J.70NDAY. JJOVr.MBr.il 17, 1919. FLATTSUOTTTB EEHI-WEEEl.'X JOTTED AX PACE THREE. k J3-Year Loan BUT WHICH CAN BE PAID SOONER IF DESIRED Wo Commissions We place such loans through the LINCOLN JOINT STOCK LAND BANK, of Lincoln, Nebraska, which during the past year has loaned over $6,000,000.00 to the farmers of Iowa and Nebraska. NO DELAYS! NO RED TAPE! A FAIR RATE OF INTEREST Ask Us About It ank of Cass Co., Plattsmouth -:- -:- Nebraska OVER THE COUNTY EAGLE Beacon Krcl L. Egenberger wus a pas-.enf-r this morning; fc-r Omahii, at which place he will spend a short tiine looking; after some matters of business, i Mi?ses Gladys f'adwt!! and Elsie Hoberg. two of the efficient teach ers in the local high school, were among those going to Omaha today to spend a few hours. Meet me at the dinner at Lewis ton again this year. u a o u a a a a a a a a d pi SB : :a ;:s i: :b::s:::..b rata, mtb m ::b :mMzM.vmmxMxmmmMg and are now ready for your AUTO BUSINESS. g B The Platismouth Garage is now located in the Propst Garage building on the corner of Seventh and Vine streets, where we will be pleased to meet all our old patrons, as well as all new ones who may have business in our line. Repairing is Our Specialty Battery Charging Electric Welding Reo Cars and Trucks for Sale New and Second Hand Cars Live Poultry Born, last Saturday, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hughes, a son. Mr. and Mrs. John Sam Doty are the proud parents of an 8-pound girl born Tuesday of this week. "Word came to Mrs. T. K. Adams recently of the sudden death at Des Moines. Iowa, of her cousin. Mrs. Elizabeth Clark. Several of our people met Mrs. Clark when she vis ited here a year ago. Mr. and Mrs. H. K..Ffantz went to Omaha last Monday evening for a brief visit and from there Mrs. Frantz went to Des Moines to visit her friend. Miss Lucile Mettetile. Mr. Frantz returned to Eagle Wed nesday morning. Mr. and Mrs returned from Rochester, Minn,, Fri day. Mr. "Wetenkamp underwent a very serious operation while at Rochester and. while still very weak she is getting along as well as could be expected. Last Friday evening Misses Ma bel Francke and Maybell Snoke en- tertained the Sophomore class in honor of the two Mabel's sixteenth birthday. The evening was spent in playing various games and music. At a suitable hour a dainty two course luncheon was served which was en joyed by everyone. The girls re ceived many pretty and useful gifts. ' At a late hour the guests departed. declaring they had a most enjoy able time a WANTED? A car load of live poultry, to be delivered at poultry ear near Bur lington Freight Depot, Plattsmouth, Neb., on Thursday, Nov. 20, one day only, for which we will pay in cash as follows: Hens, per lb 20c Spring Chickens, per lb 19c Ducks, per lb . 20c Geese, per lb 20c Old Boosters, per lb 11c Henry Wetenkamp Turkeys, per lb 24c Done lorgct tne date. Will be on hand rain or shine. Yours truly. W. E. EEENEY. among the first settlers of Weeping Water. Ed Olander, the last of the threj boys in this family, who were in the service, has returned home thi? week. He landed in Omaha from overseas the 11th, Armistice day. We understand that mail condition.; have been such that he had not heard from home since July. He en tered the service in July, 1918, and spent considerable of his time serv ing as a cook. The sad news was received this week of the death of Chris Hansen'.-, brother in Russia. Chris' brother was in that part of Denmark which made him a German soldier. He was taken prisoner and spent three months in Siberia, but waV on hi way home in company with thirty five other prisoners and was seized by Russians bolshevists and all tak en out and shot. While this sad af fair happened in August, 1918. the word has only just reached the rel atives here. THE USUAL DINNER THANKSGIVING DAY little granddaughter. May Emily , Tennant, was a caller at the Courier office last Saturday. George does not look a day older than when he left here eleven years ago. He reports all the former Louisville people who have settled in this vicinity getting along nicely and says they are all in love with the northern country. Frank DePuy and wife reside in the city of Two Harbors, Clem Mayfleld has a farm on the outskirts of the ! Lewiston Ladies Promise to be Or. Hand with the Big Eats and Social Festivities: The ladies of Lewiston are pre paring the ninth annual Thanks giving dinner to be given at Lewis ton on Thanksgiving day. The proceeds of this dinner will be used for putting the cemetery and church in repair. Every one in terested in the Lewiston cemetery I -.'ill 1 . y-v nwmsirl rrv trJhttia 'Til f . . . . , . .town and William Wade and famnyi v m nd wishing Mabel and dinner served will consist of turkey ' liv lust a short distance from the1 Maybell many more happy birth- j ftlv Mr wrto has:and a11 the trimmings, each as sal- days. ' j ,.",. . . i ads. Dies, vegetables of all kinds and every known good thing to eat. ELMWOOD Leader-Echo city. Until recently Mr. Wade has conducted a dairy farm but on ac count of the scarcity of help has sold ,his dairy cows and will become man- j, ager of a famers' co-operative grain . v,Q.. ..... J. E. SWASON, Prop. Wm. Deles Dernier, of this place. and Frank Linch adjusted on Thurs dav of last week a loss of 500 bushels of oats for Fred Schaefer southeast of town. Wm. Stege has made arrange ments to have the old house on the John McCabe place which he pur chased some time ago torn down and will erect a fine modern bungalow. 28x28. This will make a nice im provement and a nice home for the ritege family. for a couple of weeks visiting with lelatives and old-time friends. WEEPING WATER Republican Rev. W. A. Taylor will conduct services at 11 a. m. and the after noon will be devoted to a general good time, visiting with the old friends whom you have net met un der similar circumstances since the dinner of last year. At C p. m., an oyster supper will be served. 'C Plan to attend. Plan to give. Plan Children Cry for Ffetcher'G The Kind You Have Always Bought, .and which has been ia use for over thirty years, has borne the signature cf - and has beea made under his per f sTrTT,. scnal supervision fince its infancy. uzss. 'UXJ Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-g jvA ' are but Experiments that triils with and endanger the health cf Infants and Children Experience a:cirst E:s;erimtnt. What. is CASTOR? A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains seither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic syhstance. Its age is its piaraniee. For more than thirty y?-r3 it hr.s beer in constant us for the relief cf Constlpatior., I-latulency-"Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fevcrishnes,s arising th?refrcm, and by regulating the Stomach d Bowe's, aids the assimilation of Food; giving hea.lthy and natural tlecp The Childrcu's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORS A ALWAYS Hit- WlgliUiUii; U 4 jL' jot Is Use For Over 30 Years The ftsr.d You Have Always Bought Mrs. Luke L. Wiles and son, Lin-f were among those going to Omah.i ville. were among those going to Omaha this morning to visit for the day and look after some matters of business. Hello! Heard about the dinner at Lewiston? this morning to visit for the day and look after some matters of business. Turkey, turkey, at Lewiston on Thanksgiving cay. ' Philip A. Horn and family drove in from their home today to spend Mrs. L. V. Copenhaver and child- ia few hours looking after some trad- ren and Mrs. I). C. York and children ing with the merchants. 1" to assist in making this a successful Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murtey .dinner as have been those preceding j it in years past. IT'S FOOLISH TO SUFFER I When So Many Plattsmouth People Are Pointing Out the Way. You may be brave enough to stand Krn Youn? had the misfortune to I backache or headache or dizziness. p o is u a i n n n Notice to Ford Owners! How are your lights? Does your motor crank hard? If you have these troubles your magneto is weak. A new magneto would cost you $20.00 installed. We recharge your magneto without taking your motor down forS5.00. were week-end visitors at the home of their daughter Mrs. Leon Stoker, at Rising City. Rev. A. F. Ploetz went to Yale. Last week Mr. Sheafbmder of Mon- Iowa. Saturday morning to nil tne tana shipped 500 sheep here. These pulpit in the First Presbyterian sheep w ere taken to the Wm. Kunz ! church Sunday. farm where they will be kept for a while. It was a big bunch of them g(t the fore finger cf his left hand But, if in addition urination is dis and the most that have been around i broken Monday while working ajordered, look out! If you don't try here for a while. buzz saw at the carpenter shop. The ' to fix vour sick kidneys, you may i . A number of our local hunters hoard that he was sawing broke and (fall into the clutches of dangerous took advantage of the cold snap on a piece flew striking the finger with disease before you know it. But, if Monday morning and left for the such force as to break it. j you live more carefully and help lakes near Schickley to hunt ducks, j Misses Jeanette Teegarden and ' your kidneys with Doan's Kidney The party was composed of E. T. Dorothv Dunn who were in charge ; Pills, you can stop the pains you . 1 iin, t i. .... h-;ti; 1 ... . . - c i i n ft a ii A ' vuujT-i, uto. nail, noi i i i uiiuii:. : o tne SOllClllug lor lue iiJ nca Guy Clements and B. I. Clements. J Cross membership drive report $40!S We expect-to see them return wiui I raised. The young ladies have made some big duck stories. ja mighty good record and are deserv- Erven Carroll won two straight . nf great praie for their untir falls last Saturday from Conrad of jno- efforts. I I Thayer, Iowa. the. Iowa champion.) Tuesday morning the new engine B it g m if Dome in and Let Us Explain! W.W.WASLEY, Garage Phone 650 a; ' ezx::;s::. Br::a':-ii.H. tszmjo,: House Phone 502 B::i::B:::::a':i;:B::;;Drt!:B;:K;.!B!'!n He beat him in less time than Ut th Uo-Vit nlnnt was started un j - f L k ' e I Breedlove did a short time ago, the,and from the way it is performing, f world champion in his class. The j everyone is feeling pretty good about f -first fall in 21 minutes with a scis- the prospects for improved service. f sors and .arm strangle, the same hold: it is a modern semi-diesel type en gine and has a very business-like sound to it with the distinctive throbbing "put, put. put" of its exhaust. Mr. and Mrs. James Carey arrived Monday morning from Rush Center, '-W:-:-::M-M:--M-M-J . Kansas, for an extended visit at thr I nil!CII 1 F home of their daughter, Mrs. Robert ' Courier t le- th of ,own- Mr" and Mr8- I Carev are old timers of this com- HI 11 lllll 1 with which he threw Jack Tolliver of Omaha. The second fall in 15 j minutes and CO seconds and wrist 1nrlr T4a will urocHti Uoctoi rtf I Lincoln. November IS, 1919. Mr. Carey's parents were have and avoid future danger r.3 well. Don't experiment use the remedy Plattsmouth people are pub licly endorsing. Ask your neighbor! Read this care: Mrs. J. M. Iliber, 1403 Vine St.. Plattsmouth, says: "Once in a while I get a dull ache across my kidneys, but a few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills soon overcome this trouble. I couldn't recommend a better medi cine for backache and kidney com plaint." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Hiber had. Fo5ter-Milburn Co.. Mfrs.. Buffalo. N. Y. EED STEER LOST LXBiB'ii'!a m C fi a B B sa B U B ia H a a m it g B Stadebaker's New Models Gash Garry Grocer Walter Stohlman moved his fam ily this week from the rooms over j the hardware store into their home g on Cherry' street recently purchased If of Dr. E. H. Worthman. f I , !3 No. 3 size cans tomatocsL50c ! the marriage of Miss Ida Youngblad. t J size CaaS Prk .&nd beans-c f of Lincoln, to Hal P. Stines. of Fair- ? ?0' "?JC , , no. o size cans pjnraun trained nurse . - - 3 No. a size cans firaui mont. The bride is a and is the daughter cf Charles We can make immediate deliveries of these classy cars and take in your used car at prices you can't afford to turn down. All factories are speeding production and each new car means another used car placed on the market. What will result? With a steel workers' strike, prices of steel are not going to decline to say the least. Now is the appointed hour to make your purchase. FOR DEMONSTRATION CALL 79 Youngblad of Lincoln, former Loui- B i B I 3 lbs. lima beans for .50c ville people, where thev are well 0 AU" "ttV- iU known and have manv friends who'3 lbs' &rcen Pea8or JOc extend best wishes and contrratula- . 3 lbs- Sood nce for-- C tions. Postmaster F. H. Ossenkop re- 3 .lbsT brown bep.ns for 25c 3 lbs. split peas 50c 4 lbs. nan cuke flour : 40c ce.veu xrom .ne postomce e-,4 lbs. pUre ,buckwheat 50c partment at Washmgton hat . Ins , . Washin?ton Crisps 30 aiary as postmaster naa oeen m-3.--. 50c creasea 5200 per year July 1, 1919. This will make the Deginning- - ", v znn lbs. loose oat meal 45c I salary of he Iuisville postmaster 4 Seafoam.. 29c I 1 Main St Garage Telephone 79 Block South of Postoffice m S 1,400 per annum. While the in crease is not In accordance with the advance of wages in other lines yet Postmaster Ossenkop is grateful for the increase at this time when the cost of living is daily soaring sky ward. George Waldron, of Two Harbors. Minn., who was called here last week to attend the funeral of his Largs jar pure fruit preserves 38c New California walnuts, lb 46c GET Y0TIE UNDERWEAR WHILE THE STOCK IS COMPLETE. Red niuley steer strayed from my farm atout the ISth of October, the long hair having been clipped frcm his tail. Any information as to his whereabouts will be liberally re warded. by notifyingme. PHILIP HEIL. Cedar Creek. Neb. and a Regular JAZZ Entertainment! THURSDAY EVENING, VEESSER 20th, ES HALL, Plattsmouth, Neb. Jazz DICK DcFORD'S Phiendsof Lincoln- Nebraska's Fore most Dispensers of JAZZ ADMISSION $1.00 AND WAR TAX GIVEN BY K. K. G. CLUB i 1 CARD OF THANKS "We take this means of publicly ex pressing our deepest appreciation cf the many acts of kindness shown tc us in the sickness of our beloved wife and mother and for the tender sympathy of the friends and neigh bors in the hour of sorrow and death of our loved one. Ernest Richter and Family. I f i X ! 1 4 BoilEi Hi OS o Gars GOOD TIME TO REPAIR AND OIL YOUR -HARNESS BEFORE CORN HUSKING! A. Complete Corn Elevator $275.00 i 8 s 1 i q a 1 Peter Schuettter, Newton and Charter Oak i Wanted to Buy: T. H. Pollock. Good milk cow. n 17-3d-lw , Oh j-ou big eats! Where? At Lew-; iston. When? Thanksgiving. ' FARM WAGONS Also Extra Wagon Boxes and Shoveling Boards. Stoughton and I. H. C. Spreaders! ALL SIZES GASOLINE ENGINES 09 i E. F. LUTZ Lost, on Cedar Creek road a weed chain last Saturday. Finder please notify P. A. Meisinger, telephone No. 2502. Mrs. Wlliam Baird was among those going to Omaha this afternoon to spend a few hours. i 3 FARM IMPLEMENTS I i JOHN F. ORDER, AUTOMOBILES btkhb;