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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1919)
Nebraska State Histori cal Society omnia! VOL. XXXVII. PLATTSMO UTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1919. No. 34. SAILOR BOY AR RIVES HOME AGAIN Leslie Tilmer Returns from a Ser vice of Eighteen Months in the Pacific Fleet. From Friday's Dally. Leslie Tilmer, a former employe of the telephonec company in this city, and who has been doing his bit dring the war with the naval forces of the United States, has re turned from service and is once more a full fledged citizen of the land of the free. Mr. Tilmer has been on service with the Pacific fleet and has spent the greater part of the time in the far east on the Wilmington. He speaks very interestingly of the life in the cities and towns along the coast of China and also of the Siberian port visited. In speaking of the Chinese the sailor states that they are very dirty in their .per sonal habits and their cities are very unsanitary and In a great many cases filthy, a great difference to the neat and efficient methods of the Japanese. Mr. Tilmer departed today for Omaha, where he will spend the day and look over the situation with a view to locating there in the future. CHILDREN'S ADMIS SION JST0 BE $1 HAS COMPLETED TWELVE YEARS OF ARMY SERVICE FromJ Friday's Dally. After traveling constanly for all but two days since the 18th of Sep tember Lieutenant and Mrs. J. E. DeWolf arrived in Weeping Water Sunday night from Ft. Gibbon. Alas ka and will visit here for some little time as Jay has received his dis charge from service. This completes for him nearly twelve years of army life. During that period he has seen service in Cuba, the east coast, the west coast and now Alaska. He has been in all but two or three states of the union. He doesn't know yet whether he will take up the duties of civil life or re-enlist for military service. He has some very attractive offers as inducements to re-enlist. Jay says that he and Mrs. DeWolf both liked it find in Alaska although there were many strange situations to get used to. When something was said about the cost of necessities of life Jay stated that things were certainly high priced in Alaska ow ing to the freight cost of $65 a ton to get things into that country. As a result of the high cost of things the smallest piece of money In gen eral circulation is the 25c piece. Nevertheless Jay reported it as an actual fact that they 'bought some dry goods in Alaska cheaper than the same thing could be bought here In the states. It was stock that had been on hand since before market prices raised. Even if things do cost lots of money In Alaska, they've got the cash up there to pay for it. In fact that's where much of our real mon ey (gold) comes from. There are many mines in the Ft. Gibbon vic inity and Jay has several souvenir nuggets that miner friends have given him. He also has a number of fine sou venirs of fine Esquimo Indian bead work, basket work and ivory carv ing. Weeping Water Republican. ARRIVAL OF A NEW MARINE. From Friday's Dally. , This morning Sergeant and Mrs Carl Neumann were made a very pleasing present when the stork called at their home and left in their c:ir a fine little son and heir. The father is on recruiting duty with the marines at Kansas City and has with his wife been enjoying a visit here with relatives and friends for a time and this gives the little son the opportunity of claiming Platts mouth as his home town. The ad vent of the little one has been a great pleasure to the proud parents and caused much rejoicing among the other relatives and friends of the' happy parents. If you are not a subscriber to the Daily Journal let us enter your name on our subscription list. CONDIlfON OF JACOB MEISINGER From Friday's Dally. Reports from the bedside of Jacob Meisinger this morning state that the patient has not shown any im provement in the past twenty-four hours and his condition is very critical, with little prospects of his recovery." The members of the fam ily are at the bedside assisting in the care of the aged father and ministering to his needs in the hour of sickness, hut the efforts of the family and attending physicians have not availed and the patient continues to gradually grow weak er each day. ROBBER A MEMBER OF THE I. V. W. Fred Byam, Alias James King, Found to Possess a Membership Card in f. W. W. Organization From Friday's Dally. Among the effects found on the person of Fred Byam, one of the Louisville robbers now at the Metho dist hospital In Omaha, is a member ship card in the I. W. W. organiza tion. The card was turned over to Sheriff Quinton until the owner is able to receive it. The card gives the name of James King, under which alias Byam has been traveling over the west and un der which he assumed his member ship in the Industrial Workers of the World. This member of the trio of rob bers seems to suffer but little from his injuries although it is still pos sible that he as well as Thompson may be compelled to undergo the amputation of his leg. ROOSEVELT MEETING AT WEEPINu WATER Tomorrow There Will Be a Meeting of the Memorial Association of Cass Co., Held at That Place. From Friday's Dally. Chairman James Robertson of the Cass County Roosevelt Memorial association has arraigned for a meet ing to be held tomorrow at Weep ing Water to launch the campaign that will be made to secure contri butions for the fund that is to be de voted to the purpose of erecting a memorial to the late president, that will represent the offerings of the American people. The campaign is to be made in the county during the coming week and quick results In the work is hoped for by the com mittees in charge of it. At the meet ing at Weeping Water a speaker of national reputation will be present to explain more fully to the people of the county the purpose and aims of the organization and the earnest desire that the work be participated in by the whole people. The meet ing will be called to order at 11 a. m. and a large number from all sec tions of the country are looked for to be present at the meeting. Each contributor to the fund will receive a handsome certificate stat ing that they have had a part in the work of preparing the lasting monu ment to the memory of the great American and which will be a cher ished remembrance of the part they bore in the great work. Especial effort is o be made in securing the assistance of the school children of the nation in securing the monu ment and the smallest contribution from each child is what is desired by the committee, in charge of the movement. GOVERNMENT STORES AT TRACT MANY FROM HERE From Friday's Dally. The opening of the government retail store in Omaha has caused a great deal of interest among the res idents of that city and in the near by towns, where the prospective pur chasers travel Omahaward to take advantage of the opportunity offered to purchase some of the good warm government clothing and blankets as well as the foodstuffs offered for sale. The famous army blanket is the largest seller on the market and almost everyone going there returns with a pair of the cold defying cov ering that has proven the soldier's best friend. SEEMS UNLUCKY DAY AT THE SHOPS Number of the Men Employed at Shops Have Misfortune to Get Themselves Injured During Day. From Friday's Dally. As a prelude to the Safety First two weeks that is to be commenced over the entire Burlington s'ystem next woek. the list of minor acci- dents at the'shops In this city was quite large yesterday and will re sult in a number of the boys being laid up for a few days. Everett Rucker while engaged in unloading trucks from a flat car had the misfortune to have one of the chains from the derrick strike him on the face near the right eye and inflicted a slight cut on the face that necessitated the services of a surgeon to dress. Roy Mayfield was another of the unfortunate ones and his left eye was the target of a chisel - which struck him Just over the left eye but fortunately did not do a great deal of damage although proving quite a painful injury. (Clarence Favors was engaged in moving some sheet steel from under a large tank when he caught one of the fingers of his right hand result ing in having it cut quite painfully but not seriously. James Matejka while assisting in unloading a box car got his bead in connection with a large section of wood that caused him a few bruises as well as small cuts and will' wear a bandage for a few days. He was shutting the door of the car when a piece of the stop fell and struck him on the head. FILES SUIT TO QUIET TITLE. From Friday's Dally. A suit to quiet title has been filed a the office of clerk of the district court Robertson entitled James W. Sage vs. A. B. Cowan, et al. In the case there are sixy-six defendants named as parties to the suit. The cast Involves quieting title to the r.r.erty formerly owned by Mr. Saije it the corner of Pearl ana Sev enth streets. Attorney A. L. Tidd appears in the action for the plain tiff. METHODISTS HOLD CONFERENCE HERE Season Tickets to the Lyceum Course to be Placed at Low Figure for the School Children. From Tuesday's Dally. In order that the young people of the city attending the public schools may have the opportunity of enjoy ing the excellent season of enter tainment prepared for them in the Coit-Alber course at the high school auditorium this season, the mem bers of the commercial club have decided that the price for the child ren's tickets this year will be SI for the entire season. This is a rare opportunity to enjoy a high class entertainment at less than seventeen cents a number. The main object of the course is to place at the disposal of the young people of the city the advantages that this course offers at a price that can be within the reach of all and in making the season tickets for children at $1 the com mercial club feels that they are placing it 'in the reach of almost all of the children who attend the pub lic school. The season tickets for the general public will be set at $2 for the season which is very cheap indeed as the numbers are well worth from a half dollar to a dollar each and for whicji that price would have to be paid in almost any city. This Is the first opportunity since the season of 1916 that it has been possible to hold a lyceum course in this city as these activities were laid aside in the time of war but now that peace has returned the members of our chief civic organiza tion feel that. they are justified In giving the general public the oppor tunity of e'njoying the strong pro gram of talent prepared by the Colt Alber company for their entertain ment. TURKEYS FOR SALE. Three full blooded brown turkey gobblers for sale. Georga A. Shrad er, Nehawka, Neb. 13-4tw A REAL WINTRY MORNING From Friday's Dally. This morning ws one of the kind you read about as the sharp biling days of autumn arid those of the in habitants of the city astir in the early hours of the morning sought the comforting heat of stoves and radiators.. The heaviest frost of the season visited this locality last night and sent the temperature! tumbling dangerously near the' freez ing point. However, alter the long summer months the cool weather I comes as a pleasure and nuts into puts the residents a great deal of pep eai ueai or pep as through the sharp of the fine fall they move along biting atmosphere day. . NOTICE --READ- ERS OF JOURNAL RURAL DEPARTMENTS TO BE FEATURED IN THURSDAY ISSUE HEREAFTER. Readers of the Semi-Weekly Jour nal are hereby advised that the Mur- dock and Avoca department, which have been featured in the Monday issue, will in the future appear in Thursday s issue, along with the Murray and Union departments, beginning this week. The early hour at which the paper goes to press Monday mornings precludes doing . justice to late over-Sunday happenings in these two thriving villages, so look for the big double paper on Thursdays, containing the news from the remotest corners of the county. EMERGENCY PLAN APPROVED THURSDAY Provides Counties May Hereafter Is sue Bonds without Vote of Peo pie to Replace Property From Friday's Dally, i The state senate by a vote of '22 to 3 passed S. F. No. 1 on Thursday forenoon. As amended by the senate committee on judiciary the bill -permits county, boards to issue bonds without a vote of the county electors to repair damage to a county build ing that has been partially destroy ed by fire, mob, riot, storm or other casualty. As amended by the judiciary com- nlitee the bonds so issued cannot ex ceed an estimate of the cost of re pairs, which estimate the county board is required to obtain in writ ing before Issuing the bonds. The bill also covers furniture, fixtures, books and records partially destroy ed. Senator Andrew Erickson, of Franklin, voted against the bill, ex plaining that he believed it gives too much power to a county board, and as it applies to all counties and as his own county has had a county seat fight for many years, he feared for what might happen should the bill become a law. "The bill contains the words, without a vote of the people,' there fore I vote no, said senator jonn Swanson of Boone. "It gives county boards too much . t ? J r a T power; 1 vote no, saiu oenaiui i. V. Hammond, of Furnas. Ail the other senators either voted yes or were absent on roll call. . GOES TO VISIT AUNT. . This morning Mrs. Oscar Wilson departed for Omaha,' where she will spend the day visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hall, and will also visit her aunt, Mrs. Mary Brown, of Griswold, Iowa, who was injured so severely a short time ago in Omaha as the result of being run over by an automobile as she was engaged in alighting from a street car. Mrs. Brown has been doing nice ly for the past few days and has been able to leave the hospital and is now at the home of her brother, John S. Hall, where she will remain until she is able to return to her home. We print law brleu, sale bills, letter heads, envelopes, statements, checks. Invoices and In fact every thing but money, postage stamps and butter. Let us have your next job. MORE SHOES FOUND AT LOUISVILLE Discovery of Box of Shoes Lying Along Burlington Right-of-Way Reported Today. From Thursday's Dais The city of Louisville seems to have become quite a center for shoe thieves as not only have the robbers been removing them from the store3 in the city but this niyr,li"S Sheriff Quinton was notified that a large i box of shoes "'ffned to & Smith' Deg3- California. Chetfiel.l had been found lying along side the tracks of the Burlington in that city. The box had been broken open and ap parently several pairs of the shoes taken. Sheriff Quinton at once notified the Omaha office of the Burlington and a special agent of the company arrived on the scene to look after the repacking of the shoes and getting a check on them to determine the number taken and to dispatch the remainder of the shoes to the parties they were consigned to. It is thought that the shoes were thrown from one of the trains pass ing through Louisville with the ex pectation of later being picked up by the members of the gang that has been stealing shoes from the different establishments in thai city. FACE AN INDICTMENT BY THE GRAND JURY Omaha Pawn Shop Owner and Parties Involved in a Charge of Having Stolen Goods Face Grand Jury. From Thursday's DaiVy. ' '-' ' Yesterday while Shrih" ' C """D." Quinton was in Omaha he was call ed In cdmpany with W.-F. Diers, the Louisville merchant, whose store was robbed on the night of October 6th, before the grand jury in session in Omaha, to take up 'the cases of the three' Jew pawn brokers and clothing dealers who came Into the limelight as the result of the sheriff unearthing the stolen goods oh their premises. Sheriff Quinton present ed the facts in the case to the jury and pointed out the method of stamping out the increase of crime by shutting off the.' means, 'of. dis posing of the Stolen-property i and Mr. Diers made the identification of his misWng,. property' "'The,' Omaha authorities are urgmg an indict ment of. the "fences" in the case and hope through ' this method to strike at the head centers of the crime ring that has been pulling off the robberies and holdups in Omaha and the towns nearby for the past several months. Mr. Diers has been able to recover all but eight pair of the shoes stolen from his store and there remains another suitcase of the' property that has been shipped to Council Bluffs and which Sheriff Quinton will investigate. Among the prop erty unearthed in the Omaha raid by the Cass county sheriff was dis covered a large number of pairs of shoes belonging to J. A. Weber, a merchant of Neola. Iowa, whose place of business was robbed a few weeks ago and who had been unable to secure any trace of his property until the discovery of the stolen Diers shoes In the Omaha pawn shop. Sheriff Quinton returned last ev ening from Omaha and states that the man Fred Byam, or King, who was shot in the hip is getting along in fine shape and suffers very little from his wound although the out come of his case has not been de termined but the condition of the man Thompson is still quite serious. The surgeons have not as yet oper ated on Thompson to remove the left leg which was badly shattered by the effects of the gun shot -wound but an amputation is absolutely necessary. ARRIVAL OF A NEW SON. From Thursday's Dally. The home of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kaffenberger jr., is gladdened by the fact that a little son has made his appearance there and will make his home with the happy young par ents in the future. The young man arrived Monday at the home west of the city and is now the center of admiration frotu the happy- relatives and the proud parents. MRS. CRABILL NOT SO WELL. From Friday's Dally. John W. Crabill came down from Omaha lasr evening to spend a few hours and reports that Mrs. Crabill has not been so well in the past few days and was compelled to return to the Methodist hospital for treat ment. Mrs. Crabill has undergone an operation on the throat and which requires constant care and attention and her condition has been such as to require her return to the hospital. The patient is however re ported as doing nicely and the hope3 for- her early recovery are very bright. BROUGHT HERE AND LODGED IN CO. JAIL Young Man Claims He Was Lured Into the Robbery by Others on Easy Money Promise From Thursday's Dally. City Marshal Charles Reihart, of Louisville, came "down this morning, bringing with him Walter J. Miller, the young man captured there with his associates in the attempt to rob the F. H. Nichols store. The young man was lodged in the county jail, where he will remain until some action is taken in his case, and owing to the condition of the two robbers in the Methodist hospital in Omaha, it may be some time before it is possible to arraign the three men. The prisoner brought here is quite young and claimed at Louis ville that he was lured into the robbery by the other men on the promise of some "easy money." REPORTS STOLEN GOODS. From Friday's Dally Sheriff Frank Stapleton of Spring- view, K y p Pftfea V CpXi iU y ,VH aS: bean in communfoation 'with Sheriff G. T. Quinton as to the prisoners secured at LoiiIsyiile "Tuesdtymorning ; in the nope or neiwg aoie'-io locate in them the parties who recently pull ed off a robbery of a store at Spring view. ' The robbery ' there resulted in the theft of" a large amount of silks in bolts and other articles of dry goods. . The robbers on that oc casion were provided with an auto mobile in which they made their getaway from the scene. The Keya Paha county sheriff after looking over the robbers decided that they were not the parties he was looking for as they were too young to answer the description of the Springview robbers. , NOTICE., The librarian of the public li brary has been enrolled as a volun teer to render to returned service men all possible assistance in re taining, reinstating, or converting their government insurance. This service is free, and information will be glady given to all of these men who will inquire at the library. w Ul Keep 'Your H I Nobody is quite happy under the pre sent world circumstances. f We are just out of a great war, a orgy of waste and destruction. It is notably a time "for keeping your head when all about you are losing theirs," and perhaps "blaming it on you.'' CJ There are still ways to economize and avoid waste. Have we forgotten the lessons of thrift we learned in war time? J Keep your bank account growing in First National Bank "The Bank Where You Feel at Home. ' 1 DEPARTS FOR SCENE OF HIS NEW LABORS Rev. Father John Vlcek Departed Yesterday Afternoon for Schuyler to Take Up New Duties There. From Thursday's Dnfly. Yesterday afternoon Rev. Father John Vlcek, rector of the Holy Rosary church in this city for a great many years departed from the city to assume charge of the St. Mary's church at Schuyler. During his years of service here Father Vlcek has been very active in the work of his parirh and has made it one of the best in the state and has a beautiful and well equipped church that has been remodeled during his rectorship and largely through his pergonal efforts. It is wMth the greatest of regret that the members of the Holy Rosary church part with their beloved rec tor and trust that he may find suc cess in his new charge. The retir ing rector has been very popular with the general public aside from his church and his departure will be much regretted. Father Suesser of Ord. N'ebraskn. will assume charge of the work in the Holy Rosary parish and is ex pected in the city soon to take charge of the church and the affairs of the parish. DEATH OF VIRGIL URISH THIS MORNING Prominent Young Man of the Vicin ity of Murray Passes Away at the St. Joseph Hospital ' in Omaha. From Friday's Dally. This morning at the St. Joseph Uopital In . Omaha,. Virgil Uriu. one of the best known young inon of the vicinity of Murray passed away. Mr. Urish was operated on at the hospital on Tuesday for a severe case of gall bladder from which he has been suffering for some time ana his conaiuon was such that made his recovery im possible. This afternoon the broth-, eri Henry Urish and the tisters. Missei Lucille and Genevieve l.'rih and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Schafer departed for Omaha to look ..after the arrangements for the funeral. The body will be brought to Mur ray and the funeral held in that place but the complete arrangements have not been made. FOR SALE. Chester White .boars for Fale. Trices reasonable and full pedigree furnished free. Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Call or write your wants. C. Rengen, My nard, Neb. Carter Albin of near Union was in the city- today for a few hours looking after some business matters. Head J!