PAGE mjz. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, OCTOEEP. 9- 1919. USES EXpWIf ERE 1 : newsYrom" alvo : 9 9fc 9fr L5L "Z)r Charged" Batteries This is the only method which makes it possible for the motorist to buy a battery that is perfected and tested at the factory; then held inactive, until ready for ucc. L. F. TERRVBERRY USL Service Station LOCALNEWS From Mon Jay's rallv. Mrs-. P.ennett Chriswisser is spend ing a few days in the vicinity of Xe hawka. at. the home of her relatives and friends. County Surveyor Fred P.uterson departed this mornfng for Nehuwka, where he will look alter mine work fir the county n'ar that place. Durwood Lynde. Iiruce Wolf, Leo lie F.verett. Frank Meade and Rob ert Katun were among tlie Union old -vi-teraii.- to tike part i:i the home comir.g here on Saturday. Otto K. Kutz and Lloyd Gilmore. f'l near Murray, were ninong attending the homecoming iiere Sat urday and enjoying a visit with their former comrades in arias. Frank H. Johnson and wife, of Wet-ping Water motored up yester day t'rMii their home to er.jr.y a vis it tit the home of Mr. Johnson's moth- r. Mrs. J. W. Johnson and family. F. W. Kloepping. a former Cass county resi.knt. now located near I ! rirnnirt on. Nebraska, cam? in Sat urday to enjoy the homecoming cel el ration and visit with his many friends throughout the country. ('. K. Doty, formerly a well known resident of near Weeping Water, was a visitor in the county seat yester day looking after some business .matter.-.. Mr. Doty is now located in the western portion of the state, where he ha; extensive land interests. 'enjoying a visit at the home of Dr. Jll. I. West over and wife, departed touay for their home. W. L. Stine and wife, of near Union, were in the city yesterday afternoon for a few hours looking ! after some matters of business and while here were callers at the Jour nal office. II. C. Creamer, of near Murray, departed this afternoon for Omaha, where he will spend the day and from there will go to Minnesota to visit for a few days looking after some business matters. Attorney W. A. Robertson and wife and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Gaymer and Mrs. Gaymer, Sr.. departed this morning by auto for Omaha, where they will spend. a short time visiting with friends and looking after some business matters. Frcrn Tuesday's Daily. Attorney C. K. Tefft. of Weeping Wafer, was in the city today for a few hours looking after some legal matters at the court house. T. II. West over and daughter, of Rushille. Nebraska, who have been From Wednesday's Pally. Leonard Hawkenbery departed this afternoon for Omaha, where he will enter the employ of the Union Pacific in that city at their shops. Mrs. J. R. Sexton of LaJunta, Colorado, arrived in the city this af ternoon to enjoy a visit at the home of Mrs. W. T. Scotten for a few days. J. M Craig and wife, of Bush nell, Nebraska, who were called here by the funeral of their daughter. Miss Grace Craig, departed this af ternoon "for their home. Pollock Parmele and wife, who have been enjoying a visit with rel atives and friends here, departed yesterday afternoon via auto for their home at Broken Bow. Albert Janda and wife of Law rence, Nebraska, arrived in the city last evening to attend the wedding of the sister of Mrs. Janda, Miss Alba Jirousek to Mr. Anton Svoboda. Fancy box paper at thii office. .; . if U i i it i i n l o i o c AGAINST DISEASE Immunity by means of Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments Chiropractic not only wards of! disease, but in any case attacks disease at its source. Read these few lines: Health supplants disease whenever the mental impulses have tree and unimpeded passage from the brain to the tissue cells, which thus receive the vital energy upon which they solely depend for their harmonious action. This done, disease cannot exist. It is impossible for a disease symptom to be present in the human body with The Spine in Perfect Alignment Chiropractic adjustments bring the Spine into natural alignment and thus 'Vj-v:Vf open the way for health to supplant Thousands have learned the bene fits of Chiropractic. George Hall went to Lincoln Sat-! urday. George Skills, of Murdock, was in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Strong were in Lincoln Friday. Dale S. Boyles is in Wyoming on business this week. Dan Manners, of Havelock, was in town Monday on business. Loyal Miller was a visitor in Lin coln -Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosenow vis ited relatives in Elmwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fentiman, of Elmwood, visited at the Orville K. Robertson home Sunday. Charles Bucknell is in South Bend doing some carpenter repair work on the Murtey-Curyea elevator. Mrs. Angie Hurlbut, of Green wood, is spending a few days herf with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Prouty. Ezra Phiflips and brother-in-law, William Gibson of Fremont visited the former's sister, Mrs. Mary Skin ner Sunday. Mrs. Fred Prouty and daughter. Miss Marie and son, Lee. were din ner guests at the Charles Edwards home Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Armstrong, of near Ashland, visited the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Arm strong Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moore left Sunday for Chicago. 111., where they will visit relatives while on their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Strong and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lancaster spent Sunday with relatives at York, Ne braska, returning home Monday. Messrs. C. R. Jordan. W. S. Jordan. C. M. Jordan, Alva Skinner anl Charles Stout have returned from Canada, where they purchased some land. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stroemer, Mrs. J. II. Stroemer and Miss Mil dred Brown autoed to Barneston on Saturday, returning home late Sun day night. Benn Weaver and cousin, Mrs. J. A. Shaffer autoed to Lincoln Friday and Mrs. George P. Foreman rode back to Alvo with them, visiting at the Foreman farm home. John Phillips, of Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hoyt, of Iowa, and Eban Phillips, of Deer Creek, Illinois, left Wednesday for their home after vis iting several days with their sister, Mrs. Mary Skinner. Frank Edwards and two sisters motored to Lincoln on Wednesday morning to be in attendance at an operation performed on their nephew from O'Neill. Nebraska. The last report was to the efTect that he was getting along nicely. The Ladies Aid society gave a re ception at the M. E. church Wed nesday evening for their new pas tor, Rev. E. A. Knight and family, and the teachers of the Alvo schools. Refreshments consisted of sandwich es, pickles and coffee. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Park departed Sunday evening for their home at Sterling, Colorado, after spending the week-end with the latter's moth er, Mrs. MaTy Skinner and family and having attended a family re union of the Phillips family at Fre mont last Thursday. Herbert Prouty came down from University Place Monday, visiting till Tuesday with his aunt, Mrs. S. C. B.oyles and other relatives. He and Ralph Cornell were recently dis charged from the navy at the Great Lakes training station, after four teen months' service, having made several trips overseas. Mrs. Charles Edwards was called to Peru to attend the funeral of her brother, Edward Parriott Friday afternoon. Mr. Parriott had been an invalid for a number of years and his death Tuesday evening was no! unexpected. Mrs. Edwards and fam ily the Frank Edwards family and other relatives who drove down l.t attend the funeral, all returned on Thursday evening. attired in all the paraphernalia necessary for the occasion, leaning on the arm of the "groom." the "ring bearer," -"bridesmaid" and "best man." After taking their positions, the "minister" got busy and peals of laughter greeted the vows to which the bridal pair gave consent in plighting their troth; though the principals remained calm and digni fied. After congratulations, a dainty two course luncheon was served. X X X X DR. EDWARDS Dr. F.iwaros lNan the practice of medicino 21 years a?n. In lull he took a doctor's doyive ia Chiropractic and has confined Ms practice to that school. He was for several ears official ohvMfian of the Nebraska State IVnitcntiarv. DR. LEE W. EDWARDS Chiropractor OFFICES AND LABORATORY 21th and Farnam Sts., Omaha 4 Reunion of Phillips Family Mrs. Mary Skinner and son, John attended the reunion of the Phillips family at Fremont on October 2nd, when the ten Phillips children, sis ters and brothers of Mrs. Skinner, met and enjoyed a big dinner to gether. The dinner was served in the Christian church and there were. Cr persons, Phillips descendents, pres ent to partake of the feast. The ten brothers and sisters were Eban Phil lips, of Deer Creek, 111; Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips, Byron, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Phillips, La Verney Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hoyt, Clarion, Iowa; .Mrs. .Mary Skin ner, of Alvo, Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. William Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gib son, Fremont, Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Phillips, Henry, Illinois and Mr. and Mrs. David Phillips, of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Prouty-Lancaster Nuptials On Saturday, October 4. 191S, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon occurred the marriage of Miss Vera L. Prouty daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Prouty, to Mr. Clyde M. Lancaster.' The wedding was solemnized in the University Place M. E. church. Rev. A. E. Knight, of Alvo, officiating. Those present at the' wedding were Mrs. Fred M. Prouty. mother of the bride; Lee Prouty. and Marie Prouty, brother and sister of the bride; Mrs. Clara Prouty and daugh ter, Margaret; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Strong, sister of the bridegroom; Miss Clara Dickerson; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell and daughters, Grace and Fern, of Emerald; Mr. ind Mrs. A. O. Hurlbut and daugh ter. Hazel, and Rev. A. E. Knight and wife. A five-course wedding dinner was given at the Lincoln hotel for the bride anil groom ly Miss Marie Prouty and Mr. Boyd Edwards. Cov ers were laid for thirty. Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster went to York, where they visited over Sunday with rela tives of Mr. Lancaster, returning to Alvo Monday, where they began housekeeping on th Coatman farm, formerly the John Quellhorst home. Their many friends extend congrat ulations and best wishes for a happy and prosperous future. The Square Deal is Born and Bred Into Fisk Tires Back of Fisk Tires there's a concern whose one ideal is: "To be the Best Concern in the World to Work for and the Squcrcst Concern in Existence to do Business with" It is that backing that spirit of doing the square thing that puts into Fisk Tires the extra miles and the complete satisfaction in using them. Next Time BUY FISK L. F. T Plattsmouth, RBYBEBBY Nebraska. Time la Rc-ilref iB k MET AT THE DONNELLY HOME TUESDAY P. M. From Wednesday's DatTy. St. Mary's Guild held their regu lar meeting yesterday afternoon and were entertained in a most charm ing manner by Mrs. J. II. Donnelly, at her cozy home on Vine street. Whenever invited to participate in the hospitality of the Donnelley home, the ladies always anticipate a delightfully afternoon and their anticipations were fully realized in the entertainment of yesterday. The early hours of the afternoon wer4. devoted to the business session, at whjeh. time various plans for 1 1 ; further work of the society wen made an : business mat ters were transacted. Following the business session, a number of the ladies gave some very interesting talks explaining the world wide campaign for church, work being made by the Episcopal church, which was very instructive and greatly appreciated by the large number in attendance. The fleeting moments were then spent in plying the busy needle on dainty articles for the Christmas bazaar, as they engaged in pleasant conversation with fm-nds and asso ciates. At a suitable time, the hos tess served a lovely afternoon lunch eon, one which only sh? knows best how to prepare. About o:S0 the la dies dispersed, declaring the hostess to be a splendid entertainer. nnmann UnlUHbU m THE LEAD IN 7TH INNING SCORE 4 TO 1 WITH SOX ALMOST SURE TO DEFEAT THE REDS TODAY. FOR SALE A good Cass county. Nebraska, farm of 85 acres, modern house ex cept light, 3 4x36, nearly new, 6 nice rooms, bath and pantry; barn 2 Ox 36 and leanto 1G ft. by length of barn, room for S horses, 15 tons of hay; good hen house, garage and tool house and implement shed; 15 acres pasture, close to good market. Terms on part purchase price. Call on or address, Chas. E. Martin, Plattsmouth, Nebr. 2"-Gtd2tv.- CHANCE TO WIN INCREASING But They JIast Take the Next Tvro in Order to Annex Pennant Not an Impossibility. vd three runs off the delivery of raler, while the work of Cicotte wa i holding the Reds hitless. The fourth gnve the Sox two ad ditional runs while the Reds scored 1 in the seventh, making the scor :;t the time of going to press 4 to 1 in favor of Chicago, with two inninrs yet to play. Should Chicago win today, as it seemr, highly probable they will, it will be necessary for them also to win the next and last remaining two games in order to carry off the bunting. While highly improbable, such a thing is not impossible. Chicago is v:inner of today's ball game over the Cincinnati Reds by a score of 4 to 1. Smarting under the sting of de feat at the hands of Kerr and the White Sox crew yesterday. Mana ger Moran for Cincinnati sent "Slim" Salee in to throw for the Reds'today, while opposing him was Cicotte, the Michigan whirlwind, twice defeated by the Red batters, but who proved to be more effective than in any of the games he has appeared in this reason. Chicago in tlie third inning scor- A lazy liver leads to chronic dys pepsia" and constipation weakens the whole system. Doan's Regulets (30c per box) act mildly on the liver and bowels. At all drug stores. I have a customer for a 120-acre farm. Those having such for sale tome and tee me at my office, sec ond door west of the court house. Chas. E. Martin. o2-7 NOTICE. Household goods for sale cheap, October 2, 4. C, at my residence on Main street. Mynard. Mrs. Dan Kiser. 2-4tc2tw Barn and Stock for Sale For Sale. Livery barn, stock, auto and dray line. Call on D. C. Rhoden. : SP1NOGRAPM2C AKD X-RAY DIAGNOSES Shower on Miss Prouty Mrs. Hubert Strong was hostess last Tuesday evening to a party of ladies of whom Miss Vera Prouty, now Mrs. Clyde Lancaster, was hon or guest. A shower of kitchen fur nishings was the primary feature of the affair. A large spider-web of golden yellow occupied a prominent place between the living room and dining room. The silken threads of the web terminated in divers places throughout the house and the pros pective bride was requested to un wind tlie web, which she did, find ing at the end of each thread a gifr suitable for the kitchen of her new home. A "mock wedding" was a part of the evening's entertainment. Miss Ruth Rush played the wedding march. The "minister'.' carried a large cook book, heading the pro cession and the bride gorgeously 23S2Z3IESZ Luxite Hot' nose. xj. Youn uits T ri 75 vva I r-, m W 1 sH 3 4 its I : : :'r. ?: : :-j A. -(v Are you on the waiting list? If so this is good news for you. Three of our best young men's houses have just sent us shipments by xpress pTtV f tne very newest things in suits waist seam and belt models; some single ana some aouuic urcancu with beautiful art silk linings. There are blues, browns and greens in these selections and they are cer- tainly charmers. We expect them r ta go out the "double quick" as we jltl have several who have been waiting for them. Young men s goods were never so hard to get as now. Drop 4 in and look them over. Prices $25 to $55, and you can t touch them in the ciiy for lass than $35 to $75. Wescotts Sobis "EVERYBODY'S STORE" u i far art m.,r,jrt i ,wff .;rv cv ur 1 11 ' ' 1 as