s PAGE FOUR O'c plattsmoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Catered at Postoffice. riattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mat matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE J- MAN'S MISSION. I J. Man is not born to solve J- the problems of the universe, but to find out what he has to do, and to restrain himself J. ivithin the limits of his com-J- prehension. Goethe. -J-J- The press dispatches say-there is a hot time in Tabasco, Mexico. :c: The real truth as to the condi tion of our president is what the people ask and should be given. :o. Governor McKelvie has proclaim ed Friday, November 7th, Fire Pre vention Day. Clean up the rubbish and make the chances of fires less. :o: "Heads of coal companies said a shortage this winter is not neces sarily imminent, but is not improb able." That gives plenty of leeway. :o: From the number of applications made to the state bureau of securi ties for permission to tell stocks in different concerns there must te a large amount of surplus money floating around. :o: How are the census enumerators going to do their work properly when so many people can never bel found at home? Well, the phono grapher retailers ought to be able to furnish a pretty accurate list of the families. , :o: King Albert of Belgium has pass ed up Omaha as a stopping place and the residents of this section of the state lose the opportunity of seeing tjie great warrior king who told the kaiser to seek warmer reg ions when it was proposed he con rent to the treachery of bii coun try. :o: In times pone the jrtor'es of the wild grape were littler appreciated, but now it is much in demand for j- Hies and wine. Especial'. with ti e growing drought has tha wild grape advanced in favor for :t EbiKs an excellent wine, one withiut much t-f ?. "kick" and little of headache I-rcducing qualities. :o: As a matter of fact, neiher the ad ministration nor congress has much groubd on which to criticize the methods of the others. While the administration is trying to get us out of future wars before getting us out of this one, congress works against . a sugar shortage next year without relieving the one' we have now. The soviet government in Russia is compelling all the population to undergo military drill. From the advocates of the soviet movement in this country one would suppose they were bitter foes of military usages. The prospects tof doing military duty would discourage many of our Soviets who so successfully kept out of duty during the war with Ger many. INVESTMENTS Public Service Corporation Paying 7 Can be had in amounts of $100 PAUL FITZGERALD, Investment Securities First National Bank Bid's, Omaha, Neb. AN ORGY OF GOSSIP. Why not a congressional investi gation to determine the cause and pature o"f President Wilson's illness? Already the ground is being laid. We have a mass of rumors as to his maladies; if all be true, he is the rarest specimen of living man in the annals of medicine. Senator Mosos writes to a consti tuent that the president "suffered some kind of cerebral lesion" and that "he may get well that is, he may live, but if he does, he will not be any material force or factor in anything." How did the senator get this information? Not from 1 any authentic source, he admits. but from backstairs gossip! Pos siDly the tact that, in this same letter, he announced his candidacy to succeed himself had something to do with it, a "wish father to the thought" inspiration. m - Certainly we must have a con gressional investigation. True, Dr Francis X. Dercuni. the specialist attending the president, pronounces the rumor "nonsensical beyond dis cussion," but what of that Have we not rumors? And rumors, as the event has proved, are all that is necessary to start an investigat ing committee on its wav. We quote from the Boston . Transcript, sturdy republican spokesman of re publican New England: t "A mania for investigations de veloped and. rectiving some encour agement, soon ran to ridiculous ex tremes. A wise guiding hand woulti have been able to suppress nine tenths of he crazy suggestions pre sented on the floor and bruited about in the newspapers, but - the hand was not there. ' "For example, the- rumor went around that President Wil-jon has brought back 'a million dollar-' worth of presents from Europe.' It wa? no one's business but his own if he had. but Mr. Rodenberg of Illi nois solemnly offered a resolution to learn whether he had or not, and the reply promises lo disclose that he did nothing of the kind. In the senate a member voiced the rumor that an employe of the state de partment who had been receiving $3,000 a year had-been sent abroad at a salary of 30,000 a year, and senators sagely nodded their heads and would have allowedthe country to think this was true. The facts are that a man who never had been connected with the state department and had received a small salary elsewhere was sent abroad at $5,000 a year to audit the accounts in France for which the treasury de partment was responsible. The Graham committee, enlarged to fif teen, is straining itself all outvcf shape to develop scandals where in nine cases out of' ten no scandals ever existed. Some of the conclu sions of the commitee may prove interesting if not useful, but 90 per cent of this work is worse than wasted because it throws discredit upon the valuable 10 per cent." No man who has watched the per formance of congress during the last five months fails to realize the 1 truth of the Transcript's statement. Critical testimony come3 naturally from well-purposed republicans who really hoped and believed that a re publican congress might accomplish real constructive work. Their hopes are dashed. The hopes of the whole country are dashed. Partisan poli tics' swept aside, in this - time- of crisis scarcely surpassed by the crisis of war, the country hoped for real statesmanship, 'for real leadership. Instead of 'that, it has got an orgy of investigations, based on scanda lous gossip. World-Herald. :o:- -- The rain in Nebraska lias become a regular habit. DARTING, PIERCING SCIATIC PAINS Give way before the pene trating effects of Sloan's Liniment ". So do those rheumatic twinges and the loin-aches of lumbago, the nerve inflammation of neuritis, the wry neck, the joint wrench, the ligament sprainj the muscle strain, and the throbbing bruise. The ease of applying, tlie quickness of relief, the positive results, the clean liness, and the economy of Sloan's Liniment make it universally preferred. 3:"c, 70c, $1.40. THE MENACE OF THE I. W. W. To say that the strikes and the industrial discontent in the United States are the work of "foreigners" is to explain nothing and to solve nothing. In the first place it is not true, and in the next place if it were we should have the essential facts to deal with just the same, inasmuch as American industry is wholly de pendent on this foreign labor, thanks to the policy that it has persistently followed for the last thirty years. But Great Britain is having even more critical labor difficulties than the United States; yet British la bor is native labor. In Italy condi tions are still worse, and there again the labor is all native labor and has been for a thousand years. We shall get nowhere by pretend ing that all this ferment in the United States is the work of ignorant foreigners. There is noth ing mysterious or occult about it. It has' been, going oti in plain sight of everybody who could take the trouble to look. The' i.-sue at pres ent is a contest between the con servative labor leaders and the rad ical labor leaders for the control of the American Federation. That contest has been in progress for years, radicalism having gained im measurably as a result of the war. while conservatism has lost ground. Although the doctrines of the I. W. W. -are totally uu American in the sense of being antagonistic tc the American tradition and- the American theorv of government. thev are not un-American in their origin. The I. W. W. as a militant organization of industrial revolu tionists has been at work for twen ty years and has been gaining srength every year that it has ben at work. The country refused to take it seriouslv because it was re garded merely as a "rough-neck" labor organization that resorted to violence and sabotage, and a3 the averasa American doe3 not believe that disorder can succeed, he took it for granted that the I. W. W. could be put down by the bayonet and the policeman's billy. What he refused to take into consideration was the fact that violence and sab otage were mere incidents in the ca reer of syndicalism, and that they could be abandoned even more eas ily than they could b& adopted. Tho I. W. W. leaders may still favor the torch and the bomb; they may still believe that the destruc tion of property is a defensible and effective means of getting rid of the capitalist; but that is not the policy they are now pursuing. They are engaged in organizing the t'prolc- tariat" into ono big union, as they call it, in the belief that ir they can bring the great mass of work ers into a single organization, they can then seize the macninery cf government as well as the machinery of industry. They are trying to do in a different way exactly what Le nine and Trotzky did in Russia, and so far as possible they aire using the old labor organizations as a con venient weapon. The time was when the I. W. W.' was openly at war with the Amer ican Federation of Labor. Then it changed its tactics and set out to capture tho federation. The battle is still on, butthe I. W. W. organiz ers have succeeded in getting a foot hold In every important union, and PLATTSMOUTH SETill-WEEELr JOURNAL in many of them they are either in absolute control or they hold the balance of power between rival fac tions. They have found that, temporarily at least tearing up wage agree ments promotes the purposes better than the use of dynamite; that more can be accomplished by bring ing about the violation of union contracts than by dropping emery dust into the machinery of a factory; that the demand for higher wages and less work is a more eloquent appeal than any form of violence. While they always use the weapon ' that seems the most useful, their aims never change, and their aims are identical with the aims of the bolsheviki everywhere Nobody can reach an intelligent understanding cf the industrial sit uation in tho United States or of the new dangers that confront American institutions who does not fearlessly face the facts of the syndicalist movement in this country. It has become not only formidable but menacing, and to seek to dismiss it as the work of ignorant "foreigners" is a manifestation of suicidal folly. , It cannot i,e put down by force. It must be met with education, education is wholly lacking, where is there any organized anl No- at tempt to deal with this question in telligently and to enable the Ameri csn people to comprehend what it means to them and to their child ren. New York World. -:o:- IIEAHS OF SON'S DEATII Joseph Smith, of this city, receiv ed the information through a tele grJin this morning telling of the death la.t evening of his son. V.'ii liym Smith, who has made his home in Missouri for a number of years pa.?t. The message failed to give the cause of the young man's death or particulars as to the time or place of holding the funeral. Mr. Smith icives a wife and four small children, lie was engaged in threshing and corn shelling wprk and had consider able machinery for that purpose. jli:c;i. MiTirK J it ll,.- I strict Court of Cass cour IV, Nehiv-ka. .1. tines W; Sae, l'laintiff vs. A. 1J. rowan f t al. 1 eferniants. To tlie lieffmlants. A. I!. Cowan nr:.l Mrs. A. B. Coviin. his wife. tir.-t an.l real name unknown: the unknown heirs," tevjp.. legatees, personal rep resentatives 'and ail oilier persons in-ere-fl in the estate of A. l. Cowan. ieeenseil ; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives iiirl nil other persons Imereste.l in the es tate of lijs. A. '. Cowan, ileeease.i; A. H. C'i''!i av-l Mrs. A. K. Cowen. his wife, first ami real name unknown: l; e i.tiknown ht-Iis. devisee, legatees. j..-rs.i:n 1 representatives, an.) an ti .t let-sons interested in the estate "if A. Ii; Cowen. deceased: the unknown heirs, .levisees. U"-aires, personal representa tives, and a. I other persons interested In the estate of Mrs. A. 11. Cowen, d censed: Anthony 15. Cowen and Mrs. Anthony H. Cowen, his wife, lirst and rtal name 1 unknown: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, .personal rep resentatives and nil other persons in terested in tiie estate of Anthony II f.jwen. deceased: the unknown heirs. devisees, legatees, personal representa tives und all other persons interested in the estate of Mrs. Anthony H. Cowen deceased: L. W. Cillbs and. Mrs. !,. W. Cibbs. ids wile, lirst and real name l. iknown: the unknown heirs, devis s. legatees, ncrsorial representatives and !1 other uersons Interested in the es I: a of L. W. CJibbs. doc-eased; the inknown lie Irs. Uevisees, legatees, per simal renresentatlves and all other nersons interested in the estate of Mrs. L. W. Ciibhs. deceased; Charles H. Woolcottyr.nd Mrs. Charles II. Woo! eott. his wife, first and real name un known; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and al other persons interested In the es tate of Charles II. Woolcott. deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees. personal representatives and all other persons Interested in tne estate i IVrs. Charles It. Woolcott. deeease.S: ciiarles J I. Wolcott arid Mrs. Charh's H. Wolcott, his wife. first and real name unknown; the unknown hei.s, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and-all other persons lnterest eded in the estate of Charles II. Wol eitt. deceased: tiie unknown heirs, devisees, legatees. personal represen tatives and all other persons -interested in th estate of Mrs. Charles II. Wolcott, deceased: Hiram Markwell and Mrs. Hiram Markwell. Ills wife, lirst and real name unknown; tlie un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested In the estate of Hi rjm Markwell. deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in tlie estate of Mrs. .Hiram Markwell, deceased; William T. Hryan an.l Mrs. William T. Bryan, his wife, f vst ami real name tin know n ; the un Ln,.MM iifdr. devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and alt other r..,-u..tiu interested in the estate of William T. Bryan, deceased: the un lrrinwn lull-'; devisees, legatees, per c. rot .rouentM.t iVCS arid all OtllCl persons interested in the estate of -Mrs. William T Hrvan," leeeased ; illiam I llrvan and Mrs. William F. Bryan, bis wife, first and real name unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other person interested in tho estate of il liam F. Bryan, deceased: tho unknown heirs. devti-es. legatees, peisonal rep resentatives and all othei persons in terested in the estate of Mrs illiani F. Brvan. deceased: William T. Bryant mil iJrs. William T. Brynnt. Ins wjte. lirst and real name unknown; the Unknown heirs, devisees legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate id W 11- 5 W. A. E0BEI;TS0H, f I Lawyer. v E&1 of Bey Hpto:. Coates Elock, Second Floor. 9 V -J I' I all IM mm mmm R C. :iam T. Uryant, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons jri trreted in the estate of Airs. William T. Uryant. eased : William Jl. An derson and .Mrs. William H. Anderson, his wife, fw-jl and rej:l name unr.wr-: the unknown heirs, devisee, lessatei s. personal representatives and all other persons interested in tlie estate of William II. Anderson, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, aid all other persons interested in tlie estate of Mrs. William H. Anderson, deeeased ; C. P. Jones and l-.dilh !. Jones, his wife; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all othe r persons interested in Jhe . s- tate of C. 1 . Jones, deceased; tlie un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of Kdith J. Jones, deceasul: Idward K. lories ami Mrs. Kdward K. Jones, his wife, lirst and real name unknown: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate ox, Kd ward I- Jones, deceased; The unknown firs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of "Mrs. Kdward K. Jones, deceased; Cynthia F. llarr md llarr, her htishand. Inst ind real name i iikjio wn ; ;he unknown !e:is. devisees. Ugalees, perse-pal rep resentatives and all other persons in ter sted hi the estate of Cynthia ! llarr, deeea-sed: the unknown hens. levisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and all otner persons mter- sted in the estate of llarr. deceased ; Jacob linrth and Mrs. Jacob ISarth, his wife, nrst and real name unknown; the unknown heirs, devi- sees, legatees, personal represeniaii es and all other persons interested m t!.e estate of Jacob I'.ar'.h, deceasrd: ilie unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives a n d all persons interested in tiie estate of Mrs. Jacob Ilarth. deceased; the un known owner and tie unknown claimants of .Lots live I.") nnd six ! i ii. I'.lmk fort y-t!iree !"l in tl-e Citv of I'lattsmoutli. Cass county. Nebras ka: and Lots live ( nnd six t I in Block forty-three (4J in tlie City of 1'Iattsmouth. Cass county". Nelira.Kn. nnd all nersons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or anyj niirl thereof: ! You and each of nu are hereby notilied that on the" lidh day of Octob er. A. I. lyiK. I'laintiff tiled his suit in the ldstrict Court of Cass county. Nebraska, the object 'an.! purpose of which is to iuiet and confirm plaintiffs title In and to tlie Lots nve tai ami six in Block forty-t:irce i-i') in the City of l'lattsmout Ii, Cass county, Nebraska, and to enjoin each and all of von from having or claiming to have anv risht. title, lien or Interest, either leiral or eouitable, in or to said real estate or any part Hereof and to enjoin von and each of you in any manner" from Interfering with, plain tiffs possession and enjoyment of said premises and for equitable relief. This notice is niven pursuant to an order of the Court. You are re.piired to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 1st day of neeenih.r. A. i i. I'M'., or your default will be en tered therein. JAMES W. SAUL. l'ia-intiff. A. L. T1U1. o.'O-lw. Attorney. MITICK TO CHI-nilTOHS The State of Nebraska. Cass coun tv. ss. In the County court. In the matter of the estate of John C. Petersen, deceased. - To the creditors of said estate: You are Iierebv notified. That I' will sit at the County Court room in Flatts inoutli. in said county, on the lSth oav of November, 1 0 1 J, and on the IDth day of Februarv. iy.M, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days, to re ceive and examine all claims auamst said estate, with a view to their ad justment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims aarainst said estate Is three months from -the 1Mb day of November, A. 1. 1319. and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one ye-ir from said 18th dav of November. 1919 Witness my hand and tiie seal or suid Countv Court this Mr.tli day ot October, 1919. ALLEN J. BELnON. t.Seal oiO-hv, County Judge. NOTICE TO CUKDITOllS The State of Nebraska, Cass toun- tii:i'!the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Jos. p Koubek. Deceased: ,. ,.,. You are hereby notllied that I 111 sit at the County Court room m I Iatts moiit II in said county, on tne em of November A. !- 1919 nJ 'J 10th day of February A. J. 19-. ten o'clock in the forenoon of e.ic dav - i.... i fvumine all claims . .. u-lth a. view l against sa.u i -.,wance. Thi tneir aujusuiiem . ..i ,-,r time limited for the preseutatio n of claims against saia -JZwrniwr months from the Mil day of. .""VI f o? I 1919. and the time iimlteaf'J. oayment of debts is one year from said Mil dt.y of XovemoH' A. e -- tober A. L. 19a9Llex j. UEl,;SON. ' (Seal) OG-nv. County Judge. Although Journal want-ads cost but little the results they -bring are wonderful. Try them. What do you pay for your clothes? Honstly now, do you know? You can tell ia dollars and cents perhaps but clothes values go deeper than that. You have on ly figured the "first cost." Like the automobile this clothes cost problem really is a matter of "mileaire" or a bstter name would be "wsarage" .The true cost or your garment like the ultimate cost of your motor car, is what you pay divided by the number of weeks or months it gives satisfactory service. In other words the old "test of time.' Our Styleplus and Hirsh Wickwire clothes, $25 to $75, will stand the " vearage" test. Its a good year to buy only tested brands of clothing -don't experiment with unknown quantities. New seipments daily, by express. E. Wescott's Sons 'EVERYBODY'S STORE" Mti'iri-: to ( iti:i)no!is State of Nebraska, Cass Tl.e coun- ty. ss. In the Countv Court. In the matter of th estate of Adolph Weseli, deceased. . To the creditors of s;i;d estate: You are hereby notified Hiat I will sit at the County Cour room in I'latts- moetb. in said county, on the 10th day month, in said coui.tv the' 1 1 , ,' .! of November, A. 1 . and on ,the of N,..er,le. i , ' i ., , ', ,, , lit!; day .if February. A. 1 . 1S-0. atil.'ti, hiv r ' h ., , ' , ..." tell mliKk a. in., of each .'lav, to re ceive and examine all claim against said estate, with a view to their ad justment and allowance. The time lim ited for the presentation of claims again: t said estate is three months f rom the lfttl lay of Nocniher, A. I'. l.nit, and tne time limit".! for pn vment or del-is is one year rrom taui lyin dav ol November, 1919. Witness my hand and tho seal of said Countv Court, this 7tli dav of October, 1919. AL.LKN J. liKKSON, Countv Judge, r.v FI.OUKNCK WHITE. (Seal) ol3-4w. Clerk. .NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Bridge Eond Question. Notice is hereby given that a Special Election will be held in the County of Cass, Nebraska, at thj regular voting places in said coun ty on the 4th day cf November A. D. 1919. between the hours of eight i 3 ; uu o ciock in tue morning auu feix I (J ; 00 I O ClOCK. in me ElierilOOIl OI the same day, at which time an.l place there will be submitted to the qualified electors of said County of Cass, Nebraska, for adoption or re jection the following proposition to be voted upon, to-wit: "Shall the Eoard of County Com niission2rs of the County of Cass. I .NefraSfca. DC aulllOnzea. to Issue COUDOII bonds to DO known as EridCO Bondj of said county in an amount not exceeding ?irjO,rjno.OO, snia bonds to be payable to bearer and to become due fa five years from date, but payable at any time after three years from date at the option cf said county and bearing interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent said bonds to be dated on date of issuance; "And. shall the County Board of Equalization of the County of Cas.?, Nebraska, annually levy the neces sary tax upon all the taxable prop erty of said county in addition to all other taxes to pay the interest on said Bridge Bonds as the same may become due and levy a tax to pro- vide an amount sufficient to Day the principal of said bonds as they may become .due and payable, for the pur pose of constructing bridges in the public highways of said county?" Dated this ICth day of September A. D. 1919. By order of the County Board of County Commissioners cf the County of Cass, Nebraska. JULUIS A. PITZ, Chairman of the County Board of County Commissioners. - GEO. It. SAYL.ES. s23-4wdaw. County Cierk. Ti iiis is tlie rlace! If you don't see what you want ask for it, as wc have it! A FULL LINE OF General Merchandise, Boots and Shoes, King & Ham ilton Grain Dumps;-Ottowa all steel Corn Shellers; Moline, 1. H.C.and Cleveland Tractors; Birdsell Wag ons; Hoozier Wagon Boxes; Goodrich and Goodyear Casings and Tubes; Auto Accessories; Champion and Tungsten Spark Plugs; White-Lily Electric, Gas Power and Hand Washing Machines; Puritan Flour and Feed; Lee Unionalls. Highest market price paid for coun- 4- 'I CEDAR CREEK try produce. MONDAY. OCTOBER 0, 101 Cost '" " " t xoi ii i: to ( iti:nnoi:s f-:aie of Nebraska, Ca.-s The ty. co u t in the County court. In ti:e tiu.ti,r of the estate of ,.m' Klkenbary, decease,!. To the creditors of on a r. ! not jii, d t ; :m i ? sit ;. r il - Coi:iitv 'i,ti--t i-. ...... ... h a. ::i., ,; , ,,, ;, . ,,' , , examine 1 ciaili.y a-.-aii.: i .1 . .ai! estate. t n a view to tl in- a. iiU'. .nee. The t.lll 1 pl s, !,: :k i ,, , I;, i ,, " e ;.. t I. Pe- in. ,1,1 t '' of No im her. a. I jiistiuent aad a Iteii for the t;a::;.-t sai.-; . ! rom t he 1 1 ! ii ! I'.Vi. a.d ti n hmit'-d p.r pa . in. I i i.i oe,.(.- J'lc v . i i" fl (,im :. id 111 day of November. 1:.10. It ness my hand and t !. '"i-.id Countv ("'lint, thjs l;ti er, mjy. al i ay allen J. h::i:. .v. CoUIitV Judge. i:.v KLtd'.ENCE Will i i-;. 1 -sf a 1 1 nM-lw, 'lerk. i t:h: .t m v in iff. It.c Stato of Nebraska, Cass Count" is. In the matter of the (state of One i.-abelle Carpel", Incensed. On reading and !i!;n' thf pctitio of William JL J'oiter, pravinr tha administration of said estate may h granted to him as Administrator. ordered. That October Ub-t, A. 1 101!., at 10 o'clock A. M., is assi-ne for hcarinir said petition, wlnn a pel sons interested in said matter m i appear at a County Court to be hel in and for said County, and slim cause why the prayer of petition.) should not be jrranied; and that noj lie or the pendency of said petiti and the hearing thereof be priven .ill persei.s int rested in said matt by publishing a copy of this order tho 1 'iattsmoiit h Journal. a sen weekly newspaper printed in i-a County, for three successive wecH prior t sn'd dav of bearing. Dated Siptcmhcr Clrd. BJ. ALLEN J. BEESOX. County J u.ld By Florence White.' Clei MITI( Il TO CUKIMTIIItS. Tli i' Stte of Nebraska, Cass Count! ss. In the County Court. i In the inatt.-r of the estate of Jul: T. Lambert. Occcased. To the Creditors of said estate: You are hereby notilie.l. That I w sit at the County Court Boom I 'la t tsniim t h in said county, on ( l'th day of November, A. I . 1919, a I on the 17th day of February. A. l!.:a. at ten o'clock in the forenoon ' each day. to receive and examine claims atrninst said esiate, with vi.-w to their adjustment and nliol a nee. The time limited for the pr sentafion of claims against said est;i is thrco months from tiie l.'.ih dav November. A. I). 1919. and the tir limited for payment of debts is o yiar from said 15th dav of Novembt A. I. 1919. Witness my hand and the seal ". 1 " -oui t. this nth day (st.aO ' A. . 1919. ALLEN J. BEESOX. County J u.L DO YOU NEED CORN HUSKERS Man and wife desire position corn buskers. Camping quart needed. Board ourselves. L. Wright, Plattsmouth, Ntbr. 13-4w All the news when it Is nal. l.'c per week delivered. NEBRASKA 1