The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 16, 1919, Image 1

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    Nebraska State Histori
cal Socisry
vol. xxx vn.
While in the Throes of an Epileptic
Fit Body Recovered More
Than an Hour Latex.
From Monday's Pally. f
The old Missouri river, the scene
of countless tragedies aud deaths. I
has added another victim to the i
list of those 'w ho have perished in
its cold and relentless grasp, in the
person of George Hobson, a well
known young man of this conimuu
The drowning occurred shortly af
ter ii o'clock last evening, when the
young man fell from the ferry boat
on which he was crossing the river.
and in a second's time had disap
peared beneath the waters of the
stream and did not again reappear
until several hours afterward. Air.
Hobson had been spending the af
ternoon along the river banks near
the Burlington bridge and when the
ferry operated by John Richardson,
started across to the Iowa Bide of the
river he came on board the boat and
seated himself on the apron on the
rear of the ferry boat.
The owner of the boat and the
passengers were not aware of any
thing being the matter with the un
fortunate young man until -one of tLe
ladies sitting a short distance from
Mr. Hobson saw him suddenly fall
from the boat into the river and he
was instantly lost to sight. . The
alarm was given and Mr. Richardson,
the owner of the ferry threw a plank
over the side of the ferry near where
the hat of the unfortunate man could
be seen floating and Claude Richard
son also put out in a skiff, hoping
to catch some sight of the body of
the young man and effect his rescue,
but the body failed to come to the
Furface and as the accident occurred
in the middle of the river where the
current is the swiftest it was only a
question of a few minutes until the
body would be swept away.
Sheriff C. I). Quinton was notified
and at once hastened to the scene,
w here the rescuers had been attempt
ing to try and find some trace of
the body, but without success and
it was necessary to abandon the ef
forts at that time, leaving the murky
waters of the treacherous stream
with another victim added to the
long story of deaths caused by the
The father of the drowned man,
J. "V. Hobson. with one of the broth
ers, came to the river some time af
ter the accident and after the search
ers had abandoned the effort to se
cure the body. Securing grappling
irons from Mr. Richardson at the
ferry. Mr. Hobson and son, proceed
ed out in a skiff and after a long
and tiresome search with the grap
pling irons in the waters of the
stream, succeeded in bringing the
body to the surface and it was then
taken ashore, but as the body was
not found until 7:30, all traces of
life were extinct.
George Hobson was aged twenty
nine years and haB made his home in
Plattsmouth practically his entire
lifetime and was highly esteemed by
those who knew him best. For years
he has been affected with epileptic
f.ts and these have grown more fre
quent of late years and it was un
doubtedly the visitation of one of
these attacks that caused the young
man to fall from the ferry boat.
To mourn his death he leaves the
parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hobson,
four sisters and two brothers, Mrs.
Alfred Edgerton, Jr., Mrs. Lydia
Moore, Eva and Lillian Hobson and
Marion and Dewey Hobson.
To the bereaved parents and sis
ter3 and brothers the deepest sym
pathy of the community goes out in
this tragic ending of the life of the
son and brother.
Yon will find a nice line oT popu
lar copyright hooks at the Journal
From Saturday's DI)y.
Last evening Attorney D. O. Dwy-
er returned home from a week's visit
in the western portion of the state
and also in Colorado. Mr. Dwyer was
called to Sidney, Nebraska, where he
had a number of cases in the dis
trict court and while there had the
opportunity of looking over the city
and country surrounding it and is
of the opinion that that portion of
the state is advancing in great
strides with much building going
on and the land values constantly
increasing. The men who came out
there at an early day and purchased
land have grown rich on the in
creasing valuation.
Finishing his business at Sidney,
Mr. Dwyer took a trip down to Bur
lington, Colorado, where one of the
biggest land booms in the west is
taking place, and found the country
alive with visitors looking for oppor
tunity of securing land, and the en-
. tire country presenting the appear
ance of great prosperity and 'suc
By Man and Woman, who Secured
Passage to Omaha No Clue
as to the Owner.
From Monday's Dally
Yesterday afternoon Sheriff Quin
ton was called out to the Platte riv
er toll bridge by the information
that a Ford Sedan had been aban-j
doned near the bridge on Saturday j
and left standing there. From what '
could be learned of the case, it seems
tViot t Vi a o Viorl - (ntn o slit r Vi r r !
Saturday and been badly damaged.
an the passengers, a man and a
woman, after working with the car j
for a short time, had secured the ser- I
vices of a passing car and been tak-"
en to Omaha, where they desired to
be taken to one of the hotels near
the passenger depots.
Since that time no word has been
received of them ana the car was
brought back to this city by
The '
sheriff to await the claimants.
damage to the car was largely in
the bending of the "wishbone", and
if was with difficulty that the ma
chine was towed back into the city.
From Monday's Dally. j
On Saturday afternoon the jleas-
ant home of Mrs. C. H. Parmele on graves of the fallen Americans, who
Vine street was the scene of a most had served in the world war as fit
enjoyable gathering when the bos- ting monuments to the nation,
tess received a large number of the In regard to the use of the Eng
old friends and neighbors. lish language in the instruction of
The rooms of the home were taste-
fully arranged with floral decora-
tions, adding a pleasing touch to
the scene where the old friends met .
with this estimable lady.
Mrs. Parmele was assisted in re
ceiving and entertaining by her
daughter. Mrs. S. H. Ttwood. of Lib
erty, Missouri, her granddaughter.
Mrs. Reece Hastin, of Omaha, and
Mrs; J. N. Wise of Omaha.
During the afternoon light re
freshments were served by Mrs. Geo.
O. Dovey and Miss Mary Catherine.
Porn.oio .rroixrhtor nf Mr 1
S. ill V. A V- A 11 u A u u a u
Parmele, furnishing a most pleasing
ending of a delightful afternoon.
The accasion was very much en-
Joyed and the opportunity of spend
ing the few hours with the hostess
was one that the many friends will
long pleasurably remember.
From Monday's Datty.
Last evening W. E. Rosencrans
departed for Chase county in com- ,
pany with thirty-six land seekers to ,
whom he will show the splendid
farming lands of Chase county. The
trip, was made in a private Pullman
rnr which is. nlaced..entirelv at the i
riisnnsal of the landseekers and
which will be sidetracked at Imper- I
ial and be the home of the nartv
while looking over the lands nearjTefft. of Weeping Water. The corn
that city. The members of the .mittee assigned to the work with the
party are looking forward to a most
inioroctin? trin tnvtiriiirr . th'Mrs. William Baird of this city. To
lands of the western portion of the
Three full blooded brown turkey
gobblers for sale. George A. Shrad
er, Nehawka, Neb. 13-4tw
Having Been Held in Omaha Friday
and Saturday Goes on Record
for Military Training.
Fro:n Morday'i Daily.
At the state convention of the
American Legion held in Omaha on
Friday and Saturday, Aubrey Dux
bury, one of the delegates from the
Hugh Karnes post of this city was
selected as a delegate to the nation
al convention of the order to be held
at Minneapolis in November, being
one of the representatives from the
! First congressional district.
The convention also selected their
officers for the ensuing year. Earl M.
Cline, of Nebraska City, being elect
ed president; F. C. Warner, of Nor
folk, vice-president and Frank Per
kins, of Fremont, treasurer. The sec
retary will be named later by Presi
dent Cline.
The convention refused to endorse
speeches made by Governor JlcKel vie
on the ground that they were large
ly devoted to a defense of his code
bill and also refused endorsement to
the remarks of John G. Maher. retir
ing president, owing to his referenc
es to the "narrowness" of the West
Point military system.
The committee on resolutions had
versa! military training, which were
accepted by the convention after the
resolution was amended so as to takfc
: the. control of the training from the
Resolutions were also passed ask
ing for the deporting of aliens who
had offered non-citizenship as a
ground of exemption and also favor
ed an investigation of the alleged
'conscientious objectors, regarding
their release, pardon and honorable
discharge from the army.
1 t-i 1...: .1 i . i . -:
"ujuwuus were passeu pieu;uiK
the organization to maintain the
the children of the nation, the con-
vention was unanimous in passing
the resolution.
Chairman James M. Robertson Se
lects Roosevelt Memorial Rep
resentaives Yesterday.
From Saturday s Dally.
' Chairman James M. Robertson, of
the Roosevelt Memorial association,
has completed the plans for the car
rying out of raising the funds de-
1 sired for the purpose of filling the
quota assigned to Cass county and
which will go toward the 'erection
of a monument to the late president
at Washington and also for the pur
chase of the Roosevelt home at Oy
ster Bay, New York.
The amount assigned to Cass coun
ty is quite small, $1,438, and it is
expected that as soon as the precinct
leaders have their campaign inau
gurated the amount will be secured
in a few days. The committee on
I speakers selected by Mr. Robertson
(Consists of C. A
Rawls, chairman;
District Judge J. T. Begley. J. P
'Falter, Hon. R. B. Windham, C. E.
Indies of the county is headed by
carry out the work in the schools
Miss Alpha Peterson has been nam
ed as chairman, while to organize
the Boy Scouts Rev. A. V. Hunter
has been selected. The various pre
cinct chairmen selected are as fol
Tipton, Ed Carr, Eagle; Green
wood, Mrs. Dale Uoyles, Alvo; Salt
Creek, John Me.Tord. Greenwood;
Stove Creek. L. A. Tyson. Elm wood;
Elm wood, Harry McDonald, Mur
dock; South Bend, John Campbell;
Weeping Water, Edward Dowler, of
Weeping Water; Center. Curl M.
Day, Weeping Water; Louisville, C.
E. Wood, Louisville; Avoca, Elme
Hallstrcm, Avoca; Mr. Pleasant. Wil
son Gilmore. NeJiawka; Eight Mile
Grove. Paul Roberts, Cedar Creek
Nehawka. J. M. Palri:er, Nehawka
Liberty, F. H. McCarthy. Union
East Rock Bluffs. George Ray, Mur
ray; West Rock BluITs, Glen Boedek-
er, Murray; Plattsmouth, A. A. Wet-
enkauip; Plattsmouth City, 1st ward
W. F. Gillispie; 2nd ward, F. F. But
tery; 3rd ward. Oiver Hudson; 4th
ward. George L. Farley; 5th ward,
James B. Higley; Weeping Water
City, Clark Newlon.
Miss Bernese Newell has been des
ignated by Chairman Robertson as
the treasurer of the Cass county cam
paign committer:.-.
Instead of "High-Brow" Foreign
Language which None Can
Readily Understand.
From Monday's Daifi-.
The appearrnei -of ..he paviejs
light opera company in this city on
Tuesday, October 2Sth, us the open
ing number of the lyceum course,
under the auspices of the high
school glee club and the commercial
club gives promise of being one of
the most njoyab!e high class mus
ical attractions that has appeared
in the city for many seasons. This
company numbers some of the best
of the grand opera stars and their
artistic rendition of the various se
lections have won warm approval
from audiences in the cities where
they have appeared. This company
presents the operas in English which
has made them more popular and en
joyable to the amusement loving
public of the nation. Mr. Davies.
the head of the opera company is a
staunch believer in the English
spoken opera. In speaking or his
efforts in the line of presenting the
operas in the language of the coun
trv in which they are given Mr.
Davies says "I think all musical
critics and observing people will be
ready to admit that the presentation
of the opera in English has improv
ed the musical taste and Love of
good music to a remarkable degree
in this country."
A few years ago the public
thought of the opera as an exclusive
form of enjoyment for the rich
only, but with the production of the
opera in English it has been placed
within the reach of all the music
lovers of the nation.
Associated with Mr. Davies are
eight artists who present extracts
from such operas as "Olivette,"
"Pygmallion and Galatea." "Mas
cot" and "The Mikado." The . ex
tremely low price for the seats for
the season enables anyone to have
the opportunity of not only enjoying
this one excellent company but al
so the entire season program.
From Monday's Dailv.
The society department of the
Omaha Bee of yesterday contained
a very interesting item of the de
parture of Miss Pauline Richey of
that city for St. Louis where she is
to attend the Lennox Hall school
for young ladles during the coming
winer. Miss Richey is a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Richey. form,
erly of Louisville and a niece of E
J. Richey, Mrs. Fannie Dickson and
Miss Mae Richey of this city. The
young lady is a graduate of the
Central high school of Omaha,
where she was one of the most pop
ular ladies in the graduating class
and has be-en very prominent in the
younger social set of Omaha.
Fancy stationery at this office.
Postmaster of Louisville Stops Rob
bers With Shot Gun and Forced
to Shoot Two ci the Party.
From Tuesday's Daily.
At an early hour this morning
the city of Louisville was again
visited by the gang of burglars
which has cperated there success
fully in the past but this time the
robbers came once too often and as
a result ot the rattle with tne citi
zens of that place two of the gang
are in the Clarkson hospital in.
Omaha suffering from serious gun
shot wounds.
The gang composed of three men
rt an early hour m the morning se
cured entrance to the general store
of F. H. Nichols and were in the
midst of packing away their booty
to make their getaway when dis
covered by William Stohlman. Jr.
Mr. Stohlman had been at-Murdoek
nd returning home at about 2:00
o'clock this morning started to go to
his room when he saw a light in the
Nichols store and glancing through
the front windows saw three men
in the interior of the store striking
matches and sorting over the goods.
He at once notified Mr. Nichols nnd
the central at the telephone
called a number of the busmen-
men who arming themselves with
shotguns hastened to the scene. A
posse was hastily organized by Mar
shal Charles Reihart and the store
building surrounded and Mr.. Rei-:
hart approaching from the rear of
the building called upon the men
to surrender. At the sound of the
marshall's voice the three men broke
the glass in the front door of the
store and made their exit into the
main street of the -town and pro
ceeded 1o take to flight, being fired
at by Mr. Nichols and Wm. Stohl
man. Two or the men James iving
and C. G. Thompson ran up the
street in the attempt to escape and
had only proceeded a 'short distance
when Postmaster Fred 11. O.ssenkop
appeared in fronj of them and call
ed up on the two men to stop and
on' the attempt of King to escape
bv running between two buildings
the postmaster fired i.t him with a
shotgun and wounded him in the
hip causing him to fall and be cap
tured and as Thompson started to
run Mr. ossenkop stopped nis pro
gress by a -shot which struck him
in the left ankle splintering it very
badly and stopping li is attempt to
get away. The third member of the
trio of robbers was a young lad
named Walter Miller of Chicago,
who states he is but seventeen years
of age.
The man King states that his
residence is Lafayette, Indiana, and
that be is an ex-soldier while
Thompson states that he is a form
er sailor but gave no home address.
to the authorities.
Sheriff Quinton was notified by
telephone of the robbery and started
at 2 o'clock for Louisville and on'
his arrival there took charge of the
three men. King and Thompson
were taken by the sheriff to the
Clarkson hospital in Omaha for
treatment as their wounds are quite
serious while the younger member
of the gang. Miller, has been lodged
in the jail at Louisville pending the
return of the sheriff to bring him to
Plattsmouth to be placed in the
county jail.
The three men are undoubtedly
the same gang that operated In the
robbery at the store of W. F. Diers
in Louisville on last Monday night
as the man King had on a pair of
shoes that Mr. Diers identifies as a
pair stolen from his store. At the
time of the robbery at the Diers
store the men left the empty Bhoe
boxes behind "them and it was
through the means of these boxes
that he owner was able to identify
the stolen shoes. The men were
also identified by Mrs. W. L.
Nickels and Smith Hines of Spring-
field, as being the men who were at
the Spring-field depot last Monday
morning and completes the connec
tion of the men with the former
The prompt action of the Louis
ville citizens is to be commended
and it will be rather unhealthy in
he future for any burglars to visit
our neighboring city where such
crack shots make their home.
From Saturday's Daily.
Mrs. 11. B. Marshall, of Lincoln,
who has been in the citv for a few
days visiting at the home of her sis
ter, Mrs'. H. R. Cole and family, has
been taken quite seriously sick and
it has been necessary to secure the
services of a trained nurse from Om
aha to take charge of the patient.
As Even Less than a Pint May Get
You in Ead State Prohibi
tion Officer is Here.
From Monday's Dally.
This morning in county court.
Charles Tilton received a fine of $ 100
and costs, amounting to $105.70, as
the result of a complaint filed against
him by Karl Schmidt, Jr., a special
agent of the state, who has been in
this city for some time looking over
cases of possession of liquor. The
offense as charged occurred on Sep
tember 28th. when the state agent
made the discovery, as he claims.
The amount of liquor consisted of
merely a very small amount, less
than a pint, but which was sufficient
for the state agent to make his com
plaint upon.
Another case of the possession of
the sparkling liquor 'was reported
J-wheu. .OSicer .Hpnry -Trout- took. iut;
custody Saturday evening George
Jacks, against whom a complaint as
to being in a state of intoxication
was filed. The defendant put up a
cash bond of $13 to cover the costs
in the case. The case has not as yet
come to trial in the court of Judge
M. Archer.
From Tuesday' Dally.
Last evening James R. Hunter,
wife and children arrived in the city
from their home at Casper, Wyom
ing, for a visit over night here with
their relatives and friends. Mr.
Hunter, who was formerly employed i
in the Burlington store department
in this city has become one of the
leading representatives of this sys
tem on the lines west and is now
located at Casper as division store
keeper and his advancement along
the ladder of success is certainly a
pleasure to the many friends in this
city. Mr. Hunter is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. James Hunter of this city.
Read the Journal for all the news.
Don't Speculate!
The present time is opportune for
good investments.
CJ To own a few saf s Bonds or Mort
gages is far preferable to the risks of
speculative stocks.
3 At times it is difficult to ascertain
the one from the other, but we are al
ways glad to place at the disposal of
our patrons the knowledge and exper
ience of our officers and directors.
Call any time during banking hours,
and we will explain the difference to
you and show you investments that are
safe, absolutely, and yield a good in
. terest return.
First National Bank
"The Bank Where You Feel at Home.
The Plattsmouth Water System Ee
ing Free of Germ Laden Wat
er Always Eas Been.
From Monday's Dally
For the past few days reports hnvo
been circulating oer the city in re
gard to the condition of tin water
supply of the city, applying to the
healthful conditio:! of the water, and
in a great many cases these reports
have apparently needlessly alarmed
users of the citv water.
The circumstances in the case a
far as can be learned are that .some
time ago Dr. R. P. Westover, city
physician, was requested to send
samples of the water from the drink
ing fountain at the Burlington sta
tion to the office of the surgeon gen
eral. This request was eompliel
with and last week a report was re
ceived in which the surgeon gem r
al's office stated that the water i'i,l
not come up to the requirements of
the interstate quarantine regulations
and in accordance with this report
the use of the drinking fountain v.u.3
At the time the samples of water
were-submitted the system of filters
in- use at the water plant pumping
Station 'were beinj changed iuid ibis
had caused a very unsettled condi
tion of the water which doubtless
caused the tenor of the report.
Since the time between the send
ing away of the samples about a
month ago and the present time, the
water has improved greatly and
now in excellent shape. The f.!(t
that no cases of disease have appear
ed in the city that might be caused
from the .use of the water without
boiling, it is evident that these re
ports as to the condition of the -water
are without foundation or fact.
This city has always been very fwr
tunate in having an excellent water
system und one that has been free
from all germ laden water and la
still in that condition.
Five acres of good well improved
land. Will carry $2,000. No reason
able offer refused. Joseph J. John
son. Phone 3525. ol3-lw daw-
Wall Paper, Paints. Glass. Tlcture
Framing. Frank Gobelman.