cal Society IJbe VOL. XXXVII. PLATTSMO DTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, OCTOBER G, 1?19. No. 30. PLATTSMOUTH MADE GOODS GO FAR FROM HOME L. C. SHARP COMPANY SENDS MACHINERY TO WIDELY SEPARATED SECTIONS SHIPMENT OF BUTTER CUTTERS Recently Made One Goes to Crete, One to Columbus, Ohio and One to Buffalo, N. Y. From Friday" Pally. The L. C. Sharp Manufacturing Co., of this city, has been a great advertising medium for Plattsmouth in the past and are still busily cn gagvd in turning out their lines of special machinery that are sent over the I'nited States and even to for eign countries:, advertising the fact that the town of Plattsmouth U still on the map. This firm has just completed and sent out three patented butter cut ting machines, which weigh one to:i each and which were sent to Crete. Nebraska. Columbus. Ohio and Buffa lo. New York. The machines are made to cut butter that is frozen and are used in the large creamery companies" butter making plants, as they are the latest and most prac tical of the butter cutting machines that have been placed on the mar ket. The demand for machinery of this type has kept the plant hero very busy and a large number of orders are ahead awaiting the filling by the Sharp company . A greater part of the people have little realization of the importance of this concern to the city, but a visit there will convince the most skeptical that the Sharp plant is one of the busiest places in the city, and a large number of high class ma chinists and foundryinen are em ployed there in looking after the work of turning out the orders for special types of machinery required in manufacturing lines. The plant could easily use a larger capacity as the orders are constantly rolling in an it keeps the employes very busy turning out the different machines that are required by the large manufactures of the east. Mr. Sharp, in his plant, adds materially to the prosperity of the city and it is pleasing to see that the excellent work of his plant is recognised by the large manufactur ers in getting their machinery turn ed out in the Plattsmouth plant. POSTOFFICE A BUSY PLACE .From Friday" Dally. The postolHc1 in this city is quite a busy place as this office has been designated as the central accounting office for the county and through the local oflice must be handled all requi sitions for the postoffices over the county numbering some rixteen. This plan relieves the postofnee department at Washington of a great deal of work, but adds to the labors of the offices operating as central accounting offices. The supplies of war savings stamps and other postal supplies must come through the cen tral office and this requires a great deal of accounting and book work. PAYS FUNERAL BENEFIT From Friday's Dally. The committee of the local Red men lodge has just received the pay ment of the funeral benefit of th late Adolph Wesch, which was car ried through this order. The local tribes of the order, instead of carry ing the risk direct have it protected by "the Western Funeral Benefit as sociation, of St. .Louis, and this or ganization, as soon as the claim was presented, at once remitted the sum due, which amount is sufficient to cover the expenses of the funeral. HORSES FOR SALE. Team geldings 4 and 6 years old, wt. 2S00 lbs. found. ' Team mares 5 and 7 years old, wt. 2400 lbs. sound. A. O. AULT, 29-4!w Cedar Creek, Nebr. CORN BEYOND FROST DAMAGE IS THE REPORT WEATHER MAN SUPPLIES SUM MARY OF WEEKLY CROP CONDITIONS. WINTER WHEAT BEING SOWN Light Frost Occurred Early in Week in Western Counties Soil in Fine Shape for Plowing. From Friday's Pally. In his weekly summary of crop conditions. Section Director Loveland says Jack Frost will be powerless to hurt Nebraska's corn crop this year The past week was mostly clear and pleasant. with nearly normal temperature, except that Saturday night, Sunday and Monday local showers occurred iu eastern coun ties. The temperature averaged two degrees above normal in the south eastern counties and two degree be low normal in the norther. In most northern and western counties the rainfall was light, less than half an inch. But in most southeastern counties the rainfall ranged from one to three inches. 1 Threshiig and haying are still in progress in norinern anu western counties with favorable weather con ditions. Corn has matured beyond danger of frost. 'Light frost occur red earlv in the week in western counties, but without damage. The soil is in excellent condition for plowing and seeding in the great er portion of the state, but in some localities more rain would be bene ficial. Considerable winter wheat was sown the past week. Early sown wheat is up with a good stand. WHY NOT FREE RECORDING? From Friday's Dally. The United States government, as well as the Red Cross are very anx ious to have the discharge papers 01 the former soldier, sailor and ma rine registered in the counties in which they reside and during the visit of the repre'sentative of the Red Cross here it was discovered that a fe of 95 cents is required by the register of deeds for this record ing in Cass county. A large number of the counties have adopted the policy of recording ihe.-e instruments without charging any fee whatever and it seems that this would be the proper policy to adopt here. Tne register of deeds explained to the representative of the Red Cross that it was the in structions received from the county commissioners that this fee should be charged for the recording. The loss of discharge papers oc curs quite often and the registra tion of them at the court house will safeguard the former service man in case he should have need of proof of his discharge later and for this reason the government is very desir ious that they may be recorded. SOME POTATOES From Prrday's Daily. Mrs. George Lamphere brought to the Journal office a specimen of one of the sweet potatoes grown in their garden that surely is some potato as the potato weighs 2 pounds and is one of the finest we have seen this season. The Lamphere family has grown a number like these and they are certainly very fine and as good as they look. ARRIVE IN CITY From Thursday's Dallv. This afternoon Bollock Parmele and wife arrived in the city to spend a few days here with relatives and friends and to attend the home coming celebration. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Parmele are residing .on the ranch Clusky and a charrning piano Se near Broken Bow and are enjoying t5on wa3 rendered bv Mrs. John ii.eir ji.m v.Mi 1.1 ui jtheir marriage. Mr. Parmele is one of the Cass county boys who re- jsponded to the call of the country and partock of some delicious re ;in 1917 and served in the army dur- freshments provided by the hostess. ling the war and a greater part of the time was ir service overseas. DELIGHTFUL TOWEL SHOW ER LAST N!TE GIVEN AT HOME OF MRS. JOE LIBERSHAL IN HONOR OF MISS ALBA JIROUSEK A LARGE NUMBER PRESENTING MONEY IS GASH DRAWER And Young Lady Who is Soon to Become Bride of Anton Svo boda was Honored. From Friday's Dally. Last night, at the cozy hom of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Libershal, oc curred a "towel shower" in honor of Miss Alba Jirousek, whose mar riage to Mr. Anton Svoboda will oc cur October Sth. The rooms throughout were very prettily decorated with handsome bo quets of flowers, candles and the ever bewitching '"Kewpies," which lent an air of cheerfulness in every room. The hostess had two contests--the first in which the guests were to find their own and the bride's name. The prize going to the one who found the names first, was awarded to Miss Marie Svoboda. and the booby prize fell to Mattie Sed- lak. The second contest consisted oi questions, the answer to each oi which was to be a girl's name. Th first prize went to Miss Cecelia Ka lasek. while the consolation went to Miss Mary Sedlak. These eontesU were thoroughly enjoyed by all. During Intervals the rooms wer? kept merry with selections on the Grafonola, which added to the pleas antnessjof the passing hours. At the right time a most delicious three, course luncheon was served, which was one of the highly enjo- able features of the evening. Here the hostess was assisted in serving by Mrs.' Anton Vitersnik. Mrs. John Libershal and Miss Anna Jiroustk. After luncheon the bride-to-be was showered with a large numb-::- cf handsome towels numbering for ty-two in all, which will always re mind her of the warm friendship that exists among her friends for her. Many could not attend so sent their regrets, but those who attend ed were the guect of honor. Miss Al ba Jirousek and the Misses Mary Krejci. Mary Sedlak, Mattie Sedlak, Marie SvoboJa. Cecelia Kalasek, So phia Chaloupka. Helen Donat, Agnes Gradoville. Frances Roucka, Amu Tolaeek, Cecelia Polacek, Bcata Hol ly, Helen Libershal, Anna Jirousck, and Mesdames Broy Christensor. . Thomas Janda, .Chas. ('. Janda, Joe Hiber, Jr., Joseph Hadraba, Josepi Wooster, Frank Libershal, Louis Lorenz. Wm. Kelly, Anton Vitersnik. August Kopp, Emil Stanok, John Libershal and Joe Libershal. MEETING OF THE MIS SIONARY SOCIETY The Ladies Missionary society cf the Presbyterian church held their regular meeting Tuesday afternoon, at the cozy home of Mrs. D. C. Morgan on North Sixth street. This meeting .had been previously an nounced to be held at the home of Mrs. J. B. Martin, but on account of her illness, it was found. "neces sary to change the place for holding this meeting. It, also, happened that Mrs. Morgan was the leader j for this occasion and the subject to which the ladies devoted the after noon hours was the study of, Japan and its conditions. A very interest ing program had been prepared, in which Mrs. Mary Allison read of the capitivity of the holy land, including Persia and Miss Carrie Baird told of the conditions and the work in Japan. These interesting and in structive papers were interspersed with a pleasing vocal duet by Mes- I dames G. L. Farley and II. G. Mc- Gorder. Following this program the few fleets moments were cle- voted to a very pleasant social time J Read the Journal for all the news. MOP STATi 0i AT MYNfiRD IS BURGLARIZED FORCIBLY ENTERED TUESDAY NIGHT AND THE FREIGHT CONFISCATED. But It Was Pried Open with a Br Booty Secured Amounts to About Hundred Dollars From Thursday's Dai. Th Missouri Pacific station at Mynard was visited by burglars on Tuesday evening and as a result of their nocturnal viittl in the rail- mad company o'" 1 a; her the parties whose freight va.'- in the depot are short goods to t!e amount cf $100. Entrance was secured to the depot, by forcing open the clcor of the freight aid from here the, operated throughout the depot. The cash drawer was pried cpen and badly jimmed up as the visiters in their search were com pelled to almost tear the drawer to pices ami when it was opened found that it was empty as the sta tion atent had "removed all the money on closing up the depot. The property taken consisted of freicht and express packages that were in the office and the largest loss was a set of storaee batteries belonging to A. A. Wetenkamp and valued al $93. while other smaller articles stolen svydled the total of the losses to ?1C. The depot at !tiyu'arJ is closed al 5:00 p. m. and not reopened until the next morning and it was not un til the arrival of the station-agent Wednesday morning that the fact of the robbery was ascertained. The visitors left no clues t'.iat might lea 1 to their identity and the only plaus ible suposition is that it was the work of some one who had an auto mobile as the thffi of a storage bat tery would indicate this rather Mian that it vas tho work of someone who had been beatirg their way alonsr the railroad and to drop1 off and se cure a stake by frisking th station. SUFFERS A PAINFUL III JURY From Thursday's Daily. Ray McCarthy, employed on the Burlington bridge gang, thi3 morn ing sustained a very severe lacera tion on the right cheek while engag ed in his work at the Platte river bridge of the Burlington. Mr. Mc Carthy was assisting in unloading a car of sheet iron and in this was using a small steel bar. which slip ped and flew up striking the young man - on the rU'ht cheek, inliiot :r.g quite a severe gash and knockinsr o.t one of his teeth. The fact that t!.c. young man was able to retain he boid on the crow bar was all that .-aved him from a very serious 1.1 jury, but as it is he sustained y. it? a painful wound. He came on in to this city alter the accident and had the injury dressed by the company surgeon. RETURNS FROM THE WESI From Thursday's Pally. This morning A. O. Moore and August Cloidt, managers of the Par mele theatre, returned home from their trip out in the western portion of the state and report a mighty fine time. They spent last Saturday at Nortfc Platte taking in the auto races and while there saw Kane Rihley, of Oshkosh, Nebraska, lower the world record on a half mile track by going in thirty-two seconds, and a number of other thrilling and interesting races. Leaving North Platte they visited at Oshkosh, Bay ard and Bridgeport and at the la.-t named place pent a short time at the Fitzgerald ranch and also enjoy ed some duck hunting around th3 lakes of the sandhills. They -were accompanied as far as Omaha oa their return by William Fitzgerald, who will spend the day in "Omaha and come down tomorrow to visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Fitzgerald. Fancy stationery at this office. WN-DOVEY NUPTIALS LAST EVENING FATHER LEETE PRONOUNCED CEREMONY AT HOME OF THE BRIIE. Ml Y Y iWN hS X . . I IIJ U I W W W WW-WflWt Journal Furnished "with Account c: the Event by One of the Local Guests. From Thursday's Daily. Under the enchanting skies of a periect early autumn night, the guests assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ()l:v r Dovey to witness the marriage of thir elder .daughter. Miss Claire Dovey to Mr. Jay Brown, .f Cleveland. Ohio. The house from the exterior gave i.ssurli'.ce cf the festive occasion within. The decorations were un der the personal direction of Mrs. T. P. Livingston and Mrs. A. C. Ad::ins of Lincoln, aunt of the bride. Kvery room a bridal air. The dining room was beautifully dre.-se. in choice laced linen streamers of tulle and the fetching good fairies. The dtcorations of the staircase. wined with gracetui sprays 01 spi na, a:;parcgus ani tne nigniy coior ?d autumn leaves extended by white at in ribbons, made the pathway for he lovely bride. The white clad figure of the bride .-till holds the restless attention and duriug th expectation Miss Cum mins playea v-eieci'.on irem -evui and Streletzki in "her "usual "a'rlfui manner. Next in urder was Miss Vallery's vocal rendition of Otto Cantor's "As the Dawn." which com manded a silence of noteworthy praise. Then Miss Cummins again touched the keys for the lxhengri:i chord, which announced the coming cf the bridal party. The quaint and charming ribbon; bearers, little Miss Dutch and Misi Murphy, clad in white French or gandie and carrying out the color scheme of pink- in the hair came first; then followed the adorable" Ma -tor Robert Ramsey Livingston, f rocked in black velvet, who care fully delivered the weiding rings or. i pillow of white satin. Almost al ways one thinks of the maids in terms of pink, and. sure enough, the mail of honor, Miss Hazel Dovey, vied J with her lovely sister in a gown' of shell pink charmeuse. She wore a scarf knitted at the side with one long end forming the only trimming of the skirt. A delicate piece of sil ver luce was arranged nt the neck. Miss Hazel carriei a bouquet of dark pink roses. Then las.t of all came the radiant bride on the arm of her father. She was gowned in the Infinite cuarms cf bridal white gleaming and quiv ering from charmeuse under , a veil 01 graceful tulle. The soft satin was easily draped into a becoming skirt that trailed oh so satisfactorily be hind. The cap to the bewitching veil was formed by an ornament of tv.lie and pearls making a band about the head. The father and bride advanced slowly through the pathway to the improvised altar where they were met by the Rev. Father Leete and ti e groom who was attired in the conventional black. There ihe beautiful and impres sive marriage ceremony of the Epis copal church made them one. Dur ing the service the gracious glances of the bride could not disturb the groom's most serious moments, and now the days of friendship have lost their dominion and joyous affection holds absolute sway. Two hearts that have floated on tdie soft-swaying pinion, kind Heaven has bound for eternal day. Congratulations followed and af terward the guests were ushered in to the dining room by Mrs. J. A. Donelan, assisted . by Miss Gering. A bevy of beautiful young ladies at tired in airy gowns suitable to the occasion served the guests. The mem bers, including Miss lone Dovey. Miss Donelan, Misa Adams of Lincoln and two of Plattsmouth's popular young matrons, MVs. Henry Goos and 01 Mrs. Frank L. Cummins, lent dig nity to the beautiful dining table, from where they served the frozen cream. The bride looked extremely youth ful in a going-away gown of beaver brown tricotine under i smart im-iii-jn-e Titian hat. Miss Uovey was born and reared to womanhood in Plattsmouth. She has the distinction of being a grad uate of the Plattsmouth high school, the State I'niversitv of Lincoln and 1 the Spencerian Commercial school of Cleveland, Ohio. She was a pop- ni;ir inf Tiilinr i;f thp K"nTiT,n &lnlt-.i - rr ...... Thcta Wity during her school days. Mr. Brown is a graduate of the Albion, New York, high school and the New York University, and is a member of the Delta' Upsilon frater nity, and has already risen to .,10 responsible position of traffic manag ( er of the Cleveland Telephone com pany. Their wedding Journey routine is a secret which lhey did not choose to divulge and the guests longed to jget an inkling of the route, but j immediate members of the family (would not give out the secret. I The out-of-town guests were Mr. land Mrs. A. C. Adams, Miss Letha j Adams, Alice Davis and Mrs. Waugh. of Lincoln; Mrs. Russell II. Harris and Mrs. Belle Gass, of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dutch. and two child ren, of Ogalalla, Nebraska; Mrs. J. A. Murphy and daughter, of Dorchester. Nebraska; Margie Walker, of Mur ray and Mrs. W. C. Morrow of Cleve land, Ohio. MEET AT R0SENCRANS HOME. Fiom Thursday s Daily. The Q. Z. society of the Presby terian church met with Mrs.-Walde-mar Soennichsen yesterday after noon at the pretty home of Mrs. W. E. Rosencrans on Vine street. There were a Jare rumber of ilia membora and their friends in attendance and the early hours of the afternoon were devoted to their regular busi ness session, at which time the resignation of Mrs. Frank Cloidt was considered and Mrs. W. Soen nichsen was elected to fill the va cancy. Various plans were made for the coming winter months' work, after which those in attendance were very pleasantly entertained with splendid Victrola selections and most excellent piano selections by Mrs. Christine Coughlan. At a suit able time the hostess served a most delectable lun.cheon. The ladies tarried for a few moments and in dulged in a little further social time and about the hour of 5:30, dispers ed, declaring Mrs. Soennichsen an excellent entertainer. TO WORK AT MURRAY From Thursday' Pally. Walter Tower has accepted a po sition at the L. H. Puis garage at Murray and will on next Monday as sume his duties in that city. Mr. Tower is one of the expert auto me chanics in Cass county and his fif teen years of experience in this line of work will make him a most val uable man for Mr. Puis and the pa trons of the garage will find him accommodating in his dealings and a man who is right on the Job in look ing after the, work. nornal Want-Ad t Yf1 Salts: A No-Risk Our solid, safe old Certificates of Deposit are a "good buy" and a standby. As dependable as this bank behind them, they earn a legitimate 4 interest with the principal always safe, always here at work. ' The First National Bank recommends its Certificates of Deposit as a secure place for farmer's fall funds. The First National Bank, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. "The Bank where You Feel at Home' HERE TO AID FORMER SER VICE MEN FIELD REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RED CROSS VISITS CITY AT WAGNER HOTEL. DISABILITY RELIEF PROMISED All Who Suffered Injury in Line of Duty Also Explains Govern- From Friday's Dally. Mrs. Lillian H. Moore, of Chicago field representative of the department of Civilian Relief of the American Red Cross, arrived in the city thu morning to look after the interests here of the former service men wlo have been disabled or affected a-i a result of their service in lho army or navy. Mrs. Moore is very anxious to get in touch with any of the service men who have suffered disability as the result of their service and will 'it- deavor to explain to them the let methods of securing relief from their injuries and of getting in touch with the government to secure tl.n necessary relief. , Mrs. Moore is also explaining the operation of the government insur ance and the new policies that are to be placed by the U. S. government for the benefit of the men carrying the war risk policies and the spec ial ndvantages that the government offers to the men in the way of do ing awawith the physical examina tion required and the rates that will be asked on the different policies. The Red Cross is taking up these measures rs a protection to the men who served their country so well in the war and will see that every op portunity is given the men to secure the best possible treatment either in having their insurance transferred or In .securing their compensation in case of disability from sickness or wounds suffered while in the service of their country. Mrs. Moore is at the Hotel Wag ner and would be pleased to meet any of the former service men de siring information as to their in surance, or in case of disability ac quired while in line of duty. TRAIN IS DELAYED From Thursday's Daily. The Burlington train from Omaha due here at 1:12 was held in thU city until 2:30 this afternoon owiur; to the fact that a freight train com ing through the cut near the bridge suffered a derailment of a car and tied up the main line for some timo. The train, which travels to Pacific Junction ordinarily, was forced to lay over here for more than an hour and it was nearly 3 o'clock before? the return trip to Omaha could bo made. Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Ticture, Framing. Frank Gobelman. Investment!