The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 30, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    -J-f- -J It
lv-..J .-r :"' A 'j-." '
Prohibs Startled by Message Which
They at Once
When you buy
an" overcoat, think
c5f it as an investment;
what returns it will bring
you in service and satis
faction. You cannot pick anything
more useful, season after sea
son, rain or shine, than an
"R & W" No-Wate overcoat.
It's a worsted raincoat that neighs
only 32 ounces and fits in a handy en
velope for travelling.
And you cannot pick anything more
satisfactory from the point of view of
style and good appearance for all oc
casions. Look for the "R & W" label it's
your protection. It will pay you.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Xew-York, Oct. 26. King Albert
of the Belgians placed a wreath to
day upon the grave of Theodore
Roosevelt. There were few to see
the simple ceremony, for the skies
Mere leaden and his majesty passed
through Long Island almost unrec
ognized. The king and the little party who
accompanied him were met at the
gates of Young's Memorial cemetery"
in Oyster Bay by Lieutenant Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt who escorted the
Belgian monarch to the plot where
lies the former president. Albert
strode up the slope carrying on his
right arm a huge wreath in the col
ors of his country yellow and dark
red asters, tied with a black ribbon.
The king and the eldest son of the
great American went alone inside
the iron gate which bars the way
against intruders.
The monarch stooped and laid the
flowers reverently upon the grave.
Then he stood for a few moments,
cap in hand gazing at the simple
granite slab which bears the name
of Theodore Roosevelt, bowed deep
ly and stepped backward outside the
fence. There were tears in the eyes
of the younger man as he followed.
The little procession then motor
ed to Sagamore Hill, where Albert
was welcomed by the widow of Col.
Roosevelt, who chatted with him in
his own tongue.
The king and his suite will go on
board the royal special train about
11 a. m. tomorrow to begin the trip
to Washington.
J. P. Falter, the real estate man,
departed this morning on the early
Burlington train for Fore Calhoun,
Nebraska, where he was called on
some business matters.
E. H. Wescott departed this morn
ing for Lincoln where he will spend
a few hours in that city looking
after some matters of business.
Chamberlain's Tablets have re
stored to health and happiness
hundreds who were afflicted with
indigestion, biliousness and consti
pation. If you are troubled in this
way give them .a trial. You are
certain to be pleased for they will
benefit you.
v n
Brotherhood of Railway Clorlis
Music by Eagle Orchestra
Good Time Assured! General Invitation
Washington. D. C Oct. 27.
President Wilson unexpectedly vet
oed the prohibition enforcement bill
today and within three hours the
house had repassed it over his veto
bv a vote of 176 to 55. The total
vote was barely more than a ma
jority of the entire membership.
Dry leaders In the senate imme
diately began laying plana to repass
the bill there. They expect to ask
unanimous consent for its considera
tion tomorrow, claiming enough
votes to put it through. ' They ex
oect to act on it by Wednesday at
the latest.
The president refused to sign the
bill because it included the enforce
ment of wartime prohibition.
The objects of wartime prohibi
tion, the president said in his veto.
had been satisfied and "sound public
policy makes clear the reason and
necessity for its repeal."
It would not be difficult. the
president held, for congress to deal
separately with the two issues.
v Congress Startled.
The veto hit congress like a crack
of lightning. The house, getting on
its feet again, deserted its leaders,
who wanted to defer consideration
until Thursday so as to round up all
the dry members. But the drys
swept into the chamber and showed
there was an overwhelming senti
ment among them to give ne gov
ernment ample weapons for dealing
with the liquor traffic, now outlaw
ed throughout the .land
Nobody had . realty, professed to
know that the president would veto
the bill. Republicans and demo
crats alike and the countless multi
tude that had sorrowfully watched
the passing of the bars thought it
rwould. become a law without his sig
nature. Attorney General Palmer,
it was said, had declared it consti
But the president, propped up in
bed. dictated and then signed a veto
message and sent it along to con
gress without worrying, apparently.
about what congress might do.
Senate to Follow Suit.
With repassage of the law by the
house and the prospect of the same
thing happening in the senate, hope
of the big "wet spell" that, would
run over the Christmas season van
ished into thin air.
Prohibition leaders predicted to
night that th.e refusal of the house
to accept the president's veto meant
that the sale of liquor would not be
permitted again in the life of this
and many other generations.
One hope remains for the talked
of "wet spell" before prohibition be
comes effective before constitution
al amendment in January.
It is that the German peace treaty
may be ratified and that the presi
dent may declare peace ' and de
mobilization of the army and navy.
Some legal experts contend that
would automatically annul the war
time prohibition law.
Treaties and Bans.
But there is a legal question 'in
volved whether the ratification of
the treaty with Germany alone will
accomplish that end. The wartime
prohibition act was passed at a time
when the United States was at war
with both Germany and Austria
Hungary. Hostilities, f however,
actually had ceased. Some law of
ficers here are inclined to believe
that it may not be ended until both
treaties are ratified.
On the other hand friends of.' the
administration who profess' to know
its plans say they expect to see the
wartime prohibition ban lifted by
presidential proclamation as soon a.
the German treaty is ratified.
Word that the enforcement act
had failed to meet presidential ap
proval was flashed from the White
house a few minutes before 4:00
o'clock, an hour or more before it
was officially laid before the house.
Instantly wet and dry forces were
sumoning their respective cohorts,
prepared for any break. But there
was no thought in the minds of the
leaders that immediate action was
The merchant who doesn't adver
tise only when business is good will
Washington, Oct. 25. Acting on
instructions from the state depart
ment, the American' embassy at
Mexico City has demanded of the
Mexican government that it effect
the release' of Wiliam O. Jenkins,
American consular agent at Puebla,
who is held by bandits for'$150,000
ransom. The American government
insited that if necessary the ransom
be paid by Mexico. Coincident with
this announcement today, Senator
Myers, democrat, Montana, introduc
ed a resolution calling upon Presi
dent Wilson to use the armed forces
of the United States if necessary to
bring about the release of Jenkins
and to punish his captors. Action
on the resolution was deferred un
til Monday on objection by Senator
Smoot, republican, Utah, to its im
mediate consideration.
Nothing definite concerning
Jenkins reached the state depart
ment today. President Carranza has
ordered the authorities at Mexico
City to make every effort to bring
about his release and the Mexican
foreign office has assured the Amer
ican embassy that energetic action
is being taken.
Reports reached the. state depart
ment today that an oil camp at Tan-
guiko had been robbed recently by
250 soldiers in Carranza uniforms.
The men were said to have been led
by the colonel of a regiment of
Mexican federal soldiers.
Scottsbluff, Neb., Oct. 23. Lon
L. Guy, alias Guy K. Moore, alias
C. Willard, who on the 25th of last
August is alleged to have stolen six
ty head of cattle from George Wine
teer of McGrew, Neb., has been ap
prehended at Los Angeles, Cal. Guy
it is charged, boarded a stock train
from Melbeta, Scottsbluff county, on
the night or August 23 and accom
panied a shipment of cattle consign
ed to the Allen Dudley company by
Mr. Wineteer. Upon arrival of the
shipment at the South Omaha stock
yards it is alleged he claimed own
ership, forged the bill of lading and
received payment for the stock.
When Mr. Wineteer discovered
his loss he. through the First Na
tional bank of this city, at once
stopped payment on such of the
drafts as had not been cashed and
in this manner partially protected
his loss.
The chase for the man has since
been kept up by the Pinkerton and
Burns detective agencies and by
means of pictures obtained from the
Wyoming prison authorities at Raw
lins he was located and arrested at
Los Angeles this week. Sheriff Frank
Koenig left for Los Angeles last
night and will return with him to
Scottsbluff for trial.
Kingston, Ont.. Oct. 26. The
Prince of Wales will arrive in Wash-
ington on November 11 for. a three
day visit, it was announced from
aboard the royal train tonight. From
there he will go to New York to
embark on the II. M. S. Renown, re
maining in the American metropolis
for a few uays living aboard his
shjp while there.
Washington, Oct. 26. The pro
hibition enforcement bill and Attor
ney General Palmers opinion .as to
the measure's constitutionality it
was said tonight at the white house
had not been placed before the
president. The statement immediate
ly led to renewed speculation as to
whether Mr. Wilson would act on it
or permit it to become a law Tues
day midnight without his signature.
Vienna, Oct. 25. Newspapers
state that Hungary is willing to as
sist Austria in Us present food and
economic crisis with supplies of
foodstuffs and raw materials. Hun
gary, requires in return, however,
as its price, it is stated the extradi
tion of Beta Kun and his associates
in the late communist government
of Hungary, who took ' refuge in
Austrian territory.
An Agreeable Surprise.
"About three years ago when I
was suffering from a severe cold on
my lungs and coughed most of the
time night and day, I tried a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and was surprised at the prompt
ness with which, it gave me relief,'
writes Mrs. James Brown, Clark
Mills, N. Y. Many .another has
been surprised ''and pleased with the
prompt relief afforded by this remedy.
B1Tg":cBffin:ii:!l entually quit it entirely.
Advertising is the heart Qf trade
Everybody uses it-in some, form or
other to advance their bujiness. But
newspaper advertising is the cheap
sst and best. Try It. .
Public Sale of Poland Chinas
U&lvsrn, la., SuMay, to.
4 HEAP 4
S si
Including 4 yearling boars; 30 spring boars and 10 spring gilts.
This consignment surpasses anything previously sold from our herd and in
cludes the blood lines of the most famous sires of the day.
CAPTAIN JACK sired by the $10,200 Col. Jack
HILLSDALE TIMM by Cook's Timm. A half brother to the world's highest
priced litter of 1917.
Will show you spring boars weighing 300 pounds.
Special attraction!
choice of gilts sell.
Com and see a litter of 13. Seven boars and first
Quite a List of Possibilities, With
Clemenceau Probably in the Lead
if He Cares to Accept It.
Paris, Oct. 2. After the voters of
France have elected the 600 depu
ties of the new chamber and the
municipal and general councils
have together elected 200 senators
to succeed those whose terms have
expired, the 600 deputies and 300
senators composing the parliament
will meet some time in January in
the national assembly chamber of
the chateau of Versailles to elect
the tenjh president of the third re
public. The joint session of the
chamber and the senate at Ver
sailles is called the congress of Ver
sailles. ,
There are no nominations for
president in advance of the election
of the members of parliament who
are to act as electors, the latter be
ing unbound to vote for any candi
date. Accordingly there is no presi
dential issue in the general election
and there is no presidential cam
paign excepting during the few days
that precede the meeting of the
congress of Versailles.
Names of the Possibilities.
The names of presidential possi
bilities mentioned thus far are, in
the order of their supposed chances:
Premier Georges Clemenceau.
Senator Charles Jonnart, ex-gov-.
ernor of Algeria.
Senator Stephen Pichon, minister
of foreign affairs.
Senator Jules Pams, minister of
the interior. -
Paul Deschanel, president of the
chamber of deputies. .
Senator' Alexander Ribot.
Deputy Rene Viviani.
Deputy Paul Painleve.
Antonin Dubost, president of the
Marshal Foch.
Many politicians believe that
Clemenceau can have the honor by
simply allowing, his name to go be
fore the congress. It is still un
known whether he wants it. There
are indications that he would pre
fer to retire on his laurels as the
"winner of the war." According to
gossip in the lobbies of the chmaber
he would be glad to have his admin
istration approved by the choice of
one of his associates in thecabinet
and has two eventual candidates in
view; Pichon and Pams.
Senator Jonnart has a popularity
of his own. His name is being men
tioned with significant persistence.
He is senator from the department
of the Pas de Calias, and he recently
resigned his important post as gov
ernor of Algeria In order to devote
himself to the reconstruction of the
devastated area of his department
which comprises Arras and Lens,
with a consdierable portion of the
wrecked coal district. He was
formerly head of the Suez canal, j
and he accomplished in short order
the dethronement of King Constan
tine of Greece when it seemed hope
less. There are many supporters of
Marshal Foch, but prospect of the
"man on horseback" is regarded as
likely to affect his chance, even if
he aspired to the office, which
one as yet knows.
to continue her journey. The Lewis
ton, which has a net tonnage of 1,
528 tons is owned by the United
States shipping board and operated
by the Terminal Shipping company
in trade with the Netherlands.
Mineola, N. Y., Oct. 26. Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt left an estale
valued at $810. C07, according to af
fidavits filed here today with Trans
fer Tax Appraiser Gehrig by execu
tors of the will. After approximate
ly $34,000 has been deducted for
funeral expenses, counsel fees and
debts, the entire estate will go to
the widow of the former president
in trust, to be distributed among
their children in any proportion she
may determine.
Sagamore Hill, the Roosevelt es
tate at Oyster Bay, where the colonel
died last January, is apraised at
$1S0,500. The estate also includes
corporate bonds valued at approxi
mately $394,000.00, the largest of
which is $30,000 worth of first lib-
ertv loan bonds.
Royalties to be derived irorn pub
lication of the colonel's books were
estimated at $7,000, while a value
of $21,537 was placed on his librar
ies. One of the smallest items is
one of $2S5 which represents the
value of jewelry owned by the form
er president.
Included in the Hsf of appraisals
are gifts from various foreign digni
taries, trophies of the colonel's hunt
ing expeditions and various paint
ings, including one given him by the
late Pope Leo XIII.
New York, Oct. 2 6. Distress sig
nals from'the American wooden
steamer Lewiston were received here
tonight by wireless. The British
steamer -Justin notified the Lewis
ton that she was hurrying to her
assistance. The position of the
Lewiston. bound from Rotterdam for
Baltimore, was given as latitude
37.29 north and longitude 73.32
west, about 150 miles east of' New
port News.
The distress signals came about
forty-five minutes after a call for
assistance, which declared that the
Lewiston was in need of a tow
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
This remedy is intended especial
ly for coughs, colds, croup and
whooping cough. From a small be
ginning its sale and use has extend
ed to all parts of the United States
and to many foreign countries. This
alone is enough to convince one
that it is a medicine of mure than
ordinary merit. Give it a tml and
you will find this to be the Che.
Will pay the going price per
bushel. Call after 6 p. m.. Murray
Telephone Exchange, No. 1112. C.
F. DeJung. 27-tf
Men's and Boys' Mackinaws and Duck Coats!
We most certainly can save you some of your "hard to hang on to" cash, if you
need a Mackinaw, Duck or Sheep Lined Coat.
Mackinaws, in endless varieties of handsome plaids, belted and plain models,
$15 and $18 values,
58 to 13.50 ...
Sheep Lined Coats, all sizes, $1 5,$ 18, $20-a material saving :over wholesale prices.
Duck Coats. $4 to $7.50 Boys' Ducks $1.75 to-$3.50
Let us show you how to be comfortable by wearing one of our $ 1 0 leather vests.