The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 27, 1919, Image 1
jp I E 1 1 8 111 0 U 1 1 3 omnia vol. xxxvn. PLATTSMO CTE, UEERASKA. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1919. No. 45. 'HIGH JACKS' INVADE COUNTY FOR LIQUOR EVEN BOOZE HOUNDS IN PALMI EST DAYS HAD NOTHING ON THESE GUYS. TAKEN TO OMAHA IN A CAR Private Stock cf Ira Bates Raided Owner and Nephew Forced to Accompany Them in Car. Frrv.Ti Morrta:-'s Ia;iy. The fact that u person has any amount of intoxk-ating liqatr in s-Tore (n his premises has 1 .-come very dangerous in this state and the '"high jacks'" are n tl;e alert for anyone ho look as thougii they iiiight have a little stored up t. l!:eir n u.-e. The rohh. ries t this nature in Omaha have l-.-r. very frei,ur.t of late and now ('.is;- ty ha been 'nvadt '! l'oid-ers. Ira Kates, r-siJ:ng of I'oiar t'retk is tl. t he iitat ions of t !.e the I M: ;ti the n;.',:!y e suffer ''r fr.."r rohhers ai d .is a --u .' a.- dtprived ()f eleven 1. i-- ! ' ra- ! that he ha i L.-e.i in j f. -r us.- of iiis family, as wt II as having a vtry exciting exper; ;:.e a? t!;- hands of t!;e liquor thi-.s. The rul.t , ; y i ;-u i r-d on Thur-.h. ". t-.i-rii.-'. i".' :". was not until la'-'r That it was rep irtd to the sheri.i. '!"!; i.- arrived at the Ua"es l.ot.i- j-i-t as Mr. Hates was prepar itig to re i ire l'..r ti.- nit: lit and on hearing ii;e one r.ip (-Ti the d;ol he stippsej it to he one of the neigh bors ai:d txtetided a general invita tion to the j.artv to walk in which I th-y di-1 and bn ::ght with them a large an'! dangerous assortment of firearms which were pulled on Mr. I Sates and his family and tht y were ordered to ke.p still on penalty of being shot. The lea(-r of the band informed the head of the household that they were r. pre-enta'iv-js of 'he law e;Ji: cement division of the htate and had c me to s- arcli the place for booze. Mr. Hates allowed them to proceed and v hen the brandy was discovered he orTeted to come with the men to Flat!.-mouth and rut up a bond for his appearance hut this proposition was turned down and Ira and hi- i-eph-w. Vernon F.ates. were ordered to get into the car of the ers which was standing in the t road near the Fates place. To prevent followed the robber.- put the car of Mr. Fates' out ..f commission and af'er warring the oih.r n:--mbei's of the family from attempting to follow the party start ed out for Omaha. A- soon as the car starfe-d awa Mrs. Fates secured j a horse and started to tide to the farm of M. L. Williams nearby, where1 she sought to secure help but had: only proceeded a short distance when shown by the members in the ;:d i,n armed man appeared in th'- road dress and in the discussion of th'. and requested h r to turn around p'mns for the work of the campaitni. and return home or he would 1:11 her with a larce assortment of lead. The men had informed Ira that they would leave a guard on the farm to see that no otie left, and who would join them late-r. and made good their threat. Tlie party drove on into Omaha, the occupants of the car keeping a run on F.ates and his nephew to pre vent an outcry and on reaching the 1 ig city, the nephew. Vernon Kates, was turned loose near the Windsor hotel but Ira was kept a captive andjclub held one of their very interest was not re-based until 1::!0 in the in and pleasant meetings on Wed morning after he had been forced to nesday. November Huh. at the sign small checks which were retain-.charming home of Mr. and Mrs. Ar ed by the men. jthur Sullivan, south of this city. As soon as Kates was released, he) The occasion was quite largely at called up Kd Mason in this city who tended by the ladies who whiled drove to Omaha and brought' him away the afternoon hours with a back to this city in the early morn- short business session folloved by a inc hours and instead of notlrying most delightful social gathering. Sheriff Quinton o-f the outrage, re-1 Musical selections on the Victrola turned to his home in the country afs well us social conversation served and it was not until later that the to pass the time very pleasantly mi-she-riff was informed cf the affair, til the close of the afternoon when whereupon he left at once for Omaha in Company WlWl -wr. Iaies aim sr - eral of the members of the Omaha underworld were rounded up. but none could be identified as the men securing the booze. Read the Journal. VERY PLEASANT OCCASION From Monday's Paifv. The dinner parry yesterday a' the heme of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Harvey at their farm home eight in i !es sou" h-wc-t o:" this city, was a vn y pleas ant gathering and sniut- thirty !' the i r ; t lids of their so::. Oliver H n r . were present to attend the pk-a.-'arit j t'V'i.t, which was in the nature e.f a reception in honor of Oliver ar.d hi. char:ni::g bride. Tk (iay was sp-:it in visit inn a-we-11 as in Uk enjoyni-r.t e-f tin- very Dieasini; dinner that had been Tire- !."" ''." i ne in -ri j ru-rs oi i ne party. on ieav int: for their homes, extended to the u ni: pe-enie their best wishes for a hmg and happy married life and OI:t. free from cares and sorrows. AUTO STOLEN FROM STREET AT EAGLE Car Belonging; to Charles Earl Near Wabash Taken Saturday Night No Tracs of It. Oi From llondav's Pailv. Saturday night the Ford louring 1 1 lit- use of kt-rasene. but in getting car belonging to Charles Karl, one ot the oil can . ;e cade a fatal mis the residents of near Wabash, wa j t;..,-. s.-c-urig instead of the l:er. taketi from the streets of ilaie : a vuu t,- u.-oiine atid had no shortly after in o'clock am! : f-r no Soun-.-r jou:ed in into the .-n:.-nlder-::ace if 'he machine has lieei: dls-,;;;- coals tf the fire than the hqukl covered. i ne car nau :.een tin . en 10 n;iin." by the sotis of Mr. Karl, who v. ere at tending a dance there and it ua- no until they w t r- ready to start fo their home that the theft of the ma . h lie v-a.- discovered. I I running gears ; body on it. All ; The ear has 1 1 7 and fend- rs and 1 i 1 f 'iir ceat.-r braces are hotix-m and tlie boards under th- carpet in the r.av al are all liono manuft tured and blue in color. The two rear tires are new. There is a reward of Sl'.O for the arrest and c nvicticn of the thief and return cf the car. The card carries a state license, number 1 .4'.',.'. the engine number is 1 .."'. i S.14 nu" i HAD VERY FINE MEETING SUNDAY Services, at St. Luke's Church in the. Interest of Naticn-Wide Cam- .. paign Well Attended. j Fr'.rn Murifia.'f t'ailv. Yesterday morning church. Mr. John L. at St. KukeV . J led el unci, of : linaha. occupied the morning vvcr- ship hour with a brief statement to: 'the members of the church in mak-; mg the .Nat ton-v. joe campaign a, nomination .tr.tertainea in ais-succes-s in every way. The addre.-s j t:-r City to the South, of Mr. lledeltind was divided iniol thie-e parts, that of loyalty, unity and service and in each phase thei speake r v- very telling points to! the member.- of the congregation. j The attendance was quite large; and the irreate-t of interest was SOCIAL WORKERS MET WEDNESDAY Home of Mrs. Arthur Sullivan, South of This City Scene cf Very Pleasant Gathering- From Mrniiiay'i" Pallv The ladies of the Social Workers ja delicious luncheon was served by i ine iieisivss nunii v tia lrraiiy injur ed by the members of the party. The members of the club, as well as the visitors, were loud in their praise of the splendid hospitality af forded them by the gracious hostess. BURNED TO DEATH BY GAS EXPLOSION TRAGIC DEATH OF YOUNG WOM AN AT FARM HOME SOUTH EAST OF MANLEY. iDIED ENROUTE TO HOSPITAL Krs. Roy Wiles Victim of Exploding Gasoline which She Poured on ;mouluririg- Coals. From Monday's Pally. Mrs. Hoy Wiles, residing one mile east and a mi!" south of Man ley. was burned to death hot evening as th result of an explosion oea.-ion by iiourintr t:asi line on the smoulder::. ;.' lire in the stove. Mrs. V.'iie.-. was about to prepare the evening meal and as the lite had I idled down thoucht to revive it l v exploded ihe unfortunate v.i an in a .-h.-.t ! and in a ie .-(, n-.i.-- ilt.r c! thin-' was Purn i o: on at-.U tor nouv aiol lace nuvn : eci in a terrible manner. ! The tl ranidlv spread : thei I room and .-non the house was ablaze; u!ui ,!;iy t u. prompt work of thei neighbors arriving on the set ne s:.v-l od the Jan v 1 roM in-niic I in :;:! lo a crisp as w.-ll as the hoii -e being Ci .n. p'. e! 1 V d. si r. ed . Tlie victim of the accident was t t 111 alive when rescued and it was thought to get her to tlie hospital at Omaha. but while enroute jouisviile to Omaha she died from Mrs. Wiles was t hirty !ca es- a hu. band years of a:e at:d i and t w o small ; cniKiren to m..urn ner ueatn. i Since an attack cf the ;iu ia:--t win-' ter. Mrs. V;s has be-en having a j en j: deal of mental trouble an:! it' i-; th-. unlit -io- was m this condi'ioti . when t he accident occurred. Sh was a daughter ii Chris. was a daughter ot 'eO:. one of the leading farmers re idin:-. near L uisvil ie. WOMEN OF CHURCH MET EN NEBR. CITY Woman's Auxiliary of Episcopal De- From Monday's Pally. Over sixty women, members of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Southeast ern Pistrict ct the Kpiseopal Church of Nebraska, attended a successful convention in Nebraska Citv Satur- jday, discussed plans for the coming ! vear and wet e guests at a luncheon 'and supper served by the women of j jSt. .Mary's church in the Fndercroft of St. Mary's church. ' Miss Gussie Kohb. member of Christ church, of Wyoming, which co-operateu with M. .Marys in ex tending hospitality to the visitors, gave the address of welcome. Mrs. J. K. Jdiu-s made a report of the dio cesan meeting in Omaha and gave a short talk on organization. The meet ing was one of the largest held in years and local women who were in charge of the entertainment feature of the prog rem were elated Saturday night of the success of the conven t ion. Itelegates were present from Oma ha. Plattsniouth. Auburn and Ne braska City, together with those from Wyoming. Officers present were Mrs. J. 13. Jones, president; Mrs. William 11. Jones, secretary; Mrs. Charles M. llaller. secretary-treasurer of box work; Miss Katherine Hilliard. in charge of the Nation-Wide work among women; Miss Margaret Hil liard and Miss Alice Frye. in charge of junior work; Mrs. Merle, in charge of the diocesan work at Omaha; Mrs. Alfred Klundell, vice-president of the district; Miss Jean Morton, district president. The following delegates were pres ent: Rev. and Mrs. Wilbur Leete. M-Mlam-s. Lee'e. D.innelly. Io;:elan. loJge. Iaw- Rates. Livingston. i'a:er-oi:. e:.i:;t, Ik-sb-v and th" ?li - P.arbara Gei i:.; a n d 1 ira i'l'irkc. .:' Plat wivu: !i ; M"d:. nies; Hurgra'.es. J:is.-t n. nrun a:.d Mi.--- ', se.-? liu'chins and Tanner. .f Falls ; it y. Short Hie '.'v.rial service- wep- 1 - I for the late Rev. W'oity V. P,.:r:.e- ! !r- l-V. Ht. I........ . . i u .. .Mrs. f'o'Tor w a- form rly pr. M.:. of the organ iza? ion . L'.iiichfuii and supper served by .i.i. . . . . i . . . i . , . . ijie .noi::.-:i . : . e : I a s k a t ;.;:-ti Wyoming in the w. r- v.i i! " . : . six' y-f .ur !",- .-- I having Keen pr'-ren; f t.,. I meal. N'eh "-a.- j;a "i!v Pre -s. RECEIVES SAO HEWS LATE YESTERDAY Cscr and William WiJsor cf 'This City Learn cl Sudden I-atli cf Sister in Auto Accident. From M.roiav's !;:iiv Last i v.-ii i !; a t: cei rt ,1 by Will "lata son. conveying the s d.'Mit o! their s:.-tt Har.-h. of X-w Virg . '.-.sage was re al i i '-car Wil ad n v.-s- of t he r. Mrs Joiin F. inia. Iowa, who Alts killed in an a'i' The ines .: ! e . c-: er'..: y a tl e i.ol ,i U- a ccid-n t . .' .-'e !:d no( t: i ,- .th- I 11 1 11 titulars f the :nei' announc eve lit. cidetlt i evo -::t 'of tht d the t ragic I This mortiitit: William and Oscar it.d tl'-e hitter's wife depart -he old lo :ne in Iowa to be .it the fnn.ral fervk-fs which 0 ld tomorrow. The death of 1 bus c( me as a severe blow rt tiiefs in this city and in row a' d irrief n: the death Wilson d for ; resent v., 11 be the si.-; to t!..- ! t hf ;r ; of their hv.-J o:o have the b-ep.--t f ent ire cominunit the family will n:!.athv of the FUNERAL OF GHAS, HENNIN6S SUNDAY Services Held Yesfrdav Afternoon at Ghndale Church Largely Attended bv Old Triends rn Mojehix s pai'.v. Vesterd.-.v afternoon at the Clen- da.e church were laid the services jov'-r the remains of otio of Cass cotin t ty's 'pioneer c::i;.tn.-. Charles C. llen Ininus. The tuneral was a' tended by ja vast concourse of the old friends I arid neighbors who gathered to pay I their last tribute tf love and respect I to the old friend called from their J midst. The church was Piled to its ut most capacity and many were forced to remain without the church. The services wi re- in charge- of Rev. Rob ert Kunsendorf. pastor of the Eight M.!e Grove Lutheran church, who spake of the life of the departed and gave lo the bereaved ones words oi comfort in the loss cf their beloved husband, father ami brother. A quartette from Louisville sang a number of the well loved songs that had been so much enjoyed by the departed during his lifetime. At the close of the service the body was tenderly laid to rest in the church yard nearby, tlie pall bearers being tie six sons of the departed. John. Nicholas. Jacob. Charles. Philip and Ferdinand lle-nnings. The wealth of floral remembrances spoke of the high esteem and affec tion in which Mr. Hennings had been held over the entire county. A large number of the old friends and relatives from Plattsniouth were in attendance at the services. COLORED MAN MOVES ON Yesterday one of the dusky hued sons of Africa was noticed by Coun ty Attorney Cole wandering around on the streets and on the matter be ing reported to Sheriff Quinton the gentleman of color was brought up to the jail where he was given a feed and his conduct inquired into. He stated that he came from Mon tana and was going to Kansas and the advice of the counjy officials was that he should continue his journey without delay and accordingly he departed over the Missouri Pacific for the Sunflower state. Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Picture Frnming. Frank Gobelman. DEATH OF W, A, TAYLOR LATE MONDAY P, M. CITE OF OLD RESIDENTS OF THL COMMUNITY ANSWERS THE SUMMONS. PIONEER RESIDENT OF COUNTY Came Here in 1857 and Has Since Made His Home in Vicinity South of Plattbtncuth. Fmn Tuesday's Puliy William A. Taylor, one of the best known and highly respected residents of Cass countv. last evening, was call ed to his final reward after an ill ness covering several months, but which was intensified by the fact t Ii y t Mr. Taylor just a few weeks ago sus tained a severe fall that resulted in the dislocarion of his hip. The patient had been improving durin tiie past two weeks and haj almost recovered from the effects of the broken hip but his age and the weakening effect of his malady made his recovery a matter of grave doubt from the beginning and so last even ing as the twilight was softly fallinr the spirit of the husband and fat tier stole awav in the growing sh dows to his long last rest. The departed friend and neigh bor was born on May l,r. 1S:',7. at Ke-J Sulphur Springs. Monroe Virginia, ,. and was there reared to manhood. Coming to Nebraska In March. IS.'T. and locating near the town of Plattsniouth. Here Mr. Tay- lor has spent the best years of his life, assisting in the development of the community and in the tender care of the family. The period of his life has cove-red the most event ful years of the nation's life and has been filled with splendid efforts for the betterment of the community in which he has made his home. To mourn the death of this good man there re-mains the aged wife and six children, one daughter. Anna M. Tayh r having preceeded him in death in 1901. The children who are left to share with the wife and mother the grief and sorrow of the parting are Charles E. Taylor, of i Waukomis, Oklahoma; William H. Taylor, of Gordon. Nebraska; Mrs. Grace Pugsley. Persia, Iowa; Mrs. Nellie Furlong. Steamboat Springs. Colorado; Mrs. Evelyn Stamp. Plaits mouth and Mrs. lsabelle Propst. ot" Ralston. Nebraska. The funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home. YOUNG PEOPLE OF Ul I I U I ULu A lylAnUn Or. Their Friends by Being vVedded in Kansas City, and Then Re turning to Home Here. From Tuesday's Pally. The nianv friends of Miss Anna ' Ixihnes and Mr. John 15. Kaffen berger will be surprised to learn that these two estimable young peo ple stole a march on them by quiet ly slipping away to Kansas City. Mis-j souri. where they wire married en! last Thursday at one of the Presby terian churches in that city. The wedding was a very quiet one with only the contracting parties and the witnesses being present. The bride wore a traveling suit of dark blue poplin, while the groom was at tired in a dark blue serge business suit. The young people returned to their home in this locality last Sun day and are now busily engaged in receiving the best wishes of their many friends. The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Lohnes and a member of one of the old and high ly esteemed families of the county, and a lady who is held in the high est of respect by a large circle of friends in this portion of the county. The groom is one of Cass county's industrious young farmers and tne only son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kaffenberger, of Lincoln. He has j Keen engaged in the conduct of the j Kaffenberger home place since the removal of the parents from the farm and is one of the young men of the community who have made a large liiiniher of friends by his many sterl ing qualities. The friends of this young couple will join in wishing them much happiness and success in their future life. MARRIED AT COURT HOUSE , F r'-rn Monday's PaTtv. I Saturday afternoon tit the co ir house occurred ihe marriage of Fred etifk Itoder and Miss Clara Sudduth,' botii of Omaha. The young people were united in the bonds of wed ck !v County Judge lieeson in his usr.. pleasing manner and followins tnc ceremony returned to their home in ! he met ropolis. THE CASS COUNTY MONUMENT WORKS Establishment of Harry Smith, the Local Monument Man. is Busy Place Much Improved The Cass County Monument Works which was recently purchased by Hairy Smith, of Flair, is now being made into one of the best equipped plants of its kind in this portion of the state, as Mr. Smith and family now reside here and are right on the job in looking after the interests of their patrons. Mr. Smith is an expert in the tstone cutting line and does the work on the monuments himself so that satisfaction is assured to the parties placing orders with him. The offices of the company have been very tastefully arranged for the display of the various types of suones i handled and for those who are seek ing anything in this line a trip to this establishment will be well worth while. ! DAUGHTERS DAY IN PRES BYTERIAN MISSION SOCIETY From Wednesday's Pally. The Woman's Missionary society of the Presbyterian church held their regular meeting at the manse yester- ( day afternoon. The text book, "A Crusade of Compassion. ' began with promising interest. The latter part of the program hour given over to the daughters of the members, who showed talent as singers, players, de claimers and in the art of story tell ing. This part of the program was greatly enjoyed. In honor of the daughters present, Mrs. McClusky setrved a Japanese tea. The ladies, however, were ex cused from sitting on their heels, as the Japanese women would have done while partaking of their tea. Miss Edith Farley and Miss Ruth Shan non, as Japanese mai'ens. assisted , the hostess in serving and were very pleasing in their mincing steps and j many bows. There was a large at j tendance at this meeting and all de- noon of niinsled profit and pleasure. See the show, "Boys' Clothes." in 1 6 Real Features this week at Philip ThierolFs. '$-t-X A Service message It's Good It's merely good business judgment on your part, to consult your local merchants in purchasing goods. Get their prices on articles listed by mail-order houses. Many people who buy from catalog houses find out after wards that they could have purchased more cheaply right here in Plattsmouth. If you get local prices every time on your intended purchase. you'll find yourself trading at home. First National Bank "The Bank Where YouFeel at Home" LIGHT SITUA TION BECOMING SERIOUS HERE COAL SHORTAGE OF THE NATION TO EE FELT SOON IN THIS CITY. IS BELIEF. FEOPLE URGED TO CONSERVE Use of Fuel Should Only be in Case of Necessity Light and Pow er the Same V.'av. From Wefinesda y s pai!y. The citizens of Plattsuumt h are to feel the full tffect.-o! the great men ace that is now confronting the- peo ple of ihe nation w Ink the coal min ers remain idle and the million- f the men. women and children of Do nation are facing the proposition of freezing. The local coal dealers have so far been able to supply he demands made by the public but th- amounts on hand are uncertain and it will be necessary that they be handled in such a manner as To e;iow th- great est number to secure coal as is ; os-i-ble. One of the greatest problems that confronts the people of the city is that of electric ligTit and power which is supplied by the Nebra-ka Gas and Electric Co. The company has been securing their supply of current from Omaha in the past and are at present getting soric from that city but the condition of th.- fin I supply there is such as to make un certain whether or not the company there can continue their service. The coal supply htre In possession of the light plant is from five to c;x days running, and has been carefully conserved by Manager Ku ken Jail in hopes that it might perrn't the plant to operate even in ca-- of a shut down of the Omaha plant. Coal has been ordered by the local plant from the west and as the mines of Color ado and Wyoming are said to be op erating on a 90 per cent basis it may be possible to secure additional sup plies but this depends on the greater needs of other points as the govern ment must distribute the small sup ply of coal in as equal a manner as possible to prevent suffering and i hardship among the people of the na tion. The situation at the best is where every precaution should be taken in the care of fuel atic the savins cf light and power by the people of th" community in order To help save the badly needed coal supply of the state. FOR SALE. Chester While koars for sale. Prices reasonable and full pedigree furnished free. Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Call or write your wants. C. Bengen. My nard, Neb. Al the news in the Journal. Business!