The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 16, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1919.
XZbz plattsmouth journal
Entered at Pontofflce. Plattsmouth. Neb., u second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
last thing the country can risk at '-dissension. It seems as if the Lord
Have you fired up the furnace?
. :o:
Well, the cold weather is welcome
it will kill off the fiies.
:o: t-
Iteal estate values in Plattsmouth
are on the rise. And the end is far
from being at hand.
The people have put up with all
the other luxury taxes very patiently
why not a bachcor tax and a di
vorce tax?
The plant of the L.. C. Sharp Mfs.
Co. is about the busiest place in
town. A shortage of help keeps
work piled up ahead of them all the
The big publishing houses of the
east are preparing to bring their
plants west and make the center of
the publishing interests of the na
tion at Chicago.
The national industrial confer
ence at Washington gives hope to
the people of the country of a set
tlement of many of the difficulties
which are now facing the country.
Winter weather means that the
base burner and furnaces will be
started and many Plattsmouth house-
s ives are looking forward to a busy
season hauling ashes and starting
A Columbus. O.. minister i-ays
"hell has become an almost obso
lete word in the vocabulary of the
average minister of the gospel. The
war is really over, then, and the
profiteers are demobilized?
Plattsmouth has need for ilfly or
more modern cottages. A local con
tracting firm is building four, and
every day they receive innumerable
inquiries from prospective buyers
three of them, already being sold.
:o: .
The sentiment for the retention
of the railroads by the government
seems to be gaining strength even
in the most conservative sections of
the country. It certainly would be
approved by the railroad employes.
King Albert of Belgium has
sliown himself a "regular fellow"
on his visit to our country and the
admiration of the American people
for the heroic king has grown even
greater than it was prior to his
The average citizen would be far
more satisfied if Ihe republican sen
ators would waste less time in try
ing to create presidential booms out
of the opposition to the League of
Nations and devote more time to
legislation to reduce the cost of the
necessities of life.
' The American public has no pym
pathy with censorship of the press.
The right of expression of thought
is one oi the foundations of our
liberties. The censorship of the war
"news kept information from only
the folks at home the enemy were
wise to every movement made.
Public Service Corporation
Can be had in amounts of
Investment Securities
First National Bank BId'g,
Omaha, Neb. .
Poison gas will rid your barn of
rats and mice. So will fire.
Only one more installment on
your income tax this year, and then
you begin on another year.
The big republicans of the nation
are lining up for the treaty and the
League of Nations. Wonder how this
strikes Senator Johnson?
A rich man may not have much
of a chance to get into the kingdom
of heaven, but he is able to- buy a
pair of shoes every two or three
:o: -
The divine righters haven't total
ly disappeared. An attorney for the
packers recently declared in Wash
ington that the rich man is "God
Almighty's representative on earth."
A lot of old fashioned democrats
are wishing the president would
hurry up and create a cabinet posi
tion or a foreign diplomatic post for
ex-Senator James Hamilton Lewis.
The new Polish postage stamp
covers almost twice as much space
on the envelope as our stamps do,
owing to the fact that they bear a
nj-ofUe of Premier Paderewski, with
all his hair.
It took fifty-one moving vans to.
transfer the kaiser and his house
hold to his new residence. If all
the brave talk of a year ago had
been made good, one hearse would
have been plenty.
this time.
Some newspapers would have pub
lished false and sensational reports
from Gary, no doubt. But even were
all the newspapers sensationally ly
ing, their lies would do no more
harm than the wild rumors which
will be generated in the darkness of
the Gary censorship.
There ought to be a way to check
irresponsible newspaper reporting
A resort to the medieval darkness of
no free news at all is not the way. It
makes a bad matter worse. General
Wood, a professional soldier, has
dealt with the problem in the accus
tomed military way. But this isn't
a military country. Secretary Baker
at least should realize the peril in
what has been done. State Journal.
General Wood went from Omaha,
where he held sensational and mal
icious journalism largely responsible
for a murderous mob. into the strike
field at Gary. Indiana. Doubtless he
found irresponsible news reporting
going on there, also. These experi
ences presumably account for hU
unprecedented action, an act of
doubtful constitutionality, in set
ting up a press censorship in the
Gary district.
A tree is' known by its fruits.
Leave out, for a moment, all abstract
questions of constitutional liberties,
of fundamental human rights, of
American tradition. Consider them
as dead. Then judge this act by
its probable practical consequences.
No news can come oftt of Gary
now save what the military authori
ties give out. That means, no one
knows what is going on at Gary.
Maybe the military authorities give
out all the truth, maybe part of the
truth, maybe absolute lies. There
were all these grades under the mil
itary censorship in Europe. The pub
lic can only guess as to which they
get from Gary.
The result? Every manner of talc
will get afloat and will be believed.
Djdn't we have them in war, one dis
turbing nightmare after another?
And since only the censor could tell
and no ono knew whether he was
allowed to tell the truth or not, there
was no way to check these tales.
Books are now being written devot
ed to the correction of the flocks of
wild fables generated under the
war censorship.
General Wood drops the curtain
upon a strike at Gary. America con
tains an element bent upon generat
ing disrespect for law an abhor
rence of government. This censor
ship gives this element its chance.
They can and will spread tales of
slaughter and of oppression at Gary
and there will be no way of proving
the tales false. Secrecy is the pro
tector of lies. Mystery is the source
of superstition. The dropping oi the
veil at Gary will increase the coun
try'a unrest. All experience In such
matters proves as much. That is the
It might be considered that a
rural district stretching over into
the borders of two or three adjoin
ing counties, with farm houses far
apart and their occupants people .f
fourteen different religious denom
nations, might offer a fairly good
excuse for abandoning divine wor
ship in public.
'One such district, however, has
settled the matter by starting a
community church, which has been
r. teting at the most centrally locate
cd school house. The creed of the
church is simple: "In essentials.
Unity; In non-oesntials. Liberty
In diversity. Charity; la all things
Mirist first." Not a bad creed for
every-day living! The pastor is v.
The church has been in successful
and harmonious operation for two
years, and its membership has
grown to such dimensions that the
congregation now plans a church
edifice. The community idea is to
be extended to the general work and
play of thp church. There are to
be play grounds, gymnasium and
tennis courts as part of the equip
ment. To help finance the building the
woman of the church chose a loca
tion on one of the main traveled
automobile roads, and at a stand
well back under the big oak trees,
they' sold home-made pies, cakes and
cookies, sandwiches of home-made:
bread, and sweet country butter.
Many autoists who stopped for
luncheon became steady customers.
ordering goodies regularly to their
homes. The men operating the big
trucks which ply between the citie
are regular and profitable patrons.
The whole thing sounds whole-
fome, neighborly and sensible. Here
Is an oftMs of unity In a world of
Immuncd Registered
Duroc- Jersey
himself might enjoy prospering a
project so free from jealous preju
dice and full of simple Christian
ity. :o:
Finish every day and be done
wit it. You have done what you
could, some blunders and absurdi
ties no doubt crept in; forget them
as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a
new day; you shall begin it well
and serenely and with too high a
spirit to be cumbered with your old
nonsense: Emerson.
The Japanese beetle seems never
to have been included in the gentle
men's agreement between the Unit
ed States and Japan. Great num
bers of this pest have come into the
country in the earth around iris
roots. A colony of these grubs
settled in this country and then
proceeded to multiply and spread
The Japanese beetle ' is an im
rartial creature and practices Its
deadly jiujitsu on fruit trees, grape
vines, a large variety of vegetables,
ornamental plants, weeds and sweet
corn. It likes to use the ears of
sweet corn as its private Pullman
car and beats its way from its orig
inal stamping ground tc new locali
ties by this means.
Naturallly the department of ag
riculture does not intend to let this
state of things continue. All the
farm produce shipped from the in
fested region is now thoroughly in
spected for this pest before it is al
lowed to pass.. A belt of poisoned
foliage has been established around
this area. too. Roadside weeds
which harbor the beetle are being
cleaned out, soil in which the
grubs are suspected of lurking is
treated with sodium cyanide in so
lution. Also the simple old method
of handpicking and destroying is
employed in the anti-beetle war
fare. If farmers and agricultural
workers continue to co-operate in
this thorough way they will not
only check the Japanese beetle but
rout it entirely, to the great bene
fit of farm produce and producers
1 .o.
xotici: to riircniTons
The State or Nebraska, Cass touu
ty, se.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Henry
Elkenbary. deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth. in said county, on the 11th day
of November. A. 1. 1919 and on the
U'th day of February. A. I. 1920. at
ten o'clock a. m.. of each day, to re
ceive and examine all claims against
said estate, with a view to their ad-
Iustment and allowance. The time lim
ited for the presentation of claims
airainst said estate is three months
from the 11th day of November, A. .
1919. and the time limited for payment
of debts Is one year from said 11th
dav of November. 1919.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 11th day of
October, 1919.
ALLKN .1. BEKSON. -County
(Seal) oH-lw. Clerk.
citm-:i: : m:Hixti
Duty whispers while pleasure
uses a megaphone.
No decent bookworm would eat
the recent novels.
Incidenal expenses arc higher
than living.
The world improves in spite of
liars and thieves. .
Thcfte is no idiocy to compare
with egotism.
It is well that the world laughs
while it waits.
Our Pacific neighbors are not
overly pacific.
Don't lie to your wife- she'll
catch you at it.
Wooden heads swell up every
rainy season.
Lacking astronomical kodaks and
typewriters many can't believe.
There are oo many committees
raising funds.
A number of good fall
and spring pigs. The
pigs are sired by Path
finder and Cold Medcl,
and contain the best
strains known to this
popular breed of hogs.
Philip Sciiefer
Address by Mail Hehawka,
or Phone V.W. Ex. 2031
Influenza epidemics are a biennial
evil. The epidemic of 1890 was
followed by a milder form of 1891.
The return of the "flu" seems there
fore unavoidable this fall and wint
er. In many places certain intestinal
maladies were observed as precur
sors, of the "flu". That shows the
importance of such a reliable remedy
as every family has in Triner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine.
This remedy acts remarkably in all
intestinal disorders. It cleans- out
the intestines and keeps them clean.
It stimulates the bowels to normal
funqtion and invigorates the di
gestive system. In case of fever and
during convalescence Triner's An
gelica Bitter Tonic is highly rcconi
mendable. Rev. Shocek from Jarell,
Tex., wrote us last spring that
Triner's Angelica Bitter Tonic help
ed him wonderfully in his conva
lescence from a very bad attack. of
influenza. Oct both those Triner's
remedies at your drug store at
once! Joseph Triner Company.
1333-43 S. Ashland Ave.. Chicago.
(Copyright, 1919. by Jos. Triner Co.)
on IVlKion for oiutniiit
of Alminltrntrlx.
The State of Nebraska, Cass c-CHin-
t y. ss :
In the County Court.
In the matter of the Kstate of Hen
rv ICnufmunn. Deceased.
"()n reading and filing the petition of
M:isririe Kaufmann nraylntf tliat ai
ministration of said estate may
granted to Muygie Kaufmann as
ordered. TlLat October 20th A.
1919, t 10 o'clock a. in., is assigned
for hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter may
appear Ft a County Court to be held
in ami for said county, and show cause
whv the prayer of petitioner should
not be granted: and that notice of the
pendency of said petition ana me Hear
ing thereof be Riven to all persons in
terested in said matter, by publishing
a copy of this order in the I'latts
mimili Journal, a semi-weekly, news
paper printed in said county lor three
successive weeks prior 10 saiu uuy ui
Hated September 20, 1919.
Countv JudKe.
s29-3w. Clerk.
The Slate of Nebraska. Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Joscp
Koubek, Deceased:
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in I'latts
montli irr said county, on the &th day
of November A. I). 191'J and on the
10th day of February A. I. 19J0, at
ten o'clock in the forenoon of eacli day
to receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
lime limited for the presentation of
claims atainst said estate is three
months from trie !th day of November
A. I. lSl'J. and the time limited for
i.avment of debts is one year from
said Mil day of November A. L. 1H1U.
Witness my hand and the seal oi
said Countv Court this -4 1 li d.ay of Oc
tober A. I). 191!. .
ALLbN J. litest J.-N.
(Seal) Ofl-tw. County Judge.
in tiii: corvrv cdibt.
Ihe State of Nebraska. Cass County,
In the matter of the estate of Oney
Isa belie carper, jieceaseo.
On reading and filing the petition
of William II. l'orter, prayinjr that
administration of said estate ma ie
granted to him as Administrator.
Ordered. Tliat October 21st. A. !.
191'J. at 10 o'clock A. M.. is assigned
for hearing said petition, wnen an
persons: interested in said matter may
appear ai a limuio umi
in and for said County, and show
cause whv the prayer oi peiinoio-i
should not be jrranted: and that not
ice of the pendency of said petition
and the hearing thereof be Kiven io
11 persons interested in sum mum-i
hv publishing a copy of this order in
the Plattsmouth Journal. a semi
weeklv newspaper printed in said
ftr tltree successive Weeks
nrioi- to said day of hearinir.
Dated -'1 BKKSON.
County .indue.
By Florence AVhite., Clerk.
Bridge Bond Question.
Notice is hereby given that a
Special Election will be held in the
t'ounty of Cass, Nebraska, at the
regular voting places in said coun
ty on the 4th day of November A. 1.
1919, between the hours of eight
(8:00) o'clock in the morning and six
(6:00) o'clock in the afternoon of
the same day, at which time and
place there will be submitted to the
qualified electors of said County of
Cass. Nebraska, for adoption or re
jection the following proposition to
be voted upon, to-wit:
"Shall the Board of County Com
missioners of the County of Cass,
Nebraska, be authorized to issue
coupon bonds to be known as Bridge
Bonds of said county in an amount
not exceeding $100,000.00. said
bonds to be payable to bearer and
to become due in five years from
date, but payable at any time after
i.-o from date at the option
of said county and bearing interest
at a rate not to exceed six per cent
(6) per annum, payaDie annuaii.
said boncrs to be dated on date of
"And, shall the County Board of
Equalization' of the County of Cass,
Nebraska, annually levy the neces
sary tax upon all the taxable prop
erty of said county in addition to all
other taxes to pay the. interest on
said Bridge Bonds as the same may
become due and levy a tax to pro
vide an amount sufficient to pay the
principal of said bonds as they may
become duo and payable, for the pur
pose of constructing bridges in the
public highways of said county?
Dated this 16th day of September
A.. D. 1919- , ,
By order of the County Board of
County Commissioners of the County
of Cass, Nebraska.
Chairman of the County Board or
County Commissioners.
s25-4wdaw. County Cierk.
Use Your High
Priced Land!
With farm lands selling at three hundred dollars
per acre and wheat bringing $2.07, and corn following
closely, why have some of this valuable domain loafing
and not producing anything? With trees and stumps
covering the ground which could a3 well as not be uti
lized for crops, Mr. Farmer, you are losing money. I
can remove these obstacles in the way of a good profit
to you cheaply. Call or write
Weeping Water -:- -:- . Nebraska
.MnnHceiiiriif. Circulnt lnu, Kfc, lte
iiirel l Ihe Act of liia
K re of Auk -. litl-'.
uilishel ilaily t I'la t tsmou t h, Nehr.,
for Octoher 1. l&l'.t.
A Hates, of
A. Hates, of
State of Xehraka, County of Cass,
s.s :
lit fore me. a. Xotary I'lihlic. In anl
for the Mate am) county HforcsHhl,
personally appeared II. A. Bates, who,
havinu: been duly sworn according to
law, and says that he js tlie
publisher of the I'lattsmouth Journal,
and tliat the following is. to the best
of his knowledge and belief, a true
statement of the ownership, manage
ment (and if a daily paper, the circu
lation), etc., of the aforesaid publica
tion for the date shown in the above
caption, required by the Act of Auvust
"I. 1H1-. embodied in Section 41::, Pos
tal Laws and Keirulations, printed on
the reverse of this form, to-wit:
1 That the names and addresses of
the publisher, editor, managing editor
and business managers are:
Publisher J J. A. Bates, Plattsmouth,
Kditor M. A. Bates
-' Manas; intr I-Mitor 11.
I'lattsmouth. Nebraska.
Business llanairer 11.
I'lattsmouth, Nebraska.
2 That the owners are OSive names
and addresses of individual owners or.
if a corporation. rive its name and tie
names and addresses of stockholders
owning or holding 1 per cent or more
of the total amount of stock :
Sole Owner B. A. Bates, Platts
mouth. Nebraska.
3 That the known bondholders.
morttasees, and other security hold
ers owning or holding 1 per cent or
more of total amount of bonds, mort-
pascs, or other securities are: (If
there are none, so state)
There are none.
4 Tliat the two paragraphs next
above, Kivinf?- the names of the ow
ners, stockholders, and security hold
ers, if any. contain not only the list
of stockholders and security holders as
they appear upon the books or t!ie
company, but also, in cases where the
stockholder or security holder appears
upon the books of the company as a
trustee or in any other fiduciary gela
tion, the name of the person or c rpo-
ration for whom such trustee is act-
sr. is piven; also that the said two
paragraphs contain statements em -
bracini; affiant s full knowledge ami
belief to tin- circumstances and on
ditiotis under which stockholders and
security holders who ilo not -tippea r
upon the books of the company ;i s
trustees, hold stock ami securities iu
a capacity other than 1-iat of a l.onj.
fide owner: and that tl is all'iant has
no reason to believe that any otl-r
person, iissoi iation, or corporation has
any intcrtst. direct or indirect in said
stock, bond.-, or other K-curitics than
as stated by him.
." That the average number of cop
ies of each issue of this publication
sold or distributed, ilinniuli tie- mails
or otherwise, to paid subscribers dur
iriiT the si-: months preceding the dat;
shown above is i p. (This information
rc'iuircd for daily publications only).
(Signed )
K. A. !.Ti:S.
I'll hi islier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me.
this l::th dav of October, ::.
TIKbMA.S ". I.I.I X' I.
( Seal I N itary Public.
My commission expires March "1, Pj.'j.
Miiit i: to c Ki:m iu
TI.e State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estal.
Adolph Wesch. deceased.
To the creditors t'X sa.d estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in I'latts
i.v;:i!:. i i iid county, on the lot!, day
of November, .. I . 1!H'.I and on the
11th day of February. A. I'. l-'-K at
ten o'clock n. m., of each day, to re
ceive and examine ail claims av.ain-t.
said estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The tune lim
ited for the presentation of claim-i
atrainst said state- is three niontls
from the PUh day of November. .A. 1 .
and the time limited for pavmei t
of debt-; is one ear fiom said loll,
dav of November, mm.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said Countv Court, this 7tli day o
October, mm.
Count v Judi;e.
(Seal) oi:;-tw. Clerk.
Consistent advertising Is the kind
that reaches the public'every day In
the year. The off-again, on-again,
Finnigan kind usually doesn't fttt
very far.
Journal want ads pay.
To TJavmond U. Morse, non-resident.
Warl" Jieroby not Mod that on the
"isr d-fv 'f Vav. 1910. Margaret J.
Mse'fi.ed'a peti.ion uKainst J"
the District Court of Cass C .mini '-V
hraska. the object ond P vet- of
is to obtain u divorce tro m j o mi the
itround of extreme cruelty
k'ilure to provide any huppi t r t
nliiintifT for more than ix 'V'.
n for to the date of tiling said peti
'om although amp.v We to do so
you are required to ans.jtr
petition on or before the 3nl dd oi
November. &GAI;EX j. MORSE
22-iwks. Plaintiff.
Duroc-Jersey Boars
for Sale!
A number of extra fine Duroc-Jersey
Boars for sale, sired by Crimson Model,
22d; Disturber of Sterling, Jack Oriofi,
2nd, and Jacks King Orion, 3d. These
hogs will weigh from 150 to 300 pounds
each, owing to the age. I have a great
number of fine individuals to select from
and if you want the very best I beiievc
that I can please you. I will hold no fall
sale this year.
Cedar Creek, Nebraska
Phone Weeping Water Exchange No. 2812.
I This
the PI
If you don't see what you want ask for it, as
we have it!
General Merchandise, Boots and Shoes, King & Mam
ilton Grain Dumps; Ottowa all steel Corn Shellers;
Moline, 1. H.C.and Cleveland Tractors; Birdsell Wag-
Hoozier Wagon Boxes; uoodrich ana uooayear
anrl Tube: Auto Accessories; Champion and
Tungsten Spark Plugs; White-Lily Electric, Gas Power
and Hand Washing Machines; Puritan Flour and Feed;
L'ee Unionalls. Highest market price paid for coun
try produce.