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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1919)
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE NINE. LIBRARY WILL SOON Murray Department THE W. H. PULS IHIfflirdwaB,,e BE OPEN FOR YEAR Iftnyof the readers of tbe Journal kDOT of any social event or ltm of imprest 1b this vicinity, and will mail 9 ime to this ofilce. It will ap pear under this beading. We wad all news Henii EniTGtt Hours on Saturday Amounced To be No Charge for Reading as in Former Years. g Prepared in the Interest cf the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially lor the Journal Keadera THURSDAY. OCTOBER 16. 1919. if lit Your Savings w 1 M si Make your bank book show some headway for every7 pay-day. The man who cultivates a sys tematic savings habit when young reaps prosperity and happiness when old. Why not figure now just how much you could put away every pay-day, then start J vw. w -- J- " J www yt by opening an account with us rt'? on next pay-nay. NttS Sa fety Honesty Courtesy Service Four ps cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK All business transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. NOTICE Miss Mae Loughridge, teacher cf voice. Opening' for sum mer term. Mr.:. Charles Spike, of Omaha, was a i: :tor tlie early part of last week at the home of Ler parents, Mr. and Mr;-. Win. Lallue. of Murray. I r. G. II. Gihnore v. as in Omaha lat Tuesday, where he went to ac Ci r: ;;n!y a put ient who will receive 1 rt-ntment at cue of the hospitals'. -Mr. John Fitzpatrick aiid little babe were passengers to Omaha last Tu'."ilay. returning home with Mrs. Will Kief. who has been visiting lit-re for a f;-v- tiny--. .r ( " ii:.'"'r is p-thi'ina on the hone of Alfred Oansem-r and putting tin the finishing touches in the dec oratirg work that Mr. Lambert was ii '. t aMc to pet dene, bting called to the home of Mr. Tilsou. Men on Partlett, the barber, I). C. Kiu- hn. John Campbell and Guy Mc Gii! made up a quartette that visited the county seat last Tuesday, where they were looking after some busi ness and seeing the town. L. 11. Puis was a business visitor in Omaha last Tuesday, where he had much w.rk to look after, and while there made purchase of nu merous auto and truck parts which he has demand for in the repair de partment of his garage here. There was a large crowd at the dance given by the Murray Dancing club last Friday evening, there beire over or.e hundred couples present to enjoving the occasion. There was I). C. Ilhoden was looking ;ftei some business matters in Vnion la Monday, driving down in his car. Henry C. Long is seeding some six ty acres at the edge of town to win ter wheat, and has the job Hearing completion. Janice V. Holmes and wife, form er citizens of Murray, now residing at Plattsmouth. spent Sunday at the' home of Will S. Smith and wife, driv ing down in their car. Fred Hild was a visitor on la?l Tuesday at South Omaha, t::kin:r up a truck load of pies for Allen Leon ard, which were disposed of on the South Side market that day. S'-arl Davis shipped a car load of hogs to the South Omaha market last Tuesday, having G. M. MinforJ supervise tiie loading of the porkers, which were very fine ones. Mi-srs Laura Puis and Opha Bak er, both of Omaha, were visiting in Murray ovt-r Sunday with relatives and friends, returning to their work i:i the metropolis Morulas morning. Iliatt & Tutt will have a car load Fred Ruby, a son of Thomas Ruby, who ha? been sick for the rast few days, is reported as being somewhat improved. ilco.ry Ilepner and J. W. Berger visited with friends in the capital city last Sunday and enjoyed the occasion greatly. Fred, tr.e son of Cell Hill, who lias been very sick for several days past, is reported as being en the mend ut this time. Dr. J. H. Hall of Plattsmouth, and son, James Hall, of east of Murray, were looking after some business matters in Murray last Tuesday ai tern cum. George Shrader has been sawing wood at the home of Lee Farris, and his own home as well during the past lev,- days, getting ready for the comii.g of cold weather. Mesdumes 15. F. Hrendel and J. F. P.rendcl and Miss Carlson were visit- Will Have Services Sunday There will be services at the Pres byterian church at Murray on next Sunday, the engagement being only for the morning period, and termi nating for the day at the conclusion cf Sunday school and morning wor ship. The name of the minister who is to officiate is not available, but the secretary assures the people of Murray he will be a good speaker and one thoroughly American. The meeting which was conducted by the Yncherscm brothers, of Omaha, last Sunday, was well attended and en joyed by all present. Will Have No Hotel Murray is going the way of all the other smaller towns of the coun ty, as on last Tuesday Mrs. J. W. Merger, who has conducted the hotel, concluded that she would quit oper- ... ... . .. 1 . , . . i r . i .. , ... 1 . i;m in riuttsmoutu last I uosdav ai- -'"r '" i. v-uum uei tcriMiop drivin'- nr in their car to own ill health and the inability to look after some shopping. J. A. Pit?;, county commissioner, and Fred Vailery were in Murray last Monday looking after the drag ging of roads and evening them up with a mammoth grader drawn by tractor. A. L. Laker, the genial salesman at the Alfred Gansemer mercantile es tablishment, was a visitor wit a frit-nds and relatives in Lincoln last Sunday, returning to his work early Monday. Wm. March, who has been running the dray line for some time: past, hi.s severed his collection with that line of business, and accepted employ ment with the L. 1 1. Puis garage, where he will be found in the future George Shrader of southeast of town, was a business visitor in I'nirn last Monday, where he went to purchase some hogs. He secured a wagon load from D. Ii. Porter, at.d is placing them in his feed lot to be fattened. The new house which J. W. Amick and his son Earl are having con structed on the farm northwest of Murray, is becoming a little nearer completed each day, the carpenters being almost ready for the plaster ers now. Wm. Klopping and wife, of Cede rid e, who formerly secure competent help. Mrs. Berger has fitted the hostelry up in first cla?s shape and has been conducting an excellent place and doing a very .rood business, but even that does not recompense one for overwork, causing broken down health. Murray has need of and demand for a hotel. Some enterprising person could come in and make a good piece of money taking hold of the hotel here, as it is for sale or lease, and the people of the town will stand behind any one operating it in the same satisfac tory manner as has Mrs. Berger. The Murray Library will be open on Saturday from 2:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon, and again in the evening from 7:30 until 9:00. This will ac commodate all who may care to get books, to exchange or return what they have. The reading is free to all. as the library has reached the place where is is no longer neces sary to charge for the reading as in previous years. The public is cordially invited to come and make use of the reading matter in the library whenever they wish. Mesdames G. M. Minford, W. G. Boedeker, W. T. Smith, D. C. Rhoden and Miss Eva Latta furnished the supper at the library last Saturday evening, and there were one hundred who enjoyed the opportunity of bat ing there. The library committee has decid ed on a charge of 25 cents per plate. The suppers are indeed excellent and are well worth a higher price than will be charged. Mrs. J. F. Brendel will have charge of the sup per the coming Saturday evening. i Is in Omaha Hospital ! Virgil Urish, who has been suffer ing for some time with gall stones, went to a hospital in Omaha, where he underwent an operation for re ' lief. He was accompanied there by Dr. G. Dion operation was reported as resting ' very well with hopes of an early re covery NEXT NUMBER LEC TURE COURSE SOON "Smiling Bob" Briggs Will be Here Saturday Night with Program of Mirth and Humor. ing an addition to it, 14x20 feet in , VT uY-1 1 The reason for the change is that he ?'llV :' ,. " ' . l, ..?! has sold the old house which he had , , -.xuyuv ua.i , c "' thought of incorporating in the new nwi.. .u w.' "-"hoine to Wm. Troop, and will build Last Monday W. A. Scott was a.-j" business visit in Nebraska City, to j his auto. th f.fty cases of , pop whi'.h he purchased while there. Mr. Scott is doing a good business in the iiue of confectionery and soft The next number of the lecture course will be held at the Puis hall on Saturday night of this week. The entertainment will consist of a hu morous lecture by "Smiling Bob Tirisrcrs. and Dromises to be one of much , worth. While his address is j. 11. Gilmore on last Tuesday j weighty with food for thought, it is ing, and after the ordeal of the j presented in sandwiched form, with wit and humor to such an extent that it will keen the audience in laughter from start to finish. The subject matter and concrete exam ples he uses are all original with him and characteristic of his own peculiar style, so if you would get it first hand you must hear it from Mr. Briggs himself, who does not borrow from some one else in order to deliver to the public. Don't fail to attend the second number Saturday night. Making Ue Home Larger C. W. Criswisser. who is having a new residence constructed on his j farm southwest of town, is now niak- all new one for himself and fam i j which place he drove t 'truck, returt.irg witl urines. Alfred Jones. who but recenly move .1 to Murray from Omaha, and who .",. employed by "Ken" Min ford and other farmers hereabouts for a while. Las accepted a position as driver of the dray lire, and will be louTid on duty at that occupation whenever he is needed. J. A. P.ibhius, the mayor of Maple Grove, some three miles west of Murray, is adding to his accomplish ments, and has turned a breeder suu rai-'-r of line chickens. He has re- Return from the West Last Friday WG. Boedeker, John trris, Wm. Sevboldt and Alfred inm:r departed for the western p .rt of the state, their objective be ing the town of Grant, in Perkins : -:or i::y. They made the trip in Franli ' Valh ry's auto. The first night was rj.'-i.t at Kearney, the second one at North Platte as well as part of the '"iMc day, as a Pioneer days celebra tion was in progress. After enjoying ithe festivities of the occasion, they ' drove on to their de-stination on the third day. They enjoyed the trip ' greatly and looked over the country ' - i . - i T" 1 1 a while there. rain there They report a soakin Sunday. Mr. Seyboldt cently placed in his yards v fine Ply-' arrived home Monday; Messrs. Boe mouth Lock strain of fowls, wh ich ! deker and Farris came Tuesday and are extremely hard to beat. j Mr. Gansemer returned yesterday. Dr. B. F. Pre:. del, who lias been ! t the Lincoln sanitarium for sever-j ill d?.s prist, receiving" treatment for, rhc-umaiism. returned home Saturday' feeling thut he had received much benefit. He is not yet as well as he' of potatoes on track lor tomorrow ia fnlI 0o-i!rSt Df treatment there. which have been on the road lor some lit'Ie time and they are assured by the r: ilroad people they will arrive by that time. See their ad in anoth er column of this issue. Walter Amount. the blacksmith, who has always clone a rood business in his shop here, has been in a deep study since the closing of the hotel and is still undecided whether io sell out and remove to some place on" ot the gentlemen present who: where he can be assured of a hoart see med to have a particular perchantjing place or to stick it out here and for "Moonlight" dances and who re-', get alor.g as best he can. Walter wui on.-sted that the lights be made to well satisfied with conditions h -re burn low to p-odr.ce the scenic ef-jaiid with the hotel, but now that it fe t of moonlight. He is receiving ; has closed, he is wondering if a the jollification of a good many his friend:- for his preference. oi larger town wouldn t be better in which to live. GEKUSKS RED RIVER A car load will arrive here the last of the week, and be sold at $2.00 PER BUSHEL. Phone or write, Skipped T?.ir of Fine Pigs Mi-s Pauline Oldham shipped a pnir of fire Duroc Jersey pigs last Tuesday to Elgin, where they were I'iiiiiccil nf to n nartv bv the namfc expects to be after having completed r,r .T n c,,hr The" fine n-ade o I li.-icu m lnVli ia liptnfr fnnt inn nil si v J W. Part rose and J. W. Lowt her . .jppcj fron) the yards Qf Miss Old of tepi"g ater. v.ere in the City,. sn1 at hamlsnmo i or si .iiti i oil" ei.iy i:ie i:asi week, coming from the farm of W. ! 1..r.ln.... ii,.,. ! jt. i.ui mi-ih i , iit'if iiiv w e iiiiii-i- ; ' ii--: "i;t si t::r.p.-.. As soon as t aev; . could make train connections they i met -With Hrs. Long le ft feir their homes in Weeping j Some forty of the ladies of Mur- Wattr. i r:iv and vicinity met at the sociable prices ail over the state as well as outside of Nebraska. Charles Re ed, whn was assisting J given by the Missionary society of in the sowing of wood, with a buz?! the Presbyterian church and had an saw. had the misfortune to get one I excellent time besides looking after of his hands teu (lose to the saw,! the business matters claiming their the result being that three fiugers j t tent ion. Mrs. II. L. Oldham and were bu-.llv mancled and torn. Dr. J daughter, Mrs. G. C. Long and grand J. F. Brende l dressed the injured I daughter, Miss Gertrude Shrader hand and hopes to save the fingers, ! entertained and proved to be excel though they will be pretty sore for! lent hostesses, some time to conic. j 1 A. L. Baker :Mid Guy McCill. whnj Entertained at Sunday Dinner has been in the north for some" Mf an(1 JJrs. i. M. Davis enter tirne past whe re he has a homestead 1a5n.(1 ilt Sunday dinner in honor of entry r.wr Mcintosh, South Dakota. anrl ,.Irs wn Kloppins. of Cole .u.d who is li.,me on a, were the foIlt.wing guests: Mr. and gi-ests o! friends in Plattsmouth on,. n ,v iiavi ami wife. last Wednesday evening. Mr. McGill says he made a specialty of oats and j liiix on his farm, in order to break jthe ground and reduce it to culti vation. Both proved good and prof itable crops. Hiatt 6 I t 4- MURRAY, NEBRASKA Getting Heady .for Business Charles Tilon. who has mov-?d a house onto the lots which he ciwns i;i the north. east pwt of town is get tin:; the piaee ready for occupancy as a residence, ns well as using a part of it for his broom factory. Phil lip Lambert is painting the home, and Mr. Tilsori is rushing the work in order to pet busy soon with the broom-making business. H. C. Long and wife and their grand daughter. Miss Gertrude Shrader and grandson. Chester Shrader. The Kleppings are former Murray resi dents but are now engaged in farm ing at Colerege. A Little Girl Has Arrived The home of Edward Hadley and wife is the scene of rejoicing because of the arrival of a fine little girl who calls this happy couple mamma and papa. All concerned are doing nicely. Injures Arm Picking Apples. Journal want ads pay. Roy Cole, the telephone man from Plattsmouth. who looks after the j work of the company in Murras-, was clown last Tuesday looking; af jter some work, and was nccompani ! ed by LeRoy Winscott, who is em ; ployed with the company at Ashland. ! but who was home on a visit at i I Plattsmouth last Sunday, and when 'he essayed to assist in picking ap-J ) pies, slipped and struck his left el-1 bow acamtt a limb fracturing t. j ! As a result of the accident h will I take an enforced vacation. Telephone 1511 AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OIL NO BAY! HEVEK3E ALL CALLS Making Changes in Shop L. II. Fuls is making some defi nite changes in his working depart ment, which is for the betterment of the service at his garage. He has just recently added a new 20-inch Weaver press, which will aid great ly in doing the work that comes to his place. In addition to this he is installing a large drill press and is lining up all the machinery, having just moved the large lathe so it can be operated off the 40 foot counter shaft he is installing to convey pow er to all parts of the workshop. The emery wheel has also been moved to a more convenient position where it will be sufficiently well lighted to enable the operator to do a good job of polishing or grinding. All this machinery will be operated by a five horse power motor which he is in stalling. "When the work is conclud ed the shop will be the equal of any in Omaha in point of handiness and compact working space. Mr. Puis be lieves in being up to date as is evi denced by the installation of such a large amount of new machinery. Murray Christian Church Regular services Sunday, Oct. 19. 9:45. short story class meets; 10:00, Bible school, classes for all; 11:00, morning worship and 8:00 p. m.. evening service. Rose Reed will give a reading at the opening exer cises of the Bible school. There is a place and a welcome for you at the Christian church. Come! C. E. H ANNAN, Minister. AEROPLANE FLIES OVER CITY. Time was when the appearance of an aeroplane in the sky would draw every man, woman and child in the country but of these latter days the airship has but litlc at traction out of the ordinary. Yes terday afternoon one of the human birds flew over the city, going east ward and traveling at such a height that it was impossible to clearly disinguish the machine or the bird man. Whether or not it was a mem ber of the trans-continental party or not is not known, but the ship was traveling in a straight steady flight for the east. RECEIVES NEWS OF DEATH. This morning O. C. Hudson re ceived a message from Mrs. Hudson, who has been at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. W. T. Reynolds at Atchison, Kansas, announcing the fact that the mother had passed away at her home last night. Mrs. Reynolds was eighty-one years of age and a lady well known to a large number of the Plattsmouth people as she has been a frequent visitor in this city with her daugh ter and family. Itching, bleeding, protruding or blind piles have yielded to Doan's Ointment. 60c at all stores. will always carry a complete line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Farm Implements, Tractors, GASOLINE ENGINES and REPAIRSI We do all kinds of tin work, heating and plumbing, and will also save you money on furniture orders. Come in and get our prices on anything in our line. We will treat you right and save you money. PULS, MURRAY NEBRASKA Phone No. 24 AND THEN IT RAINED. FOR SALE Preceded by several days of very cloudy weather a gentle rain contin ues to fall this afternoon. The mois ture is of a chilly variety and does not invite appearance out-of-doors save on missions of urgent business. Five acres of good well improved land. Will carry $2,000. No reason able offer refused. Joseph J. John son. Phone 3525.- ol3-lw daw Fancy stationery at this office. POT Expect to have on track the last of the week a car of No. 1 Red River Early Ohio Potatoes! Fine eating and good for seed next spring. PRICE VERY REASONABLE! Phone, write or call and see me, The Senice 34oire ALF GANSEMER, Proprietor Murray, Nebraska BUY YOUR FALL AND WINTER EARLY AND SAVE MONEY! We have a large assortment of all kinds of shoes rom which to choose ycur needs at prices far below prices you will have to pay in sixty days as you know shoes are advancing every day. We have a large as sortment of school shoes in all sizes. Also men's and boys' rubber boots. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ALL FARM PRODUCTS! The Service Store, ALF GANSEMER, Proprietor a 1 CANDIES! CIGARS! n Ii y A line tt stationery at the Jour nal office that can't be excelled and Hurray ZxVUJle'ls hard to equal. n It Is Only Natural that we feel flattered to have people from neighboiing towns do their trading with us. But honestly deep down, we have a sort of pity or contempt for the person who is so short sighted he will build up some neighboring town at the expense of his own, and this is what he is do ing when he fails to patronize his home merchant. While we appreciate any business that may come our way, our greatest desire is to serve the people of our own com munity. , 3 !!rgrCT'B'"!:B-"BS!:,:';gi ,nw TBTg; :!!?: writs--g GO. Murray, Nebraska WALL PAPER! VYiHDOW GLASS!