PAGE THTwZ PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-vyF-EELY JOTJENAX J.I027DAY. OCTOBIP. 6. 1919. ktmtti-w B "" ': :::n :;:btb :s flsraaiw tb :r;.i,B.:iai zm. Ires5, B R H is a. GOOD TIME TO REPAIR AND OIL YOUR HARNESS BEFORE CORN HUSKING! tors ev Complete Corn Elevator $275.00 M B H B pi PI Pi B I B S y t B H E Peter Schuettler, Newton and Charter Oak FAIIVI WAGONS Also Extra Wagon Boxes and Shove ling Boards. Stoughtbn and I. H. C. Spreaders! ALL SIZES GASOLINE ENGINES 1 'AT IUe-.! lgJHjrjUJV! ,? UTPTg-g fli I Written by C8ING" HOOPER 1 Dozen Photos from Ghrist &. Ghrist Studio 2 Handsome Cut Glass Piece from J. W. Crabill, Jeweler 3 Electric Flashlight from F. G. Fricke & Co., Druggists 1 JOHN F- GOEtDE AUTOMOBILES FARM IMPLEMENTS s a s n wn a a s h n "B : b ' i -c n . a se ' S'1 n b -b u m Journal want ads pay. Sidewalk, Cement Block and Brick Work! Cisterns and Sewerage! Telephone 620-Y7. HAROLD EELL WRIGHT'S NEW BOOK IS NOW OUT "The Recreation of Brian Kent the new hook by Harold Bell Wripht, has just been published, and you will find it on sale at the Jour nal office, for the regular price of SI.jO. Get ore now. Let our carrier boy Journal each day. 15c deliver you a week. 3EE TWO CHOICE CASS COUNTY PZ3 rmft FOR S?S aies r"-s iv;i,c: t, r,!i!f'? irom i lausmoum aim nines irom s!.:;:7ir.c pidnt for both era In v.utl live stock. IT, miles from the S.-uth nr:r. ha market. Them r" "ini acres under cultivation of i ir"'! I'u ;,"r-- are r...w in a:f..!fa. The farminc land is in splen did condition, all having been seeded down within the last five y ars. The balance f 'he land i? i:ov.- in pnure and about 50 ;.. r-- of tl.i-- could easily c! -ared up and made into excellent !':rm la nil. Ther is rood running water in the pasture Fiipplyins pi! abundance of water the year around. PRIZE JNNERS The following: are the prize win ners ia the "Bing" contest: FIRST PRIZE 1 dozen photo graphs given by Ghrist & Ghrist Mrs. Ed Mason. SECOND PRIZE Cut glass, given by J. W. Crabill. Mrs. F. R. Gobel man. THIRD PRIZE Flashlight given by F. G. Fricke & Co. Mrs. W. H. Mason. PRIZES ARE AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE ries ftandarJ lines. They pride them selves on being able to ii; any mem ber of the family. They have ex pert sales-people who know how to lit feet. Headquarters ior Ralston ! shoes for men; Bilkin shoes fur kiddies and the products of the I'tz & Dunn factories. What is the name? Fetzer Shoe Co. (A store of duality, progress and service. This refers to a larpe implement, harness and vehicle establishment, where they are able to supply your every want in farm machinery, wagons, autos and trac tors. If there is any tool that makes the farmer's work easier you will find it here that is if it has been invented. They handle the I. 11. V. trucks and grain drills. Titan and Huber tractors. Just now they are featuring portable grain elevators, inside cup elevators and scoop boards all useful articles this fall. Also sell Dodge and Chandler cars. This business has grown from a small be ginning many years ago and is to dav the largest of its kind in the en tire county? What is the name? John F. Gorder, Implements 8 When anything goes wrong with your automobile. who are the best people to see about it? , The mechanics at. this garage know the 'ccentricities of all mak-s of cars and can come as near makinc them run on their reputation as anybody in the state. They do a general line of repair work and overhauling, elec tric welding and battery work. They have the agency for R-o cars and trucks and have a large list of new and second hand cars for sale at bargain prices. Now occupying new and larger quarters. What is. the name? The Plattsmouth Garage J. E. Mason. Pron. 9 "Values, like water, seek their f level; the hat accents your beau- tv 'treble.' " A tine gown does j not complete a woman's attire. Site must have correct millinery accom I Duninif-nts. We mention here a pop- 1 ular hat shop which lays a g B; ileal of stress on quality goods. ! store has gained a reputation ! carrying the most dependable mer- ' chanelise in the way of millinery an J i I hat trimmings. The new fall andj kj winter offerings are now on display, K 'l IVi tta iDcni.rt inn of ttlp lolifS lift that sells "Fisk" hats. What is thej name? , Jardon Millinery Paint will make the old homo more modern and keep the new home so. Fainting is not an ex pense it is an investment, an in.-ur-ance against decay, for nood paint preserves as it beautifies. And it pays to buy faint from a p.iinter. IMat.tsmouth has a painter who han dles the best in this line. He d ies all kinds of painting and decorating and will be glad to give you esti mates and offer suggestions about interior decorating and cjlor har mony. He has just received a nev stock of wall paper in all the late patterns. Also handles a stock of high grade pictures in beautiful frames and does all kinds of picture framing. Drop in and hear a dem onstration of the New Comfort talk ing machine. It plays all records ood i without changing anything. North This ' Sixt h street. What is the name? for Frank R. Gobelman Paints and Wall Paper. We mention fast growing here one of the banks of eastern 4j; Cr.:i you name tjH i,;g sutrr in Pk'ttsmouth which, bv i's ogres.sive policy and lair dealing over a period of many year-, has erown year by year. in. til it f -one of the big stores of this section? This success has been gained by gi; ing right merchandise, right price:', riclit service ai.d right treu'men. This store sells men's, ladies' and children's furnishings and a general line of dry goods. Headquarters for Butteriek patterns. The big gro cery department of thi-5 store carrh s everything the appetite could de sire in good tilings to eat. What is the name? E. G. Dovev & Son t fair prices. They have the ex clusive s-ale in this city of that standard line of remedies and sun dries that bears the Latin nami which means iu English "King o: All". This name oji any article yci. buy is always a guarantee of qual ity. Here you will find an excelkM line of cigars to meet the smoker. desire. In fact you can get any thing that is carried in a first das' drug store. What is the name. H is the place' where you buy Sherwin Williams paints. F. G. Fricke & Co., Trues. many wa v ? and i a Ii r 15 flood meat is a treat that makes a meal complete. Thi-; number represents a market that takes a pride in it's reputation now well established, for furnishing patrons with nothing but the be.-t obtainable in the meat line. They have ;,s complete an asortment as ever found its way into a polite, sanitary market and serve you in a manner that makes shopping there a pleasure. You can depend on it Wkat is the name of the moat market in this city that has been serving the public foi a day in a most satisfactory Everything is clean. fresl vitii.g, as it should be arouni" class market. This is the hop that sells "Supreme" hams and bacon and everything m fresf meats. When you patronize thi: mark-t you have the satisfaction o' knowing you are getting the be-t Fish, oyster- and gamn in season. Five hundred block. Main street What is the name? Chase Meat Market. 23 cit y What is the name of the con cern which is the big buyer and shipper of produce in this They are wholesale dealer in poultry, eggs and cream. They buy in large or small -quantities and sell the same way. This concern not only buys all the farmer has to sell, but from tiie merchants as '.veil. Their business include - a wide range of territory a::d is a strong trade puller for Plattsmouth. They al ways pay the highest marked prices. Located on South Sixth street. What is the name? Plattsmouth Produce Station. their meats arc that and ter.der. Poultry and cream. Phone 1'. name? The Union Market E Halstead. Pron. alv:.ys fres!. i bread, milk' What is the! 24 J. Tl e best place of t! Lie o::' ;eni the tin Thi.- Tiiis refers to o st candv shonn in the Ft at". place makes real candy and car. furnish you with any quantity. Al though the price of raw materials h.'s advanced a great deal, this store Mill maintains the high standard cf its products and will continue t; sell at lowest possible pricos. Yoa will find a spirit of courtesy display ed here that will make you want to come back. They have a line se lection and a bo taken home from this store wilH please the whole North Fifth street. What name? Candy Ilitchen W. J. Hartwick, Prop. What is the name of the man who is making good in the automobile business? It is where you can get almost eny of your wants in the automobile line filled to your entire satisfaction. In the repair department you wi'.l find no better mcchrir.ifs in the country than thuse employed at this garpne. Thev have accessories and ;.rts for j most, all makes of cars. Home of Willard batteries and act ncy for i Studebaker cars. Maxwell cars and j trucks. Bargains in used cars. They are ever ready to serve yc u. What is the name? J. F. Wolff, Garage. i !25 iamily is t he- Nebraska. It is :i twentieth i century institution that is large enuf to accommodate you and not too 3 Th improvements consist of a good six room house with full 1. -.,.?!. horse barn far eight head of horses, cattle barn with 111 b.i --men and soi foundation, size 4SxO, machine shed, two ;.fg sheds, me 1 feet lorg; two cattle siieds, one big two-story granary :.:;! a i"rn crib So f. et lor.g. The fan:; is all well fenced :. r. j rro-s fenced. One L'5 acre alfalfa field is fenced hog tight and blue gras pasture fenced hog tight. There is a good well on iarn. wili large underground suply tank in connection and I n feed h.ts to self v.atere-rs for both hogs and cattle. This i id 1 stock farm in very way and a big money maker. It been priced for quick sale .at.d is worth money than we are a-ling for it. The j.rife is ? I S . 0 per acre and good terms can be arranged with purchaser. ce t i e pip is : has large to appreciate you. It is pre- j par?:l to take care of your every re What is the name of the store in , qui -ement pertaining to the banking Plattsmouth that believes in pre business. The officers and directors paredness when it comes to being .of this bank co-operate in every prepared to furnish its patrons with j movement for the advancement of li 1 evervining xnev neeu in me way m i-iaiismoui n ami iriouiar ici nun v. ' ' . i i . . i : . o mi.c. 1 . : -T 1 t . ur goous uuu jroL-enes . ljus uig 11 is department store is not only prepar- j uei';: R!in this line but prepared to sell ill that 31 to you at a price mat your pocei-, naitie1 book will lie prepared to pay. The dry goods department is most com plete, where many of the most fash- Pi 1 ionable dress materials can be found. rli liriTnt f f tli A mfrifs it T .n il v ! K . . . . V ........ ' . . 1 ( . ....... ....... . . . . . . ' 0 :-. ere :ou:he'as? ,f ho-.! !;:r:u v a t ( r on t he ti ii. Ti.t- p: Oet in good fgrms. lyi-.g 7 miles south of Plattsmouth and 42 miles ?v;i:rr.iy- The improvements consist of a five room hog- l.ou e ;.i (1 oihe r buildings. There is running fan;:. The land lays good and is in excellent condi ice i-s $i:;r.0 per acre and good terms can le given. touch with us at and let us show you these IT'S A PLEASURE TO SHOW CASS COUNTY LAND. i J. P. Falter & Son IT good t ions store This number introduces a jewelry store that takers th lead. It is a plac? where goods and proper renresenta are always certain. It is a with metropolitan feature-; If any lady is to lock her bet she nms wear a becom ing hat. Platismctnh has a 'millinery store which would be a i credit to any city in the state. You i will find here hundreds of hats, all smartiy trimmed, suitable for ver min and young girls, and also a large- line of children? hats. Repre sented here are all th new t-hapes so much in favor and all sorts cf new ideas in trimmings. Here you v ill see stunning hats, modest li r t . sport hat- and hats tor nl! oceasruu-. This is the home of t'.ie "Gag?" hat: adies always welcome. What is the came? ' " 'J filSu! Emma Pease, Millinery. . Riley Hotel Block. 2n Who is the live wire in Platts B mouth when it comes to furn Miing amusement headquart ers for the lie u folks? It's the plac v he re the boys all meet and have a :de;isar.t hour together. Diwn town looking for a friend you will nearly dways f n'J him here if be enj '--ie pastMme cf pocket billiard f r lealtli and pleasure. Here you will find several tabb-s at ti e disposal of 'ho'-e "bo enjoy the sjiort of play ing porker biJlinrds. They aNo 'lanillo ca (1 i---. .-oft drinks, cigars mil iob;icro-. This is RIl old estab 'ished i T: st i ; u t ion and the name he Tins wiih "A". What is the name? A. M. Arries, Billiard Parlor. FOR SALE Nebraska, house f-x- iew, ; n:c barn lei'Lth of 1 r tons of arace t::nl food house and implen i lit shed; 1 i jcres pastttre. close to good marl:- '.. Terms on pn.rt purchase jirice. Call on or address, ("has. II. ?vla-ti".. Plattsmouth, Nebr. 27-ctdl't A good Cass county, arm of S." acres, modern ;ept light, :i lx:'i'. ne;irly room. bath and pantry :! 0 and lean to 1 tJ It. by barn, room for S horses, iiav; good hen house. NOTICE. Household goods for sale cheap, October 2. ". 4. 6, at my residence on Main street, Mynarrl. Mrs. Dan Riser. 2-4fd2tw I have a customer for a 11'0-aire farm. Those having such for sale :-ome and see mu at my o flier, sec ond do:r west of the court house r.'l.ns. H. Martin. I1?-? t n OHICHuSTER S PILLS ? '."V A(.k y-Bt 1'rvfL.i'l lot a , CLV1 I 'il-tl.wi.Jpr I IHinond UtndA LtS ln Wrd n-l t-a;j o-ralln.V -TvJ l", ' 5-r'icj iu hiuc ;-." 'ion. . V'l 1 ike oih t. Iiiir or font - ,'.'7 !-. cl-1- A cfirC !!!- III- IJ W yc-rJtr A S&LQS' L'jZ2- -l!i in JCrd n-l t,o;j Bi-rallitN fonr C yc-: x:JKt".' !i-cL,faateit. Al-s ko" ycur.'STSfvR'VvvxiRE H. G. LEOPOLD OESTECPATHIC PHYSICIAN T-rlnl Attrnlton to I)lfnn of WomeB ACt'TE IIsT:A?nS THKATFD Eyes Tested .i;d Ilia, ses Kitt-d Kiht Calls Answered After Henri and-Sundays by Appointment S:?,0 a. m. to 12:00 1:30 p. m. to 5:S0 Plattsmouth. Neb. 1- 011 tm- JUit-li k 1' tlieir object to make this bank 1 to all classes in every pos way. Xaine . includes a cla-s feeeis the world. What is the Farmers State Bank ome i corset. What is th.e name? every tiling to eat and wear. H. H. Soenniehsen Dry Goods and Groceries Most I! fully and carries an excellent line of fjlKO Z'B L'B "'!BT'!1 1 3'"3n :" EZS rS;:;;:a".' JS ::aT!B.T'.:ffl ".M L'D '.:-:3:': EJia'S'nr elry. diamonds. waiches. clocks. s!ivt-rware. novelties, e'.c. An ex celkn reiair department. Here is ' ai-o tin proper place to i:ve your eves tested and properlv fitted with glasses all kind and all stvles The place to buy Victrolas and rec ords. New records first of each month. The corner More. What is the name? J. W. Crabill. Jeweler and Outoirtetrist. :::::: ' In ifi n tit and are now ready fcr your AUTO BUSINESS. 4 REAL ESTATE Phone 28 INSURANCE A QQ.Vo J su oan BUT WHICH CAN BE PAID SOONER IF DESIRED No Commissions Ve place such loans through the LINCOLN JOINT STOCK LAND BANK, of Lincoln, Nebraska, which during the past year has loaned over $6,000,000.00 to the farmers of Iowa and Nebraska. NO DELAYS! NO RED TAPE! A FAIR RATE OF INTEREST Ask Us About It ank of Cass Plattsmouth -:- -:- Co., Nebraska Telephones have become a neces sity in the home as well as in the shop. What is the name of the telephone company in Flattsniout h that has been riving pood service ever since it has been in business in this territory? The officers of the company have not only been alert to render the best possible Fervice. but have supported every movement for the advancement and growth of the city and country. If you are not using; this pood service you should pet busy and have them pi.-, a phone in your home at once. What is the name? Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. 5 The ice man has had his inning and it is now time for the coal man to come to bat. What is the name of the firm in this citv that makes a specialty of supplying your every want ii? the way of coal and wood satisfactorily and well? Xow is the proper time to bepin lay inp in your winter supply. This firm handles coal and wood in any quantity oesireu. lne service is prompt and the price is always ripht. J lie ottice or this hrm is lo cated near the Burlington depot. C. G. Fricke, Coal and Wood The subject of this sketch is a merchant tailor who makes clothes that lit from a care- selected stock in his own shop, i He has recently taken over r.n old j established business, and he guar antees his work to give satisfaction.! He also does cleaning and pressin IS The building- of a tew home is a pleasurable anticipation and is an important deal to anyone. It is usually talked of a S long time before it is undertaken, j g and it means a great de-al to every j -5 member of the family. There is a 5 fniitrpptnr n n tl TiliiTiiu' mill Ttoin i Tl ' It is just as important that a tailor Plattsmouth with a v ide experience j press your clothes as it is that he in th!s line 1Ie v-:i ;,e -iau to,0 make them. And he is the "doctor" furnish estimates and will save vou ! eliminating errors. He for sick clothes. It is the idea of the new management to pive abso lute service. You will pet work when it is promised. That means something to the patrons. This gen tleman' is the representative in this city of Detmer woolens and clothes made by him will pive class to th? one who wears them. Located on north side of Main street. What is the name? This pood tailor does alterations and repair work, also dyeing of all kinds. Ladie;s work a specialty. Fred Lugsch Tailoring and . Cleaning. monev bv eliminating errors specializes in the manufacture of, store and office fixtures and all kinds cf interior wood wcrk. This contractor .specializes in all kinds of cement, building and construction work. Name starts with the :ird letter of the alphabet. Waat is the name? Bert Coleman, General Contractor. 19 When mouth you arrive in all tired and Platts-hunpry 6 What is the name of the pood bread makers in Tlattsniouth ? It is the firm which has built up a large business by supplying the people with the very best poods in their line. Only the most modern methods are employed at this bakery and all products are kept up to a high standard of quality. Besides carrying a fine line of bakery poods and pastries, this Etore makes a specialty of treating the customers in a way that will make you want to come back. The name is that of a large city in the east. What is the name? New York Bakery C. L. Herger, Prop. 7 "Just Shoes!" An ill fitting shoe Is the bane of man's existence. Corns 'have caused more misery than war. There is a shoe store in Plattsmouth. however, where vou 4 . , T .a nl, ...... . r 41,1c ....... t- 1 . : . . fifcnu ill? Liiamuo ui luis null. J.11I& is an exclusive shoe store and car- 12 Can vou name the building and loan association in Platts mouth that has helped scores and scores of people who never had the saving habit, but who are now laying aside a portion of their earn ings monthly and soon they will have a comfortable sum for future use? Hundreds of people are now living in their own homes and rap idly paying for them with approxi mately the amount they heretofore paid for rent. This association is composed of business men of unques tioned integrity and it has never lost a single dollar for its Etockholdesr. What is the name? Livingston Loan and Suilding Ass'n. 13 "If you have beauty, come, I'll take it; if you have none, come. I'll make it." This is thi incentive that is offered by a certain leading studio, for man or woman is yet to be found who did not. want to look well in a photo graph. This studio is equipped 'with modern appliances and that enters into the making of luxurious photographs the kind that give? satisfaction from all standpoints. When you think of photographs, you naturally think of the best place to pet them. They also do kodak fin ishing and enlarging. Upstairs, on north side Main street. What is the name? Ghrist & Ghrist, Photographers. what cafe do you beat it for to appease the appetite of the inner man. whether it applies to a refresh ing drink, a dish of delicious ice cream or a good square meal? It is centrally located and while there are no waits there are plenty of waiters to serve you promptly. While there are no fancy prices they have everything your fancy or appetite could desire in the way of pood things to eat! Once you try their service you will become a member of the "come back" club. South side cf Main street. What is the name? Pv-ussell Cafe. The Fiaiismout!) Oarage is now located in the Propst Garage k building on the corner of Seventh and Vine streets, where we will be pleased to meet all our old patrons, as well as all new ones who may have business in our line. Repairing is Our Specialty Battery Charging Electric Welding Reo Cars and Trucks for Sale New and Second Hand Cars J. E. iV2AS, Prop, :n. u H B n n b p H n u a a a K h H fa n n 20 Can you name the hustling farm loan, real estate and in surance firm in Plattsmouth who represent the very best insur ance companies? This company can attend to your wants in fire, tornado and auto insurance. The'y have a large accruaintance in this - section and know land values, and have a larpe list fcr your inspection at at tractive prices. If you have prop erty for sale, list it with them as they have many inquiries for prop erty. This is a home firm, special izing in farm lands in this com munity. Phone "S. What is the name? J. P. Falter & Scr.. Heal Estate. This number represents aj drug store winch nas always g -n Io.t-piI a croon traile because! it has always served the public with dependable merchandise and drugs I 21 a A Cllood Him To .Those Who Want Monuments and Markers Erected Also inscriptions cut in the cemetery. Better think it over and have the work done this fall. There are always too many who wait until spring and are disappointed at not being able to get their work finished by Memorial da Large stock of monuments and markers on hand and a firm here ct home to take care of the work for you. We invite inspection. a rr H a H B B U M i H H ci b - M Ii Cass County Monument Company : H. W. SMITH Telephone 177 0 Plattsmouth, Neb. i .7uM:s;ErsBiLfl3BEZB.2