The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 11, 1919, Image 1

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    State SiteTl-
d Society
i i:
No. 2:
liii a r II it it inyir a i a i si
I I M II -JI II II I i ! Is A H 21 M
nii it r n it II y m u 10 iiiv 3 i j
Ntcessary to Insure the Holding of
a High Class Celebration
To Announce Date Socn
rrfra 'j ii'oflay's Daily.
Last evening tin- members of the
I '!a 1 1 s t i n 1 1 1 t h company i Hume
( ; rds in. t on the lawn at the court -liini-
in r'.pons- to the in vital ion
.i '. A. wis. 1 1: t-ir former ca f
Tain and .Mr Unwls took up wuli
th ne-n.bers of the com par. y the
proposition ;' the lirau- guards or-;-aiiiyii;i-
and taking charge of a
I I -. 1 1 1 - c-i tin in ir ion in honor
of the returned
and soldiers
v. ho had participated in
v. it r. The meeting was
the v. on !
by solae
::rd all v. it" "rearin
prcp'isi: ion of tai-in:
of th
to go'
' Oli
i he
hut!.'- -o:n:Mr ai : '. from the determi
nation show n by t ! e- company la.-t
night there is iio doubt that it wili
he j,ut over in line shape by the
boys of the home guards.
The meeting last r.ight was a pre
liminary ore and the matter w.:s
discussed and the committees which
will have the advance work in hand
were a r pointed by the cap; a in and
v ill g. t busy at otiee. The solicit
ing committee comprises twelve ri..--
l-rs who have
the fui.iis
f-eSSi'tll COliirdr
tt.i ci i.iniir;".-
al ready started rai.-nef-ossary
fur th sue
ion of the plans and
v. ill make a thorough
vii v. va
c:;y and pr
multitude i
;-iri( t and
patriot ic
to secure
app-. ;-
people of
the fut!
til" gff
s nefssary to make the day
tiM succe.-s that ("ass oot'.n-
ty has :
.Ie Se
v - n . ! I .
!;.:;. ,r.
at once
etii. rtai
er s-oi'U in its history. ,m-
this (.li.IIlittee ;ire J. V.
f. L. W.les. A. J. Snyder,
ir-a. i'. J. Libershal. Edgar
.. V. C
O. San
;ei. haver. 1.. (.
! r
ndin. Alfred F.d
s and Frank M.
:!:';( wiil start
tiieir part of th-3
secure the fiitids
Win Kers
The .o::'m
to ttike Up
1:11. ent and.
iie(t. yury it I-s expec-d that t h is wiil be con.pieted tiiis v.-?"'-:,
so that by th-'- first of next week it
will Ve ;eai'y to announce
(.: t he ( ei i.rat ion.
The program -on:mittee selctcjd
"ill :r: : to ;ecure only the be.-1
a' t met ioss ;;!.'. arrange tiier.i to that
th-re will b- .-ornething doing all
dav Ion g from break
dav until
niht. hn th- city of Blattsmouth
and I'lattsmouih precinct formally
weicomes h m the returned soldiers
and s;ailor of Cass county. Frank
M Bestor. Richard Avard. E. II.
Sehulhof. D. C York and Tercy Fields
ate on the program committee for
the celebration and with this bunch
in charge there i sure to be some
thing (loins: in the entertainment
line as they have tie privilege oi'
adding as many other members to
help out as they see Sit.
The company will meet next Mon
day evening at the same hour to
hear reports of the committees and
then it is expected
for the big show will
hat the date
be announced j
the advertising campaign taken
With the "pep" of a real live mili
tary organization and under the able
leadership of Mr. Bawls the mem
bers of the Home Guards are step
ping right out for a great celebra
tion that will cap any previous en
tertainment of the kind given in the
While the home coming will be
staged by Blattsmouth and the im
mediate vicinity, there will be an
invitation to the boys of Cass couti-jand
ty who wore the khaki or blue dur-
ir.g the war to come in from the fur-
thermoi-t corners of .'he county and
take part in
the good time provided.
And they can leave their rrouey at
home for on this day the uniform
will be as good as the coin of the
United State with the Plattvraouth
Let the general public co-operate
(with the guards with the same de
gree of enthusiasm as sliowr tiy the
members of the organization and the
' event will go over as the best vet.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Sheriff c. D. Quinton v ho for
several days has been suffering from
that all prevailing malady of the
late summer, liay fever, is now up
and on the job in looking after the
wrong doers of the community. The
sheriff was (uite sick for several
days hut since Saturday has been
constantly improving and is now
about over his malady. What the
sheriff thinks of hay fever would not
jo.di well in print and those wno
have suffered with it will well agree
with him.
Frorr Tuesday's Dailv.
A marriage license was issued yes
terday afternoon by County Judge
Heeson to Merritt l'ollard. aged
of N'ehawka and Miss Zola liae
Fran. aged '2'2. of I'nion. I'.oth (d
these young peofde are members of
two of the prominent families of the
southern portion of the county. The
groom-to-be is a son of Malcolm
l'ollard. of N'ehawka. and one of the
progressive young farmers of near
.Nehawka. The bride-to-be is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Frans. of near I'nion. and a young
lady possessing many friends in the
community where she has been rear
ed to womanhood.
Descendents of Samuel Eikenbary Very Pleasant Reunion
tt Oscar Gapen Home. "
Mr. a
Tue?tlay's Daily.
Sunday the pleasant
nd Mrs. Oscar Capon
near this
city was the scene of a delight
ful gathering when a number of the
relatives, all of whom were descen
dents of Samuel Kikenbarry. one of
the hardy pioneers of this county,
gathered to enjoy the day in each
other's company and the occasion
proved all that had been hoped for.
The event was hurriedly arrang
ed and it had not been possible to
get in touch with members of the
family residing at a distance. but
those who were able to attend en
joyed a day that will long be very
pleasantly remembered. Samuel Kik
enbary. the grandfather and gre..'
grandfather of the members of the
party, was one of the early settlers
of Cass county, comir.g here in 18.r.r(
teiand pre-empting a homestead two
miles south of Blattsmouth. and the
greater part of the family has been
reared to manhood and womanhood
in this community 'and become men
and women who have been strong
and courageous citizens. and who
have contributed to the Christian
upbuilding of the communities in
which they have lived.
The day was spent in visiting and
at a suitable hour a dainty and thor
oughly enjoyable buffet luncheon
was served that added to th pleas
ures of the members of the party.
Those who enjoyed the reunion
were Mrs. Martha Wiles and sons
and families; Joseph J. Johnson,
wife and son. Joe; Oscar Gapen, wite
and family; Winfield Swan and wife
of I'nion; C. M. Mover and wife, of
York. Nebraska; Mrs. Maude Eiken
barv and family of Memphis. Nebr. :
j(,i,n Schwartz and family. Memphis;
Mrs j a. Ionelan and daughter.
i.Mis Margaret. Blattsmouth.
The Federated Committee o the
Burlington shops desire to take this
means of publically thanking those
who assisted during the Labor Day
celebration and whose efforts aided
in making it a great success. The
Commercial club, busness men of
(the city and citizens in general who
I assisted in the event by donations,
personai services have the deep
Lnd heartfelt appreciation of the
comnijttee. It is also the desire of
tl;e committee to express to the
speakers of the day the appreciation
of their kindness in assisting in the
Labor day program.
Federated Shop Committee.
Fresh Buttermilk by the glass or
quart at Russell's restaurant.
Luring; Course of Seven Thousand
Mile Tour Visited Here .
While Euroute East
p'rtvn T-aesrtay's Dally.
Walter L. Thomas, for many years
a resident of Cass county, has just
returned to his home at Long Iteach.
California, after a tour from the
s horns of the l'acific to the east as
far as Illinois and while enroute to
the eastern slate Mr. Thomas pass
ed thiough this portion of Nebraska
and Fpent a short time here with
his relatives. Mr. Thomas has writ
ten a very interesting letter of his
trip to his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
die Todd, which is reproduced below:
Long Beach. Cal.. Sept. l.
Dear Kddie and Lizzie:
We got home the other dav and
was glad to get back to good o!u
(California again. We had some trip.
J". 021 miles, and without very much
trouble, a puncture and a few other
little things, that's all. and I am more
pleased with the Studebaker than
ever. We saw other cars stalled'
(and Fords had to be pushed thru!
creeks where the bridges had been
washed out since we came through
the rrrsfTime, and the Studebaker
j nver faltered, and was never stall-
led or helped out of those places. 1
jdon't begrudge the trip, for it was
the trip of my life, but 1 don't think
I would go over the same road un
til I know that something has been
done with the roads anyway. All
t lie dirt had been washed out in
some places in Arizona and New
Mexico and all we had to do was to!
climb the rocks that seemed every
minute would burst the tires or
break the springs but we made it
all right. We were sixteen days
coming home from Illinois, a day
longer than we were going. We got
in with some folks from Oklahoma
and we kept together until we got
very near home. It was some com
pany and seemed good to have them
with us when we were camping out
with the Indians and Mexicans, it
was 110 in the shade in the desert
the inhabitants said it was 120 !
the day before we went so we were;
not so bad off at that. We got up'
at " and kept up a steadv grind and
got through. The second day wa?!er relatives to
in a rain -torm. The last night i'
rained very hard f;ir over an hour
and I got cut of the car atter it had
finished and could find no mud on
my shoe? so we went on rejoicing
next morning and found very little
indication of rain (it was not Platte
bottom). I came nearer being stuck
there than any place on the trip.
but one consolation is that you can
raise good crops in the Platte bot
tom and can't on the desert.
The crops in Illinois are not as
good in small grain as Nebraska;
Missouri has some good corn and
small grain; Kansas no corn to
speak of, but small grain is good.
It seemed funny to see the oats in
Arizona and New Mexico in patches
as green as a gourd and being cut.
I suppose tor hay.
We did not go to Will Noxon's or
the Grand Canyon. All the informa
tion on the roads in Oklahoma v.e
could get was not favorable on ac
count of the heavy rains and sandy
places. They told me I could hardly
get through the dry creek bottoms
and I gave up the trip although I
would have liked to have paid them
a visit, and I suppose they will think
that I did not want to. but I was
always trying U get dope on the
roads down there since 1 left your
place till I got half way through
Kansas. We hope you will be with
us this winter for a nice visit.
Your cousin.
WALTER. Rebal was among the Oma
ha visitors today where he was call
ed to attend to some matters of
The home of Mr. and Mr
V. iienchaii was the -(..tie (,f
t .t a. int family rc
,ir:ir' SI st in rone
t-: ?.C,th blr-'M'i
All of the children
..:'..: Slilid.iy.
oi l.t-ii vl!ie:i
.1 !i !: I et s.'l r .
i; t grandchild
Fred .Mui-n-
ren of Mr. St nil Mr
etiau. sr.. were present,
ner was served to all tii
vfter iliii-
fi erii(K;i
was spent with plenty of good
and games. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mnenchau sr..
and Lillie and Bert, of Elmwond. .1.
C. Smith and family ,f Alvo. Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Baur and daughter
Verna and Miss Aiiiline Baur of
Pipestone. Minn.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Muenchau. jr.. and family. Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Muenchau and family and
Dan and Will Muptichau of Eagle.
Miss Ida Wilken of Bennett, Alvin j
Reiner and family of Bethany, and j
Mrs. Keitter's father. Mr. Wysong.
of Bogard. Mo., there being '.'.A in j
all present. Eagle Beacon. i
Funeral of Mrs. James Tern-berry
at Glendale Church Yesterday
Largely Attended.
From Tuesihi'-s rnllv.
Yesterday afternoon at he Glen
dale church near Louisville occurred
the funeral of one of the best he'.ov-
eu residents oi that eon.munnv,
Mrs. James Ierrvberrv. whose e.eath
r-Mnilay. alter a long" ar.u lingering
j illness of some six months, hro
j a great grief To the hundreds of
warm who have known tier
during her lifetime.
The services at the church were
is charge of Rev. Kiser. pastor of
The Methodist churrli. of Lcui?vil.
who spoke feelinglv of the uefnl
Christ ias life of the departed lady
and of her devotion to her family
and home, which will be left vuh
out the gentle care and guidance of
the wife and mother, now called to
her last long sleep in the land of the
The funeral services v. ere the
k rtresi ever held in that t-ecpm of
tpP county
and were attended by
hundreds of the old friends and
neighbors who song lit this last op
portunity of paying their tribute of
respect and love to one whom they
had known so well during her resi
dence among them.
Mrs. James Terryberry was a
daughter of John I.ohnes. Sr.. one
of the oldest residents-, of that por-
it ion of Cass county, and has spent
t her life time in the community
' where she passed away. She was at
i the time of her death aged fifty-
seven years. eight months and
twelve days and leaves besides the
husband and aged father. eight
children and a large number of oth-
mourn her death.
Mrs. Terrberry was the mother of
thirteen children, five of whom pre
ceeded her in death and eight are
living to mourn her death.
The burial was held in the Glen
dale cemetery near the church where
the funeral services were held and
where her loved ones sleep in their
last rest. To the husband and child
ren and to the aged father the deep
est sympathy of the entire commun
ity will go out in tneir hour of grief
and separation.
While Gordou Wilcoxsen was en
gaged in horseback riding at the
farm of John Meisinger, some eight
miles west of the city, Sunday, he
was unfortunate enough to suffer
the fracture of the right arm The
young man was thrown from the
horse on which he was riding and
fell in stick a manner as to break
his right wrist. The injured lad
was at once given medical atten
tion and the injured member set
but it will be several weeks beiore
he is able to use the arm.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon there arriv
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V.
T. Am in the north portion of the
city, a fine little daughter, and the
occasion has brought much joy to
the proud parents. Both mother
and little daughter are getting
along nicely.
! 8ubicribe for tht JouxniL
Although Net Quite So Largely At
tended as Some That Have
Gone- Before.
s Ia!i'
The ::is; MU.U..I
old sett I
"in'. W
large ;
rs pic
ile i he
I.1C lias come ;:;,! ;
crowd was not as
J'earS be:'. He. on
iM :i" the close
of the sia'e !:;ir on the s;i
bit: the grounds vas dotted with
people enough .so you could move
firouiid with, comfort and meet iid
friends from a distance who made
it a point to attend this picnic if
possible esti h year to renew old ac
eTiaii:ta!:ces. While there are va
cancies of the organizers of the old
settlers picnic, they having passed
to the beyond, the younger blood of
today have the s.'-me fre of patriot
ism in th'ir veins to hold and hoti'-r
that one day s t apart in each year
by our forefathers as a day of merry
making and me.-ting old time and
honored friends.
Above all this rear was more in
honor and i-in eerily the appreciat
ing the liom coming of the soldier
boys who laid down rae-i and ali
avoe::ti"i in life to ere-.- the ocean
aid stand let ween and m:;-
trchal government. which means
the yo!;e of opore.- n . -ahen from
u by these few boys from here, and
the many from other p:;rt of the
globe, which were honored at this
one time ny tne unties ot r.herty pre
cinct to do the coking for the re
Turned soldier boys. Their vive.
sweethearts iMid the be-t of all
their mothers had a table loaded
with good tilings on the ground for
a big day. Such things as ice cream
cake. Umonade. cigars. eigareMes
and we will not try to name all that
they had free access to for th? full
half day at any hour thev were dis
posed to ent. drink or smoke.
Ar.u in the mean time we were
honored by old settlers and pioneer
time speeches by District Judge
Begley from Blattsmouth. Xebr.. C.
W. Pugley. Lincoln. Nebr., also
Flr.harty. Omaha. Nebr. The give
the audience almost a complete his
tory of th parly settling of Nebras
ka: also eulogising the soldier boy
for their acts in upholding and pro
tecting the act and deeds of their
forefathers who hewed the ways and
laid tli? foundation for this our
great state of Nebraska. While this
vas for all who wished to listen to
and get a lot of good ir formation.
The kiddies were not forgotten as
the Tulene merry-go-round from
Plattsmouth was there to giver, them
the pleasures they were anticipating
at the od settler picnic and so may
those two days long be remembered,
and may we all begin now prepar
ing for the annual old settlers
meeting in August. 1920. then and
ihere to meet more and other friends
and relatives than we have this
vear. lhis is written nv one wno
has passed CO frosty winters in this
great state f Nebraska and saw
the growth from the red nian's
rage to as good a mixed farming
country as any man could ask to
live in. Thank you for the space it
takes if worthy of publication.
From Tuesday's Laity.
Yesterday at the court house the
commission consisting of County
Superintendent Miss Alpha Peter
son. J. M. Teegarden of Weeping
Water and John J. Gustin of Mur-
uock, met for the purpose of getting
thr plans arranged for the work
of re-districting the school districts
of Cass county along lines that
would give the greatest number of
people the finest school facilities
possible. The commission was as
sisted in their preliminary work by
County Attorney Cole as advisor on
the legal phases of the case. This
task of re-districting is one that
! will reiiuire a great ileal of time
:.nd careful thought to give the best
possible results and to prepare dis
tricts so that they may be given
rural hi?h schools when so desired.
Trerii Ajendny's lai;.
! S. ft. Cnase, wiie and daughter,
iMiss Fae anil son. Stuart, have re
: turned to this city from a very
! pleasant automobile tour over east
' ern Iowa, and a portion of northern
i Nebraska. The partv traveled over
I the Lincoln highway through Iowa
! rsnd jpent a short time at Baldwin,
, Iowa, a slfort distance from Clinton,
j with the parents of Mr. Chase. On
the return trip the Chase family en
joyed a few days stay at Des Moines
attending the Iowa state fair and
from there went to Plain view, Ne
braska, where they visited Mrs.
Joseph Secla. sifter of Mr. Chase for
a short time. The trip was one of
grtat pleasure and the party found
the roads excellent for travel.
From Monday's Pa 11 v.
Tomorrow evening at S o'clock at
the parlors of the First Methodi.-t
church will be tendered a farewell
reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
George A. Kafi'enberger and family,
who are leaving soon for Lincoln,
where they will make their home
for some time. while the Misses
Minn. Gladys and Goldye Kafn
birgcT complete their studies in the
state university. The Kaffenherger
fHinily have been very active in the
work of the Methodist church an 1
are among the most valued members
of ;'e congregation. The reception
will be informal and will be under
the em-pices of all departments of
the church. The members of the
church and the manv friends of th'1!
Kafi'enberger family are cordially
invited to be present at this oc
From Monday's Ialiy.
Pit unlay evening the "Moral Up
lift" club held their annual baiione:
n Omaha at the Henshaw bote!.
where Mr. T. J. OT-rien had arrang
ed a very tempting banquet for the
members of this peculiar cull. Sev
eral toasts were given bv members
of the club on the uplift work in:
the larire cities of the United State.--1
well as abroad, as one of the in-;
ternational lecturers has only re-!
cently returned from across the pond.j
while others have been doing uplift j
work in Chicago. St. Louis, Los An-1
elos. as well as this citv. The su-l
prenie organii-er was luiame to lie
present save in spirit. The occasion
as one long to be remembered by
those of the moralists who attend
ed, j his organization, wnue typical
American, is one mat Knows no nag.
A number of Poland-China boars,
March and April farrow. Inquire
of Peter Halmes. Plattsmouth. Tel.
SSOn. 4-4tw
Cash Checks Here!
We will cash or collect checks for you regardless of the
location of the bank at which they are payable.
Our facilities for collecting checks drawn on out-of-town
banks are unusually good.
Proceeds will be paid you in cash or placed to your credit
in a checking account, or interest-bearing savings account.
Cash checks here. Prompt, courteous service assured.
First National E
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
"The Bank zvherc Yen Feel at Home"
Time Today Largely Taken Up with
Preliminary Arrangements To
Get Down to WorTc Soon.
Fren Mep(l:iy's Tal!y.
'I I e school was ouuialiy m-tier
in lure this morning when
doors of the high ;.nJ fade i-ohool.-.
of the tify sw ing ajar to admit the
1 f J fi --!0 contingent of stuuei.'s. The
attendance i- exceptionally eoo I i i
opening day and ii i probable tl:.
current year will be a Lanier a:
in educational circles i,; i'iatt
mout h.
Among the teaching fore- titer.
are numerous new faces. .iiS!- Kls'e
Iloberg and Gienna It'xon b' inn two
of the last year imtructors to re
turn. In the dome tic science de
partment. .Miss Grf tchen Maehpramt.
of Lincoln, also an imtructor in tli.
hiuh school last year, has be. n
cured by the board.
A lari:e part of ti, time today :
being taken up with preLm i::a r v
work, including the arranging o;
class and study periods and sncii ( Ti er
details, but it is the expectation
of the pedagogues that everyt h in "
will be running smoothly and
progressing nhelv within the
i r
i.ex !
few days.
Several additions have beet: iikiL
to the list of course off'-re 1 and a
wide range of training is open i
the would-be graduate a Ion:; i.tus o.
u.-( fulness and practicability.
The enrollment this vear ha-: n. t
been fully reported but this morn
ling some 200 were reported in tie
high school and C.Oo in the grade.
However this is not the full enroll
ment as there are several of the
i grades not yet having complet -d
j their enrollment, which, wh-n eoni
' pleted. will bring the number o"
.students in the citv schools no to
' around 11 no.
The dunce given Saturdav evening
by the Eagles at Coates hall vas a
most enjoyable affair throughout
and a large crowd of young people
enjoyed the pleasures of the dance
until a late hour. TL" Eagle or
chestra furnished the music for tin
occasion in their usual iba-iiii:
I hpve alwtit "00 bushels of 1 9 1 S
white ear corn left on my farm that
I would like to sell for feed corn.
Anyone wishing any, leave your
ordei with me at Farmers State
Bank, or call at J. C. Meisinger farm.
29-ntd2tw L. MEISINGER.