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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1919)
Hebrbi State Eiitori ctl Society omnia vol. xxxvn. PLATTSMO IJTH, lfEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1919. No. 27. 3 ME FROM SERVICE AS A T SECRETARY C. C. WESCOTT ARRIVED LAST NIGHT ON NO. 14 GLAD TO GET BACK. HAS BEEN IN U. S. 3 WEEKS But Spent Some Time Visiting in the East Was Joined in New York by His Wife. From Mmdiy's Paliy. Last evening on Xo. 14. C. C. Wes cott. of this city, who for the past several months has been in the ser vice of the Y. M. C. A. in France in the war work activities of that or ganization, returned to his home. Mr. Wescott lias been in the Unit ed States for the past three weeks, and was joined in New York by Mrs. Wescott. and they have enjoytd a short stay in the Berkshire hills of New Kngland as well as at New York, Philadelphia and other of the large eastern cities. The pleasure of the family at the return of the hus band and father was only exceede I by his own pleasure at being once more in the family circle and able to meet the father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Wescott, who had journeyed from their home at Los Angeles to greet their returning son. Mr. Wescott spent the greater part of his stay in France at Comniercy, in the Toul sector, where a large part of the American war work activities wore located and which was for ;i .hort time the headquarters of the 35th division, one of the hard fight ing western divisions, composed of the national guard of Kansas and Missouri, and with which a number from this city served. After the removal of the Iroopj from the Comniercy locality, Mr. Wescott remained for a short time, and was then sent into the head quarters of the "Y" in. Paris, where he was placed in charge of the uni forming department and was com pelled to remain several months in getting the affair. of this depart ment straightened out in order to clwe up ilit extensive business inter-c.-'t:; rf the Y. M. C. A. in the Frtnch capital. The many friends of Mr. Wescott were much pleased to see him once more with them and to find that he had stood the long stay abroad in such excellent shape, although ..e was a sufferer from the common complaint among the greater part of the Americans in France, "homesick ness." Mr. Wescott has had a great experi'-nce and one that he will long remember, but finds that there is no place just like the home fireside. DEATH OF MRS. CARRIE JENNINGS From Monday's Dally. The sad news was received here last evening of the death at Ran dolph, Iowa, of Mrs. Carrie Jen nings, mother of Lee and Thomas Jennings of this city, and who for some time made her home here with her sons. Mrs. Jennings was sixty seven years of age and has for sev eral months been making her home at Randolph with her daughter Mrs. Olive Green. For some time Mrs. Jennings has been in poor health suffering from stomach trouble but it was not until about a week ago that her affliction be came acute and since that time she has rapidly failed until death final ly came to her relief. Mr. Thomas Jennings and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jennings will be present at the funeral services which will he held tomorrow- and the burial held at Knox. Iowa, where the hus band and father is buried. The two sons from this city left this morning and the members of their families will leave today and early in the morning to attend the fun eral services. FOR SALE. Several spring: Poland China knars, also one vearline boar. In quire of S. Ray Smith, phone 3422 ll-lmo.w DUCK HUNTERS ARE OUT. From Monday's Daily. The cool autumn weather coupled with the threatening rain made yes- j terday an ideal day for the nimrods cf this locality and long before the , light of day the hunters were hast ening to points along the Platte and Missouri river in search Qf some good duck shooting. The firing ; along the river was very lively all of the forenoon and a number of those going out came back with ronie game but the flocks of ducks and geese have not reached their usual strength but the continued cold weather will soon stir them up for the southward flight. CONSTABLE HAS A ROUGH TIME Effort to Levy Upon Property Thru Writ of Execution Meets with Objection. P'om Monday's Pally Saturday afternoon Constable W. B. Kishel bad an experience that he will long remember and which for a few minutes looked as though the constable would have to retreat in disorder from the scene of the bat tle. It seems that Mr. Kishel was armed with a writ of execution against a family in the west por tion of the city and which authoriz ed him to levy upon certain personal property to satisfy a judgment. The constable visited the home cud on reading the writ to the man of the house was informed that the only personal property they had was a large number of children as the household effects were exempted from the levy of the writ. Mr. Rishel gave the place the once over and his eagle eye detect ed a cow and a small heifer in the pasture and s the cow was exempt ed from the wri,t he decided to levy upon the heifer and accordingly got busy on the levying and here is where the merry war broke forth as he lady of the house launched a heavv counter attack and came over the top armed with a large club with which she proceeded to lambast the constable, who retired to wait for replacements and Sheriff Quinton responded to the S. O. S. and arriv ed on the scene and cared for the warlike lady, while the constable continued with his levying. As the parties in the case saw their heifer about to be taken they came across with the necessary jack to satisfy the judgment and retained he animal. Whether or not a com plaint a to resisting an officer will be filed remains to be seen. FUNERAL OF MRS. NORMAN DELESDERNIER From Monday's Dally. The funeral services of the late Mrs. Norman DelesDernier was held yesterday afternoon from the Meth odist church at Nehawka. where for a number of years the departed lady had been a very devout member. Rev. W. A. Taylor of Union, an old friend of the family, delivered the sermon in his usual impressive manner, speaking words of comfort to the sorrowing husband and child ren and to the brothers and sisters who had parted with their loved one. There were a large numoer oi the old friends and neighbors of the family present to join in the services and to pay their last tokens of love and esteem to the memory of their friend. The body was laid to rest in the cemetery at Nehawka. Mrs. Charles E. Cook, of this city, a sister, with her family were in Ne hawka yesterday attending the ser- i vices. Resides the husband and Fern, Pearl and Margaret, Mrs. DelesDernier leaves eight brothers arid sisters to mourn her death. Mrsj Warren Allen. Greenwood; Mrs. Mary Kuntz, Elmwood; Mrs. C. E. Cook, Plattsmouth; Mrs. Lizzie Lewis. Alvo; Miss Nell Dreamer, Lincoln: Mrs. Lydia Ingwerson, Prairie Home. Neh., Fred Dreamer, Cheney, Nebraska, an dJ. C. Dream er, Elmwood. FOR SALE. 12-horse gas engine, also six-hole corn sheller. Alph Beverage, Mur ray. 18-4tw Newspaper advertising Is declared the most valuable consistent with Its cost. Give it a trial. MANY ATTEND INSTALLATION OF NEW BISHOP MEMBERS OF ST. LUKE'S PARISH PRESENT AT CEREMONIES IN OMAHA SUNDAY. FOURTH BISHOP OF NEBRASKA Rt. Rev. Ernest V. Shayler Installed at Trinity Cathedral at Four O'Clock Yesterday. From Monday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon, at 4 o'clock occurred the formal ceremonies of the installing of the Rt. Rev. Ernest Vincent Shayler, Episcopal bishop of Nebraska, at the Trinity cathed ral in Omaha. The ceremony was one of beauty and solemnity and was in custom of the Episcopal church very impressive. Dean Tancock, of the Trinity ca thedral, officiated at the main cere mony of induction and was assisted by the priests of the Omaha diocese, who in their vested garments made a most impressive ieaiure oi ceremony. A large number of the members of St. Luke's church in this city were present at the cathedral o take part in the services. Anions those attending from this city were Father W. S. Leete and wife and Madame Leete, Dr. J. S. Livingston and Mrs. Livingston, George Dodge and wife, Mrs. Anna Britt, Mrs. V. V. Leonard. Miss Kittie Cummins, Misses Mia and Barbara Gering, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herold and daugh ter, Ursula, Mrs. John A. Donelan, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Clement and daughter, Miss Harriett, Mrs. J. H. Donnelly and Miss Julia Herrmann. Bishop Shayler is the fourth Epis copal bishop of Nebraska, having been preceded by Bishop Clarkson, the pioneer churchman of Nebraska, Bishop Worthington and the Rt. Rev. Arthur L. Williams, who occupied the see from 1908 until his death last January. JOINS LINCOLN SORORITY. From Monday's Dally. Among the pledges of the state university sororities issued as the result of the first week of the rush ing season appears the names of two of the Plattsmouth young ladies at tending the state university. Miss Mary Rosencrans and Miss Elva Hartford are given out as pledges to the Pi Beta Phi sorority, one of the leading and most popular of the girls fraternities at the state school. ATTENDING STATE UNIVERSITY From Monday's Dally. Raymond Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cook, of this city, is among the Cass county men en rolled at the Nebraska state uni versity at Lincoln this year. Mr. Cook is a graduate of the Platts mouth high school and one of the talented young men who have been turnd out from this educational in stitution and in the state university will continue his work along the lines of higher education. MRS. TRAVIS SEEKING RELIEF From Monday's Dally. Mrs. H. D. Travis of this city, for !the past few days has been at Rochester, Minnesota, where she is at the Mayo Brothers hospital for examination in hopes of securing per manent relief from her sickness of the past several months. Mrs. Travis has been troubled with a severe skin irritation that it ha been impossible to secure relief from and it is hoped that the Mayo specialists may be able to afford her some measure of relief. FOR SALE. Four room house and four good lots on north Eighth street. Jas. II. Archer, 748 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Omaha. 16-3td2tw We Imy Poultry ana Cream at the market prices. The Peoples Store. Telephone Nc. 116. 7-11-tM CASS CO .YOUNG PEOPLE WED. From Monday's Daily. Among the marriage licenses is sued in Omaha Saturday afternoon was one to Mr. Gilbert P. Brown and Miss Eleanor I lei 1. both of Louisville. Both of the young peo ple are well known through this portion of the county where the bride has been reared to woman hood. The young people were mar ried in the metropolis and will make their home tn the future, at Louisville where the groom is en gaged in the-conducting of a drug store and is one of the popular young business men of that city. The bride is the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ileil and one of the most popular young la dies in the county. AND STILL THEY KEEP ROLLING IN M. E. Smith Factory Girls Show Proper Spirit by Contribution to Fund for Soldiers and Sailors. The "fund for the Home Coming has been swelled by a number of contributions received since Satur day and among these are the con tributions from a number of the business firms and citizens as well as from the P. E. O. society and the young ladies of the M. E. Smith fac tory who have come over the top with a pleasing showing of the right spirit. Previously reported $ 2,1 S 3.7 3 Nebr. Gas. & Elec. Co 25.00 Lincoln Telephone Co 25.00 Plattsmouth Water Co 15.00 C. L. Wiles 10.00 Dr. F. L. Cummins 5.00 G. L. Farley 5.00 P. E. O. Society 5.00 C. M. Parker 5.00 W. F. Gillispie 1 ' 5.00 John Rutherford 3.00 Alex Campbell 2.00 Fred Spanglor 100 Charles Bestor 1.00 Carl Herman 1.00 Louise Hesse 1.00 Gladys Lee 1-00 Miss McQuine 100 Mary Janca 100 Julia Sebatka 1.00 Catherine Rice 1.00 Bessie Sebatka 1.00 Mrs. August Hesse 1.00 Mrs. Moreland .50 Harriett Clark .50 Mary Krejci .50 Josephine Vanek .50 Hazel Batman .50 Flora Meisinger .50 Mrs. Joe Bulin .50 Mrs. Len Thacker .50 Mrs. Maude Wright .50 Wylma Rouse .50 Mattie Sedlalc .50 Total $2,305.25 HERE FROM LINCOLN. From 'Thursday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon George A. Kaffenberger motored down from his new home at Lincoln and will visit for the rest of the weok looking after the disposal of his property interests here and also in the work being done on his residence on Main street where a force of painters are engaged in painting and papering the interior of the house. Mr. Kaff enberger reports that his family are getting settled in the new liome and the three daughters are preparing to take up their work in the state uni versity. The drive from Lincoln was made in good shape despite the rain storm yesterday but Mr. Kaff enberger states that he struck two very bad pieces of road, one near Eagle and another in the vicinity of Louisville where the rainfall had been quite heavy and made travel almost impossible. From Louisville on into this city the roads were not so badly affected by the rain and he arrived in good shape in the old home. Bankers and successful business men employ the graduates of the well-known Grand Island Business College, of Grand Island, Nebraska, because they are qualified to imme diately give service that will merit a good salary. The school has been a leader in business education for thirty-five years and cannot supply the demand for its graduates. It was the first western school to prove that positions could be guaranteed and secured for graduates. Write for free catalogue. 90-9 PREPARING TO CARE FOR THE VISITORS HEBE COMMITTEES ON CHECK AND REST H00MS ARE BUSY PERFECTING PLANS. A LARGE CROWD IS EXPECTED In Plattsmouth on IIomeco:ning Day Saturday, October 4. Big Celebration Planned. From Monday's Dally. The committees appointed to look after the matter of the ladies' rei-t rooms and check stands as well as the supply of drinking water for the big homecoming day, have been busy perfecting their plan3 and have arranged a number of placed for the accommodation of the crowds that will undoubtedly be present on the big day. Rest rooms for the ladies have been locate! at the court, where the G. A. R. rooms will be utilized for this purpose, and also at the building of Peters & Parker, the Eagles lodge rooms and the rooms of the Red Cross chapter in the Wag ner hotel block. Here will be found all the facilities for the comfort of the ladies visiting the city and check stands will be arranged where par ties having packages or other ar ticles can have them checked and taken care of during the day. In the way of providing drinking water for the large crowd the use of the drinking fountains from the Burlington shops have-beeh secur d through the courtesy of Superinten dent Baird, and will be supplied witn , . X 1 .... .1 ice water ior tne enure uay ami with the fountains maintained by the city on the streets, should be ample to care for the wants of the public in this line. If possible additional rest rooms will be secured and prepared for the use of the visitors and every eftort made to care for their coin- fort. SOLDIERS ARE IGNORED BY G. 0. P. CONGRESS World-Herald Bureau. Washing ton. 1). C, September 21. 1919. rhe republican majority in con- eress. although given more man four months to act, has not taken a definite step towards land settle ment legislation for our soldiers. The dereliction is so narked that not even the republican it tempts to "pass, the buck" and have the No- ember convention of the American Legion instruct or suggest what to do. will suffice to curb the disap pointment of the million or more oidiers who are waiting for this legislat ion. Innumerable bonus bills have been introduced, but none have seen me light of day, and few are likely to. The American Legion, at its initial meeting at St. Louis, practically re corded itself against the bonus plan. The sentinyent was that with many of the men a bonus of a few hun dred dollars would be spent like water and assist the soldiers' future not at all. Democratic leaders have served notice on the republicans of the house that action on the soldiers' measures will be demanded. They will insist that if the republicans can not evolve a bill that will please not only the veterans, but also a ma jority of the majority party, it is time some of the democratic meas ures should be reported by the com mittee in charge and given to the house for action. The soldiers' land bill appears to be dead. The republicans viewed this as a promising measure of the sixty-fifth session to kidnap and re introduce in the sixty-sixth session as their own. But the republican caucuses held since on this measure indicate it cannot get strong sup port. Mr. Mondell, the republican floor leader, seems not to be able to make a winning fight and lacks the ocro-roBsivenpss that usuallv possesses . - members of congress when they are l interested in legislation and when they are determined to win out with it over obstacles mrust in uie way RETURNS FROM AUTO TRIP. From Monday's Daily. George O. Dovey, wife and child ren have just returned home from a very pleasant automobile trip thru the western and central portions of the state and which embraced a greater part of the South Platte country. They enjoyed a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Goeh ner near Seward, for a few days and leaving there toured through Web ster, Red Willow and Custer coun ties before returning home. Mr. Dovey reports the roads throughout Seward and Red Willow counties as being excellent and truly a pleasure to travel over but farther east on the return trip some very bad stretches of road were found in Lan caser and Cass counties. DAUGHTERS OF RE BEKAH HOLD SESSION Auxiliary of I. 0. 0. F. Order Enjoys Pleasant Time at Session Satur day Evening Initiation From Monday's Dally. The ladies of the Daughters of Re- bekah last Saturday evening enjoy ed a very pleasant time at their lodge rooms oa the occasion of the regular session of the lodge. The work of the order was conferred up on a class consisting of J. L. Stew art and wife, Mrs. F. R. Gobelman and Mrs. M. C. Franks, and the ritu alistic work was beautifully exem plified by the members of the degree team and the officers of the lodge and was most impressive to the new candidates being received into the ortler. Following the work of the lodge, the ladies were invited to the ban quet hall where a very enjoyable banquet was served to the members end the newly initiated and for sev eral hours the social features of the order were enjoyed by all. It is expected that this order will have a large class for initiation ot the next meeting and much interest is being taken in the preparation for the big gathering. TAKEN TO THE HOSPITAL. From Monday's Dally This afternoon Adam Fornoff, Sr., one of the old residents of near Cedar Creek was taken to Omaha where he .will enter one of the hes- nitni there for treatment. Mr. Knrnnff lias been troubled with sick- i ness for some time afflicted with kidney trouble and it is hoped that the treatment at the hospital may result in giving him relief. He was accompanied to Omaha by his son. A. B. Fornoff who will spend the day there with the father and ar range for his care. Any young man or young lady wishing to prepare for a Govern ment or Banking position, should write for free particulars to the well-known Grand Island Business College, of Grand Island, Nebraska thirty-five years' successful experi ence in qualifying young people for Government, Banking and Business positions. 90-8 2eL 'PEACE. On Pay-Day! The man who likes to jingle his pay-day money and keep it in his pockets, seldom has enough left at the end of the month to mend the HOLE IT BURNED there. Pay-day to the successful man means a deposit in the bank, settling bills by check and a surplus at the end of the month. We would like to help you start an account in the right V 1 1 1 way. Lll at the bank. The First National Bank, Plattsmouth, Nebraska "The Bank where You Feel at Home' vrqis53p. 4 AVOCA IS THE HUSTLING CITY OF SOUTH CASS HAS HER OWN ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT WITH PLENTY OF STREET LIGHTS. ALL LINES OF BUSINESS GOOD Representative of the Journal Visits the City and Finds All are Well Employed. Last week, a representative of the Journal visited the flourishing little city of Avoca in the southern por tion of Cass county, where he found the people rejoicing over the abun dant rain which had visited them. as well as the remaining portion of the country. Business was good and notwithstanding the large amount. of water that had fallen, the town was filled with people, trading and visiting with each other. Autos were in evidence despite the condition of the roads and many teams were als. there. But as it was our lot to re main over night within the co.ifiiifs of the hustling village, we found that with the coming of the morrow the rapid drying of the road. brut the cars back in their usual lar;." numbers. With no greater population than many other towns in the county that re desirious of securing electric lights, Avoca has an excellent plant which not only supplies the business portion of the city and the residences with an excellent quality of the f.i'id. but also furnishes anple lights for the streets, which makes the town look quite metropolitan. Thus they did not wait for a line to be con structed from another town, but gut busy and installed a plant of their own. While there we secured the .ser vices of an excellent correspondent, who will furnish the news -f this thriving city for the Journal in th future. It is our intention to es tablish an Avoca department in the columns of the Semi-Weekly Jour nal, wherein all the interesting items from there will be printed. .Miss M.i Bogard, the postmistress, will look after securing the news, and with a little co-operative assistance on tin part of Avoca people, the new depart ment may be made replete with tli- interesting items that happen from day to day in that "neck of tin woods." Journal readers may look for the Avoca department to make its ap pearance the first of next week. FARM FOR SALE. A good quarter section of land for sale by owner between Murray and Union. Plattsmouth phone Nn. 4011. 15-4tw We print everything but money and butter. Let us serve you. "3" TJ1