'page six PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, OCIOEEE 12. 1919. 9 Dote mm GOOD TIME TO REPAIR AND OIL YOUR HARNESS BEFORE CORN HUSKING! oped EDevaftoirs Complete Corn Elevator $275.00 DEATH OF AN OLD RESIDENT OF CASS CO. ADDISON C. BEACH ANSWERS CALL OF GRIM REAPER AT AGE OF ALMOST 85. Peter Schuettter, Newton and Charter Oak FARM WAGONS Also Extra Wagon Boxes and Shoveling Boards. Stoughton and I. H. C. Spreaders! ALL SIZES GASOLINE ENGINES I JOHN F. GORDER, AUTOMOBILES mzwzarnz mz nzmrm ma FARM IMPLEMENTS b: ::.B: ?:.m:wz B. i B:iB!iB:::rs3B:iBrr:flX I r nrw!i IN SERIOUS CONDITION. From Satunlav'si rally. This morning Mrs. William Gil mour departed for Superior. Nebras ka, in response to a message an nouncing the fact of the dangerous illness of her brother. Abram Town er at his home near that place. Mr. Towner is one of the pioneer resi dents of the state, having come to Cass county, in the territorial days and has since made his home in Nebraska. For many years he was a resident of this' county, later mov ing west to Superior, where he set tled on a farm and has since made his home there. Mr. Towner is well known to the older residents here who will learn with regret of his critical illness which at his advanc ed age makes recovery almost impossible. DROVE OVERLAND FROM OHIO To Weeping Water in 186G Home stead Sold in 1890 at $50 an , Acre Funeral Saturday We print anil butter. everything but money Let us serve you. Real Estate! Live Stock Insurance! Cass County Farms for Sale! 168 acres west of Plattsmoulh; $300 per acre 168 acres west of Plattsmouth: $100 per acre 286 acres west of Plattsmouth; $185 per acre 525 acres in Northwest Nebraska Also two houses on Vine street, between 4th and 6th Sireet, and 10 city lots in different parts of the city of Plattsmouth. 160 acres on Louisville road, price $400 per acre. 1 acre and house, south of Burlington shop?, fur $2200.00. Farmers Insure Your Hogs in Our Live Stock Insur- -Best and Safest! ance- F. G. EGEWBERGER, One door south of F. R. Gobelman's store on North Sixth Street, Hotel Wagner Block - Phone 108 Cass County Farm for Sale! THE FRANK STEPPAT 180-ACRE FARM located 3 J2 miles west of Plattsmouth and consisting of 1 80 acres, with 1 35 acres in cultivation, 8 acres in alfalfa and 37 acres in pasture, orchard, garden and house lots. Good well and windmill at house and running water in pasture which never fails in the dryest weather. Good 6 room I i story house. Good barn 32x40 with 20 ton hay loft. Good hay barn 22x50 with 50 ton capacity and cattle shed full length of hay barn. New granary, 16x24; wash house, 10x24; tool house, 10x10; good chicken house, machinery sheds and other outbuildings. This land is priced right and will sell soon. All land adjoining on east, west and south priced at $350 per acre and up. This farm is located in a neighborhood where land sells when put on the market at the drop of the hat, and at the price we are able to sell this farm for it will be to the interest of anyone thinking of buying to see me at once, as it will not be on the market long at this price. Possession to be Given March 1st, 1920 Price $280.00 Per Acre T. H. POLLOCK, Phone No. 1 -:- -:- Plattsmouth, Neb. From Saturday's Dally. The death of Addison C. Beach, which occurred last Thursday even ins at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Oscar Kink, near M unlock, re moves from our midst another pio neer resident who settled here over half a century afjo. The funeral services were held on Saturday afternoon at the E. Rat nour home and were conducted by the Rev. V. F. Haskins pastor of the M. E. church. The remains were laid to rest in the family lot in Oakwood cemetery beside the wife and son who preceeded him to the Great Ue yond some years ago. Mr. Reach leaves to mourn his loss one ton and two daughters, and the grandchildren and a host of friends in the community where he lived for fifty-three years. "Ad" Reach, as he was so famil iarly known, was born in Ashtabula county. Ohio October 21. 1834 and died October 2. 1919, at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Oscar Zink. p.t the age of 84 years, 11 months am! 11 days. He left Ohio in the spring of 1S63 and drove overland direct to Weep ing Water, where he lived for a year and then homesteaded 1C0 acre? about seveu miles northwest of town where the family lived until 1890, when the homestead as sold for $50 per acre and the family moved back to Weeping Water again, where they lived until the death of Mrs. Beach in 1909. since which time he has made his home with the children. He was a carpenter by Irade an1 during the early days he assisted a good many of the homesteaders to erect their fine homes, and being a very strong man continued his 'car penter work for many years, in fact, he laid out the work and helped his son-in-law buna a garage only a few years ago and was only confined to his bed for a few weeks. He was jolly and full of fun which made him very popular among the early settlers and the territorial pio neers and .this popularity continued during all the long years of his resi dence in the community. Relatives who attended the funer al were the son, C. A. Beach, wife and son, Reckard and daughter. Miss Mabel, of Lincoln; the daughter, Mrs. Frank W. Miller, husband and daughter, Miss Madeline, of Omaha; and the daughter, Mrs. Oscar Zink. husband and son' Carlton, of near Murdock, at whose home the father passed away. Weeping Water Republican Mix on Tony gallops beside a rac ing express train, swings his lasso over a ventilator on . top of the car, swerves Tony to dangerous nearness, springs from the saddle, against the side of the train and climbs the rope to the top. This scene is remarkably clear and close and shows in detail this extra-hazardous feat. See it at the Gem Wednesday, Oct. 15th. XOTH'K TO ('HKI)i rOUS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, .s. In the County Court. In t'-ie matter of the estate of Henry Kikenbary. dfecasod. To the creditors of saiil estate: You are hereby notified that I will nit at the County Court room in I'latts niouth, in sail eountv, on the 11th ilav of November, A. I. and on tie U'tli ilay of February. A. . lH.'O, at ten o'clock a. rn., of each day, to re ceive and examine all claims . against said estate, with a view to their ad justment and allowance. The time lim ited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months Horn the 11th day of November, A. 1 . 191. and the time limited fur pavment of debt is one year from said 11th day of November." 1H1!. Witness my hand and t lip seal of said County Court, this 11th day of October. l'Jl'J. AI.I.KN .T. liKKSnx, Countv .ludse. l!v FI.OltKXCK WlllTK, (Seal) oin-lw. Clerk. Mix on Tony gallops beside a rac ing express train, swings his lasso over a ventilator on top of the car, swerves Tony to dangerous nearness, springs from the saddle against the side of the train and climbs the rope to the top. This scene is remarkably clear and close and shows in detail this extra-hazardous feat. See it at the Gem Wednesday, Oct. 15th. TURKEYS FOR SALE. MRS. MARY BROWN SEVERELY INJURED Former Plattsmouth Lady Residing at Griswold, la., Suffers Auto Accident in Omaha From Thursday's Dally. This morning. Miss Anna Hall de parted for Omaha. where she was called by . the serious condition of her sister, Mrs." Mary Hall Brown, of Griswold, Iowa, who is at the Ford hospital in Omaha suffering from the effects of the very severe in juries received Tuesday evening as she was alighting from a street car at Seventeenth and Missouri avenue, South side. Prom the particulars learned of the accident. It seems that Mrs. Brown was Just alighting from thi street car, when an automobile driv en by E. A. Carlston. 5220 South 20th street, came along and struck her, 'knocking her down. She suf fered lacerations of both ears and about the face and head aid also bruises of the limbs. The injured woman was given first aid treatment in the office of Dr. Alexander Young and later taken to the Ford hospital, where she is now in a very critical condition as the wounds on her head are very se vere and both ears are almost sever ed from the head. Mr. Carlston, the driver of the automobile, has been charged with speeding and released on a $100 bond pending the hearing of the case. . Three full blooded brown turkey gobblers for sale. George A. Slirad er. Xehawka. Neb. 13-4tw A real celebration in a real cow town; a big scene finely staged, full of people, pep and action; the 'great est day in the history of Cow Hol low,' when everybody from the big gest to the littlest turns out to cele brate Phineas' coming into a fortune with Mix playing host. At the Gem Wednesday. Don't miss it. XOTH'K TO lti:iITO!Ji The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Adoiph Wesch. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are herebv notified that I will sit at the County Court room in IMatts mouth. in said county, on the loth day of November, A. 1 . 1919 and on the 2 1 tli day of February. A. I . lW.'O, at ten o'clock a. m. of each day. to re ceive and examine all claims airainst said estate, with a view to their ad justment and allowance. The time lim ited for the presentation of claims against said estate is threo month from the JOtli day of Noveml-er. A. 1. l'J19. and the time limited for pavment of debts is one year from said loth dav of November. 1X1?). Witness my hand ami the seal of said Count v Court, this 7th day of tlttol.er, 1!19. A I.I.EX J. rSKKSON. Count v Judue. H FLOUKXCK WIIITIC, (Seal) ol3-4w. Clerk. ASIA X 1 .,(-' KORTHf dyEVROr ' e-w. A SrV r Look I Here is the globe spread out fiat be fore your eyes. See those stars? Every star shows where a U. S. Navy ship was on September 2nd, 1919. The Havy travel the Seven Seas. 4 Don't you -want to see the "World. ? Rc ROMANCE is calling to you! Strange and smiling foreign lands are beckoning to you. Shove off and see the world! Learn to "parley-voo" in gay Paree. See the bull-fights in Panama. See surf-riding on the beach of Waikiki. Learn the lure that comes with the swish and swirl of the good salt sea. Eat well free; dress well free ; sleep clean free ; and look 'em all straight in the eye British, French, Chinese, Japanese, Spaniards, Egyptians, Algerians and all manner of people. Come! Be a real man of the world. See the world. See it with the red-blooded, hard-working, hard-playing men of the U. S.j Navy. Pay begins the day you join. On board ship a man is always learning. Trade schools develop skill, industry and business ability. Thirty days care-free holiday each year with full pay. The food is good. First uniform outfit is fur nished free. Promotion is un limited for men of brains. You can enlist for two years and come out broader, stronger and abler. Shove off Join the U. S. Navy. If you're between 17 and 35 go to the nearest recruiting station for all the details. If you don't know where it is ask your postmaster. 'fiDTe off ? "loin tine A dashing scene of expert horse manship in Cow Hollow, in which the cowpuncher riders look like Cen taurs, so skillful are they in main taining position In the saddle despite the most strenuous "horse-play." Ai the Gem Wednesday. Harold Bell WrlKhffc. new book. "The Recreation of Brian Kent" w"l be found on sale at the Journal offlco. "nidera of the Purple Sage. ;ood story that you will find ale nt the Journal offlco. s on i - GENUINE RED RIVER mrhf Bio Potatoes A car load will arrive here the last of the week, and be sold at $2.00 PER BUSHEL Phone or write, OMTT & TUTT, MURRAY, NEBRASKA . J -v. 5 " . , J - - --- V." "" "" . ..rzz Luxite Silk Yoiflmig Memi's Hose! i Z, izz z.-g8 by Xpiress Are you on the waiting list? If so this is good news for you. Three of our best young men's houses have just sent us shipments by xpress of the very newest things in suits -waist seam and belt models; some single and some double breasted with beautiful art silk linings. There are blues, browns and greens in these selections and they are cer tainly charmers. We expect them to go out on the "double qucik" as we have several who have been waiting for them. Young men's goods were never so hard to get as now. Drop in and look them over. Prices $25 to $55, and you can't touch them in the cities for less than $35 b $75. "EVERYBODY'S STORE" TDS If