Kitted- Society urn VOL. XXXVII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER IS, 1919. No. 25. plattemoutb 1 L BIO HOtVIEGOMiNjG EVENT FOR THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS OF CASS COUNTY PLATTSMOUTH HOME GUARD COMPANY IN FULL CHARGE OF THE AFFAIR READY RE SPONSE FOR DONATIONS. TO BE HELD IN PLATTSMOUTH SATURDAY, OCT. 4 Date Set and Preliminary Arrangements Begun at Meeting Last Night Finance Committee Reported $2,500 Contributed Want $500 More. i l r ;!.v: tle Pint t-v.i' i:ih I i one ( luanl coinpauv met t ' ?I:v lawn .f" ti'.e ou rt !!ue ami lecilel :. :':.. t'-t j . i i;jtei'e-t ' the li.ur Ji the v. 'i'ii-.- eeir. w ill take place "ii utt:.lay. (K't"hcr 4th. iui. a a . :! V.-:-i- .u ,. the ;nenilei -t the ''"tnjativ uh .;e r -: '. v -- " - i I 'i :ate ..;- '.vci'lfl v n a- the :!i--! logical. a an earlier ii- v. ' :.!!-.. -I'.'tt.-'etit tune f r ;: 1 crt i-in the event "vci ! e- . a..! ! he date a v. eek later w-nM fall n jay !av in tin : i i ;- ' ;-. the 4th w:i- -elected a the day which will he acce;ahle t-' e cry :.. I hi- Iay. o -mini; at the end of the weelc. !: :sp -re t '.le ! ir in ti:e e ttntry districts to et in f :i:e : :u "'.:;'-" ar.d a!-" he a hi tter date f r the enij!.yes i the ic'.ri-::5' -n !: ;-. :i::my f v.hni are ex--crvi;e men. Thi ;;-r..i!i c:':mittee have n.t e:.:i.- ! i t:: -! t;.i ;r worn bu 1.1,-'. a rr.i .. : :i " a i:-t : ;..irae- that v. 'il le r,!t-:i-in.u to tli" j .;:!! '!.; r.- .i-:d 2a il. j . :a!.-:: u t . 1" prura:;: f. r t!:ej i - i :- :' is lo p'd ha" I ;: ' that a i I '. a'.iov. i!o- s -r ii-e li.-ti i .1 . K ii.L'i- ' ,r ' . var:;;s i.'iiin-'-.i I i.e !.:eii.!.er o.' t'.- army and navy j : -1 . 1 'i ' lor 1 ai .! ic t'.:i' ..( tt . i-i.- T-.irr..- tn liriv' :i 1 arrav of t !:.- cv-nts l'-r th- i I V. ( y- and uol.- t(, enjey ;.s wdl. i i f):;e of the aitr.ii-ii'ii.i which has :i iirr'l '.i th.e (otnmittee is .1 j !,!.- ball -: f.i- iet v.-ei :i X:- i-J .' !'-, a-.-! sailor- aiid if this ta'i! ! arr:..'i-''d sin.uid be u .-troti at-' : r;- -1 1 1 1 al;!eiic ;r"-;:a!i!. A J 'ii.-'i c.::-- r'.-1:1:11; li.tMc.i or i- ;;: -.: (';.': t in-t wcfii v. e;l k:ovi: : . t ; 1 1 t ; - r- 1- ;.l o:,- of leatur -s it i- :.-;. -d to rt.,ue aiid tlies" will be ,;" t i v ry t it is p.t.--- sible !o .-efure. it is ii,. de-ire t,f the Cf!i.n;it t .. as v-11 a.- l:ie meiv.ber-: 01 the com taiiy that ot: :y the very of at tracts ns be sec'ir-d. for the 1'iaits- moMth hoTj.ef.nain and 1:0 littlej or.e-hor.-e feature- will be tolerate'', j a it is d -ire ', to make the occasion a re'-nrd bre-;k r in this poi-tion i '!; state (tv.f of the many features of entertainment whi h will prob ably be adoptf I i.- the enstrueti::;; i, a ivz-- d..(p.s.ii:z platform where the service mn may enj'v tiie cl---M'Jlits i f.' trotting and waltzir.;; with tl.eir ladies from early morn until la'e at n.ulit. For the lioni' hi-h class ni'uic will be secured for the parade and far the comer! work during the day. The Cu.ird c-ot-pany will hold a:. "iber 11 : 1 ii a 7 oVlotk ::et Mon 1" a v eeni:i'. FATHER JOHN VLCEK CALLED TO SCHUYLER Rector of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church to Leave Plattsmouth Aft er Service of Nine Years Here. From Tucp'tay." ralt . The n:embrs of l.e Holy Rosary parish of the Catholic church have learned with the- greatest of regret that they n:u-t part with their be loved rector. H-v. Father John Ylcek. who for niti" years and a half has ministered to the spiritual jiet-ds of his people. Father Ylcek has been appointed as prie-t of the St. Mary's church at Srhuyler, Ne braska, and will leave tor that city October 14th to take up his work in his new parish. As the pricn at tiie Holy Fo-ary church Father Suesser of Ord. Nebraska, haw b9n uppointed by the bishop nf the dio- 1 " test- and will assume chariie of the ork on th- departure of Father Ylcek. T!;e work of the retiring rector of the Hol- Ito-ary church amonir his p.cple during his stay in the city has resulted in the s-t reti.t hen ini; of his church aril his efforts has rc sul'ed in the beautifying and up buib'.inc; of his church which is now in excellent condition and one of the largest conirreaut ions of the city is embraced in his church. Father Ylcek has been very popular with the general public aside from his congregation and his genial man ner has won him a warm place in th- hearts of all whom he has come in contact with and they will join in wishing him success in hi- new parish. JOHN D. McBRIBE STILL VERY SICK Fr""i Tupsfla v'.s Ini!v. Tiie many Plattsmouth and Cass county friends of former Sheriff John I). McIIride, will regret to learn that Mr. MeBride is -till in a very serious condition at his honje in Omaha and has not shown the im provement that had been hoped for by the members of the family. Paul Mcp.ride. a son, who since his re turn from the army in June, has been on a farm in the west home steading, has arrived in Omaha to be at the bedside of the father and as sist in h'is care. Mr. MeBride has been in very serious condition for the past two months; and little im provement is noted in his condition. ARRIVES FROM CALIFORNIA. Fr-m Tuesday's Ially. This morning ('. E. "YYescott and wife arrived in thrs city from their home at Ics Angeles. California, where they have for the past several years been making their home. Mr. and Mrs. W'escott were met r.t the station by the members of the fam ily who had been anxiously await ing the arrival of thi father an1 mother for several days. This is the first visit back to the old home for more than a year and it is needless to say that the occasion has been a very happy one for the members of the family. It is expected that C. C. Wescott. who has been in service with the Y. M. C. A. in France for a year, will arrive in the city Thurs day and it was for the purpose of enjoying the reunion of the family that Father and Mother W'escott made the Ions; trip from the Pacific coast that thev might greet the son on his return from abroad. FOR SALE. Several scrincr Poland China bosrs. also one yearling boar. In ouire cf S. Ray Smith, phone 3422 11-ltEO.wr Read th Daily Journal. DISTRICT CLERK ROBERT SON HAS A REAL JOB Fror Tuesday's Pailv. the survrv commission tor thf ' work of formulating a new consti tutional convention of the state and arranging the data upon which the convention is to v.orT; in cons idering the charges to be made in the judi ciary of the state and the host means of handling 1 lie litiga'ion. has wished upon District Clerk James Robertson, a real life sized Job in preparing some of the data needed. The clerk of the court is required to compile the figures on the number of case filed since 1 S 9 and the number disposed of by the district court, the number filed both civil and criminal, the number ap pealed from lower courts and the I number appealed to the higher court. The cheerful part of tl." work is that it must le completed by the last of September and will re quire examination of a wagon load of books and fil-s to compile the data needed. Failure to supply the information will result in a fine of SI 00 or a three months jail sen tence and the genial clerk of the court is not taking anv chances on either and will have the job done on time if it is necessary to work all nifrht frcni now until September ?.(th. REV. HUNTER IS TO CONTINUE WORK HERE Methnflist Conference at University I Dlo Acc'oc -fcT;tP-rB fnT- t"be Coming; Year at Session Monday Fr'Ti Tuesday's T ally. The Plattsmouth jteople eral and the conv.rei-iation in gen et the First Methodist church m tins city : j in particular will be well pleased to learn that the conference of the Methodi.-t ehurch ut tl.eir session yesterday at University Place re turned to the church here. Kev. A. Y. -Hunter, the present pastor, and j who will have charge of the work here for the coming year. Rev. Hunter is one of the ablest ministers that has filled the pulpit in the Methodist church in this city and his pleasing personality ha? made him many warm friends among those outside of bis congregation and has rnlarged his sphere of use fulness in the city, and to have him again with us is a great .satisfaction. The conference also assigned Kev. M. Druliner. former pastor of the local church. to the church at Stanton, in the Norfolk district. The other ministers assigned for Casv? countv at the meeting were: Eagle. K. Steiner; Elmwood. G. W. acre; Louisville, j. . union; I nion and Wvoming. Morrison: Wa bash, Frank August: Weeping Water. W. F. Haskins. The church at Greenwood was left without a pastor but will be supplied later. CASS CAJIP WINS PRIZE. From Mondaj-'s Daily. At the picnic held by the Modern Woodmen of America at Lincoln on Friday. Cass Camp No. of this city captured the prize for having the largest representation of any of the camps outside of Lincoln, pres ent at the picnic. There were quite a number of the members from the live and energetic camp of this citv present at the grounds and the day was thoroughly enjoyed by all those present. Dr. K. Y. Cook of the Supreme Medical Directors, who is visiting in this city was at the meeting and enjoyed the pleasures of the big fraternal gathering. NEW SON ARRIVES From Monday's Pally A new son has made his adve-it at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Puis, near Murray, having arrived on last Friday evening and adding much to the joy of the household and es pecially of the three little brothers, who are rejoicing over the new play mate. Mrs. Puis and the little son are getting along nicely and Otto is as proud as a father can well be over this new happiness. Wanted: A good, steady gentle manly salesman to handle a Ward's wagon in Cass county. No exper ience needed. For full particulars write promptly to Dr. Ward's Med ical Company. Winona. Minnesota. Ertablk-hed lSofi. 11-Stw Hrmecominp celebration. Oct. 4. AMERICA! LEGION POST IS ORGANIZE REQUISITE NUMBER OF SIGNA - TURES SECURED TO CALL FOll A CHARTER. ' ' permanent cffiCERs chosen To Relieve Those Who Have Eeen ucieg-atea to leniaovaniy ily be in Charge of Wc:k. From Sa t u rdnv's I:n'v In response to a of former soldiers, s rines to gather at ?! Saturday evening !' of a post Legion in "a-"s conn;-, b-r v. re pres' at w I,( man. Leonard J." 'I; Tl:o tnieting to on!-.-. It w:t.s decided to a; t t-r for the 7.0 t a :i :; a meet n:: b rs a lid u a- d.-.irt !ioi;s.. lie pu rpi 1 - " t !: A merie.; :: a i irge nu::i acf . f S.a i 1--i:;-n r. ca:!'-'1 lor a en a. r ie r.-nuir d seei; d ;e members in Vie w ' f i' ilu boy. oi.'ered 111' fields of I.UIaber of lgnat'.r- to call for a chart of the po.-r decided : . . a t the fact that wv ..... t from Plat t-mourh iiad their lives on the liattl France it would b fi 1 1 ing an 1 pr ,n 'egion in thi. 'r ' i! t the po.-t of t en y be name one (.f these it was decide ' c Lniiv. i! a i ;n lads remembrance o arol io-cord: n - I. 1 that t!: is post sbmil. the llu.lh J. Kearii: ( Post. Ir. K ea Tils - a s 01. t 1 1 :i t -mot !i bi b. ! nm u: to Co. nd. war .Mi ll: e- I. of t!:e famous 1 ;s: '1 In killed, in t e 1 t le ol i.rgoniii in tiaTai of 1 ! t S Th aemb.-rs "f t ile post t l.i to th,- election of oa'.o animation and selected n pro 1 Ceeded " i Frank i tile org; Smith, chairman chairman: Kay:: tan; ; Leonard J. er aii'l Jt'b.-rt Th- members of n::tt"e cho-c:! George Krtini-. i' rain; il nm. n -olid Larson, adj: Meisinger, trea-nr-"a!li:m. si ci et ir; . the executive cm . re John Palask. Aubrey 1 n:biuy. John Wiel.n an a: ,e:if.e McCar- thy. The post will hold another meet ing in the mar future to fleet d.'b-gat-s t .) the slate convention at i.i:: coin and t perfect the dans for !!; extension of the organisation a:- it is desired that this post should em all former members of Hie forces of the United States residing in the countv. The American Legion , . i ose of protect-j is formed for the purp ing and looking after tae int of those who servi during the late was as well as pre.-i-rmi:; 1:1- na .:- t ions r.d associations of the soldiers and saiior formed during the war. DOINGS IN THE DISTRICT COURT Yesterday m the district 'court the case of the state of Nebraska against the Murdock Telephone Co.. was dismissed on application by the parties in the suit, by Judge ley. at the cost of defendants. This ca.-e closes the matter of the dispute between the state railway commis sion and the telephone company over the installation and use of a special system of keeping the accounts of the telephone company, which had been ordered installed and used by the state railway commission. In the divorce suit of Emma An- drus vs. Claud Andrus. a decree m t divorce was granted to tne piainiiu in the action. Attorney A. G. Cole appeared for the plaintiff in the ac tion and Palmer. Taylor & Palm er of Omaha for the defendant. LOST A PAIR OF GLASSES. At South P.end. Neb., or between South Dend and Plattsmouth. a pair of glasses fit to the eyes of the own er C. A. Uawls. If found by anyone report to owner, C. A. Kawls. d-w POLAND CHINA PIGS. Pure bred Poland China boar pigs for sale. C. L. Mayabb, Platts mouth. Neb. FOR SALE. A number of thoroughbred Poland China boar?, sired by Clansman 2d. Adam Stoehr. riattsraotith. 1 1-1 mow SUFFERS PAINFUL INJURIES, j i Sf T 'i Ma v s I i"! y. Mis. K. C. 1; i le in Oil!.: I 1 . s 1 i ( ". v.-. ha. whole-aii riKi! d' !ia I hi- v e :-. at th- , f Avoca. 1 : 1 elld ill; ir us Osiat- :iaci a very i.iie 1 a' Hi" I : i. ! I! I rx peri. lice ! e! :i i .r in Tin- ' I : sho fro v. i .-:!::v !.-ld. I: would n.rii n-achii.Lf i.'iis .M :i ni 11 r ! t s a !i. i:T l cars of t !: pas- .1 11 ri .Urs. lie t '.iiv tint 1 1.. Ueru-r elevator whicii bein- very ! much crowded dfcidi-d to wait j until another ear available and ;';. "v:;',.:" !:.i;'!?r::. !:z ed. catchin.u' her !.r f.jst m thai exirica'e her-t!:' skirt and ho;d;i;u .-he was linab'e to ..ud l I'C a.-Cei'.di !'..-' ar jutl'.ed her up M-vor.d f i-i f be fore the wis!!t c.f the hidv tore the j dress loose from the coor and she Iti.en fei! to the floor teb-w. a ilist ! ance f several feet. As re-nit J of t!.e fall .Mrs. MartjUardt receive.! 1 a spr:iine.l ankle a as nunier- : oils l.rui-es w ;ne)i nece-si':it d iv-d- ::! hi ing .cured. ,et thought to be verv pain ft:!. Tiie injur (iang.' es .'ire ill ho;i-. IG000 ROADS ARE ; DISCUSSED TODAY i Large Number cf Resiients cf City and Vicir.ity Gather at the Court House to Dcius rtox:cr:t:oa Fi em i Ties-day's laily. Today the board of mi.--ioners were visite,; gat ion of some fifty or l.t'e owners and farm.e iauiti: and vi.':iity w' make a strong a'ld. vi:- coiir.ty com- ) a la le - th" ai::--.ino--s i.i pl-itts-(! ' V;- to kick on I tl. rendition of ib roads leading j fri i" tin.- city t. ti;e Platte ri-. j 1 ndae and. on t he g.od roads nn p losiio,: in yeaeral. The (ieleca.ton a- itit rf.i'.nced by tUstrict j. id,-. who is a! one of the !oisl nnd w ho laid be gfr.eral desire of i rs for good roads f,,rt. xho board, tin . the r.u-mbers of the delegation '(,- an tmprovtre the roads b; and the Plat' it it the condition ('. ding out of the city e bottom road in pa: t ICl :lar. i . . n The member.- i f the del ir-.tve expression to their 1 views on the matter irclnding T. H. j Pollock i f tl,e Platte bridge com ! pany who explained that there had J been considerable work done on t lie j road by private individuals to help Iheiur the road, and this led to some j discussion cf ti e bridge question, j The members ,f the delegation j from their statements to the com I missioners reached a better under j standing of t lie road proposition as ' the county board members made i: lain their uiTeii'ion as io tae lo 1 . . ..- - - . i. r.. Tire W OI K to I"-' eaiiieu out in ni.irv- ing the Platte river road better for tfoi-..l Tli members of the COUntV commissioners stated that they in tended to have the road graded and the' ditches opened tip so as to do away with, a number of the bad holes that existed there at present and would also have it dragged to n.tike if as good as possible. The board also pointed out that the con struction of a main road from north to south through the county embrac ed this road and that the work on it would be carried out as a contract for th" construction of the govern ment aid road had already been let and this included the road under discussion. The good roads meeting occupied the attention of the commissioners up to the noon hour and the result of the meeting was very satisfactory to the majority of those attending th" meeting and the worn promised by the county board should make travel between this city and tire bridge much more satisfactory. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express to our friends and neighbors our heartfelt thanks for the assistance and sympathy ex tended to us in the hour of our grief and for the many beautiful floral remembrances. We also es pecially desire to thank the pall bearers who assisted in the last sad services of our loved one. MRS. HENRY KAUFMAN'N' AND FAMILY. FARM FOR SALE. A good quarter section of land for sale by owner between Murray and Union.. Plattsmouth phone" No. 4011. lw-4tw NEGRO REPORT ED PROWLING ABOUT CITY RESIDEl-JTS IN WEST PART OF TOWN EXCITED OVER THE PRESENCE Or "COON" nr.T nrrw crru in niviiniiT iUI DLL:. lil LtHILlun I Which Leads to Belie: Some One has Blackened Their Face or the Earkev is in Hiding. From Tuesdays Iai!y. For M-veral nights past the re-i-dent.- of the west portion of tiie city hav- been reporting the fact that a m gro has been teen prowling around over that section of the city and in each ca-e it has been after nightfall that the gentleman of color lias made his appearance. It was a few nights ago that the man was first noticed lurking around over the residence part of the city and since that time several parties "nave reported to have seen the party but none of them have had a "close up." of the supposed negro and whether it is a colored man or some one blacked up i not fully determ ined. There has been no n?gro resi dents of the city for several years and if the person prowling over the resident portion of the city is a real negro be sure keeps out of sight during th" daylight. The men of the part of the town where the negro selects hi- route for the evening walks are on the lookout for him ind threaten if he is caught around niiv of the homes that there will be no further need as to inquiries r. to his identity. The police tire also en the Liokout for th man and will round htm up if anyone seeing the man makes a report of the occur rence soon enough for them to reach the fecne before he seeks his hilling tdace. GIVES A VERY INTER ESTING ADDRESS "n.m Tuesday's Pally The members of the Christian Endeavor society of tjie Presbyter ian church were given a rare treat at their meeting on Sunday evening .vhen Miss Ethel Hughe--, who lias just returned from her work abroad as a Red Cross nurse, addressed the members of the society. Miss Hughes related a fev. of her exper iences in the Red Cross work at die front where she was stationed with one of the army field hospitals and al- of the work at the hos pitals where the wounded and in jured soldiers were nursed back to life and health. In her remarks Miss Hughes gave a very interesting review of the life of the people in France and their various customs ind means of living which proved very enlighting to the members of the society and permitted them to gather a glimpse of the daily life of the nation which has so heroically withstood the assaults of the world's ii eat est military machine. lima Getting Ahead is a business that appeals to every red blooded American it can only be accomplished by practicing THRIFT and grasp ing opportunities when they appear, and "keeping everlast ingly" at it. In starting a bank account you have made the FIRST step and the most important step in GETTING AHEAD. Anyone can do this you can too, today at this bank, if you will. The First National Bank, Plattsmouth, Nebraska "The Bank where CASS COUNTY BOY TRAINING AS A PUGILIST ANEREW SCHMARDER. LOUIS VILLE. HAS CONQUERED NOTED PIGHTERS. CHAMPION OF THE NAVY HOW Goes East in a Few Weeks to Take Trail: ing Was a Visitor in Plattsmouth Sunday. r'fom Tuesday's Pally. Andrew Schmarder, of Lon:-viiie, the champion heavyweight of the United stta'es iiavy, who has recent ly ret in ned home from hi- :rv:'-i', was i:: hi- city Sunday for a U w hours, coming down to be pre.-er.t at the Kabb-Opperman wedding and v'l'!-' ; ( rr- ! rid the -vi i.-'i-jiy of . i.-itilig will, his friello.- K.e e; were deli-hted t-.t meet this hu-l. y yo,i n g Cass county lad. Mr. Schmarder is expecting w iil.iti tiie inxt two weeks to le.,e f.r I'aiii delphia where he will join a num ber of his old nav as-ociat. v and go into training to lit him.-e.f ."of the ta.-k of cleaning up .lack Demp sey. if the opportunity is givn to him. It is the intention of Mr. Schmarder and his fri :;ds to chal lenge the world champion heavy weight. This voting man. thampi'ii of the navy is a line sje'i-i :.!! if manhood, and look.- a- tiiumli he would give anybody a hard race t r t heir money in the t'igh' gam-- and the Ca- county friar.-.! are ! ii-Ui:. ' forward with interest la ' r'-n!f of his dialling to the world c:?n pioti. YOUNG HEN TRAVEL FAil from Tuesday's leiHv. Three I'latsm-uit ii lad. . C'.eii Jones. Leonard Wallintr and G l. -de iSrubacker. several weeks ::: -..::- ed forth to explore a port i .11 ,1" the United States and have jii:-t ".-turned home, after b r ing- g tt: ti r a large share of the east and. not : i:-. ru portion of our "country. The '.--visited the large citify of th- cei.iral west and the e.tst. reaihit.g N w York in their travel-. Th y spent some time in tlo- luinbir camps of northern Micliiua:.. whe-e they enjoyed ti e li.V 111 ti e open to the utmost and are will rue., ,-d with the trip all the way tlinu:--h IS AN INDUSTRIOUS MAN. Frcro Tuesday's Pally. Geo. K. Staats the vet-Tan mail dispatcher, is now on his va cation, and for recreation is putt inn in some cement walk- at his home near aC.rfield Park. George i a rustler, and capable of turning his hand to many devices. He w ill how ever gft the walk completed in titm; to enjoy a portion of the ffteeti days which the government allows cverv twelve months. Homecoming day. October 4th. You Feel at Home" 3! XT