The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 29, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. 1919.
1 I-1 1 I 1 1 I t 1 1 H i 1 1 II M
H-8-K WH 111 I1I1HM 1 11 1' 1 1
iJ 1TL 1U lis?
Atorney C. E. Tefft and J. V.
Kintner left Sunday afternoon for
Bank of Murdock
. cudm. t a (U ::trr.l I'ankinp Lusiness and invites i.ew accounts.
We a: in i. initio:- I pivj perconal attention to the needs of any
:::"; all (jstcmcrs, and assure them that they will receive consider
ing au;l courteous treatment at all times. If you wish to deposit
M.crey either cn Time Certificate of'Deposit, or desire to open a
il-eiMcs account, we are here to serve you.
Interest paid cn Time Deposits, if left six or twelve months.
;'!. u you do bufi:.e.. at this bank you can depend that . the same
v. ill bo held confident iaK and whether you deposit or borrow, only
ourself and the three orfictrs of this bank will know about the
transaction, as the officers , constit ute the Hoard of Directors, and
t li i -5 bank has been under the present management for the past
ten years.
Yours for a Square Deal Every Time
Where You
ank of M
,:i;M:V A. TOOL, l'resid-nt JANETTE E. CITT1LMAN'X, Cashier
Win. Itourke. of near Wabash,
was looking after some business in
Murdock last Wednesday evening
for a few hours.
Kay I'.oldan and family, who have
been living- in the west -for the past
two years are returning to make
tleir home in Murdock.
J.ihn Gaktmeier was a visitor in
Omaha last Wednesday, where he
;'s called to look after some busi
ngs matters for a short time.
A number of the citizens of Mur
dock wt-re in attendance at the
home coming for the soldiers which
was held at Easle last Wednesday.
Win. Lau was looking after some
business at the county seat on last
Wednesday. taking the morning
ir:iin at Suth liend. and returning
via th- R ck I.-land.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Woodard. wife
and their littie daughter drove down
in.m their home at Omaha last Sun
day and visited with Louis Schmidt
and wife for a short time.
W. E. Heier and wife, the latter
a former IMattsmouth lady, are keep
ing step with the progress of the
limes, and will have the Journal pay
them regular visits in the future.
George I'tt and family are
r.mong the new readers of the Jour
nal. Mr. I'tt having had his name
;;dib.'d to th'i subscription list on the
occasion of our last visit to Murdock.
Lawrence Rikli reports that he
has all his winter wheat sown and
much of it is up three inches or
more. Man have wheat up and
it is looking line while others are
fctill sowing.
Albert Zeirot. who. with his good
wife, live a few miles northwest of
Murdock. was a visitor in Ashland
la.-t Thursday, where he wa look
ins after some business matters for
a short time.
John Amgwert, the barber who
has litcn visiting with relatives and
at;e!idii-g the county fair at Oak
land, where he formerly lived, re
turned home last Wednesday even
ing, reporting having had an excel
lent time while gone. ,
J. D. I'.runnell. who is looking
alter closing up his business in Mur
dock and vicinity, will soon remove
to Lincoln, where the family has
been living for some time, and in
which place they will make their
home in the future.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Gioblets. two miles east of
Murdock. the stork made a visit a
few days ago. while going its rounds
and left them one of the finest little
blue eyed girl babies imaginable.
All concerned are doing nicely and
the little Miss Gioblets promises to
bo a comfort and joy to the happy
parents in tne years to come, as well
as at the present time, when their
happiness knows no bounds.
Change in Store Policy!
Commencing October 1st, all book accounts will
be due and payable the first of each month. We will
mail you a statement of your account to reach you near
the first of each month.
We are compelled to do this on account of the in
creasing capital required to conduct ourbusiness.
By adopting"rthis policy it will-enable us to make
you lower prices and thereby reduce the high cost of
living something that we are all. vitally interested in.
iurdock Mercantile Go.,
JERRY E. McHUGH, Manager
Murdock, Nebraska
Feel at Home
Frank Rosenow is moving to town
and the place on which he has been
living and which is owned by L. C.
Miller, will be farmed the coming
season by Emil Miller, who recent
ly sold his own place.
F. J. Fitch of the firm of Lorenz
& Fitch, were in Murdock for a few
days the first of the week sinking a
well for Matt Thimgan at his home,
being assisted by Al Lorring.
Mrs. H. L. Amgwert will soon
move to Council Bluffs, where she
will make her home. She will re
side with her daughter, who has
been staying there for some time.
Henry A. Guthmann. who has
been in the south for some time past
returned a few days since from
Guthrie. Oklahoma, and reports that
crops are looking fine down there,
also that the cotton fields are shoul
der high and looking good. Corn is
making an excellent yield for that
part of the country and business is
I. G. Hornbeck returned home a
week ago from a visit with his
brother-in-law, D. J. Weatherford.
who has been very sick. He found
Mr. Weatherford much improved
and on the road to better health. Mr.
Hornbeck did not like the climate
as he'returned feeling much the
worse for the trip, but is improving
some. He says it is a land of cot
ton and negroes. Where did he go?
Henry Denning Home Again
Atter more than twelve months
on foreign soil, Henry Denning re
turned home last Wednesday even
ing. Henry arrived in America ou
the ISth of the present month, be
ing sent to Camp Merritt, where he
remained two days and was then
hastened to Camp Dodge, where he
was mustered out of the service.
He took the first train for Omahc.
but got into the metropolis too late
to catch the evening train for home
He telephoned to the folks however
and in a short time the auto was
speeding to Omaha, arriving there
about eight o'clock. At ten he was
greeting his mother and the rest of
the family, following his absence of
many months. He was sure a glad
boy to get home and a happier fam
ily than the members of this house
hold would be hard to find as they
gathered around this gallant young
American who had done his bit for
his country". While in the service.
Henry was a member of the motor
truck corps, and he is an excellent
mechanic in his line. His many old
friends in and about the city will be
glad to note his safe return after
the long period of service overseas.
Come to Plattsmouth Homecoming
day, Saturday, October 4th.
Excellent Series of Meetings
The members, of the four churches
of this vicinity held an excellent ser
ies of meetings at the Callihar.
church, the numbers of that one.
the one at Murdock, one north of
the city and the one at Louisville
massing together for the series. The
meetings bepan on last Tuesday and
continued until Sunday evening, be
ing conducted mornings, afternoons
and evenings. Much interest was
manifested in the services and a
general getting together of the
churches for more effective work
was effected. Rev H. Sohl. of Lin
coln, the presiding elder of this dis
trict, was present and took part in
the services. His addresses were
filled with good thought and plans
for the future work of the churches.
Ezra Sohl." of Swanton was also in
attendance and John Oehlerking, a
former resident of this place, assist
ed in the services. Rev. Oselak, of
Ithaca, and Rev. Schwab were also
on the program at almost every ses
sion. Bank Seady for Business
The new bank, known as the Farm
ers and Merchants Bank of Murdock,
is about ready for business. The
-.wi r,.,,i ti,P oup buildinc for the present I These fine evenings" the boys who
until thev can build a suitable build-J are members of the recently orga
i, to ho,.,n thP n.w institution. nized basket ball team of the Mur-
cofp h.A!i , n rereived for use
at oresent until thev get located in
the new building which will bej
equipped with a spacious vault. One,"!'1 lu c.uie latt-r iu me beason.
cause of the delay in getting start
ed is due to failure to receive their
stationery and again they were un
able to get possession of the build
ing earlier, otherwise they would
have opened up sooner.
Tiff v I. Pathat of Lincoln, i
who is aiso "interested in like insti-!
tutions at Courtland, Clatonia and ;
Pickrell, and who is president of.
the new institution, was in the city
a few days during the past week
looking after some business matters
connected with the new concern.
His son, J. I'athast will be cashier
of the new bank.
First Number of Lecture Course
The first number of the lecture
course in Murdock this-season is an
entertainment by the Louis H. Geb
hardt Concert company. This attrac
tion comes highly recommended and
instead of being held in the Modern
Woodmen hall as was first announc
ed, it will be held in the Methodist
church. Arrangements have beer
made for an excellent time and al
who attend are assured of their ful'f
money's worth. The entertainment
will be given on the evening of Sep
tember Oth. See the small bills for
further information and arrange to
attend, for it is worth while.
Visited at Emerson
Edwin Jenson and Miss Lola Tay
lor. of Murdock. visited a few days:
in Emerson, driving there in tin
new Cadillac Eight belonging to Mr
Jenson. Thevhad an excellent time
and visited with many friends, re
turning home last Thursday.
Return from Hunting Trip
Last Wednesday evening H. W
Tool and Hugh Armstrong, the lat
ter, a friend of Mr. Tool, living in
Omaha, returned from a ten days
hunting trip in the northwest. Dur
ing their stay they visited at Ains
worth and Stuart. They made the
trip both ways in an auto and
found , some pretty hard traveling
over te soft roads, as it rained
good portion of the time. They had
some good hunting, but just what
kind of game they killed we cannot
say. While they had an excellent
time, they are not much in love
with the fleas and mosquitos which
inhabit that portion of the state.
The country is pretty new there as
they only found four places where
people lived in traveling a distance
of something over twenty-five miles
Will Build Next Year
John Oehlerking has been here at
tending the revival meetings being
neiu at tne . allinan church somo
two miles southwest of Murdock, and
visiting with his many friends in
thev-city and surrounding country.
He is assisting in the conduct of the
meetings and while in Murdock in
conversation with a representative of
this paper he said he planned to
erect a new home on his farm north
east of Murdock next summer. He
is having a well sunk there now
preparatory to building the residence
next spring. Henry Oehlerking, his
brother, will farm the place during
the coming year.
Some Connection to Samson
Max Dusterhoff, the painter, who
is engaged, with his assistant,' in re.
finishing the residence of Peter Eve
land, at Elmwood, like Samson, of
olden times, found honey where he
has been working. Samson slew a
lion and the bees made their home
in the dead animal's mouth, but in
this case they found-a lighting place
between the walls of the house and
the workmen, by tearing off the plas
tering and lath were rewarded with
some eighty pounds of fine honev.
With the excessively high price of
this sweet stuff, it is , as profitable
to hunt honey as to Work at the
decorating business and a much
sweeter job.
Electric Lighting Proposition
While nothing has been done that.
insures success iu the matter of sj -
curing electric lights for Murdock.
still the people are working toward
the end of having lights as soon as
arrangements can be made to that
end. The citizens are all interest-
ed in the proposition and the matter
is fast comuig to a bead, which will
in the end, it i3 hoped, be productive
of bringing about some feasible plan
of having the entire town lighted ' WU5C . m,
with electricity. It is the desire to' had purchased of the Pbilpot Gar
hook up with some service that will at?. They drove to Murdock and
be continuous twenty-four hours of caught the Rock Island,
the da v. and when this is done the T , ... . . . .
matter will be solved. -ohn Run this week hav-
ing a light plant installed at his
Will Hold Mission Fest modern farm home, southwest of
The Lutheran church just north town, to replace the acetylene sys
of Murdock will in a short time be tern he has had.. The barn and oth
the place of holding a Mission Fest,!..r j,aus of the farm yard, as well
when there will be given an excel-j tne houe wiH be wired
lent series of discourses and reports. . , w .
will be submitted from the extensive! and Mrs- Walter Perry of
mission field covered by the church. 1 Orange. Cal., who have been visitinc
Kev. Peters, who is pastor of th
will have charge of the
Louis Neitzel's Car 0. K. Again
The car belonging to Louis Neit
zel and which was badly damaged in
the accident just out of Omaha when
it was overturned and the body bad
ly mashed, has been made new again
and was driven home last Wednesday
by Dr. McDermott. As a result of
the handicraft of the repairmen,
the car looks like new again, no de
fects being apparent as a result of
the accident.
Easet Bail Team Progressing
dock school, are making good use of
Ith?. opportunity of getting into ex
cellent shape tor the games that are
a lie jri auHin 1 ui lur n ci 111 iiaa Lurtrn
published in these columns before
and is such as to insure making good
if it is backed up with the proper
amount of practice and care in train
ing properly. We hope to see the
boys develop into a first class team,
capable of beating contestants fron
'ar anci near.
Is Relieved Of Twenty Years Trouble
and Gains Twelve Pounds
By Taking Tanlac.
"I have not only gained twelve
pounds since I commenced taking
Tanlac, but I have been completely
relieved of twenty years suffering,"
said Lewis Higgins, a well known
and prosperous farmer who lives at
North Kansas City, Mo., while in
the Owl Drug Store in Kansas City
the other day.
"Yes. sir, Tanlac just knocked
my troubles winding," continued
Mr. Higgins. "and it is the only
medicine I got hold of that did me
any good at all. I had been suffer
inc from rheumatism ever since I
was about seven years old, and
just gradually grew worse as I grew
older, and I finally got to the point
where I wasn't able to walk at
times. The joints in my legs would
swell something awful, and the
misery and pain I underwent is
simDlv more than I will ever be
able to tell. I didn't know what it
was to get a good night's sleep. Fip-
ally my stomach went back on me.
and what I ate would sour and cause
gas. to form so bad I could hardly
get my breath, f tell you I was in
mighty bad shape, and the different
medicines and treatments I had
didn't do me a particle of good.
"My father told me one day that
he had read in the papers where
several people who had been suffer
ing like I did had been helped by
taking Tanlac, and advised me to
give it a trial. Well, ir, it just
beats the world the way I have im
proved since I commenced taking
that medicine. Why, I have only
taken four bottles so far and I can
walk just about as good as I ever
could in my life, and my general
health is better than it has been
since I was a boy. The swelling has
completely left my joints, and I am
able to work every day in the week.
I have actually done more hard work
this summer than I ever did in my
life in the same length of time. My
nerves are as steady as a clock, and
sleep like a log every night. I
have gotten rid of that stomach
trouble, too, and eat three hearty
meals every day and I never suffer
a particle afterwards. I will tell
the world that Tanlac is the best
medicine I ever saw, and I am glad
to have this opportunity to pass the
good word along."
Tanlac i3 sold in Plattsmouth by
F. G. Fricke & Co., in Alvo by Alvo
Drug Co., in Avoca by O. E. Copes,
in South Bend by E. Sturrenegger,
in Greenwood by E. F. Smith, in
Weeping Water by Meier Drug Co.,
in Elmwood by L. A. Tyson, in
Murdock by II. V. McDonald, in
Louisville by Blake's Pharcracv. in
Eagle by f. W. BloomenkamD. in
Union by E. W. Keedy, in Nehawka
, j j i
I1" AUtlU13 lu -""ay oy
! Meier Drug Co.
if you have anything to sell or
A . - x .,
T"ant to buy BOIEtll,S
Journal want-ads.
Fancy box paper at this office.
. ' - - ' ... .
Mi. Terry's mother at Eight Mile
Croxo the last week since returniiig
from their visit to Ohio came here
Sunday evening for a visit at .he
home of Mrs. Perry's brother Henry
I. tmiih and their many old Irler.ds
in Weeping Water.
Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Clark went to
Auburn Sunday morning to visit
their granddaughter, Mrs. A. W.
Finney and husband their two great
grandchildren. As Sunday was Mrs.
Finney's birthday it was quite an
eventful day for the great grand
parents and they turned the key in
the store until Monday morning.
Mrs. Mary Wolf and daughter
Mrs. Roscoe Wollen who had been
visitine relatives and friends here
for a couple of weeks left Saturday
morning Mrs. Wolf going to Omaha
where she would stop for a time at
the home of son. Fred Wolf, while
Mrs. Wollen would return to her
home at Alliance where she was
accompanied by her little step
daushter. Ruth Wollen. who has
been making her home at the Jack
Maple home.
The number of young men that
boarded the Sunday evening train
for Lincoln would remind one of the
wav the boys left for the service
last year. Ten of our community
boys are attending the state uni
versity this year. They are Sheldon
and Carl Tefft, Merritt Russell,
Ralph Rich, William Teegarden, Se
ward Day, Francis Olsen, Arthur
Kintner. Will Hay and Paul Cog-
lizer. We still claim Paul as from
Weeping Water and he was with the
bunch Sunday night as he had been
visiting here a few days.
Grandma Hollenbeck has been
confined to her bed on account of
sickness the past few days.
Mrs. Geo. Wade who is in the
hospital at Omaha is much better.
Mrs. Chas. West and Mrs. Sid
James were Lincoln visitors Satur
dav to see their mother, Mrs
Remaley, who is rery sick.
Velma Bornemeier who has been
quite sick for some time is gradual
ly improving.
Mrs. Frank Raker of Imperial
Nebr., is visiting at the home of her
parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Miller. She came to Lincoln to get
Buick cars and stopped for a short
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Langhorst and
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Williams left on
Thursday of last week.for Michigan
where they will visit relatives. They
will also visit at New Bremen,
Ohio, also at points in Pennsylvania
and at Washington, D. C. They ex
pect to be gone about six weeks.
Dr. W. A. Alton arrived on Tues
dav evenine for a visit with his
mother. Grandma Alton and other
relatives and friends. He accom
nanied 500 soldier bovs from El
Paso, Texas, to Camp Dodge, Iowa,
where they will be mustered out of
service. The doctor is looking fine
and says that they are enjoying life
at El Paso.
On Wednesday afternoon Mrs.
Steintza Lottman while visiting at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Peter
Nickel and while helping to peel
pears for canning died in the chair
she was sitting in, almost instantly
without a moment's warning or
struggle. Mrs. Lottman, who is the
mother of Onk Fisher, Mrs. Wm.
Rosenow, and Mrs. Peter Nickel
was spending a few days at the
Nickel home. She made her home
with her son, Onk Fisher. At the
time pt her death she was eighty
one years of age. Mrs. Nickel was
the only one present when she died,
other relatives were informed and a
physician immediately summoned
who found that death was almost in
stantaneous and due to heart fail
ure. She had not had a sick day re
cently and seemed in good health for
one of her age and naturally this
comes as a blow to the relatives.
Pure bred Poland China boar
pigs for sale. C. L. Mayabb. Platts
mouth. Neb.
Fancy stationery at this office. i
7sra Midii'My
We sell International, Waterloo Boy and Parriott
Tractors the best. We are agents for the Interna
tional, G. M. C. and Patriot Trucks and Buick Auto
Our Machine Shop .
is especially well equipped to handle all kinds of Au
tomobile repairing as well as general machine repair
ing of all kinds.
Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea
Eemedy in Michigan.
Mrs. A. H. Hall, Caseville, Mich.,
says, "I wish to thank you for your
grand good medicine. Chamberlain's
Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. We
are never without it in the house,
and I am sure it saved our baby's
life this summer."
Mrs. Mary Carrington, Caseville,
Mich., says, "I have used Chamber
lain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy
for years and it has always given
prompt relief."
We print law briefs, sale bills,
letter heads, envelopes, statements,
checks, invoices and in fact every
thing but money, postage stamps and
butter. Let us have your next job.
Pure bred Poland China boar
pigs for sale. C. L. Mayabb, Platts
mouth, Neb.
11 niii-i ,,
rwl y III! M M
and Make All Kinds of Mill Work at My
Planing Mill
Planing mill
located in north part of Murdock, Nebraska
Automobilos and Accessories
Mitchell, Dodge and Ford
Cars, Fordson Tractors
and Cushman Motors
Our machine shop is especially well equipped
with modern machinery and first-class workmen. Wc
are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including
acetyline welding.
Phone 35-B
Two eighty acre farms fr rent,
one improved and one unimprovid,
both farms join, about 'J5 acres
broke on each eighty. Cash pre
ferred. Call or write, Martin S.
Zaar. South Bend, Neb., R. F. D
No. 1.
A number of thoroughbred Poland
China boars, sired by Clansman 'd.
Adam Stoehr, Plattsmouth. 11-lmow
t. Plastering, Stucco, Mason,
4. and all kinds of concrete
4. work. Strictly first class.
v- Murdock, Neb. J"
-H-K-re-x- -x-x-x-x
Stationery-at the Journal olace.
Murdock, Neb.