The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 25, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PA05 TT5T7R
THUK32A7. SEPTIjlPrp. 2:. 1S19.
Cbe plattsmoutb journal
Entered at Pontofflce. Plattamoutn. Neb.. aecond-claaa mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Stephen C. Mason, president of the
national association of manufactur
ers, formulates terms of non-strike
and non-lockout armistice between
employers and workers, for possible
adoption at White House industrial
conference next month says un
necessary strikes in past eight
months have cost the nation $10,
000.000 a day detailed proposal
would involve national agreement to
avoid interruptions of production
and creation of a national industrial
adjustment board proposes to stop
epidemic of strikes until such time
as President Wilson shall declare
the period of readjustment at an
An industrial armistice between
organized industry and organized
labor, to last until such time as
President Wilson shall declare the
present period of industrial read
justment to have passed, was pro
posed in a statement Just Issued by
Stephen C. Mason, president of the
national association of manufactur
ers, an organization embracing 5,000
manufacturing plants In all sections
of the country, and presented to
President Wilson for his immediate
Mr. Mason says that the epidem
ic of strikes and threatened strikes
which has so sorely afflicted the pro
cesses of industrial readjustment
during the past eight months, has
cost the people of the United States
as much as $10,000,000 a day in
lost wages, rent, retail trade, and
wasted industrial productive re
sources. He expressed the belief
that 90 per cent of this tremendous
economic loss could have been pre
vented if organized industry had
embarked upon an agreement to sys
tematically avoid wrongheaded poli
cies and methods and organized la
bor had likewise been pledged on its
sacred honor to prevent the misuse
of the strike weapon by self-seeking
leaders who have called or precipi
tated unnecessary strikes.
Mr. Mason declared further that
the forthcoming Industrial Confer
ence called by and to be held at the
White House under the auspices of
President Wilson, on October 5th,
1919. can be made productive of
far-reaching results, if the adminis
It's a Stetson!
17 . 1 t 1
ever nouce now mucn Keen
satisfaction a man puts into that
He feels that the Stetson
wearer is recognized as a person
of taste and descrimination.
That's one of the reasons we
carry Stetson Hats. Another
reason is to safeguard our cus
tomers against doubtful mer
chandise in these days of un
certain values.
tration will directly appeal to the
patriotic and unselfish impulses of
all the present warring factions,
to come to the conference fully pre
pared and authorized to enter upon
a voluntary, solemn covenant to
avoid all unnecessary or avoidable
interruptions of industrial and ag
ricultural production as well as
threatened paralysis of Interstate
"The paramount Interest of all
the people, as well as the national
Interest involved," says Mr. Mason,
"ought to be recognized and accept
ed by all parties at the conference.
Such a realization would impel the
subordination of every conceivable
form of selfish class interest, in
order that the impending industrial
crisis may be safely surmounted and
the Inherently healthy resources of
our productive industries given a
proper opportunity for expansion.
"I believe that the serious reac
tions of the recently intensified per
iod of industrial strife has done
much to Impress the danger and
foolishness of such conditions and
methods on both captains and pri
vates of industry, both In and out
of the ranks of the organized forces
on both sides. There is no room to
doubt that the American people as
a whole have become heartily sick
and more than ever impatient over
the disgusting spectacle and terrible
waste involved in ceaseless indus
trial bickerings and strife. If any
one doubts that a strong sentiment
exists for the correction of such
deplorable condition both in and out
of the ranks of organized labor and
organized industry, it is only neces
sary to call attention "to" the recent
report, urging a strike truce as
means of bringing about a badly
needed increase in industrial pro
duction, so forcefully stated by i
lately discharged but still determin
ed committee of the New York state
federation of labor, and the nation
wide educational campaign conduct
ed among both employers and work
ers for over three years, at great ex
pense, by the national association of
manufacturers. In the interest of in
dustrial .conservation and peace.
"These sincere desires for Indus
trial peace on the part of organized
employers and workers ought to pro
vide a fitting foundation for the sat
isfactory solution of our industrial
problems. Certainly such worthy
aspirations on both sides ought to
receive the most vigorous and active
encouragement and aid of the Amer
ican people and the forces of good
government. If such motives ani
mate the representatives of all fac
tions or groups at the forthcoming
White House conference, and every
constructive assistance is assured by
President Wilson and his colleagues,
that event ought to mark the arrival
of a new era and better order of
things In our American industrial
"I therefore take the liberty to
suggest for the consideration of
President Wilson and all the respect
ive groups who may attend the In
dustrial conference on October 5th,
the following program for adoption
as the basic work of the conference:
A JoinWgentlemen's agreement"
armistice, strike truce or prelimi
nary treaty for industrial peace, be
tween organized industry and org
anized labor, declaring their com
mon purpose to be that of bringing
to an early end all industrial, war
and agitation now raging through
out the United States, and avoiding
or preventing strikes, lockouts or
any other cause or means of inter
rupting or paralyzing transporta
tion or industrial production. This
covenant to remain in force until
the- president of the United States
shall have declared the period of in
dustrial readjustment at an end.
This agreement would therefore
remain in effect until full opportun
ity had been afforded for "the correc- j
tion of prevailing abnormal costs of
living and economic conditions.
"To give semi-legal and more
binding force to the industrial ar
mistice agreement, a Joint commit
tee, representing organized labor
and organized industry, selected by
the president from the groups at
tending the conference, should be
delegated the duty of formulating
the agreement (possibly along the
principal lines set forth in the war
time agreement which was the basis
for the creation of the national war
labor board) and cause the same to
be presented in congress for enact
ment (possibly) In the form of a
joint resolution, declaring such an
agreement to be in the public in
terest and welfare.
"As two concrete suggestions for
provisions which might be incor
porated In the agreement: (1)
organized Industry ought to agree
not to reduce wages during the life
of the industrial armistice and to a
broad policy of liberal treatment of
wage-earners as well as a blanket
engagement voluntarily to submit
all matters of difference, misunder
standing or dispute to a medium of
arbitrat'on hereinafter provided for;
(2) organized labor ought to agree,
during the life of the armistice to a
policy of non-interruption of pro
duction, by pledging a national
truce against strikes and a general
engagement voluntarily to submit all
matters of dispute to a medium of
arbitration hereinafter provided for.
"In order to provide the inescap
able means of arbitration required
for the adjustment of many import
ant and non-assignable rights of
peaceful industrial disputes. It is
further suggested that organized
labor and organized industry re
spectively nominate and elect seven
members (fourteen in all) of a Na
tional Industrial Adjustment Board.
and the president of the United
States to appoint one (or not more
than two) additional member who
must be acceptable to and confirmed
by a majority of the fourteen mem
bers selected by labor and Industry
This board ought to be legally creat
ed (after selection) and vested by
act of congress, to serve until the
nresident shall have declared the
period of readjustment at an end,
with adequate compensation provid
ed bv federal appropriation so as
to make possible the exclusive de
votion of its members to its work.
and have powr '.'f necessary, by
amending the existing anti-trust
laws) to enforce its findings or de
cisions on matters, when once
the contestants have voluntarily ac
cepted their offices, possibly through
presentation of evidence to federal
district attorneys for civil (or even
criminal) court action and penalty.
charging attempted (or actual) un
lawful Interruption or restraint of
production r transportation of ar
ticles entering into or used for inter
state commerce.
"It is further suggested that the
agreement ought to contain a
strongly worded provision pledging
employers to give their employes an
honest and generous day's pay, the
workers in turn pledging themselves
to give an honest and generous day's
work, so that the processes and fa
cilities of our industrial production
may be utilized to the fullest pos
sible degree for the national bene
fit. "As an additional provision by
organized industry, the agreement
ought to contain the stated recog
nition or admission of the justice of
labors' claim that labor , is not a
"Organized labor, on the other
hand, ought to agree to a provision
retracting its public defiance of the
rights of the courts to enjoin it and
a direct refutation of the pernicious
theory or doctrine that 'the less work
a man does the more work he pro
vides for others to do.
"The outlined suggestion for a
concrete and timely program for the
consideration and action of the In
dustrial conference," Mr. Mason
says, in conclusion, "Is , easily cap
able of satisfactory amendment or
additional elaboration. At any rate,
it may afford a rather broad, but
H Antump SeoSn
Now Demands the Attention
of Every Home Dressmaker
m A-
deserve prominence at this time, for with biting frosts come thoughts of smart,
warm wraps and dresses that will provide comfort and serviceability. Whether
it's coatings, suitings, or materials for frocks, there is a wealth of new
suggestions here and in the dependable qualities you connect with this
We might go on indefinitely telling you of the beautiful fabrics pre
sented here, but as we know personal inspection only will
give you an adequate idea of these offerings, we invite your
early and careful attention to
the values offered you. You
will be thoroughly pleased.
Home Sewers Will Be Delighted Over This
Rich Display of Silks and Velvets
from the fashionable silk weaves of Panne Trico and La Jerse to the lustrous satins and chiffon velvets
in rich dark shades of the season's mode, these displays speak of the quiet elegance combined with util
ity, which distinguish our silks and which give distinction to their wearers.
Have You Seen Them?
If you haven't, you have a very pleas
ant surprise in store for you. These lovely
handbags, made of beads, velvet and leather
add the distinguishing finishing touch to your
dress or suit. They range in price from
$5.00 to $15.00
Why of course! Everything that is need
ed to put that little finishing and touch of
character to your costume. Bead bandings
and motifs; as well as all that's new in the line
of braids, fringes and tassels.
Reasonably Priced
Phone 53 and 54
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
tangible basis for the guidance of
President Wilson as representing
the view point of a vast majority of
the 5,000 members of the national
association of manufacturers and
give some evidence of their sincere
desire to cooperate in the worthy
purpose involved.
"Of course, the success of the
proposed industrial armistice, if the
conference on October 5th should
see fit to adopt it, is completely de
pendent upon congress considering
and enacting only such legislation
as may be completely in harmony
with and promotive of the spirit and
purpose of the agreement as well as
the able support and encouragement
of the chief executive."
Mr. Mason's statement has been
sent to the White House at Wash
ington, D. C, by special messenger.
for immediate transmission to
President Wilson, now on the peace
treaty speaking tour.
From Thursdays Dally.
The past few days iiie lovers of
the sport of hunting the wild and
elusive ducks and geese have been
busy cleaning un the old guns and
preparing to rally forth in seaic'i
East of Riley Hotd!.
Coates Elock,
Second Floor.
tie feathered inhabitants of the
various creoV:; and rivers ol the
The early hunting this year how
ever promises very little. There are
but very few Nebraska duck9 in
different parts of the state, and
these will probably be picked off by
the natives within a few days and
no real shooting will be available
until the migration of the ducks to
the south begins.
Anoher thing that is alarming the
hunters is the fact that the Platte
I river, the favorite hunting stream
of the state is dry in many places
Should the flight of the ducks start
south now it is the opinion of many
of the leading hunters of the state
that the shooting will be the poor
est in years.
Reports from the head waters of
the Platte however Indicated that
an increase in the water supply of
the river may be looked for that may
be sufficient to attract the migra
tory ducks on their flight.
You will eniov reading Harold
Bell Wright's new book. "The Rec
reation of Brian Kent." Get one
now, at the Journal office.
Every farmer should have one or more
Ford trucks because of the profitable re
sults that will follow their use. There is
not any guess work about this statement.
It has been proven on thousands of farms.
If you farm, come in and let us tell you
more about the Ford Truck's value to you
in sure dollars and cents saving. It is a per
sonal matter to every farmer. The Ford
Truck is a business necessity. Orders
should be left with us at once in order to
get early delivery. Price $550, without
body, f. o. b. Detroit.
T. H. Pollock Auto Co.,
Phone No. 1
Plattsmouth, Nebr.