The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 25, 1919, PART TWO, Image 5

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No. 27.
Erought in from Greenwood Las:
Night on Burglary Charge
Six Coons in the Gang.
Sheriff Outwits Them by Doning an
Old Tattered Blouse and
A Slouch Hat.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The two negros who made a
daring- dash for liberty this
forenoon have b?en captured
and returned to the Cass coun
ty jail where they now repose
safely behind the bars. Their
capture was effected about the
noon hour bv Sheriff Quinton.
Two of the negroes implicated in
the Greenwood burglary this morn
ing shortly before 10 o'clock engi
neered a dash for liberty that was
almost successful. The men were at
the office of County Attorney A. G.
Cole awaiting their preliminary hear
ing ami during this time were in
the private office of Mr. Cole under
charge of Hoy Armstrong, of Green
wood, while the county attorney was
engaged in' the main office In prepar
ing the charges against the men.
Mr. Armstrong came into the main
office for a few minutes to speak to
the county attorney and when he
returned the negroes were missing
and the open window told the story
of the means of escape of the two
men. This window is on the east
side of the office and almost on the
level of the lawn so that it wa3 a
very easy mutter for the men to
step out and hit the high spots for
liberty and this they proceeded to
do without stopping to say good bye.
Mr. Armstrong, as soon as he dis
covered that the dark lined bird.
had flown, gave the alarm, and start
ed out after them, following their
course cast toward the Burlington
track, where he caught a glimpse of
them as they fied down the embank
ment and took refuge in a cornfield
east of the track. Sheriff Quinton
and the county attorney. with a
small party started in pursuit of the
men. but after getting into the
cornfield it was rather hard to fol
low their course.
A short time after the departure
of the officers a telephone message
was received in the city announcing
that the men 'were in a cornfield
i:orth of the pumping station'and in
response to this message Chief of
1'olice M-inspeakcr and William liar
clay, securing the automobile o
lion Arries, hastened to the scene of
action followed by a number of
other autos filled with citizens, but
this party failed to find any signs
of the escaping men. A report re
port received from the Platte river
at 11 o'clock stated that th'e two
men hd succeeded in crossing the
river and had reached the Sarpy
county side, where they were in
The two men made their way
across the Platte by wading the al
most dried ud river bed and suc
cessfully reached the Sarpy county
side, seeming near to their goal of
liberty when the strategy of Sheriff,
uinton proved their undoing. The
sheriff, on reaching tho Sarpy side
of the river visited a farm house and i
securing an old tattered blouse and
slouch bat that had seen many sea
sons oi wear ana leur, armeu 'V
.1 1 1- 1 1 .
with an old bucket and lending anj
old mule started out down the road ,
41 11 VA V V. 1. w -' f " - " " - -
i wh rn non r t ha Rnnr wnpre inei
auto party was drowned a few years
ago he spied the two elusive dar-
kies and they paying no attention for tt)e evacuation of Petrograd, ac
to what they supposed was one., of cording to a Helsingfors dispatch to
the web footed natives of the hot-, the Central 'News agency.
toms came right up and started a 1
conversation with the sheriff, who' fancy box paper at this office.
promptly covered them and ordered
I the two men to about face anil
march up to the auto which was
. waiting at the farm nearby and
j brought them on into Plattsmouth
'just after noon, where they were
once more lodged in jail and it will
jbe a small chance they will have
again to get liberty.
Story of the Robbery
Yesterday afternoon shortly after
6 o'clock the residence of Olaf An
derson, at Greenwood, was entered
and a large assortment of jewelry
was secured by the men making the
haul, including three watches, sev
eral rings, two lockets and a sum of
money between $6 and $7, which
had been left in the house.
The burglary was witnessed by a
boy who happened to -be in the vi
cinity and the alarm given at once.
A posse of Greenwood citiens, head
ed by Arthur Weideman and Roy
Armstrong was organized and start
ed in pursuit of the burglars and
succeeded in rounding up a party of
six negroes along the Burlington
railroad tracks and Sheriff C. D
Quinton was notified of the fact of
the robbery and the capture of the
men and on his request the men
were brought to Plattsmouth by Mr.
Wilson and Mr. Armstrong and turn
ed over to the custody of the sheriff.
The men gave the names of Robert
King. Hobert Warren. Fred Sanders,
Henry Calvin. George Green and
George White, all negroes.
Four of the Men Confess
The men when questioned by Sher
iff Quinton and County Attorney A.
G. Cole at first refused to come across
with any details of the burglary and
contended that they knew nothing of
the burglary of the Anderson place
and stoutly contended their inno
cence. After some clever question
ing by the sheriff and county attor
ney it was possible to secure a dif
ferent story from a number of the
men and finally through the good
work of the officers four of the party
came through with the story and
told how they had entered the place
through a window and made away
with the jewelry. Three of the par
ty had entered the house while the
others remained outside and kept
watch for anyone coming.
The men were all young negroes
and have been in the north but a
short time from all appearances, al
though they have an excellent show
of remaining here for some time ! Dalton. Jack Davis. Ernest Neu
now through the clever work of the'mann, Neal Dickey. Hilt Martin. Joe
sheriff and countv attorney in se-!
curing their confession. I
This is another case where the!
nty will be saved a great deal of!H0ITjING INTERESTING
expense by the work of the county
attorney in getting the men to "come
clean" and do away with the neces
sity of a long drawn-out trial en
tailing expenses of several hundreds
dollars and but for the excellent
work of the officers in handling the
case it would have been impossible
to secure the confession from the
men who were very shifty in their
stories of how they happened to be
in the Greenwood vicinity and it
was only when pinned down by re
I eated questioning that they were
made to divulge the truth.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Yesterday and last evening were
busy times for Sheriff C. D. Quinton
as he was called to Weeping Water
and Nehawka early in the day to
look after some county business and
on returning from there was noti
fied of the Greenwood burglary and
this had no more than been received
than a call came from the Platte
river bridge that there were two
men hiding in a corn field nearby
that it was thought might be the
Ralston bank robbers. The sheriff
hastened to the scene of action
with two or three men he secured to
assist in case it should prove to be
the bank robbers who were cornered
and when the party arrived at the
scene of action it was found that
the two men were merely looking
over the hunting situation and had
no evil intention whatsoever and
after quieting the fears of the
bridge tender the sheriff returned
home with his party
. .
Copenhagen, Sept. 22. The bol-
fheviki have made all preparations
A. 0. U. W. Hall Was Artistically
Arranged With Various Colored
Streamers and Decorations.
From Tuesday's Pally.
The A. O. U. W. hall last evening
was the scene of a very delightful
gathering when the young ladies
employed in the Burlington offices
at the shops tendered a banquet to
the victorious Storehouse ball team
who have won the championship of
the Burlington shop league. The
hall had been artistically arranged
with vari-colored streamers and dec
orations and made a pleasing scene
for the happy occasion and here the
tables, five in number were placed
for the members of the party. At
the table prepared for the visitors
beautiful floral decorations were ar
ranged and the centerpiece of the
table was the handsome silver loving
cup presented by the merchants of
the city to the boys of the cham
pionship team. A dainty luncheon
of sandwiches, ice cream, cake and
coffee was served which was highly
enjoyable and in honor of the occa
sion. Manager C. E. Weaver of the
base ball team was called upon to
respond to the toast to the ball boys
and Frank E. Warren was also call
ed upon to respond with a few re
marks and both gentlemen did so in
a very pleasing manner. After the
banquet the tables were removed
and dancing enjoyed by the young
people until a late hour and at the
home going time it was the unani
mous sentiment that the young la
dies were certainly skillful hostess
es in the art of entertaining. The
members of the championship team
are: C. E. Weaver, manager; Carl
McCarthy. Harry Neumann
Htidgin.s, John Jirousek.
From Tuesday's Dall.
As a part of the nation wide cam
paign of the Episcopal church,
launched to stimulate the interest
in the church work among the mem
bership, the members of the St.
Luke's church in this city are hold
ing a series of conferences each
Friday evening which have been
meeting with great success. These
meetings of the members of the par
ish are held at the close of the
weekly service on Friday and are
filled with suggestions for the better
ment of the work of the church. All
members of the church are urged to
attend these meetings as much good
can be derived both for the life of
the church and that of the individ
ual member.
Card of Events For the Big Home
Coming on October 4th Bids
Fair to Be Big Event.
From Vnesday's iDally.
The athletic committee of the
Home Coming celebration has out
lined a program of sports which
promises a day of rare enjoyment
for the soldiers and sailors and the
general public and "will have some
of the best features seen in the
state. As a part of the morning
program a base ball game between
the soldiers, and sailors will be ar
ranged if possible which will give
the service men a chance to secure
a part of the prize money offered
and with the excellent talent . in
the national sport which was in ser
vice there should be two strong
teams on the diamond that day.
A boxing carnival and one wrest
ling match will be made a part of
the program and in his Harry Wil
liams of Omaha, fast heavyweight
boxer, and former soldier will be
placed in the ring against Schmarder
of Louisville, in a faiit ten round go.
As. a preliminary two boxing ex
hibitions of six rounds each will be
staged before the big show. Kid
Graves, sports editor of the Bee and
the best qualified sporting authority
in the west will be in the old home
town on Home Coming day ami will
officiate as umpire at the base ball
game as well as in the preliminary
boxing matches and in the wrest
ling match. Mr. Graves is an old
Cass county boy and is strong for
giving the Plattsmouth athletic pro
gram a big boost and i.vill- be here
rearin' to go on the day of the big
From Tuesday's T-ailv.
Oh boy! While tho chill of the
autumn mornings niav make us
wonder where the summer wages
are. they also mean that there will
be no longer a sneeze and a sniffle
from the hay fever. The sufferers
from the hay fever are celebrating
the advent of the frost v weather
and welcoming it as the prodigal
son was welcomed as it brings re
lief from long suffering. A heavy
frost is reported from the northwest
ern portion of the state while the
conditions here are decidedly wintry
and almost approaching the frost
This Time Activities of the Black
Man Are Reported From the
Vicinity cf Wintersteen Hill.
From Wednesday s Dally.
The mysterious fet.'itleman of col
or tii3t has been frequently report
ed from the different parts of the
city has once more made his appear
ance and this time it has been
Wintersteen hill that has been in
vaded by the dark lined visitor. On
Monday evening two cf the young
ladies who reside on the hill were
going lrom tneir nome io me mum
part of the city where they are em
ployed, and were accosted by the
negro but the ladies on seeing that
the man was a negro started to run
and made their way down to the
business section where the matter
was reported to the police but on
visiting the spot it was impossible
ot find any trace of the man. The
police force has been unable to lo
cate any negro in the city during
the day time and it seems mai ue
onlv makes his appearance at night
and then in the residence districts.
As far as reported the man has
offered no violence to anyone and
aside from frightening a number of
the women has not committed any
depredations but the police would
like very much to get a line on him
and settle his identification as to
whether or not it is a real negro or
someone blacked up for the effect of
the scare. If the man i.s caught by
some of the men of the community
he will probably be given a rough
hauling as a number of the resident
ers are keeping their eyes open for
his appearance.
From Wednesday's Daily.
The band of the Twentieth infan
try, better known as "Pershing's
Own" will be one of the attractions
at the Home Coming here on Satur
day, October 4th. as the arrange
ments for their appearance has been
closed by the committee in charge.
This band is composed of high class
musicians a large number of whom
were in service in France and they
will be a great feature of the mili
tary parade to be staged as part of
the Home Coming when the citizens
of the county can have the oppor
tunity, of seeing their service boys
all together and give them a fitting
welcome home. The 20th infantry
is now stationed at Fort Crook and
the members of the band are pleas
ed with the opportunity of visiting
this city and taking part in the
program as well as enjoying the
general festivities prepared for the
service men.
For any pain, burn, scald or
bruise, apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectic
Oil the household remedy. Two
sizes .20c and COc at all drug stores.
Men are Captured Monday Night,
Arraigned Yesterday and Last Ev
ening; Draw" Down Sentence.
From Wednesday's Daily.
The six negroes implicated in the
Greenwood burglary on Monday
afternoon are now enroute to Kear
ney where they will9 spond some
time meditating over their short ca
reer in crime. The men, or rather
boys as the six culprits are but care
free . southern black boys, departed
this morning for Kearney in cus
tody of Sheriff Quinton and Leon
ard Terryberry, and were in excel
lent spirits and might well be as
they got off lucky in their venture
into the iield of burglary. They
were arraigned last evening before
Judge Begley and entred a plea of
guilty to the charges preferred
against them and threw themselves
on the mercy of the court and in
view of the youth of the boys the
court and the county attorney gave
them as light a sentence as pos
ible and the length of their stay at
Kearney will depend upon their con
duct while there. The boys, Robert
King, Hobert Warren. Fred Sanders,
Henry Calvin. George Green and
George White were brought before
Cov.nty Judge Beeson yesterday aft
ernoon at' 2 o'clock and entered a
plea of guilty to the charge pre
ferred against them and were bound
over by the county court to trie ais
riet court where they were brought
to trial in, the late afternoon and
after their acknowledgment of the
burglary they were sentenced to the
Kearney reformatory in indetermi
nate sentences. The outcome ot the
ase saves the county the expense of
everal trials and excessive costs
that would amount to several hund
red dollars which would have been
caused bv the court costs and'attor-
nev ices it tne men naa an sumu u
Jury trial. The excellent work of
the county attorney in the conduct
of the case has resulted in the sav
ing of the costs to the county that
certainly will be appreciated by the
Geo. M. Hild Returned From West
Yesterday Morning After
A Good Trip.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Yesterday morning Geo. M. Hild,
who is selling a good deal of good
wee-tern land, returned from Perk
ins county, where he, was for the
past three days, and while there sold
a fine quarter section of land to Ira
Bates of near Cedar Creek, and on
which Mr. Bates will move in a
short time. He also sold a half sec
tion of land to Frank Vallery of
Murray the veteran land man, who
knows land when he gets a look at
the naked earth. Mr. Vallery pur
chased the land because it was
worth the money.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Joshua Andrews ha just purchas
ed a new home in the south portion
of the city having completed the
deal whereby he becomes the own
er of the J. II. Busche property on
South Sixth street. This is a very
pleasant home and one that will be
very convenient and comfortable for
the Andrews family.
Can't look well, eat well, or feel
well with impure blood. Keep the
blood pure with Burdock Blood
Bitters. Eat simply, take exercise,
keep cleari, and good health is
pretty sure to follow. $1.25 a
From Wednesday's Daily.
St. Mary's Guild cf St. Luke's
church held their regular meeting
yesterday afternoon, at the home of
Miss Barbara Gering on north Sixth
street. There was a large number
of the members and friends in at
tendance, many takin? advantage
cf the beautiful autumn day and
getting out in the beauty and
wainith of the sunshine. A very
interesting business session was
held, at which time the winter's
work of the society was discussed
as well as other important business
matters. A lady demonstrator of
Mazola Oil was present and after
the business session, she was intro
duced and made several demonstra
tion of the value and use of this
oil. During this demonstration a
dainty afternoon luncheon was pre
pared, which was served at a con
venient time, and was one which
was most thoroughly enjoyed by
those fortunte enough to be pres
ent. An hour or so was then de
voted to plying the busy needle on
articles for the Christmas Shop, in
terspersed with a most enjoyable
social time and other amusements.
which made this occasion a most
delightful one. The ladies of St.
Luke's Guild had been invited to
attend this meeting, in order that
they might have the opportunity of
being present at the Mazola Oil
Additional Subscriptions From Peo
ple of the Community Help
Swell the Fund.
From Wednesday's Daily.
The volunteer subscriptions to the
Home Coming fund continue to roll
in and help to swell the amount
that can be devoted to the extensive
program for the entertainment of
the service men and those who serv
ed in the war as a part of the mili
tary machine of the nation:
Previously reported $2,303.25
City of Plattsmouth 50.00
City schools 24.85
Joseph J. Johnson : 5.00
George Rhoden
Mrs. Rose Krivanek
Miss Olive Gass
Miss Lucy Arnold
Miss Esther Larson
William Henrichsen
George Lamphear
Lee Jennings
Total receipts $2,394.11
From Wednesday's Dally. .
Victor Krivanek. who has been
enjoying a vacation of a few weeks
in the east returned home yesterday
after a most delightful visit. While
in the east Vic spent a short time
in both New York and Chicago and
looked over the large wholesale and
retail stores of the metropolis. He
will resume his studies in the high
school here being a member of the
Junior class and during his spare
time will assist in the store of C. E.
Wescott's Sons where he has been
employed for the past three years.
From Wednesday's Daily.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
B. J. Halstead will be pleased to
learn that their little son, Byron
who was operated on a few days ago
at the Ford hospital in Omaha, for
appendicitis, is reported as getting
along nicely and that the hopes for
his recovery are now very bright.
Little Byron has had more than his
share of ailments in the past few
weeks with his severely injured foot
that became infected and followed
in a few days by the attack of ap
pendicitis, and the friends of the
family are more than pleased that
he is getting along so nicely.
' Detroit, Mich., Sept. 23. Control
of all stock in the Ford Motor com
pany has been secured by Henry
Ford and his son Edsel, it was an
nounced here today, through pur
chase of the minority holdings of
James Couzens, millionaire mayor of
Detroit, and former vice president of
the company.
Lioose anything?
want ad.
Try a Journal
To Attend National Convention i:i
Minneapolis as Well as Choose
Nebraska State Oflicers
From Thursday's Dally.
The first annual state convention
of the Nebraska branch of the Amer
ican Legion is called to assemble at
the auditorium in Omaha on October
10 and 11. in a proclamation i.-:;uij
Wednesday by John G. Maher c?
Lincoln state chairman.
The convention wil elect ri 1"-
gates and alternates to the nation.-) I
convention to be held at Minn apoii-i
November 10 to 12. The state is en-
itled to four delegates and four al
ernates, and to one additional di le
gate and one additional alternate t:i
each 1,000 members paid up thirty
days prior to the national co:ivt;n-
ion. In addition to the df-' -n
and alternates authorized by th
constitution there will be choscii .
number of delegates-at-large o:u; l
to twice the membership of the
United States senate and' house ct
representatives. These delegates-at-large,
however, will not have vot
ing power at the Minneapolis con
vention. To Elect Officers.
Other business to be transacted at
the Omaha state convention wi'I in
clude: Election of two members of tho
national executive committee. to
represent the state and to bold -f-fice
for one year.
Adoption and ratification of the
constitution for the state.
Election of officers fur the
Nebraska state branch for the en
suing year, these to hold ollice f r
one year or until .successors are
Election cf a state committee, and
transaction of such other business
as may come before the convention.
Basis of Representation.
Concerning representation in the
state convention at Omaha, Mr. M:i
her says:
"In this convention representa
tion shall be by posts. Each po t
shall be entitled to two delegates
and two alternates for the first fif
teen charter members; and two ad
ditional delegates and alternates for
each additional fifty members or
major fraction thereof. Represen
tation shall be on the basist of act
ual paid up memberships up to tho
day of the convention. The vote rtf
each post in the state convention
shall be equal to the total number
of delegates to which the post is
"All the members of each post
should have an opportunity to par
ticipate in the selection of dele;
gates. The delegates selectd from
each post must be on the basis of CO
per cent enlisted men and , 40 per
cent officers, and of that ratio.
"There should be a meeting of tho
members of each post to select dolo
gats, not more than ten nor less than
five days prior to the date of tho
state convention."
From Wednesday's Dallr
Clate Rosencrans and Fred ITlrz
last evening demonstrated that they
were real good roads enthusiasts
when they hastened out to tho
Platte bottom road and by heaving
many shovels full of dirt filled up
several dangerous holes that have
been a menace to travel for some
time. While the boys do not make
a practice of this line of work they
showed that they were not - unac
quainted with the shovel and re
ceived many kind words from tho
passing auto parties for their efforts
to make the rough road a little more
suited for traveling.
, -i
Wanted: Steady work on farm for
married man. Address Albert E.
Shafer, P. O. box C05, Plattsmouth,
Neb. -wk-d&w