The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 27, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Sloan's Liniment has the
punch that relieves
( rheumatic twinges
l his warmth-giving, congestion-
scattering circulation-stimulating rem
edy penetrates uithout rubbing right to
tne aching spot and brings quick re
lief, surely, cleanly. A. wonderful help
I or external pains, sprains, strains, stitl
ne'ss, headaches, lumbago, bruises.
Get your bottle today costs little.
means much. Ask your druggist for
it bv name. Keep it handy for the
whole familv. The big bottle is econ
omy. 35c, 70c, $1.40.'
From Thursday's Pally.
This morning Miss Gretchen Mac-
prang departed for her home at
Lincoln, having tendered to the
board of education of the city, her
resignation as teacher of domestic
pcience In the high school. Miss
Macprang has been a member of the
teaching force for the past two
years and a most valued member of
the faculty but owing to the fact
that she will soon assume a new
position in domestic science in her
own home she has been compelled
to resign. At the close of the last
term Miss Macprang declined a re
election to her position but was
finally prevailed upon to continue
until other arrangements could be
made by the board of education but
as they have been unable to secure
another teaCher for the position.
Miss Macprang has been unable to
give her services further to the
schools. The departure of this pop
ular member of the faculty will be
much regretted by the pupils of the
high school and the board of educa
tion but they join in wishing her
success and hap'piness in her new
home of which sne is soon to be
come mistress.
You will enlov reading Harold
Dell Wright's new book. "The Rec
reation of Brian Kent." Get on
now. at the Journal office.
To be held at my farm of a
mile east and 1 U miles south c&
Union. Nebraska, and 10 miles north
of Nebraska City, on the old K. C.
road, on
at which time I will offer for sale
at public auction to the highest
bidder, the following described
property, to-wit:
Live Stock.
One pair of Shetland ponies, mare
and colt.
One pair of black horses, coming
5 year old.
One black horse, coming 4 year
One bay mare, 8 years old.
Six milk cows, some good ones.
Two stock cows.
Three coming 2-year-old heifers.
One 2-year-old heifer.
Ten good calves.
One Polled Durham bull, 17
months old.
Twenty head of Duroc- Jersey
gilts; these eows are thoroughbred,
but not registered.
- One registered Duroc boar.
One Duroc boar, not registered.
Four dozen chickens.
Farm Implements.
One lumber wagon.
- One hay rack and wagon.
One spring wagon.
One 7-foot Deering binder, a good
One 5-foot McCormick mower.
One hay rake.
One Janesville Broadcast seeder.
One disc.
One Janesville gang "plow, " good
One riding Cadger cultivator.'
One corn planter.
One riding lister.
One three-section harrow.
One single corn drill.
Two sets of harness.
Two sets of fly nets..
One gasoline engine 2 h. p. .
One pump Jack.
Many other articles too numerous
to mention.
Sale to Commence at 12:0(7 Sharp.
All sums of $10.00 and under
cash in hand, and on all sums over
$10.00 a credit of eight months. will
be given, purchaser giving good
bankable -paper, bearing eight per
cent Interest from date. All prop
erty must be settled for before be
ing removed from the premises.
W. K. PORTER, Owner. ,
h. J. HALL, Auctioneer.
Long Strings of Empties Being Pull
ed Through Plattsmouth, as
Well as the Loaded Ones
From Saturday's Dally.
The Burlington railroad is mov
ing rapidly in the effort to offset un
welcome conditions should a coal
strike be called a week from today.
Every mine on the system is being
supplied with as many cars as it can
fill each day and the loadings in a
ood many instances are greater
than ever before in the history of
he road. For Instance, the Beards-
town division one day recently load
ed and moved 12S0 cars of coal, mak-
ng a record for the division and
he mines.
The Nebraska district of the road
has more than one hundred thous
and tons of storage coal left over
from last season, 65.000 tons of this
being on the Lincoln division and
27,000 tons on the Omaha division.
Every day heavily loaded trains go
through Plattsmouth hauling coal to
he central and western parts of the
tate not easily accessible from the
Wyoming mines and a like number
of empties are moving eastward as
rapidly as the giant engines can get
them over the road. The receipts of
coal in the Lincoln division during
the past few weeks have been excep-
onally heavy and the Btock is ac
Reports from the Sheridan divi-
ion of the road indicate that a great
deal of coal is being loaded there
nd no delay Is permitted in the
movement of coal from the mines.
he movement being kept up with
he loading.
The recently reported shortage of
coal at Nebraska City was merely a
local matter and conditions here are
most encouraging. Coal that had
been shipped to Nebraska City for
the use of the road was delayed en
route. The company had coal at
Omaha, Lincoln and Wymore which
it could have seat there, but rather,
than do this the agent at Nebraska!
(Mtv was ordered to purchase a car I
of a Nebraska City dealer. The
shortage was for a day only.
Railroad men and others in this
territory have been interested in the
statement of the governor of Iowa
that he will see that coal is mined
in that state regardless .of the strik
ing miners. There are several im
portant mines along the Burlington
main line east of here, around Cen
terville, Chariton, Whitebreast and
Melcher and Iowa soft coal is con
siderably in demand.
From Saturday Daily.
County Judge Beeson, whose repu
tation as an ally of Cupid, has
traveled far and wide over the con
fines of our- fair state, has had a
sudden burst of business in the mat
rimonial line and as the result of
his efficient work has made four
hearts happy. Yesterday afternoon
David Stuart and Mrs. Mattie Pick
ering, both from the vicinity of Wy
oming, Otoe county, called at the
court bouse and secured the neces
sary permit to wed and requested
Judge Beeson to perform the cere
mony that was to make them as one
and the Judge accommodated them
in his usual pleasing manner. '
This morning John Deroy Banks
and Miss Marie A. Skola, both of
Omaha, visited the license depart
ment of the county Judge's office
and secured their desired license to
permit them to enjoy the Journey of
life together and were also united
in the bonds of wedlock by the.
court, after which they departed xe
Joicing in their new found happi
From Saturday's Dally
Mr. and. Mrs. George Stoner re
ceived the sad news Monday morning
of the sudden death of their son,
Milton, who had died at five o'clock
that morning of heart failure at Mc
Cook.' Nebraska, where he has been
in the employ, of the Burlington
railroad -the last fifteen years.
He was serving as yard clerk at
the time of his death. He was on
duty and had gone from .the office to
the yard whistling not more than an
hour before he was missed, and when
searched for was found in a way far
where he evidently bad gone" when
the attack came on. He was in
serious condition and soon passed
away. As he had one of the attack
about a week before, his fellow
workmen knew what had happened
Just as soon as he was missed.
The remains were brought here
Tuesday morning and taken to the
i home of his parents on the south
side, where funeral services are being
' 1 1 a I mv 1 v i A.
neiu i n is iinursuayi aiiernuuii at
two .o'clock, conducted by the Rev
W. F. Haskins of the M. E. church
"Mitt," as he was familiarly
known here was 43 years of age May
1st last. He was of a jolly nature
and a friend to everybody. He was
the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Ston-
er and leaves to mourn his loss be
side his parents, two sisters, Mrs. E
D. Hunter, of Stockton, Kansas and
fMrs. Carl Stamm, of Omaha; four
brothers, Lowell, of San Antonio
Texas; Lee, of Rochester, N. Y. ; Will
of University Place and Ern of Oma
ha, who were all present at the fun-
' 1 1.., T a. . . . 1. , ...... ii i. ,n
here. Weeping Water Republican.
Sunday School Convention at Avoca
Closes Meetings Yesterday by
the Election of Officers.
From Saturday's Dal v.
The meeting of the Cass county
Sunday schools which have been
meeting in convention Thursday
and Friday, was brought to a close
yesterday afternoon by the election
of the officers for the ensuing year.
The convention has been one of
the most successful th'at has been
held in the county both in point of
attendance and in the keen irtterest
taken in the proceedings of the
meetings. Lectures were given by
the leading workers cf the state
and much good in the work secur
ed through the excellent lectures
offered on the work of teachers
training and special methods of
handling the Sunday school.
At the closing session . yesterday
afternoon it was voted to hold the
next meeting of the convention at
Elmwood in 1920 and the sentiment
was unanimous that this enterpris
ing little city be given the honor of
being host to the Sunday school
workers of the county. .
The election of th officers for
the year resulted in the following
being selected:
President Rev. A. H. Schwab,
Vice President Jesse P. Perry,
-G. P. Sheck-
Ie"' Avoca.
The superintendent of the differ
ent .departments of the Sunday
school work were named as follows:
Children's department Mrs. J.
W. Brendel. Avoca.
Young People Mrs. Emma Pease,
Adult Luther L. Pickett, Platts
mouth. Home Mrs. Ella Atchison, Elm
wood. -
Visitation A. L. Tidd, Platts
mouth. Teacher's Training Mrs. Fred
Zlnk, Murdock.
Pastor's Rev. J. D. Dutton.
Missionary Miss Rachael Stand
er. Louisville.
Temperance Rev. L. W." Scott,
School Administration J. M.
Teegarden, Weeping Water.
From Friday's fWlv. s
The visitors at the court house
this morning as well as the county
officials have wondered at the pleas
ed expression that would now and
then flit over the counteance of the
custodian of the building, Hans
Seivers but the secret is out the
genial custodian is once more a
proud grandfather. The pleasant
news was received last evening by
Mr. and Mrs. Seivers announcing
the arrival of a fine little daughter
at the home . of Mr. and Mrs. William
Heldman at Fargo, North Dakota,
on last Sunday. Mrs. .Heldman is
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seivers
and the pleasant news has brought
much Joy to the grandparents in this
An Agreeable Surprise.
"About three years ago when I
was suffering from a severe cold on
my lungs and coughed most of the
time night and- day. I tried a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and was surprised at the prompt
ness with which it gave me relief,"
wrues irB. james Brown. ciarK j
Mills. N. Y. Many another has .
been surprised and pleased with the
prompt relief.. afforded by this rem
dy- : -
Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Picture
framin. Frank Gobelman.
Omaha Price Leads Eastern Markets,
Contrary to Former
From Thursday's Dally.
A further sharp drop of from 75
cents to $1 per hundred weight in
the price of hogs was recorded on
the principal live stock markets yes
terday. The drop brought the Omaha
price down to quotations of from
$12 to $12.50 and tlie Chicago mar
ket went under $12 for the first
time since early in the war.
If applied to the annual produc
tion of hogs in Nebraska, a dollar
drop means a loss of approximately
$8,000,000 to Nebraska hog raisers.
Chicago market experts ascribe
the high cost of feed as a chief
reason for unusually heavy market
ing of hogs, which has demoralized
the market. The drop today was ac
companied by pronounced weakness
in the prices of grains and provi
Expects Further Drop.
R. C. Howe, general manager of
Armour & Co. in Omaha, disagrees-
with the Chicago analysis and pre
dicts still lower, . prices, probably a
$10 figure, before many weexs have
passed. . j
"The simple fact is that the price
of hogs has been abnormally high."
said Mr. Howe. "If the packers
have made a mistake, it has been in
paying too high prices. These
prices are bound to tumble.
"We have a big corn crop, of good
quality. That will make cheaper
feed. With $1.25 corn, we should
have $10 hogs.
Receipts Heavy.
"The present .drop in price is due
to the fact that, raisers realize the
fact that the price has been abnor
mally high'and that it is likely to go
even lower than at present. They
are rushing to get under the wire.
"Cattle are cheap now, compared
with other live stockand I do not
think that they will drop as a reflec
tion of the drop in hogs."
The Omaha price continued today
to be higher than that of Chicago,
this having been, the case generally
for several "weeks. Until recently,
the Chicago market was uniformly
higher, due to the additional freight
charge, but this has been absorbed
lately. This is further proof ac
cording to Mr. Howell, that the buy
ers do not mean to continue to meet
the high price.
The Social Workers South of Towj
Take New Life After the Conclu
sion of Red Cross Work.
As a patriotic bunch of working
American women, the social work
ers club south of the city, when the
work required by the government
grew heavy, they voluntarily dis
banded the meetings of the social
workers club, and put forth every
energy in behalf of the things
which were necessary and jequircl
by the Hed Cross, and fo;m?d a
branch of that o'.Ter and with a
sacrifice which was admirable work
ed to do all possi i.'e for t'.v boys
while they remained overseits. or in
camps here.
-Now that the strife is over, and
the work for tho i;ea Croes, is com
pleted tbey have taken' up their
club work again.
At a meeting last Wednesday at
the home of Mrj. Charles Mruners
they took up th matter of reorg
anization, and aftor having looked
after the business matters gave
their attention to a good time and
you may Judge they had it, too. Miss
Clara Munn enter! a'ned the crowd,
which was large, -by a number of se
lections on the piano, which was
greatly enjoyed The ladles were
served a very : delightful lunch by
Mesdames Samu! Gilmor and
Charles Manners.
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mr. ard Mrs. ' Arthur
Sullivan on Wednesday, November
i9tn. and at which an excellent time
iar assured. The following officers
were elected for the coming year.
Mrs. Charles Manners, president;
Mrs. Frank Hull, secretary: and
Mrs. Arthur Sullivan, treasurer.
L. C. Sharp Has Factory That Is One
of the Busiest Places in the State
and Whose Output Travels Far.
In the past few years the L. C
Sharp Manufacturing Company of
this city' has developed their plant
to euch an extent that it Is now
one of the leading: establishments
of its kind in the state and the fu
ture for the institution points to
greater successes in producing and
turning out machinery of the high
est type.
Mr. Sharp has In his plant devel
oped his ice cream cone machine to
such an extent that it is now one of
the most perfect machines of Its
kind on the market and recognized
by all as the most economical -and
laboring saving device that has
been perfected for the manufacture
of the popular ice cream cone. That
the machine is undoubtedly the best
on the market is demonstrated by
the fact that it is universally in de
mand on the market today and the
demand for the machine is gr;ater
than can be supplied. In . the
factory now they are preparing
three of these machines for ship
ment to Manchester, England, the
great manufacturing center of that
nation where they will be used in
the manufacturer of the ice cream
cones for the English people. The
plant here Is also completing a con
tract for ten of the machines to be
delivered to one of the largest plants
at Kansas City, Missouri, where sev
eral of the machines had been sold
previously and where they made a
great saving in material and labor
in turning out the cones ready for
the market.
Another of the machines tha.t has
been developed by Mr. Sharp and
produced by his force of skilled
workmen is the patent butter cut
ting device that permits large
quantities of butter to be cut and
prepared for market In a rnucn
cheaper and sanitary method than
any machine on the market todays
This machine' Is being universally
adopted by the creamery companies
of the country and the Fairmont
creamery of Omaha has purchased a
e' machines and are
contracting for several more to be,
placed in their plants tr. various)
parts of the state. Mr. bharp nas (
just received a letter from the presi
Aant of the company statins that
one of these machines has in ninety
days of use saved to the
Vi a cum nr 54. 000. This
not oalf cuts accurately ana quicKiy
but 'al'so permits tho butter to
remain at tne same ..cinc
ture and not lose any of the -pro
,f throueh the changes
temperature as it is iuny cauo.
... . ii
cutting the butter wnen ai '
freezing temperature.
How Much .are you
Paying for Oil?
Tlio gallon price is the smallest item ot
oil cost.
Eniriiio wear and tear, the cost of over
hauling and repairs, the smaller mileage
you iet iron i each gallon of gasoline
these are the hidden eots in cheap, in
ferior, unsuitable oil.
Polarme Oil i in.-ule to meet every enjritie need
untl srrvietf condition. It protects lifurinrd and
eniriiriniT pirts with n cushion of pure lubricant that
s ;f '.ripird j n-j iinst wrar an 1 krps thr engine run
ni.i (juit tly, willi a minimum of vibration an 1 strain.
P.jJarinc iniint.tins a is-tilit between piston
riu is and cylinder wills that yrts maximum milrre
nn ! p wcr out of every diop of :istliiie. It keeps
fuel hills down.
Let P. (Isrine keep your motoring costs down. Buy
il where you buy clean-burnm;; power-packed lied
Ooivn (j isoli'ne v.!i,-ie. ou. see this sijjn at
fr-t class '.traces a:;J seivk-e stations everywhere.
The specialization in the food
saving machinery which has been
a study of Mr. Sharp has also re
sulted in the production of a food
cutting and milling machine that is
destined to work wonders in the
production of stock food at a very
low cost and in a manner that in
sures to the farmer and the stock
raiser the most intense form of
food stuff at smaller cost and at the
saving of space and labor that is
required of stock food in its origi
nal form. This machinery consists
of the food cutting and meal ma
chines that takes the common corn
stalk and reduces it to the most in
tense form of food for stock of all
kinds. The cutting machine saves
every particle of corn stalks or al
falfa and does away with the loss
of a great deal of the valuable food
that. Is lost in the old methods of
handling as there are no particles
rejected by the cutting machines
but are all used up in the prepara
tion of the food. When hay, alfal
fa or corn stalks are used in their
original forms for stock food they
require much space for storing and
also a great deal of loss caused by
the methods of handling and there
fore it is a more costly process to
the farmer and stock raiser. With
the special machinery produced by
Mr. Sharp this stock food is prepar
ed In a meal form with the use of
small portions of corn and molasses
Also City Property
168 acres west of Plattsmouth $300.00 per acre
160 acros on Louisville road 300.00 per acre
286 acres west of Plattsmouth 185.00 per acre
168 acres west of Plattsmouth 100.00 per acre
320 acres 4 miles west of Plattsmouth On Louisville road
Will Sell all or a quarter section of this land at a right "price.
Irrigated and Table Lands
Brick house and two lots, north of Main street jn the City of
Plattsmouth. A down-right bargain for someone at 13,500.00
House on Vine Street One acre and house, south of Burlington
Shops House and 2 lots on Washington avenue House and 5
acres, south of Plattsmouth House on North 4th Street Corner
lot on North 4th Street Ten choice building lots in Plattsmouth.
including good building and up-to-date fixtures. Entire stock or
any part, to suit purchaser. Eighty-ve per cent of this stock bought
on old prices. Terms on building to suit. Located in eastern Ne
braska in thriving country town doing fine business. .
Farmers Insure Your Hogs in Our Live Stock
Insurance. Best and Safest.
" Office Wagner
Phone 108. -:-
or solidified form for the use or the
stock food that contains the best
and most enriching foods without
the loss that conies from the old and
more expensive methods of handling
and the saving both in the produc
tion of the food and also in the
amount of space that is required to
store and handle the stock food
makes a great saving to the farmer.
The new mill that Is being erect
ed in this city is to be prepared
with four lines of these machines
producing ten tons of the intensified
stock food and it is safe to say that
this plant when it is ready for oper
ation will have a revolutionizing ef
fect on the methods of 6tock feed
ing throughout this section of the
west by producing the food in meal
or slidified form for the use of the
stock raiser.
Tor Sale: Four room cottage, four
lots. Price for quick sale only
$1,000. Write P. O. box 607.
Plattsmouth. 14-tfd&w
Read the Daily Journal.
For Infants and Children
In Uso f orOver30 Years
Always bear
Hotel Bldg.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
l r