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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1919)
I, PLATTSMOUTH EMT-WTXKXT JOTTKNAI PAGE THREE. LIOSEAY. OCT02P. 13. 1919. NOTICE OF DE LINQUENT TAXES OF CASS COUNTY Noll''- i-' !:.! ( r it- i !.. Ti- ii-uir l IM.KY T-sc-if jitlcin Lot 14 Lots to S Lot 9 M IRK A V I lescript Ion Lots in and 11 l.altK'x KlrMl Aililltion lie-script ion Lots 1 to tt IT. to 1 I'd ami 21 :s to 7 :. H to IT Block . . 4 . . 4 . . 4 Amt. ;.s 9.66 1.76 Amt. 7.10 mi 1! . t N1... Cut. 1. civt-ii that 1. Miko if ('ass county, in I ka. will on th- lirst tl,f "rl cloy of Xovem- Ifi. as I't-iiiircd y law, com- m-m - ilitiLT at t!c- ft'ic-e of lilt- C onn v Tr-:isiir r f shk! emmtv, in the city f 1 "a t ts iri"in '.. at T'Ol'lu- auction, !;!) of tic followljisr tracts of land r i -i town I'-its i.s shaii ! ri-cf jssary to sv t!. taxes, toe t her witii interest I costs 1 1 at may have accrued tlicrc- .. 8 .. s . . 1 :t Block t ! t : ; rs . i- intr tl- ilclin'iucnt ta.-s ir 1M arul prior years, as cni t:i.- tax iists for ail I --a1..' will of !.':ll- i k . 111. -if : rroiri !:.'. until ail i tl.- .Ifliin shall l.f s. Ti- l. held lictwccn the .' a. in. and four a ill ciat-', ami will con- to da v ltt'i-;i saitl of saiil property upon uo nt taxes remain un- iil ir ,n'cred for sale. miki: ti:its h. viler of Cass f'o., .Neb. i. v i s Tll'l'l I'ltl'.CIX'T 1 , ii.liii H. Itnuur- 1 it-sr-ript i'-r. Set-. II', Ni:' 1;: .1 i: south of M. 1". Kv.--:: , i .. N V 1 . - 4 (jtri:uMii) i'iiK( i( 'I ttw io.lii II. llni'W rip! in A nit $ -l. t J 7 4 4.:.: 1 e-- N i : , Sec. . . 1 . . .'7 1 1 ! t Lot I.ol Si I Itliucr ! If, i; if. 1:0 . -0 i-: , v i.. sw 1 . . . I.T I IIIJ.K 'I iiohip 1- 1 ics. l ij.t ion .t 1. SU. NW'., t : m:1. nw4 . . . t l'J NL'4 sw,.. ,i i sw, si: . . i'. :.. 4. sw i". SW '4 SK '4 1:.. si:'. NK'i , I... is 1 ai l 'I of 17. SW' M;i4 ami S 1 4 SI. I i-i i.ot 7. si:1, nw ' L-.t 1'.. si: '4 nw '4 :- ., roi: i:i:i:k imim ict l ixt rivh 10, Knuur IO J ...,:. 1 .on S- . A .. sr::. I.I.MWOOU I'll I : 'I N 4 I 'I uw ulii 11. Itaucr- III 1 r i ot i. n N ' S V 1 , i...r 7. SW. NV Mil -I'll iii:m 'I lilil li 1 ,.-s 1 i I "1 !!! s 1. :.. 1 is 7 am! Amt. mi. 1:4 1' I'll K4 l" llnuia- lo Sc. 1 1 1...T N l.oi Si : 1 l.oi -j 1.. t 1 1 1 s w : . ni: s ' . a m 1 n i-: 1 S :V 4 .1 1 1 ; s W N s i : : , s v. 1 ;ai. 1 . 11 N W 1- 1 or 1. 1::. 11 i:n. i: '1 nliip HI. 1 n Lot :.. . .10 ts . . 11 . . 1 -i If. In 1 i It I'KM'IM llnmr II SM-. Amt. 1.17 " . " '.' " H.:t7 17 7i' 7. M l.rjt) SC.SC Hn.".s L's.!4 Amt. 41.7S A m t . ::4.h mt. 4.0:: 1;.4H 1" 1 l.j 14. 4s l-ots Lots Lots Lots Lot :: M.I1 WVK V T escr!ption Lots 1 tt, 4 - of lot S. all Lots to 1J. 2 Lots 1 anl 2 . Lots .'! to 6 Lot 1 l-ts 7 to K Lots l'i and 11 Lots 1-' ami 1.1 K 1 mi r -"( Tescription Lot 17 Lots 13 and 14 Lot 10 .. WAI14SH Description Lot 1 Block . . . 4 7 1 4 lnrry Block Amt. . . . 7 5.76 ...7 4.37 ...7 1.86 4.36 6 7 1.76 Amt. J0.02 St. 49 20.02 10.11 132 124.10 7.63 Add. to Nrhrnikn Block Amt. 1.36 1.43 .'I . 9 . 9 .10 .10 .13 Lot 2 lot S Lots S and 9.. Lot 1 Lots to Lot 6 Lot 7 llurtou'H 1 escript ion Lots 1 to 5 . . . . i of Lot 7 . . Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot S Lots M and 10 . . 11.1. 1 f script ion All of Lots 1 to 12. Lots 1 to 12. All of Lots 1 Lots 1 Lots 1 Lots 1 Lots 2 Lots Lots Lots All of. . lot 10 Lots 11 Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots 1 ots Lot All Block . . A . . A A till, to 9 9 9 nlnh Block 1 Amt. i.31 34!:ls 2.13 .76 6a. 67 .92 Amt. a. 13 .15 IF KO( K ...11 .2 ...11 2.7 HI. I ITS Block Amt to 12 1 to 12.... 1 to 12 1 and 3 to 12 J and 13 to 1 to S . . 1 to 12. 13 and IT, 1 4 . 16 and 16 '. .'. 2, 3 liiid and 1 to 3. . 4 to ! . 10 to 12 and 6 to 10. tO 10. to 1. to 2 . . to S . to S . . 12. 11 : si-: 3K nv 3W 7W 8V IX IX and 4X IS IS 4S 4S 4S 1 1 1 1 1 1 of t; 1 X '-. LoT Lot xi: if. . sw x si:', 1 i:m 1 .it '!', ni.liift s- v i ;.i ion XL' s 1 : 1 , v. si:v, sv4 . ii. ':'! sv4 i.n i 11. i.i 'Iuliii I 1 . s- r;pt ion : 1 ' t 1. XV'4 ..-si:1, ,t 1" atol XI". r. si: '4 X W ' . L-.. X V :.. xi:1 A 4H A Tn 1 1 I escri : 't ion SW. NW'i xi:'4 S',. XV,", XI "4 l:. si:'-. si:: N'l. X V 4 Wes .' a i 1 w a y iiKiirr iii.k . 'o list, 1 1 ript ion t- :: and 4 , X v . t 1 of Lot 10 63 7. on 31.63 24.H9; T Amt. 6.3s a (.6 I'lil'.riNC 11. llaucr- 1 1 L- : Lot X i . Lot j - 1 , 1 .ot L' .! SV;4 - xv 1 . .......... 36 3 6 I'll i: i 'T , Knnicr I I See. 1 12 13 14 1 :. 11 I li '' x Amt. 47.::j ro -l 12!' 6.3S Amt. 1 1 1 1 1 .1S-L 1 to 10 1 to S. 1 to S . . 1 to 12. 1 to 12 to 12 to 12 to 3 to 12 .3S-1. 2 to 12 i to 12. 1 19 97. 1 t I cs Slli. ! .- W ' . . . . :.: i-6 imu: ix T IO. Itnuur 1 S-e. Amt. 1 41.13 .. 2 41.61 ... 2 :1.13 2 24.4:, v 29.1 2 t of M. 1 '. 19 29.33 mivi: I'ltKciMT 12. ltm,c- 1- Sec Lot 16. r sw '4 X w Lot 1." Lots : ill. XI xw, sw a-.. I ::. W ; 'I ow iixliip 1 escri J'i io;i Lot ; Lot 7 'I nlii T leseri pt ioti Lots :: arul 4. Si:1 vi, si-:1, XL', XT.'. Lot 12. SW4 -.W4 SW1.4 si:, s . s w 1 , N C X Wi SW'4 sw, si: '4 xw, Lot 13. Si:4 S W, . . '1'uw iiftlii III. I feseri J-t n Lot U. S W '4 XL', . X W ' , si" Lots 2 and 6. XL. '4 Lots 4 and .". XK'i X'-. SW4 Lot 1. xi;4 xw'. sw, si-:'. Lot 1. r-W ', SK-4 . . Lot 2. sw4 si:1, - Lot ::. XW '4 XW ' . 'I c nlii II. I o script ion X 24 1 . acres. X L '4 S W 4 - . . 1 s i:t. KniiuLi- 1- Sec. 2 :, 1' s limiur i:i Sec. . .12 '. !lT .21 . .24 '. '. 26 Kmicr II Sec. . 19 .19 .19 . 20 . 2S . 2N Amt. 1.30 1.12 . i 6 2.94 Amt. "N 7 Amt. 23. NO 42. S3 20.92 2.0", 23.tif. 6 9.4.". 47.::2 49.36 2::.:: 4 is.i: Lots Lots Lots Lots 1'ts Lots lJtS 1 Lots Lots Lots Lots Lot Lots Lot Lots Lots I.ts Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots lols Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots Lot 3 , Lots 4 Lots 7. Lot 10 .. Lot 11 and lAltS 1 to Lois Lots Lots l.ts IltS Lot s Lots Lot 6 Lots Lots Lots Lots 1 Lots 1 Lots 1 Lots 1 Lots 6 Lots 1 Lots 1 All of 111 r.s r.s 12s IX-IK 1X-2K 1X-3L 1X-4K 2X-2K 2X-3K 3X-4K IX-4 V lX-SW . . .li'X-3" . . .11N-3W , S and 4V 1S-7W 1S-SAV 2S-1W 2S-r,v 3 and 4-W 4S-1W . . . 4S-3 and IW r.s-iw r.s-i w :.s-i w r.s-nv 5S-2U' ; r.s-r." r.s-:: v r,s-:;w r.s-4 v . . .7S-3 and 4 W , . . .SS-3 and 4 V 1S-1 K . . . . 1 S-2 and 3 10 2S-1K IS-310 1S-2 arid SK ;;:;;;!!!2S-2L 2S-2K 2S-2K '. '. il'S-lK 12 2S-2K 3S-1K 4 and 5 Is-lh 6 to 9 3S-1K 10 to 12 3S-1K 1 lo 12 3S-2K 1 to 12 4S-1K 1 to 2 4S-2K 4 and a 4S-2L 4S-2L 7 to 9 4S-2L 10 and 12 4S-2K 1 to 12 r.S-1 and 2E 1 to 10 6S-1 and 2K 1 to 10 7S-1 and 2K 1 to 10 SS-1K 1 to a SS-2L 6 to 10 SS-2K to 10 9S-1K to 10 10-2K 12S-4I0 r LOTS T4 THE ( ITV ll.TTSIOlTH TowuHkiu 1. Hanur 13 to 11. to 12. . and 2 . . and 4. to 12.. to 12 . . to 10 . to 1 i . . to 12. 12 . . 12. 12. 12. . 12. to to to to to and 2 and 6 ,n and .r.9 .r.s 4.61 15.66 4.79 1.39 .6 a .29 4.33 1.20 29 i!r,6 1.67 .3 0 .2 !29 C.22 . 2.SS .r6 S.74 : .92 2.00 .96 .96 2.0(1 4.02 2.01 .60 1.26 .i: .15 .15 .51 .92 .'.' .29 .42 .51 l.oo .7 5 .65 .S7 .59 .65 .S.7 .59 .29 .15 .2H .29 .15 .27 .30 .29 1.82 2.13 .29 .15 .29 29 ..i.ii .43 .32 .33 1.4 5 .29 .19 4 IF Iescr i j.t ion K pt. Lot 53. I't. S Lot Lot 2S SW, Lot 33 Lot Sul Lot sp:v; 13. 1: SE4 of By.. 1 of 60 lot 4 0 Tnnlil Description Lot 3 46. SE' 1Z Sec. 1 0 1 " 1 0 1 ' 13 24 Kantcr 14 Sec. 1 set, si:,4 Amt i .: 27.39 22.3 4 12.63 117. S2 101.74 2N2.71 12.S6 2N.o:. Lot I Ait Lot Lot Lot I.t Lot Lot Lot 16 7 is 2 4 6 24 49 23 s 1: X 2 s 1 s i : I .ot '-. a ' i I.. I 1.. I '-. 12. 1 ;. a el e XL i: i: SI SI SI xi:v, SK', xi-"; x k 1 , XL',, 'l ow ltHhl ript ion X I : ' i XK4 X W 1 , X W ' 1 X W ' , 1 1 Lots I e. Lot 11 lot 12 Lot 12. V i-. SI". ' . and ami 6. K '-. S W ', Lot 2N. XW X L', Lot 22. Si : '4 XK'. Lot 11. XW SW',, Lot 5. S!-.', SW'4 'I nvs nnhlft 1-. Ila I i. s, r i 'it ion Lot -1. SK', SLU 1.. XW4 SK', XK', si: ', sw ', s w , s 1: '4 ".. NW ', XK'4 6. XW"1, XK'4 1::, xw, xi:', Tub nillli. I scri pt ion I,t 13. south of C Jiailwav. SK4 SW linulilr 12 1 leseri ptioti t 17s Iiin. XW SK', 129. SKU SK', . IdHcr i:t Sec-. ;nu . .. 1 : 1 : ',4 . . . . i : '.4 1 N 12 12 2 1 2 24 llHiiur 14 Sec. I ot E' I : ' -. -. I ot Lot I.ot i:t. , . 4 . . I 4 . . . .21 . .21 16 l.t Se. 4 6 H 9 10 11 14 14 14 Itancr 1.1 Sec. B. &- Q. F 4 35 , KancV 14 Si-c. IS t t t t I't Lot Lot Lot 1 Ait 7 .. Lot 9 . . Lots 11. X, x 1 : ' , XK'4 and XK'i S 1 - Lot V ... '.2 , 1 1 Lot 21 Lots 22 Lots 25 12 19 J9 and L and 23 and ;..-.. i :il It 1 escript ion Lot 1 . . 19 19 20 20 20 , 29 20 33 33 S3 33 33 S3 3 3 , r,3 : 3 (IIKKK Block Amt. 1 V S.5s I 14 12 9.12 svirt I 15 Hi j 15 37 I 1 4.33 1 4.19 15.9H Amt. 26.2S 1 9.4-". ever, 7.1 ; 1.27 1.4 2. 00 Amt. 7.10 3.69 2S.71 55.06 :.5f, 22.02 r.. 1 1 r, r.7.79 223 Amt. 10.96 Amt. a. OS 2.99 .59 14.02 h.43 ls.3 10.96 6.3S 5.5S 2.39 .9 10.47 .29 .39 1.39 2.39 6.9S Amt. 2.01 IS 18 IS IS IS 18 IS IS IS IS IS IS .18 IS IS IS 18 18 ,ATTSI41 TH Block W Pt. Lot 66 Lots 67 and 68... Lot 69 Lot 7s lx.t 79 Lot SO Lot S3 Lot S4 Lot 93 Lot 94 Lot 97 Lots s ", and S6 . . . Lot 19. SK SW till 4K I Tiescriptlon Lot 10 Lot 3 ly.ts 10 to 12 8 l't 9 and west Ijt 10... 9 l.ts 9 and 10 11 SU I.r 11 and Lot 12 11 . lAts 4 to 6 19 I K 2 I ft. S, W 11 ft. 9 9 I Lot 1 22 Ix-ts 2 to 4 22 , 1a1 6 22 I Lot 5 23 All of Block 24 and ..23 lxts 5 and 6 27 ' X 10 ft.. Si Lots 5 and 6... 28 W 21 ft. lt 10 28 ! W of Lot 10 30 W" 23 ft. Sub lot 6 of 13-14 and W 23 ft.. Sub lot 6, N 16 30-100 ft. of Lot 12 32 K'- of Lot 6 34 X 4SV ft. of S 684. Lot "..35 16 Inches bv t4 ft. Lot 8. Lot 10 and W Vi of Lot 11 4 6 rt. Lot 1 and all of 2 and Lots 4 to 6 X2 Ixit 4 Lots 4 to 6 Lot 10 to 12 S4 Lots 7, 8 and 9 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lots 1 and 2 Lot 10 Lots 11 and 12 Lots 9 and 10 Lot 10 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lots 11 and 12 Lot 7 Lot 7 Lots 1 and 2 Lot 4 Lots S to 12 Lot 2 Lots 7 and K Lots 11 and 12 Lot 4 X 60 ft. Lots 5 and 6... Lot 7 Lnd. i Lot 8 Miekelnait Ailtl. lo lieseription Lots 3 a nd 4 - TuHinrnil Add. to Description Lot 1 Lot 2 Lots 3 and 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lots 1, 2 and 3 Lot 4 Lots 5 and 6 Lots 7 to 12 lAJt Lot 3.85 . .So . .21 . .88 . .88 . .9 .111 .111 .122 .122 .122 . .138 .149 . .152 . .164 . .164 , .165 . .166 . .171 . .171 . .173 . .221 . .221 . .221 1.67 2.39 r.s. 90 13 2.57 65.48 123.60 23.82 156.25 20.13 148.86 50. SO 23.62 J Lot I X 224 224 ....224 5.22 I'lattHiuooth Biock Amt. 1 1.86 IMaf tMinoulh. Block Amt. 4 81.4s J North 23. S2 25.09 547.95 11.96 .83 6.S2 24.74 91.36 9.02 1.67 i 94 14.50 Description Lots 3 and 4. Lots 1 to 4 . Lot. 5 Lot 6 Lo; 7 Lii'.s 1 and 2. r 1-3 Lot 3 W 1-3 Lot 3... Xortli lt. of Lot Lots 6. 7 and 8. 3 ft. Lot 2. Ids Water Block . . 1 El. 1-3 Lot . 3 . 4 . s .11 Amt. 1.47 3.75 33.77 40.21 74.33 4 2.82 11.5s 11.57 12.10 9.65 69.S4 28.09 67.87 2 10.22! 2 10.09 2 10.23 2 28.56 Wtfiiiut: Wnler Block Amt. 1 1 1 1 a nd N UUUK A. 10 ft. Lot 2 . . Ilar Add 1 11 out It Description S 66 ft. Lots 3 to 6 Lots 1 and 2 Lots 3 and 4 Lots 5 to h , Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lots 4. 5 and 6 Lots f to 8 Lots 1 and 2 Lots 3 and 4 Lots 1 arid 2 Lot 6 Lot Lots Lots Lots Lots . . . 4 . . . 4 . . . 4 . . . 4 . . .12 , . .12 ...12 , . .12 ..13 . .16 o 1'lalti Block Lot Lot l.t 3 Lot 12 Lot 10 T. Lot 11 Lot 12 X 90 4 ft. Lot 7 Lot 5 Lot 10 Bt. of Lot 1 Lots 4 and f Bt. Lot 9 except By. Iot 11 Lot 4 Lots 3 and 4 Lot 4 X 78 ft. Lots 7, 8 and 9. Lot 10 Lots 7 and 8 Lot 12 Lot 11 Lot 9 Lots 9 and 10 Lots 11 and 12 35 35 38 36 39 40 42 42 42 44 46 46 48 48 49 49 50 52 53 54 54 57 57 57 58 61 61 Lot lxt 8 62 Lots 1 and 2 63 Lots 5 and 6 C. ...63 Lots S and. 6 73 Amt. 7.42 13.73 13.43 3.14 3.1 1 293.71 25.1a Amt. 14.90 6.24 19.30 13.43 27.38 25.1 H 22.46 189.71 4.61 83.65 .93 28.05 3.14 2S.77 26.92 40.41 9.82 21.25 29.65 80.55 8.44 8.36 55.02 Amt. 29.50 58.9- 148.95 283.87 283.13 129.91 89.55 72.41 31.18 884.41 3 5.77 2.46 570.81 165.22 4.68 138.1 58.88 229.15 79.96 50.18 .40 19.31 57.36 79.23 79.4 328.83 26.68 21.91 13.17 23.62 1.57 29.50 278.92 407.22 5J.79 7.85 14.80 31.70 44.65 44.26 6.43 61.45 8.8 3.21 25.24 8.92 4.81 19 21 4.79 16.77 29.60 15.64 7 and S 1 to 8 5 and 6 3 and 4 . . . . Duke Add. I lescription Lot 5 Lots 9 to 11 Lot 12 Lots 1 Lots X pt Lots Lots Lol.s Lots S !: Lots Lots Lot Lots Lots lo 10 11 13 15 15 15 15 18 23 23 24 33 3 8 , 39 43 4 5 46 1'ln t tNiiioiil a Block 3 to 5 6 ami 1 . . Lots 2 and 1, 2 and 3. 10. 11 and 3 and 4 . . . 8 and 9 . . Lot 12 ... 5 and 6 . . . 3 and 4 . . . 14 7 and 8 . . . 10 and 11. Orchard Hill 1 lescript ion and 4 . . 2, ex. By. 12. . 8 .12 .13 .19 . 20 .20 .23 .12 1 , ,1 T..71 27.50 .83 15.54 32.54 8.19 2.40 26.66 23.72 Amt. 88.40 6.08 44.94 6.08 74.29 74.29 53.70 50.1 S 33.72 4.61 22.78 17.84 38.32 1 1.96 4.61 47.24 347.37 29.60 Amt. 1 1.12 IS. 57 1.67 4.61 4.61 3.4 5 3.68 26.66 10.64 14.90 3 8.80 1.57 13.43 14.32 nart of Lots s aim y Kltehle Add. to Aeeilnc Wafer Description Block Amt Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Heel or Add. lo Descript ion Lots .", to 9 Lot 10 Lots 11 to 14 Lots 1 to 8 j Ixits 10 to 13 Lt t 14 Treat Add Description Let. 3 Let 12 Lc t 13 Let 2 (lark dd. I escription Lets 1 to 5 . . . to 14. to 8 . . . Philip Zhia-iciL 2.07 3.6 0 18.91 12.10 12.55 to Weeplutr Water Block Amt. 3 1.04 4 .53 4 .53 5 3.17 to Weeiliiie Water Block Amt. Lets ; Lots 1 Lot 9 Lot 1 lits 4 to 9 Lots 10 and 11.. . Heed tdd. to Description lt. of Ks of Block All of All of Lots 5 All of Lots 1 1 4.60 1 6.26 2 7.10 2 l.Oit 3 1.87 3 10.40 3 28.30 Weepiujr Water Block Amt. 2.59 l.N" to 8 Block to 8, in . . Halverxtadt Add. I lescript ion 0 8 2.75 , 9 .8(1 11 5.30 lo Weeplus Water Block Amt. All of Block 1 and... 2 in. 1.0 Klverxlde Add. to Weepluu water by 60 ft. Lot 181 . Add. to I'lattMniouta Block Amt. Lots 3 -Lot 5 . . Lot 10 Lots 11 Lots 21 Lot 23 Lots 2 4 Lots 26 MtK- on 1.1 2S Ixit 29 Lot 3 0 Lot 3 2 Lots 1 u Lot 6. Lot 9 Lots 10 Lot 3 to 16. and 22 and ; and Lots exept. By. .'6 and r and 8 and ' i i ! Hlouey I'laee to 4 12.71 4 1.99 4 7.64 4 2.83 4 1.97 4 12.73 4 1.96 4 In. us 4 lu.33 4 2.04 4 2.04 4 2.03 4 2.0 4 7 2.05 7 26.00 7 10.35 7 2.83 8 21.84 Description Lot 9 I't. I,ot Lot Lot Lot 10 Add. to of 17 18 19 lnelau I lescription Lot 1 IftOtK 2 and 3 StlleH Add. t Description It 4 X j Lot 6 TbumpMiu Add. S 4 ft. Lot 4. XEU and 7 9 and 10.. and 7 I'laltMinontb Block Amt. 2 32.29 !.!!!! 2 534 .". 3 11.11 3 61.14 . ., 3 10.01 I'lattKmoutli Block Amt. 1 2.3(1 1 4.62 I'laKHiuoutb Block Amt. 1 11.86 1 3.04 to I'lattatmoutb Lots it. 6 Iits Lots Lot Lot Lots Lots Lot Lots Lots Lot 6 18 to 14... 2. 3 and to 6 l to 26 . . . to 6 Nti Lot 4 89.26 2.4 0 82.73 25.83 14.90 14.90 190.34 8.57 670.78 6 6 8 11 11 11 12 S.72 12 .84 12 70.38 12 70.3H 12 1.36 12 .68 12 3.77 12 6.86 12 84.91 12 4.61 I'lattxnioutb Block Amt. 2 67.74 8 11.65 , 9 1.96 i'lattnmouf h Block Amt. of Lot 13 la of Lot 13 Lots 14 and 15 Lot 16 K 44 ft. Lot 17 Bal. Lot 17 Lot 18 Lots 19 to 24 I'almer Add. to Description Lot 6 Lots 1 to 6 Lots 1 and 2 South Park Add to Description Lot 16 Lot 5 Lot 1 S4 Lot 5 Lots 1 to 3 Lots 1 to 3 Lots 7 and 8 Lots 1 and 2 3i, Wine Addition to Mb Ward I'lattamouth Description Lot 34 I'orter I'laee Addltiou to I'lattKmoutli Description E'4 of Lot 5 XV WVj of Lot 5 Lot 8. Sub lot 3 Of Lot 9 'ell Add. to 1'lattMinouth . 8 .19 .26 63.23 10.11 19.95 .83 38.99 4.90 17.84 10.54 Amt. 9.65 Description Lots 1 to 12. lots 1 to 9 . . Lot 12 Lots 1 Lots 1 Lot 2 Lots to to 12. 12. o Block 3 4 0 9 lo llntlntob Block ft 8 Amt. 10.39 14.80 22.21 Amt. 29.60 35.48 13.76 11.96 17.84 2.58 5.19 Amt. 3.34 1 and 6 . . . lloe Add 1 lescription Sub lot 1 of N 6.1 KKeakericer i Troop Add. lo llattmouth Description Amt. Lot 4 179 Lot 7 L91 Ol T WITX T WKEI'I.NU W A TICK Description I't. Lots 10 to 19. ,,Twp. 10, Ban?e W KKI'I.Xi Description Lot 1 3 1 4 NW',J NEVi Sec. 11 W 'AT Kit Lot Lot Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 1 N'i of Lot 1 and N 70 ft. of Lot 3. . . Lot 1 8 of Vi f Lot 10 N 1-3 of Eh of Lot W 5-6 of 3 and EVs C 1-3 of Lot 2 Pt. Lots 5 and 6, ex Pt. Lots 7 and 8. ex. W 22V4 ft. Lot 3 NVj Lots 5 and 6... Lot 7 W 4Vi ft. Lot 4... Lot 5 Lot 2 Lots 1 and 2 Lots 11 -and 12 Lot 2 Lots 1 and 2 Lot 2. (ITV Block . .26 . .36 . .36 . .36 . .36 ..46 . .48 ..48 ..49 . .50 Amt. 17.21 Amt. 38.02 6.59 2.59 33..8 23.96 13.92 98.02 131.42 54.77 .53 30.08 405.21 78.85 13.80 114.54 1.90 5.30 55.73 1.05 10.30 12.85 12.85 112.10 28.26 30.76 1.80 1.47 Carter Add. Weeplnic Water Description Block Amt. tiVz of Lot 1 1 24.47 Lots 7 and 8. N and W of creek 1 8.80 Lot 8 . f. 7 8 08 11 . . . of 4. By.. . By .67 .67 .68 .69 !69 .70 , D ..ID . .83 . 85 . .88 ..99 . .99 .100 .102 Lots 7 and llrmlag R-r & Race Add. to 9 8. W eep- I lescript ion Lots 1 to 3 Lots 4 and 5 . . Lot 6 Lots 2 to 6... Lots 12 to 14.. Park Add. I lescription lot 4 XoMe IlelichtH I lescription K pt. of Lot 12 K Pt. of Lot 15 yii.i.;i: I lescript ion I jits 27 to 30 . . lxits 81 to S3 . . lJts 99 to 101 . Lots 155 to 157 162 lt 16 S 1 ft. all of Lot 182 Lot 190 Lot 227 Lots 265 and 266 Lot 309 Lot 310 Lots 31S and 319 Lot 320 Lots 321 Lot 324 Lot 325 Lot 3 26 Lots 333 Lot 3. ".9 Lot 340 I.ot 341 Lots 24 2 Lots 351 I t Lot ::: V4 l't K 90 ft. Lot Lots Lots Lots L.otn IrfltS K 20 Lots Lots Lot Block Amt 1 560.37 2 27.67 2 4 6.81 3 222.64 3 123.79 to Weepiutc Water Block Amt. 3 8.60 dd. lo Weeiiiut; Water Block Amt. 13 .28 13 .23 til' l.OI l I I LK Amt. I jot lso and 4. 21. 66. 20. 67. - i 5 s I Lots Lots lA,t Lots Lots Lots Lot Lots Lots Lots Lts Lots Lot 37 s. :;sy 375 398 422 4 25 ft. 490 502 511 512 to to to 344 to 353. exc. By. . . 54 to 357. exc. Ky. 369 and K 90 ft. 3 Lots 371 to 374 .. . exc. By and 39H and 377. exc. By. to 4(Mi exc. By. . . to 424 to 427 Lot 447 and 491 to 504 2f..5s 40. S4 64. ON 8.24 22.79 l(i.2S 1M2 L62 1.62 1.63 1.6 2 2.62 62 6 3 6 2 0'i SI SN and and 513, exc. By. and 579.. to 60O. . . and 629.. to 6s7 . . . and 780 . . to 784 atid 7s6. and 7ss . , 57S 598 628 630 68 5 779 781 785 787 r93 VII.H4.K 4K I lescript ion Lot 14 and 1 1 1 1 1, 54 4 1 24.64 2 0.75 3.17 12.42 10.3N 20.57 36.S6 16.49 .70 24.64 1 2.32 2.1 3 10.3S 1.73 16. 13 3.2 5 4.7S 2.25 10.2S 35.67 10608 2 -'3 12i42 10.2S (.11 KIAHOOII Lots Lots Lots Lot Lots Lots Lots Lot Lots Lots Lot 29 to 38 39 to 5(1 (pt. 62 to 68 102 to 162... and 200. and 210. Lot 15., 156 199 209 .'70 334 374 271 Lots 390 Lots 403 Lots 4 36 Lot 44 2 . Lots 4n0 Lots 505 Lots 547 Lots 553 Lot 557 . S Vi Lots Lots 693 to 336. . to 277. to 399. to 412. to 441.. and and and and 4S1 . . 506. 54 8. . 554. . Amt. 9 91 ; 37.66 :,o st.) 34. sm 19 79 '.'. 5.31 20.81 .'.'. 14.59 3.22 1.23 21.16 27.88 1.76 225.16 "' 21.34 17.01 5.45 13.65 1.92 ' 17.58 4 0.1 'I 3.71 4.83 611. 612 and 613 to 697 Weft (.reeuwood Description MtK. on Lot 6 Lots 14 and 15 Lot 22. sub lots 1. 2, 3. and of Lot 23 and Lot 26 Lot 2 4 Lot 31 Jnnni Addition Description Lot 11 . . . Lots 32 and 33 ... . Kyder Addition Description Tnt 1 Lots 3 and 4 'V..9.. 4vt i.T! to i:.ta.K Townnhln 1". Hauee 11 Description s?c Sub lot 3 of Lot 30 SW U SE Vi of - VII. I. At. K K UAIil.K to to Description Lot 1 Lots 1 to 12 lits 1 and 2 . . . . lt 7 Lot 4 Lot 13 and 14. Lot 15 vii.i.aci: Description W14 of Lot 9... EH Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot of 9 . 6 . 7 . 4 . 5 . Lot OK All. LAtiU Description Lots 5 and 6 W 1-3 of Lot 6 W 1-3 of Lot 2 C 1-3 of Lot 2 Carter Addlllou Description Lot 1 Out Lot to Amt. 1 2.93 15.3C 19.75 3.1 2 10.68 (IrrraniHiil Amt. 9.17 3.12 (ireentvootl Block Amt. 9 1.67 7.60 Amt. 22.70 Amt. 4 O.N 21.95 9.27 4.13 13.70 57.65 68.73 Amt. 10.96 11.75 8.04 14.08 3.98 12.T.3 24.81 Amt. 40.60 .65 .6 5 Biock 11 15 17 19 20 2 2 ...... !23 KLIW OO I Block 15 15 IS 19 19 28 33 AVOCA Block 7 12 19 19 A voea BlocV . .11 A vura to 10, Banpe 12 Sec. 4 31 OK IMOX Block 1 SE eor- Township Description Lot 10. SWV, NWi VI1.LAC.K Description Lots 12 and 13. . . . Lot 9 Lot 5 and pt., 27 ft ner of Lot 6 Lots 6 and 7 a hi ot Lot 1 Lots 2 to 8 Undivided A of Lot 4 South' I aloa Description Lot 8 15 and 16 Itannlnir Addition to . 6 . 7 .10 .10 .11 Block Colon Block Description Lots 1 and 2 - Lot 7 2 Khi of Lot 8 and all of 9... 2 WVi of Lot 8 2 VII.I.AGK OK BURDOCK Description Block Lots 16 to 18 9 Amt. 3. SO Amt. 11.12 Amt 4 3.25 13.87 21.72 29.46 59.55 1.82 12.25 4.35 Amt. 21.72 Amt. 1 92 17.75 23.4 4 .96 Amt. 5.93 it ConTrlitt.tl919 Tb Bob' yt .ui'jH-i, fwlmcr Your Clothes Are Talking All the Time and it makes a lot of difference what they say about you. Walk. down the s'reet of a large city or a small city, look at the leaders - not over dressed, but their clothes speak quiet self-confidence and prosperity. They know this simple business truth: for every man ivho sees your soul, and knows you for what you are, there are hundreds who sees your clothes and as sumes that you are what you look to be. It's worth the difference to do it the KUPPENHEIMER WAY And one of their new Fall Overcoats will add tc that "outward appearance.' Lot 10 .i: 411-1 LOTS TO Al.0 Tovi,liii IO, It a 11 fe ! Description Sec. Lot 7, Ni:n NK'i 3 ii.i..i: oi' ai.vo I escript ion Bloc k Lots 13 to 16 1 Lot 19 1 Lot 5 2 X 24 ft. Lot 3 4 S 1 ft. Lot 3 4 Lot 14 . Lot 15 5 1.12 Amt. 9.02 Amt. 9.02 21.1.4 1 0.4o 16.40 EPISCOPAL CON-VENTIONQPENED Prog-ram of Unusual Weight Before Detroit Assembly Rev. W. S. Leete in Attendance. If you are not a subscriber to the "That Printer of Udell's." one of Daily Journal let us enter your name Harold Bell "Wright's pood stories, on our subscription list. ' on sale at the Journal oClce. POTATOES! Expect to have on track the last off the week a car of No. 1 ed Froic Thursday's X3ai3v. Detroit. Mich., Oct. 8. Adopt inr, resolutions of sympathy with Presi dent Wilson in his illness, the house of deputies of the tienr.ial general convention of the Protestant Epis copal church, which opened its meet ing here today, expressed the hope or' the convention for his speedy re-j covery. The resolution, presented by . Vernon H. Davis, justice of the New! York supreme court, will be sent toj the houe of bishops tomorrow. ' Facing a program of unusual weight in' preparing the budget for' the maintenance of present church activities and extending work of;' the church the next three years, tin- ) convention completed its orsaniza- j tion this afternoon. Bishop Thomas' F. Gailor. of Tennessee, w as again j named chairman of the house of j bishops and the house of deputies, elected Df. Alexander Mann, of Trin ity church. Boston. j A radical departure from prece-, dent was taken by the upper legis lative body when it decided to hold ' open sessions. With a magnificent and unusual ; service of intercession and thanks- i giving the convention was opened J this morning. Bishop ('has. II. Brent, i of western New York striking the J keynote of the meeting in the con-1 vention sermon. Bishop Brent, who was formerly chaplain of the A. E. F., declared the church must take a leading part in the settlement of dif ferences between capital and labor. "We all fear, with good reason," he said, "the red menace of revolu tion or the violent displacement of an old by a new order. It is quite as much dead conservatism as ignor ant radicalism which we have to fear in this crisis of industrial his tory. The service was preceded by a solemn celebration of the holy com munion for the 800 bishops and oth er delegates, followed by a pageant in which marched the robed Ameri can, Canadian and oriental bishop'.. Consideration of the weighty ques tions to come before the convention will not be undertaken before next week, it is expected. These include the modernizationcf the liturgy, re- vision of the prayer bopk and mar riage and burial services, adoption of new canons, discussion of an Americanization campaign anions aliens at a cost of more than 1.F00, 000 and other matters of prime im portance to the church. The revision of the church constitution to per mit greater recognition of the place of women in, church work will also be considered. iver Early Ohio Potatoes! Fine eating and good for seed next spring. ' PRICE VERY REASONABLE! Phone, write or call and see me, The Service ALF GANSEMER, Proprietor Murray, Nebraska Store TWO UNUSUAL VALUES IN Cass County Farms ICO acres about C miles from Pluttsmouth and close to market. 130 acres under cultivation. acres of fine pasture and running water the ye;r around. There are no improvements excepting a good fence. This is a fine quarter section of land and priced riht. We believe, it is the best buy around here. Price ?1'00 per acre. Good terms will be given purchaser. 100 acres not far from Plattsmouth -and close to market. This is a mighty nice farm ;in-J lias a good complete set of improvements. Well fenced and cross-fenced. This farm is priced for quick sale at $;,0. Odd. 000. Good terms can be arranged with purchaser. IT'S A PLEASURE TO SHOW CASS COUNTY LAND. J. P. Falter & Son B REAL ESTATE Phone 2S INSURANCE ISSUES MARRIAGE LICENSE From Saturday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon a marriage li cense was issued in the office of Co. Judge Allen J. Beeson to Mr. Henry Timni of Murdock and Miss Marie Brauckmuller. of Warerly. The young people are to be wedded in Murdock today. Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Picture i Fr amine. Frank Gobejtman. J A 33-Year Loan BUT WHICH CAN BE PAID SOONER IF DESIRED f!o Commissions We place such loans through the LINCOLN JOINT STOCK LAND BANK, of Lincoln, Nebraska, which during the past year hasx loaned over $6,000,000.00 to the farmers of Iowa and Nebraska. NO DELAYS! NO RED TAPE! A FAIR RATE OF INTEREST Ask Us About It Bank of Cass Co., Plattsmouth -:- -:- Nebraska