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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1919)
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1919. PLATT3M0UTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL n car nja n ambling or investing? ! - I When you buy stocks of the traveling stock salesman are you gambling or investing? There is only one way to be: sure which you are doing. If you do not investigate, you are gambling. It you do investigate and find that the stock is satisfactory, you are investing. Don't take the salesman's word, he is w.oiking for hi? commission, not ycur interest. Ic makes no differtnee to him if you loose. Don't permit the promises of large returns to influence you to risk your capital. Where one man strikes it lucky, a hundred lose. Are you willing to take a hundred-to-one shot? The Ban k of Murdock HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. CUTHMANN, Vice-President H. A. CUTHMANN, Cashier A. I). Zaar, of near South IJend, 'your ribs loosened by rollicking w:;s u visitor in Murdock for a short j laughter, you will also get much timo last Friday, and was looking sound sense and inspiration to a after some business matters while ' better life and be aided in your here. ! endeavor to get more out of this John Schell. of north of the city.! woild. for others as well as for your was a visitor in Omaha for a short self. Come out and bring the en time last week, returning home on tire family, it will do you all good. Friday evening via the Itock Island. This second number of the lecture Rev. .1. V. 'Peters, pastor or the course, like the former one, will be church two miles north of the city, held at the Methodist church Friday, has become a reader of the Journal, October 17th. The entertainer who having had has name added to the is slated to appear, "Smiling Bob list of readers served from the Mur- iVriggs." has a national reputation, dock post office. and the committee may well feci ' H. Landholm, of Omaha, who has fortunate in being able to secure been employed on his brother, Jesse him to fi'.! a place on their program. I-andholm's new home in Murdock, - ACHES AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED You'll find Sloan's Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache 1 11 n i i Ui toe ueuod and are now ready for your AUTO BUSINESS. Put it on freefy. Don't rub it in. Just let it fenetrate naturally. What a sense of soothing relief soon follows ! External aches, stiffness, soreness, cramped rhuscles, strained sinews, back "cricks" those ailments can't tight oii the relieving -qualities" of Sloan's Liniment. Clean, convenient, economical. 35c, 70c, $1.40. n 1-3 n -3 U a I K ii was a visitor at home during a part of the past week, returning to resume his work Friday evening. lr. and Airs. A. C. lilattspeiler, ( f Tobias, were in the city for a short time the first of last week, called !icrf on account of tho death of Mrs. 1!. Elattspeiler's father, Carl hi':i hut, whoso burial occurred on last Monday. ' The committee having in hand the promulgation of the lyceum couna in Murdock this season have a meet ing scheduled for this (Monday) ev-enim,- at the liank of Murdock, to J look niter matters relative to thej courrc. The opening number plea:- el the pcop'-e and i tie committee is I.iurdOCK OCllOOl Notes U be complimented on their wise There was an addition to the list si le..:tiun of material. (of scholars attending the Murdock Matt Thimgan began work : schools last week when the children Saturday on the reconstruction ei t 0f ir. a,i rs jj uek, the AHend Wrestling Match I st Friday. Edward V. Thimgan, Oscar McDonald and Homer Lawton d;ofc to Omaha in Mr. Thintgan's car to r.ttend the Landos-I'esek wrestling is-atch at the auditorium Friday night. The match was a good one, l'csek throwing Lamlos one fall in 2 hours and 2 6 minutes, and was much enjoyed-by the Murdock gen tlemen. Mr. Thimgan remained to look after some business the follow ing day, making purchase of some '.lew goodd and getting some repairs a:s well. I : I , i3 The Plattsmouth Garage is now located in the Propst Garage building on the comer of Seventh and Vine streets, where we will be pleased to meet all our old patrons, as well as all new ones who may have business in our line. Repairing is Our Specialty Battery Charging Electric Welding Reo Cars and Trucks for Sale New and Second Hand Cars f i u n y - -i ri M cf a the old post ofhee building, to nt ii ,,ew blacksmith, entered the grades up for temporary i quarters for thejan,i aro taking hold of their studies new Farmers and 1 Merchants Hank excellent shape. v. hich is ;oon to be opened for the.; -..,vo Mexican pupils, children of transaction of business. The odicial j (H, Mexicans emploved bv the Rock have grown a bit imp::titit over'the ( j ..,lui ier0( aiso entered the schools , , . j delay in getting the bank opened. but.aut ilUVe begun upon the course of jt n...s U!lav0Uahie, being Hue in partjj to tho non-arrival of the new saio, whicli they have had ordered for some time. 11 Ward, who was formerly a! Mrs. A. lirauckle, oT tele; runh operator, but who is now I who has been visiting for some tini" . T"M"irl in farming, had his ;.tided to the list of readers of the, in and near Hubbard. Iowa, when named the home of relatives and friend; she spent a very ple.i: ant two week.-. " I. IfiltU IlVlllg SOUlt! Ol llie till, niuuicu litfllic mri vii-n. j is having t lie Journal com- to his! O. Cillispie was looking after: .... i i- -,.itin tiie linw s from! some iusiness matters relative to ?urciiase3 Hew Iloino .hup -.11 nrtr the countv as well as iroi:i!some land deals ne Friuay. ir. unnspie is relative- her.-. for the past few days. Me ret timed home a few days ago. Homer H. Iawton. the painter and ar Xehawka last decorator. h:is made the purchase of , ; . , i f liit.iolf -mil 1tfnilv te- Murdoch. ji-riuay. uuuspie is hepi ni - . " -" ' " t, Julius T'i":an of ('lav countv. 'Just now looKing alter ian:i ieais ne.ia., n ;. .i - ". K"r who fJr'merlv lived near lr;re. ! claiming his attention, both here and have a place that he could be sure i. ,V i-- " viit"g with friends and ! elsewhere and is making good sue- of occupying as long as he wishe cess in nis worn. ' aim um '""j"' i" Miss Fave Ward, the ten-venr-old of landlords. They obtained tho ifter having er.j-yed a very plea-. uaugnier oi w. ujaru. oi . wicoiu, ... -;",.' wno nas neeii visiiinir at me nuiue r.i int.- unn; aim . mvi. ... .. .. nf her iinclp. A. TT. Ward, for some cd by Win. Hush. They will arrant time, was reported as not feeling, to occupy the place in the near f.i- very well during a part of last week. tare. but being somewhat improved the last couple of days. S. P. Leis, the manager of the Farmers Grain company, of Murdock, who has a brother living at ifeniing- ford, had two cars of potatoes ship- Mi t stay. Max Ihisterhoff is completing the decorating of the Methodint church" :t Weeping Water, ami expects to have the interior of the edifice in ; i;ch condition as to permit of it being used for services again soon. J. Seherbacker and wife, with their children, of Lincoln, are visit ing at the home of Mrs. Scherbick- er- n.irent ' Mr ana .Mrs.- is. irau- p-" mat inan- n. muiw ckf-" of Murdoch, having driven disposed of them at $1.S1 a bushel. d wii in their car to spend a few , They were gobbled up like hot cakes d; vs with the family and other; at this price and there was a clamor fri; nd-; here 1 or niore when they were all gone. ii t .r i ',.. i ., J. K. McHugh, manager of. the .. lira'.iihii', oi., ji i.iuuiiii, v 'i:ng man of some twelve summers wr- visiting 1 . . V... i c... tivts in Omalia over last Friday oi .viuruocK. oxer urou, a..u ou..- iooking after somo busi- d.-y. returning the first of the week ns Thv rllirM,.i the cap tal city to resume niv fl' -. .. . . .... , ! Jicuugu io assist wiiii me tieuvier business of the day. Murdock Mercantile company's store. . . o-nin ia ti lorl lv t rs MfMiirn :!nl ;.t the home of his;""-"."""-' . .;. , ,n,i ifA their son; were visitiug with rola- Were Issued Ilarriaje Licensa Last Friday white Henry Tim:: was in the county seat, having driv en over in Mis car, he stepped lute the oilice of County Judge IJeeso: and secured a license which permit ted him to be joined in matrimony with Miss Marie Urauckmuller, ot Waverly. to the cap school work. Needless to say enjoyed the occasion of his two-day i visit here very rrrt.h. The" Hoc!. Llar.d h; making ar rangeimnts to runs its trains via Louisville, crossing the Platte river over the Missouri Pacific bridge at that ph)ce. during the time the work oi constructing their new bridge at Mrs. Henry Hanke and son, Her man, of near Ithaca, drove down to Murdoch last Friday, with a double mission in view, namely, to visit old time friends and to purchase some Koiv.c A?ain from the Service Charles Schaeft'er, of -Mauley, but who was employed with William Gehrts, the popular implement and parage man, for about four year-. and who has been serving in tin 1 niteti State:; navy for more than two years past, has received his di- charge and returned home, arriving at Mauley some time the fore part of -last week. Charles, who is a very popular voting man, both at hi home and in Murdock, visited here I last Friday, being the guest of hu dock. The Hanke family were neigh bors of G. llaur when he made his home at Ithaca. be ashamed of the results of his craftiness. We are glad to welcome this popular young man back home. 'apples. Thev also took home with I "" fiends. Mr. SchaeiTer made iow.m 7iQ uahoi nant-o r t,n i ti..-. a good Jackie, as well as one of the South Pen.l is in progress, or ramer successful and popular teacher of the ' ,,tJSt OI eui.ens in nvn, .io of reconstructing the old bridge, I ruraj school in district No. TO. lo-1 workman, too. w ho needeth not to the condition of. which is sucn as io catj?,i ea.t an(j a little south of M ur inal; o it imperative t!iat it re repair ed at once. Carl Kupke and brother were busy hauling cement blocks last week to! Some of the farmers are beginning The Electric Li prlit Questicn the home ot tncir iatner, pick ineir corn, out oniy a lew 'ylC question of electric lights l Kup'i-.o. for the purpose of construct-i have made any progress. With thc'still unsolved and is still being con ing ;'n ire cave for the storage of arrival of frost like we have had a'nidered from both within and with i. the coming winter, against the couple of mornings lately and a bitjout. The citizens of Murdock are brat of next summer. The matter of good sharp weather, they will soon of laying in a supply of ice for re-f-igeration d-iring the hot months has become one of much concern to everyone during the past few sum-intrs-wh'ii the ice shortage has been very pronounced. This is the reason Mr. Kupk?. along with many others in this locality are taking steps to remedy the ;ituatio!i. ' 11 1 . . . 1 T . Ull UU IfUU) IO I'lllUdlK Oil lilt; I U - IV of gathering the crop in real ernest. While the extremely hot and dry weather that prevailed during July and August cut the crop considerably short we are in hopes both the quan tity ami the quality will be found better than reports would have us I believe regarding the crop. N O W 1. .-T - MORS THAN EVER it behooves one to choose with care their Fall and Winter Oioflios fieetis Here you'll find a big assortment of Latest Styles and Newest Fabrics. COME IN! Let us take your measure for a Truly Tailored Suit or Overcoat. Our Big Fell Line NOW on Display! Murdock Mercantile Co., JERRY E1. McHUGH, Manajer Mu-dock, Nebraska f2 r fl,?t.V '.3 i s J V desirious of obtaining good light ser vice, and are considering measures to that end. While a few privately owned plants are furnishing service for their owners and those conveni ently close, the owners are not mak ing or seeking to make aJuisiness of rolling electric service and will wel come a solution to the light problem here. Not only is current desired for lighting purposes but for power as well. On the other hand there are out side parties whose interest in the lighting cf Murdoch is in line with a good investment. The Plattsmouth Gas and Fleet ric company has its eves not alone on Murdoch but other villages of the county as well, and with tho new equipment now being installed in tln I'lattsmouth plant. should be able to furnish the best of services, as well as make the venture apr.ofitable one to themselves. It is lo be hoped that the varied interests may be so combined a; to result in securing electricity service for Murdock at an early date, not only for lighting, but for power pur poses as well. Young Peoples Society Meets The Young Peoples' Association cf the Evangelical church of Murdock, at their regular menthly business : meeting last Thursday looked after tlie growing Jiusincss of the society, ' and after these matters were all at ! tended to, enjoyed a session of socia 1 bility, in which all participated and f enjoyed themselves to the utmost. Refreshments were served by Mr3. Schwab, wife of the pastor, and at whose home the function was held. All present declare Mrs. Schwab a ! royal entertainer, and look forward to the time when a similar occasion , may bring them under her hospitable roof again. their education, which will make of them the best class of American cit izens. Iniring the week Supt. J. II. Hur well. with the assistance of the teaching force. held examination:? and tests of the scholars in accor dance with the state law, regarding inspection of the condition of the eyes, nose and ears ol all students in attendance at the schools. School work is progressing nicely, and the pupils are all manifesting en interest in their work.' Under the inspiration and guidance of the capable faculty they should continue to make excellent progress through out the entire year. The basket ball team is getting in trim for any contests which may come their way after the opening of the season. We expect to hear very favorable reports from the team dur ing the coming basket ball season, and shall be sorely disappointed if they fail to take more than their half of the games piayed. TRAGEDY ENDS LIFE OF MURDOCK i t J. E. EU2ASOf3, Prop. n ii LIFELESS BODY OF CARL ISEN HUT FOUND IN OWN HOME ON LAST SUNDAY HEAD BLOWN NEARLY AWAY this community, as with all of us, i3 have we by our lives enriched the society in which we have grown and prospered, have we given of our lives that which has made our fellowmen the better for our having lived here? GONE TO PHILADELPHIA A Strange Han, Living a Strange Life Evidently Passed Judg ment on Himself. PLEASANT FAMILY GATHERING. from Saturday's Pally. A pleasant family gathering v.;.s held l::st Sunday. October 1th, at th country heme of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Stander south of. town, it be ing the first time they had all been together for thirteen years. There were three sisters and eight brothers present, and their families, about fifty-two in all, and the occasion 5j one that will linger in their memor ies very pleasantly in the years to come. Those who lived in this vicinity brought aolng plenty of eatables an I Mrs. Slander is a generous provider herself, and there was no scarcity o? chicken, pies and cakes and all th good things that go to make up complete dinner. Mr. Stander had bonsrht half a bushel of delicious peaches that he passed around as iiis own individual treat. These brothers and sisters are I ho children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stander, pioneer citizens of Cass county, where they lived long and useful lives, their strong char acters standing cut in the memories of the earlier residents of the com munity. Those present, with their families, included George, of Plattsmouth; Henry, of South Heud; Louis, of Archer; Ralph, of Wilsey, Kansas; Mrs. Peter Spangler, of Weeping Water; James, Peter and Arthur; Miss Alice and Mrs. W. A. Cleghorn, all of Louisville. These, with the iiostr" William, make eleven children living. Mrs. Bedella Stander, widow of a brother, Lester Stander, and her two little daughters were also pres ent as were tho three daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stander, Mis? Rachel, of Alvo; Miss Dorothy, of Aurora and Miss Edith, of the Wes- leyan university. Pictures were taken of the group, which will be highly appreciated by all those present, as it is very un usual for so large a family reunion rvcr to take place. Louisville Cour ier. TWO FARMS FOU RENT. - Second Number Lecture Course This is a good one, one filled with much fuii and mirth, with encour agement for all. both old and younc. While you will be regaled with much epieudii original mirth and Two eighty acre farms for rent, one improved and one unimproved, both farms Join, about 65 'acres broke on each eighty. Cash pre ferred. Call or write, Martin S. Zaar, South Bend, Neb., R. F. D Xo. 1. Although Journal want-ads cost but little the results they bring are have wonderful. Try them. ! Last Sundav afternoon as Mr. O. liaur, who is superintendent of the Sunday school at Murdock, went to see what the reason might be that his neighbor, Carl Isenhut. " and a member of the Sunday school, had not attended Sunday school or church cervices during the morning he discovered the door to Mr. Isen hut's bed room c;oseI and on trying ' to open the same discovered it was: blocked. Pressing firmly against the door he was surprised and horrified to find that a human body was hold ing it shut. But with sufficient force he was able to get the door far enuf open to thrust his head into the room, when he was greeted by an offensive odor. Looking down he saw the body of i his friend lying on the floor with his left shoulder against the ddor. One glance told of death and with drawing, he called O. W. Gillispie, who -operates a Hotel just across the street. Upon investigation it was found that the body of Mr. Isenhut was upon the floor, but his head, or f that portion intact was tinder the t i .i . -1. ... -. l .. : ' the body with the muzzle nesting on the side of the bed. The body was removed and prepar ed for burial, which occurred on Mon- ; day, with but a short service at the ( grave. H Carl Isenhut was bom in Switzer-j land, and was probably some sixty years of age. He had been a resi- j dent of the United States for about forty years. it being about that long ago when he homcsteaded a farm in the west, later living in Omaha and still later for a short time in Plattsmouth, where he was united in marriage with Miss Eliza Hongger, also a Swiss lady, who had come from Chur, Switzerland, the same place from which Mrs. Eliza Kaufmann came to this country. The Kaufmanns were well acquaint ed with the young lady both in the old country and here and it was through the recommendation of Mrs. Kaufmann that she was given a position as retoucher of negatives in the studio of V. V. Leonard, in! Plattsmouth, more than thirty-five years ago. j Shortly afterwards she was united in marriage with Mr. Isenhut and they engaged in farming near Mur-j dock, later moving to town where they made their home for nearly a quarter of a century. ' While living here, Mr. Isenhut worked at the car penter trade, continuing in that line of work until the end. During the past summer, Mr. Isen hut had complained of his head hurting him, and said to the writer but a few weeks ago that he was having such terrible pains in his head he feared he was going to lose his mind. He was accustomed to walk the alleys of Murdock and al ways seemed to be preoccupied, for many weeks past, and when addres sed, did not hear or notice what was said to him. Whether he accidently discharged the gun and thus ended his own life, or premedttatedly took this means of ending the troubles which seemed to beset him, will never be positively known. Three children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Isenhut, two of whom died in infancy, while the third. Mrs. Dr. Arnold C. IJlattspeiler, of Tobias, was married only a couple of months ago. Mrs. uiattspeuer was rormerly Miss Vera Isenhut, and for a number, of years made her home with Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Gillispie. The wife and mother of the children died a number of years ago. I Whether the end came by his own hand with intent to terminate the life in which he was apparently find ing no pleasure, or whether it was merely an accident is a matter ol no particular concern, but friends regret that a resident here for so many years has been taken from our midst, and the scenes of which he was a familiar character will know him no more. The great question with him and From Saturday's Dally. Andy Schmarder, after a few weeks' visit here .with home folks, has gone to Philadelphia, where he goes in training to defend his title as the heavyweight champion boxer of the U. S. navy. Andy says that since he has served his time in the navy and did not re-enlist, he will have to surrender his belt, but that his ambition is to possess another some day that a land man may retain as long as he is able to defend it. Andy's friends who witnessed the six round bout at Plattsmouth last Saturday with Billy Uvick, of South Omaha, were enthusiastic over tho way in which he kept his opponent on the defensive all the time. It was purely an exhibition bout and Andy is free to confess that he was out of his class as he does not claim to be a boxer, but a fighter and ha I the contest of last Saturday been open for the best man to win it would not have gone more than one round. He is sure some fighter and will yet put Louisville on the map. Louisville Courier. CLASS HAS GOOD RECORD From Friday's Dally. The class of 191!) oT the Platts mouth high school has established -in excellent record in the fact that ten Df the members of that clasj are novv ; nro'led as students at the Nebraska itate university at Lincoln, while a number are .-Utending the other ad vanced schools near Lincoln. Among the attendants at the state university is Charles M. Spacht, formerly prin cipal of the high school here, and who was the class advisor of the 1019 clars. The students of thh? class are very proud of the record made by their clats in the work of higher education and they may well be as it is the largest class atten dance at the itatc university of any cf the previous graduating classes of the local school. nn LiUU CONTRACTOR and BUILDER WE CARRY A FULL STOCK OF EliSallLb and Make All Kinds of Mill Work at My Planing Mill ESTIMATES FURBISHED ON ALL KINKS OF WORK! Planing Mill located In north part of Murdock, Nebraska ED. W. THIEtfGAft Automobiles and Accessories AGENCY FOR Mitchell, Dodge and Ford Cars, Fordson Tractors and Cushman Motors Our machine shop is especially well equipped with modern machinery and first-class workmen. We are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including acetyline welding. WE CARRY A LARGE LINE OF ALL KINDS OF TIRES! El. U; THIE3GAH Phone 35-0 Murdock, Neb.