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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1919)
PAGE TWO K02JDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1313. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL H rrrrrr' tVt "fcTE AC 1 H IliU THE BIG ONE WAS FED Avalon Farms HOG-TONE 7m Liquid Hog CondUmttr, rcttcm ana wcrrt v errtavtn THE RUNT WASN'T THEY both started life at the same time and weight. The? TTere riven the same feed under the same conditions - with one excep tion. The bis one Rot his regular dose of AVALON FARMS HOG-TON.- . . - - i 1 1 .. . t : r ... on. I T.V- r r tvi rut the runt L. LH8 UUMl 1 AblUbf WKUutuvMw. rrt - ... . T t!.,9 fltnt n i ne Dig unc la uic kuiu uifciv i.-. fccsnnd brings big protts to the rockets of toe hog raiser. The raTt more to raise than he will erer bring in the mar ket. And the difference was flboct by 2? ccr.ts worth cf AVAI.O. I FARMS HOG-TONE. HOC-TONS puts ncv life into hoz makes them eat more snd prow fat at an umazing rate. It helps tt.ux to combat diabase and eli- mtnste the worms thrt nrs the ho? rais er spreaicsr ice 10 it.oi-is. r-p'i-i-uiii rresnar.t so-ws heirs to pvoouce nultV ler. sturi!ier pi,ls. CVjjc- the Merc . tell us the nu-.r.bcr r: vc-:r h- -1 r.r-1 v.-ill fcivo yoi cnau.M KOG-TONli i fcvat il ycur 5:0,3 t clay. Yea 'Ion t p;.e in sjernywv. if the results o; the HOG-TON i trrvtrr.c- fo'l u i'j; f y you, U wui &Sl ?a uiiia.. FOR SALE BY Plattsmouth, Nebraska ENTERTAINS AT BIRTH- DAY DINNER UST EVE From Thursday's Daily. A very pleasant and" enjoyable six o'clock dinner was held last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph j Hadraba on Vine street in honor of i the twenty-second birthday anniver-j sary of their daughter. ( Miss Helen. To enjoy the occasion a number of the young ladies of the Burlinntou offices were invited to meet with their associate on this pleasant event and see that it was properly cele brated. "The tables were very prettily ar ranged with the Sowers of the late autumn and with the dsliciou3 re past made a very pleasing feature of the evening. Following the dinner the young ladies spent a f.iv hours in singing and the enjoytnsnt of several vocal nv.mbers. In honor of the occasion Mi?s Helen was presented by her parents with a large and very beau tiful boquet of chrysanthemums in remembrance of her natal anniver sary. Thote who enjoyed the pleas ant event were Misses Madeline Minor. Florence McQuinu, Delia White, Freda Sattler and Mrs. Storey. Don't buy a player piano until you have investigated the Famous Gulbransen Player handled" in this territory only by A. Hospe Co.. of Omaha. - ' 6-4tw INCOHE INSURANCE See F. G. Egenberger for Income Insurance. Office Wagner hotel build ing. Phcne No. 108. -:'; atPAi ever :k.f v: i r. it tue uxy yuu imui s lpi JFj. ' r ! THAT IS THE DAY YOU BEGIN TO MAKE YOUR OVM GOOD LUCK-FOR LUCK IS SIMPLY DOING THE RIGHT THING. WHY NOT MAKE IT TODAY? CUT THE CORDS OF EXTRA VAGANCE THAT BIND YOU, AND WASTES YOUR MQN-EY AND YOUK ENERGY. COME IN AND START YOUR BANK ACCOUNT NOW, AND REGULARLY BANK YOUR MONEY.' YOU WILL SOON REALIZE THAT EVFRY MAN MAKES HIS OWN LUCK. YOU WILL RECEIVE 1:5 INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. XL armers ank PI ATTS MOUTH. HEBRftSUn -A VISIT TO THE Brown Park Mineral Springs BATH HOUSE at 25th and O Streets, South Omaha, now under new management, will convince you tha,t we are fully equip ped and prepared to treat you for rheumatism in all of its various forms." Also colds, la grippe, nervous trou ble, etc. We have relieved hundreds of others and we can help you. Skillful Service and Courteous Attention Given to All Our Patrons J, J MANAGER I matter that should vitally interest evrrybusiness man in town. . The Journal hopes to see concert ed action taken next spring to build at least a dozen new modern rental properties. While building coyts rnay ecra a trifle high at the present time is probable there will be no de- j crease in prices cf lumber, etc., for' I at least a good while to come. Let's EITCSTS OP COMI.IEHCIAL CLUB a11 tae interest in the matter to the, T"W uvrvft r.lov.nTT.'n ,f providing suitable places of' p.aim::uou tor tne peopie now wunin tne connnes or our city ana tno::e ? ould be glad to come could we BE HOSPITAL -QUESTION AO- lire k TO DIRECTED FSCPOSITION. tmi SEED FOR OBE HERE who rp but furnish them a place to live. Ls Doily Dc-eus of C3S3 Ccunly Tecplo Enter the Ho:ritaIs at Omcha for Treatment. JIOITT HOBB IN CITY. From Thursdxy's Dai. The committee of the Commercial club to which was referred some time ago the proposition of the erec tion and equipment of a firit clasj hospital iu this city is still continu ing its work and hopes scon to have some definite information on the subject from which they can work with a view of securing the much needed addition to tiis city. In ti past few yours tai3 propo sition has been urged several times by the residents cl the city as a cvjcii nc.lcu ucceeuy ami u; iju-j; havo borne cut the contentions of I the boosters for the proposition. Tne Cniaha hospitals are co:: ing used by oiir peop hospital was erected in this city they could oe kept here near heme where they would he iu touch with their familU's and friends as well as with t'i'eir ovn personal physicians who could keep a tlo.-.o check on their cases. In a hospital here just as good A Tttan's Best pal is his smoke Froj.j Thursday's Dullv. I-a-t evening. Mont Ilobb, one of the hest known and popular resi dents of Cars county arrived 'in the city, coining down from Omaha on the belated DurHngton train and vis iting, her today with his many old time friends. Mont Kobb i one cf the genial gentlemen of the world and to meet whom is a great pleasure and -it is needless to say that his visit here was much enjoyed by the old friends. Mr. Itobh is still making his home r.t Union, but is now traveling on .the road for the Ilynes Elevator company of Omaha, and with his long 3-cars of experience in the grain, business in Nebraska he is enjoying! great success in ins new line oi work. ; ) . . '"- ,r'i CASES JIBE ASSIGNED FOR TRIAL BY JUDGE BEGLfcf Kifin Thursdays Dally. Verterdav Judge J. T. Begley held I a r.liurt session of the district court, nf lvliirh I;r rp.lliiiir r.f tli (locket " ' " . f v. as had and a nnmber of the l assigned for trial before the court.) and efficient care and treatment could I The follcwing cases were placed on j be secured as in the splendid hos- the ab"i:;nruent list for the opening; pitals in the metropolis. Some have thought that a hospital would not be p. p.iying preposition that would i;i sure it3 being a succe.-s and kept constantly in operation but the fact that dozens cf re.-;i!ents of the coun ty are always at the Omaha hospitals seems as though they cmiid far more easily he cared Zjt in this city and in addition to (his a local hospital would be able to handle very eas ily sickness cae.; . where the pe.t! ent might be cared for more rsndily than in"th'? home or place of re : dence. In many cases the homes uro not so arranged as to be able to care for cases oi sickness as they should he looked after and with a hospital in thl3 city such cases could he han dled very readily and not take the patient a great distance from their families or friends. The same facili ties for operatirg and care o' surgi cal cast's could be provided for in this city as in the larger hospital.-: of the city and with an easy travel ing distance of Omaha it would he possible to secure the service.? of specialists if necessary for those operation?. t c 9k o Iron f al. November JTtl the court: 1 LJerry vs. Wilhelm huaup et 10 a. in. Fred Marshall vs. George Kamm i et til, November ISth, 9 a. m. John F. Morris vs. Missouri Pa cific R. II. . November 19th. 9 a. m. Caroline Ieiner vs. Louis Leincr.J November 20th;9 a. m. j l.::k of Cess County vs. F. H.j Wynn et al. November 20th, 1:30: p. in. Ole C. Brigin vs. Lee Watson, No vember 21st, 9 a. m.. Ray Chriswisser vs. Frank E. 1 Schlichtcrr.eier. . November 25th, 10 I a. tn. cXuck kind of low? Time for a smoke" Ches. Field IIGHT up a Chesterfield. Now you're iu -luck. No mistake about it, Chesterfields sure do come through on "Satisfy"! None but the finest varieties of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos, specially selected and expertly blended is it any wonder that Chesterfields v.elcome comparison with the best you ever smoked? Ordinary blending brings out flavor, of course, but blending by Chesterfield proc ess brings out a new flavor a flavor that , "they" didn't know vas there. And this bleiid is exclusive based on our private formula. It cannot be duplicated, or even closely imita ted - You get "Satisfy" in Chesterfields ani nowhere else. And the special moisture-proof wrapping lets none cf their flavor escape. id MmviE mm i w w mm ooi Nebraska Governor Does Kot ilean to Take Chorees with Then. in Gracing C&nrs- E m H ITU to a great -many in the city and it v.-ill be thoroughly investigated in the hope that it may be possible to got some favorable action. Governor MeKelvie, acting upon informal ion which, although he does voi disclose its source, he declares to be authentic, that I. W. Ws. are scattering then:felves over the state The propositi;:i looks awfully gocd of Nebraska and particularly in the load grading camps, for the purpose of spreading propaganda, has advis ed all county attorneys in the state to pass the fine toothed comb through industrialism in their counties and weed out any possible suspects. The governor cautions that with much public and private work being pursued in the state this year, it has become an objective to the I. V. W. and anarchist workers and that they are now present in large num bers, even unto the furtehrmost cor-nc-rs of the state. It is urged that the county attor neys bring the strong arm of the law into quick action to apprehend and drive out such propagandists, andj srfves assurance that the state law enforcement division will be at their disposal. There has been a grading camp in operation in Cass, county through out the past summer, but we have" failed to hear of its being made an 20 for 20 cents and the blend can't be copied 4. CASS CO. FARM A Column I)vo(-l to I.ornl Fnrmlus lotcrrnt BUREAU NOTES Importance of 3Ianure. With the aid of the extension de partment we have just finished an experiment in fertilizing which shows the value of manure. The work was carried out on George ' Towle's farm near Weening Water. Seyeral kinds of commercial fertilis ers and barn yard manure. Where manure was used -an increase of 10 FIRE DEPART MENT ELECTS NEW OFFICERS AT REGULAR MEETING HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON TUES DAY EVENING. been so far only four of any conse quence arid in every caee the fire de partment has been right on the job safeguarding the property. 'The Famous Gulbransen Player Piano can be had from A. Ho?pe Co., of Omaha. Do you realize that A. Hospe Co., has been selling pianos to your friends and relatives for over forty-five years? Write or phone them for terms on the Famous Gulbransen. 6-4tw RESPONSIBLE FOR SMALL LOSS bushel3 per acre was found. This 'objective point .of visitation by the manure was spread at the rate of six tons per acre. Does it pay to ! use manure? A check on this ground will be kept for two con secutive years and the results check ed. , L. R. SNIPES. County Agent. GROWING NEED OP HOMES From Thursdays Daily. Plattsmouth continues to face an ever increasing demand for modern rental properties and it is safe to say that at the present time at least a i score of such homes could be 'leased jto present residents of the city who are now merely existing in improvis ed homes or hotels, and families re siding elsewhere vho could be en:; ily attracted to l'latlsmuutli if homes j were available. j If Plattsmouth is to continue to jro-v and become the city, it should i in the r.ext five years, the matter cf homes for Iht people must be giv en avSfa alter.!!.")::. tAnd this is a I. W. W's. has been. and rather doubt that it ADD MECHANICS TO FORCE The T. II. Pollock Auto company has just added two first class men to their shop force. Ilarve Manners, well known in the community as a first class auto mechanic and Horace Scott," who has been employed for several years in the mechanical de partment of the Blackstone and Cen tral garagC3 of Omaha and ccme3 well recommended as an auto me chanic. The Pollock garage is now employ ing seven mechanics iu "its shop and is turning out a lot of work. That Has Occurred from the Rav ages of Fire During Past Number of Years. We print and butter. everything but money Let us serve you. Only a Cold. Are you ill? is often answered: "Oh! it's only a cold," as if a cold was a matter of little consequence, but people are beginning to learn that a common cold is a matter not to be trifled with, that some of the most serious diseases start with a" cold. As soon as the first indica tion of a cold appears take Cham berlain's Couh Remedy. Remem ber that the sooner you get rid of your cold the. less the danger, and this remedy will help you to throw it off. r ""BANKING BOOKKtt?lNG n-er r-'-i-J.' itPJ S.-a- rot Vf, I;" -"""aov'iss rentes From Thursday's Daily. The members of the Plattsmouth Volunteer Fire department held their regular session at the city hall on Tuesday evening for the purpose of the election of officers of the depart nient for the ensuing year. The re sult of the election was in the choos ing of the following: President A. A. Alexa'nder.. . Vice-president Gunnar Johnson. Secretary Gould Smith. Treasurer Frank Sitzman. Chief of Department Hiljard Grasbman. Delegates -to state convention at Scottsbluff Hillard Grassman and A. A. Alexander. The Plattsmouth fire department has always given the very best of service iu the protection Of the city's best interests and to the hard work of the fire boys can be given the credit of preventing a great many serious fires during the existence of their orgaaizaticn. The past year ha3 been oqe re markably light for fires as there has Big Type Poland-China Boars for Sale! Fourteen Big Type Poland-China Boars for sale. Black Prince is the sire of these boars, and the dams are Waubonsie Girl, Waubonsie Carrie Queen, Waubonsie 2d, Waubonsie Queen. These boars dams came from the Waubonsie Herd. These sows are the breeding of Weathcrhead Bros. & Wolfe. Black Prince is the breeding of Adolph Steinkamp. Jamoc L. Torryberry Cedar Creek, Nebraska Son,