The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 16, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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The real test of gasoline goodness is
explosive power.
And explosive power depends on .quick,
complete combustion.
Quick, complete, clean combustion, in
turn, depends on the even vaporizing and
carburetting qualities of your gasoline.
Uniform carburetion and uniform explosive power
go far towards explaining the superior qualities of
Red Crown Gasoline as an engine fuel.
Thev account for the prompt starting, smooth,
troim acceleration and distance-devouring capac-
vour car i.hows
with Red Crown Gasoline.
For smooth, quiet, frictionless engine operation
nothing excels FoIaHne the standard oil for
For sale by service stations, garages and dealers.
"im u u inns
cnowN t
From Friday' Dally.
Sterling P. Amick. of Weeping
Water was in the city yesterday for
la few hours looking after some busi
ness matters.
Jack' Patterson of Union motored
up last evening to spend a few hours
visiting with relatives and friends
in this city..
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water, arrived in the city this after
noon to spend a few hours looking
after some business matter's at the
court house.
Mrs. H. X. Dovey and sister, Mrs
W. K. Fox, of Portland, Oregon, were
passengers this morning f6r Omaha,
where they will visit for the day
with friends and look after a few
business matters.
Ignatz hcli win and Joseph
nervof, of near Grant, Nebraska,
who were here enjoying a visit at
the home of Will Tritsch and with
other friends, departed this after
noon for their home in the west.
Airs. A. L. Tulene was a passen
ger this morning for Springfield, N'e
braska, where she goes as a delegate
from the Plattsmouth camp of the
Royal Neighbors to the convention
of that order being held in the Sarpy
county city.
A. A. Wetenkamp and wife depart
ed this morning for Lincoln in re
sponse to a message announcing the
Jeath of Mrs. Kate Wetenkamp, an
aunt of Mr. Wetenkamp and the
widow of John Wetenkamp, well
known to the old residents of Cass
Prom Tuesday's Dally.
Don C. Rhoden of Murray was in
the city today for a few hours look
ing after some business matters and
visiting with his friends.
Attorney Dale Boyles of Alvo was
in the city for a few hours today
attending to some legal matters at
the court house aiyl calling on his
Fuchi Gorton and friend. C. L.
Maynard of Dunbar, Nebraska, were
in the city today for a few hours
enroute to Omaha to look after
some business matters.
Louie Keinhackel and wife drove
up this afternoon from their home
near Murray to spend a few hours
here visiting with friends and look
after seme trading with the mer
chants. J. F. Frolich and daughter, Mrs.
Emma Henrickson of Eagle, were in
the city today on business and while
here were callers at the Journal re
newing their subscription to the
George Marks of Weeping Water
was in the city yesterday for a few
hours attending to some business
matters and calling on his friends.
Mr. Marks has just become interest
ed in business in Weeping Water
and will make his home in that
citv in the future having retired
from the farm.
Hon. It. IJ. Windham departed
this morning for Lincoln where he
goes to look after some business af
fairs and prepare for the opening
session of the legislature which has
been called in special session by
Governor McKelvie to look after the
legislation necessary to allow Omaha
to raise the funds to repair the
court house.
and from there we went to Japan"
Lyman II. Howe's travel festival,
for many years a public institution
in motion picture entertainment,
comes to the Parmele on Tuesday,
Oct. 21. upon its silver jubilee tour.
Mr. Howe's entertainment has al
ways been noted for its diversity of
program. Great care has beea given
to rounding out the anniversary
program and for months Cameramen
have been scouring the whole world
for material.
The result is a remarkable round
up of interesting features. For in
stance. Mr. Howe's travel festival
will take audiences to Bethlehem.
Fa., where the great steel plants
may be viewed at close range. Then
to the Canadian Rockies, where a
hike leads over dangerous icy crags
?nd slippery snow-capped peaks. On
to Peru, where we ride down the
Andes on a hand-car. past quaint
herds of llamas by eld monasteries,
nnd through picturesque native vil
lages. Next to Lake Sebago in the
Maine wilderness, where, at Camp
Woliela, we watch hundreds of
young women disport at swimming
and diving. From Maine we move
to Charleston. S. C, where we visit
the placid and beautiful Magnolia
Gardens, famed throughout the
country. On to Florida, where we
indulge in thrilling tarpon fishing.
Then, to cap the climax, Mr. Howe's
cameramen take us to the homes
and haunts of the big motion pic
ture stars in all parts of the coun
try, where we. see the famous fav
orites at close range and as they
really are.
This remarkable program is bal
anced by a number cf unusual novel
ties, animated cartoons and trick
pictures. There is a
picture of dexterous clay modelling,
a corking dog and cat animated car
toon and half a dozen amusing and
entertaining novelties. "The best
all 'round program of my career,"
Rudolph Neumann, Son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Neumann, Soldier
in the Far-Off Land.
A letter has just been received by
the Frank Neumann family an
nouncing the fact that their sou and
brother, Rudolph Neumann, was a
member of the American Expedition
ary Forces in Siberia, where he has
been for some time. The young man
has been in service since the out-
remarkable break of the war with Germany and
has had a great experience and is
now serving in the midst of the al
lied forces in the far east. The let
ter tells very entertainingly of the
I trip across the Pacific in the troop
says Mr.
Howe, and he ought to
The merchant who doesn't Adver
tise only when business Is good will
eventually quit it entirely.
Parmele Theatre!
Tuesday, October 21
in rt
r i i
Zyth Year-Silverjubilee
Prices 25, 35 and 50c plus the war tax
34 1
. i tsy ft
transport, the boys having enjoyed
a twenty-four hour leave in Hono
lulu, where they rested midway of
the trip, and enjoyed a very pleas
ant voyage all the way across. He
states that the conditions in Siberia
are very strange to an American with
the people a cross between the Rus
sians and the oriental races.
The money values of that country
are much below those of the United
States and our currency is worth a
great deal more than the Russian
money, with the result that the
troops when paid off have to have a
small wagon to carry around the
coin as it takes 700 kopecks to make
an American dollar and therefore a
great deal of money is paid to the
troops in exchange for the dollar
and a dime they receive for their
services each day.
The troops In the northern country
are equipped with very heavy cloth
ing, Rudolph states, as the winter
weather there is very intense.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The ladies of the Woman's Auxil
liary of St. Luke's church in this
city are preparing to collect cloth
ing which will be shipped to the
south for use among the mountain
eers of Tennessee and Kentucky,
and for this purpose a collection
box has been placed at the store of
E. G. Dovey & Son where anyone
having articles of clothing may
leave them and they will be ship
ped to the needy ones in the south.
The ladies are also collecting canned
fruits and jellies which will be pre
sented to the Clarkson hospital in
Omaha for the use of the sick nd
all of the members of the parish
and their friends will find their
offerings thankfully received.
For any pain, burn, scald or
bruise, apply Dr. Thomas' -Eclectric
Oil the household remedy. Two
sizes, 30c and 60c, at all drug stores.
From Saturday's rally.
I. W. Teegarden and 1j. P. Woleott
two of the prominent residents of
Weeping Water, were in the city yes
terday for a few hours looking after
some business matters at the court
Harry A. Meisinger and W. H. Met
singer of near Cedar Creek were In
the city for a few hours today en-
route to Omaha via auto where they
were called on some business ma1
William Starkjohn returned home
last evening from Gothenberg, N'e
braska, near where he has been for
the past few days looking over his
land interests and says crop condi
tions were never better.
M. P. Meisinger. of Madison. Ne
braska, is in the city visiting with
relatives and friends and spending a
short time with his uncle. Jacob
Meisinger, who, is in very poor
health. Mr. Meisinger while herv
made the Journal office a brief call.
George S. Shrader, one of the en
terprising young farmers or near
Xehawka, was in the city today for
a few hours. During his stay ho
called at the Journal office and had
his name enrolled for a year's sub
scription to the semi-weekly edition
of the Journal.
Mrs. Henry Mauzy. who has been
enjoying a visit at Kearney with her
daughter, Mrs. T. J. Todd and fair.
ily, and also on the Pacific coast, re
turned Lome this morning. Mrs.
Mauzy had accompanied her daugh
ter. Miss Marion, to California,
where she entered the Standford
university. $
Paul C. Morgan of Hay Springs,
Nebraska, arrived last evening io
enjoy a visit here with his mother.
Mrs. Frank J. Morgan and to join
his family, who have been here for
the past few weeks visiting with the
relatives and friends. Mr. Morgan
has just resigned as postmaster at
Hay Springs and is enjoying a well
earned rest and vacation.
Mrs. J. O. Anderson and little son,
of Trenton, Nebraska, who have been
In the city visiting at the home of
Mrs.-- Adamson's .grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. II. Rodecker, departed
this morning for their home. They
were accompanied back to Trenton
by Mrs. Rodecker, who will visit at
the home of her daughter and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Gibson, at
From Tuesday's Daltv.
Late yesterday afternoon at the
court house occurred the marriage
of Mr. Robert L. Carnicle of South
Rend and Miss Ida Fidler of Cam
bridge, Nebraska. The ceremony
that made these two young people
as one was performed by Judge A.
J. Beeson in his usual pleasing
manner and tie tieing of the nuptial
knot was witnessed by County At
torney Cole ond Hans Seivers. cus
todian of the court house. The
groom is employed in this city at
present being a steam crane operator
for the Burlington.
From Tuesday's Dailv.
Today was a busy time in the
court of Judge Allen J. Beeson as
the judge was busily engaged in
settling up a number of estates that
were pending before the court. The
estates of Antonie Setens. J. Her
man stroemer and Morns casnner
all located near Alvo, were closed
up and unai decree entered as wen
as in the estate of Dan Kamm, de
ceased. In the hearing of the peti
tion of Mrs. Martha J. Petersen for
appointment as executrix of the
estate of her husband. John C
Petersen, deceased, the prayer of
petitioner was granted and order of
appointment made by the court.
Talk about adventures I
Men in the Navy come
home with the kind of
experiences that most
chaps read of only in the
Here's your chance!
Uncle Sam has, as you know,
Q big Navy and gives red
blooded young fellows like you
an opportunity to tiep aboard
and "shove off".
What will you get out of it?
Just this:
A chance to rub elbows with
foreign folks in strange parts of
the world.
The chance for good honest
work on shipboard the kind of
work that teaches you something
real; the kind of work that puts
beef on your shoulders and hair
on your chest.
You will get 30 care-free vaca
tion days a year, not counting
shore leave in home or foreign
You will have the kind of com
radeship in travel that sailors
You will have regular pay;
over and above your meals, lodg
ing and your first uniform outiit
good stuff all of it.
You can jin for two years.
When you get through you'll be
physically and mentally "tuned
up" for the rest of your life.
You'll be ready through and
through for SUCCESS.
There's a Recruiting Station
right near you. If you don't
know where it is, your Post
master will be glad, to tell you.
To any Father and Mother:
In thm Navy your boy', tQOd, health, wor and plar and
Shove off ! -Join the
"5 u
land they have secured. Mr. Egen
berger has a new office in the Hotel
Wanger block open and ready for
business and is right on the job in
handling the two lines of business
he has engaged in. real estate and
insurance. Mr. Egenberger is ex
pecting to make a number of im
provements in his office rooms by
adding a private office to his pres
ent office capacity. Anyone who has
business in either the real estate or
insurance lines can find Fred ready
to look after their interests at any
From Tuesday's Dally.
A verv pleasant gathering of
little folks occurred on Saturday
afternoon at the Pickard heme in
the north part of the city when little
Miss Velma Pickard entertained a
few of her little friends in honor of
her eighth birthday anniversary
The afternoon was one of rare en
joyment and the young people spent
the time delightfully in playing
games of childhood and having much
merriment at the various amuse
ments. At a suitable hour the
children were invited to the dining
room where dainty refreshments had
been arranged for them and the
large pink and white birthday cake
with its glowing eight candb?s made
a very pleasant appearame auu n
is needless to say that this was
mych enjoyed by the guests. Mrs.
Minnie Pickard assisted by Mrs. T.
T. Fry served and assisted in ine
entertaining of the little folks.
Those who were present were: Edith
and Celia Janda. Edith and Vir
ginia Galloway, Mary Specht, Buster
Mumm, Arthur Morlan and Lulu
Benschoter. At a late hour in me
afternoon the guests departed wish
ing their little playmate many more
such happy gatherings and leaving
with ii.r manv handsome gifts as
Wall Pa per,, Paints, Glass, Picture
Framing. Frank Gobelman.
From Monday's Dailv.
Will Lohnes, of Cedar Creek, was
a visitor in the city Saturday, driv
ing In to look after some business
matters at the court house.
R. O. Cole of Long Beach, Cali
fornia, is enjoying a visit for a short
time with his relatives and friends
In this portion of the county.
Miss Fern Gansemer returned this
morning to her school duties at.Oma-j rernemDerance3 Qf the occasion
ha after an over Sunday visit with
her parents in the Murray neighbor
hood. Ed S. Tutt, the Murray merchant,
and Gus Splitt motored up from
Murray Saturday and spent a few
hours here looking after some busi
ness affairs.
Harry Hinton, wife and children,
of 'near Louisville, were in the city
Saturday, coming in to look after a,
few matters of business and to visit J town of Oshkbsh. to Andrew O.
the Darents of Mrs. Hinton, Mr. and ; Moore and August W. Cloidt of this
ItllB. IV ill istivc;!.
From Tuesday's DaMy.
Fred G. Egenberger. the real
estate and insurance dealer has just
returned from a trip out in the
western portion of the state where
he has some land interests and has
just disposed of 220 acres of fine
land in Garden county, near the
J city, who are well pleased with the
"The Recreation of Brian Kent
the new book by Harold Bell
Wright, has just been published, and
you will find It on sale at the Jour
nal office, for the regular price of
$1.50. Get one now.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The many friends of City Attor
ney J. E. Douglass will be pleased
to learn that this gentleman is im-.
proving from his recent illness and
is now able to be up and around al
though he has not been able to re
sume his duties at the office as yet.
The judge' has been quite ill and it
is a pleasure to learn that he is do
ing so n,icely.
All the news when It Is
nal. 15c per week delivered.
From Tuesday's Dally.
This morning at the St. Joseph
hospital in Omaha Virgil Urish of
Murray was operated upon for a
very severe case of gall bladder and
from which he has been suffering
for some time. The operation was
quite successful and the patient is
apparently rallying nicely from the
effects of the operation.
Lioose anything?
want ad.
Try a Journal
Cass County Farm for Sale!
located Vi miles west of Plattsmouth and consisting
of 1 80 acres, with 135 acres in cultivation, 8 acres in
alfalfa and 37 acres in pasture, orchard, garden and
house lots.
Good well and windmill at house and running
water in pasture which never fails in the dryest weather.
Good 6 room 1 Vi story house.
Good barn 32x40 with 20 ton hay loft.
Good hay barn 22x50 with 50 ton capacity and
cattle shed full length of hay barn.
New granary, 16x24; wash house, 10x24; tool
house, 10x10; good chicken house, machinery sheds
and other outbuildings.
This land is priced right and will sell soon. All
land adjoining on east, west and south priced at $350
per acre and up. .
This farm is located in a neighborhood where land
sells when put on the market at the drop of the hat,
and at. the price we are able to sell this farm for it
will be to the interest of anyone thinking of buying to
see me at once, as it will not be on the market long at
this price.
Possession to be Given March 1st, 1920
Price $280.00 Per Acre
Phone No. 1 -:- -:- Plattsmouth, Neb.