The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 25, 1919, PART TWO, Image 8

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Murray Department
I Preoired in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the readers of the
Journal kvor of auy social
event or Iwtn of interest .In
this vlchiltr. ami will mail
9 anje to this olMce. it will ap
pear under this heading. We
want all aewsitema Editor
Is a Pov:er for Good in the Commun
ity Buy a Season Ticket and
Join the Boosters.
The. reports of this bank
show progress and successful in
vestment. Strict adherence to the bank
ing laws, careful transaction of the
business and honest consideration of
our depositors' interests go to make
this institution a safe, substan
tial and reliable depository.
Our record justi
fies the faith of our
great number of
depositors and
insures protection.
If the citizens would only see the
idea of the Lyceum course we can
not helieve any one would hesitate
to buy season tickets even if there
was a chance of their not being able
to atttend every number.
The Lyceum is the only chance of
bringing real wholesome entertain
ment to a t-mall place like Murray,
and parents who want their children
to have the opportunity of attend
ing worth while entertainments can
not profitably withhold their sup
port from the Lyceum. Vet some
have to be fairly begged to support
the Lyceum course and hesitate to
buy a season ticket for fear of r.oi
being able to attend every session
and thereby losing 50 cents or :o.
When we cau see the real mo'ive
of the Lyceum for the small town,
then, and onlv then, will the lev
i not have to beg the many to buy a
I season ticket.
Then Attend the Lecture of the Not
ed Speaker, Ernest J. Powell
on October Second.
v 5
Safety Honesty CourtesyService
Four pr cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank. v
NOTICE Miss Mae Loughridge,
teacher of voice. Opening for sum
mer term.
Roy Cole and Albert Cotner, of
Plattsmouth. were in the city last
Tuesday looking after some telephone
Mrr. Roy Yonker, of Plattsmouth,
is visiting at the home of her par
ents for a few days, having arrived
hi re Tuesday morning.
Robert Shrader, of east of town,
Jas. Campbell and wife were vis
iting with friends and looking alter
some business at the county scat
last Tuesday.
County Commissioner J. .A. I'itz
was a business visitor in Murray on
last Tuesday, having been looking
alter some business matters over the
county as well as in this vicinity.
Warren Tymau. of DeWitt, was a
visitor in Murray last Sunday, com
ing for the two small sons of Mrs.
Uertha Cauley, who is his sister.
....... . -: -:.. s .. . . i-.. i . . ,-- T
Vrt3 t IKMIUI HI WUItlll IcXfl IUCSU.1J. . . 1. ..I.M.I 1. .!, V i ,
I lit' lUUlv llie til mil til in.'iuc ini iii'u.
lie was accompanied by Mrs. Shrader
and they drove as far as Plattsmouth
in their car, taking the train from
W. A. Lewis, who has been visit
ing in this vicinity for several days
past, and also receiving medical
treatment at Council liluffs, depart
ed .Monday evening for his home at
Coleridge, Nebraska.
Robtrt S. McCleary, of Weeping
Water, and a crew of workmen were
in the village last Tuesday after a
load of steel for re-inforcing some
bridges being built on the govern
ment aid road.
Pert Jamison. living some six
miles west of Murray, was In town
last Tuesday, coming after a load of
woven wire fencing for use on his
farm, as he is engaged in fencing
the place hog tight.
Ernest Contryman, ot Weeping
Water, the father of Wilber Contry
man, living a few miles from Mur
ray, is reported as being very ill.
and is not expected to recover. He
is 78 years of age and is very feeble.
John Schwartz, of Nehawka, is
working at the home of Gust Hallen
berg. southwest of town, and will
redecorate the home, painting the
house both inside and out, as well as
doing some other painting about the
County Surveyor Fred Patterson
was working on the public road just
east of Murray during the fore part
of the work, getting the grades es
tablished in order that the graders
who are working on the federal aid
road may continue their work.
Messrs. E. S. Tutt and I. M. Davis
were in Plattsmouth last Monday
evening, going to attend the Masonic
lodge session there. Mr. Tutt was
raised to the degree of a Master Ma
son at the special meeting held that
day, and Mr. Davis, also a member
of the Plattsmouth lodge went along
to assist in the work.
Mrs. F. II. Ramge who was in
jured when the tire came off the
wheel of her car while coming from
Omaha, just north of Plattsmouth
some two weeks ago, and who was
very badly bruised, is reported as
getting along as well as could be ex
pected and is almost entirely over
the injuries received
Misses Hazel and Claire Dovey, of
Plattsmouth, were visitors in Mur
ray last Tuesday, coming down on
the morning train to spend the day
with their friend, Miss Margery Wal
ker. They had a most pleasant time
while here. Miss Claire Dovey re
turned home in the evening, while
Miss Hazel remained until Wednes
day morning.
The road to Mr. Powell's present
Meets with Accident in West I roncb one: he is "a graduate of the
Theodore Uouton, who has just TTlliversitv of iiard Knocks. This
returned from the west tells of the statement is not intended to cast any
turning over of the automobile of reflection upon his excellent aca
Mrs. Archie Sprecker, of near Grant, demic attainments, but to indorse
who formerly lived near Nehawka, J nim as a nlau to whom has come i
injuring Mrs. Sprecker severely. She; deeper knowledge and . a broader
was hurriedly taken to a physician, vision than that acquired in the halls
where it was found her arm hadt)f learning.
been broken in two places. Just asi tu3 is one of the reasons he has
she was having her wounds dressed. ueen picked to deliver the opening
she received a message from Asher- number of the Lyceum course in Mur
vill?, W. Va., telling of the dying rav on October 2nd, at which time
condition of her father. Mrs. Spreck-h,e' wiil talk on booming your own
er '.nd three otheisisters living near t home town.
Grant departed immediately for the' As a farm hand, earning money to
east to be present at the bed side of complete his college education, as a
rural teacher, as a railway Y. M. C.
A. secretary, as County Supt. of Pub
lic Schools, and as an editor of a
wetk'v newspaper, his work was
their aged parent.
Has Elegant Herd of Eogs
Miss Pauline Oldham, who is
a i
rr.icer nf rlenler in flnn Tin rr.p 1 cnaraci ei uv gitdi. niuusu) anu
i lie acquired
Jersey hogs, is well equipped to raite!
that tactful manner.
the best strain of fine porkers, and 111 -v s? 1 rt,m
she now has a herd of 150 of the !"" ot nnml that nfneA with con
tinent of the species. A representa-; f 01CUO,,S
success his
thoroughbreds and by the good ship-
Mrs. Henry C. Long spent the past ! ,-us.ness she has developed, as
week at the home of her daughter, i ,he, Oldliain farm ships hogs to all
Mrr,. Shrader. in Omaha. j uarts cf the country.
Henrv Theile. of Nehawka, ami
wife who have been visiting in Oma- Mrs
ha and Plattsmouth, spent a sh'.rt
time in Murray while on their way
enorts as a
tivf. ni,n immni viitP,i ti,n-;,r,k! Chautauqua business and platform
where the herd is kept and we cer-' manager.
tainly found a lot of fine hogs, rang- He recently completed a tour of
ing in sixes from light weight shoats ' ot the --rt'at Chautauqua circuits
to the heavier porkers. Miss Old-! V"ri!'f. Sevent-V lecUin?s ,n towns
ham knows hogs from A to Z and!111 ,he siFsippi valley appearing
c-ive Die,,. IlinhofrarP hein r... H plains nu so.uc .uc m.-.-t
warded by the pleasures that come
from possession of a nice herd of
will always carry a complete line of
Hardware, Paints, Oils, Farm
Implements, Tractors,
We do all kinds of tin work, heating and plumbing,
and will also save you money on furniture orders.
Come in and get our prices on anything in our line.
We will treat you right and save you money.
E 0
sJ Isa rj
Phone No. 24
ic program, including all the forms
of sport that became so popular
among the men in the training
Lucy Lyle New Manager
home. .
Dr. H. F. IJrendel and Irt Lloyd
and wife were visiting at Omaha on
Wednesday, going up on the early
morning train.
James Tigner, who has been 1..L1
up with an abcess on one of his
knees, is reported as making sor.ii
progress toward recovery.
Wm. Seyboldt made a trip to Ne
hawka last Sunday morning, where
he was looking after some business
matters for a few hours.
Mrs. E. S. Tutt was a visitor with
friends in Omaha last Wednesday,
having gone up on the Missouri Pa
cific train Tuesday afternoon.
Jest.e Chambers, who has been
working at L'nion for the past few
days, where he had some houses to
paint, returned home Tuesday even
ing. Charles Creamer, who has been on
the sick list for some time past is
now reported as showing some im
provement, which will be good news
to his many friends.
Virgil I'rish, who has been tier,
far the past two weeks, and has
been confined to his bed, is reported
as being somewhat improved and i.;
able to be around again. . -
Charles Tucker is having some
improvements made at his farm homo :
including some alterations about ih '
house, together with the building of j
some new cribs and a cattle shed. J
Mesdames U. F. IJrendel and li. A.
Root and Mrs. Carlson, of Omaha,1
who" is visiting at the home of Mrs.
IJrendel, together with Dr. J. 1
Prendel. were all visiting in Platts
mouth Muesuay evening. i
On account of the resignation of
Mrs. Pert ha Cauley, former manager
of the Lincoln Telephone and Tele
graph company's Murray exchange,
Mrs. Lucy Lyle has succeeded to the
)'s:t;on. Mrs. Lyle comes from
Weeping Water and is accompanied
by her two daughters, Misses Gladys
and Freda ar.d also by her son, Stew
art, who will make their home at
Murray. Another daughter is en
gaged in teaching school out in the
i lioted orators of America and thru-
out t lie season his lectures createa
unusual interest and numerous re
quests have been made lor return
dates. Mr. Powell is very effective
in his dramatic inspirational addres
ses, and his practical and business
like town boosting talks are of in
estimable value to any community.
No one having the interest of our
own town at heart will want to
miss this opening lecture of the
Lyceum course.
Mr. ?nd Mrs. H..C. Long spent the
day last Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Snavel.
Anyone having clover i,r any
kind of seed to .'ell, mail saaipb; ati't
write 'us at once. Hihe.-d. market
price paid, your track. Johnsotk'
Iiro., Nebr. Citv.
L. D. Kiatt Well Pleased vith Con-
Murray Couple United in Marrise ditions in Perkins Caunty,
Mrs. Bertha Caulev. who has been Where lie Has Land.
manager ot the Murray telephone ex-
cnaase lor some nme aim wno nau , ast Tueslay morning L. D. Hiatt,
ueeu - llll""e,Muh lm heon in Iho. western nart
a 1 . a. . e 1 A . T ! ..... -
me nrsi 01 me ween w wok aner .f ,he gtate for a number cf days,
turning over the business of the of-, rrivi, ,lomp. urr ioined in Platts-
nce to her successor, as she reports mouth b Mrs Hiatt( who ha(1 been
the marriage of herself and Mr liar- visitinR ln(,re durinsr her husband's
ry H. Laxter. It has not been learn- absetl0e. Mr. Hiatt reports much ac
ed where they will make their home Uv,t Jn land transfers in the west
as yet. Mr. P.axter is a salesman w nn,, B:lvs the enter-
for the J. II. Pollock Auto company J pr,ging firm of yallery & Cromwell
is getting its share of the business.
md with his bride are well known
in Murray and the surrounding coun
try. At present they are stopping in
Plattsmouth at the Wagner hotel.
The Journal, along with their many
, friends, is pleased to extend con
i granulations and hopes that their
lives may be l.appy and prosperous.
Was a Lamp Greeting;
At the old fashioned dance &iven
at the hall here about a week ajo,
some one with more of a desire for
rough sport than for propriety, or
witii a spirit of revenge, awaited t'te
opportunity of pouring a pail of
water down the skylight while the
largely on account of the good treat
ment accorded its patrons. He men
tioned -the fact of much wheat be
ing piled on the ground awaiting
cars in which to ship it to the
market. Mr. Hiatt has eome land
in Perkins county, as has also his
partner, Mr. E. S. Tutt. win is hav
ing part of his holding seeded to
winter wheat.
The market on Coffee is very firm from all the in
formation which merchants are able to get hold of, and to
look for lower prices soon seems to be out of the ques
tion. We know that the prices we are giving the public,
at this stcre, are much below what others are asking. Try
us atid see:
Fancy Santos Peaberry, very uniform. others ask five
cents per pound more, our price per pound . . . 45c
. Fancy Bogata, the kind others ask 10c per lb. more.
The difference is all in the price. Per pound. . . . 50c
YUB AN, the Arbuckle Guest Coffee, very high-grade,
equal to the best to be bought. Special price per lb. 55c
' Morning Cup, another mild coffee, comes in 1 -pound
Tins. Steel cut and a mighty good drink. Per lb. 50c
Hiatt & Tutt,
Eeceived Severe Injury to Hand
While unloading a par of hard coal
at the Missouri Pacific station. Leo
Nickels met with a misfortune that
will keep him from his daily labors.
as well as cause him considerable.
pain for a good while. He was at
tempting to slop a refractory pair
of mules, which became frightened
at the train, when his hand was
drawn into contact with .a nail by
the lines, cutting a gash of consid
erable length on the back thereof.
The injury was mended by Dr. G. II.
Oil more, who was compelled to tahe
four stitches in the hand to close the
gapping wound. This was very pain
ful and the dressing of the injured
member was attended with plenty of
suffering. .
Frank Reed, who was in the h ;-, dance was in progress, thoroughly
pital at Omaha for a short time, hav-j soaking Arthur Raker as he was
ing undergone an operation, return-; dancing. Mr. Raker, like a true
ed Wednesday morning for consul-; sport, took the scaley trick in good
tation ar.d examination at the hands ' nature, and 'while the people paused
of the specialist who had his case, i to wonder, at the sudden influx of
There is some joy at the horn? of! water the culprits made good t heir
Mr. and Mrs. John Robbins. on ac-j get-away,
count of the arrival of a fine ten
pound boy who made his appear
ance last Sunday, the 21st. All
concerned are doing nicely and ev
eryone is exceedingly happy.
James Kuykendall. of the Platts
mouth Gas and Electric company,
accompanied by II. W. Gouchcnour,
one of his ice makers, was in Mur
ray looking after business Tuesday
forenoon. They drove down in Mr.
Kuykendall's car.
G. W. McCracken, manager of the
Meier Drug company's store here,
departed Tuesday morning on the
early morning train for Creston,
Iowa, where he expected to remain
several days while he looked after
some business matters claiming his
attention there.
T. J. Brendel is very busily en
gaged these days looking after his
insurance business and keeps going
most of the time either in his car
or on the train, and is making good
success at the business, even if lie
does have to travel until late. Jeff
is a rustling insurance writer, and
is getting a lot of business for his
Nicholas Friedrich, living just at
the south edge of town, has received
some fine Poland China hogs, which
are indeed some fine porkers. Mr.
Friedrich is putting them on his
farm with the intention of raising
nothing but the best, a hobby, if, a
you choose to call it that, which is j
proving proniauie 10 more tuau uuu
hog raiser in this part of the state.
A few days ago 15. C. Dance, of
Chicago, who is a traveling sales
man for the Halter Shoe company,
of Cincinnatti, engaged in making!
this western country, came dowir?
11UU1 VJlutxucit i. . a, ii w . . . - . . .. -
home of his mother, Mrs. U. A.
few hours with his mother and;?
then hastened back to Omaha to re
sume his work for the company.
The Bank of Murray is having
some excavating done at the north In
end of the building for the purpose g
of installing a furnace under the
bank. Heretofore heat has been sup-, a
plied during the winter months byjf
means of stoves, but Mr. Boedekcr, in
beiner progressive and up-to-date, I P
'thinks it better to have a heating
rdant Installed. W. H. Puis has the fj
contract for installing the new fur-jj
Plattsmouth Homecoming
Returned sMdiers and sailors from
this vicinity. together with their
friends are planning on attending
the Cass county homecoming cele
bration at Plattsmouth on Saturday,
October 4th, in laree numbers. En
terprising business men and patriotic
citizens of Plattsmouth and Platts
mouth precinct have provided a fun I
of nearly ?H,000 to be spent in show
ing the Cass county boys a gool
time and a royal welcome is extend
ed to every soldier and sailor in
the county to attend. One of the
principal features will be an athlet-
Alvuays Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 1511 Murmy Exaiange
0 fp53 -
We have a large assortment of ail kinds of shoes
rom which to choose your needs at prices far below
prices you will have to pay in sixty days as you know
shoes are advancing every day. Wti have a large as
sortment of school shoes in all sizes. Also men's and
boys' rubber boots.
The-Serviee Store,
ALF GANSEMER, Proprietor
3E.::..c;5:;::!Bla:;a:;;;;a:;l!;a:;:::B.i:::D':i::s :;..a..i;.a :. :a i:m ia.:.:s:: m. :b:.i. b lb imtb :;:;a: a lb
The Red Sox
Louisville Team
Ball Park
a merchant in order to merit patronage
should first carry sufficient stock to care
for any reasonable demands made upon
it. Second, it should be priced correctly.
Too large a profit is robbery, and too
small, bankruptcy and neither benefits
a community.
Our aim is to carry a complete line of
Drugs and Drug Sundries so priced
that we can live, and yet supply any
goods in our line at reasonable prices.
Murray, Nebraska
Duroc-Jersey Boars
for Sale!
A number of extra fine Duroc-Jcrscy
Boars for sale, sired by Crimson Model,
22d; Disturber of Sterling, Jack Orion,
2nd, and Jacks King Orion, 3d. These
hogs will weigh from 150 to 300 pounds
each, owing to the age. I have a great
number of fine individuals to select from
and if you want the very best I beiievc
that I can please you. I will hold no fall
sale this year.
Cedar Creek, Nebraska
Phone Weeping Water Exchange No. 2812.