PAGE TWELVE PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOUB2IAL THURSDAY. OCIOSLR S. 1319. W C. T. U. CON VENTION Mil THURSDAY 4- TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL SES SION HELD AT WEEPING WATER CHURCH. Of fear lest h be laid on the table Ami never more will be able To s)ua ruler large .sums of money for votes. , With which he always controlled the states. "For the men are now realizing In a way quite patronlzinp. That you women for years have oper- ateil si Union. I Which has beat all other unions And that they'd better side in with you Or you. and your white ribboners, too Will outwit their' keenest leaders. And the whole world will be White nibboners." UNIQUE GREETINGS EXTENDED By Mrs. T. Murtey of Weeping Wat er Union All Represented But Louisville. The 2Sth annual W. C. T. U. con vention of Cass county convened at Weeping Water last" Thursday. Oc tober 2ml. at 9:30 a. ni.. in the Con gregational church. TM1 county of ficers. Mrs. 'j. D. Cross, of Union, president; Mrs. Mary S. Harmon, of Alvo. secretary and Mrs. Irene Mc Fall. of Kagle. treasurer, were pres ent, as was also the state president. Mrs. Mamie Clafin. There are six Unions in Cass coun ty, being located at Nehawka, Eagle. Louisville. Plattsmouth. Weeping Water and Union. All of them ex cept Louisville were represented. Mrs. T. Murtey. of Weeping Water, gave Greetings, which were cleverly written in rhyme, and from which the following has been copied, be ing the address in part: GIIKKTIXGS "If you are lit-re today as a member of the W. C T. I., or if you come as a put-st: The Wt-epinff Water Union bids m.- weU-ome you to tlit-ir best. Heroines of victorious battles fouilM, Silently and by much ridicule fraught. We have fflt thy influence for years Aft discouraged: tift with teals. "We deem It great honor you to greet: (ilailly we sit at thy feet. On the past we look. As upon a sacred book And thy voices we will grcatefully bear: Clad to feel the white ribboners so near: That ywi have achieved your goal Ami held John IJarleycorn under con trol. It should be a matter of great pride That our land has made such a stride Toward a better way of living. Which has come from much thinking Over social problems, industrial anil i economic: Until hemon Hum is now In a panic FIRST APPEAR ANCE OF THE AVOCA ITEMS uel's domain. They returned home, and found some pretty tough sled- nations are now being made to open .ater out will go west to ding. They ran into a bank of soft un ofi(;OS ... or pul rhioutrn occupy the land soon. dirt, where the graders had been T ,? , 8,1 , t-hlcaso. Wiiiiam woeard and daughter, working, as they were trying to beat "c uu"ra "aiuun' le program Miss Mae are visiting with friends .the rain into Plattsmouth and also for the afternoon and relatives at Belmont and Platt- ville, Wisconsin, where they will re nareiy escapea neing overturned in The evening was taken up with a canyon at the roadside, which thev , .... .. . . i ' iiiiiiu i ii i el I u in II i en 'j i Ti m cj n r it main for some time. During their , could not see on account of the dark-! . absence, Mr. Hogard is looking af-!ness. The rain finally caught them lne tj3,,lts. also the free dance in ter the duties of the office and thinks and put them into the ditch, where, "the large new Farmers Union ware- LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Frank Chaloupka, of Denver, who has been visiting in the east for a short time with relatives and old friends, is expected in the city today for a short visit while enroute home. Frank M. Uestor was a business visitor in Omaha today, going to that city on the afternoon Burling ton train. J. H. Short departed on the af ternoon train today for Omaha, at which place he will visit for a few hours. Mrs. J. 15. Higley departed this afternoon for Omaha, where she will visit for a short time with rel atives and friends. T. M. Patterson of the Farmers State Bank, departed ABSENCE OF LOCAL EDITOR SE LECTED TO HANDLE NEWS IS CAUSE OF DELAY TO BECOME REGULAR FEATURE In Columns of Monday Semi-Weekly Journal Town is Without a Newspaper. We expected to have the Avoca department established last week, but owing to the fact that the local editor. Miss Mae Bogard, is visiting in the east for a time, the matter of fullv establishing a news service as it no small job either. He is com plaining somewhat of having a lone some job keeping house without the women folks. We sure do miss the women folks when they are away. L. II. Fahnestock, who was visit ing at Nebraska City last week, on his return was accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Charles Woodson, who Is visiting in Avoca with friends for a short time. Mrs. Gust Mohr, who with her husband, have been living in the west part of the state, arrived from her home at ChappelL last Friday for an extended visit with friends and relatives. J.' E. Hallstrom. the cashier of the Farmers State Bank of Avoca. ac companied by Mrs. Hallstrom, were visiting with friends and attending the welcome home celebration held at Plattsmouth last Saturday. While there, they took advantage of the opportunity of remaining over Siin- j day with relatives. jonn .MCruriana expressed nis re news items for publication in Mon day's issue, on which day of the week is is our intention to publish the new Avoca department, but the ab- o .r. sw iitm n t Anr 1 i ti rt r r o moil list pvonin ' "" ' ""ul'"- iasi evuiun d lf imnossible to net them into lor Chicago, where he was called onjtyDe in tlme for publication before today. We are hopeful, however, of having the Avoca department firmly we desire had to be postponed. ine;mts at mt l-iiir able to attend the Journal's country representative vis-ibig homecoming celebration for sol- lieu Avoca me iasi oi tne ween, aim tiers, sailors and marines, but savs upon learning of Miss Bogard's ab- ue C(ma positively not get away on sence picked up a few interesting Saturday. with a representative of the Journal. house, and the free moving picture they hud to put in a large part of, s ts , thtf afternooil were th,; the night in trying to get their carl , , out. A neighboring farmer solved, u" "'"un game. etc. the problem the next morning. The aeroplane was busy all day carrying passengers and making ex hibition flights. REPORT OF FARM ERS UNION PICNIC Journal Furnished with a Splendid Account of Cass County Event Held at Weeping; Water The annual picnic given by th merchants of Weeping Water and the Farmers Union of Cass county, held on the 2"th of September was an other big 5;uocess. It was an all day aiialr and tne whole program was interesting from start to finish. The Wetping Water band of 20 pieces furnished music in abundance, A PLEASANT EVENT This morning the stork paid a flying visit to t lie home of Mr. and Mrs. James Holly in the west portion of the city and left in their care r. fine little daughter, to bring sun shine and happiness to the home. Both the mother and little one are doing nicely and Jim is as happy as only a proud father can be. SOME GOOD ADVICE ENJOYED A VERY PLEAS ANT HIKE TOKA CAMPFIRE GIRLS WERE OUT YESTERDAY AFTER NOON FOR A WALK. TRIP TO M. STREIGHT FARM Where a Wiener Roast Was One of the Principal Forms of Enter tainment Fine Time. Strengthened by Plattsmouth Experience some business matters. Mrs. H. C. Leopold departed this morning on the early Burlington train for Minden, Nebraska, where she will enjoy a short visit with friends. Mrs Edward A. Burns and children departed this afternoon for Omaha, where they will enjoy a visit for a few days with friends in that city. t'. F. Buttery and wife departed this afternoon for Omaha, where they established in the near future. Orlando Tefft, who has been sick for some time past, is showing a good deal of improvement and is able to be' on the street at intervals and to meet his many friends of t he city. Win. Tinker, the new Missouri Pacific agent, has gotten moved and settled and seems at home in Avoca. Mr. Tinker is certainly a sure enough real efficient railroad man. W. P. Beezlev. the efficient mall will visit for the day with relatives arrir nf the H. P. I), running out and where Mr. Buttery will consult J of Avoca made up his mind to attend a specialist in regard to his health, the festivities attendant to welcom- I ing the soldier boys home at Platts Mrs. Rosa Cogdill and daughter, ' mouth Saturday, but on account of Mrs. C. H. Boynton, were among having to carry the mail over the those going to Omaha this morning! lad roads.' found most of his day tak en up in tne periormance oi nis uuiy, whereas with good roads the task could have,, been accomplished in a small fraction of the time it took. Mrs. Kdward Mohr. who has been to visit for a few hours with friends In that city. Sheriff C. D. Quinion was among those going to Omaha this morning to spend a few hours looking after visiting with friends and relatives in , . ; Kansas for the past few weeks, re- some matters for the county. j turned home TuesdaVf havinK I). V. Morgan departed this morn-; had an excellent time while she was ing for Lincoln, where he will attend away. Claude Hollenfcerger and Marion Pitman were in the west about a i weeK or ten aays ago. ana wnne this week. there filed on a section of Uncle Sam- a meeting of the second class post masters of the state to be held there -Qimrkfi T?ahniflv(p wri lm;r lnr week looking after receiving the in-a" ll"n"Hun u a, com ins erain at the elevator, as was i prelude and final concert in the also Louis Marquardt at his elevator. They are both shipping a good quan tity of wheat out these days evening. The aiternoon Albert Koper, who resides some! with an address of welcome by K. L. Kidney disease is too dangerous to neglect. At the first sign of back ache, headache, dizziness or urinary program opened : disorders, you should give the weak- five miles west of Avoca, is hauling the lumber for the construction of a new house on his farm. When com pleted it will make him and his es timable wife an excellent home, and one to which thev are well entitled. Returned from the West. Some four of our citizens were vis iting and looking after some business in the west last week, they being ened kidneys prompt attention. Eat little meat, take things easier and use a reliable kidney tonic. There's Shoemaker, president of the Cass i county Farmers Union, after which the Gables from the Lyceum bureau. jno otner kidney medicine so well of Lincoln, gave a portion of their ( recommended at Doan's Kidney Pills, program. Plattsmouth people rely on them. Prof. X. W. Gaines, of the Exten- Ask your neighbor. Here's one of the sion department of the school of ag-jmany statements from Plattsmouth! ricuiture, gave an address on tne lino people. of loyalty and admonition to the Mrs. Harry Kuhney, Eighth and Keese Hutching. John Peckham, Will farmers to "quit their kicking" and ' Pearl St., says: "I couldn't say any- Beatey and Louis Hoback. The first get to work. He went ' on to say ; thing but good words for Doan's Kid two named have land there, and have that fhp fnrmprc iinvp PVf rvi hinn : tipv Pills far T i-nnw fmm nprsnnni also purchased lots in the town of - , , , . , I A. , , Arriba, where Mr. Hutching will con-1 lhev Iiave ever asktl1 for aud more, experience that they are all. that is and brought right to their farms. In i claimed for them. I use Doan s when solving their farm problems they j my back aches and my kidneys are struct about eight houses for sale or rent while Mr. Peckham will also build two homes. Not Entirely Recovered Mrs. B. C. Marquardt who was in jured several weeks ago in an eleva tor in which she. was a passenger at; mirth and was appreciated immense Omaha, is reported as not entirely jv bv the audience as evidenced bv have the willing assistance and ser vice cf the entire collie of agricul ture, working through the county asant. His talk was filled with recovered, although she is on th1; road to recovery and is showing good improvement. Her many friends arej hopeiul that sue win soon ue wen again. They Had Some Time. Henry Jonquest and Will Carlson werp visitlne" in "Plattsmouth on last Saturday, going over in their car of thepe commission offices frequent applause. I Charles Watts, general manager ,f the Livestock Commission cf thi Farmers Union offices at Sioux City. Omaha, St. Joe, Kansas City and Denver, was present and gave a very Interesting talk on the success Xego- not acting as they should and they never fail to give quick relief. We uze Doan's Kidney Pill3 in our home when necessary for kidney trouble and they always give good results." Price COc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Kuhney had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs.. Buffalo. X. Y. If you have anything to 6ell or want to buy something use the Dally Journal want-ads. m From Wednesday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon 'the Tnka Cainpfiro girls enjoyed a most !" lighU'ul hike and outing that they will long remember with pleasure. Th" members of the party a 1 1 1 r - ed after the close of school aud in company with Mrs. II. P. Westover. as chaperone of tiie party, proceeded to take up the hike out to the farm of Moiite Streight, north of the city, where they spent several hour. very enjoyably. The gir'.s gathered the material for a real camp fire and over the glowing embers proceeded to roast wieners and enjoyed the toothsome repast very much. After the enjoyment of the feast, the members of the party fpent sev eral hours in playing games, and as the great, glowing moon was shed ding its radiance over the land scape wended their way homeward, feeling that they had enjoyed an evening of rare pleasure. Those comprising the party wore Velma Rainey, Florence and Estella Tritsch, Mary Catherine Parmele, Clara Trilety, Emma Wohlfarth, Mary Margaret Walling, Viola Ar cher. Fern Noble and Margaret Schlater. H. H. Kuhney was among those going to Omaha this afternoon to enjoy a few hours outing and to look after some matters of business. Miss Anna Hall was among those going to Omaha this morning to vis it for a few hours with friends. Court Reporter Earl R. Travis was a passenger this morning for Papil lion, where he was called on some legal matters. 0 ' u 8 The Platte Realty Auction Co. announces the sale of three excellent farms, which will be held on October 13-14-15 on the respective farms. These farms are all good and lay in the heart of the corn belt of Eastern Nebraska, w here failures are unknown. If look ing for a farm for a home or an investment, don't fail to take in these three sales o 9 0 0 0 On Monday, October 13th, we will sell 120 acres situated as follows: South V2 of southeast V4 and south V2 of south V2 of northeast !4 section 6, township 4, range 10, being one-half mile south of the town of Vesta, Johnson county, Nebraska, on the Burlington railroad from Beatrice to Auburn. This land is all deep black soil with clay sub-soil free from rocks, sand and gumbo. Gently rolling, but not rough. Absolutely no waste land on the farm. About 90 acres under cultivation; 10 acres alfalfa, 15 acres pasture, IV2 acres al falfa hog pasture. Improvements consist of house of 5 rooms, pantry and two closets, in good living condition; good cistern, new barn 28x32 feet, with loft for 1 5 fons of hay; 16x26 implement shed enclosed; two chicken houses, cribs, granery, etc. This is in a community where values have not by any means reached the limit. Some one will make a good investment here. f On Tuesday, October 14th, we will sell 130 acres, all in section 35, township 9, range 9, boardering on the village of Palmyra, Otoe county, Nebraska. There are about 80 acres creek bottom land on this farm, of which 65 acres are in cultivation, 1 5 acres clover and 50 acres pasture. This is an exceptionally good farm and some one will get a rare home here. Buildings: Eight room house, cement cave, 75 barrel cistern, small barn, good hog barn 16x28; good covered crib, capacity about 1,000 bushels. About 40 acres of this farm is hog tight. , 1 0 0 ears. 40 acres in pasture with oak timber on it; another iu acre norse Piur ow rything, and the fences include about 3 1-2 miles of woven wire fence about 48 inches high. - ; in coh nnir. including sewer and water: barn 38x56 feet with loft over all; 0 Here is our real sale and should npt be missed by any one wishing a combination Stock and Grain Farm! This sale will be held on October 15th. 200 acres located three miles northwest of Nebraska City a town of 10,000 inhabitants, in the best farming dis trict of Nebraska. This is the southeast 1-4 and the southeast 1-4 of the northeast 1-4 of section 35, township 9, range 13, Otoe county, weorasKa, snuaieo on the Washington highway and known as the Parkhurst farm. It was formerly owned by Mark Morton, of Chicago. 120 acres under cultivation, having been ro- tated so that the oldest land has been out of tame grass about 5 ; tame hay. This is all good black soil, the kind that produces eve! This is a hiehlv imoraved farm enniefino ni u. fniiAu,ina t double corn crib and eranarv 3oyAA f ThA riimAMeiM mn4.ui t u le oil n9b rut on thnfai-n and have a carload of concrete under tnem. iauion barn 20x22 feet; hog house 130 feet long; cattle and hay barn 54x60 feet; feed crib 10x24 feet; stock scale; underground gasoline system; garage and other minor buildings. Large water supply tank and windmill, with water in all feed lots. The water system with tanks cost $700 to install. Corrails are ail i wood and in excellent repair. Nebraska City has a large packing plant, so butcher stock could be trucked or driven in. Also has access to the markets ot umana, ti. Joseph and Kansas City. Cars will meet all all trains at Nebraska Cily, on October 15th, to accomodate buyers at this sale. TERMS: Terms on all these sales are 10 per cent day of sale, 40 per cent March 1, 1920, when possession is given; balance 5 years at 6 per cent. Sales to start at 2 o'clock p. m. on the farms. For further information write The FursrK Cosill AiuictDomi ompany Ageimts The Original Land Auction Firm of Eastern Nebraska Plattsmouth, Nebraska 0 0 COL. W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer G DCZZDC 3 )C DCZZDC 3 )C C C D (. ) C