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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1919)
-c '.I ! - MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1919. PLATTSMOUTTJ SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE FT? A STORY OF THE DEVASTATION OF THE GREAT WAR EFFECTIVELY PORTRAYED IN "THE UNPARDONABLE SIN" AT GEM THIS WEEK. Famous Picture Starring Blanche Sweet Featured Tuesday and Wednesday Nights. THE CAST Alice I'arcot "J - Blanche Sweet Dinny Panot J Sihen Parcot Edwin Stevens Mrs. Parcot Mary Alden Noll Windsor Matt Moore CJc-o. Washington StickerW. Barry Col. Klemm Wallace Berry The Brute Bull Montana Hoy Scout Bobby Connolly THE STORY The Parcots father, mother, and two charming daughters live in Southern California. At the time the action begins. Stephen Parcot, i he father, is in the Far North pur suing his avocation as an explorer. Mrs. Parcot has hurried overseas to Belgium to bring back one daugh ter who had been placed in a con vent there. Dininy Parcot (the lead in the picture, played by Blanche Sweet, who also appears as the other sister in several parts of the production) is alone in the beautiful Parcot home. She re ceives a letter from her loved ones abroad a letter that almost sends her reason tottering from its throne - a letter that tells her that invad ing soldiers have committed against both her mother and her sister "the unpardonable sin." The letter has been one last note of explanation and a plea that mother an dsister be forgotten, a cry that their disgrace be shielded from the world. With the letter carefully hidden in a wallet. Dimny. half crazed with jirief and not figuring the difficul ties of the task she has set for her self, sets out to find her loved ones. Her train is delayed just outside a little town in the middle west. A chance traveling acquaintance of fers aid and. later as Dimny and her acquaintance are walking thru a shaded street in ttie little village just at dusk, the acquaintance, smitten by Diruny's beauty, attempts to force his attentions upon her Dimny collapses; her reason flees. Only a zephyr of the breath of life remains! Weeks later she recovers her strength, both mental and phy sical, to tind that the has been nurs ed in the home of the Windsors. Noll Windsor, an undergraduate at the college in the little town, has learned to love Dimny. She tells him her story and torn between the fear of all men and the thought that she may waver from her path of chosen duty, leaves the home without announcement, to continue on her journey. Soon after, young Windsor answ ers his government's call to serve with Hoover's Belgian relief com mission in the devastated country, lie arrives in Washington to secure bus passports and discovers Dimny, who has been in the capitol city for some time, unable to continue her j.urn-y for the reason that the gov criimint has discontinued the is-, suauce of passports to "unmarried" women. Noll and Dimny effect a marriage of convenience, Dimny's passports being securable in no oth er way. I'pon their arrival in Belgium, Noll, husband in name only, finds if pos-siblo to do much to aid Dininy in her search for her people. To gether they travel the devastated regions, even penetrating the enemy country- -for in those days the Unit ed States had not entered the war. A veritable pawn of Fate, it is Dimny's misfortune to encounter the very beast who had ravished her sister. When he sees the fresh young girl from California. Colonel Kknim mistakes her for the sister whom he has -o .hamefully treated in Belgium. He is mystified and some repairs for his farm machin ery. Henry Thicrolf ' came in this morning from bis farm home and departed on the afternoon Burling ton train for Omaha where he will secure some repairs for his farm machinery. II. 11. Stoll. one of the leading residents of the Nehawka commun ity and Fred Llndville came up yes terday afternoon for a few hours. Mr. Lindrille being called here to look after some business affairs at tho office of the county superintend ent while Mr. Stoll spent the time visiting his friends and while here paid the Journal office a pleasant visit. EAGLE t Beacon -v-:-:--:"::-:-:-:-:-t-x--j--i:--:-:":":-:- Despondency. Sufferers from lhdgestioh are apt to become discouraged and feel that complete recovery is not tobe hop ed for. No one could make a great er mistake. Hundreds have been permanently cured by taking Cham berlain's Tablets and can now eat anything that they crave. These tablets strengthen the stomach and enable it to perform its functions naturally. If you have not tried them do so at once. MURDOCH ITEMS ENTERING BUSINESS Farmer Living: East of Murdock to Engage in Hardware Business in Louisville Soon. LOCAL NEWS l"rii T.'iurstlay'n Daily. Adam Meisinger came in yesterday afternoon from his farm home near Cedar Creek and spent a few hours looking after some business matters in the city. . II. A. Ruhga and sou, II. 1. Kuhga, motored up this moruing from their home at Avoca to spend a few hours in the city looking after fomi! matters at the court house. I.. J. Mayfield and wife motored dowu from Louisville yesterday aft ruoou and spent a few hours in the city attending to some business af fairs and calling on tbeir friends. Ernest Melburn of near Murray j -vas in the city yesterday afternoon for a few hours enroute home from Omaha where he had been to secure William J. Stohlman. one of the highlv successful farmers in the vi- cinitv east of town has Just dispos ed of his farm for the neat sum of $56,320.00. or a price of $352.00 an acre. George Stohlman being the purchaser. The place is surely worth the money and it is being taken by one who knows w-hat it is worth. After disposing of the farm. Mr Stohlman immediately purchased the hardware store of J. R. Noyes, in Louisville, and will become a mer chant in that town. The business of Mr. Noyes has been a profitable one and we think Mr. Stohlman will be successful in his continuation of the same. Mr. Noyes will return to the farm and again become a tiller of the soil. He is a man of much pep and not afraid to work, and will give bis undivided attention to the farm in which he is interested. Mr. Stohlman will erect a new home in Louisville, which will add to the many beautiful and convent ent modern dwelling places in that live town. SOUTH BEND PRE CINCT'S WELCOME To Soldier and Sailor Boys Held on Last Saturday Rousing Time Provided for Everyone. Last Saturday the citizenry of South Bend precinct, who are loyal patriotic Americans to the core, pre pared a welcome for the returning fifteen boys who gave their service to tbeir country, as members of the army and navy during the receut world war. A sumptuous dinner was provided and with the addresses of welcome and music a most sociable time resulted and general good feel ing. Earl R. Talbot, the last to return, celebrated his 21st birthday on the same occasion, he having reached his majority on that date. He has just returned from an eight months' stay at Cardiff, Wales, where he was in service. Wnilu away he was in Holland, Ireland, England and France aha was sta tioned on the Lake Silver, a freight er. NOTES FROM ROSE VALLEY RURAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Russell, it Sparland, 111., came Wednesday for a couple of weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. Jake Frolich and her brothers. Will and Harry Caddy. Charles Snyder has become . af fected with the paint-up propogan da and is having the hotel all dolled up. Bill Latrom is on the job as chief brush twister, while Charley stands on the ground and trims tho base boards. Mrs. T. J. VanSicle arrived from Chicago Sunday evening and is now spending the week at the Oscar Keil home, where her husband has been for the past two weeks visiting his sister. Mrs. Kiel. They expect to leave the latter part of the week fcr ( their home in Ft. Collins. Colo. Mr. .and Mrs. D. Wilm were pleasantly surprised on last Sunday when a party loaded in two large touring cars drove into their placa to visit for a few days. They were old friends and relatives from Par is, Illinois, whom they had not seen j for 33 years. There were in the party, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hinds. Mrs. Colby, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and Mis Fisher. They were on their way to j Denver and Yellowstone park and continued their journey Wednesday. Fred Trunkenbolz this week un loaded his big 10.--- gallon oil tank and will soon be buying oil for his light plant by the carload. Fred has used every means possible to keep the price of electric juice down, and has succeeded remarkably well. Th's tank represents an investment of about $1,300 but it will give him fuel oil at a lower rate and enable him to make the same old price, which is about the lowest small town rate in the state. 1IL - M LMjlfe f- .iV-t-.-.v-v. - M ii i TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY The greatest story of the year picturized into the greatest motion picturing the screen has ever seen! BLANCHE SWEET S2J5Sr one UNFARD asj A HI WEEPING WATER Republican T?wr V1tv school nnened Septem ber 1st. The attendance was very irregular on account of the state fair at Lincoln during tbe first week however. Minnie Dickmann and Elsie Bor- nemcifcr were Lincoln visitors Tues day. Mr. Herman Zamzow and August Rissmann came from Iowa to spend a few days at the home of Carl Itissmann. Mr. and Mrs. John Box. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rleter and little Gladys were visitors at Fred Dlckmanns for Sunday dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Stroy and their niece Miss Elsie Baumgartner were called to Denver Wednesday by the sudden death of tbe latler's father. Will Install the New System . Last Friday Harry V. McDonald. one of tbe chief stockholders of the Murdock Mutual Telephone company and Banker Henry A. Guthmann were -looking after some business matters at Plattsmouth, called there to attend a suit relative to the keep ing of books for the" telephone com pany. In the new. set of books which the commission requires the company to . inaugurate, there are some 26 forms which cost in' the neighborhood of $80.00. This will entail a great deal of extra work, and will be a burden upon the small companies as all will have to adopt it. W. L. Hobson. R. D. McNurlin and Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Phillips drove up to Omaha Monday to see and heal President Wilson. They report n large crowd but a vry orderly one. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyle, of Cozad. visited from Thursday niplu until Monday morning at the home of Mr. Boyle's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Boyle. They drove down to the fair and came on down for a short visit. Mrs Thomas Murtey went to Lin coln Friday evening to meet Miss Dorothy who is coming home from Rising City, where she has been vij- iting her Bister, Mrs. Leon Stoker. Dorothy will enter the University of Nebraska this fall. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Creamer, of Harrisburg, Nebr.. who made the trip throufih by auto and have been visiting friends and relatives here and in the Wabash vicinity, return ed to their home this Thursday. Mr. Creamer was formerly cashier of the Farmers State Bank at Wabash and holds the same office in the Banner Couuty Bank at Harrisburg. A car was parked on our streets last Wednesday with a Pennsylvania number on. When inquiring, we learned the car" belonged lo'Mr. Rav Arinogart who had driven through from Pennsylvania with his wife and four children and have been staying the last two weeks at the home of his sister, Mrs. Addison Johnson and expects to permanently locate in this part of the country. Harvey Duffleld returned the first of the week from service overseas. the last several months having been spent with the Army of Occupation in Germany. Harvey saw much real service as an ambulance driver in Ambulance Co. No. 7 and had some narrow escapes. When he turned his car in soon after the armistice was signed the speedometer records showed that he had driven it over 110,000 miles. Since then he has done a lot of driving on other cars. He spent most of his time while in Germany driving the car of Col. Fink of the 3rd division. Harvey was in the 'service approximately twenty seven months. He said he enlisted for the duration of the war and he sure thought. the duration was never going to be over with. Harvey ex pects to enter Lincoln Business col lege and later fit himself for the medical profession considerable study and training for which he has hai while in the service. SHN2 THE HOST TREMEND OUS TALE of Love and ad-jcnture EVER FILLED .A .V ADMISSION V:, 1.' BIG REELS The Sin That Won't Wipe Out! It's Different from All Other Motion Pictures! ELMWOOD Leader-Echo A deal was completed this week whereby Ed Gustln sold to Willard Clapp the eighty acre farm 'near Greenwood, known as theWard es- 1 tate. This is a good level piece of bottom land and is a good purchase for Mr. Clapp. Norman Capwell. who has just re turned from overseas, visited with ins 'brothers. Joe and Howard and his sister, Mrs. Clyde Corbett for Several davs and ou Tuesday left for Siojix Falls. S. D., where he will work for the R. R. Norman is look ing fine and says that he has had manv experiences and bas enjoyed the army life. On Monday Mrs. George Kunz was suddenly taken sick and it was found that she was suffering with appendicitis. It proved to be rather severe and she suffered a good deal of paW It was thought at first that an operation would be neces sary but at present she is gettiug along nicely and it is thought that it will not be necessary to have an operation. Earl Bailey left ou Wednesday for a trip to points in the state of Idaho. He will stop at Buhl where he will visit the E. C Burke family. From there he will go to Portland where he will visit Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cox. Incidentally Earl who has the west ern fever will look over that coun try and we wouldn't be much sur prised tcJiear of him buying a piece of land. . Last Sunday we had occasion to take an auto ride in the vicinity vest of Alvo and saW' the farms of James McCartney and J. V. Deles Dernier. Both of these gentlemen have good firms and very well im proved. Jim and his wife have just returned from an auto trip into Colorado. He 6ays that he passed through one town where the speed ! sign rial ' ?0 tnile per li.:4r ir you ey.-. t ::'Hliv it get ou " Fro:u this we iiiii"!" M at if Jim followed instructions he must have made a hasty trip. The ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller of 2119 So. 16 St. died on Wednesday from appeu dicitis. An operation was perform ed but the appendix had bursted and the little fellow died as a re sult. The body will' be brought to Elm wood for burial and funeral will take place at the M. E. church on Friday afternoon at '1 o'clock and interment in the Elmwood ceme tery. He was a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. James Miller of this place. PUBLIC SALE! The undersigned will sell at pub lic auction at the Ail :ir:u tw-i miles east- and one-half mile north of Louisville, and two miles south west of Cedar Creek, on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH, The following described property, to-wit: One span of mules, 5- and 6 years old, wt. 2250. One Shetland, pony, 5 years old. wt. 400. One sucking colt. Two coming 2-year-old geldings; colts black and bay. One 5-year-old bay mare, weight 1200. One draft team geldings, bay and black, 4 and 5 years old, weight 2800. Eight head of ir.flk cows. Three sets of work harness; one new, two old. One bay rack and truck. One box wagon (triple bed). One Moline gang plow, 12-inchts. One 2-row Go-Devil. One riding cultivator. One disc cultivator. One walking cultivator. One riding lister. One Deering mowing machine. One Deere rake. 12-foot. One Milwaukee binder. One 3-section harrow. Five tons alfalfa hay. One Old Trusty incubator. One Mandy Lee incubator. One Owen's fanning mill new. One Blue Bell cream separator. Two hog oilers. ' One 1-horse Monitor drill. One Tiger press drill. One corn stalk rake. One Ford touring car, 1917 model. Sale Will Commence at 1 O'clock. TERMS: All sums under $10 cash; over $10 a credit of eight months will- be given, purchaser giving good bankable note bearing eight per cent from date. All prop erty must be settled for before bein: removed. J. A. ALLEY, Owner. C. E. WOOD, CUrk. FRANK SNIDE, Auctioneer. "Riders of the Purple Sage." t good story that you will find on sale nt the Journal ufSca. If you have anything to sell or want to buy something use the Daily Journal want-ads. Tons We is YOU CAN BUY Overalls Underwear Hose Shiris Union made, Llue stripe, bib $1.90 Heavy plain blue bib 2.C0 Lightweight blue bib 1 .25 Standard, full cut and weight 2.30 Standard, extra heavy 2.73 Athletic, cool-comfortable, 75c to $2.50 Balbriggan, short or long sleeves, ankle length $ 1 .00 to $3.00 Porusweave .y) Balbriggan, fancy stripe, 3 pair .... $ 1 .00 Black, lightweight, 2 pair 23c Black, heavier weight, 3 pair 50c Neckband, fancy assorted stripes, $1.23 Collar attached, " " .5rj Collars detached, " " 3.Q J Era Wescott's Sons EVERYBODY'S STORE"