The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 25, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
PAGE TWO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. 1019. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL i ! TRACT R f 10-20 Titan kerosene burner, with three-bottom plow, delivered . $1,300.00 Also the 1 2-25 Huber Light Four tractor with three-bottom plow included, delivered. . . .$1,640.00 WE WILL NOW BE IN A POSITION TO MAKE DELIVERIES ON DODGE BROS. AND CHANDLER CARS. DODGE BROS. CARS AT $1,185.00 Delivered CHANDLER CARS AT? $1,975.00 Delivered I. H. C. Trucks DeLaval and Primrose Cream Separators. Used Cars! Five-passenger Ford touring car $250.00 Monroe roadster, a baigain at 450.00 JQHM F, AUTOMOBILES FARM IMPLEMENTS APPOINTS COMMITTEES FOR HOME COMING Kr-tn Thursday's I"aiiy. The program committee of the soldiers and sailors home coming celebration la-st evening appointed the several special committees to lock after the necessary work in the different departments that will be necessary and the following is the list of those selected: Band Committee Richard Avard. E. H. Schulhof. Reception Frank J. Libershal, F. A. Cloidt. T. W. Glenn. Parking David Ebersole. Harry Johnson, Armour Gamblin, Fercy Wart hen. J. L. Burrows. Fixture shows August Bach, Dr. Fogerty, Thomas Walling. Athletic Fercy Fields. T. H. Fol lock. Earl Stanfield. Dinner to soldiers and sailor?; B. McElwain, Don C. York. B. A. Rosencrans, Guy L. Wile. J. C. Yarborough, Roy W. Knorr. Warga. T. M. Scar Holmes. Edgar Stein- hauer, A. J. Snyder, Monte Franks. Drink water. Ladies Rest Room and check stand L. G. Larson, A. M. Sanders, Edward Grybsky. Concessions Waldemar Soennich sen. L. V. Copenhaver, A. O. Moore. Free Attractions Dr. O. Sandin, J. E. Douglass. J. V. Hatt. Speakers C. A. Rawls. J lock. C. E. Whitaker. Advertising F. M. Bestor, Holmes, G. L. Farley. VICTOR SHEBW00D TO UNDERGO OPERATION A C. Morgan, Decorating Fred 1 Busch. Dance Jes borough. J. W. K. Fol- J. W. Money to loan on city real estate by the Plattsmouth Loan & Building Association. See T. M. Patterson Secretary. 3-2tfd Homecoming day, OctoDer 4th. From Friday's Dally. Victor Sherwood, formerly of this city, but for the past few years en gaged in railroad work for the Un ion Pacific, is at present at Rochest er. Minnesota, where he has been for the past week and will be com pelled to undergo a very severe surg ical operation. For the past two months Mr. Sherwood has been troubled with his eyes and the sight has gradually become so af fected that he was threatened with blindness. To secure relief Mr Sherwood visited the Mayo Brother. at Rochester, where an examination was made and it was found that the patient was suffering from a tumor cn the brain and that an operation was necessary at once in order to save his life and to restore his eye sight which had been affected by the tumor. Mr. Sherwood will re main at Rochester until it is pos sible to have the operation perform ed. The friends here of this young man will anxiously await word from the hospital as to the outcome of the case as the severe nature of the operation makes the case a very delicate one. The money you spend in a con sistent newspaper advertising cam paign will come back to you trippled In a very short time. SHORTHAND AKIG iiookkkki'i.xg ti:i.i:ohapiiv We liav tauirht these branches of busi ness training for "0 years. Positions for every graduate. Rapid promotions Iav tuition. Students work for their hoard while attending'. Ask for free Catalog A. Boyles College, Omaha, Nebr. JUNIORS BLOS SOM OUT WITH FIRST PARTY non-resilient. OF THE SCHOOL YEAR A DE LIGHTFUL TDIE HAD LAST NIGHT. THE REST WILL SOON CATCH UP As Weiner Roasts and Other Events Will Follow Each Other in Rapid Succession. of of the the school larger to be a g peo- Man owes it ioliis Bimilyto hdVft MONEY" m THE BANK to yrateck. iaem- dgaiiCsb wanfcr MAN'S INHUMANITY TO HIS WIDOW AND CHILDREN IS TO LEAVE THEM WITHOUT PROTECTION FROM POVERTY AND WANT IN CASE OF HIS DEATH. ' READ THAT AGAIN! DO YOUR DUTY. START- A-BANK ACCOUNT TODAY AND REGULARLY ADD TO IT. DON'T LET YOUR WIFE AND LOVED ONES SUFFER FOR YOUR NEGLECT. OUR BANK IS A SAFt PLACE FOR YOUR MONEY. YOU WILL RECEIVE 4 INTEREST ON TIME CERTIFICATES. "All work and no play, Makes Jack a dull boy." The first social event of the year was enjoyed last evening by flie members of the Junior class of the high school at the school build ing and which will be one historic events in the records class. The members of the high faculty were invited and the portion of them were able present and join in the very ant occasion. The Juniors live and active class of youn pie who see that their events are carried out in a manner that will he thoroughly enjoyable and in pre paring for the gathering last even ing they left nothing undone to make it a complete success. The various games were played in the "gym" of the school where merriment reigned supreme tor eral hours. At a suitable daintv two course luncheon. ing of sandwiches, delicious punch and pineapple shebet was served, which was very much enjoyed. Miss Glenna Dixon, advisor of the Juniors, assisted in the pleasures of the evening and the members of tin class were well pleased with the initial social event of the season an i hope for many more such enjoyable gatherings. The class, at their meeting th'. week re-elected Mason Wescott as president of the class, and he will preside over Its destinies during th-. school year. sev- hour a consist- BYRON ARRIES NOT TO BE OPERATED M To Kavnioml L. Morse defendant. You are lierebv notified that on the 31st cay-of. May. 1919. Margaret J. Morse filed a petition against you in the .District Court of Cass County, Ne braska, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a divorce from you on the ground of extreme cruelty and the tail u re to provide anv support for the plaintiff for more than six months prior to the date of tiling said peti tion, although amply aide to do so. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3rd day of November, 1 1 MAKGAUKT J. MOKSK. il'-lwks. Plaintiff. i. Tin: ni vrv (h iit CASS ( III XTY, or .m:hhank . of Xebrusku. County of Cass, interested in Petersen, Sr., the de ntate ss. To all pei'sens estate of John ceast il : n reading the petition of Martha J. 1'eterseii, praying that the instru ment tiled in this court on the 17th day of September, 1!1! am! purport ing t j be the last will and testament of the said deceased, may be proved and allowed, and recorded as the last will and testament of John C. Peter sen. Sr., deceased; that said Instru ment lu admitted to probate, and the administration of said estate be grant ed to Martha .1. Petersen as executrix. It is hereby ordered that you, and all persons interested in said matter, mav. and do, appear at the Couirty Court to be held in and for said coun t v. on the litli dav of October A. 1.. iyi!. at 10 o'clock A. M., to show cause, if any there be, why the pray er of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pend ency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all per sons interesien in said matter by pub lishing a opy f this order in the Plattsmouth Journal. a semi-weekly news-paper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said diiv of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal of said court, this 17th dav of September A. D. i ; i . .iikx j. ni:i:sox. (Seal) County Judge. P,v Florence White. Clerk. xotici: State of TO CKKIUIOKS Nebraska, Cass The State of Neoraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the Kstatc of Har riet A. Sharp, deceased. To the creditors tt said estate: You are. hereby notified. That I wi'.l sit at the County Court room in Pl.itts nmulli in said cunly on September P11. and liecember .".o, l'lpJ, at 10:t)0 a. in. on each day to receive and ex amine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment ami allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said citato is three mouths from the U'.'th day of September A. I . 1!'1!. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year f otii said :':uli day of Sep tember, la 19. Witness my hand and f 1 1 ? seal of said County Court this :'7i!i day of August, 1!19. au.k.v .t. ni:i:sox. Count v Judge. p.y ri.oKKNc;: vyihtj:. (Sfi.l) Clerk. The tv. ss. In the In the i a ti i her. To the You a i sit at tin MlTICi: Slate of io ( iiciiniii; Nebraska, Cass Count y ma 1 1 er dcreased. cred i I or e heieliv County Court. f the estate of i:ilcn of Si ..tili. id J. estate: That I ill urt room in Piatt! mot t It in saifl count v on the 11th day of October. l:r., and 11th dav of 1 .--cemher. 1 :M '.. at. the hour of ten 1! o'clnck a. pi. ciiili of sa'd days, to re- Pleasing Hews Received Here frc: Marine Says Wounded Leg is Showing Improvement. ccive and examine all said estate, with a viev iostiiieiit and allowance, itcd for the prescntath against said estate is the 11th day mill the time f debts is one I from i liiims against to their ad The time lim it of claim three months of September A. I, limited for payment ear from said Until From Saturday'? Dally. Advices received from Ilyron Ar ries, at the Marine base hospital, at Hampton Koads. Virginia, state that on the advice ot tne surgeons in charge of the hospital there will bo no operation performed upon his 1?? which was injured by a machine gun bullet during the Argonne drive iti France last fall. Mr. Arries spent several weeks here on a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Arries and re turned to the hospital early in Sep tember to have his injured leg look ed after, but since hiaf stay there the wounded leg has shown such marked improvement that it was de cided it would not be necessary to have the leg re-broken and set. It was found that the wound had left the leg a great deal weaker than the normal member and this had caused a great deal of trouble to the patient, but it has now regained Ur former strength and Mr. Arries is able to get around as well as before? the wound was received. That this brave young man is to have the full use of his limbs and not be compelled to undergo a sec ond operation will be pleasing news to his many friends in this city, for Byron has undergone a great deal in his experience in the war and his sufferings for his country have been very severe. dav of August. 10P'. Witness my haul said Count v Cour t, August, Kir. Al.I.KX (Seal) sl-hv. and the ti. is :;uth day of of .T. UKKSOX. Countv Judge. LOST. Automobile mud chain, lost some where on the road from farm' of C F. Vallery and Hennings tarni on Louisville road. Finder please leave with F. G. Fgenberger. ltdltw Office Supplies? Thct s where shine. The Journal Printery. on OH I) Kit or iii:iti; Petition for Appointment of Arimlnlntrntrix. State of Nebraska, Cass coun- Farmers, State PLATT8MOUTH. NEBRASKA The ty, ks. In . the County Court. In the matter of the Kslate of John T. Lambert, deceased: On readinir and filing the. petition of Mary A. Smith praying that adminis tration of said estate mav be crantcil to 'Mary A. Smith, as administratrix: Ordered. That October 11th A. D. 1919, at ten o'clock a. m.. Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of the petitioner should not be arranted: and that no tice of the pendency of said action, and the hearing thereof be Riven to all persona interested in said matter by publishing a com of this order in the IMattsmoutli . Journal, a semi- weekly newspaper printed in said coun ty, for three successive weeks prior to said day of heating. . Dated this 12th dav of September A. t. 1919. ALLE.V J. ERESOX. Countv Judge. . . l!y FLORENCE WIIITfw . slo-3w. C'eik. All the news wuen It Is newt nal. 15c per week delivered. Immuncd Registered Duroc-Jersey -BOARS!- A number of good fall and spring pigs. The Dies are sired by Path finder and Gold Medel, and contain the best strains known to this popular breed of hogs. Phsiip Schafer op m:iti4i nual .Notice of I'rolmle of AVill In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. To all persons interested in the es tate of Adolph Wesch, deceased: On reading the petition of Elizabeth Wesch and Adolph Wesch, Jr., prayins that the instrument tiled in this court on the 10th day of September, 19 iy, and purporting to be the last will and testament of the paid deceas ed, may be proved and allowed, and recorded as the last will and testa ment of Adolph Wosch, deceased; that said instrument be admitted to pro bate and the administration of said estate be granted to Adolph Wesch, Jr.. as executor; It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter, may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said coun tv, on the 7th day of October A. I. 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioners should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of f-aid petition and that the hearing thereof be Riven to all persons inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county for three suc cessive weeks prior to said day of hea ring. Witness my hand, and seal of said court, this 10th dav of September A. L. 1919. ALLEN J. IJEESOX. Countv Judge. CHAS. E. MAItTIX. (Seal) sll-:v. Attorney. MOTICK OK SI-IT Tii U IET TITI.K. Plaintiff. vs. et al, lefen- In the HiVtrlct Court of the County of Cass, Xebraska. Kannie I:. Iiickson, Francis K. Kirkpatrick (Lints. To the defendants, Francis K. Kirk patrick; Mrs. Francis K. Kirkpatrick, tirst real name unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of Francis K. Kirkpatrick. deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives rnd all other persons in terested in the estate of Mrs. Francis K. Kirkpatrick. first real name un known, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estate of Samuel II. Moer. also known as S. 11. Moer, deceased; Steph en I . Iavis: Mrs. Stephen I . Iavis, tirst real name unknown: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Stephen 1 . 1-iavis. deceased; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other pel sons interested in the estate of Mrs. Stephen I . I'avis. tirst leal name unknown, deceased; V. P. I..ivis. also known as Wm. I'. lavis; Elizabeth liavis; the unknown heirs, devisees. I.vjatf, personal representatives and all otter persons interested in the estate of W. i'. I la vis, also known as Win. P. lavis, deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of Elizabeth I 'avis, decease.; Alfred Thomson, also known as Alfred Thompson: Mrs. Al fred Thomson, also known as Mrs. Al fred Thompson, lirst real name un known: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other pei-sons interested in the es tate of Alfred Thomson, also known as Alfred Thompson, deceased; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representi'tives ami all other I'cr.-ons interested in the estate of Mrs. Alfred Thomson, also known as Mrs. Alfred Thompson, lirst real name un known, deceased; Charles F. Holly; Louisa M. Holly; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estate of Charles F. Holly, de ceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons Interested in ttie es tate of Louisa M. Holly, deceased; John W. Seymore; Sarali Jane Seymore; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Job V. Seymore. deceased; the unknow heirs. devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in leiested in the estate of Sarah Jane Seymore, . deceased : John W. Seymour Mrs. John . evmour. hrst real name unknown: the unknown heirs, devisee legatees, personal representatives am all other persons interested in the es late of John W. Sevmour, deceased the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees personal r presentati ves and all other persons interested in til e estate of Mrs. John W. Sevmour. tirst real name unknown, dec-eased; Louisa E. Card Wilson Card: the unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representative and all other persons interested in the estate of Louisa E. Card, deceased the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees personal representatives and all other petsous interested in the estate of Wil son Card, deceased: Lots three (31 four (41. live ( r ) and six (f.) in Block fifty-eight CM. in the City of Plaits mouth. Nebraska and all persons claim intr anv interest of any kind in said real estate or any part thereof, and the unknown owners and the unknown claimants of Lots three (31, four (41 rive I 5) and six () in lilock fifty eight t."8. in the City of Plattsmouth Cass countv. Nebraska You are lierebv notified that on the 4th dav of September. 1919, plaintiff riled her suit in the District Court of the County of Cass. Nebraska, to quiet plaintiff's title to Hie above describe land, to-wit: Lots three (:: . four (4) five (.". and six t. in II lock fiftv elsrlit (.'.Si. in the City of Plattsmouth Cass countv. Nebraska, because of her adverse possession by herself and her grantors for more than ten years ni'ior to the commencement of said suit and to enjoin each and all of you from having or claiming any right title, lien or interest, either legal or eouitable. in or to any land, or any n.irl thereof: to renuire you to set forth vonr right, title, claim, lien or interest therein, if any. either legal or equitable, and to have the same ad judged inferior to the title of plain tiff and for ireneral equitable relict. This notice is made pursuant to the order of the Court. You are required in answer said petition on or before Mnndav. October lo. 1919. or your fault will be dulv entered therein. FANNIE It. DICKSON. ' Plaintiff W. A. ROBERTSON. sll-5w. Atty. for Plaintiff. de- OKDLIl Of IIEAKI-NG ajitl Notlre of Probate of Cass orPhonoY.W. Ex. 203! of Mill. In the County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. State of Nebraska. County ss. To nil persons Interested in tne es- igi. nf Tnvfnti tcouhek. deceased: On reading the petition of Frank k-...,hu nrnvlnsr that the instrument Hiorl In this court on the bth (lay OI siiteiniifr mm. and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, mav be proved and allowed and recorded "as the last will and tes tament of Joseph koudck, ueceasea; iimt khIiI Instrument may he admitted tn nrobate. and the administration of said estate be granted to 1' ranK ivou- bek as administrator witn tne win annexed; ... , It is hereby ordered, mat you, anu all persons interested in saia maner. may. and do, appear at tne wouniy Court to be held in and for said coun ty, on the 4th day of October A. r. 1919. at ten o clocK a. in., to snow cause. if any there be. why the prayer oi tne petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency or saia pe tition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in sain matter by publishing a copy of this the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weens orior to said day ot nearing. i Witness mv hand, and seal or said! court, tliU StU day of September A, E. . 1919 I ALLEN J. BEESOX. (Seal) s8-3w. County Judge. lM "3 . NTet Contents' 15 Fluid T-m d 1 III Tr-S. I WMAW Genuine i Fci Infeati Children. m m&'h Tna? - m h A TiLCOHOL-artrt. . q I AVeiJeiaWcrrcpar 'ooi ri i similatinthcrbod b Kef i ' - - . i O .. tc nf J unguiciornaoisaiiu uuj j : ThcrctiyPfomoiinDii5c.1Ion B Cheerfulness and RcSLwaautt ll neither 0pium.Morphice nor . If:. .1 VnTAHi30TIC imvi i" 71111 VI Sent jtix Sennit JU U SaltM h arm W CUtrif-ttiSajar itCihi. flavor A helpful Remedy for ; 15 and Fevcrishncss an W LOSSOFbLEEP fac-5imile icnau- r iV.'Uijfc: Bears Signature x : 6 IJvi of iVn?;" 0 r ror In Use Over Thirty Years Kxact Copy of Wrapper, TM C CINTL. mmmii. -tw o n- DEATH OF MRS, H. K. DUNBAR the intervening ilay.s the tcnilcr hands of the children a:id relatives have carei for her. lcsci! the : ut- feriiifts which she bore wiHi -ui-i ence and fnrtitnde while awai! wr ithe f:nn:!!ioi:s ll-at v.-nnhl hrinc ever- I Former Resident of Plattsmouth and Old Resident of State Passes Away This Morning. From Monday's Dally. This morning at S o'clock at the home of her daughter in Ai-hland. Mrs. II. K. Dunbar, for many year.4 a resident of this city, was called to final reward after several days of suffering from a stroke of paralysis. Mrs. Dunbar has been making her home for the greater part of the time since the death of her hus band in 1909 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. A. Wiggenhorn, at Ashland, and it was there that she passed away. On last Thursday morning she was stricken with a severe ftroke of paralysis from which she could not recover and during lasiir.g mice and rest to her. iv.;r ing her illne:-s her urn. F. l. 'nun bar and wife of this city have been al her side assis.ting in the care of the beloved mother, and doini; win! was possible toward making Ir r his hours as easy as they could be made Mrs. Dunbar was born Hc;t ember :;, 1S;J9, and had just pa.-cd her eightieth milestone of life. This worthy lady made her home in this city for a number of years while Mr. Dunbar conducted the Hotel Kile, s nd during her resilience here six made many warm friends who will learn of her death with the at est cf regret and sorrow. The funera lof Mrs. Dunbar will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3:ii'i o'clock at Ashland tnd burial v ill he at he cemetery in that city. Use Your High Priced Land! With farm lands selling at three hundred dollars per acre and wheat bringing $2.07, and corn following closely, vhy have of this valuable domain loafing and not producing anything? With trees and stumps covering the ground which could as well as not be uti lized for crops, Mr. Farmer, you are losing money. I can remove these obstacles in the way of a good profit to you cheaply. Call or write Weeping Water -:- -:- Nebraska Durdc-Jersey B oars for Sale! A number of extra fine Duroc-Jersey Boars for sale, sired by Crimson Model, 22d; Disturber of Sterling, Jack Orion, 2nd, and Jacks King Orion, 3d. These hogs will weigh from 150 to 300 pounds each, owing to the age. I have a great number of fine individuals to select from and if you want the very best I bciicve that f can please you. I will hold no fall sale this year. 6ft6 SCHAFiEiR, Cedar Creek, Nebraska Phone Weeping Water Exchange No. 2812.