The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 13, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbe plattsmoutb lournal
Kntered at Postofflce. PUttumoutn. Neb., as aecond-claas mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
'tions. As Senator Root saia, "There the future of American democracy.
is in the covenant a great deal of Philadelphia Public Ledger.
high value that the world ought not
'to lose." While a few senators are
! beating the air apparently in oppo
sition to the entire treaty, the saner'
i One of Interest to Readers of The
4uiciij , Plattsmouth Journal.
lating some plan that will follow
Senator Roofs advice.
I Even Senator Reed, after making
The illness of the president ha
uade the third term rumors mera
, :o:-
The money received from the
world series should keep the wolf
from the door of even the losers.
The election for delegates to the
constitutional convention is Novem
ber 4th. Better ligure out how you
are going to vote.
Sir Thomas Lipton has challeng
ed for the American cup. Sir Tom
is a real sport as this Ms his fifth at
tempt to lift the famous yatching
The cold weather sign is flying
and the householder shivers in con
templation of the yawning mouth of
the furnace with soft coal at $11
per ton.
The nation sympathizes with th:
chief executive. President Wilson, in
liij sickness, regardless of their po
litical creed and long for his steady
ing hand on the ship of state.
Ex-Governor H. II. Hadley, of
Missouri, republican, has declare !
for the league of nations and the
peace treaty. The distinguishsl
J.Hssourian evidently believes in pa
triotism before politics.
Governor McKelvie has called a
special session of the state legisla
tive to enable Douglas county to is
sue. bonds to repair the burned court
house. The cost of the riot in Om
aha will be a heavy burden to the
taxpayers of the entire county.
The attempt to create a boycott
on the Bee in Omaha is a move
that will probably recoil on the in
stigators as the Bee in its exposure
of the conditions prevailing in the
police department in that city . is
doing a service that will be of last
ing benefit to the people of Omaha.
Only the guilty fear the truth and
if the conditions exist as charged by
the Bee there is little wonder at the
storm that has been created in the
city, culminating in the riot of two
weeks ago.
In the enforced absence of Presi
dent Wilson, it fell to Secretary of
Labor Wilson to make the keynote
address to the national labor confer
ence which met at Washington on
jMonaay. ine secretary stood on
sound ground in advocating increar,
ed production and more direct dis
tribution as the means to a restora
tion of a reasonable cost of living,
and In that, regardless of detailed
issues of the relations of capital and
labor, he should have the support
of every delegate- to the conference
Secretary Wilson said:
"The more productive we are, the
sooner we will replace the wastage
of war, return to normal price levels
and abolish the opportunity for profi
teering. It is only where the pro
duction is not sufficient for the needs
of the people, or when sufficient.
where artificial obstructions impede
proper distribution, that there Is any
possiDinty 01 pronieering.
The proposition is so simple that
one wonders how meii can debate it.
If only 10 per cent of all the people
rroduce anything famine is certain.
If only half or three-fourths of them
work there is less produce available
for consumption than when all work,
scarcity develops, some must do
without and the cost to all increases
That is what has been going ou
during the war. Millions of men
Lave been engaged in destroying in
stead of producing. The wastage
Las- been immense.
By the same simple reasoning, if
tbose who work are willing to work
ci'ly two hours a day the world
would starve. Or if, while working
eight or ten or twelve hours a day.
they accomplish only one-fourth of
a fair day's work, jthe result will be
tLc same. And as the hours or the
efficiency of labor diminish toward
this extreme the inevitable result
obtains in increasing proportion.
No one advocates today a genei 1
twelve-hour day in industry. Expe
rience has proved that, with labor
saving machinery, the workers of
the world can produce enough for
a'! in less time than that. On the
other hand, no sane man contends
for a four-hour day, for the simple
reason that the world's industry
cannot produce enough food, enough
clothing, enough fuel in that short
time to maintain life throughout
the twenty-four hours of the day.
Somewhere between the extremes
there is a point where labor will
produce enough to maintain all, and
no more. What that point is no one
can tell with certainty; it can be
approached only roughly, by trial
and experiment.
Bui today the world's under-sun-
ply of essential commodities is not
open to question. There is a scarcity
of food particularly, of other articles
in only slightly less degree." The
immediate problem is a restoration
of a normal degree. That can be
achieved only by increased produc
tion. It need not be forced produc
tion, entailing the hardship of the
sweatshop on any individual. But
it should be an honest day's work,
for at least eight hours, by all labor.
Anything less constitutes not only a
wrong upon the unproductive in
cluding women, children, the sick
and aged but upon labor itself.
which must pay for the scarcity
which it brings about. World-Herald.
PublicSe rvice Corporation
Can be hacin amounts of
Investment Securities
First National Bank Bid',
Omaha, Neb.
The New York Evening Post finds
that the reservation to Article 10
prepared by the foreign relations
committee is not only offensively
worded but is ambiguous in its real
meaning. The debate as to the sig-
nificanceof the reservation is be
coming as tense as over the mean
ing or Article 10 itself. A reserva
tion must therefore be appended to
this reservation in case it is passed,
to save the nation from serious con
sequences in the future; or perhaps
it wodld be well to write on the
margin of the covenant a statement
as to what the United States under
stands the document it is signing
to mean.
While the men who are fighting
for ratification without qualifications
object naturally enough to all of reservations the general, public
sees no particular harm in them. If
a majority of the senators believe
any part of the covenant to be dan
gerously ambiguous they can write
their interpretation on the margin
without endangering the treaty or
preventing a start being made to
ward organizing the league of na-
Good news bears repeating, and
when t is confirmed after a long
lapse of time, even if we hesitated
a ferocious attack upon the treaty t(J beijeve it at first hearing, we feel
and the league, says in private con- secure in accepting its truth now.
versation that he believes the docu- The following experience of a Platts-
. ... , .u c,Qut mouth man is confirmed after three
ment will be ratified with something
like the Root reservations attached Lou,8 Kroch,er proprietor of the
His apparent willingness to accept hardwore store at 521 Main street,
the document with ' reservation:? Plattsmouth, says: "Some time ago
which do not alter the text of the a au a pain in my uacK. i ws
lame I couldn't stoop. My kidneys
were weak and I had a tired, lan-
that it does not mean what its op- guid feeiiug nearly all the time,
ponents fear it means, is interesting Headaches were common. I bought
in view of the strength of his as-'Doan's Kidney Pills and they soon
sault upon the whole league when ! relieved me "
treaty at all but merely points out
before a Lincoln audience. Accep
tance of any part of the treaty would
be difficult if he really meant what
he said. But it would be too much
to expect entire consistency of a
Missouri lawyer. State Journal.
The weak spot in the American
line is her municipal politics. If a
frank student of American public af
fairs were to be asked to put his
finger on the chief peril tq the
permanence of our democratic insti
tutions, he would without hesitation
lay it most accusingly on the chron
ic misgovernment of our big citej.
That seems to be the one thing we
cannot do. We can make Industry
hum; we can pile up money; we
can invent and discover, and we can
beat the world at educating tU
masses and raising the level of av
erage intelligence and even comfort.
Kroehler said: "I still hold the same
opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills as
when I first endorsed them. It has
been several years since I have had
to take a kidney medicine."
Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mr. Kroehler had. Foster-Mil-bum
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
in Tin-: niM V comit or
State of Nebraska. County of Cass.
To all persons interested 1n-tlie
estate of John C 1'ettrsen, fr., le-
on roatlir.p the pftition of Martha
J. ivttrspa, prnvins that tlir instru
ment filed in this court on the 17th
!av of September, 1!1!, and purport
ing to he the last will and testament
of the :-aU deceased, may be proved
and allowed, and recorded as the last
will arid testament of John C. Peter
sen. Sr., il-ct-ased; that said instru
ment he admitted to probate, and the
administration of said estate be grant
ed to Martha J. Petersen as executrix.
It is lierebv ordered that you, and all
person- rnterested in said matter,
mav. and do. appear at tie County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the llth day uf October A. !.,
1913. at 10 o'clock A. Jr.. to show
rause, if anv there be, why the pray
er of the petitioner should not be
granted, and that notice of the pertd-
of saul petition anu mai
hearing thereof be piven to all per- j
But we simply lack the knowledge n a V oy ' "f ths oer' In' the
Plattsmouth Journal. a semi-weeKiv
nwk:,Mier orinlcd in salt! county, ior
three successive weeks prior to ssald
lav of hearinz.
Witness mv hand, and peal of said
court, thi-s 17th day of September A.
I). 1013. ALLEN .T. BEKSO.W
with its Tammany, (Seal) JA'L-
xy r iviviuc iiutTi v- v
or the pluck or the patriotism which
would enable us to govern ourselves
n large communities.
Now York
Philadelphia with its Vares, Chi
cago, San Francisco, and Boston are
the names of America's lost battles.
Haven't we the brains that give
Scotland her model Glasgow and
England her Manchester and Bir
mingham? The brains are our spec
ialty. But what we have not got is
that splandid spirit of self-sacrificing
pluck as applied to municipal
struggles which sent our lads so
rallantly into battle for the good
government of the outside world.
;::tii:u ok iiK.utixn
oil Petition for Appointment
of Atlminlntrntris.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss:
In the County Court.
In the matter of the Kstate of Hen-
.... I.'iiilm!inn TieceHsed.
On reading and liltntr the petition of.
Masnie Kuufniaiui pray in jar mai s:o
ministration of said estate may be
granted to Maiiie Kauftnann as ad
ministratrix: Ordered. That October 20th A. O.
1919, at 10 o'clock a. m.. is assigned
fr liirlne said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter may
appear ?t a County Court to be held
n and for said county, and snow cause
vhy the prayer of petitioner shou.d
not" b. Kiantcd: and that notice of the of said petition and the hear
ing thereof be civen to all persons in-
Thp.p art, far too manv of us who 1 terested in said matter, by publishing
mere are iar too many oi us wuoi coy (f this OI.,ler fn the Platts
mouth Journal, a semi-w een.i.v Har
are "slackers" in the very war that
means most to our homes, to our
children, to our women folk and to
Immuncd Registered
Duroc- Jersey
A number of good fall
and spring pigs. . The
pigs are sired by Path
finder and Gold Medel,
and contain the best
strains known to this
popular breed of hogs.
Philip Schafer
Address by Mail Uehawka,
or Phono 17. V. Ex. 2031
aoer printed in said county for three
successive weeKS prior --j .- " '
Dated September -, ii
County jiMiae.
The State of Nebraska. Cass coun
ty. " .
In the uounty couru
In the matter of the estate of Josep
Koubek. Deceased:
To the creditors of said estate:
Vr.ii nre hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth in said county, on the Sth day
of November A. l. 1019 and on the
loth day of February A. 1). 1920, at
ten o'clock in the forenoon of each day
to receive and examine all claims
uKainst said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
r-biiniK as-ainst said estate is three
months from the Mh day of November
A. 1. 1919. and the time limited for
pavrient of debts is one year from
said Mil dav of November A. L. 1919.
Witness mv band and the. seal of
said County Court this 4tli day of Oc
tober A. O. 1919.
(Seal) OG-iw. County Judge.
The State of Nebraska. Cass County,
In the matter of the estate of CTney
Isabella Carper. Deceased.
(h rending and tilins the petition
of William II. Porter. praylnR that
administration of said estate may. be
Kianted to him as Administrator.
ordered. That October 21st, A. D.
1919, ut 10 o'clock A. M.. is nssigned
for hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
in and for said County, and show
cause whv the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted: and that not
ice of the pendency of said petition
and the hearing thereof be Riven to
all persons interested in said mutter
bv publishing a copy of this order in
ti:e lluttniouth Journal, a semi-ve-klv
newspaper printed in said
Countv, for three successive weeks
prl ir to said dav of hearins.
Dated Scptk-mber S-Trd, 1 !!.
County Jude;
Bv Florence White. Clerk.
To Kaymond L. Morse, non-resident,
defendant. . . .,
You are lierebv notified that on the
Hist dav of .Mav. 1 0 1 . Margaret J.
Morse tiled a petition analnst you In
the District Court of Cass. County. Ne
braska, the. object And prayer of which
is to obtain a divorce from you on the
ground of extreme cruelty and the
failure to provide any support for the
plaintiff for more than six months
prior to the date of tiling said peti
tion, although amply able to do so.
You ate required to answer bald
petition on or before the 3rd day of
November, 19l.
22-lwks. ...... Plaintiff.
In the District Court of the County
of Cass, Nebraska.
Fannie U. Dickson, PlaintllT, vs.
Francis K. Klrkpatrick et al. Defen
dants. To the defendants, Francis K. Kirk
patrick; Mrs. Francis K. Kirkpatrick,
first real name unknown; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Francis K.
Kirkpatrick, deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives ond m11 other persons in
terested in the estate of Mrs. Francis
K. Kirkpatrick. first real name un
known, deceased; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal reuresenta-
j tlves and all other persons interested
it in. . . ... . ......... ... .... . . , . i . . .
known as S. H. Moc-r. deceased; Steph
en D. Davis; Mrs. Stephen D. Davis,
first real name unknown; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Stephen D.- Davis, deceased; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Mrs. Stephen I). Davis, first real name
unknown, deceased; W. P. Davis, also
known as Wm. I'. Davis; Elizabeth
Davis: the unknown heirs, devisees.
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons Interested in the
estate of W. P. Davis, also known as
Win. 1. Davis, deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Elizabeth
Davis, dec-eased: Alfrei Thomson, also
known as Airreii inompson; Airs. Al
fred Thomson, also known as Mrs. Al
fred Thompson, first real name un
known; the unknown heirs, devisees.
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Alfred Thomson,- also Known
as Alfred Thompson, deceased; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatee", per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested In the estate of Mrs.
Alfred Thomson, also Known as mrs
Alfred Thompson, first real name un
known, deceased; Charles F. Holly;
Louisa M. Holly; the unknown heirs
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Charles fr Jinny, oe-,-ened:
the unknown heirs, devisees
letratees. personal representatives and
all other persons Interested in the es
tate of Louisa M. Holly, deceased; jonn
W. Seymore: Sarah Jane Seymore; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and alL other
persons interested in the estate of John
W. Seymore, deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons; in
terested in the estate of Jane
Sevmore, decensed; John W. Seymour;
Mrs. John W. Seymour, first real name
unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of John W. Seymour, deceased;
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all ot'.ier
persons int-reste7 in the estate of
Mrs. John W. Seymour, first real name
unknown, deceased: Louisa E. Card;
Wilson Card; the unknown heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representatives
and' all other persons interested in
the estate of Louisa E. Card, deceased;
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of Wil
son Card, deceased: Lots three Cil.
four 4t. five 5 and six (G) in Block
fifty-eight ("S), in the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska and all persons claim
ing anv interest of any kind in said
real estate or any part tlfeieof. r.nd
the unknown owners and the unknown
claimants of Lots three 3. four 14),
five (f and six in Block fiity
eight (58 1. in the City of Plattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska.
You are hereby notified that on the
4th dav of September, 1019, plaintifT
filed her suit in the District Court of
the Countv of Cass. Nebraska, to quiet
plaintiff's title to the above described
land, to-wit: Lots three CO. four (4).
five (a) ami six C. in Block hftv
eight T.S). in the City of Plattsmouth.
Cass countv. Nebraska, because of her
adverse possession by herself and her
grantors for more than ten years
prior to the commencement of said
suit and to enjoin each and all of you
from having or claiming any right,
title. lien or interest, either legal or
dilutable, in or to any land, or any
part thereof: to require you to set
forth vour right, title, claim, lien or
interest therein, if any. either legal
or equitable, and to have the s-ame ad
judged inrerior to me uur ui i:"V"
tiff and for general equitable relier.
Tli is notice is made pursuant to the
order of the Court. You are required
to answer said petition on or before
Mondav, October 13. 1919. or your de
fault will be duly entered therein.
sll-Ow. Atty. for l'laintifr.
Bridge Bond Question.
Notice is hereby given that a
Special Election will be held in the
County of Cass, Nebraska, at the
regular voting places in said coun
ty on the 4th day of November A. D.
1919. between the hours of eight
(S:00) o'clock in the morning and six
(6:00) o'clock in the afternoon of
the same day. at which time ani
place there will be submitted to the
qualified electors of said County of
Cass, Nebraska, for adoption or, re
jection the following proposition to
be voted upon, to-wit:
"Shall the Board of County Com
missioners of the County of Cass.
Nebraska, be authorized to issue
coupon bonds to be known as Bridge
Bonds of said county in an amount
not exceeding $100,000.00, said
bonds to be payable to bearer. and
dn. In five years from
date, but payable at any time after
three years from aaie at iub upuu
of said county and bearing interest
at a rate not to exceed six per cent
(6) per annum, payable annually,
said bonds to be dated on date of
"And, shall the County Board of
Equalization of the County of Cass,
Nebraska, annually levy the neces
sary tax upon all the taxable prop
erty of said county in addition to all
other taxes to pay the interest on
said Bridge Bonds as the same may
become due and levy a tax to pro
vide an amount sufficient to pay the
principal of said bonds, as they may
become due and payable, for the pur
pose of constructing bridges in lh
public highways of said county.
Dated this lGth day of September
A. I). 1919. . ,
By order of the County Board of
County Commissioners of the County
of Cass, Nebraska.
Chairman of the County Board of
County Commissioners.
s25-4wdaw. County Clerk.
From Saturday's Dally.
In the list drawn for the federal
grand jury for the Lincoln district
of the United States district court,
onlv one resident of Casa county
was drawn, and Louie Mawuardt, cH
We wish to announce to the hog raisers of this vicin
ity that the hogs we will offer at our sale at Bartlett, Iowa,
on Wednesday, October 22nd, 1919, are sired by the most
famous Sires in the Poland-China world and the Dames
are the same quality.
We are featuring a litter of Big Bone Leader, the boar
that was placed above the Grand Champion at the 1918
Swine Show by many competent judges and their judg
ment has been upheld by his wonderful litters.
We. are also presenting a litter by Long Model Bob,
a son of Big Bob, a son of the famous Boar that Fred
Seivers sold to Wm. Scar, and after he developed so won
derfully, Seivers tried to buy him back, but was able to
buy only a half interest in him and featuring him in his
fall sale.
This litter is out of a Smooth Jones Gilt that has de
veloped into a wonderful animal.
The other Boars and Gilts are out of justly famous
sires and dams and meet with your approval.
Write for catalog.
Earn and Stock for Sale
Avoca, is the man who will be call
ed to serve the court as a juror.
Judge Munger has issued an or- 1'or SaIe- Livery barn, stock, auto
der fixing October 28th as the lato all dray line Call on D. C. Khoden.
for summoning the grand jury at j
'incoln' Stt.-'TierY at the Journal office.
Use Your High
iced Land!
With farm lands selling at three hundred dollars
per acre and wheat bringing $2.07, and corn following
closely, why have some of this valuable domain loafing
and not producing anything? With trees and stumps
covering the ground which could as well as not be uti
lized for crops, Mr. Farmer, you are losing money. I
can remove these obstacles in the way of a gqod profit
to you cheaply. Call or write
Weeping Water
Duroc-Jersey Boars
for Sale!
A number of extra fine Duroc-Jersey
Boars for sale, sired by Crimson Model,
22d; Disturber of Sterling, Jack Orion,
2nd, and Jacks King Orion, 3d- These
hogs will weigh from 150 to 300 pounds
each, owing to the age. I have a great
number of fine individuals to select from
and if you want the very best I beiieve
that I can please you. I will hold no fall
sale this year.
Cedar Creek, Nebraska
Phone Weeping Water Exchange No. 2812.
This is the Place! I
If you don't see what you want ask for it, as
we have it!
General Merchandise, Boots and Shoes, King & Ham
ilton Grain Dumps; Ottowa all steel Corn Shellers;
Moline, 1. H. C. and Cleveland Tractors; Birdsell Wag
ons; Hooiier Wagon Boxes; Goodrich and Goodyear
c..' n4 TnV- Auto Accessories: Chamnion and
Vaaiug0 uiv - - i
Tungston Spark Plugs; White-Lily Electric, Gas Power J
anrl Hnd Washinar Machines: Puritan Flour and Feed; t
. .. s. i . t m. . : J f !
Lee Unionalls. nignest marKei pntc pom iui coun
try produce.