The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 06, 1919, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Government to Change System
" of Estimates.
Instead of One Estimate a Year for
the 48 States There Will Be 12
Covering the 3,000 Agricultural
Counties In the United States Sta
' ti sties Will Show Age and Sex Clas
sifications as Well as Quality.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Up to this time the United States
d -rwirtnient of agriculture has issued a
single estimate, in January of each
year, showing how many head of the
various kinds of live stock there are
in the United States, and one estimate
a year showing losses by disease. Now
the whole system is to be changed. As
soon as the machinery can be got in
operation by the bureau of crop estl
ninths, there will be 12 live-stock esti
mate a year instead of one. Instead
of being made for the 4S states they
will be made for the 3.000 agricultural
counties In the United States. Instead
of showing merely, that there are so
many horses, so many cattle, so many
sheep, and so on, they will be made by
age and sex classifications. That Is,
they will show what proportion Is
breeding stock, what proportion grow
ing stock, and what proportion "mar
ketable stuff." They will show qual
ity as well as numbers the propor
tions of purebred animals, of grade
animals, and of scrubs.
A great deal more than that, even,
is to be doneunder the new system.
These surveys will show, besides
actual live-stock figures, a great many
thincrs pertaining to and affecting the
live-stock industry. They will show
how many silos there are and what
they contain, how much feed is on
hnnd and in prospoct available for
feeding to live stock; and the condi
tion of pastures ami ranges through
out the United States. This showing
will be made every month in the year.
Pasture Knowledge Vital.
The last-mentioned item, that of the
condition of pastures and ranges, is
of much greater importance than
might appear at first blush. Leaving
all of the others out of account for
the moment, it should result in consid
erable increase of live-stock produc
tion as well as increased profits to a
great many live-stock men. It will
make possible quick shifts of live
stock from sections where, for some
reason, the pastures are short to
other sections where for the time be
ing the supply of pasturage is much
greater than required by the live stock
on hand.
Almost every year somewhere In the
United States great numbers of cattle
and sheep suffer for lack of pasture,
fail to put on weight, and, if they do
not die, are finally sold at a consider
able loss to their owners. At the
same time that this is going on. multi
plied millions of dollars' worth of
grass goes to waste in various other
sections of the United . States, be
cause the supply of live stock on hand
Is not sufficient to eat it.
The average farmer who makes live
stock a side line, or even one of his
main lines, playj safe in the matter
of pasture. The number of head of
live stock he carries is the number
he knows he can carry safely If con
ditions should happen to be such as
to cut hi pastures short. Very rarely
does he carry the maximum number
that would be possible with his pas
tures at their best or even at normal.
It happens, therefore, when his pas
tures are exceptionally good and even
when they are normally good, he has
considerably more grass than is need
ed by his live stock.
With reliable monthly reports from
the government each month, showing
just the condition of pastures every
where, the feeder or range owner who
finds himself short of grass should
have little difficulty In distributing his
cattle viere there is abundance of
grass, kevpinsr his young and poor
stuff from going to the slaughter pen
before they are ready and generally
making his business more profitable
and mor satisfactory.
More Important Work Planned.
All of th other items in the new
program of the bureau of crop esti
mates are equally Important, and some
of them are vastly more so. The pub
lication monthly of reliable figures
showing the live-stock situation the
country over should result practically
in putting the live-stock business of
the farmer on a more secure basis.
The live-stock dealer always has the
means of getting, on his own respon
sibility, a rretty accurate survey of
the situation, but the farmer has no
accoss to those sources of information.
When the government gives him the
figures that are promised he will be on
an equal footiog with the buyer.
If there were ever ray doubt as to
the ability of the department of agri
culture to obtain quickly and accu
rately country-wide Information on
present and prospective food supplies,
the doubt has been dispelled.1 Theiwnr
emergency demonstrated the matter
very clearly. During the two years,
1G17 and 1013, the department" esti
mated In ad rtuce of the planting sea
son t'.jo acreage tht farmers intended
to plant to feed cr??i. In both yov.r
rheo prepiuuiiii estimates came with
in '' : -r le.A cf the final figures. In
191S. when for the first time It wafi
possible to check up accurately on
wheat, the department's estimates
came within 2 per cent of the wheal
production, as shown by the quan
tity used for seed' and total receipts
at miffs and elevators as reported bj
the grain corporation of the food ad
ministration. Such figures, authoritative and un
biased, are a prerequisite to the mosl
Intelligent program either of produc
tion or of marketing. They prevent
the issuance of biased and misleading
reports by speculators. They tend to
stabilize prices by giving advance in
formation of overproduction or under
production. The certainty of supply
resulting from dependable government
reports reduces the carrying risk of
buyers and dealers, and enables them
to pay better prices than would be
possible otherwise. The government
reports enable transportation con
panies to estimate tonnage and to pro
vide cars when and where they are
needed. They give bankers the in
formation necessary in providing funds
for. financing farmers In the produc
tion of their crops and, after harvest,
for buyers and distributers of crops.
They enable manufacturers to know,
months In advance, what materials
should be contracted for in order that
farm machinery, equipment, and sup
plies may be made available without
annoying and expensive delays.
There is just one class of men In
jured by the government crop reports.
They are the professional speculators
who profit by the ignorance and un
certainty of others.
Those facts have long been realized
as to the government reports on field
crops. Now they are to become equal
ly true as to live stock.
To Shew "Commercial Production.'
A number cf other things are to be
done under Ihe new program. One
will be to show, not merely total pro
duction, but commercial production as
well. That is, he crop report will
show not only how much of a given
commodity Is produced on the farms
but how much leaves the farms and
goes vn the market. The price of any
thing is not determined by the quan
tity of that thing produced on the
farm, consumed on the farm, or wasted
on the farm, so much "as by the mar
ketable surplus the portion that actu
ally leaves the farm and becomes a
fafor In supply and demand in the
open market.
Another Important thing that will
he a little longer in coming is the
actual taking of a farm census every
year instead of using as a basis of all
figures the last preceding 10-year cen
sus. This is to be accomplished by
using tax assessors as gatherers of
basic farm figures. About 30 states
have already passed laws rtquirins
assessors to do this work, the returns
to be made to the state commissioner
of agriculture and to be checked up
by the state field agent of the bureau
of crop estimates. In states where
such laws have been passed, they are.
for the most part, new and are not yet
fully in effective operation. The de
partment of agriculture expects, how
ever, that similar laws will be passer!
in all other states and the plan put in
complete effective operation through
out the United States within the next
five years.
A great deal of work is being done,
also looking to closer co-operation be
tween the federal department of agri
culture and the aiate departments.
Such co-operation results In combining
the facilities of the two organizations
and using them for the issuance of a
single monthly crop report for the
state instead of two. Co-operative
agreements have been entered Into In
Wisconsin. Ohio, Illinois, Iowa. Ne
braska, Missouri, Georgia, Alabama,
North Carolina. West Virginia. Arkan
sas, Utah and Idaho, and are under
consideration in many other states.
First Wife of Civil War Hero Reap
pears After Fifty Years.
At eighty-one years of age, James
Wainscott of Richmond, Va., is the
unhappy possessor of two wives. 13
children and two divorce suits all as
the result of a romance in 1865.
In 1SG3, Wainscott was in a hos
pital suffering from wounds received j
in one of the last battles of the Civil
war. He married the nurse whe
brought him back to health. After six
months they separated, and Wain
scott was told later that she had died.
So In 1S70 he married again, and has
since then been a wealthy resident 1
Richmond, and has a family of 13 chil
dren. And now of the dead past comes
Mrs. Wainscott No. 1 from Kansas
City, very much alive and angry, tc
secure a divorce. Wife No. 2 also con
siders herself a victim of Walnseott's
marital zeal, and has also asked for
a divorce. Both demand heavy ali
Germans In Thorn Fear Poles Will
Destroy Them.
Tfce Germans are carefully remov
ing all bronze statues of former kais
ers from Bromberg and Thorn lest
the roles destroy them on their ar
rival. .
The statue of Frederick the Great
at Bromberg already has been taken
to Schneidenmehl and re-erected there.
That of William th- Great wjH be; re
moved in a few days and the formei
kaiser's statue at Thorn will bo taken
from the market with a festival pa
rade. The German government , will
be asked to erect It elsewhere. ' Me
morial1? of E!?n-nck and other Germas
chiefs al-o will be removed from thf
brid acres.- the Vistula river.
' ,3Trr"!!"-'vT -mr -r ... iV'TS.
$500,000,000 in Britain Said to
Await Claimants.
H. W. Bottomley, M. P., Revives Bill
. to Give Government Benefit of These
Funds In London a Woman De
posited $140,000, and Years of Search
Fail to Find Her or Her Relatives
Interesting Tales of Other Accounts.
As far back as the beginning of 1909,
Horatio W. Bottomley, independent
member of parliament for South Hack
ney, one of the boroughs of London,
owner and editor of John Bull, became
prominent in pushing the dormant
bank balances bill, whose object was
to force the banks to disclose the na
ture of ui-.Iaitned securities they bold,
and the amount of unclaimed money,
in oilier that they may be utilized by
the government for public purposes.
The bill failed of passage at the time,
but it was recently revived by Mr.
IV it touiley.
Mr. Bottomley said in support of the
bill that Jit least 10,HH.nM pounds
sterling would be recovered. Going in
to details he told the following story:
'There was an ohl lady with I'S.OOo
pounds (approximately ?MW) to her
credit at a well-known London bank.
Kvery year she would drive up in her
carriage and ask to see the manager,
examine her passbook, and then draw
a-check for the full amount. While
the manager entertained Iter in the
lank parlor a cashier would sfip
around to the bead office and get notes
for US.000 pounds. The old lady would
carefully count them, and then being
satisfied that her money was safe, put
it back Into the account and go away.
After a time her visits ceased. For
fifteen or sixteen years now she has
never been hoard of and her relatives
are unknown."
Another Piquant Morsel.
A member expressed incredulity, but
Mr. Bottomley replied that he could
give the name of the bank. Austen
Chamberlain, chancellor of the ex
chequer, said the story was not entire
ly new to him, and added another pi
quant morsej to the bill of fare. Stirred
by the talk about dormant balances,
a banking firm decided to Investigate
and discovered an account for 0.mhi
pounds that had not been touched for
W years. That account also stood in
the name of a lady presumably no
longer young. The bank communicat
ed with her and asked If she was
aware that the sum stood to her credit.
She replied rather tartly that she was
perfectly well aware of what her prop
erty was and where It was, and since
she could not leave It with that bank
without being worried about it she had
taken steps to transfer it to another.
Major Lowther, member for North
Cumberland, added to the entertain
ment as follows: "Early in the nine
teenth century the old banking com
pany of Du Vane was wound up, and
I understand there is reason to believe
much of the stock and the funds of
the bank were transferred to the Bank
of England, and also valuable securi
ties standing in the name of the sen
ior partner, William Noble, I think
his name was. I have seen the corre
spondence between the solicitor of the
beneficiaries of one of the trusts and
the Bank of England, wherein the bank
has declined to give any information
as to what there is lying in that trust,
although there is good reason to be
lieve the claimant was entitled to a
certain sum of money now held by the
Accounts of Refugees.
Mr. Bottomley said it was notori
ous that in the days of the French
revolution the refugee families deposit
ed large sums of money, jewels and
securities in the old banks of London.
If a committee could gain admission to
the vaults of Coutts bank they would
find boxes bulging with every kind of
security. Some years ago the postmas
ter general admitted that even in the:r
small accounts the post office savings
banks held half a million of money
belonging to persons who had disap
peared. The mother of a young fel
low lost in a submarine, he said, had
told her he had a considerable sum cf
money In a bank, but she did not know
which bank, and every one of them
had refused her Information.
The government accepted the bill af
ter Mr. Chamberlain had said: "The
hunt for buried treasure has always
fascinated the minds of the youthful.
It seems that it also touches the im
aclnations of those of us who are no
longer youthful. But the realization
of the hopes put forward is more often
confined to romance than reality. If I
were a sporting man I would be pre
pared to wazer that nothing like 100,
nno.000 pounds is at stake.
He put the sura at 2.000.000 to 3.000.
000 pound by multiplying the largest
estimate given to him by those in po
sition to know. The bill went to a
select committee for consideration as
to its practical working. It will not
apply to ac counts which have laid dor
mant for sis years or less.
It was noted in the beginning that
Mr. Bottoruley has long been promi
nent in this "buried treasure" quest.
It must not be ort-rlooked that he has
also been long a figure in the courts.
Hrj.; -ju-m,. . . .,
He lifts been cafrel the stormy petro
of English politics and journalism. He
has often been defendant In lawsuits
growing out of financial transactions.
As far back as the nineties fie was
tried with former Lord Mayor Isaacs
of London on a charge of conspiracy
to defraud in connection with the fail
ure of the Hansard Printing and Pub
lishing union. Bottomley was manag
ing director. Both," however, were ac
quitted. Bottomley defended himself
with so much skill as to win the desig
nation of "the best lay lawyer in Eng
land." Paid $1,000,000 Voluntarily.
It must be said to hi? credit that
years after be voluntarily paid $1,000,
000 over to the stockholders of the
failed concern. In 1000 a treasury
prosecution was brought against him
by the government in connection with
the London and Joint Stock Trust and
Finance corporation, of which he was
the principal promoter. The action
failed, the magistrate deciding there
was no case against him. Again Bot
tomley defended himself.
Not all of his legal defenses, how
ever, were successful. In June. 1011,
he Mas ordered to refund $2.r)0.000 to
the estate of 11. E. Master, a Madras
civil ollicer, on the ground that he had
sold the latter worthless securities. On
another occasion he was made to pay
$2,500 damages to Miss Louvima Knol
lys, daughter of Lord Knollys, pri
vate secretary to King Edward VII, for
having stated In- one of his nublica-
j tbms that she had eloped with a cav
alry officer.
As a journalist he came into notice
by founding the London Financial
Times. Later be established John
Bull, a weekly that attained an enor
mous circulation. In recent years lie
has made a great deal of money to
mining operations. Since then he has
appeared on the turf as the owner of
n stable.
Battling against odds, with his C:r
tlss triplane bucking a 100-mile wind
In a temperature of 25 below zero, Ro
land Kohlfs climbed .'0,700 feet at Min
eola field, shattering all American avi
ation records. In the air Just five min
utes less than three hours. Kohlfs
claims that had not the cold affected
his radiator, he would have surpassed
tlie world's unofficial altitude record o:
3.1,130 feet made by Adjutant Cas'ale.
the Frenchman. Our photo shows
Rohlfs in the Curtiss wasp, ready for
the flight and garbed for Ins sLs-miie
flight into the air.
Japan's Police Censor Obliterates Os
culations and Embraces.
Japan does not like to see kissing in
public, therefore American film stars
are not permitted to osculate on the
screen. In six months up to March 1,
the police censors removed 2,3o0 kisses
and 3o3 embraces from films imported
from the United States.
Only one kiss was allowed to. re
main. It was a kiss granted to Colum
bus by Queen Isabella and was shown
In Tokyo only, as the censors deleted
it before permitting the photoplay to
appear In the provinces.
French Battleground Formally Trans
ferred to Canada.
VImy ridcre, allotted by the French
government as a gift to Canada, has
now been formally transferred.
CJreat interest has been aroused
among the Vimy ridge community as
to what the Canadian' authorities pro
pose to do with the site. It is under
stood a memorial building will be
erected by the Canadian government,
to house Canadian record.- relating to
that sector.
Botsheviki Kill 75 People Daily.
Twenty thousand hostages are re
ported to have been arrested In Pe
trograd recently. Russian newspa
pers publUi almost daily lists of frcai
50 to 100 persons who have betu exe
cuted for various reasons.
: ... .....
KEPT 200,000 FISH
Ichthyologist Raised Them in Flat
. and MaaV Money.
Had One of Most Remarkable Aquatic
Collections in the World and Stu
dents of Fish Life Came From Ail
Parts to See New York Man's Col
lectionClear Profit of $2,000 In
Summer Season by Raising Fish.
C. D. Pullen of 1G04 Crotona Park
l"t- Vine TirL W t tf ti( fish business.
and New York thereby has lost a place
cf pilgrimage, the New York Evening
Sun says. Mr. Pullen s home in tne
past has housed one of the most re
markable aquatic collections in the
world, and students of aquatic life and
fish fanciers have come from distant
parts to this Bronx home "to compare
notf-s with Mr. Pullen and to see his
There were casual features about
this collection, however, which to the
average man were even more remark
able than the collection itself or the
deep knowledge of fish life possesed
by the collector. In former years, be
fore the breaking up of the collection
was begun, the story of an exhibit of
more than 2 (0,000 fish in a private
home brought many curious to Mr. Pul
len's door.
It may be judged how great was
the sunio of these visitors when
they found their way to a small double
house, with a narrowly confined back
yard, that so large and famed a col
lection could be contained therein.
Their surprise was still greater when
hey found tanks containing tnousanu
f fish stowed out of the way in the
living room, in the kitchen ana on me
porches, and nests for the breeding of
nos-noitoes fish food by tne hiuions
tucked away in the back yard and un
der the back porch.
Kept Them in Close Quarters.
It was the aquatist's thorough and
intimate knowledge of fish life that
enabled him to keep such an enor
mous collection in such confined space.
'He kept the fish healthy and active by
'the tens of thousands in space wnere
(the amateur could not have kept: hun
dreds. But Mr. Pullen has been a. fish
'fancier and collector since 1SS4 and
he had opportunity to learn many o
nature's aquatic secrets.
With a small back yard say one
about 15 feet by 40, which is about
the size of the widely known Crotona
Park yard one may well clear profits
of. more than $2,000 in a summer sea
son in the raising of fish, Mr. Pullen
says, that is, if he possesses the nec
essary information, and at the same
time may make this business one of
the most fascinating of hobbies.
There are a few aquaria left in the
home, and a mosquito plant with a
capacity of many hundreds of millions
of mosquitoes is still working, but Mr.
Pullen has decided to dispose of the
aquaria and give up the study to
which he has" devoted more than 30
And he has come to know water life.
Interested in his hobby, he ventures
even to interpret the language cf the
fishes ami recently, explaining the pe
culiarities of the life that has so long
been under his sympathetic observa
tion, he illustrated many of his.points
by hypothetical fish dialogues.
Bubble Nest of the Hellene. '
He told of the bubble nest building
of the little hellerie a species of fish
that brings its young Into the world
aiive and told of Mr. Hellene's fussi
ness about this business. Pa Hellene ,tithio: fnr thp nest, he said.
without taking ma into his confidence,
and when he does invite her to see
the work his surprise goes for naught
Ma Hellerie turns to and bursts his
work all to bits. This always, accord
ing to Mr. Pullen. annoys Pa Hellerie
so that he forgets himself and chases
ma in and out among the seaweeds un
til one or the other breaks down. He
is then brought to reason and docilely
follows his wife's advice as to the
nrooer site and architecture of the
nest when he begins his work anew.
Mr. Pullen showed an aquarium
with manv hundreds of those little
fish. He said that the water in this
aquarium was 2S years old and. for
the purposes of growing healthy and
vigorous fish, was invaluable. It was
planted thick with seaweed, and it
showed through the glSss the same
thick green that water scooped from
a natural pond would show. It was evi
dentlv the same sort of water that na
ture uses for the growing of fish, and
not the crystal clear water of the con
ventional aquarium.
Most fish in captivity are "starved
to death bv their unnatural surround
ings. Mr. Pullen says. The economy
of nature Is ignored and the result is
that fish in captivity die after short
keeping and are always sickly, i ne
clary white sand, the crystal water
and a limp conventional weed or two
spell a prolonged death for the rgu
lationquarium denizens.
Rules for Aquarium Keeping.
These rules are given by Mr. Pul
'on for the. success of the hiie :.'qun
rium: In the first place, never chance
the water i f the aquarium. B sure
that the circulation of oxygon through
the water is sufficient and thorough
bv planting seaweed and grass reach
ing from the sand in the globe tlHve
e ,.fttr A!?3W life
breeding dtcay to accumdlate In the ra
"voter cut up, now ana ineu,
Z iVionopipes Sold
This Summer!
Order Now!
Don't Wait
Until Cold
Weathei !
Sold On
ft r - C 1 ' . 1 '
I;: Y':. 4.7? il-' I"?-, v-;
rrt- 'z& ;.n
Plumbing! Wiring!
00. TO
All Branches in the County are Urg
ed to At Least be Represent
ed at This Meeting.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The Cass county Red Cross chap
ters will moot in this city on Sat
urday afternoon at the district court
room and all chapters of the coun
ty are urjred to attend as thore will
be business of importance to be
Mrs. I.ilhan H. Moore, of Chicago,
field renresentative of the depart-
ment of civilian relief, will be pres -
cut at the meet ing and present to
the members of the various char
ters the plans for the civilian relief
work that is nqw becoming such an
important part of the work of the
organization. She will al.-o discuss
the position of the government on
the soldier's war risk insurance, the
investigation of cases of the disabil
ity of the soldiers or sailors as well
a? the plans for the care and aid ci
the service men who have or mr.y
have in the future sickness or iis-
3 Vi w S
the prosperity of the next few years is certain to make
profitable the building cf today.
As sure as the sun shines this is good business ad
vice and you will regret it if you wait for better build
ing conditions.
Come to Us for Your Estimates We will
Help to make Your Plans Interesting
Lumber and Building Material
Flattitnouth, .
TO OATBOEgsjgssg
Onp lav in
mmmm install
::glEac!i Furnace
to give entire
satisfaction or
your money
!r the
I' is
as llu. ivtult of their service
;;.); try.
ex?:.-ce;l thnt the Kcd Cross
will establish
a j."'nna:u :;' hsircri
of f i:
iiian r-!i:f in each cijuikv in
M:e !-t:i;.- ami t);:it ;:cli chapter b.j
ullowi-l a represent;;! , e to haini!-!
ihl s llr.-c oi : t in look in t after tin;
welfare cf the service men. .Mrs.
.V:.or'- I i n i-p' ;v!M iiority on
mid i;::'; e: u i ; i: ;.i.i! 1,' r en'orH i.s a'iv;
thi:; lin
of wnrk
rhoui'l be attended with success ami
every iiititiber of the llel Cross i.i
uryei! to be in atieiuiaiiee at! in anil he-.r the ;-ir.n.s for
county outlined.
V. E. Eosencraus to Leave with a
Party Next Sunday Evening
in Private Pullman.
Next Sunday evening:, October 12,
V.". K. Hoseucrans will leave I'latta
niouth with a private Pullman car
for Imperial, Nebraska. There will
be at least twenty people with him
on this trip. He is making a reduc
ed rate of $20.00 for the round trip.
This includes railroad fare, Pullma:i
car accommodations, automobiles an l
all meals from the time you leave
Omaha until returning to Platls
mouth on Thursday morning. Better
Join this excursion party and see the
best laud bargains in Nebraska. If
you hSve a wife, take her alons. If
not, .go anyway. Threshing is now
in full blast and it's a good time to
see the country. Advise Mr. Itoscn
crans by Saturday mornins' if you
desire to make the trip. Remember
$20.00 pays all expense for the en
tire trip. daw.
''''ill v." . c-ol