The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 02, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the -Journal Readen
Iftnyoftbe readers of the
Journal knor- of any social
erent or item of interest In
this vicinity. id will mail
me to this office, it will ap
pear under this heading. We
want all news Items Editoh
Start the kiddies
right by making them
zvant to save their money.
A personal savings account in
a high-class banking institu
tion like this, where children
are given the proper attention
and encouragement to han
dle their own finances
is a good start in the
right direction. One
dollar opens an account.
Safety Honesty Courtesy Service
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
the Slip-
Dr. Gilmore and Miss Margie
Walker were Omaha visitors Satur
day. Everyone is planning to attend
the home cumins at Plattsmouth
NOTICE Miss Mae lAug.liridge.
teacher cf voice. Opening for sum
mer term.
Mr. and Mrs. Hansen and Mrs.
Dull was .Nebraska C :tv
R. Kun eay and Gion Todd
pened to lie in Omaha during
excitement Sunday evening.
The Saf.-rdr.y nicht i!!".ar
rers v.iU '-jin :-a; unlay;.
Oct. 11. ilveryone will waai to
J. H. Carter of Plattmouth wa
a business visitor in Murray last
Tuesday lookintr after the collection
of the hills for the electric lights
for the past month.
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Kenadiy ent
ertained Mr. and Mrs. Sni;ih. Mr.
and Mrs. O. A. Davis and Mi Lot
and Mrs. O. A. Davis and Miss Lat
ta at dinner Sunday.
Word ha hen received th-t ?-ir.
and Mrs. Harry Vantine of Wyom
ing. Nebr.. are the proud of
a baby boy. Mrs. Vantine was Miss
Hannah Haii'-en of this town.
M. (1. Minl'ord v.-ho tore his hand
some time since on a barbed wire
with which he was working. is
working again with the member and
reports it making excellent progress
towards' recovery.
Geo. Nickles who has been taking
it a little easy, nursing a hand
which he had injured a short time
since while unloading a car of coal,
reports the member getting along
nicely, and is to he can work with
it to Kime extent, and hopes it will
foon be entirely well.
was home over
Miss Clara 'oun;
Messrs. Ralph Kennedy, A. . L.
Baker, and Otto Scotten were visit
ing in Omaha last Tuesday evening.
C. C. Parmele was a visitor in
Murray for a few days since where
he wao looking after tome business
matters for a short time.
Louis Hallas and Glen Hocdtkcr
were in attendance at t:ie meeting
the Cass county bankers at
last Saturday after-
Jesse Chambers is painting
residence at the farm of Mrs.
Rusterholtz. west of town, and
finished will present a very
t i ful appearance.
Frank Vallerv and two
gentlemen were passengers to the
western portion of the state last
Tuesday evening where they were
looking over some lands.
Mr. Ol'.ie Alles and wife were vis
iting in Murray with friends for a
short time last Monday, while on
their way from their home to Platts
mouth where they were looking aft
er soma business at the county seat.
O. H. Davis who has been work
ing at Grant for some time past,
where he has been assisting in har
vesting and threshing. with the
former people from this vicinity
and elsewhere returned home Sun
day morning and will work here for
the present.
Hav Patton who has been work
ing at the farm of John West, some
seven miles west of Murray was a
visitor at his home in Plattsmouth
for over Sunday and was delayed in
returning on account of the exces
sive rains, was a visitor in Murray
on last Tuesday, returning to his
Winter Blankets!
Wc bought early on blankets and these prices are as
low, if not iower, than ycu will find elsewhere, for quality,
size and workmanship:
Gray wool finish, extra size, size 72x80 - $ 6.25
Blue plaid, large size, cotton blankets 4.85
Pure white, all wool, size 66x80 H.00
Tan plaid, all wool, extra heavy. 66x80. 12.00
Plain gray and tan, cotton blankets, $3.50, $3.75, 4.00
Hiatt . Tutt
MURRAY, : : :
Glen Valkry and L. G. Meising
er were visiting-in the west for the
nast week and returned home last'
Sunday evening.
Dr. G. 11. Gilmore was a visitor in
Omaha the first of the week where
he was looking afer some business
matters for a short time.
Pert L. Philpot was a visitor in
Murray last Monday coming from
his home at Weeping Water in his
car to look after some business mat
ters. L. D. Hiatt of the firm of Hiatt &
Tutt. lias not been feeling very well
for a few days past, but feeling that
he could not take a vacation has
kept to his work very closely.
Frank Reed was looking after
some business last Monday at Oma
ha and was some surprised to find
the town in such a turmoil on ac
count of- the proceedings of Judge
Miss Marjory Brinklow. who has
been visiting at Smithville. Texas,
for the past several days returned
home last Saturday evening, after
having enjoyed a very pleasant time
in the south.
Parr Young who has been in the
northwestern portion of the state
for several days past returned home
the first of the week, having visited
with relatives in Cherry county
while he was away.
G. W. McCracken who has been
visiting in Iowa for a few days re
turned home last Sunday, and since
ha nut been feeling the best. , He
was looking after some business at
Creston while he was away.
Miss D. Sarchatt of Loveland.
Colorado, is visiting with her friends
Mr. Grortre Brinklow and Miss Mar
jory Brinklow at their home east of
Murray, and with her friends here
was visiting in Murray last Tuesday.
The storm of last Monday evening
put the electric lights on the blink
for the remainder of the night but
the company got after the trouble
as- soon as possible and had the juice
on during the early mornirg Tues
day. Miss Marie Philpot. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Philpot who is
attending school at Omaha, was a
vi.-itor for the week end at the home
of her parents west of the city, and
returned to her studios Monday, aft
er an enjoyable visit at home.
Fred Hild of near Murray ana
John Hanson who have been visiting
at Grant. Nebraska, in the western
portion of the state, and also in
Colorado, as well as stcopihg in
Loup county, where they wcre look
ing over the country, returneu home
last Wednesday.
I. M. Davis who has been looking
after some business at Lincoln on
Monday, and after went to Omaha in
order to get home last Monday even
ing was there before he ruffle, at
the countv court house had entirely
qu'eted. and there saw a soldier
towing a black boy to the bastile.
$500.00 was carried away, three
mules drowned and fifty chickens
carried away. Besides this a num
ber of the people there lost their
trunks containing their personal ef
fects. Lee Kniss who lives 'down
the stream, recovered one of the
trunks, but the contents had been
carried away by the rushing water
The- women who were doing the
cooking1 having a narrow escape, one
having to ride out of the camp on
the back of a mule to escape the torrent.
Lost His Watch Charm.
Last week w. u. Boeueker lost a
valuable watch charm, which was
also an emblem of the Benevolent
and Protective Order of Elks. The
charm was the gold mounted teeth
of an Elk, and on the one side was
Mr. Boedeker's initials, W. G. B. and
the other side was engraved B. P.
O. E. 739. Anyone finding the same
will please communicate with Mr,
Boedeker at Murray.
At Plattsmouth Saturday A Royal
Welcome Home to the Boys
Parade in Afternoon.
Will Kold Senices Sunday.
There will be .services at the
Presbyterian church next Sunday,
the hour being 11:00 o'clock sun
time. Tnre wyl ho a stuuent or
the PresHvterian seminary at Oma
ha, who will fill the pulpit. All
members of the congregation here
ar tirsred to attend and an invita
tion is extended to ail to come and
emoy the service which is assureu
will be a good one.
Enjoys Evening In Plattsmouth.
I. art Monday evening Mrs. Frank
Cummins entertained a number ot
her friends at her home in Platts
mouth in honor of Mi-s Claire
Dovey. who is soon to marry Mr.
Jay Brown of Cleveland. Ohio, and
at which there were a number of
friends of the parties in attendance,
there l.riiiL- a '.pry pleasant evening
spent. Miss Marjory Walker of
Murrav was in attendance, she be
ing a very close friend of both Mrs.
Cummins and the soon to he nraie.
Miss 'Claire Dovey.
She Keeps the Engine Running:.
Mrs. Win. March, who conducts a
laundry businesss in Murray, is en
joying a thriving trade, and at all
time every day the cough of the gas
engine which she employs for , the
harder work, can be heard m the
city. Mrs. March does excellent
work, and has all that she is able
to care for. This is profitable for
her. and well serves the people of
Murray, who are fortunate in having
so accomplished a laundress here.
Younz Mr. Vantine Arrives.
Grandfather and Grandmother
Thomas Hansen east of Murray are
reioicing over the arrival of a
grandson at the home of their
dauchter Mrs. Harry Vantine and
husband. And to fail to say that
the fond parents Mr. and Mrs. Van
tine were feeling pretty fine as well
would le a breach of eitquette
which would not. he allowable. All
concerned are indeed feeling fine.
and are well pleased with the arriv
al The voting man himself is in
hich spirits, because he is permitted
to come to Nebraska, at this time
3T.H evinces his pleasure by some
verv musical noises.
From present indications about
town it looks like the big majority
of Murray people will be in Tlatts
mouth Saturday to attend the Cass
county homecoming celebration giv
en for the returned soldiers, sailors,
Marines and Red Cross nurses. The
Plattsmouth " home guard company,
which is fostering the entertainment
is making gigantic preparations to
ass ire a most successful celebration.
Free street attractions, picture shows
open to the public and an abundance
of music will be included in the
day's program. Also, in the after
noon there will be a short parade of
ex-scrice men. reviewed by promi
nent men of the county. In the
forenoon a ball game is scheduled to
be played between a soldier and sail
or team. The big feature of the
day, however, is the athletic carni
val, in which is included all the
sp-rrts the soldiers like wrestling,
boxing, etc. . The main bout will be
between Seaman Andy Sclimarder, of
Louisville, champion of the U. S.
na .y, and Harry Williams, of Omaha,
noted mid-west pugilist and an ex
soldier. Soldiers will be admitted
free to every attraction, including
tree meals and dancing on the big
platform (70x70) to be erected at a
Main street intersection. The old
town will be ablaze with decorations
as never before and it is anticipated
the celebration will be attended as
was never an event attended in this
part of the state. The calling off of
the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities has left
mrny Murrayites with a desire for
amusement and the celebration at
Plattsmouth Saturday offers oppor
tunity for everyone "to enjoy them
selves. There are a good many re
turned service men in this vicinity
and it is a safe bet to say they will
all be there.
Will Give a Social Dance.
The Murray dancing club have ar-
rargeu to give at tne I'uis Ac uans-m-f-r
hall on October 10th. at which
time they expect to have a very en
joyable evening for all who attend.
Thft music will be of the very best.
and all appointments will be for the
enjoyment of all. More details will
be pubished as the time for the ev
ening uraws r.ign. unis announc
ing the event will he posted in a
short time. Special invitation is ex
erded to all who care for an excel
lent evening and a pleasant time.
Perfect order will be maintained.
and an evening filled with pleasure
assured to all who attend.
Will Give Demonstration Saturday.
The Edison demonstration which
has been advertised and which was
to be given by the Meier Drug com
pany, of Weeping Water and Mur
rav. at the date set heretofore. Sep
tember 19th, and which was post-
poifrd. will now be given at the
Presbyterian church at weeping
Water on October 4 th. Tickets
which were held for the former date
will be honored at the demonstra
tion, which is to be given next Sat
urdav. This demonstration is well
worth the traveling of many miles
tD see. and those wno nave ncKeis
can attend in the afternoon and have
an abundance of time to return
Lome before nightfall. See Mr. G.
W. McCracken lor further particu
lars regarding the entertainment.
Captain Gayer Feeling Fine.
Captain Harry Gayer, who is now
making his home over ner the his
toric townsite of Kock Buffs, and
who has been const rut ing a home
there for the past summer, having
nearlv comnleted the house and has
been living there for the past two
months is reioicing with his good
wife, over the arrival of a son and
heir. John Harrison Gayer, who ar
rived a few days since, ana is mau
ing many promises as to how he is
going to care for ms parents in me
vo.-it-R tn come for the kindness which
thev are bestowing on him at this
Mrs. W. II. Puis was a visitor with
relatives at Plattsmouth last Satur
Monday Night's Storm.
The storm of Monday night did
somewhat of damage to Murray and
vieinitv. and. there is reported
number of bridges washed out. makes
some of the roads impassable. The
bridge across Kock creek in the
which leads to the home of
John Farris. was washed out and he
wa compelled to come to town with
a horse. Mr. Copenhaver who came
from Plattsmouth Tuesday morning
had to walk down the railroad
track to get home. The eanip of
John Mascr. the grading contract-0rf"Tr-h.:c!i
y& :tu2ted cz tte fcan
of' this &rly stream, w&s partly
washed away. A tent valued at
W. B. Y0U&3G
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 1511 Hurray Esa'iange
Earl Jenkins Disposes of Business
George Jenkins ,of Roselie, and
Charles Kennedy, who has been
working at that place for some time
past, arrived in Murray on Tuesday
morning via auto, having driven
down Monday, and having got
caught in the rain Monday evening.
The report Earl Jenkins who has
been engaged in the automobile
business at that place as having
sold his business there, butas yet
did not know what he will engage
Murray Christian Church."
Because of the rain. Rally Day
and promotion day program has
been postponed to next Sunday, Oc
tober 5. The boys and girls will
meet for practice on Friday after
noon just alter senooi, at me
church. Next Sunday, now, will
close the contest, so be one of 100
at bible school to help win and also
ot a rally day souvenir. Come by
slow time to Short Story at 9:4o.
Bible school rally day at 10; promo
tion day program at 11; regular
monthly board meeting at 12:00
o'clock. The evening service will be
at 8 o'clock. Come and help make
the dav a rally day long to be re
membered. C. E. HANNAN,
Mrs. Geo. Foreman and daughter
Miss Aurel and Mrs. Ethel Foreman
and little son Dick of Lincoln, spent
Sunday at the Foreman farm.
J. A. Shaffer received a letter
from Rev. C. E. Connell that they
arrived at Bladen. Nebr., their new
home and like it there very well.
Mr. and Mrs. Dellaan, Katherine
Taylor and Delia Sutton, spent Sat
urday night and Sunday with their
brother John Sutton and family on
the farm north of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Dellaan of
11a, Iowa, visited from Saturday
till Tuesdav with Delia and John
Sutton. They were enroute
California where they have
caring for a sick daughter.
Dellaan is a sister of A. Sutton.
Mrs. William Taylor of Caldwell,
Kans., arrived Saturday morning to
visit with her uncle and aunt and
her sister Delia Sutton. She says
Kansas is a fine place to live. They
are well contented, both with the
climate and people here. Mr. Tay
lor would have driven back but was
afraid of the heavy rain between
there and here. No rain in that
part of Kansas since June.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Jones of Wool-
stock. Iowa, came in last week to
accompany Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cur
yea on their auto trip to California.
Mrs. Jones is a sister to Mrs. Cur-
yea. They lett inursaay morning
and expect to spend about three
weeks enroute and the winter in
will always carry a complete line of
Hardware, Paints, Oils, Farm
Implements, Tractors,
We do all kinds of tin work, heating and plumbing,
and will also save you money on furniture orders.
Come in and get our prices on anything in our line.
We will treat you right and save you money.
Phone No. 24
Is Visiting At Daughter's Home.
F. N. Copenhaver, who has just
returned from a two years stay in
Virginia, where he lived most of his
life, was a visitor at the home of his
son L. V. Cooenhaver at Platts
mouth for a few days, and there !
spent a few days very nicely, and
returned last Tuesday morning to
Murray, and is visiting at the home
cf his daughter Mrs. John Ferris,
southeast of town. Mr. F. N. Cop
enhaver despite his more than four
score years is looking hale and
hearty and is enjoying the best of
I Friday Night, Oct. 10th
At their home on Wednesday ev
ening, Sept. 24. liy, air. anu Airs.
Chas. Schuelke gave a reception in
honor of their newly wedded son.
Ervin and wife. Mrs. Schulke be
fore her marriage was Miss Saddoris
of Lincoln.
A delightful two-course luncheon
was served which was greatly enjoy
ed by all, especially the bride and
groom who received all the honors
of the evening.
Those attending the reception
were: Mrs. sterns, .Mrs. Marie jtiick
man and son, Mr. Charles Harris,
Mr. Wm. Gerdes, all of Lincoln. Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Hier Jr., of Murdock,
Mr. Warren Rogers, of Elmwood,
Mr. LeRoy DeLair of Toledo. Ohio,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schuelke and
daughters Bernlce, Lois. Edna and
sons, ivans ana lauren, iuit. uiatc
Margaret and daughter Phyllis, Mr.
Melvin Hilderbrandt, Mrs. Ed. Ilurl
hut and daughters Mytrle and
Vivian and sons, Ernest, Lisle and
Walter Hurlbut.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Schuelke re
turned home Wednesday evening.
having spent their honeymoon at
Butterfield. Minnesota. The young
people will begin housekeeping at
once on the groom's farm.
Best wishes and congratulations
are extended by your friends.
All soldiers, sailors and marines
of Cass county, who are expecting to
take part in the parade held on
Home Coming day at Plattsmouth,
are requested to meet at the park
near the Burlington station at 1 p.
m. Saturday, October 4th, to prepare
for parade.
Good music and an enjoyable time will be
had by all attending. A cordial in
vitation is extended to all.
u -
Murray Dancing Club
: h:: sva.."B :. b:e".b e. ;: c..r b :: n n.:.;
We have a large assortment of all kinds of shoes
rom which to choose your needs at prices far below
prices you will have to pay in sixty days as you know
shoes are advancing every day. We have a large as
sortment of school shoes in all sizes. Also men's and
boys' rubber boots.
The Sein 5e Store,
ALF GANSEMER, Proprietor '
wwmmwmmmzmmmsM&wsMTM ;:::B.ii.;B':;.B. i.B.:ra r:.a.:.. b-.. b..-..b
Will Be Next Saturday!
m The Edison Demonstration which was to have
been given at Weeping Water by the Meier Drug
Company at the Presbyterian Churce, will now be
I given at that place on October 4th. Tickets which
I are held for the former date will be honored at the
Saturday demonstration. ,
I Please Remember the Place and Date!
Household goods for sale cheap,
! October 3. , 1. 6, at say residence
on Mam itreet. Mynard". :Mre. "Bah
! I
Murray, Nebrifka