.'J hm-band. F.s r,",i:,lly do wo iecire to tb.ank He v. Fat!i-r Hues-er for his crmfortins '.i.rd--. !!: rhoir of th" Holy Rosary cl'ifci- and Mr. Cyril Janda for their servires and the St. James lodge for !! ir atftnd inre at the home and the rhurch durins the funeral fcrvires ''e al.-o wish to thank all those who po kindly remembered our loved cit'e with th" beautiful floral tributes.- Mrs. .b "an Nashel and Children. When Mr. Short arrived at work yesterday mornins he was informed of the fact that the parents and the employes of the factory as well as the proprietor wished to see that the you us people received some suitable l emcmbrance of the happy occasion that had befallen them on Saturday ami accordingly presented him "with the little token. ANNOUNCES DAUGHTER'S MARRIAGE ON SATURDAY Pron Tuesday's Laity. Kriends in this city have received announcements from County Commis sioner and Mr. II. J. Miller of Alvo, of the marriage of their daughter. Miss Leah Trances, to Rev. Earl M. Howman. The wedding occurred on Saturday. November 2L'nd at Mc pherson. Kansas, and is the outcome of a school romance as the bride has been a student at the University of Kansas since her graduation from the Alvo high school, and while there met Mr. Howman, who was also at tending school. ;' The young people will make their future horn at Lawrence. Kansas. The bride ha.', been one of the popu lar young ladies of Alvo and her nary friends therv will learn with much pleasure of the new found hap-pine-s 'hat lias befallen her and trust that the. years before her may be tilled with the happiness that she o well deserves. REDISTRICTING SOARD MEETS. From Tues'ia '? Pally. The rc district iug heard of the !;!. wakh i- !o"':ing after the re-di-tricting of the county school dis tiis. in ?e;-iu!i today at the office of County Sup rintendent Mis Alpha l'cur.-( n. The ether members f the loii'd are J.d-n J. Gust in. of Murdcck. and James M. Teegarden. f Wopinif Water, and the member? of the board ;pe:.t the day looking o v r the pians as ov.tiir.ej for a care ful readjustment of the school boun-i::r DEATH i.T GREENWOOD. and visiting with his friends. Attorney C. K. Graves and Dan Lynn, of Union, were in the city to day looking after some matters in the county court this morning. Dr. M. D. Reihart, of Omaha, for merly a resident of Louisville, was in the city today for a few hours look ing after some business matters. Dr. Reihart is one of the leading veteri narians in the metropolis. Frorr. Tuesday's Pally. Attorney c. S. Aldrich, of Elm wood was in the city today looking after some matters at the court house. Fred L. Zink and Oscar Zink. of Elmwood, were among the visitors in the county seat today, attending to some matters at the court house. Frank Vallery, the Murray land man, was in the city today attending to .some matters of business and go ing to the metropolis this afternoon. Miss Alice McOarroll. of Union, is in the city assisting in the work at the Farmers State Dank during the absence of T. M. Patterson, cashier. Charles Johnson, of Louisville, was a visitor in Plattsmouth yesterday, calling on his many friends in the county seat, and while here dropped in on the Journal for a short visit. Ran Minford. Charles Spangler, W. G. Roedeker and L. I). Hiatt of the Murray school board were in the city today interviewing the relis tricting board on the school situation at Murray. County Surveyor Fred Patterson was among those going to Omaha this afternoon, from where he will go to Louisville to look after some surveying work at the stone quarry r.ear that place. Max Duda and. wife were in Om aha yesterday visiting with their daughter. Anna, at the hospital and leport that the young woman is in a very serious condition and that very little hope of her recovery is entertained. C. II. Lau. one of the prominent residents of near I;uisville, was in tiie city yesterday for a few hours, being called here by the illness of Gustavo Lau. south of the city. Dur ing his stay in the city. Mr. Lau was a pleasant calier at the Journal office. REPORT OF THE CONDITION "K Tlin Vv:u Tucs. !:.! Pally. County Clerk George R. Sayles di Parted this morning for Greenwood to attend the funeral of his cousin. Mrs. Ollie Savles. but was delayed bv the train and being unable U reach Greenwood in time for the fun oral was compelled to return to this From Monday s Pailv. city on No. 1. Mrs. Savles died at Yesterday was the seventy-third her home in Greenwood Saturday birthday anniversary of Mrs. J. W. night after an illness of some time Johnson and in honor of the event and the services were held this morn- the children of this estimable lady PLEASANT FAMILY PARTY ing from her home in that place. TO RETURN HOME arranged a very pleasant birthday dinner and one which was enjoyed to the utmost by members of the party. The dining room and table were very pleasantly arranged with the BANK OF GASS COUNTY of Plattcmouth, Nebr. C!, liter No. r,4J in tie State of Xe I'laska at the -ose of iHiiiifSij I .November 1".. 1 A VISIT TO THE Brown Park Mineral Springs ATH HOUSE at 25ih and O Streets, South Omaha, now under new management, will convince you that we are fully equip ped and prepared to treat you for rheumatism in all of its various forms. Also colds, la grippe, nervous trou ble, clc. We have relieved hundreds of others and we can help you. Skillful Service and Courteous Attention Given to AH Our Patrons JOHNSON. MANAGER KKsornc'Ks l.".;ins ;i ml isemi n t s . . . vei lira: Is yi i uuii, s, jmlKtiients, e ! a 1 1 1 1 s, elf lli.r as.-. -Is lionds I'.arik i ti house, furniture ami livliircs Oil...,- r,.;i ,..iat.- C'liicTit exp.-ti.-e. taxes ami interest tli(j, -'sli item-; I !; !nni National ami Mate J.arks I'lieelcs ami itenits of exeli'ire 'ni'l eriey leM eiin Sili-r. niekels imkI eents.... $0S'..So7.,7 l ."ri i. on From Tuesday's Dally. Mrs. I. A. McCrary. yesterday re ceived a message from her son, John fau flowers and here the members of McCrary. at I'heonix, Arizona, an- the family partook of the very plea--- nouncing that he expected to start Jjn repast that had been prepared for home in a few days and would for them. soon be back in Nebraska. John left Those what leathered with Mr this city several weeks ago in com- j Johnson to celebrate the day were pany with Theodore Lister, hut I jr. an,i Mrs. jav Johnson. St. Jo- states that he and his partner had seph, Missouri; Mrs. J. K. Johnson, separated at El Taso, Texas, where Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Frank II Ted remained for a time and now I Johnson. Weeping Water; Mr. and John has decided that he will once Mrs. W. F. Gillispie and Mrs. Joseph more seek the old home state. Adams, of this city. ACCEPTS NEW POSITION AN ADDITION TO FAMILY. From Tuesday's Dally. The firm of C. E. Wescott's Sons have an addition to the clerical force :.::imwio , of their store in the person of Emil "' ' "j.I. 1 1 ild. who yesterday morning com ":Vo7; ';') 'uienced his work for this enterprise jom.s T T. I, LiADILITIKS From Monday's Dally. The pleasant news has been re ceived in this city of the arrival of a line little daughter on last Thurs day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. at Utica. Nebraska. The ing firm. 1 mot her and little one are both do- Mr. ilild is one of the popularJin ,,jC0v ami the occasion has brot J'.l ':..''"! yi "len of the city and well quali-ull(ol(1 joy to (ho ,)roud father, as j.; lieu in every way ior nis new posi-1 . tne reiatives in this city. i . .,.. . . 1 1.;.. . . , hi. Frirrw?.i gro tvrpnt. I . . - t . . o,39;.sj i 1 '""-' v.- . tr..- 1'i iie luanv irienus join in wibimiK ly pleased to see him decide to lo- ,he mt,c ouc a long aml bappy fu- ;:;.! i :.ti i u7l,.;j f':idtal .vtofic raid In .nr!.lm- f n ml l'mlivld. d proiits lT"liiilmil deno.sit.-i siilijeet to check Time cert ili. at.-s l .lep'os'it! 'ashler's i li,. ks outstanding ' ' ' ' " National and State banks ! eiositor-N Kiiaranty f u'ud . '. '. T T. 1 no. ooi. oo o.oimi.oh 17,-1 sr.. 1 1 !."'. 7 S'J '.IK i;,7;;y.o7 cate in this city. ture. STOLEN TO COMPLETE STRUCTURE From Monday's Daily. At the time the First Methodist State of Nebraska 1 ciiuniy of Cass J I. H. F. rattorson. Cashier of the above naine.l bank do hereby swear that the above statement Is a correct and true copy of the report made to the State Banking Board. 1 1. F. I'ATTRItSOV, The party who stole the small en gine attached to the large engine of JW. E. Propst were seen taking the church building was erected a few- same from the larm ot t ranK mot- Jt wag ,eft unflolshed in zer. Jr. uwner win give pau,ra lt" one detail, that of the bell tower on -;ays to return same or get into trou- fhe BOUtheast corncr 0f the building, Attest: ClIAS. CfAHMELB. Director. JACOB TIUTSCH. Director t.'asliier. ouhaerlhd and sworn to before me this 24th day of November, 1!U! ANN hi C. I1AS.SLKR. 'Seal) Notary Public. My commission expires Seot. 22. 1923. ble. W. E. Propst. 2tw, 1 td and has since stood in this incom pleted state, exposing the bell to the; elements and detracting from the general appearance of the otherwise handsome structure. This, however, is to be changed, Mouey to loan on city real estate I the members of the official board Wanted to Buy: Good milk cow, not more than ten years of age. A Jersey preferred. Tel. 33S-J. 2tw by the Plattsmouth Loan & Building Association. See T. M. Patterson. Secretary 3-2tfd at the?r meeting last weeK ueciueo that in the future the unsightly J tower would no longer reflect dis- We print everything but money credit ou the building and ordered nd butter. Let us serve you. the work on the tower to be com- Having decided to retire and move to Louisville, 1 will sell at Public Auction on farm 4 miles south and '? mile east of Louisville; 1 2 miles north and 1 mile east of Manley, and 5 mi!cs r.c:.!i and y2 mile west of Weep ing Water, without reserve, on Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1919 the following described property: 8 HEAD OF HORSES S Span of black mares, wt. 2,000 smooth mouth.; Mack mar--r, years old. weight 1,200; Steel grey gelding. ?, years id 1. weight 1.150; Bay soldinjr. 4 years old. weight 1.250; P,av eldiiitr 2 yerus old, weight 950; Span mares. 10 years old. weight 2,000. Set of buggy harness; one single harness. 19 HEAD OF CATTLE 19 7 head of milch cows; One thoroughbred Shorthorn bull, com ing two years old; 4 heifers coming fresh in the spring. ; yearling calves. TEN HEAD CHESTER WHITE SHOATS. FARM IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, ETC. 2-row stalk cutter; Case riding cultivator, almost new; Kck'k Island riding cultivator; John Deere riding cultivator, almost new; Jenny Lind walking cultivator; :-s-ction harrow; King press drill; Hudlong disc; Osburn side delivery rake, almost new; li;-inch Twen tieth Century riding plow; 14-inch Hock Island riding plow; John Deere riding lister; David Dradley corn planter with furrow opener; 7-foot Deering binder in good condition; 5-foot Adrhmce. mower", almost new; gearless hay loader; Madison 2-row. almost new; Mal ison 46-foot corn elevator with lH-foot spread; ball bearing grind stone; Corn King inanure .-preadcr; .ewt--n waton; Mitchell 'wag on: carriage: tcp hugy; rond buggv: truck v.-a on with two ..7 of wheels; hay rake in good condition; disc, plow; h. i. Shehh n gas engine; wooa saw witn .. niades; feed grirder; 5u-gal. f.ed cooker, good as new; r.u-gal. feed cooker; 200-egg old Trtisiy in cubator, good as new; 70-egg Smith incubator; nine tons 'good prairie hay; seven tons alfalfa hay; base burner, lS-inch fire pr,t ; 6-hole cook stove; wood bae burner; some household good:; and ether articles too numerous to mention . Sale Will Open at 10 O'CIock Sharp A Bi2 Free Lunch will be Served at 11:30. WM. STOHLMAN, Owner COL. WILL DUNN. Auct. W. J. EAU. Clerk pleted and the matter will be at once taken up. The plans ure for the completion of this portion of the building by the cold weather and then the Methodists can well feel proud of their handsome church edifice. ..ose anything? -ant ad Try a lournal For Sale: My residence property South Chicago Avenue in IM.itt moulh. Four acres, 5-room houe, with iiasement and cellar, veil, hflru. chicken Well improved. A.l-dre.-s Mrs. F. M. Ilr-?se. 125 So. Cher ry St., Ottumwa, Iowa. Get your Tliankspving cards at the Journal office. Real Estate and Insurance! AGENTS FOR Equitable Life Insurance Co., of New York Massachuse's Bonding & Ins. Co., Accident and Health American Live Stock Insurance Co. Bankers' Automobile Insurance Co. Bankers Fire Insurance Co. Central National Fire Insurance Co., of Des Moines FOR SALE FARM LANDS AND CSTY PROPERTY! Six good Cass county farms for sale; irrigated and table land in North Platte Valley. see F. G. EGENBERGER cr EMIL J. HILD, OFFICES HOTEL WAGNER BUILDING Telephone 108 Plattsmouth, Neb. Big Type Poland-China Boars for Sale! Fourteen Big Type Poland-China Boars for sale. Black Prince is the sire of these boars, and the dams are Waubonsie Girl, Waubonsie Carrie Queen, Waubonsie 2d, Waubonsie Queen. These boars dams came from the Waubonsie Herd. These sows arc the breeding of Weatherhead Bros. & Wolfe. Black Prince is the breeding of Adolph Steinkamp. James L. Terryberry & Son, Cedar Creek, Nebraska