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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1919)
THU?iDAY. .OCIGEZ?. to. 1S19- PLATTSTJOUTH SEMI-WTEKE, JOT7R2JAX PAGE n!LIBRARY MOVEMENT Murray Department THE W. H. PULS PROGRESSING NICELY If toy of the readers of the Journal knor of any social erect or item of Interest in this vicinity. ud will mail lime to tbis office, it will ap pear under this neadtnp. We want all news items Editoii ii war 'Number Have Contributed to Fund repared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers ft Jl n yyarc mm -ft m I " j "h II ii in IT t'4 lass inr Clients The depositors on our books include the leading busi ness and professional men people whose financial transactions through us often involve considerable sums. Their faith in us has been established by careful atten tion to every detail a service which is ex tended to all depos itors, both large and small. We solicit in vestigation from all. 9 Safety Honesty CourtesyService Four per ceat interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected ty the State Guaranty Law. fdlURRAY STATE BANK All business transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. The Missionary society will hold their annual bazaar this December again. J. M. Scott en and his force of men are working at the Leyda home this week. Visited With Murray Friends. Last Sunday Misses Rhone and Villa Jamison, accompanying Mearle McKay and wife all of Weeping Water, were visitors in Murray, and triio.cls for Iho rtav am) rtimiar ;t thu .., -D -i r n 1 ' 0 1 " .Mrs. uoii. uiomer 01 Jirs. r rra home of Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Brendel Hild, attended the Library supper of Murrav. Thev all enjoved an e and spent Sunday with her daugh- Cfcnent tjme. the visitors " returning ier, :n. uu. jn their car to their home A business trip called G. . Mc- evening. Cracken to Burr, in Otoe county and ' to Avoca and Weeping water the last of the week. Mrs. Gordon Wattles, of Omaha, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Searl i:i the for Use in Purchasing1 Build- ; ing Who's .Next? j ' 1 Mrs. Bartlett will act as Librarian for the year. She will take charge as Eonn as the new books arrive. Who will be the next to give $ to the Library? Don't wait to be asked. Mesdames B. F. Brendel. G. M. Minford. H. C. Long. T. J. Bren del, J. A. Scotton, J. F. Brendel and Misses Beulah Sans, Gertrude Long. Xeva Latta and Pauline Oldham are the committee members appointed to solicit for these shares ard they will appreciate your coming forward with $ii without waiting to be Lolic-ited. 1 lie selling ot the o shares in Scarcity of Help Hinders Work. The new home "of George Nickels. wnicn is now iiearius a.mpivuoil. is the new hnil.lina- association i Davis this week. Mrs. Wattles came oeing aeiayeu on account 01 tne in- pressing verv nicelv, considering the down Tuesdav on the nine o'clock-ability of the contractors or owner amount of time the conimittoe has train. of the Place to secure plumbers to on the matter. Those who Mrs. John Farrie, who has been do the necessary work, which will have fciven towards buving the so sick at her home near Murray, allow the other trades to progress building are: Mrs. G. M. Minford. with pneumonia, is reported as be-j i meir poiuon ui me lanor lrs H (- Long, Mrs. Ona Lawton. ing greatly improved and on the "ccessary iu tumpicie mv nume. highway to entire recovery. i James Hatchett is employed at A. Girl Graces the Home. 1 Boedeckt-r. S. G. Latta, Gift, Mrs. J. this time in assisting Henry Cream-. Grandfather Stephen Wiles and F. Brendel, Will Minford, Mrs. B. F. er .in the construction of bridges on njs POod wife and Grandfather Os- 1 Brendel, Oldhams, Miss Carlson, Miss a section of county road which the car Gapen and his good wife also are Etta Nickles and Mrs. Gertrude J Albert Young, J. A. Scotton, Mrs. 1). ! A. Young, Dr. G. 51. Gilmore. W. G. will always carry a complete line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Farm implements, Tractors, GASOLINE ENGINES and REPAIRSI We do all kinds of tin work, heating and plumbing, and will also save you money on furniture orders. Come in and get our prices on anything in our line. We will treat you right and save you money. MURRAY ELJ3 SB . -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Phone No. 24 latter is assigned to cover, C. S. Leyda, west of town, who lost rejoicing -over the event of one of Long. the finest little trirls imaginable. 1 Tho T itiron- cuno?- irtron in-' Mrc the small structure on his farm used arriving at the home of Mr. and T. J. Brendel. chairman with the for a wash house by fire recently is Mrs. Guy Wiles who lives near Mur- assistance of Mesdames' Myra Mc having a new one constructed by the rav The little Miss came with a i Donald. Alva Long Fred Hild Wil- progressive nrm oi btotten & loung. ; fmie for everyone, and you can liam Sevboldt. George Lloyd, Alfred' Mrs. M. B. Allison, of Plattsmouth imagine the joy which she has ' Gansenier and Misses Hope Black attended the Library supper and brought to the home of this happy ; and Muhler, was very much of aj spent taturaay nigm aim ouuuy couple. All concerned are doing success. More than 120 ate supper with friends here, being guests of nicely, .and joy reigns supreme. with the ladies and enjoved the ex Mrs. J. A. Walker and Miss Mar- - j cellent meal furnished. Mrs. Scotton sie- . , Atp TncitntiW a TJew TlenartTTient ' has charge next Saturday. You miss Mrs. Oldham, who lias neen i e - --r sick at her home for several days' The Murray schools have appoint past, is now reported as being con-'ed wo of the members of the high valescent. and is so as to be about . school as editors who will have a again, with the hope of soon being! coterie of reporters in the school. as well as ever. who will gather news lor the scnooi T. .1. Brendel was looking after John W. Stones who has been on some business matters at the county the sick lid"t for some time past, is s-t-at and Cellar Creek lust week. j reported as being much improved Edward Murphy of west of Murray , today. !:s a very sick baby, the litt'.e one Searl Davis and G. M. Minford having taken sic!: the first of the were looking after some business wt-rk. 'Jr. Gilmore is lookinir after ! matters at the South Omaha stock Us Wfliare. John Ib.b-heit. Jr.. has just pur chased i r hinsstlf and family a new t-lu'b baker automobile, which is n market last Tuesday. Fred Schneider, wife and family, of Haxtun. Colorado, were visiting at the home of A. Gansenier and wife dan ! and which Mr. liobseheit and of Murray during the past week, lami'.y will greatly enjoy. He made; Little Mary, the daughter of Mr. t'.'- purchase thro'.ih the agency cf; and Mrs. Joseph Marasek. who has J. K. WcILV. :n l'lattsmouth. j been quite sick with a very bad cold, J'. W. I'hilpot, who has teen on 1 is reported as being greatly improv ed at this time. his ranch in Custer county for some :ays past, returned home on last Fiiday ar. i rtport- that crops are in fine condition there, good yields hav ing bern received fn.m everything harvested to date. Howard Cannon aiul Clyde Funk, who have been working with a gang of n.-n building bridges northwest cf Murray, departed last Thursday jifterroon for Alvo. where they wi!l continue their work of bridge build ing. A i:u;iil'"r of the people near Mur r;;v attended a fine hog sale on the Will Sporrer and his fifteen-year-old son, Chester, have both been feel ing very poorly for the past few days, but are making good improve ment according to the latest re ports. Will Hutchison, living east of Otto Carlson droDDed into Murray and when edited by the able niem- a few davs ago and accepted a po- bers of the Murray schools, super sition offered him by Wm. Patterson, vised by the faculty, will appear in southwest of town, going immediate- the columns of the Journal. We are ly to the farm of Mr. Patterson to wishing them an abundant success begin husking the crop of corn. in their new move, as we believe it The brothers and sisters, with' will be of great benefit to the schools their families and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. j and especially those who take part Puis, mother and father of Mrs. : in the work. Fred Lutz. helped her celebrate her J birthday Sunday. To say it was an Returns To The West, enjoyable occasion would be mild. j George Wiley who has been in Henry Creamer was a business the weftt.rn portion of the state for visitor in umana over .uuiiuaj ?eu- the past SUIunier, arrived in Murray a few days since and visited wnn his many friends here, enjoying an excellent time. George after having n few days visit, departed last Tues dav afternoon for Wauneta. in a good time when you miss coming. inc. returning home Tuesday morn ing after having visited at the stock yards in South Omaha, being inter erted in the market quotations of both cattle and hogs. Are Getting New Seats. The school beard, which consists of M. G. Minford. L. D. Hiatt. and W. G. Boedeker. have just received some thirty-five new single seats, for the grammar room, which will be installed -within the next few days, and which will add greatly to the convenience of the scholars. These seats of the latest and most approved pattern, and are for but one student, not the double seats as have been the plan in the past. The ones which these are to supplant have been in use for a number of years, and it was surely a needed improvement in their purchase. Are New In the West. Last Monday evening Frank Yal lery and John Ileike, of near Mur ray and some parties from near t'n- A. L. Baker was a visitor in th,e chase county, where he is engaged j jon departed for the western portion county seat last Monday, driving up. with a large ranch owner in farm in his car and attending the "Bring- jug: and raising cattle. ing l'p Father" show at the Parmele. Mr. Baker tells of the house being wm Hold HaHowe'en Social. ko crowded he was compelled to members of the high school stand while watching the pla. i of Murrav uTldcr ,he care of the Mrs. George McCracken, who has prjncjpal Miss Hope Black, and ac- been visiting with friends at Orient, ro!npanied by the other teachers. Iowa, for some time past, returned jjjFes Ernia Mueller. Mae Barker home last Saturday evening and anu Beulah Sans, will hold a hal- was met at Plattsmouth by Mr. Mc- j(,we'en party at the home of Miss Cracken. He is" now assisting the j eona Davis, who with her parents home folks with farm work. , j jj Davis and wife, will entertain Ralph Kennedy and Clarence Todd the high school. They will enjoy took Frank March to Lincoln last the occasion greatly as no one can Saturday evening in the auto of Mr. enter that hospitable home and not Todd, from which place Frank de- enjoy the time spent there. parted for the western part of the state, where he will be employed. on The Ducks Were Wise. the ranch of Gilmore and Philpot. j The nimrods who have a longing At the home of George Hill, they to see the ducks at their best on are having considerable of a hos- tne Missouri river, are getting up pital as there are six of the child- ,,,r.v! -rlier than the new time l iv. -i si le i f the Missouri river near ( his farm a few miles west of Mur Tabor, where Hedcert A.- Harris held i ruy. on last Monday, to the live stock i! ir annual Poland China sale. The markets at South Omaha. s:i!e was conducted by Col. W. K. j Wm. Contryman. who lives some Yorr'g. and two fine hogs were pur- four miles southwest of Murray, re chased by Fdmond Kniss and Her-iceived from the Union Stock yards in. hi Gauvmer. I at South Omaha on last Tuesday, a Dr. and Mrs. G. II. Gilmore and 'car of cows, which he will put on ren now down with the influenza, caus for to go to the river for the but with careful nursing by the mpre ;nort of shooting the "Butter rT rit i ii gnrl taq t mart t liv T 1 r T T. . . . .' en f n c all town, has two small children, a boy 7. - ; m s , " ,t ' and a girl, who have been pretty " r. J - ,ea u7. "r. :: .,7i,7.; .m. nP porieu 111m uiic - E. E. Moore, the auto mechanic, iust as the light began to break ov- 4.i . v. t,.-o KlufTc rallincr DuCKie: , 'nf emnlovment at the Robert Willis n.ickie!! Duckie!!! Of course we lien Jamisun binppt-u a iuuu t :-.,: ". . ,v, mi hut rnme 1 gariise auu 111 uegiu worK mere is couiu nui - -- a short time. Mr. Moore is an ex- light as to the owner ci 11 nnsni 1 e bv inciuiring 01 u. a. sick with the grippe for some time, but who are now getting much bet- 4S3 sheep, which he had on feed at of the state where thev will look over the country with the view of the purchase of some of the rich lands cf that section. For Sale This Week. An Art Garland base burner, in excellent condition, as good as new, an excellent bed room suite, and a number of other articles of house hold furniture, at the home of Mrs. W. A. Brown, this week, at Murray. Nebraska. It Murray Christian Church. Regular services Sunday, Novem ber 2nd. 9:45 a. m., short story class; 10:00, Bible school. A class for all. Emma Eppings will give a recitation for 11s; 11:00, morning ser vice; 12:00, regular monthly board meeting; 7:30 p. m.. evening ser vice. Come and worship with us. C. E. HANNAN, Minister. Will Visit For the Winter. cellent workman and will find in Mr. obtained ltM1! . ' . . 1 m - v 11115 a very nne man to worn ior. xouug. and one who is enjoying a good busi- ' ness- ' Makes Purchase of New Cnr. Harrison Gayer, of near old Rock ifred Gansenier the enterprising Bluffs, was in the city for a short merchant at Murrav. has Just made time the other day, looking after .1 i,-M f n r,w five nasseneer tin -ir' daughter.' Helen, were visitors j short feed for early return to thejfme business matters. He reports Velie automobile of the L. H. Puis ins new noiiie as nearing completion caraffe The car is a beauty and while the foundation is built for a ne whicii will give the best of ser new barn on his farm, which Mill be'v;ce , It is a 1920 model, with the 36x50 feet and a good building to Xe'si improvements and construct- uavc: ULfUUL 1 11 e Ltxl 111 . -mouth b'.st Monday even- market. ir.g." driving i;p in their car. Mrs. Gil more and daughter attended the mu Col. W. R. Young, the auctioneer. is having many calls for work in his :ic:.l recital given by Miss Kittiejline over the country at present and Cummins. Mi-s Helen being an apt I is engaged nearly every day in hold- niember of one of Miss Cummins' : ing a successful sale of one kind or c lasses. Dr. Gilmore looked after another. He was at Nebraska City some business matters while in the. last Tuesday, where he met with his city. " (usual good success. Sample Caps and Mitteiis! We bought an entire line of sample caps, mittens and gloves from a large wholesale houce and have put them on sale at our store. Small Caps, Made of All Wool and Wool Mixtures 35c to $1.00 Ladies, Men's and Children's Mittens and Gloves 25c to $1.75 If You Appreciate Good Merchandise See This Line! iatt Tutt, MURRAY, NEBRASKA Thomas Look, who during the Deautv ed for both service, convenience and years past was employed about Mur-. ray considerably, but who of late years has been making his home at Los Angeles, and other places on the west coast, arrived in Murray last Tuesday and engaged to work for Will Spend Winter in Southwest. Duriiiz the first few day; of No vember Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hild will depart for the west where they one of the farmers of the neighbor- m P"n,u " nV.. r in hoo,l rtnrin th ,..,n hKki .iLos Angeles and other places of in- terest of the west and southwest. I They expect to be gone for the Mrs. W. A. Brown, who but re cently sold her home in Murray to Robert Nickels, is moving from the place this week, and which will be shortly occupied by Mr. Nickels the new owner. Mrs. Brown will vi?it for the winter at the home of Harry Todd, and will occupy her other pre pert in Murray after the ccniins: of spring. The place which she will occupy in the spring is now occu pied by Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt. Will Make Their Home in Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Vantine, who have been stepping at Murray for the past few weeks, have; just com pleted the purchac-e cf a home lo cated in Wyoming and which was formerly the residence of Carl West, and will this week move to Wyoming to make their home. hood during the con husking sea son. ?. Warren Wiley and family, who have been in the west for thp nact I few weeks, where they have been i winter. Celebrate Birthday Anniversary. livinir whilf Tr Wilv Vine Hodi-t Kncv I seeding a large acreage to wheat.! un lasl unuay a ihb returned home a few days ago and : the friends and relatives of Mrs. will remain here during the winter. Fred Lutz. gathered at her home They will have a home built on their near the village of Murray, and ap farm in time for occupancy next propriately celebrated the passing spring of the end of the second score of her . Postmaster Will S. Smith and wife Hfe- A very pleasant time was had were in attendance at a number of by those present and .whose object the lecture course which was held was to make her enjoy the occasion, in the auditorium of the Platts- Those present were her parents, Mr. mouth high school building Tuesday Mrs- Wm- Puis, the families or ' evening of this week and which was L- IL pu,s- v- H- Puls' P' A' IIlld CdllJ V11JVJ V UUVA U1V.C1.1CU. Ill 1. j Smith says there was a large crowd . present to hear the entertainment; lalls Through a coal iioie. given by the Davies Light Opera j On last Friday while visiting in company. J Plattsmouth with his father Carl While working on one of the new Nickels, little Arthur Nickels, fell county bridges being constructed in through a coal hole at the garage this vicinity, Henry Creamer met of J. F. Wolfe, with the result that with a severe accident the other day. he had one of his legs broken. Dr. I He was attempting to drive a large J. F. Brendel reduced the fracture nail or spike, when he missed hit- of the leg of he little fellow who ting the nail on the head and the i doing very well since. He will hammer struck a glancing blow on however be some time laved up from j his left thumb in such a way as to the results of thd accident. Daaiy mangie me memDer. ne naa the thumb dressed by Dr. Gilmore.' The ladies of the Methodist Epis- n . .1 i f chaotic 1 . vntt(n inl SVl,1cl. .1- J 1 1 Vl ll a llfl 7!) !1 T O Tt t I anu aituuugu 11 oma iu viz g,cLLiUti v jti hjuj v.11 n m w . v. wubuw. ( aiimg iuceiy lie win oe iorcea 10 iuuu oaie ;iuvcmun jom. j lay off from his work for some time appreciate any donations. Make your to come. plans for this at once. J. B. Reyboldt was in- Plattsmouth Saturday evening. Accidents will happen, but the best regulated families keep Dr. Thomas" Eclectic Oil for such emerg encies. Two sizes, 30c and COc, at all stores. THREATEN GENERAL WALKOUT Washington. Oct. 25. Organized labor intends to preserve the right to strike, officials of the American federation of labor said today in warning that passage in the con gress of the anti-strike legislation proposed in the pending railroad 17. R. YOUNG AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. BATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY! REVERSE ALL CAIL3 Telephone 1511 Murray Exo ranee bill would result in an immediate general walkout over the country. William II. Johnston, president of the international association of ma chinists, second largest union affil iated with the. federation, said "di rect action" might be resorted if by all other means of advancing tbe interests ofthe unions failed. lie referred particularly to what he termed the efforJs.of employers to shut out unions by binding th'ir workers with individual contract's. Mr. Johnson announced that with the passage of the anti-strike legis lation he wpuld order imniediately a vote on a strike of the nr.O.OOO members of his association and pre dicted that the heads of t he-other 112 international unions in the American federation of labor would take similar action. It was-said today that this legis lation was one of the principal reasons why the heads of the unions in the federation were to bo sum moned here for a conference in the near future. Officials of the four railroad brotherhoods conferred today with Samuel Gompers, president. and other officers of the federation. President at the conference also were representatives cf the follow ing farmer organizations: The na tional board of farm organization; the federation of milk producers; the American society of equity and the national farmer's union. Mr. Gompers Issued' the follow ing statement at the conclusion of the meeting: "General discussion ensued re garding the legislation pending i i congress inimical to the rights and interests cf industrial and agricul tural workers. Further discussion ensued regarding legislation which should be urged at the hands of congress in the interests of the above. It was decided that the call for the conference ltermiiied upon by the executive council of the Amer ican Federation of Labor should be jointly issued by the executive oi!ieil of the federation and the railroad brotherhoods. "It. was decided that the confer ence should take place in Washing ton. Saturday. December 13." Mr?. Cyril Janda. Jr.. nnd Mrs. Tim Kahoutek were among thoe going to Omaha this morning where they will visit for the day there with friends. - Mrs. Guy IT. Claussen was among those going to Omaha this morning to visit for a few hours in that city I with friends and look after some business maters. W. F. Gillispie was among those going to Omaha this morning where he will visit for the day in that city with friends and look after some matters of business. Mrs. W. C. Tippins was among thope going to Omaha this morning on the early Burlington train whore she will visit for the day. '!B.?:B.r:;i::aTB;sa.r:Bia-j:B :;::s ;z.:;:;n: 'si:;: :a txtm zn ::a ;:.,n:::::a '.:Brx;:;;:n':in Ediscn Phonograph: Newest Records M Did You Ever Stop to Think? That a good town increases the value of your prop erty, whether that property be located within the town limits or consists oT farm land located several miles from town? That the only way to have a good tov n is to have good, prosperous business houses that c:irry cnfTirient stock to su;ply the needs of the com munity? That the only way a merchant can possibly carry this stock is for the people he is trying to serve rhovving their appreciation by their patronage? Stock .,n too rhcives makes the merchant no money and is of no valise to the community. Get the Community Spirit! rr vv q TP fr. ji mu n bO. Murray, Nebraska Poultry Remedies a B B H a M H n a a B a a BUY YOUR FALL AND WINTER EARLY Af4D SAVE MONEY! We have a large assortment of ad kinds of shoes rom whicli to criDDe your needs at prices far below prices you will have to pay in sixty days as you know shoes are advancing every day. Wt have a large as sortment of school shoes in all sizes. Also men s and boys rubber boots. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ALL FARM PRODUCTS! ALF GANSEMER, Proprietor