The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 15, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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The Bank of Murdock
C ).:
:: r.d
.nets a
nil t on. rs,
and co rteou
ev ii;hr
thing :. Hanking IiuyiiiHss and invites new accounts,
tun. t giv personal attention to the needs of any
and anMirt' then that they will receive eonsider-tr-arm-!:t
at sill Times. If vou wish to deposit
Tim- (Vrtif:ci:Te of Deposit, or do.: ire to open a
v. are liTt to serve .'Oil.
t .
l: .:
b. 1
: ramac; i
Dili hat.
t ; l -.i r:
paid "ti
con f
Tlriu- 1 K-iio? its, if left six or twelve months.
.-.: at this hunk you can depend that the same
hi i:i ! . and whether you deposit or borrow, only
th' tliT-e (iflicTs of this hank will know about
- the officers constitute the Hoard of . Directors.
. n un!-r the present management for the
Yours for a Square Deal Every Time
The B
ank of Murdock
Where You Feel at Home
,;t:.i;' a. tcil. it-sM-iu j..i:ttf. k. githmanx.
HKXUV A. flFTHMA.WV. Cashier
Catherine Tool wa a
t'cr to Lined!' la.-T Tm-sday.
Hurry V. .McDonald was a visitor
; tunaha la-: Thursday, where he
a called on account of business.
S"arlv Davis, wlio i- a candidate
:. r the position of delegate to the
const i; tit iona 1 convention, w as a is
iror in xk cue day last week.
Frank Hrunkow and v. if. with
thvir li'tle so?;. wer- visiting in
W-eping H'ater one day last week,
where they were also looking after
some business.
Y'ni. X. Wilson was a visitor at
tl:e hf'Me o r.!i!is at South Fend
last Saturday. 1 ir.g accompanied by family, who enjoyed the occa
sion greatly.
''rank Zur. of southwest of town
wa looking after som business
matters in Murdock last Friday and
says that thing- on the
moving along n:c-ly. Tlie
h'..z is all cinple'ed and
:." :h'T work now.
Ceori: I:. Savle
farm are
fall plow-i
readv for!
i:yles. county clerk, j
in Murdock last Fri-
the supplie.
v. a a vi-ito
da v. comins to deliver
to- t ti jpecia: t c'i.jn vhi: h is; to
! h'-l'i in the county Tomorrow f'r
the selection of candidates for deie
u'f' to the coTisrifutional conven-v-nt
ion .
Mayor II. A. Schneider, of Flatts
ir.owtti ami James V. Furnie. a con
tractor of that city, were in Mur
doch last Friday, accompanied by W.
A. Robertson, the trio doing some
missionary work in the matter of the
candidacy of one of the candidates
for delegate to the constitutional
convention, to be oted upon at the
election Tuesdav.
Win. Kleiser. W. 0. Gillespie, I. G.
ITornbeck and H. A. Guihmann were
at Meaiiows a few days ago to wit
ness tli" seining of the lakes there
by the state commissioners who were
clearing out some species of fish,
that others wight thrive. The buf
falo and carp species were disposed
of to cmiaha dealers, while the game
fish varieties were returned to the
lakes for breeding purposes.
An trust Hrunkow, who formerly
lived near Murdock. but who has
been making his home at Ipswich.
South Dakota, with his two daugh
ters. Miss Anna and Emma, and
Miss Etta Hrunkow. all of the
place, are spending some time
friends and relatives in Mur-!
being guests at the home of i
xa we
Hugh Armstrong, of Omaha, was a
visitor in Murdock with his friend,
11. 7. Tool, last week, for a short
Andrew Mottow and wife, of
Gracie, in Loup county was a visitor
at the home of Oscar McDonald a
short time since.
Jacob Hauer was a visitor in Ithica
a few days last week, where he was
looking after some business matters
and visiting with his friends, Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Kraft.
Mrs. Jessie Landholm and little
daughter. Varona. arrived from Oma
ha last Thursday and are anxiously
awaiting the completion of their
new home that they may occupy it.
E. D. Laughlln, of Ashland, was
looking after some business matters
in Murdock last Friday afternoon.
having some business to transact
with Mr. Weddell, the grain mer
William Wendell is enjoyin
visit from his brother, S. S.
of l'.ayard, where he has made his
home for some time. Mr. Weddell
remained for a few days, arriving
last Friday.
Kenneth Sednian, formerly of
Murdock. but who is making his
home at Wahoo, arrived in Murdock
Art fitroy and Walter Haumgart
ner will return to their college stud
ies some time next week.
Master Victor Thirngan. son of
Matt Thirngan, will, in a short
time depart for the Xorth western
college, where he will complete his
course in engineering of which he
has had considerable study already.
Edward W. Thirngan. the electric
light man, has just concluded the
installation of the fixtures at the
new home of Fred Lau, northeast of
the city, and is getting things ready
to light the home by the Delco light
ing system, which Mr. Lau is having
H. W. Tool, the lumber man. has
just sold to George Buell. the ma
terials for a barn, which he is build
ing on his farm sone- four miles
south of town. He has also sold a
.'number of bills for new granaries
1 and corn cribs lately. The lirm is
1 doing a good business and while they
Weddell ' ar lo suppiy an f xceiiem graue
i oi luinner lor mis purpose, uiey ai-
so carry a supply of all kinds of
building material and are able to
furnish what is needed for all build
ing work on short notice.
Harry Davis, who has been back
from Popular HluSs. .Missouri, for
some time has rented his farm there
Scalded and Bruised v. hen Pinned
Under Car Wreckage Passed
Away Thursday Night.
little child of Mr. and Mrs.
Sheilhorn. who live some live
northeast of Murdotk. passed
yj the hospital in Omaha last
night, after all lad been
was possible to do for thf.
ami i cnt.Ti rl i ti p- n short time visitiui!
nt n iiome nf -T T P.ust in and fain- all1 shipped his household goods
ily of this place.
Mr. Louie Schmidt was a visitor
in Ithica. where he went to bring
Mrs. Schmidt and children home in i
the car, they having been visiting
at the home of her parents. Herman
Kraft and wife of that place for
some time.
W. Robenstein. of Omaha, was a
visitor in Murdock last Friday, com-,
ing to look after some business mat
ters regarding furniture for tlx
Hartman Furniture company, for
whom he is a specialty man. He re
turned to the metropolis on the late
Allen Moritz. of Seward, Franklin
Flaglers. of Lincoln; Y. K. Camp
bell, of Omaha; H. F. Thealon. of
Lincoln and Kenneth Tool, of Mur
dock. the first four being school
friends of Mr. Tool, are spending a
few days at the shack on the I'latte
river hunting and fishing. j
W. O. Gillespie was looking af-
ter some business matters at Xe-J
hawka the latter part of last week.'
driving there with his car. He will!
carry the mail on the rural route;
during the absence of Lacey Mc-i
Donald, who is spending the week
at the lakes in the northern part
of the state.
John C. Stroy and wife and Con
rad IJaumgartner and wife were call
ed, to the west a few days ago by the
sudden death of John IJaumgartner.
Just what the cause of his death
was has not been learned. Mr. Iaun'
gartner being well a few days be-
back to Murdock. He will remain
here for the present, where he is
engaged in the transfer business.
lie is placing tne goous in me oiu
post office building for the present.
He will expect to farm if he can
rent a place. Ho has just conduc
ed the sale of his property here to
J. liauer. the consideration beins
S i.lM'O.OO. j
A. L. r.auers. who is industrious-'
ly employed hauling coal and (ioinu
other work which comes to hand.;
inquired about many of his former i
friends in Flat tsmoutl. of whom .1.1
D. Tutt. J. C. Fetersen. Henry and
James Herold as well as the editor
of this paper. Col. M. A. Rates, who
has been confined to his home for
the past several months on account;
of sickness. Mr. Ratters lived in,
Flattsmouth some twenty-four years!
a so and has made his home at !
Murdock ever since leaving there
i n.riK A. iirunkow. east oi the city. (lore wtien .w. ;-'roy visiieo wnn
who is the son of the elder Rrunkow. j him. . lie was a brother of Mrs.
They will return to their home in ' Stroy and a cousin of Conrad Raum
the north in a short time. Sgartner.
Returns from Service Last Week
W. J. Met'rory. of Lincoln, was a
visitor in Murdock. a guest at the
home of his brother, Marion Me
t'rory. and with other friends, lie
having just returned from a two
years' stay in the army, having been
stationed at a port in the Fhilippin"
Islands. He is looking hale and
hearty and is the very picture of
the stirring young American that h
is. He will visit here for a short
time, and has not determined just
what he will do as yet. but will find
a p!ao for his activities soon.
want ad
anything? Try a Journa
J !i ,! j! ! n& T-V vi!- 4
Winget House Dresses and Aprons
Jon ii
a way
done that
little fellow, who was scalded an 1
crushed underneath the auto of his
parents Wednesday evening when
thev were coming home from Louis
ville. Mf. and Mrs. Sheilhorn were driv
ing home from a shopping trip to
Louisville and were going at a good
rate of speed, when near the home
of Andrew Stohlman they saw tw
calves, on opposite sides of the road.
The first calf essayed to cross the
road, causing Mr. Sheilhorn to di
vert the car in order to avoid strik
ing it. At the same time one of his
tires blew out, and turning into the
road again he tore the remaining
tire off that side of the cur. Then
the second calf attempted to cro?s
the road ahead of him and was hit
by the still fast moving auto. The
force of the impact, together with
the Mat tires, caused the car to turn
over and pinning all the occupants
underneath. The radiator was brok
en in the collission, allowing the hot
water to escape onto Mrs. Sheilhorn
and the deceased baby, which was
about four months old.
Mr. Sheilhorn was able to extri
cate himself but was not able to re
lease his wife and child. H went
to a near-by house, and there being
no one at home he broke open the
bouse, telephoned for help and re
turned to the scene just as W. O.
Gillespie was coining along, awl ti e
two were able to extricate the moth
er and child.
They were taken lo the office of
Dr. Worthman of Louisville, where
he dressed the injuries temporarily
and advised them to hasten to a
hosnital where the best of treatment
could be given. They were accord
ingly taken to Omaha,
were treated, the infant
the following niaht as
lated. Mrs. Sheilhorn
burned about the breast and limbs
as well as sustaining severe bruises
from the accident, but is peitine
along as will as could be expected.
The parents have the sympathy
of all in their loss of the little boy.
which was their first and only chil l.
Albert Sheilhorn. a brother of John's
and Mr. Krecklow, a neighbor, drove
to Omaha Friday morning and hrot
the folks home, together with the
remains of the little one.
After the transferring (f the pol-:
which have ben on Main street for
a good many years to the alleys ami
the stringing of the telephone wires
thereon the appearance of the street
has been greatly improved. Also, ns
a result, th" telephone service is
much better, and the ratrons art
all well tdeasod. Xow with the securing-
of electric lighting seryice.
which seems assured, as there art
three places available from which it
secure the juice, the town promises
to take on a progressive spirit that
will make itself heard for miles
around. Of the three available sources
of obtaining electric service, a line
from the high tension circuit gun
ning to Elmwood seems most feas
ible as the distance in this case ic
shorter than to either Greenwood or
Louisville, where connection might
be made with lines of either the Ne
braska rower Co.. or the Lincoln
Light and Electric Co. The city
council has resolved itself into a
committee to investigate he propo-'
sition and will take the matter up
a little later.
We sell International, Waterloo Roy and Parriott
Tractors the best. We are agents for the Interna"
tional, G. M. C. and Patriot Trucks and Buick Auto
Our Machine Shop
is especially well equipped to handle all kinds of Au
tomobile repairing as well as general machine repair
ing of all kinds.
Is Sporting1 a New Sedan.
Louis Xeitztl. the progressive
hardware merchant of M trdock. i
the proud possessor of a new Ford
Sedan automobile, which he made
purchase of since the winning of
the damage suit Henry Ford has been
!roser ui '?:g against t tic- Chicago Tri
bune, .Mr. X-itzel having jestingly-
said it was to ! ;i gif: in
suit was wt-n by the car in
Xeitzel. however, had lo
price, the freight ami the
in order to gain title to the
b ker.
where they
passing away
aloresai'i re
was badly
t he
he is enjoying its possession to the
limit and will lind it very useful in
his business as well as capable of
affording much pleasure to himself
ami family.
Harry V. McDonald and son. Lacy
McDonald. Harry Gillespie and a
few others departed .today in their
cars f..r an ext'-mled trip to the
northern and northwestern portions
of the state, where they will hunt
and fish for a week or so. among th"
lakes which abound in Holt. F.oyd.
Hock and Cherry counties. They are
taking a complete outfit with them
and will certainly have a splendid
time while awav.
One of the .-pecies who wants all
the road (and because he drove a
big Fackard car he thought it b.
iongtd to hinit 'got some medicine
which he dertrved a few days ago.
He came aioug with his Fackard
.and brushed a smaller car off the
roatl in'o the ditch. The smaller
ear contained a number of bridge
nun and the road hog without so as stopping to see what dam
age had been done continued burn
ing up the road in the distance.
When lie returned the bridge over
which he had to pass was blocked
by a heavy truck. The man was
taktn out and threats were made of
ducking him in the Flatte river
nearby. He settled by paying J.':."..
all the money he had. after which he
was admonished to more civil ac
tions and allowed to go. It is safe
to .-ay lie will be more careful in
the future.
Continued on Fage
Leslie Rash Visiting Here
Leslie Rush. of near Primrose,
who was formerly a resident of Mur
dock. arrived in the city on Friday,
coming to visit for a time ut the
home of his brother, Wrn. Rush.
Leslie, who has been farming near
Primrose, was taken last winter with
a very severe spell of influenza, from
which he failed to completely recov
er, and after the completion of the
summer's harvest and thresh fug he
was compelled to go to lhe hospital
for treatment, from which l.e has
just been discharged. Mr. Rush is
thinking seriously of quitting the
farm on account of ill health, in
which event he will probably return
to Murdock to make his home.
cR n
E"3 H rc fi 11 ii Fj .V4 1 t4 u
rra rtsoa
and Make All Kinds of Mill Work at My
Planing Mill
Planing Mill
located in north part of Murdock, Nebraska
- a dandy new assortment just received. Darks, lights, etc. Well made and just the cuts
and styles that you want. Made to fit right. Get yours while the assortment is good. Our
special price to introduce this line
City Schools Doing Nicely.
"With an enrollment of something
like Tf students, the Murdock pub
lic schools are in running order and
getting along nicely. J. H. Burwell
was a visitor at his home in Lincoln
over Sunday. He reports the schol
ars are returning to their work with
an aptitude for study, following the
respite from their books that con
tinued thru the summer vacation.
He is well pleased with the way the
work is starting off and is hopeful
of the success of the current year.
Murdock Mercantile Company
McHUCH, Manager
Spent en Enjoyable Time
Last Friday J. E. McHugh and
wife, who have been spending a few
days in Omaha, where they were
attending the retailers' convention.
'returned home last Friday, having
had a very enjoyable time. They
mentioned the fact of meeting while
j there with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wurl
1 and Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Streight.
friends and merchants from the coun
ty seat, and of having had an ex
pedient time while there.
Automobiles and Accessories
ftliichell, Dodge and Ford
Cars, Fordson Tractors
and Cushman Motors
Our machine shop is especially well equipped
with modern machinery and first-class workmen. We
are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including
acetyline welding.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Fancy box
rTier T Tht nffic i
advertising fs declared
the most valuable consistent with
tts cost. Give it a trial.
Phone 35-B
Murdock, Neb.