The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 20, 1919, Image 2
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE EIGHT MONDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1919. I -IFord- FOR SALE! (Coupes ALU NEW jfouring. Roadsters Announcing the arrival of the newest creations in men's smartest overcoats. The coat with quadruple guarantee - fabric lin ing, workmanship, and 1 guarantee, which means a new garment for one that give unssatisfactory wear. Made by a house of national reputation - using none but guaranteed silks and woolen fabrics, and making nothing but men's overcoat 3. Rain, wind, snow and spot proof. Combined with all these, is pull, they will go thru any place they are the top notch in coatdom, and the superlative degree of class $55 and $60 . Others not making so much racket as low as $20 Farm Bargains! 1 2 40 acre farm. 12 Vz miles from town, fair improvements. 30 acres in cultivation and 160 acres more can be broke. $35.00 per acre. 2 320-acre table land farm, 14 miles from two good towns, three quarters of a mile to school, two miles to church. Good Im provements. 200 acres under cultivation; 80 acres in fall wheat. This ia a bargain at $92.50 per acre. 3 320-acre table land farm, 15 miles from town. Good improve ments. 160 acre3 under cultivation and more can be broke. A hargain at 565.00 per acre. 4 160-atrc farm 9 miles from town and 1 miles from rail road siding. One-half mile from school. Mail route and tele phone rights. 80 acres cultivated; 10 acres alfalfa and 70 acres pasture. A bargain at $55.00 per acre. Good improve ments. 5 720-acre farm 10 miles from town. Good Improvements. 150 acres under cultivation and 80 acres more can be broke up very ea.sily. 1Y2 mile to school. Mall route and phone rights. Subject to lease on 60 acres. 20 acres in alfalfa fenced hog tight. Only $52.50 per acre. 6 475-acre farm, 9 miles from town. 60 acres cultivated. Fair improvements. Thi3 would make a fine combination farm and stock ranch. Only $17.50 per acre. 7 640-acre table land farm. Good improvements. 169 acres under cultivation and about 100 acres more can be broke up. 10 miles from town and a bargain at $40.00 per acre. S 4 SO acres of table land and pasture land. 14 miles from town. 70 acres brok and more can be broke. A good wind mill and tank and fenced. A bargain at $27.00 per acre on easy terms. 9 800-acre farm 7 mile3 from town. Good improvements. 130 acres- cultivated and a lot more can be cultivated. Phone rights ami a genuine bargain at $52.50 per acre. 10 1120-acre farm 6 miles from town. Well improved. 800 acres of bottom land. Own ditch and appropriation for 630 acres. 400 acres under cultivation. Five sets of good improvements. A bargain for the man who can handle this. $150,000.00 for ' all of it. Party wants half cash but would consider less. 11 160 acres of table land. 60 acres can be broke and is a real bargain at $3,500.00. It is 11 miles from town. 12 4 80-acre table land farm. Good Improvements. 150 acres cul tivated. 10 miles -from town. $80.00 per acre. -625-acre farm 10 miles from town. 600 acres under cultiva tion and about 400 acres in fall grain. Three good granaries on the place and all fenced. A bargain at $80.00 per acre. -51f-acre farm six miles from town. Fair Improvements. 160 acres in crop. Only $27.50 per acre on easy terms. 15- 320 acres close to Plattsmouth. Well Improved. Will sell all or in part. An excellent farm. BURGLAR EN- TERS A PLEA OF GUILTY YOUNGEST OF TRIO CAPTURED AT LOUISVILLE WAS AR RAIGNED FRIDAY. HON. E. M. POLLARD IN THE CITY IS BUT SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD Other Two are Still in Omaha Hos pital One Unruly and Must be Removed Soon. From Saturday's DIU. This morning in the county court Acting Coun-ty Attorney C. A. Itawl3 filed a complaint charging Charles G. Thompson, Fred Byam, alias Ja3. King and Walter J. Miller with burglary, as the result of their breaking into the store of F. H. Nichols at Louisville last Tuesday night. Only one of the nieu charged in the complaint were present in court, Walter J. Miller being brought into court while the other two men are ttill In the Methodist hospital at Omaha, where their wounds are be ing treated. Young Miller, who Is a mere lad. just a little over seventeen, on hearing the complaint read to him, entered a plea of guilty and was ac cordingly bound ove.r to the district court to answer to the charge. The other members of the party will be arraigned aa soon as their condition will permit. Sheriff C. D. Quintou has beeu no tified by the head of the Methodist husiMtal al Omaha ' that the man ISyam, will have to be removed from that institution as his conduct ia unruly aud cannot be permitted in the hospital. The sheriff will be compelled to have the man either taken to the Douglas county hos Dital or brought to this city anu placed in jail v. 'h a special atten dant to look af: r his case, but hvo? not fully. dec: .?i what actiou he will take. From Saturday's Dally- , Yesterday afternoon Hon. E. M. Pollard, of Nehawka, candidate for . delegate to the constitutional con vention, at the forthcoming election on November 4th. came up from his home and made a tour over the business section of the city meeting the voters and renewing acquaint ances with the older residents of the city with whom he has an acquaint ance of years duration. Mr. Pollard is one of the most prominent fcurej in the republican politics of the ( state ana Has rrequenuy ueen men tioned In connection with the gov ernorship of the state. He was for two terms the representative from the First district in congress and very active in working for the in terest of his district. Mr. Pollard is also one of the prominent farmers of the state and keenly alive to the progressive methods of farrairg. Neither Mr. Pollard or his opponsnt Attorney A. L. Tkld is making an active canvass of the county for the position of delegate, leaving it up to the voters. "TELL THEM -TO SEE ME" HE SAYS Wants Everybody To Know What Tanlac Did For Him Gains 30 Pounds. 13- 14- F. G Phone 108 EX Of fico Wagner HoUl Building. Plattsmouth, Neb. HUNTERS ARE GETTING BUSY. RECEPTION FOR RETURNED SOLDIER ANNUNCEMENT Ws wish to announce to the hog raisers of this vicin ity that the hogs we will offer at our sale at Bartlett, Iowa, on Wednesday, October 22nd, 19 19, are sired by the most famous Sires in the Poland-China world and the Dames are the same quality. We are featuring a litter of Big Bone Leader, the boar that was placed above the Grand Champion at the 1918 Svyine Show by many competent judges; and their judg ment has been upheld by his wonderful litters. We are also presenting a litter by Long Model Bob, a son of Big Bob, a son of the famous Boar that Fred J Seivers sold to Wm. Scar, and after he developed so won derfully, Seivers tried to buy him back, but was able to buy only a half interest in him and featuring him in his fall sale. .- This litter is out of a Smooth Jones Gilt that has de veloped into wonderful animal. The other Boars and Gilts are out of justly famous sires and dams and meet with your approval. . Write for catalog. HODGES & HARRIS From Saturday's Dally. The pleasant country home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Harvey, south west of Mynard was the scene of a most delightful occasion last even ing when the parents entertained in honor of their son. Oliver Harvey, who has returned from service 'with the A. E. F. in France. A laxge number cf the young friends and acquaintances of Oliver had been invited to participate in the pleas ant event and the spacious lawn of the home was filled with the jolly partyVjf friends who spent an even ing of rare delight. A large fire of logs had been prepared which cast its lurid tints over the scene and over which hundreds of the luscious 'wieniers w.ere roasted and prepared Into sandwiches that were much en joyed by the members of the party The evening was spent in the pleas ures of the roast and in visiting with the returned soldier boy until a late hour when the guests wended their way homeward wishing the guest many years of happiness and success. From Thursdays Pafly. The cool and wet weather of the past few days while it has not been greatly to the comfort and enjoy ment of the average person has been a source of delight to the duck hunt era who are constantly on the watch along the streams in this vicinity to secure a few of the feathered beau ties. There has not been much suc cess in the number secured thus far this reason as the ducks seem to have passed up the Platte and Mis souri as feeding grounds on their long Journey south and the smaller streams in the middle and westerr sections of the state seem to be the favorite spots for the game birds. However the squirrel hunter is in the midst of his greatest enjoyment at his time of year and many hunt ing parties are going out every day in the pursuit of their favorite sport. One hunting party that we noticed a few days, ago leaving had all the appearance of a big game party as the array of artillery and accessories pointed to a long and strenuous hunting trip and it was a surprise to learn that it was intended to be a squirrel hunting party instead of a bear or moose hunt. RETURNS FROM CHASE COUNTY. PLATTSMOUTH EVIDENCE FOR PLATTSMOUTH PEOPLE The Statements of Plattsmouth Resi dents Are Surely More Reliable Than Those of Utter Strangers. Homo testimony is real proof. Public statements of Plattsmouth people carry real weight. Ask your neighbor! What a friend or neighbor says compels respect. The word of one whose home is far away invites your doubts. Here's a Plattsmouth man's state ment. And it's for Plattsmouth people's benefit. Such evidence is convincing. That's the kind of proof that backs Doan's Kidney Pills. Edward Martin, machinist, 1409 Vine St.. says: "When ever my kid neys get out of fix or act irregularly, a box of Doan's Kidney Pills relieves the trouble. Occasionally my back starts aching bnt it requires only a few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills to relieve me." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Martin had. Foster-Mil-burn Co.. Mfrs., Buffalo. N. Y. For Sale: Four room cottage, four lots. Price for quick sale only $1,000. Write P. O. box 607. Plattsmouth. 14-tfd&w From Thursday's Dallv. Road Overseer C. F. Vallery, who has been out in Chase county for a few days returned home yesterday and reports a very interesting trip. Mr. Vallery made the trip with the party in charge of W. E. itosen crans and on their way out thoy en joyed the use cf a private Pullman car which was at their disposal and mad the trip in' comfort and pleasui'e. On reaching Imperial they were taken by automobile over the surrounding country and had a great opportunity of viewing the land that has become greatly in demand in the past few years. While the rainy weather interferred somewhat with the trip it gave the members of the party a fine chance of seeing western Nebraska at the close of a most successful crop season. "I don't believe there's any medi cine on earth can equal this Tan lac," recently declared V. J. Rich ardson, a well known switchman cn the Rock Island, living at 60 South Fifteenth St., Kansas City, Mo. "I've gained thirty-seven pounds since taking it and I feel stronger than I have for many years." he con tinued. "I suffered for a long time from stomach trouble and indiges tion and 1 tell you. I sure had a time of it. I didn't have any appetite and what little I did force myself to eat would sour and form gai that would get up around my heart and smother me so I could hardly get my breath. I had terrible headaches and dizzy spells every now and then, and I had such a pain across the small of my back that it was all I could do to get up when I sat down. I just couldn't get a good night's rest and I lost a lot of time from work on account of the way I felt. Of course I took a lot of medi cine but no matter what it was nothing did me any good. "A few weeks ago I decided to try Tanlac and I hadfl't taken one bottle when I began getting hungry and then I found what I ate didn't sour and form gas any more. Now, I'm eating anything I want and never suffer from indgestion. I sleep sound all night long and get up in the morning feeling like a two year old and ready to tackle any kind cf work. Yes, sir. T sure do think a lot of Tanlac- I've recommended it to several of ray friends and when ever they have given it a fair trial, it's benefited them just the same as me. As far as my own ca?e is con cerned, if anybody doubts what I say just tell 'em to come to see me and I'll prove what Tanlac has done." Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by F. G. Fricke & Co., in Alvo by AIvo Drug Co., in Avcca by O E. Copes, in South Bend by E. Sturzenegger, In Greenwood : by E. F. Smith. In Weeping Water by Meier Drug Co., In Elrawood by L. A. Tyson, in Murdock by H. V. McDonald. in Louisville by Blake's Phariracy, in Eagle by F. W. Bloomenkamp, in Union by E. W. Keedy, In Nehawka by D. D. Adams and in Murray by Meier Drug Co. IiIIiiiiIiIiiiim w&n ail wMm&m ml lm - MAKING baby comfortable isTlieone fundamental law woven into Forest Mills Babies' Comfort Underwear. Soft and light as down and knitted so finely ey caress baby s delicate skin as gtntly a mother s kiss. T th as A variety of fabrics for babies from three months to three years 1005 Heavy cotton. 1008 Light-weight merino. 1009 Heavy merino. 1012 Heavy silkateen and merino. 1014 Silk and wool. All fabrics may also be obtained in button front or pin-back shirts : also bands to match !liH!'H'tl!;il!iHlilijiil'ti,'iii'liiiili'!'!-'i!!itiiii-H,r ENTERTAIN IN HONOR OF FSIEi72S ! Why pay $75.00 to $100.00 for a new ovej coat when 1 can rebuild your eld or.e for a fraction of the price of a new one. After having it repaired, cleaned and pressed you've got practically a. new. coat at a nominal price. I am dyeing a grea : many; army overcoats in navy blue, dark brovn arid black.' They dye nicely. Look over your winter doilies; row and have themput n shape to wear. 0333 &u& OPPOSITE Main Strest, JOURNAL OFFICE Wivnrla OM Stund HAS A STORMY TRIP. From Thursday's Ially Edward Hennett, who has just re turned home from a "long service in the Philippines, tells of a very ser ious storm which befell the chip on which he made the return trip to the states. He sailed on the army transport "Sherman" which, was new when Dewey captured Manila. and consequently is now sadly out of date as an ocean going vessel, and this in itself was not much pleasure to tho voyage and added to the se ven? storm made tho trip last over forty-three days from the time they pulled out of Manila until reaching the Golden Gate and home. The storm overtook the transport 300 miles out of Manila and raged for throe days with the fury that only a tropic typhoon knows how to pro duce. The vessel was at the mercy of the storm and only the expert navigation of the officers could keep tha nose of the vessel toward the storm in the long battle of the ele ments and one of the officers, Mr. Bennett states, remained at his post in the navigation room over thirty- six hours, battling the ship through the terrific sea and the driving wind, that threatened each minute to shatter the ship in the intensity of the storm. When the force of the storm broke it was found that the vessel had been forced far from its course and was only sixty miles off the rocks of one of the numerous small islands that join the Philip pine group and had the storm con tinued for another day it is certain that the Sherman would have been swept into destruction upon the rocks of the islands. 'r'."n Snf iirrtfv rullv. j Yesterday being tho birthday an-j niversary of Mrs. Peter F. Goos. the lrdie. belonging to the lower Main street birthday club gathered at the Plattsmouth hotel to spend a few hours with their friend and fitting ly celebrate the happy event. The parlors of the hotel rang with mer riment for several hours as the la dies spent the time in visiting as well as in the plying of the busy needle and it was much- loo soon that the hour for departure came that bade the friends part after a most delightful time. As is the custom of the ladies at their meet ings, Mrs. Gcos was presented wijji a .very handsome remembrance of the natal day and one that will be a token of the kind . friends. At a suitable hour a very enjoyable luncheon was served by the hostess assisted by her daughtors which served to bring to the close a very enjoyable afternoon. CALLED BY SAD NEWS. From Saturday'8 Dally Last evening A. F. Moore, wife and little daughter departed for Ilucklin. Missouri, -in response to a telegraphic message announcing the dangerous condition of a brother-in- law of Mr. Moore. The message gave but little hope for the recovery of the brother who is suffering from a severe case of typhoid fever and the relatives hoped to reach his bedside before the end came. STILL IN QUITE SERIOUS CONDITION Office Supplies? Thzts wUtrt w shire. The Journal Printery. From Thursday's Ia!lv. Keports from Omaha as to tne condition of Charles Jelinek state that while the patient ia showing some improvement the condition of his broken arm is not as satisfactory as had been hoped for. It has been nfressarv to Derform two operations on the arm in the hopc3 of securing ttinir - of the Dones, y f " the last operation being performed last week. Charley certainij nas had his full share of suffering as 11.. T.f ho unfortunate acci- IIIU lUPllib Ui ' " dent over a month ago and his fam ily and many friends In this city are anxiously awaiting word from the hospital that the youug man is getting over the effect of the broken arm In fine shape. 'tiroc-Jersey eoars (ALL IMMUNlDl for Sale! A number of extra fin2 Duroc-Jersey Boars for sale, sired by Crimson Model, 22d; Disturber of Sterling, Jack Orion, 2nd, arjJ Jjc.hs King Orion, 3d. These hogs will weigh from ISO to 300 pounds each, owing to the age. 8 have a great number of fine individuals to select from and if you want the very best I bciieve that I can please you. I will hold no fall sale this year. OTTO SOHAFEfi, Cedar Creek, , Nebraska Phone Weeping Water Exchange No. 2S12. V ) BigType Fo!and-Ghina Boars for Sale! Fourteen Big Type Poland-Chma Boars for sale. Black Prince is the sire of these boars, and the dams are Waubonsie Girl, Waubonsic Carrie Queen, Waubonsie 2d, Waubonsie Queen. These boars dams came from the Waubonsie Herd. These sows arc the breeding of Weathcrhead Bros. & Wolfe. Black Prince is the breeding of Adolph Steinkamp. y James L. Terryberry & Son, Cedar Creek, Nebraska g