THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1919. PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Chisds'on Cry She Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use lor over thirty years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- v77"7 sonal supervision fince its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-sood ' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the hsalth of Infants and Children Experience agcirst Experiment. What is CASTOR I. A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine acr other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it boa fceec in constant us for the relief of Constipation. Mntrleccy Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishners arfrinj therefrcm, and by regulating the Stomach and liove's, aid.-: the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural elecp; The Children's Panacea Ths Mothers Friend. smuine CASTORS A always Bears the In Use For Over 30 fesrs The Kind You Have Always Bough DINGS OF COMMISSIONERS OF GASS COUNTY :Ti.-- f CO!' NT V COM MISSION V. KS 'I SS iVjfXTV. PHttsmouth. Neb., Nov. 6. 1910. Poard nut pursuant to adjourn u; T;t. Present Julius A. IMtz, C. F. Harris and H. J. Miller. County Com missioner::; Geo. 11. Sayles, County CI-rk. " Minuter of last r-uiar sessions r-;i'l and approved when the follow ir. g l;isi ness was transacted in regu lar form: Mothers' Pensions Oril'T of County Jm!j;t; A. .1. Bee son r ':--a iiiLC mothers' pension of !r. C!-,ir:i Matzke. of Louisville, for six months. Nov.. ll19. to April, i:2. inclusive, at $13.00 per month for the care of two dependent child ren, approved. Order of County Judge A. J. Bee n renew-in;? mothers' pension of Mrs. Hallie Black, of 1'lattsrnouth. f..r six months. December. 1919, to May. lftjn. inclusive, at $15.00 per mouth for the care of four dependent children approved. Bridge Bond Election County Clerk's report of vote at tl - special election, November 4th. 1 '!!. on the question of issuance of ! 1 1. o.fMi .(H in Bridge Bonds, said .te beinsr. "For bonds. 771; against bond-. i:::M." approved. Xaincs Ordered Certified for Jury Service Dist. Court The County Clerk was instructed ti tvrtify the following list of names to the Cl'-rk of the District Court lioin which to draw the jury for the next term of th court: Tipton Ed Doran. Geo. Oberle, Jr. and M. McFall. . ri-t-iittooil Emmet Friend and A. E. Jardine. "nit rck T. C. Prks. Nelson McDowell and Forest 1. Clymer. I.vsle Ilorton. Fred Mciischeau and Dick Elliott. KIimyiimmI A VISIT PROCEE rown Park Mineral Sprini ATH ill 25l!i and O Streets, South Omaha, now under new management, wili convince you that we are fully equip ped and prepared to treat you for rheumatism in all of its various forms. Also colds, la grippe, nervous trou ble, etc. We have relieved hundreds of others and we can help you. Skillful Service and Courteous Attention Given to All Our Patrons J MANAGER Scr Fletcher's Signature cf II. II. Schmidt, Wm. H. Hush and Arthur Bornemeier. Sooth llrud O. W. Zaar and P. A. Neimian. Herman Mitchell and Fred Schac fer. i rutrr W. P. Schliefert and P. II. Stan der. l.oulvllIr John C. Spaugler. C. G. Mayfuld and J. It. Noyes. A J. P. Preese and K. II. Norris. Mt. 1'lrninnl Wallace Philpot and J. L. Terry berry. i:lght Hr nnr John Bust-he. Frederick J. Por- Jnou and Lloyd Group. I Nrhankn i Henry Shoemaker; Bruce Stone. Liberty I A. Taylor, T. W. Swan and B. IV Everett. Rnrk lUufT-., 1 Cornelius Bengen. Jr.. W. G. Boe dektr and Alf. Beverage. ICork IIIiiITh, Sml Waiter livers and J. I. Pitch. I'lnttHitMMit h I'rcilisrt Ed P.aumgart, Fred Bueehler and T. J. Will. I'liitloniout li. It Vnl Frank Claus and Will Kniney. I'lnttHmout h. -ml nrl William Hunter, Frank Buttery and Tim Kahouttk. I'tnt tHmonl h. Wnril George Klinger. George Ilild and George Born. I'lntt-.tnouf It. 1th Wnril John Schulhof. John Ledgeway and Joseph Bibershal. I'Int tsmont It. r.lli nril Vaclav Dvorak; Eugene Maurer, Wrrpine Vnlor, It Wnril I. F. Cherry. AVrrpinc Vt-r. iiI Waril George Stoner. Claims Allowed The follow ins claims were exam ir.rd and approved: GENERAL, FUND Florence White, salary for O-Vober. 1919 ? 8 5.00 Oml Fitzcerald. salary for OftoLrr. 1919 S5.00 Will T. Adams, salary, dep uty clerk for Oct., 1919 104.16 Mnlvi C Peterson, salary und expense, October, 1919 190.35 TO THE HOUSE A. G. Cole, salary and ex pense, Oct.. 1919 lo'J Hans Sievers, salary and laundrv. Oct.. 1919 113. 00 G5 00 00 C. II. Lewis, hauling rubbish from court house Fred Patterson, viewing pro posed Nehawka road 13 Fred Patterson, ollice work on records, Oct., 1919 04. Geo. E. Farley, salary tor October, 1919 50. 00 SO 00 The Eagle Beacon, printing for county 1 J. II. McMakeii. storing booze cars and livory trips 120. Wm. IIollv. mdse. to sheriff- 5. Lincoln T. & T. Co.. rent for Nov. and tolls for Oct.. 1919 SO. 73 John Kopia. mdse. to Buriau for Nov.. 1919 5. 00! Nebr. Gas & Flee. Co., ser vice to county farm, court house and jail 19. 45 at) P. II. Nichols, provisions to Matzke for Grassman Geo. 11. Sayles, salary an l expense. Oct., 1919 1 9 'J 0 0 40 10 J. P. Mason, trip with elec tion supplies Wevrieh i Hadraba, benzine to Sievers James Robertson, fees. State vs. Robert King ft a I 10. James Robertson, fees. State- vs. Fred Byam et al 9- Dr. E. H. Worthman. servic es to county patients C.. 50 r.o 00 C. E. Hartford, fuel to court house ami Schlieske 10. Mien J. Beeson, two moth ers' pension orders Louisville Weekly Courier. printing for county o"ice nl. H. M. Sjennich:en. provis ions to Collins. Hart and Worden. Oct.. 1919 o". (HI A. J. Beeson. fees. State s. Thorn sen and Verhul 1. C. D. Quinton. f e. St.-.te vs. rhomsen and Verhul 04. 9S 30 GO IS s;: C. D. Quinton. jailer lees tor October. 1919 4(k C. D. Quinton. expense. Byam !! Miller to Lancaster "'. 2 2. C I (uinto!i. expense, nig gers to' Kearney 77. C. 1. Quinton. xilary for S 'pter.ib-.-r. 19 19 14.",. C. D. Quinton. boarding pris oners fr Sep-., l'tl 9 21. C D. Quinton, salary for October. 1919 14. D. Quinton. boarding pris oners for October. 1919 24. C. I). Quinton. jailer fees or Srnt ( -i.'.k r. 1 9 1 9 4." .Oo C. I. Q-iinto:i. serviiir no tices Nehawka .rop;'-ed new road " t.r.M.icvi. i.i.i: TiitN i:m'i:m 'liploii l'rrt'iiirt J. B. Elliott. jui;;e $ 1. M. L. Hursh. jr.dge 4. Geo. W. Peterson, judge 4. II. K. Kr:int:. clerk ! Cvi. K:tter. ebr' an 1 t::. dm nv in il I'rfritirl R. M. Coatnian. judKe, rtns 9. i". C. B'K kndl. judi;e J. A. S'.iatTir. cK-rk Alfred AnderM.n. judge ' CVrl D. Gai:, cb. rk " Blt 'rwk l'rfM-im-i W. E. Hand, ju.b-'e $ 4. B. P. Lauchlin. j::dg John Me'lor'1.. j::lue. returns. 9. C. D. Fullmer, clerk 4. .1. H. Wr-.b :i::iu. '. rk Mine i r U. I'ri rim I E. ii. Bny'.es. judge. returii.- 9. Ed Gust Mi. ji'.dge 4. Wm. Ktinz. judue t. C. S. Hart, clerk 4. AuKlen A. Turk, cb-rk L i'.luiwootl i'rrelnet August Panska. judge ? 4. II. K. Schmidt, jndu;e, returns 9. Jacob Gochry, judae 4. Frank E. Buell. clerk 4. r. o LI .' It i .( I i SO J r. o 1 j ..o i 2 0 .50 . 5 0 ,MI ("has. I. Long, clerk 4 South lie ml I'rra'liift A. D. Zaar. judire. returns ? 9 W. J. Clou.-e. judge 4 B. P. Dill, judge 4 Chas. Campbell, clerk 4 Win. Richards, clerk 4 ri plni; V liter I'rcelnel H.-nry Wulf. judge S " Henry F.uglia. judge " Chris Johnson, judge " Fred Schaefer. clerk ' .2 0 .20 .20 .L't! .:;o .:;o .::o .20 Paul Gerard, clerk and returns outer 1rr'in't Wm. J. Ran. judge 5 4 Chas. Gcrlach. judge, return.-- S Dan Bourke, judge 4 Geo. E. Coon, clerk 4 .50 .To .50 .50 Aaron Routli. clerk 4 .5 0 l.Mii 1 1 to- I'rrrlnel C. G. Maylield. judge ? 4 W. A. Clcshorn. judge 4 V. A. Besack. judge, returns- 8 P. E. Phelps, clerk 4 50 50 0 0 .50 .50 .50 P. 11. Nichols, clerk - 4 limn I'rci'i lift M. M. Straub. judge $ 4 J. S. Rough, judge, returns-- 8 E. H. Norris. judge 4 J. M. Dunbar, clerk 4 II. J. Street, clerk 4 Mt. riervAiint l'reiiit .00 .50 .50 .20 .60 .90 .90 .9 0 .90 .:J0 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .SO .20 .20 .20 Wilson Gilmore. judge. rtns.$ T Lee Brown, judge " P. E. Spangler, judge :5 J. W. Murdock. clerk :t C. A. Cat hey, clerk 2 i:itilit lilc irf I'rcelm-t F. A. Horn, judge, returns $ 7 C. Johnson, judge 4. Henry Horn, judge 4. Louis Hennings. clerk 4. H. W. Heil. clerk 4. rhnnkn lrtln-t C. Switzer. judge, returns $ S. J. W. Mngney. judge 4. Alvin A. M. Reynolds, Judge- 4. J. J. Pollard, clerk 4. D. StelTens. clerk 4. Mhrrly lrM-iiiet D. Lynn, judge $ 4. jW. A. Taylor, judge, returns- 7. H. M. Frans. judge 4. L. Tptou. clerk 4. P. L'nrris. clerk 4. et Itixk llliiirt I'r.eliiet (leu. I. Lloyd, judge, returns. 7. 40 20 20 20 20 L. D. J Halt, judge 4. J. Vv. Edmunds, judge 4. ,W. L. Seyboblt, clerk 4 (). A. Divi-v clerk 4. i:nt Hoik llltitrx I'rr.-liiet '. Wm. Wehrbein. judge. rtns.$ 7 E. B. Hutchison, judge 4 John L. Smith, judge 4 It. M. Wiles, clerk 4 Prank Grauf, clerk 4. 00 2 0 20 20 20 I'Int txmnnt Ii i'rerliict W. T. Richardson, judge $ E. C. Rummel. judge Adam Stoehr, judge- J. B. Livingston, clerk Wm. Rummel. elk. and ret'ns 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 7.10 t'til ii K Witter City, lt AVard R. I). McNurlin. judge, rtns.$ 9.00 J. L. Kennedy, judge C. M. Cherry, judge L. R. Snipes, clerk! d. L. Sj)ohn. clerk 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 Weiplnu Water City, -ml Minl W. O. Ogden. judge ? C. S. Nev.lorv, judge, returns-, Geo. E. Stoner, judge K. G. Glover, clerk O. K. Cromwell, clerk IMjiI IniiiimiIIi. It M'nril 4.20 9.00 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.2D 4.20 4.20 0.20 0.70 4.30 4.20 4.20 4.20 6.30 4.5 0 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.20 4.20 4.20 6.2 0 4.20 0.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 Wm. Fred Wm. lia:sler. judge ? H. Black, judge J. Hartwick, judge Lolincs, clerk .1. W. P. A. W. B. Clans V. M. Jacob Pricke, ell:., returns rlilll-moiil !. giul M uni Uis'nel. judge, returns.? Boettl. jutlge MullN. judge Tritsch. clerk Jesse Brady, clerk I'Int InmiMith, :tl Wnril Despain, judge. returns$ C B. R. Shopp. judge i'ielly. judge Carlson, clerk V.cisinger, clerk I'Int turnout Ii, Itli Wnril Ledgeway. judge $ L. P. John Ward .!. D. K. Clark, judge V;: t horough, judge i:ber.-ol elk., returns-- Geo. L. Parley, clerk ' I'Int (.mi, ill Ii. Titli Wnril .1. B. Higley. judge. returns$ Fritz lteinrieh, judge George, judge Aug. Bach, clerk ("has. H. Lewis, clerk Win.'l'-h. labor on booths. Stove Creek precinct $ Claus Boetel, work on booths. Plattsmouth City Jo',.n P. Saltier, ireas.. hall rem and lights, Plattsmouth 2d ward polling- place P. P. Ross, room rent, Sept. and Novi niber election L. P. 1 rryberry, trip to Omaha for prisoners John Bauer, work at jail PlaM.-inoiith Sfeai!i Laundry, laundry ' comity jail 2.00 S.OO 7.00 12. 00 12.50 1 . o o 6.J5 10.00 1.200 12.0( 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fred E. Per.i, ambulance ser vice to Byam and Thomson School Dist. No... SO. room rent for Sept. ami Novem ber elections School DM. No. SS. r'om j-ent for Sept. and Novem b r t leet inns li. W. Stewart, loom rent, Novt-iiiber election, Green wood preei:iet Earl J. Qiinn. room rent for November 'diction. Cen ter precinct H. D. Reed, room rent, Nf- vemher election. Weeping :. ''!-. 1st ward lllarr- wr.en. room rent. No I r'.:J,rl election 'tive (.'reek pr S-!)oo rent. i :i ; et Dit. No. S3, room Nov. election, Weep- A'i.ter C jK'.'. roor.i rent No i ." election. Aoca pre- 0.0 0 Ora K in b ;-i :'Ct !! :;ry 0.0O . Tool. room rent Elm- November elect ion. oo,l precinct' Charles E. Martin, member board of canvassers W. I".. Hand, room rent. No v. ml'er election. Salt Creek precinct chas. CampiKdl. hall rent. November election. South I :.' pi'ei i net Slander Stand r. two new ballot boxes for Louisville precinct Wm. Holly, member board of canvassers Geo. olive, room rent, Nov. election. 2nd ward, Weep ing Water city San ford G. Coglizer. work on boot lis, Sept. and Novem ber elect ions Plattsmouth Journal, print ing and supplies for county II. M. Soennichsen, mdse. to county farm A. Steinkamp. 2.00 lbs. stock food to county farm C. D. Quinton. for boarding prisoners, August, 1919 C. D. Quinton, mileage post ing election notices W. E. Mason, watching for booi'.e cars J. 1 1. Tains, salarv for Oc tober, 1919 " E. A. Wurl, mdse. to county farm. Hobson and Monroe- C. P. Vallcry, room rent and care of booths. November and Sept. elections Best or Ac Swatek, basket and cord to court house Ilillyard Cheni. Co., 5 gallon of Shineall to court house. State Journal Co.. election supplies, ballot boxes ami supplies to county Ambicr Bros., provisions to Dutfleld for Sept., 1919 C W. Crabtree, mdse. fur nished Adams, Oct.. 1919-- W. A Robertson, attorney fees. State vs. King et al R. M. Coatnian. freight on election booths. Greenwood precinct D. C Morgan, envelopes to county assessor Weeping Water Republican, printing for couuty offices I'niv. Pub. Co., supplies to county superintendent Dr. P. W. Kruse, services to county patients. Oct.. 1919 C. G. Fricke. coal and wood to Hyde and Worden 0.0 0 ;;.oo I 0 0 6.0 0 coo s.oo ;;.oo 6.00 3.00 400. o:; 44. o0 37.50 10.50 3S.40 4.00 120.00 61.20 15.00 S.60 10.00 352.50 7.37 10.00 25.00 1.5S 2.S6 24.94 6.36 4S.00 30.50 MOTHERS' PENSION FUND Mrs. Martha Franke. moth ers pension, Nov., 1913 $ 20.00 BANKING BOOKKiCPING TELF-GRAPHy Wlirlautlil all Commercial breach, l.r 20 r. r"itiolar cTvry craduatr. KaMt pro- rott ni-4ion. Low taitma. SmHtnU CATALOO"C work lor bo.. BCyitS C0UCCE fV MIA IVTTJ I 1 1' It ' 1 as a CoDjrm1" Hit by H.J. Ki'Vnnlda Tobacco Co. Mrs. Edith Duckworth, moth ers' pension, Nov., 1919 Mrs. t'hlora Allen, mothers' pension. Nov.. 1919 Mrs. Ellen Davis, mothers' pi'.siou. Nov., 1319 Mrs. Katherine Myers, moth ers' pension. Nov., 1919 Mrs. Ethel Boetel. mothers' pension, November, 1919 Mrs. Viola Auxier. mothers pens-ion. Nov.. 1919- Mrs. Mae Hyde, for mothers pension, Nov., 1919 Mrs. Lucy R. Lyle, mothers' pension, Nov., 1919 Mrs. Ida Schlieske, moth ers' pension, Nov., 1919 Mrs. Hettie Covert, mothers' pension. Nov.. 1919 Mrs. Hallie Black, mothers" pension. Nov.. 1919 Mrs. Esther Heneger, moth ers" pension, Nov., 1919 Mrs. Margaret Lahoda, moth ers' pension, Nov., 1919 Mrs. t'lara Matzke, mothers' pension, Nov.. 1919 ROAD FUND J. Johaanscn, part payment Jo 10 25 10 25 40. 40 10 20 10 15 20 20 15 filling ditch, road district No. 7 I. Johannsen, road work in road district No. 7 Walter livers, road work in 1150. o c t o . road district No. 2 r t tc:-y Mi. f 96.90 C. F. Vallery, road work in road district No. 1 Chas. Barnard, road work in road district No. 1 John Beck. road work in road district No. 1 Albert Eentz, road work in road district No. 1 50.20! Albert Eentz. pulling grader in road district No. 1 10S.00 Robert Mickle, road work and freight, road district No. 14 290.07 A. J. Hoover, road work in road district No. 3 5S.80 S. S. Peterson, road work in load district No. 5 7.25 E. B. Chapman, road work in road district No. 11 165.00 John Iverson, work on grac- er, road district No. 10 6.S5 John Iverson, work on grad er, road district No. 27 2.50 A. D. Zaar, road work and material, road dist. No. 4 130.86 II. C. Creamer, road work in road district No. 10 SO. 00 Chas. Stout, road work in road district No. 15 4.75 R. Ketelhut, road work in road district No. 12 621.15 John Dankleff, road work in road district No.' 14 15.40 II. C. Creamer, road work in road district No. 10 104.40 A. I). Zaar. road work in road district No. 4 112.90 E. B. Chapman, road work in road district No. 11 20.00 E. B. Chapman, road work in road district No. 11 110.00 H. A. Meisinger, road work in road district No. 2 115.70 John Lohnes, road work in road district No. 2 27.50 Prank Rouse, road work in road district No. 5 60.00 Prank Rouse, road work in road district No. 5 134.00 Baltz Meisinger, road work in road district No. 2 37.00 Coatman Hardware Co., for nails, oil and grease, road district No. 6 4.19 R. A. Troop, road work in road district No. 1 1-50 E. 15. Chapman, road work in foad district No. 11 12S.00 I. T. Koyer. road work in road district No. Id 1-7. o J. D. Allen, road worK in road district No. 16 oSy.iu M. G. atava, road work in mi III. il 1 ' " SAY, you'll have a streak of smokeluck that'll put pep-in-jAour-smokemotor, all right, if you'll ring-in with a sure-joy 'us jimmy pipe and nail Eome Prince Albert for packing! Just between ourselves, you never will wise-up to high-spot-smoke-joy until you can call a pipe by its first name, then, to hit the peak -of-pleasure you land square on that two-fistsd-man-tobacco, Prince Albert ! Well, sir, you'll be so all-fired happy you'll want to get a photo graph of yourself breezing up the pike with your smokethrottle wide open ! Talk about smoke-sport! Quality makes Prince Albert so Vo (j huy Prince Albert everywhere ?jbzccu ta sji'.'. Topp red bae. tidy red tirtM, hendgome pound and half fyound tin humidors and that dotty, practical pound crystal glut humidor with iP.inn moihtener top that keep the tobacco in ruch perfect coitdttton. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salcr road district No. 1 E. O. Harlin. road work ia road district No. 16 W. H. Seyfr, road work in road district No. 12 II. C. Creamer, road work in road district No. 10 Wm. Brothwell, sharpening: and repairing grader, road district No. 16 Elmer Johnson, road work in road district No. 2 W. W. Coatmafi, road work in road district No. 6 Glenn Perry, one IS inch galvanized iron culvert in road district No. 10 E. 13. Chapman, road work in road district No. 11 Frank J. Davis, road work in road district No. 14 Nebr. Culv. &. Mfg. Co.. one iron culvert, road dist. 7 Richard G. White, filling in bridge, road district No. 16 P. E. Myers, road work in road district No. 16 Geo. P. Oehlerking. for road work in road dist. No. 15 J. D. Allen, road work in road district No. 16 J. D. Allen, road work in road district No. 16 . J. D. Allen, rond work in road district No. 16 :;. 3 25 156 00 .00 .00 00 .00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 163 53. 67 4 38 31 9S 79 00 00 00 45 64 DRAGGING FUND J. Johannsen. dragging roads in road district No. 7 Nick Becker, dragging roads in road district No. 16 Robt. Mickle. dragging roads in road district No. 14 A. J. Hoover, for dragging roads in road dist. No. 3 E. B. Chapman, for dragging roads in road dist. No. 11 Wm. S. Wetenkamp. drag ging roads, road dist. No. 1 V. A. Besack. for dragging roads in road dist. No. 3 R. L. Whiteman. dragging roads in road dist. No. 12 Prank Rouse, dragging roads 80.00 19.50 5.25 12.00 9.30 13. S7 3.00 3.50 2.00 19.10 BigType Poland-China Boars for Sale! Fourteen Big Type Poland-China Boars for sale. Black Prince Is the sire of these boars, and the dams are Waubonsie Girl, Waubonsie Carrie Queen, Waubonsie 2d, Waubonsie Queen. These boars dams came from the Waubonsie Herd. These sows are the breeding of Weatherhead Bros. & Wolfe. Black Prince is the breeding of Adolph Steinkamp. James L. Terryberry & Son, Cedar Creek, Nebraska appeal in ail along the smoke lin. Men who never before ecu Id smoke a pipe and m?n who've smoked pipes for years all toctii'y to the delight it' hands out! P. A. can't Lite or parch! Both ; ;e cut out by our exclusive pstorjtL.'d process ! Right now while lha going's gcod ycu et cut your eld jimmy pipe or buy a new er:e c-.d lnnd on somo P. A. fcr whr.i cil- j-o" particular im?! ccppr'.ite ' 00 in road district No. 5 Collins Oil Co., assigned to 75 Mike Tritsch, gas furnished road district No. 1 OC. F. Vallery. dragging roads in road district No. 1 40 Albert dragging roads in ro?.d district No. 1 Chas. C. Barnard, dragging 00 roads in road dist. No. 1 L. P. Terryberry. gas and !7.30 2.00 oil. road district No. 1 John 51. 51eisinger, dragging roads in road dist. No. 1 H. S. McClerry, dragging roads and pulling tree in road district No. 1 R. B. Eeffler. for dragging roads in road dist. No. lo ll. A. Troop, dragging roads in road district No. 1 00 50 j. D. Allen, dragging roads 82 in road district No. 16 E. G. Harlin, dragging roads in road district No. 16 H. C. Creamer, for dragging roads in road dist. No. 10 Elmer Johnson, for dragging roads in road dist. No. 2 H. A. Meisinger, for dragging roads in road dist. No. 2 D. Fischer, dragging roads in road district No. 6 F. E. Myers, dragging roads 50 .75 SO (Continued on Page 3.) The Famous Gulbranseu Player Piano can be had from A. Hotpe Co., of Omaha. Do you realize that A. Hospe Co., has been selling pianos to your friends and relatives for over forty-five years? Write or phone them for terms on the Famous Gulbransen. 6-4tw Money to loan on city real estate by the Plattsmouth Loan & Building Association. See T. M. Patterson. Secretary. 3-2tM j C 27.00 17.M( .VS.0'1 13.0't 2.25 1 1.10 S.25 S.25 ::.oo 2.2 5 6.00 10.75 4 5.00 10. SO 4 . r. o