L r PLATTSIilOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1919. A I I s Mu -r n t :7 arrmen Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers -iTMiiiiTmmrrn'a " I my of ttio rcadrrs of ttif Journal knor i f ny wriul f T"iji oriii'iD of Interest, In Hits vicinity. inct will rr.all rae to i hi-, oRice. 1 will ai IK'ur muter this h"ailiir. We iDt all uf-wsitcms Editoii 'J I Ed. Knias arriveil uomt from Grant. Nebraska, l&st Friday ?ven ' ing, where he has besr: for the past ; several weeks assisting the farmers of that locality in the big wheat harvest. - A A ( V ?: .--!? Dr. li is was in .Murray lor a few hums la-1 Friday. James Melicynolds is moving from i .mi ffering with remittent fever. m i . . X 'here to FaPlatto this week. .Xy J Mrs. O. A. Davis has been lium- . y ; beretJ wiili the hit k for the past A 1 i-v days. , npj'p'C John 1'risli was ;i .Murray visitor : Tiie.-day. lie was accompanied by his -51 v r i 1 ff 1 I 3r- " 1 'TV ?1 I I I v-, - A 1 i The protection ol princi ple should be the first consider ation of every investor. But it's not always tin easy matter or the ordinary investor to determine the safely oi the issues offered him. '.-vl:s f - r it t-sA . ... ... .11.. mcnt, However, is uLiaii -Vd X-:v reflected in concern aK 'J. V'.' ' S . . , ... t. . .A mcr.tsofir. J thro'uij'a V .;) this insl':r.Ji:-n war- ? T-'. runt our ccn.i'Jcncc. J-j 4 efv Honesty Courtesy Servia feu Mil ti'iie pur it 3. 0:ir il'.-p'.):-.-;.- je pjv.t.'Vte- 'y i;e Miiti(.iu -;:;!; y I .iw .'Vti J. le t,'., ir. ::itictionr. Lc-i;' in :vict crr:;'i lv f;CV iu, :i!t r. I.uiiuiy iltillis w a visiting with I'lattsiuouih rel.it ives and friends last Sunday. C. M. Minford and family spent a iMii.iher f tiay.s at the stale fair J last week. j Ir Sale: Pure hred iHiroc hoars i a:id a pure hrtd Shrtipshire huck. Hdh.ani Sttek I-'ai ni. .Mr. ;Mid Mrs. V. M. .Mas.sie. frt'in ll. ri:as;:ni, wen- Phittmiuu! h i :: !a-t 'l'h urday . .NOTICI-J - Miss O.-I.v Mitu'ord, teacher vi pianr. Now eurolliiig T.!tpll for siu:rii' r tirin. Mr. and Mrs. Y. S. Si-iith .md Mi-;; Neva l.atta were a ; : I'liii i n the ttat?- fair la.-: Thursday. W'iliiur 'uniiinL-h.iiii a::d family. Mrs. iVni.ison and sun. Robert, vis-i- 1 in 'V eji:,i; Water last Stin- I. I !. I n!- iu a t rip to i : i .i i it Tues !a . and epre;e l to titurn ( v. it'i a new oa A!f. 0;:ne- llle". Mi-s I!ii;- I'laek. principal f t!ie '':r.:- ;.e;'o, ea!!'.il !o I.;n- '':. w-ic coi ire aeeo;;t;t of il!- W. .! t'liilp a eaine in f r m ('-; r rout'? 1 i s-;. i i: ni.i . viH're : .1 l.e- Tl ie..ki'- after iiis l.t;i:l ii - I. .-;- ' i;;s er, ;.s of t;e pis -i-;im'';. '!'..'!' .'..!' e'l.'e a iu!!ii-r from tii.- 1'ieaii'y in at ' :) :i:rtiee a t !je 'hi Set 'I. r.- pienie i'ili.ia !.;s! .'"r i ' i v i n rip, . ( ; t ;.:y ! 1 . ', a '! : ';'!:.' il iies wii! - ti 1"' :. ; nd ; io - ; 1 e !! : i'.-r ? of t !'; s ; M .'!:; .'-! . . : to i. Iu u li li l.i- il;. ( .:.l.i. !.::- :i;i v morn j . . '., '. :i ' i i.l . '. 1 1 . i; i r. , ."I-. .;.:: Mr-, (r .'-. ': n iia- ' - v. ' . . - ! , j - V ; ii-'. d irv (..:;;;. n, ! V i . W'.'!.---d,i . Mr.-. ! e! 1 ' ,r'"-' . j !' I . . . r v '. '1 :. 1 : I : '.2 ar : : a ! .vi r i'l I : h e . i, ; a, .; . Mr. ;.iid Mr- '..:i liud ; ;:.a.r :'r i.m-.-.Ij I .. .; . v .. part of : Mr. V.'ii ' ;;:''T"-. V.-;. ; v..,; .. . ; ;, !, r i-t. r. Mr.-, i.i'.y.l r,:;,i. v.. V :. . ;.e ; Mr. :; : ,i,-v,- " -'r-'r- - '-.':.::- -.- lw:-e M ;-. y -otue lnnd i:"--r- . ; ;n . '. r-fu r. V;:rn ti ! , -riv . -1 aa ;;;ert-r:i' y to -.l!!-po?- r.f M . ! ! ;-j tiiat eOl'.IIt;. ;M ,l Jl-'ii;; ( f $.'."i p ! a ere. i ; ir; ;.a-f a ' m I. 1! 1'ui.- Mir:a d i ; .- ; .' . i. 1.x 1"' a - v a ' o-i! t N..-!.r; i-t. this -ik w4.er a :; 1 . f :.! ; : . !;;-.! ". ;!;'! i! o !;.; ;i!'iT -t.iii" i.'l'd re., t t ; t lli ' 1 -; I i r . ;.: . : 1 ' .- par :a a-d toe V.i'i!!; ! -id. iiiv j.n.p. riy in r;-y. -v'aere .Mr. and Mrs. I). A. !.:.- have 1:-. r. !: vita; far 'i;e p-e-t y ar--. Mr. and Mr. i;red'.d irt'1 move t .Murrav wlure i ': v v il! t:i!; - ::n th' ir future iio:ue. I'- .-d V , r r !; aiavi moortiMi ' ? Mil ;- - i i'.nrr- i:, :'- v. i v i.i' t iothi:"i. sitverv'-.tr- : ! his -1 ,;'!!!. .-tt.i-n fr,a;a the h. i ;- t :r;,- ! F.v-nn last Tt'es .'v mi. ia;." arid Wed la'-rri y TM-'.lif, '.ri.iu- -! iv'i hours Mr. Warm-r wa" : -.--. fi- llOPie. II. 1 seeilis 1o 1! ;::':. Ha t lie h i ; a p tty -aood .:'!' a - I - V."hf) "at the L-OOM-. hut '!... lira - f.r pr-narinrr the t r:.ji is ;ni r n r . Murray Christian Church. On Saturday evening, Sept. i;;, at S :.".' o'eloek. tl.ere wiil he a men's ; stx ial at the churc h. No ladies al- !.ee Farris has been nuinhered 1 lowed this time. (James of various with the sick for the past few days, kinds will he the diversion and oy.-tcr stew the refreshment. This There were a number of Masons 'r f"r :l" 1"('"- 1,11,1 :,U aTV 10 from in and n.:.r Vtmrav at f etnlinii- i as :l Personal invitation to A i . .- - (Il ale 'l: e Will a.-ie for iv- a a t " er : er;a Mi-- Me I a a 'i r! : 1 u (-.;.'-' 1 a p-M;;" a- '.Mcinr ii in"-ie i'i 1 1 I... i-i'.'.". V,'y.,nu:: p-.iPiie ho-.d-. at.-! w ' ! 1 -i..m i. part f..r t ': li'dd of her new d'iti'--. Mr-. .1. n::i- .1- akin.- and s Wali'T. v. ho have 1 eti up in I !o-albs' " t P ; - f v.- d - y i i ; i a u ;: ti". hoiae o!" lar sun. !l.tTi .i ! ' reti-.rned li 1 hi:-.;; ah ait ;t va-" h-o-e i !i': i.i.jikt-l ( oifce is very firrw ftiii oil t!.. mi f'niiatk!i v-hich mercliants an, able to r-t !io!'i f. and to U.Kih for !ow:r ;.-.ricc3 soon seems to z oiil of the ques tion. V. e know that the prices we are giving the public, at ifn.. tcrc, ..ro irjuch below what others are asking. Try us arid see: Fanr;y .S mi os I ' abcrry, very uniform, others ask five o;:its pr:i pouad more, our price per pound . 45c F;inc I. 'a the !:;n:! others ask 10'. per lb. mote. 'I ! .-ijifeif nee is all in the price. Per pound - itrJc YUBAN, the Atbucklf- Gueot Cofice, very high-gradf, etju! 'o the h .st 'o b ; b ;uyht. Special price per lb. f5c Morn in:; Ce;;, . tuthti rn.ild coffee, conies in 1-pound d ins. Sti-r --i i't ,-.nd a mighty good drink. Per lb. 50c r and fj.'ailv T?-ur-iiay. Mr ,U;l Mr- (i'i I ;; -.:i ;i;id Mr. a:a! Mr-. M.u. ilin-aa. fr,a i-;-:- ." -i,,iv!. a. v.-e-e Sunda v v: tt iTS !. .l tirr.tV. lle..t ;;t I'M- aa'lii r.f Mr. -el .Mrs. Fred Ilild. , v'lrail Fri-.h. son of Mr. ami Mrs .ielin Fri-h. residitm west of Mur ray litis hei-ii unite siek for tile j.avt ie tv rtavs sitflerin. from a vere :(- trie- of v Mow jaundice. He liow ii;;. :i :ni' siur.s of improvement at tiiis tirii.. Pan i. na'ia.- a v.-rv si k yo n;;- m; ;i. iMratvlma !li;.tt cani" iu iron :.'; :..; t tty. .ei . last I rnlav ev- i.inr;. v.l re Mo- h;is hosi spendi: it)!' summer at t!ie In. me ul hrr : "i: paria'i. Sin T,as r.ecoiupa by .-.ir. a 'oi .ar-. t ioyu com. iinvinu in t'e-ir ettr. win v,:,t on to Weepiny V.'atrr for a few das vi-it. ir. ana Mr-, r re;i ber.ater. u:k were trailed hire ctwins to the ill ness of Mry. Schafcr's father. Mr Ifrnniiurs. dejiarted ?donday for their home in Loup county, where th Fekafer l'ros. own a hirer' laeen. aim u ni e j. -ei n-is Ix-en makittir his hum" for several years. Mrx. J. W. Fervor. Mr. and Mrs. . I. tines F.ro.vu and daunh ers. I.of.ra and (atherine. Mrs. K. M. Steiner :n:d fhitiLthfer. Miblfd. an-1 Mrs. Trimpey. of Omaha, arrival hoan i i't ! riday evenin:; fro-a their week's vi-it n ;;t Spirit Lake. The t-ip was made I lie auto route, and they all report a very plea-ant time. Fishina;. boating and t-njoy-tho surrntmdinu's of this ieau t'fal summer resort. j T.Imray Sdiools Opened, i The .Murray schools opened Mould;-;, morning with an excellent staff l'd' 'eathets in charge of the various room;, winch are .is tollnws; Mi.-s !Tep( IMack. principal. Miss Irma Mucdler. ssist an I . Miss F.tulah Sans primary: and .Miss Mary Marker, srammr, r. The lower rooms are 'rr.wd.-d to overflowing, there beinir :ia enronment r-f 7." in these two I rooms. All indications point to ah i cellMit y ar for th.r Murray schools this winter. the funeral of J. C. Petersen in Plattsm juth Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Pitman, of Warhim";-to-a. a:d Mr. and Mrs. Km Carroll, from near Avoea. were here last Tuesday visit in r the Carroll home. Mr. and Mrs. Pitman are spending; a few weeks, with old Cass county friends and relatives. Mrs. Pitman and Mrs. Carroll are sisters. O. 10. Vcatch and son Hoy, of ."."orris City. Illinois, in company with I.afe Nelson, of Plat t sinout h . were Murray visitors Tuesday. at the Wiles home. .Mr. Y catch and son drove out from their southern Illinois home and are spending a few w -ks at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ni-ison near Plat t smoui h , ln:n; a brot lu r-i u-la w of Mr. NeFon. Mrs. Veatch and Mr.-. Nelson bein-j; sis ters. Alex Craves spent a few days 'he past W'-ek whh his brother. i'ii;i. and other relatives and friends in Fnion this wei k. returr.inir bona' Tiir.--day about noon. He v.-;s ready to come home. ;iid no trains were due so lie started out a foot, takinir the hitch way for travel thinking that he ini.nht meet with an auto a:.d ri -.- in. but no such '.rood ! i'-k a-d he walked all the way. tiuh :;::!es i ;i ab.ui! two hours. He say t!;:it he heard sev-ral car- con, in. b' iiind him. but he was in hurry to l;.-: home and t.-oi: Id not wait on i-ietii. Thi- is what w e wenbl t ail a nrv'f y od walk for a n' -.n in his ' 1 1 1 5 1 year. V.'r.dc Porter And Fam ily At the 0!u Heme M r. a a i .'o ; -. '.V.m Port r an-1 family, .vim ban- ; n r.-.-idi.'r; up : e. i- t 're: : !; i .-:; . i.'i-ii;;i.-l.,i. J i . r of .'-ar-. fame eown la.-; Fruiay :'...r a vi::' w i; it ;'ri nds and iei.uAe- at t p..- .-Id oi'tlity h.ea Mr Fur: r w.. a pi' a-ant 't.'.br ..' i i: - ji-ureal uM and -n a ' i. r, w :r!i hi:,a h t -Us it '!:.:: i;e i ; - c-iajd' ; my v:bt :t l.t iad., i t; in lat!:i--rn rCveaka. and 1 ' t.r.i i-r a lH'V i iratiutl. at..l lie mi',:'- ioeate in ( a.-- county, i i" he ciai'il litid a pi- c- ef laud thai ! ked d t l.un. He !",.!;-.' and n" n. i a .en acre trrm r.i taat con: iv and laid it jr.- L' nmnllr. ana i';.;-. ami -oie it a an advance of .- i.'..". I p r acre. This what we w. term laal.iatr inom-T- pr :ty be preseftt. Keftular services on Sunday. Sep tember 14th. ;i : '." Short story class. 10:00 Hibb' school. Sjiecial: Fort ne Hatchet will trive a reading for us. Dale Mc P.ey t'.olds rendered ;i splendid solo last Sunday. 11:00 Morning wt-rship. S: ::u livening worsliip. Come to the church and the bible school that ha.s a place and a wel come for one and all. Itetneinber the oyster stew cooked by the men. CHANGE DATE OF HOG SALE. Philip Hirz, Win. Hummel and Will Hirz have changed the dite of t! a :r Dur. ie-.Iersey Pair, r sale, from October fitii to the loth day of Oc tober, that chanire heinu; made necessary on account of conflicting dates of the auctioneer. Ifemember ! this is the hi- all immune;! sale. end the one yen hav-- been waiting for to eel th" miod stuff. Hetneni ber '.lie date October loth. SOUTH BEND TO GttEBRATE mm mm of soldiers Tin- --i.ter; risi.m li'th- ci:y of Sous 1; tt-.Jid is p: p.-.rtii:; to eeb hrate th-- h ;::n (uuii:;u th.eir - ddi r- and sailors on S.itntday :.-.-xt ami will complete t!.-- eeieir.i t : -a ; i in tiie towns if the county, oat t.i.ii- uf Pi.it i .-mue t h . in honor o: THE VV. H. PULS Her will always carry a complete line of Hardware, Paints, OiSs, Farm Implements, Tractors, GASOLINE ENGINES and uPAIRSI We do all kinds of tin work, heating and plumbing, and will also save you money on furniture orders. Come in and get our prices on anything in our line. We will treat you right and save you money. W In MURRAY NEBRASKA Phoite No. 24 SEARL S. DAVIS. Candidate to represent Cass coun ty in Constitutional Convention. Vote for him in the non-nan Pan primary Tuesday. Sept. 1'tdJtw LAND SALE! I tie owner v. ill eil at public auc tion at the farm f.-oiutm-nci ny .it J P. M. on MONDAY. SEPT. 15TH FOR SALE. 1 "'li- W.-io-re far,;-. :.,:,, v.,: lts ,... j Henry FeiK-n farm. 1 ica'ed live mile-. Several spring Poland China j northwest of Julian, live mii.-s boars, also one yearling bear. In quire of S. Ray Smith, phone 3422. i 1 r 1 mo. w FOR SALE. southwest of Paul, ami live miles norihea-t of Taim.im-. in Otoe .oun ty. Nebraska. This j-; an ecepMo:ial i v uood j farm. .. aires under plow. 1 ." er ;.a-!itre. he ti;.!it. 1 ." acres j;ood A number of thorouahbred Pi lau ! ' clover, land erttv rolling but not China boars, sired by Clansman id. roiiiin. Adam Stoehr. Platts-mouth. 1 1-1 mow j iPiiidinas cor.. '.-' o:' .acd route ... - , house, stable for 1 o head "f horses Wanted: A mod. steadv -entle- "'''h hir'' f';'nl" !,;,rn- M,,,k manly salesman to handle a Ward's I''- ''""!lf' r' r!1 r"'' two '.vel's and uoo.i cistern. cave. ! !.. vet -ran :i". C t he !;u e w ir. Attor- :: v is. oi I !i i city, win vvasoii in Cass county. No exper- j iaiice needed. For full particulars write promptly to Dr. Ward's Med uii.mer kitchen, implement shed. two chicken houses, all in irood n- ical Company! Winona. Minnesota. ! PJlir- r' ,,,lI1,,rt"1 allfl flf,-v ,r"'" lstablisltt d 1S.1 il. 1 1-S! w FOR SALE. the or of dry. Mr. Haw I ; . had a. nay " pi !"! ii '.a' in til S"..-ii - h -A m-'rican w ar and is an orator w-'.I suited ;or a:i oita-ni' i f This kind a::d the p. "p!e of South i .... t,, : ,. i vi r;. a 1 a i el on hav- I !.ri l.-.i j nil niiillii . n-irt i.t 1 j:i a-, crel his serviee lor t a- loa I . , , ! n seitletnetit. .... i'ii tw.- . li.ier. i-vuiii.i. i 1 .1 i . i rT f-r f -.. ; !. Th- re i.b-ms ot the tern HENRY ECLTE. Owner. .,, . . 1IHIUUI, -VU. 1 1-IH vUKW ., ... ,,. r V.miici- 'ellt-. ii.rv near S.i'h F'T.-! will jnn in Hessentlow v oan.si. A-oii. Coming three year old colt. Well in orchard. :'erms of this sale are in p' r en.: j on date of sab-, pi per cent March ! I.i ..!.,. i,.-.,i.:,:i-ll will t.e "ivi'Il. is;. iu ii . IJalance may run live years at .". ': tier cent. Abstract will be uiven th" ti lebra.t ion F0LAND CHINA PIGS. W. II. Hesser.flow. Cel:ir Creek. Mur. W. H. Younpc. Murray. Auctioneer. bred Poland China boar j "That Printer of FrtelFs." one of mouth, Neb. .He. C. F. Mavahb. Plat ts- ; Harold Kell WrichFs good stories. i ion sale at he Journal ofTtce. tr.-t a.-, well htv ea-v. V. h; dote well iu the northern part i ' the -a ate. and there is not one of i-.is nianv r,.mt- annual tin- on. f'v.'n that i- more ;dea. -ed ov-r t'ai fact than The Journal tditor. Rett'.vn Heme Front the Hudson Factcrr Mr. and Mr.-., f .. 1 f. Puis an,' ch.iliit-e-i returned home from their 'wo we--';s in t iie e;.-t last Saturday eveiiin;;. They wen! to D"iroit . the home of the Hod ( n .-utoiiiobile via railroad, and return ed with one til' those line Hud-im speedster cars that was sold to W. 1). Wheeler. They spent some time in the Hudson factory, one of the greatest in the country, a factory la rite enough to turn out from fJ:N to fjaO of these larse cars per day is sure some .ureat bifc manufactur in ; plant, and this ist what the Hudson people are doing today. On the return trip they drove down to Pekin. Illinois, where Mrs. Puis has a number of relatives, and where they spent a few tlays. From here they came west and crossed the Mississippi river at Burlington. Ia.. and on to Ottumwa, Iowa. where Uiey also j-pent a day or two with relatives of Mrs. Puis. From Ot tumwa they went north- to Des Mot tit's, where they came west, to Omaha. The trip was a very pleas ant one in every particular making i little over 1.0(10 mihs on the re turn trip, with the finest of high ways and weather, until they struck Omaha, and in grand old Nebraska. from their home state, they found the tough est roads of the entire journey, from Omaha to Platts- uiouth. The unf'e-rsir.ed will offer at pub lie a.i'ihn at his Pome. two miles sor.'t. and two mis west vi T'hitts mouth, and one mile west and a halt" mi!" mirth of Mvnard. known as the C. II. Metr.uer farm, commencing at 1 P. M. sharp. THURSDAY. SEPT. IS, 1019 The following described property to-w it : Nine Head of Horses. One bay horse, s years old. weight 1 !"). One e.r.iv horse. 1 J years old. weight 1 lad. One hav horse. S vears old. weight 1 ;'. One hay h rs. coining jcirs. weight Flat). One sornd horse, coming 10 yai weinht 1 1 Ot). One -rav marc. a Tears old weight loon. One brown none. G years old. h weight SOU. Itezzi -2SRv 2 years: BUY YOUR FALL AND WINTER EARLY AND SAVE MONEY! We have a large assortment of ail kinds of shoes from which to choose your needs at prices far below prices you will have to pay in sixty days as you know shoes are advancing every day. We have a large as sortment of school shoes in all sizes. Also men's and boys rubber boots. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ALL FARM PRODUCTS! T e Hervse wore, ALF GANSEMER, Proprietor Barn and Stock for Sale For Sal. Liverv barn, stock, auto v'ianJ dray line. Call on D. C. Ilhoden. W. R. YOUNG AUCTJCNEEr? Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR HO PAY! ubversj: add calls telephone 1511 Murnxy Exa :ange a a 'B:il.JS;!!:.Bn:;BiJ..BliWl!B. jBiiiss. b: w i b b B :i b rn-: b a w :m f b -i n " a -..u i w EDISONS EDISON RECORDS " One black colt, com it old. Two milk cows. Pwo spring calves. Ten head of hogs. Farm Machinery. One corn elevator, new. One McCormick mower, new. One new Monitor press drill. One new Molitio 2-w heel lister. One hand corn shelb-r. One 14-inch j-tirring plow. On McCormick hay rake. One t hree-secrlon harrow. One Avery cultivator. One Orandetonr 2-wheel lister. Three lumber wagons. Three sets of work harness. Two P. &: O. two-row machine. One Deerins; binder, stood shape. Two New Departure cultivators. One two-row stalk cutter. One low-wheel wagon and rack. fine iron kettle. miw.r -irticics ton numerous tol .Lll. ' f.ii..'.' ...... I mention. I" Terms of Sale. I? All sums of $10 and under, cash f pprrqrR PTIOi4S Iu hand. On all sums over - - credit of four months will oe gien. ij purchaser giving bankable paper bearing eicrht per cent interest trom a .t All nronertv must be settleaiH mm ms mem B for before being removed trom tne premises. m J. N. JORDAN. Ovi-ner. cm. w It. YOUNG. Auctioneer TI. A. SCHNEIDER. Clerk. m MURRAY, NEBFAtlA We are now equipped and ready to supply all your Drug needs. We carry a full and complete stock of Drugs, Drug Sundries, etc. in fact anything you can reasonably expect to find in a first-class drug store. Come in nd get acquainted. Get the habit of patro nizing your home town. TOILET ARTICLES a n B E IS unuu a a a a n a d a Journal Want-Ad Vav !ra:BTBBXBr.'j:HEa;2BXBffi:Bi.!ia;:B;x